2018-11-04: Searching for Safe Harbour
- Log: Searching for Safe Harbour
- Cast: Talise Gianfair, Seraph Lanval, Tethelle Cirdian, Sephilia Lampbright, Layna Manydays
- Where: The coast of Elru
- Date: November 4, 2018
- Summary: The Ruby Empress sails along the coast of Elru as the Fox Company searches for signs of friendly life in a cold, depopulated land.
<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.
The Metal Demons did their level best to keep those chosen by the Guardians bottled up in Ignas.
Time and time again, they failed. They struck at ports along the east coast; Drifters struck back and shoved them back into the sea. The Demons' best efforts weren't enough to keep ships from launching and making their way eastward.
Perhaps none is quite so well-equipped to do this as the pride of the red fleet, the Ruby Empress. Waves crash against the prow of the pirate corsair, winds billowing her sails as she makes the voyage over the sea between Ignas and Elru. The voyage should be a joyous one.
The closer they've come, the more the tension has built. Talise feels it keenly. Winding a hand around one of the rails at the bow of the Empress, the tall swordswoman looks out over the coast as they rush past it. Though the coastal wind ruffles her hair, it's not the sea air she remembers from the Lunabelle: It's cold, like a Zulan winter, and the coast is mostly barren rock and snow. What few hints of human habitation they pass are simply the ruins of fishing villages, snowed over and crumbling and empty of life.
"I knew that Elru was pretty war-ravaged, but I never thought it would be like this," she murmurs half to herself as she hunkers down into the big fur collar of her heavy coat. "It's like nobody actually lives here but the Metal Demons."
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.
Across the seas to adventure they go, to realize the resolve in which to stand up and fight against a threat whose magnitude yet transcends anything and everything they've ever known. The Water Seraph is quiet through most of the journey, in so much that there isn't a whole lot of the ambient giggling and laughing that tends to pervade him. Scant little of the slurring, the trailing off of words, he seems content for once to just merely exist.
That's because he's spent most of his journey asleep, resting inside his vessel which in turn is resting inside a barrel. Resting, keeping to himself, and having to come to grips with the reality of the most horrible word he has ever heard. A word that came into one's vocabulary upon reaching the Blue Star, and now to have to accept the magnitude of what it means.
As Talise muses about what she sees ahead, an aquamarine sparkle rises up into the air by her, manifesting into that familiar visage of the watery wastrel. Same one who now, even in this climate, does not see it fit to wear shoes.
Then again he probably doesn't have to consider circulatory issues like the rest of them.
"...'d be hard presshed ta shay there'sh even any of 'em livin' here," Lanval muses, running a hand down that tangled beard of his. He does not approach the railing any closer than he already is.
<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.
This is Tethelle's second trip across the ocean - first to go from Guild Galad to Port Timney, and now on the Ruby Empress to Elru.
She's just as expectant this time, though for different reasons.
Tethelle does not, however, like the cold. Which is why she looks a little roly-poly when she comes out on deck, bundled in the only warm coat she owns that's suitable for wearing on a ship: it is heavy, oil-treated, fur-edged, and about a half-size too big for her. The combination is not especially flattering, but it *is* warm, and right now that's more important to her. (She has a much better-fit warm coat, but it doesn't handle sea sprays well.)
"There's a reason Ell spent so much time and money preparing to defend itself," Tethelle says, in response. "I've heard that nobody - well, almost nobody - escaped the castle. Even Drifters who went to Arctica saw only ruins and monsters. And the Metal Demons aren't the only thing here - there are monsters too. Haven't you heard the rumours of the Sorcery Globe, and the monsters attacking Ell? That's in Elru, too - south and east of here, I was told it was past some mountains."
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.
Sephy's excited to be on a ship for the first time! Well, she has been on the ship before but this is really the first time she's on a ship on open water. She's trying to watch all the sailors do their jobs, taking notes and scribbling sketches, without getting underfoot. She's actually doing better at keeping out from underfoot than they might have expected!
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.
Waves crash and the wind billows, but the Ruby Empress and her crew stand strong. The closer they get to Elru, the closer that chill can be felt. Fortunately, the crew were equipped for the cold. Everyone had done their research - they knew exactly what kind of place they were visiting.
"Aye. There's no life to this wind. It's cold and stale." Layna comments to Talise, leaning against the railing nearby. She had handed the wheel over to her helmsman and navigator, a somewhat scrawny young man by the name of Albert.
It was certainly bittersweet. She was on the seas again, going further out than she had in some time. But her purpose this time was to strike out against the Metal Demons in their very homeland. Sure, she enjoyed a good fight...but in this, the weight of the world was on her shoulders.
She glances toward Tethelle as she speaks and nods, grinning wryly.
"Aye. This is a cursed land, it is." Layna comments with a nod, looking out. In the far distance they could see the shores of Elru now. It wasn't a pretty sight.
<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.
"No... I'm sure they live wherever it is that Metal Demons live," Talise sighs as that spark manifests into the Fox Company's token wastrel. (She won't say token drunk because th Fox Company has at least four drunks.)
Pulling her coat more tightly around herself, she shifts to make room for Tethelle at the rail. The swordswoman's tale is grim, and it brings a quiet frown to Talise's face, eyes briefly dipping to watch the sea divide to either side of the Empress's prow. Her tongue briefly passes over her lower lip. "Yeah, I've heard those rumours... I arrived on Filgaia just when the Sorcery Globe passed, I think. I guess I just hoped that the rumours were exaggerated...."
Grimacing, Talise nods to Layna before turning back towards the rail and looking off towards the coast as more and more of it comes into view. "...Cursed and cold. I guess it is called Arctica, though...."
Her grip on the rail tightens, then relaxes a little. "...We'll have to figure out where in Elru the Metal Demons' lair is. If we can get a bunch of people in there, we might be able to beat Mother."
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.
Lanval comes just shy of asking if Tethelle meant 'Saucery Globe,' the supposedly legendary buffet that challenges you to consume it all in a short amount of time, but Talise's strange pronounciation clues him in - for once - that it is something else entirely. He may now be successfully reading the mood.
"Mmmm..." His gaze drifts over to how Sephy seems to be having a time learning how to be a proper sailor, with all the innocent joy that follows, before looking back to the rest as he falls to his seat and lets himself rock on the boat.
"YA feel it too, huh, Layna," Lanval comments aloud as he cups his hands around his gourd. He has yet to take another drink.
<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.
Tethelle is not a drunk. She just likes drinking. She also likes a whole lot of other things. (She also likes the Saucery Globe a lot more than she likes the Sorcery Globe - she's actually challenged it. Twice. She succeeded the second time.)
I don't know if they're exaggerated," Tethelle admits. "I don't even know precisely where Elluria is from here; I've never been to Arctica and I don't have a very good map. But I know some people think they're worth looking into - when the Metal Demons are gone." Well, at least she's optimistic, right?
She looks out to sea for a few moments. "The Metal Demons' castle is called the Photosphere, and it's protected by Siegfried - by the power of Glumzambor, his dark spear." Tethelle hadn't said that before, but she has no qualms about sharing it now: "The Guardians tried to show it to me, in the Temple. They wanted to try to send some of us there while all the Metal Demons were attacking the Temple. They couldn't - the Metal Demons had blocked it."
"But I don't know where it is either, beyond somewhere in the Arctican mountains." Which take up most of the eastern side of the continent. "We'll have to explore." Tethelle shades her eyes for a moment, pulling herself halfway up the railing (she's short, too) before dropping flat on her feet.
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.
"Aye, lad." Layna replies with a nod toward Lanval as he remarks on her comment. There was just...something about it. It was hard to put into words, but 'cursed' was the closest approximation she could think of.
Talise remarks on where the lair is and Layna nods, sending Tethelle a smirk.
"Don't worry, lass. I've got us covered there." She reaches into her coat, drawing and unfurling a map. It's the same information that was distributed by a certain Ethius Hesiod. Not an exact location, but it would mean they wouldn't have to comb the entire continent.
"This should help us narrow it down a bit. 'Course...it's less findin' it that concerns me than breakin' in. They'll doubtlessly be expectin' us by now, aye? Bet they've got a big ol' welcoming party just waitin' for us." Layna says.
Meanwhile, the crew seem largely receptive to Sephilia watching them and taking notes. Of course, by this part it's difficult to find any of the crew that aren't used to her being around by now.
<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.
Believe it or not, Talise has never tried a Saucery Globe. That many carbs might mess up her figure.
Scratching one of her cheekstripes, she nods back towards Tethelle, considering the Sword Shaman's guidance. She hadn't known Tethelle received a vision; it's enough of a surprise that her eyebrows go up. But she doesn't dwell on it overlong. "I hope the east side of the mountains are less cold than this side," she says with a grimace. "I don't suppose going around the continent on the Empress would work, either. Or maybe it will. Who knows." She sighs. "I don't know how far north Elru goes, or if thee's a passage through the ice."
She looks back towards Layna, leaning over to check out the map. "...Oh," she says a bit lamely. "Well, that's gonna help a lot."
Again Talise looks out over the water, grimacing. "There's supposed to be a safe harbour somewhere in the cliffs along the coast. The directions we got are a bit imprecise...."
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.
Sephy wanders over to the others after a while. "I'm not sure how I can help find things. I looked at a bunch of maps and stuff, but..." She shrugs. "That's something we all did..."
She turns to Talise and Layna. "Hey, can you teach me some of the knots later? I've been watching and it looks like there's lots of types!"
<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.
Tethelle is a known big eater and fears no carbs.
"It goes a fair way north, but it gets colder the further you go and I don't know if you can sail around it. I wouldn't want to try." Tethelle tugs her coat closer around herself as if to demonstrate exactly why. She's from the southern desert of Aquvy, from everything she's said - this place is about as far from home as she can be. "But I also don't know which side of the mountains it's on."
Tethelle shifts over to look at Layna's map. Her eyes brighten. "Now that is helpful," she says. "I had a plan, but it would have been slow and involved a lot of walking. This will cut it down. But you are right, they'll be waiting - they know we're coming. And we know that they've sealed it, at least well enough to stop someone from just teleporting inside, so it's defended in more ways than one."
She steps away to let other people look at the maps. "There are a lot of knots. Fortunately, they're all easy to solve." Tethelle taps the hilt of her sword. ...That's probably a joke.
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.
Lanval's listening about as intently as he ever has as Tethelle helps break down some more information to the less-initiated about the Metal Demon threat. Where they are, what it was like trying to get there by clever means, the sheer fearsome power of Siegfried himself. Lanval mostly sat around overwhelmed by the sights of Filgaia, but he thinks he knows who Tethelle's talking about.
No one could ever forget Siegfried's visage.
"Mmmm.... heyyyy," his expression brightens, and there's that stupid cat smile, in which he is going to probably say something stupid and silly, "do ya think the Metal Demon folksh can shee me? If we find it, I could get inshide 'n... 'n..."
"'n... I dunno~"
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.
"Aye, that's a question. And even if there is, there's no tellin' whether or not the Demons have a blockade goin' like they do with Aquvy." Layna replies with a shrug. It might not be the most efficient route, but the route they were going now was the safest.
Layna sends Talise and Tethelle a grin as they comment on the map, then rolls it up and stows it away again. They didn't need it quite yet. They hadn't even landed. Tethelle comments on how well-fortified the Photosphere must be, and Layna nods. This wouldn't be easy...
"Wouldn't know, I've never asked. Let's, uh...leave that as a last resort, lad." Layna replied with a glance toward Lanval. It wasn't a bad idea...but there was too much uncertainly there.
Talise remarks on the supposed harbor and Layna nods.
"I s'ppose they have to be. Any settlement out here likely has to be careful not to attract too much attention, lest the Metal Demons come knockin'. We'll find it, though." Layna replies.
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.
At Sephilia's question, Layna grins.
"O' course, lass! It's always important to know how to tie a good knot. We can try an' find some time later, after we get settled in." She adds.
<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.
Talise eats quite a bit but also tends to be picky.
Ducking her head into the fur collar of her coat, she nods emphatically to Tethelle's suggestion. She doesn't want to go much further north than they have to, either. The Lunabelle usually plied warmer seas, and when she wasn't aboard her, Talise spent time in a city on a desert's edge.
"Fortunately I can't teleport anyway. Hopefully they're so confident we can't breach the Photosphere that their defenses are mostly set up to protect against people warping in, not coming in some other way." Talise grimaces. "Not that I expect to, like, lay siege to it or whatever... I've figured out technology and such but I'm not going to be able to build a catapult."
Shifting her weight, Talise rests her hip against the rail, her hands resting on it as she turns to better face her group of friends. "Sure," she answers Sephilia with a quiet smile. "Sure, I think that can be arranged. It's not like we'll have a lot of other folks to talk to, if this part of Elru is really depopulated...."
"It is," Benedict Greygust puts in from where he's been trying to cast some of his scrying spells. "I can't find anyone to lock on to."
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.
Sephy sticks her tongue out at Tethelle. "I wanna learn to tie them, not untie them! Plus, isn't there an old story about something like that?"
She turns to Lanval, looking worried. "I wouldn't want to risk it. You're too important to risk if one of them CAN tell! You're my friend!"
She beams at Layna and Talise. "I just hope that there's not much out here to cause us trouble. There's some really spooky stuff in depopulated areas..."
<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.
"Oh, do you have that story too?" That surprises Tethelle, because she knows a story about that - but it is obviously not Lunarian, since she learned it as a youngster. "I never got the hang of all the knots, but I know a few from smaller boats. I haven't been on a ship this size often, though... we didn't make them."
Tethelle considers Lanval's words. "Most of them probably can't see you well, but some of them apparently can," she eventually decides, "and I wouldn't put it past them to have some kind of... detector even if they couldn't see you personally. If they can detect and stop the Guardians - if Mother can drown them out - they can probably find you if they try. So don't do anything too reckless. That goes for all of us."
Minor recklessness is okay. Tethelle is all in favour of minor recklessness. And recklessness that she thinks will work; she tends to be in favour of that, too.
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.
Lanval gets out some of the warm laughter, even if it's at his own expense. It seems simple, he could go inside this 'Photosphere' and then... do something? If that thought carries him for as long as it takes to see it through, then it can just crest the lenient threshhold of being an 'idea' and not 'utter lunacy.'
"Mmmm," he sobers up as some of the fallacies are further explained in this barely-an-idea, as he continues to lie seated. He doesn't sway about so much when he's sitting on a boat, for some reason, compared to when on dry land where it's kind of a miracle he has a proper concept of a center of gravity at all.
"There'sh no one, huh," Lanval murmurs as Benedict brings out the news that he has yet to find anyone. "Ya don't shupposhe we were the firsht ta get thish far out...?"
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.
"Well, if we need to lay siege to somethin', we'll figure somethin' out. ...Or, at least Victoria will. 'Lead Artillerist' is her job, after all. I think she's been itchin' to have somethin' to actually...y'know, artillerise." Layna comments. ...Was that even a word? She doesn't think too much about it. The point likely got across well enough.
Layna glances back at Sephilia with a reassuring grin.
"Well, lass, there's probably somethin' out there...but I've got a feeling nothin' short of the Metal Demons is gonna give us real trouble." She remarks.
"I'll try, but I can't make any promises. 'Reckless' is kinda how I do things." Layna comments with a grin toward Tethelle. She's only half-way joking.
Benedict says that he can't find anyone to lock on to, and Lanval wonders whether they're the first ones to make it. Layna frowns, looking up once more at the coastside they were sailing near.
"...Maybe they've hidden themselves somehow? To keep the Metal Demons from detectin' 'em." She suggests. It was a thought, but she doesn't sound very convinced.
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.
Sephilia rams her fist into her palm. "Chauncey and I can handle the Metal Demons," she declares!
<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.
"I can help you with some of the more complex ones. Captain Goldhand and the others taught me most of them," Talise assures Sephilia with a flick of one hand near her forehead. "I think I'v still got most of them in my mind."
She does. She even helped the crew with them.
Nodding at Tethelle's suggestion, Talise drops her hand back to the rail. "Yeah. We want to keep together as much as we can, too, or if not that, then with other Drifters. We're more likely to meet Metal Beasts or other monsters here than we are humans, and I doubt there are going to be many people to help us if we get into trouble. Like Benedict says - there's really nobody."
Benedict frowns at that. "There's supposed to be a harbour. Let me try something...." Moving to the bow of the ship, the bearded courier folds his hands and focuses his energies. There's no visible sign of a buildup.
"Be revealed in the sight of Althena," he murmurs, then, opening his eyes. They briefly gleam with a brilliant blue spark, and he stares intently off into the distance, as if searching for something.
Talise watches the courier keenly, her lips pressed tightly together.
<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.
"Not alone," Tethelle says, repressing the urge to ruffle Sephilia's hair - it's really not appropriate. "But I can't fight all of them alone, either; it's nothing to be ashamed of."
Tethelle leans back on the railing instead of leaning over it; palms flat against it and somewhat behind her. "They could have hidden themselves. I don't know how, but we know the Metal Demons don't know everything... if they were far enough from the Photosphere, they could do it. But where to look..."
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.
Sephy nods. "I know, I'm just...actually kind of scared. The last time Chauncey an' I fought a Metal Demon, I had to put him back together." She is quiet and subdued.
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.
Scared. That word gets floated around among them. Fear of what lies ahead...
Lanval takes a sip from his gourd as Sephy admits to it outright, and lowers it back down to his lap. He opens his eyes half-lidded, as the courier among them does his damndest - or perhaps blessest - to scry out where it is they can dock and find themselves any shelter whatsoever, their beachhead to being among the vanguard of Filgaia's last hopes.
"Well, lemme tell ya thish, Shephy," Lanval continues as his face softens. "Took me over five centuriesh ta decide ta shtep out into the unknown..."
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.
"Aye. There'll be some folks around, but we shouldn't count too much others." Layna comments. Purely out of safety, really. Her crew, at least, would be around to help them out.
Benedict, however, seems to have an idea. Layna watches with interest as he focuses more intently, an eyebrow raised. She does glance toward Tethelle though.
"Aye, there's the rub." Layna says with a frown and a nod. Hopefully Benedict would be able to figure something out.
She smiles slightly as Lanval tries to reassure Sephilia, telling her how long it took before he ventured into the unknown.
"It's alright to be scared, lass. Perfectly natural. We're all here for you, aye?" She says.
<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.
With a frown, Talise scratches at her cheek, looking away as Benedict works his spell. "It's alright to be scared," she assures Sephilia with a nod. "But you also have to remember you've been through a lot so far. When we first met, you were fifteen. You'll be seventeen in a few weeks and you've faced down some pretty dangerous enemies. Just remember - you've come a long way already."
She grips the railing a little tighter as the ship hits a bit of rough water, making it through easily enough. "...Besides," she says with a fierce smile. "We're catching up on the Metal Demons. The first time I fought Siegfried, it was a slaughter. Last time, though, he was the one walking away hurt. Everything we've gone through--"
"There," Benedict says suddenly, cutting Talise off in mid-sentence.
Talise blinks sharply, leaning forward. "What've you found?"
The courier gestures off towards the coast. "Those cliffs there - coming up into that series of little bays. Turn into the third bay and look for a cave. There are people there. Not many, but they're there."
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.
"Through a lot... mmm." Lanval muses as Talise takes her step up to the plate to reassure a scared young woman about what she's getting into, and that dumb smile of his persists while he continues to scratch away at his chin. "Iiiiii'd shay ya sheen a whole lot more than mosht are gonna their whole time." She does want to be a great explorer like her father, after all.
He stands up as Benedict speaks up. He's found somewhere! Off the coast, the cliffs.
He belts out laughing, with renewed mirthfulness. If there's people there, then... they can land! And then maybe they won't have to ration any more, if there's only a few people there that must mean there's a whole lot of food and drink to share between them, right? Right?
(Spoilers: no)
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.
Sephy hugs her friends one at a time. "I know, and I'm...I'm still excited for that! And I would never have met all of you if I wasn't doing all this, but...Chauncey's been through a lot too, and I would feel bad if I let him get that beat up again..."
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.
Layna turns toward Benedict as he speaks and gives direction, a wide grin spreading across her face.
"We have our heading, then." She says. She returns Sephilia's hug, then approaches the wheel. "Alright, Albert, I'll take over from here. You did good work, aye?"
She says. The young man steps away, nods, and salutes as Layna takes over, following Benedict's directions.
"I'm sure he don't mind, Sephy. He's there to protect you, aye? As long as he's doin' his job...well, I'm sure he's happy enough." Layna comments. Her eyes, however, are on the path ahead of them.
<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.
Talise reaches out to give Sephilia a light pat on the shoulder. "Maybe we ought to start teaching you to fight on your own, then," she says with a smile. "I mean, you've been learning to shoot, right? And you've learned to use magic. You could definitely go further."
But she, too, is focusing ahead of the ship, towards where Benedict is gesturing. As Layna returns to the wheel, Talise circles around to stand beside her. Hands at her hips, the swordswoman looks up along the coast, watching the rocky cliffs slide past the ship as the Empress slips its way up the coast. "So some people did survive. That's good to know, anyway," she says with a tight smile. "I wonder how many."
Benedict gestures a couple of times to direct Layna. "There," he says after several moments, pointing towards a distant swell of rock. "That big cave open up to the water. They're in there."
<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.
"I could teach you how to use a light sword," Tethelle says, thoughtfully. "There are smaller ones than the ones Talise and I use, after all, and I know how to use them. Would you like that?"
But Benedict finds something. Tethelle looks out after him, shading her eyes. "I can't see anyone from here, but if they were hiding I wouldn't," she allows. "It doesn't surprise me, though - even if nobody did make it out of the castle, there would have been people from other regions, or even from the city, wouldn't there?" She's hopeful - it gives them a good base, but more, it means the MEtal Demons didn't win as much as they would like.
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.
Lanval goes back to quieting up as he entertains himself with thoughts of what sorts of great food and drink this region might have, of which he will stand to be sorely disappointed. Still, his mind lingers on subjects that hold far more gravity to any number of them here. Do they know that help is arriving? Are they just clinging on out of desperation? The portly phantom holds his gourd close as he decides to struggle on up and amble closer to the railing than is usually advised for him (lest he wants to fall into the drink, which has happened before).
"Whatever happensh," Lanval murmurs, "guessh it'sh up to all of ush to give 'em hope they won't be livin' in fear fer much longer, huh..."
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.
"Aye, and if you've ever wondered how to throw a good punch, I've got your back there." Layna comments with a laugh. "...And I'm sure Lysander would be glad to help out if you wanted to learn some more support magic."
Layna follows Benedict's gestures to the letter, with an ease that made her skill at the helm of a ship clear. Soon enough, they catch sight of it - that distant swell of rock that served as their destination.
"Aye." Layna agrees with a grin as Talise and Tethelle remark on the people's survival. "They must be a hardy lot, to live in a land like this. Makes sense they'd be able to endure, even through an invasion."
Lanval says that it's up to them now to give them hope. Layna thinks on this for a moment.
"Well, it'll probably be tough to convince 'em of that...so we'll just have to show 'em through our actions." She says.
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.
"I think I'd better put some serious thought into all of that," Sephy says, tapping her nose as she does. "I mean...I want to be able to be useful and helpful."
<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.
Within that swell of rock, the shoreside cave looms. Talise leans forward a little, her eyes widening slightly. "So they hid underground. That must be how they escaped the Metal Demons," she murmurs. "They can't have a lot of food, though...."
This does not portend well for Talise's tummy. She looks down at herself, then grimaces with grim anticipation.
When she looks up again, it's to exhale and push her hand through her hair. "Yeah. We'll just have to make it work. If we can help them, we have to give it a try."