2024-07-03: ARM Safety And You
- Log: ARM Safety And You
- Cast: Shige Kiwako, Kaguya
- Where: Port Timney Outskirts, Filgaia
- Date: July 03, 2024 (506 PC Filgaian)
- Summary: Kaguya instructs Shige in the ways of ARMs. The Guardians come up.
<Pose Tracker> Shige Kiwako has posed.
It's early afternoon, comfortably warm thanks to the clouds and far away enough from town they're not likely to spook any residents with gunfire and other antics. Like ghosts. Shige's parked the ship some ways away and with some effort, left messages on where to find the camp after the previous offer to teach her how to be less reliant on lingering shades who think she's some kind of mess.
That said, she brought snacks. The gangplank's out and she's using the deck to cook using a portable stove. Tea is out, seeping for herself, though anyone with a good nose would catch that she's got coffee as well. Just... not brewing. And a nice little stew.
She might be trying to be sociable and reminiscent of herself years ago.
The cat herself isn't on the ship though. Someone else is tending the fire. She's instead gone out to set up a tarp on the ground level, her lantern hanging nearby and she's shoring up things to make makeshift targets.
It's keeping her busy and not thinking on too much at least
<Pose Tracker> Kaguya has posed.
Kaguya has a few things to do before her journey to Elru begins in earnest, and one of those things is to follow up with Shige. She did read the instructions, and has found the camp. As she steps into view, Kaguya sniffs once. "Tea..."
"Good," Kaguya says when she sees the targets. "You'll be needing those if you want to get good at hitting things."
She saunters into the camp and looks around. "Not a bad setup, I think."
<Pose Tracker> Shige Kiwako has posed.
Shige brushes herself off and glances back. She hadn't turned around when Kaguya was approaching, but there's that everpresent feeling of being watched, at least for now.
She finishes tying off the bundle of straw and sticks she'd grabbed and walks back. Looking over the range. "I didn't.. really know what to do with my time while I was waiting." She admits, a bit lamely. Complete with a slight lowering of her ears. "You could have at least left me with my brandy."
Not that she doesn't like it, but it's a flask. And not that big.
"So.." she holds her hands out, "I'm not sure what kind of gun you were going to recommend though. And I'm only really familiar with Ruth's use and maybe..." she taps her chin. Then glances back and hooks a thumb up, "I mean I know some of the deck crew were riflemen." There's no one there. It's Shige though
<Pose Tracker> Kaguya has posed.
Kaguya can tell when she's being watched. It's fine.
"Heh," Kaguya says. "You found someehthing to do, I see." A pause. "I could've! I didn't."
She smiles.
But when Shige holds her hands out and Kaguya says, "I'm recommending a revolver for you. It can take a good number of bullets, and doesn't have a huge kick compared to a longarm. One of your ghost buddies could probably do it for you, even."
Pause. "They're here now, aren't they? On your deck." She siiiighs.
"...It's also something I don't feel bad putting in someone's hands. If you want something fancier when you get good, we can talk."
She pulls a gun from her side, and hands it to Shige. "Have a look. Feel its weight. I'll show you how to load it."
<Pose Tracker> Shige Kiwako has posed.
Shige's used to being watched for some reason. It's a mystery.
She looks over her shoulder briefly and says, "Been trying to stay busy all morning." which means she is definitely in the stages of trying to figure out how to distil her own mash on the deck at this point, truth be told.
She might even agree with needing to dial back.
"That's a good start I think." She shakes her hands a few times and adds, "They are on the deck, yeah. Most used the clacky ones." She means Bolt actions. Or lever. Maybe.
"They are. Up there doing some maintenance." And playing cards. There's a deck being shuffled in the cabin. Kaguya... probably can't see that yet.
Shige takes the gun and actually almost drops it. "That's heavier than I'd thought." She admits. Not that it's super heavy, but, you know.
She does have a bit of an awkward grip. And an ear perks up, to the left, she glances over, then back at the gun.
"I'm being told I should take it to a smith for a handle swap, but he likes it." Which is her way of saying thanks. Her hair definitely flips up on its own briefly. She frowns and looks back, then adds, "Oh. Right. Thanks."
<Pose Tracker> Kaguya has posed.
"Good! Staying busy is good for you. Better than drinking yourself to death, anyway. That's bad for you."
Pause. "That's why they call it 'to death'."
A good start. It'll do. Kaguya can't see up onto the deck from here, bu she does understand, "I see. So your ghosts are old."
A pause. "Yeah, it's got some heft to it. It's supposed to; if it's too light, it won't hold up to the stress you'll have problems."
It is an awkward grip... "Yeah," Kaguya says. "Once you learn the basics we can get it custommized for you. I could probably do it myself."
A pause. "You're welcome."
Kaguya then pulls out some bullets. "So, before we load it. Some rules."
"Don't store it loaded if you're not going to use it. And never point it at anything you aren't prepared to shoot. That includes what's behind what you want to shoot. Got it?"
<Pose Tracker> Shige Kiwako has posed.
The feline slowly nods and says, "Yeah. Yeah busy's probably better." She does add, "Wasn't that close to death. I'm an expert on that one." Which. She's not. It's a joke though!
She does give Kaguya an odd look at the followup.
"The ship crew were fresher." She catches herself. "They uh, were shot down a few months ago. They want to see the ship fly again properly before they move on. I'll have to learn how to operate it as we go though."
She does hook her thumb back, "He's old though. And mouthy." Her hair flips agian.
She does look at the grip and works it carefully in her hands. Then offers the hands in question out. Complete with her claws. "Also a bit awkward when you have extra bits of bone structure." She's seen other beastfolk bones she knows!
It's probably a good thing it's not loaded, because she's not slowly rotated the gun in her hands as she examines every part of it. The hammer's down so it's probably fine. But she is still looking down the barrel.
She lifts her head at the rules. Then she slowly turns the gun the other way. Unless she's stopped. She's learning!
<Pose Tracker> Kaguya has posed.
"...Heh. That's fair. But it did make you pretty useless."
Kaguya thinks Shige calling herslf an expert on death is pretty funny, actually. She accepts that. But the ship... Kaguya nods thoughtfully. "I see. That's what they want, huh? Well, I guess as wants go, that's not bad. I'll give the mechanisms a look for you if you want. But after we're done here."
Old and mouthy. "Glad I can't hear him, then." She looks over Shige's hands and nods. "Yeah, I can see that. I'll get you one suited to your hands. But this is good enough to practice the basics. You don't even need to start firing yet--we just need to get you used to the weapon."
Pause. "By not doing that," she continues, reaching out and tuuuurning the gun away from Shige. "Never point it at something you don't want to shoot, even if it's not loaded. That includes your face."
The hammer is appparently going to be an advanced lesson...
"See that mechanism there? That's what you unhook to turn the chamber out so you can reload it. But we're not going to do that yet."
<Pose Tracker> Shige Kiwako has posed.
Shige's ears flatten and she says, "Less useful." She is harsh on herself already. She's trying! Bieng slapped by reality probably isn't bad for her though.
"I'd appreciate it. I'm learning, but slowly." She looks up at the deck, "I'm amazed we got it running mid-.. uh. Battle? I guess." She points, "I ran into a group out in the middle of a pitched battle. I was trying to do my duty." She was actually mostly sober too! Kinda. She really was trying to do her duty though.
"Right." She nods. At least she's only flagging ghosts with the barrel now. Not that Kaguya can see that. Shige calls out past her, "Yeah you're funny." And sticking her tongue out.
Right. She looks at the hammer, working her thumb over it, then her claw. Then trying to find a good angle. She's seen them used enough to at least know that. Maybe!
"I.. yeah I get it." She thinks. This is going to be a thing she spends hours messing with, isn't it.
<Pose Tracker> Kaguya has posed.
Kaguya grins.
"Cool," she says. "I don't usually fix up war machinery anymore, but if it's in sservice to gettig the dead to move on, then I guess it's good for everybody. So if that's your job, I'll accept it."
"My job right now is to help you stay alive doing yours," she says. Kaguya does not comment on Ghost Jokes for the moment; she can sense presences, but can't actually see or hear them.
"Cool," Kaguya says. "...Hm." She considers. "I didn't realize just how bad for your hands that one would be," she admits. "Can you try it, or do we need to adjust the thing here and now?"
Kaguya coninues, "Eiher way, I want you to look down the barrel from the proper end--and see the metal bit on the end there. That's called a 'sight', and you want to line it up with your target when you're learning to aim. That comes later, but keep it in mind."
"So, rules. Remember the sight, don't point it at anything you aren't willing to fire at--and for that matter, kill--and pay attention to what's behind it."
<Pose Tracker> Shige Kiwako has posed.
Shige looks a bit dour at that grin.
"It's.. both to ferry the dead because the conductor's a dick and I think I should be more proactive." She gestures up to it. "Everything's falling apart. Just being passive and stumbling into things wasn't helping enough." That is, she doesn't want to just stand by when the world ends. She'd be too busy then! (That's not her reasoning.)
She offers her hand out again, the free one! Cradling the pistol in the crook of her arm, she uses the now free hand to press against her finger, forcing a claw out. "Feels weird. I'll just have to get used to it."
"Does mean I'll need to forgo full gloves I think."
She does re-grip the gun for now though. Holding it out like she's seen others and try to aim down the sight (Towards the targets even!)
"Okay I think I get it. It's wobbly, but that's me I think."
There is a wry thought though, "I've seen a few last words commenting on that. I should.. probably keep those in mind."
That's certainly cheerful!
<Pose Tracker> Kaguya has posed.
"Makes sense," Kaguya says. "I won't tell you the Guardians aren't dicks. But what they do is imporant. Which means what you do is important."
Kaguya regards Shige houghtfully. "Hmm. OK. So, you'll practice like this for now, but before I leave, I'm going to measure your hands, and I'm going to custom build you somethig."
"Right, you got it."
"...Heh. I bet you have. It's a common way to go. Definitely, keep those in mind. If you have better experience to draw on, then you should use it."
"OK." She hands over a bullet. "This goes in the cylinder. You open it, slide this in point-first, and then close it up again."
"Cock that hammer once you hve--making sure not to point it at anything but the target--and thn relax your wrist. I'll tell you when to fire."
<Pose Tracker> Shige Kiwako has posed.
Shige glances over her shoulder and says, "Careful saying that. I got promoted for that sentiment." She's not joking, but she is kind of joking.
"I can do that. Doc's already telling me I'm limp-wristing it." She adds in a wry comment, "Going to slap him in a sec." There's laughter. Distant, creepy. At least if Kaguya can hear it.
She does actually look confused at the instructions though. Relax or limp wrist? That there's probably a middle ground is beyond her at this point. Still, she does hold the gun out and tries to find a comfortable stance and grip. Arm held straight out. Elbow locked and trying to aim down the sights!
"So like this, right?" Twitching her tails just a little. She could see the balance working at least. She's held a similar grip before. Usually with a lantern. There's a frown and she adjusts her grip from there, moving her stance and holding it closer to that instead. At least the barrel's a little less wobbly.
<Pose Tracker> Kaguya has posed.
"They're not going to promote a Veruni," Kaguya says. "I'm not on the roster."
"Heheh," Kaguya says. "I don't like ghosts much, but it sounds like Doc isn't so bad." Kaguya can't hear it, but the narration is sufficient for the moment. Besides--
"Basically, you need to be firm enough to aim, but loose enough that the recoil doesn't brreak your arm."
"That probably won't happen with this model, but the kick is pretty powerful if you're not used to it."
She nods, then. "Cool," she says. "Like that. Now..."
Aim at the target. Now, you hear peopl say 'pull' the trigger, bu that's not quite right."
"You cock back the hammer," Kaguya says, miming how, "And then... Squeeze the trigger. Don't move the gun from where you aimed, just close your hand on it."
She should probably have considered ear protection but this isn't that kind of show, it's fie.
<Pose Tracker> Shige Kiwako has posed.
Shige glances back briefly and says, "I.. don't know enough about any of it. I didn't even start out praying to Ge Ramtos and. I still don't have a training guide of any kind."
Might explain a few things.
She does try to adjust her stance though, elbow slightly bent, at a certain angle. "It's like holding the lantern out. You want to be able to cast the light out and control the beam of light right?"
If it works.
"That's good to know." And it really is. She adjusts her grip again, trying to get it comfortable. Eventually she cradles it in her other arm and pulls out a pair of gloves. Trying to see if that helps for now before resuming the stance.
She does use her free hand to cock the hammer back as guided though. It's not easy to do one handed for her! Then she glances sidelong at the trigger. "It's pretty much already pulled in."
Then she gives it a pull and the barrel jerks down just a tiny bit as she pulls the trigger. Even knowing it was unloaded she might have flinched at expected recoil
<Pose Tracker> Kaguya has posed.
"Hm," Kaguya says. "There's people who could help you with that. I'll give them your name, see if they want to give you some guidance. ...But I didn't have one, either, not for thi stuff. You just sort of... figure it out as you go."
"Yeah," Kaguya answers. "It's like that. If you do magic and all, it's a lot like aiming for that."
It's definitely not easy one-handed with her configuration, But it is what it is. And Kaguya sees her flinch. "Hmmm," she says. "So."
"You did it, but you expected too much trouble. I know I warned you recoil can be bad, but you can't be afraid of it if you're going to hit your target."
<Pose Tracker> Shige Kiwako has posed.
Shige looks genuinely confused, "Wait you know someone with a guide for being a shaman?" Hey, she doesn't know anyone herself really. Well she knows a few, but they're also mostly swinging blind!
The bakeneko beastfolk looks genuinely embarrassed, "I've been borrowing mostly. I don't know how to use crests either." She doesn't even consider symbology. She doesn't want to work on the tattoos right now. This is also a thing she was thinking on.
"Okay okay." She starts, "So just.. well." She makes a few excuses, but it's clear she's at least trying as she works the hammer back and aims again, before clicking once more. Letting the hammer fall. There's still a flinch, but not as bad as before. A few live rounds should help her eventually.
<Pose Tracker> Kaguya has posed.
"I know some shamans," Kaguya clarifies. "And they know what they're doing OK. But if a Guardian is listening to you enough to give you powers, you're not doing that badly."
Aww. "That's cool," Kaguya says, "Not everybody has it inborn like we do. I can't teach you that, but I can teach you this--and a good ARM can be even more reliable than a list of spells."
"Okay," Kaguya says. "Much better. Now, we're going to get you some live rounds, and you'll get a feel for it. We won't waste a lot of them until I can fix your ARM to suit you, but we can still do a little."
<Pose Tracker> Shige Kiwako has posed.
Shige flicks those ears and says, "I'm not doing great either." Though she does adjust her grip again, trying to get a more natural feeling stance. She's at least putting the effort in.
"I made the effort to make my.. dislike of what I'd seen across two worlds known. I still think it's my punishment." It's simultaneously a confidence thing and not. Shige doesn't know how to navigate her thoughts there.
"I'll be reaching out to someone else if I find anyone for crest magic I think. I need to stop... being a screw up." She looks back and adds, "Thanks for the first step by the way."
The fact that live rounds are up next gets those ears to lay flat again. "I.. sure. I'm ready."
<Pose Tracker> Kaguya has posed.
"Fair enough," Kaguya says. "Not gonna tell you not to try to get better. But you've got a place to start, anywy."
Dislike... Hmmm. "Yeah. The Guardians never liked me much... But I've stopped blaming them for that." A pause. "Maybe it is. If so, I guess we're buddies. I was punished by the Guardians, too."
A nod, then. "Cool. Jay Barber's really good at it--you could ask her, maybe." She then says, "Hey. If you wanna make yourself better, stay sober and practice. You can do it."
"...You're welcome. It's not like it's a big imposition on me anywway."
"...Okay, cool. So we'll do it like this..."
<Pose Tracker> Shige Kiwako has posed.
She fiddles with the pistol for the next few minutes with the introduciton of live rounds as an option. Which means figuring out how to make the cylinders work. "I do. Thanks." Shige states almost distractedly. When she's working, one way or the other she sounds less... hung up.
"Which one and why? If it was Ge Ramtos I'll see what I can do. I don't like some of the punishments I've seen. They don't give room for growth and redemption." Which is at least somewhat at odds with how she views herself.
"I've met her before..." It's been years. She frowns very slightly. "I'll have to apologize and try." There's an aside, "I need my whiskey back. I need to go apologize to someone by the way." She really hopes Kaguya hadn't poured it all out. Or nicked it all.
"I'm trying." She means the sober part. She has been pretty good about it! She's also been smoking more. One step at a time.
<Pose Tracker> Kaguya has posed.
It's natural to feel less focused on problems when you're doing something that taks concentration.
"All of them. Because my people are trying to conquer the planet and destroy them. ...I doubt it's something you can get takn off. But if you want to help--eventually, I'm going to want to talk to the Guardians about it. So if you can help me make that happen..."
A nod. "They don't. But there's not a lot of time for growth, with the planet dying."
A pause. "OK. Cool." A pause. "Tell me why you need it and I'll consider it. Is it part of the apology?"
One step at a time. "...Yeah. You are. I believe you."
<Pose Tracker> Shige Kiwako has posed.
Of all people, Shige might feel a bit of guilt here in particular. "It's not your people that matter, it's you." Which on some level, pains her to say. "Which is why I need at least the good whiskey back."
She doesn't ellaborate.
"That's why I'm doing what I'm doing and why I'm supposed to be doing more." For her problems, she does try to stick to duty. Probably tied to everything else. She might feel a bit bad dumping things on Kaguya out of the blue. On the other hand, Kaguya stole her booze and has resulted in her introspection actually being remembered the next morning.
"It is. And I'm being nice and not just going to buy more yet." She glances back and adds, "Besides that was a rare bottle."
"Thanks." She almost sounds relieved. Then she tenses up again and with her ears flat and eyes closed she takes her first shot. Baby steps.
<Pose Tracker> Kaguya has posed.
"Is it?" Kaguya wonders. "...I'd like to think so. But I think the Guardians have a hard time telling the difference."
The good whiskey... Hmm. "I see. Yeah. Well, duty's important. Do what you can."
"Heh. Yeah, I can't stop you from buying more. In that case, sure, I'll give you the good one. I didn't pour it out or anything."
"And you're welcome." Pause. "OK, much better. Now, let's try again."
<Pose Tracker> Shige Kiwako has posed.
The cat looks back, blinking a few flashes in her eyes out, "If they don't, I'll just do what I did last time and go yell at someone." She says that in a matter that suggests she's not joking. It's fine. Right?
"She deserves it. I acted like an ass. Couldn't stop it." She did it again recently too! Though to be fair, a giant undead dragon from your nightmares is a good reason to freak out.
"I haven't. I didn't even sip at a glass lately.." She will eventually, but moderation. And moderation comes after self control!