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"A bullet to the front of the head demonstrates good marksmanship. A bullet to the back of the head demonstrates good judgement."

-- John Wesley Hardin

The Gunslinger system is Dream Chasers' coded combat system. It's used to simulate pitched battles between individuals, as well as fights where multiple characters face off against a common foe.


At its core, Gunslinger is similar to the player-versus-player combat systems used by other MUSHes. Players participating in a Gunslinger-based combat scene use attacks to deplete their opponents' health, while keeping their opponent from depleting their health. Gunslinger is designed to aid in fun and engaging combat scenes--ultimately, the goal is for all players involved to have fun, regardless of whether they win or lose.

The following concepts are essential elements of the Gunslinger system:

  • Hit Points (HP) measure a character’s current health. The base maximum HP for all characters is 750; this can be adjusted by certain Personal Skills, such as Gear. Incoming damage reduces a character's HP -- when reduced to 0 or below, that character is Knocked Out, and can no longer fight. Depending on the circumstances, this might mean that the character is unconscious, or simply too wounded to make further combat a wise idea. HP cannot be restored in combat.
  • Temporary Hit Points (THP) represent healing from in-combat spells, items, and so forth. Each character starts combat with 0 THP, and can gain THP through the use of attacks with certain flags. THP serves as a buffer -- incoming damage reduces a character's THP first, and only carries over if any damage remains if their THP is reduced to 0. A character's THP has a cap equal to half of their maximum HP, and no single healing effect can grant this full total. THP lasts for three rounds, but granting a target new THP resets this duration. Certain attack flags affect targets with THP differently, providing counters to in-combat healing.
  • Attacks are techniques, spells, and other moves that characters use to injure opponents, heal allies, and affect combatants' capabilities in various ways. They come in four different tiers, and are customized using a point-buy system.
  • Character Points (CP) and Attack Points (AP) are used to build a character's Gunslinger statistics. CP are spent on a character's ability scores and Personal Skills (PSes), while AP are spent on attacks. For more information on CP and AP, see Advancement.
  • Forms represent various approaches a character may take in combat. On DC, a form should represent a significant angle of attack. All characters have at least one form, which represents their standard approach in combat whether that be their skill in traditional combat, literal gunslinging or a mastery of the magical arts. Characters may opt to have additional forms if their players choose. This could represent a character being on foot versus in a Gear or similar, tapping into forbidden reserves of power versus themselves as they normally are, or any other means so long as it represents some shift from their standard approach in combat. There are no limits to the number of forms a character may have. If it is appropriate for them to do so, alternate forms may have dungeon stats and tools and these may differ from a character's standard set.
  • Force Points (FP) are used to activate higher-level attacks and special commands called Force Actions. Your character begins combat with some FP, and accumulates more by performing combat actions. Personal Skills may modify your character's FP gain, or provide them with additional starting FP.
  • Combo is a resource that is spent automatically to activate Combo Options -- special effects that enhance your character's attacks. Each Combo Option has unique effects, as well as its own cost. By default, characters begin combat with 0 Combo, and can store up to 4 Combo at once. Certain Personal Skills can modify your character's starting or maximum Combo, and provide them with ways to gain Combo beyond the ones common to all characters.
  • Buffs and debuffs are persistent effects that are applied by attacks during combat. Buffs improve a character's capabilities, while debuffs hinder and impair them. Both buffs and debuffs have set durations, but they can be extended, removed, or temporarily duration-locked by other effects.
  • Stances are also persistent combat effects, but unlike buffs and debuffs, they last until removed or changed by the character using them. There are four basic Stances, each with its own benefits and drawbacks; a character may only use one of these four Stances at a time. A fifth Stance, Counter, augments a character's +charge reaction, and can be used in conjunction with the other four.

Force Points and Force Actions

Force Points

Force Points are a resource gained with every action and reaction. As characters accumulate FP, they unlock more powerful attacks; by spending FP, they can use those attacks, as well as Force Actions.

The following Gunslinger actions grant FP:

  • Preparing for a Gunslinger battle with the +heal/full command grants a character (CP / 10) FP.
  • Assigning an Attack with the +attack command grants a character 15 FP.
  • Reacting to an attack with the +evade or +guard commands grants a character 15 FP.
    • Successfully Evading or Guarding an attack has a chance to grant them an additional 10 FP, for a total of 25 FP.
  • Charging an Attack grants a character 25 FP plus additional FP based on the PL of the incoming attack. +5 FP (30) for PL 0, +10 FP (35) for PL 1-4, +15 FP (40) for PL 5-7, +30 FP (55) for PL 8, +40 FP (65) for PL 9, or +50 FP (75 FP) for PL 10 or higher. (Note that a Counter will prevent this extra FP, reducing it to 15 FP as normal for a successful reaction.)
  • Reacting to an attack with the +accept command grants you 5 FP.

Certain Personal Skills can add new circumstances to this universal list. For example, a character with PS Countermeasures receives 10 FP when they react to an ARM-Typed attack.

Force Actions

Force Actions are general-purpose buffs, which may be used before making an attack, or before reacting to an attack in your character's queue. They aren't purchased with CP or AP, but each character may only have four Force Actions per form. Each Force Action costs 20 FP to use, and a player may use as many as they wish, as long as their character has enough FP to pay the cost. "All Force Actions (excepting the effects of Mystic and Boost) last for the entirety of a character's turn, and only their turn."

Players may choose their characters' Force Actions from the following list:

  • Lock On: The character's attacks penalize all reactions, and cannot be critically defended.
  • Accelerate: The character's reactions have a bonus to Reflex, and an increased chance to critically Dodge. This cancels out Lock On's modifiers to critical dodge. It also reduces Evade damage by 20% and charge damage by 10%.
  • Full Clip: The character's attacks have a bonus to Power and +1 PL.
  • Guard: The character's reactions have a bonus to Vitality, and an increased chance to critically Guard. This cancels out Lock On's modifiers to critical guard. It also reduces Evade damage by 20% and charge damage by 10%.
  • Fury Shot: The character's attacks gain the Artillery and Misery flags, plus a 30% bonus to debuff infliction rate.
  • Snipe: The character's attacks have a bonus to Critical Hit.
  • Boost: The target character gains 2 Combo and a random buff. The targeting syntax is "+force Boost=<target>".
  • Mystic: The target character is cured of one debuff and, if not the user, gains 15 FP. The targeting syntax is "+force Mystic=<target>".
  • Extend: The character's attacks gain the Area flag.

You can cancel force actions before attacking, but not after finalizing your round. This is accomplished with the command '+force/cancel'.


Whenever a character accumulates 125 or more FP, they enter a state called CONDITION GREEN. While in CONDITION GREEN, the character receives significant bonuses to all actions and Reactions. Additionally, the first time a character enters CONDITION GREEN in a fight, the duration of all buffs on them increases by 1 round, while the duration of all debuffs on them decreases by 1 round. A character remains in CONDITION GREEN as long as they have 125 or more FP, and they can reenter the state after leaving it if their FP total above the threshold again. The Personal Skill Healthy grants additional THP when a character enters CONDITION GREEN. Note that bosses have different thresholds for CONDITION GREEN depending upon their total FP.


All characters can gain Combo under the following circumstances:

  • Any attack has a small chance of granting the attacker 1 Combo.
  • Attacks with the Rush flag automatically grant the attacker an additional 1 Combo, regardless of whether or not they hit.
  • Attacks with the Chain flag automatically grant the attacker an additional 2 Combo, regardless of whether or not they hit.
  • Attacks with the Inspire flag automatically grant the target 1 Combo.
  • The Boost Force Action automatically grants the user 2 Combo when used.

Certain Personal Skills can add new circumstances to this universal list. For example, a character with PS Protector receives 1 Combo when they use the +defend command to take another character's attack onto themselves.

Combo is spent on Combo Options, which modify attack flags in various ways. If an attacker has enough Combo in their pool to pay for a flag's Combo Option, the Combo Option will take effect, and the appropriate amount of Combo is automatically deducted from the attacker's Combo pool.

Since many attacks have more than one flag, Combo is spent according to a priority list. Prioritization starts with the first flag on the list, and moves downward. If your character's Combo is depleted by a higher-priority flag, the Combo Option for any lower-priority flags will not fire. When designing attacks that use Combo Options, it is important to use this list, provided below, which includes all applicable flags:

  1. Headshot
  2. Poison
  3. Interrupt
  4. Link
  5. Inspire
  6. Reload
  7. Gatling

For example: A character with 1 Combo uses an attack with the Inspire flag, which has a Combo Option that costs 1 Combo. 1 Combo is automatically deducted from that character's Combo Pool, and the Combo Option takes effect. Later, that same character has 1 Combo in their pool, and uses an attack with Poison and Interrupt. Poison's Combo Option costs 1 Combo, and Interrupt's Combo Option costs 1 Combo. Since Poison is higher in priority than Interrupt, the character will automatically spend 1 Combo to pay for Poison's Combo Option, and have insufficient Combo to pay for 1 Combo to pay for Interrupt's Combo Option. Poison's Combo Option will take effect, while Interrupt's will not.

Please see the section on attack flags for more information about individual Combo Options.

Combat Reactions and Flow

Coded combat on Dream Chasers MUSH proceeds using the following steps:

Preparation and Setup

Players should ensure that their characters are fully-healed using the +heal/full command. In one-on-one fights, the expected etiquette is for the players of both characters to use this command immediately before combat begins. If several characters are fighting one character, that character's player may use the +heal/boss command to grant their character "Boss HP" -- a proportionately-larger health pool appropriate for fights against multiple opponents at once.

In the event players wish to represent a more difficult fight, they may use the command +heal/optional instead. +heal/optional grants a larger pool of Boss HP, making a boss more difficult to defeat. There also exists +heal/timed, representing fights or situations in combat where the goal is to survive or reach a turning point rather than to defeat a boss. See more information below on all the boss fight types under Boss Fights.

In one-on-one fights, players come to an agreement on who attacks first. In cases of disagreement, a coin flip using the +flip command is appropriate. A boss always has the option to attack first.


The player of the character making an attack poses their character's attack, and then uses the +attack command to designate both the attack they want to use and the target of that attack. This command places the attack in the target's Attack Queue, a list of all attacks that have been made against them this round. If the attacking character's player wishes to use a Force Action, they must do so before using the +attack command in order for it to take effect.


Once one or more attacks have been placed in a character's queue, that character's player must react to them. All characters have access to three general Reactions:

  • Charge: The character charges into an attack. This Reaction has poor mitigation, but improved FP generation, when compared to the other Reactions. It can produce one of the following results:
    • Success: The attack inflicts reduced damage on the character.
    • Partial Success: The attack inflicts reduced damage on the character, but more than on a Success.
    • Failure: The attack inflicts full damage on the character.
    • Critical Failure: The attack inflicts full damage on the character, as well as significant bonus damage.
  • Evade: The character attempts to dodge an attack. This Reaction has good mitigation, and has the potential to completely negate incoming damage, but is somewhat less reliable than Guard. It can produce one of following results:
    • Critical Success: The attack inflicts no damage on the character.
    • Success: The attack inflicts reduced damage on the character.
    • Partial Success: The attack inflicts reduced damage on the character, but more than on a Success.
    • Failure: The attack inflicts full damage on the character.
    • Critical Failure: The attack inflicts full damage on the character, as well as a small amount of bonus damage.
  • Guard: The character attempts to block an attack. This Reaction cannot completely mitigate an attack, but is more consistent than Evade. can produce one of the following results:
    • Critical Success: The attack inflicts very little damage on the character.
    • Success: The attack inflicts reduced damage on the character.
    • Partial Success: The attack inflicts reduced damage on the character, but more than on a Success.
    • Failure: The attack inflicts slightly-reduced damage on the character.
    • Critical Failure: The attack inflicts full damage on the character.
  • Accept: The character allows the attack to hit, taking full damage, gaining 5 FP, and forfeiting all chance at mitigation. This Reaction is intended for use against beneficial attacks, such as Buffs.

In addition to reducing or completely negating damage, achieving a Critical Guard or Critical Evade on a Reaction roll will prevent any Debuffs on the attack from taking effect.

The defending character's player uses either the +charge, +guard, or +evade command, depending on which Reaction they want their character to perform. They designate the attack they wish to respond to by using its number in their Attack Queue. Once the defending character's player enters their chosen command, the attack resolves and produces a result.

If a player wishes to intentionally accept a hit for dramatic purposes, they have options. If a player would like for their character to specifically fail a reaction, they may use either the +guard/fail or +evade/fail commands. Their use is invisible; they present to the room as normal, but failed, reactions of each type, though staff's csys monitoring tools will keep a record of them. These commands are not obligatory in any way, and exist for players who wish to take narrative hits outside the standard combat system procedures while still participating in the fight otherwise. Please use these instead of just +accepting offensive attacks! Note that +charge does not necessarily result in full damage from an attack, and thus is not ideal for this purpose.

An additional command exists if a player wishes to emit a KO message regardless of their character's HP total. This command, +selfko, is not binding, and is intended as a convenience for non-standard losses, such as a powerful effect agreed upon in the scene that is not reflected mechanically.

The attack resolution process trades off between players--or, in the case of a boss fight, proceeds in rounds, alternating between the boss and the characters fighting them. Combat proceeds using this series of steps until one party is defeated, typically by being Knocked Out or stopping the fight through narrative means.

Defending Characters

Any character can take an attack targeting another character onto themselves. This is done with the syntax +defend target/attacker (target being the one being defended, and attacker being the one generating the attack). This will take the attack affecting the target and add it to the defender's queue. This action costs 0 FP and can be done at any time as long as there is an attack to defend. It's recommended to discuss this action with the character being defended first.

For Link/Follow attacks and other cases where there are more than one attack on a character, the attack at the top of the target's queue is the one that is defended.


Functionally, combat between Gears--or other, similarly-scaled entities--is almost identical to combat between human-scaled characters. Forms that represent Gear-scaled entities always have PS Gear, which increases that form's base HP to 1500, effectively giving them twice as much health as a human-scaled entity. Forms with PS Gear are automatically treated as if they have the Artillery flag on all attacks. It does not need to be selected on attacks.

Nevertheless, Gears are narratively powerful, and extremely dangerous to human-scaled opponents. Any player who wishes to deploy their character's Gear against a human-scaled opponent must have that player's consent. Players should not deploy their characters' Gears mid-combat without permission.

The Artillery flag may be used by forms that don't have PS Gear. Narratively, these attacks represent things that can inflict significant damage on Gear-scale entities, such as massive, devastating attack spells, or large-caliber anti-vehicle ARMs.

Staff will evaluate all requests for PS Gear or the Artillery flag during the application process. They should only be applied to appropriate forms and attacks. If more than half of a character's attacks have the Artillery flag, staff will require them to purchase PS Tankbuster.


Gunslinger employs two categories of character statistics: primary and secondary. These statistics, along with Personal Skills, are bought with Character Points (CP). Statistics are purchased with CP at a one-to-one ratio.

Primary Statistics

These statistics affect combat in simple, direct ways. They include:

  • Reflex: How capable a character is of avoiding an enemy’s attack. It influences Dodge and Charge success/fail rate.
  • Vitality: How capable a character is of absorbing punishment. It influences Guard and Charge success/fail rate.
  • Power: How capable a character is of dealing damage. It influences attack damage and nothing else.

Secondary Statistics

These statistics affect every aspect of combat, but are divided into three categories based on the type of combat style being employed.

  • ARMs: This governs combat involving weapons based on advanced technology: everything from simple revolvers to wave motion guns.
  • Technique: This governs both unarmed combat and armed combat using low-technology weaponry.
  • Sorcery: This governs combat involving the various disciplines that allow people to channel natural forces and energies into desired shapes and effects. Sorcery can include both ranged and melee combat, provided it is strictly magical in nature.

Secondary statistics affect both a character's attacks and reactions. They not only increase the effectiveness of all attacks of that Type, they increase a character's effectiveness at defending against attacks of that Type. They also specifically influence critical hit rate. It's important to note that this effectiveness is comparative. If two masters of the blade fight one another, they might find themselves evenly matched--whereas if one of them fought a sorcerer, the fight might look very different.

Power is the stat you use if you want to be best at attacks. Reflex and Vitality are the best stats to improve their defense, with both improving Charge. Secondary Stats (ARM, TEC, and SOR) improve both attack and defense, but to a lesser extent than Power, Reflex, or Vitality in each category. They are for specialists and those who want to crit more.

Stat Values

  • For Chapter 2: Stats range from 20-40, with Fiend and Access enabling stats up to 50.
  • For Chapter 3: Stats range from 30-55, with Access and Rival enabling stats up to 60 and Fiend enabling stats up to 70.
  • Use the best value a given form's PSes have on the table.
Form Type Stat Minimum Stat Maximum Deathblow AP Signature AP Mystic Arte AP
Standard (Chapter 1) 1 30 8 14 -
Access (Chapter 1) 1 40 8 14 -
Fiend (Chapter 1) 1 40 8 14 -
Standard (Chapter 2) 20 40 10 16 20
Access (Chapter 2) 20 50 10 16 20
Fiend (Chapter 2) 20 50 10 16 20
Standard (Chapter 3) 30 55 10 16 20
Access (Chapter 3) 30 60 12 18 22
Rival (Chapter 3) 30 60 10 16 20
Fiend (Chapter 3) 30 70 10 16 20

Boss Fights

We have three kinds of boss fights at Dream Chasers. For most situations, players should use the +heal/boss <x> command. This command sets their character's maximum HP to a much higher value, depending on the value x--the number of characters their character is fighting. The character's maximum Combo pool and FP pool increase proportionately, as does the minimum FP that the character requires to reach CONDITION GREEN. This command also replaces the character's limit of one attack per round with Boss Actions. A boss has a number of Boss Actions per round equal to the value x in the command above.

The second form of boss fight uses the command +heal/timed <x>. This sets the boss character's maximum HP to 99,999 and replenishes their HP completely at the end of every round. Timed fights last for five rounds. All other values function identically to +heal/boss. This form of boss fight represents fights where survival is more important than victory. The boss counts down their timer at the end of each of their turns by using the command +boss/turn. With the exception of when this is part of a posted scene that advertises this feature, the boss character's player should have permission of those they are fighting before using this command.

If the situation calls for an especially-difficult boss fight, +heal/optional <x> can be used to give a boss a higher maximum HP. As with timed fights, the player of the boss character should have the permission of the other players before using this option if not advertised as part of a scene.

Boss Actions

Bosses always receive a number of actions per turn equal to the number of individuals that they are fighting. They also have a higher max Combo than usual, based on the number of individuals they are fighting.

Bosses are able to cash in their extra actions for powerful effects called Boss Actions. The command for this is +boss/act <Boss Action>. The current available Boss Actions are:

  • Extend: Gives the boss the Extend Force Action. This costs 1 action.
  • Force: Gives the boss 25 FP. This cost 2 actions.
  • Blink: Gives the boss a special Force Action, Blink. Blink provides an extremely large bonus to Reflex for one round. This costs 3 actions.
  • Titan: Gives the boss a special Force Action, Titan. Titan provides an extremely large bonus to Vitality for one round. This costs 3 actions.
  • Enrage: Gives the boss the Enrage stance. During this turn they have 1.5x as many actions, rounded up, and can attack a given opponent multiple times. At the end of their turn, when they +round, they will have zero actions, all of their buffs will lose 30 turns of duration and usually be cleared, and they will immediately suffer the Shieldbreak and Entangle status effects, greatly limiting their defense. Please note that this is meant to represent a dramatic "final round" of combat. Be considerate of other players when choosing your attacks, and remember that the ultimate goal is to keep the fight engaging.
  • Ready: Enters the boss into a Counter Stance. This costs 1 action.


A Quicktime Event or QTE is an option for bosses when running a boss fight. By using the command, the boss can set up a prompt that will require particular reactions from up to the number of opponents they have healed for (using +heal/boss #). The players must rely on the pose text in order to guess the correct reactions in order to pass; the reactions are the same as the core reactions in Gunslinger (e.g. guard, evade, charge). Each QTE has three reactions.

A boss starts a QTE like so: +qte/start <player1> <player2> <etc>=Name/<guard, evade, or charge>,<guard, evade, or charge>,<guard, evade, or charge>
For example, this might be +qte/start Alice Bob Cass=Uh Oh! Quick Time Event/evade,charge,guard

All reactions may be different for a QTE or they may be the same, or two particular reactions might be doubled up. It's recommended that bosses make their QTE hints in their pose clear and succinct.

Characters react against a QTE with +qte/react <guard/evade/charge>/<guard/evade/charge>/<guard/evade/charge> (for example, a player might guess +qte/react guard/charge/evade as the whole of their reaction). If a character passes a QTE, they take no damage and gain a low amount of FP.

There are various thresholds of failure: Moderate Success, Low Success, and Failure. A character who has failed one, some, or all of their reactions takes increased levels of damage, but also receives increased amounts of FP; higher degrees of failure receive more FP. A character cannot be KO'd by failing a QTE.

To cancel a QTE, use +qte/clear.


Buckets refers to not literal buckets but instead is a mechanism for organizing boss fights when there are multiple bosses in the scene. Using buckets allows players to 'sign up' to fight a particular boss and for the boss to keep track of who they're targeting.

Keep in mind, using buckets doesn't mean that a player is restricted to a given target -- the key is to ask first if you would like to temporarily target someone else. Neither are you restricted to aiding people also in your bucket! Buckets are simply an organizational tool.

For bosses, characters in your bucket are starred with an asterisk. Boss bucket commands are:

  • +bucket/place # - Places a new bucket with # slots.
  • +bucket/adjust # - Only works if you have a bucket. Adjusts slots to #.
  • +bucket/clear - Clears your current bucket.

To check buckets for the room, use +buckets.

For non-boss players, their bucket commands are:

  • +bjoin <Bossname> - Joins an extant bucket.
  • +bleave <Bossname> - Leaves your current bucket.

Personal Skills

Personal Skills are character-specific traits that are always active on your character. Typically, they are referred to as "PS <Personal Skill Name>" in discussion. There are several different categories, including:

  • Gear Personal Skills: Characters with PS Gear have access to a Gear or other large vehicle. This category includes that PS and Tankbuster..
  • Resource Personal Skills: These affect resource pools (FP, Combo) in some way or another, modify certain non-damaging effects, or provide stat boosts under certain conditions.
  • Condition Green Personal Skills: These provide powerful bonuses that only trigger when your character is in CONDITION GREEN.
  • Critical Hit Personal Skills: These provide significant debuffs or other effects when your character gets a Critical Hit.
  • Attack Personal Skills: These provide bonuses to attack statistics. Notably, the bonus provided by an Attack Personal Skill scales with your current FP total, meaning players have to consider Force Actions, big attacks, or bigger stat bonuses when spending FP.
  • Reaction Personal Skills: These provide bonuses to reactions.
  • Status Personal Skills: These change the way a character interacts with debuffs.
  • Form Personal Skills: These change the total number of CP on a form with that PS.

As a rule, Personal Skills that duplicate the benefits of stats are strictly better than their cost in stat points, but typically more specific and limited in benefit. This is what makes them worth taking as Personal Skills!

A list of Personal Skills follows. The number in parentheses indicates the Character Points that a Personal Skill costs.

Gear Personal Skills

  • Gear: A form with this PS represents a large robot, vehicle, or especially large monster. It starts combat with 1500 HP instead of 750. (0)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Tankbuster.
  • Tankbuster: The character gains a +20% crit rate against Gears, as well as +10% evasion and +5% accuracy. They ignore the -10% penalty to guard rates against Gears that ordinary on-foot combatants take. (3)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Gear.

Resource Personal Skills

  • Arcane Font: This character gains 5 FP when reacting to a Sorcery attack, and a small bonus to Sorcery on defense. (3)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Countermeasures or PS Power Burst.
  • Assertive: This character's Force Actions cost 5 FP less, typically 15 FP. (9
  • Bad Luck: This character gains 5 FP on a failed reaction, or 10 FP on a critically failed reaction. (4)
  • Cautious: This character gains ~25 THP if in Stoic Stance at the end of their turn. (4)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Daredevil, PS Sanctified, or PS Vivid.
  • Countermeasures: This character gains 5 FP when reacting to an ARM attack, and a small bonus to ARM on defense. (3)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Arcane Font or PS Power Burst.
  • Daredevil: This character gains 5 FP if in Avenger Stance at the end of their turn. (4)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Cautious, PS Sanctified, or PS Vivid.
  • Finesse: This character starts combat with an additional 1 Combo. (4)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Forceful or Fortitude.
  • First Strike: This character gains a bonus to all of their statistics when their current HP is equal to or greater than 75% of their maximum HP. (6)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Last Stand.
  • Forceful: This character starts combat with an additional 10 FP. (4)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Finesse or Fortitude.
  • Fortitude: This character starts combat with 50 THP. (4)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Finesse or Forceful.
  • Gleam: At the end of this character's turn, they gain 5 additional FP if they remain affected by Amplify, Burst, Cover, Hyper, Lock State, Mighty, Quick, Riposte, Shield, or Surge. This bonus caps at 5 FP, regardless of how many of these effects the character benefits from. (4)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Sufferer.
  • Green Thumb: Whenever this character uses an attack with the Heal, Hi-Heal, Full-Heal or Absorb flags, the target gains more THP than usual, scaling with the user's current FP total. This does not affect Regen. (7)
  • Healer: Whenever this character uses an attack with the Heal, Hi-Heal, Absorb, Lock State, Quick, Shield, Hyper, Surge, Burst, Amplify, Blitz, Regen, Full-Heal, Pray, Stern, Swift, or Withdraw flags, they gain 1 Combo. Additionally, their odds of successfully inflicting Debuffs increase as their FP increases. (8)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Tactician or PS Onslaught.
  • Intense: This character's Rush attacks generate an additional Combo. (3)
  • Limit Break: This character's maximum Combo is increased by 1. (5)
  • Last Stand: This character gains a bonus to all of their statistics when their current HP is equal to or less than 25% of their maximum HP. (6)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS First Strike.
  • Power Burst: This character gains 5 FP when reacting to a Technique attack and a small bonus to TEC on defense. (3)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Arcane Font or PS Countermeasures.
  • Precise: This character's Reserve attacks generate an additional 5 FP. (3)
  • Onslaught: Whenever this character uses an attack with the Formation, Pierce, Smite, Chain, Counter, Bold, Advance, Cancel, Mighty, Riposte, Cover, Interrupt, Purge, and Gatling flags, they gain 1 Combo. They also gain 1 Combo whenever they use an attack with PL6 or higher, which does not stack with the flag benefit, and excludes attacks with the Rush, Reserve, and Strike flags. (8)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Healer or PS Tactician.
  • Protector: This character gains 1 Combo whenever they use the +defend action to take on an attack meant for another character. Their Reaction to this transferred attack receives a bonus. Additionally, they gain 1 Combo whenever they use an attack with the Shield, Quick, Heal, Hi-Heal, Absorb, Full-Heal, Prudent, Withdraw, Counter, Cancel, Protect, Stern, and Swift flags. (6)
  • Reinforcement: This character gains 10% more THP when healed. (5)
  • Saboteur: This character spends 5 fewer FP on attacks with the Slow, Break, Weaken, Jam, Cripple, Mute, Infect, Poison, Disease, Disrupt, Shieldbreak, Entangle, Misery, Blind, Drowsy, Delay, or Hex flags. This discount applies once for each of these flags present on the attack. (6)
  • Sanctified: When in Sage stance, this character gains a 25% bonus to defense against debuffs. (4)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Cautious, PS Daredevil, or PS Vivid.
  • SOS Overdrive: This character gains 25 FP when they fall below 25% of their maximum HP. THP does not affect this value. (5)
  • Sufferer: At the end of this character's turn, they gain 5 additional FP if they remain afflicted by Blind, Break, Corrode, Cripple, Disease, Disrupt, Drowsy, Entangle, Jam, Malfunction, Mute, Poison, Pressure Point, Reaper, Shieldbreak, Silence, Slow, Weaken, Hex, or Delay. This bonus caps at 5 FP, regardless of how many of these effects the character suffers from. (4)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Gleam.
  • Supply Chain: This character spends 5 fewer FP on attacks with the Absorb, Heal, Hi-Heal, Quick, Shield, Hyper, Surge, Burst, Amplify, Pray, Regen, Blitz, Full-Heal, or Lock State flags. This discount applies once for each of these flags present on the attack. (6)
  • Tactician: Whenever this character uses an attack with the Delay, Slow, Break, Weaken, Jam, Cripple, Mute, Infect, Poison, Disease, Disrupt, Shieldbreak, Entangle, Misery, Blind, Drowsy, or Hex flags (or any other Debuff), they gain 1 Combo. Additionally, their odds of successfully inflicting Debuffs increase as their FP increases. (8)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Healer or PS Onslaught.
  • Vivid: This character gains 1 Combo when in Advance stance at the end of their turn. (4)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Cautious, PS Daredevil, or PS Sanctified.

Condition Green Personal Skills

  • Healthy: Upon reaching CONDITION GREEN, the character receives 100 Temporary Hit Points; a character with PS Gear receives 200 THP. (4)
  • Grandiose: Upon reaching CONDITION GREEN, the character receives the Expansive buff if they don't already have it. (5)
  • Potent: Upon reaching CONDITION GREEN, the character receives the Hyper buff if they don't already have it. (4)
  • Velocity: Upon reaching CONDITION GREEN, the character receives the Quick buff if they don't already have it. (4)
  • Rugged: Upon reaching CONDITION GREEN, the character receives the Shield buff if they don't already have it. (4)
  • Fixed Dice: At or above CONDITION GREEN, the character gains a +1 bonus to die rolls for Roulette and Gamble . (4)

Critical Hit Personal Skills

  • Butcher: This character's Critical Hits do increased damage. (6)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Sniper.
  • Force Critical: When one of the character's attacks scores a Critical Hit, they gain an additional 10 FP. (3)
  • Sniper: This character gains a bonus to their Critical Hit roll. (6)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Butcher.
  • Tough: This character takes reduced damage from Critical Hits. (5)

Attack Personal Skills

  • Adept: The character's chance to hit with all attacks increases as their FP increases. (7)
    • Incompatible with Focus, Quick Draw, and Marksmanship.
  • ARM Absorber: When the character takes an ARM attack, their next SOR attack gains a bonus to Power and Sorcery. (4)
  • ARM Eater: When the character takes an ARM attack, their next TEC attack gains a bonus to Power and Technique. (4)
  • ARM Engine: When the character takes an ARM attack, their next ARM attack gains a bonus to Power and ARMs. (4)
  • Brute: The character's free attacks gain the Brutal2 tag, and when they use an attack with a Brutal flag, its cost is reduced by 5 FP. (6)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Deadeye, PS Wary, or PS Paragon.
    • Note: This means that Brutal1 is strictly better for an offensive attack than Refined for the same AP cost.
  • Bulwark: The character's free attacks and Deathblows have a chance to grant them the Shield Buff. (5)
    • PS Incompatibility: No form may have more than two of the following: PS Gremlins!, PS Dirty Fighter, PS Silencer, PS Venomous, PS Radiant, PS Soporific, PS Energize, PS Overclock, and PS Bulwark.
  • Creative: The character can build Free Attacks using up to 6 AP, and their PL cap increases to PL 5. Amplify, Break, Burst, Cover, Formation, Hyper, Infect, Interrupt, Mighty, Quick, Riposte, Shield, Slow, Surge, and Weaken become additional valid flags for Free Attacks. If this mode also has PS Gear, the character may construct Free Attacks using the Artillery flag as well as one other valid flag of their choice. (8)
  • Deadeye: The character's free attacks gain the Accurate2 tag, and when they use an attack with an Accurate tag, its cost is reduced by 5 FP. (6)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Deadeye, PS Wary, or PS Paragon.
    • Note: This means that Accurate1 is strictly better for an offensive attack than Refined for the same AP cost.
  • Dirty Fighter: The character's offensive Free Attacks and Deathblows have a chance of inflicting the Cripple Debuff on their target. When they use an attack with the Cripple flag, it has an improved chance to hit, and a +20% chance of inflicting the Cripple Debuff. (4)
    • PS Incompatibility: No form may have more than two of the following: PS Radiant, PS Soporific, PS Gremlins!, PS Dirty Fighter, PS Silencer, PS Venomous, PS Energize, PS Overclock, and PS Bulwark.
  • Energize: The character's free attacks and Deathblows have a chance to grant them the Hyper Buff. (5)
    • PS Incompatibility: No form may have more than two of the following: PS Radiant, PS Soporific, PS Gremlins!, PS Dirty Fighter, PS Silencer, PS Venomous, PS Energize, PS Overclock, and PS Bulwark.
  • Finest Arts: The character inflicts additional damage with Technique attacks as their FP increases. (7)
  • Focus: The character's chance to hit with Sorcery attacks increases as their FP increases. (5)
  • Gambler: The character's attacks with the Gamble flag have even greater variance. The character gains 1 Combo when using the Gamble, Roulette, Misery, and Pray flags. (5)
  • Gremlins!: The character's offensive Free Attacks and Deathblows have a chance of inflicting the Jam Debuff on their target. When they use an attack with the Jam flag, it has an improved chance to hit, and a +20% chance of inflicting the Jam Debuff.. (4)
    • PS Incompatibility: No form may have more than two of the following: PS Radiant, PS Soporific, PS Gremlins!, PS Dirty Fighter, PS Silencer, PS Venomous, PS Energize, PS Overclock, and PS Bulwark.
  • Gunfighting: The character inflicts additional damage with ARMs attacks as their FP increases. (7)
  • Infectious: The character's offensive Free Attacks and Deathblows have a chance to carry the Infect flag, increasing debuff durations by 2 each. (4)
  • Keen: This character's Strike attacks receive a bonus to critrate. (3)
  • Marksmanship: The character's chance to hit with ARMs attacks increases as their FP increases. (5)
  • Overclock: The character's free attacks and Deathblows have a chance to grant them the Quick Buff. (5)
    • PS Incompatibility: No form may have more than two of the following: PS Radiant, PS Soporific, PS Gremlins!, PS Dirty Fighter, PS Silencer, PS Venomous, PS Energize, PS Overclock, and PS Bulwark.
  • Paragon: The character's free attacks gain the Lucky1 tag. Note that this is an effective -5 FP discount on free attacks, due to Lucky1's cost. (3)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Brutal, PS Deadye, or PS Wary.
  • Polymath: The character inflicts additional damage with all attacks as their FP increases. (9)
    • Incompatible with Sorcery, Gunfighting, and Finest Arts.
  • Quick Draw: The character's chance to hit with Technique attacks increases as their FP increases. (5)
  • Radiant: The character's offensive Free Attacks and Deathblows have a chance of inflicting the Blind debuff on their target. When they use an attack with the Blind flag, it has a +20% chance of inflicting the Blind debuff. (6)
    • PS Incompatibility: No form may have more than two of the following: PS Radiant, PS Soporific, PS Gremlins!, PS Dirty Fighter, PS Silencer, PS Venomous, PS Energize, PS Overclock, and PS Bulwark.
  • Silencer: The character's offensive Free Attacks and Deathblows have a chance of inflicting the Mute Debuff on their target. When they use an attack with the Mute flag, it has an improved chance to hit, and a +20% chance of inflicting the Mute debuff. (4)
    • PS Incompatibility: No form may have more than two of the following: PS Radiant, PS Soporific, PS Gremlins!, PS Dirty Fighter, PS Silencer, PS Venomous, PS Energize, PS Overclock, and PS Bulwark.
  • Soporific: The character's offensive Free Attacks and Deathblows have a chance of inflicting the Drowsy debuff on their target. When they use an attack with the Drowsy flag, it has a +20% chance of inflicting the Drowsy debuff.
    • PS Incompatibility: No form may have more than two of the following: PS Radiant, PS Soporific, PS Gremlins!, PS Dirty Fighter, PS Silencer, PS Venomous, PS Energize, PS Overclock, and PS Bulwark.
  • Sorcery: The character inflicts additional damage with Sorcery attacks as their FP increases. (7)
  • SOR Absorber: When the character takes a SOR attack, their next SOR attack gains a bonus to Power and Sorcery. (4)
  • SOR Eater: When the character takes a SOR attack, their next TEC attack gains a bonus to Power and Technique. (4)
  • SOR Engine: When the character takes a SOR attack, their next ARM attack gains a bonus to Power and ARMs. (4)
  • TEC Absorber: When the character takes a TEC attack, their next SOR attack gains a bonus to Power and Sorcery. (4)
  • TEC Eater: When the character takes a TEC attack, their next TEC attack gains a bonus to Power and Technique. (4)
  • TEC Engine: When the character takes a TEC attack, their next ARM attack gains a bonus to Power and ARMs. (4)
  • Venomous: The character's offensive Free Attacks have a chance of inflicting the Poison Debuff on their target. When they use an attack with the Poison flag, it has an improved chance to hit, and a +20% chance of inflicting the Poison debuff. (4)
    • PS Incompatibility: No form may have more than two of the following: PS Radiant, PS Soporific, PS Gremlins!, PS Dirty Fighter, PS Silencer, PS Venomous, PS Energize, PS Overclock, and PS Bulwark.
  • Vampire: Grants 1 Combo on using Drain, Inverse, Disease, Disrupt, and Infect. Also increases the THP gained from Drain and Inverse. (5)
  • Versatile Attacker: This PS grants a bonus to your next attack if its type (SOR, TEC, ARM) is different from your last attack (4)
  • Wary: The character's free attacks gain the Careful2 tag. (3)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Deadeye, PS Brute, or PS Paragon.
  • Widespread: When used in conjunction with the Area effect, the character's Deathblows cost 5 FP per additional target rather than 10. (4)

Reaction Personal Skills

  • Barrier: The character gains a bonus to Dodge against Sorcery attacks. (5)
  • Bishop: The character's outgoing Counterattacks are always Typed as Sorcery, and gain a bonus to PL. The character begins in Counter stance. (4)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Knight or PS Rook.
  • Duck and Cover: The character gains a bonus to Dodge against ARMs attacks. (5)
  • Explosive: The character gains a bonus to Charge against Sorcery attacks. (3)
  • Just A Scratch: The character gains a bonus to Guard against ARMs attacks. (5)
  • Knight: The character's outgoing Counterattacks are always Typed as Technique, and gain a bonus to PL. The character begins in Counter stance. (4)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Bishop or PS Rook.
  • Parry: The character gains a bonus to Dodge against Technique attacks. (5)
  • Rook: The character's outgoing Counterattacks are always typed as ARM, and gain a bonus to PL. The character begins in Counter stance. (4)
    • PS Incompatibility: This PS may not be taken on the same form as PS Bishop or PS Knight.
  • Seismic: The character gains a bonus to Charge against Technique attacks. (3)
  • Sentinel: The character gains a bonus to Guard against Technique attacks. (5)
  • Sound Mind: The character gains a bonus to Guard against Sorcery attacks. (5)
  • Versatile Defender: This PS grants a bonus to your defense if the attack incoming is different from the last attack type you used. (4)
  • Volatile: The character gains a bonus to Charge against ARM attacks. (3

Stat Personal Skills

  • Acrobat: The character receives a bonus to Reflex that scales with current FP. (4)
  • Guerilla: The character receives a bonus to Power that scales with current FP. (4)
  • Master: The character receives a bonus to ARM, SOR, and TEC that scales with current FP. (6)
  • Survivor: The character receives a bonus to Vitality that scales with current FP. (4)

Status Personal Skills

It is not recommended (though not against the rules) to take more than three of these Wards in general circumstances.

  • Blind Ward: The character receives +100% resistance to the Blind debuff. (6)
  • Break Ward: The character receives +100% resistance the Break debuff. (6)
  • Cripple Ward: The character receives +100% resistance to the Cripple debuff. (5)
  • Disrupt Ward: The character receives +100% resistance to the Disrupt debuff. (4)
  • Drowsy Ward: The character receives +100% resistance to the Drowsy debuff. (6)
  • Jam Ward: The character receives +100% resistance the Jam debuff. (5)
  • Mute Ward: The character receives +100% resistance to the Mute debuff. (5)
  • Poison Ward: The character receives +100% resistance to the Poison debuff. (4)
  • Slow Ward: The character receives +100% resistance to the Slow debuff. (6)
  • Weaken Ward: The character receives +100% resistance to the Weaken debuff. (6)
  • Total Ward: The character receives +40% resistance to all debuffs. (7)

Note: These figures refer to pre-modifier odds. They do not guarantee defense against the debuff in the face of a high-modifier low-power attack.

Form Personal Skills

  • Access: The character gains an additional 40 CP and 20 AP, which are spent normally. The character's attacks have their AP caps raised by 2. While this mode is active, it imposes a 30 HP charge per turn. This PS is suitable for temporary transformations that heighten a character's power, at a cost.
  • Fiend: The character gains an additional 50 CP and 25 AP, which are spent normally. The maximum PL of their Signatures is PL 9. This PS is suitable for fearsome, experienced Antagonists.
  • Nemesis: The character is built using end-of-chapter CP and AP maximums. In the case of Chapter 3, these are now 400 CP and 200 AP. This can stack with the CP bonus granted by PS Fiend. This PS is suitable for Antagonists who are effectively the end bosses of a Chapter. It almost always comes paired with PS Fiend.
  • Rival: The character gains an additional 30 CP and 15 AP, which are spent normally. This PS is a suitable choice for most Antagonists.
  • Squad: The character represents a group, squad, or horde instead of a single target. They take 10% additional damage from attacks with the Area flag, but gain a bonus to all stats proportional to their current HP. They also gain 10 AP.
  • Zombie: The character is unable to benefit from most healing, such as by being undead. The character can only heal by using Drain attacks, by the Cautious PS, by the Healthy PS, or through the Inverse flag. The PS Fortitude functions normally. This PS also grants 10 CP and 5 AP, as well as 100 extra starting HP. It is suitable for any character who it reflects.


Players construct their characters' attacks using Attack Points (AP). A character receives 1 AP for every 2 CP they earn -- for example, a character with 200 CP would have 100 AP with which to construct attacks. Attacks have two key traits: Power Level and Flags. An attack's Power Level helps determine how much damage it inflicts. An attack's Flags represent additional effects associated with the attack, such as buffs or debuffs. Power Levels are bought with AP on a one-to-one basis, while Flags have special costs, listed in their entries below. No attack may have more than five Flags.

There are four types of attacks: Free Attacks, Deathblows, Signature Attacks, and Mystic Artes.

  • Free Attacks do not have to be purchased ahead of time -- they can be built and changed on the fly, and while they are constructed like all other attacks, any AP spent on them doesn't count towards a character's AP total. They have a limited number of effect flags, and a firm limit on power level. Free attacks may only have one flag on them at a time, and unless built using a form with PS Creative, they must be built on 5 AP or fewer.
    Free Attacks can only use the following flags:Advance, Anticipate, Artillery, Augmented, Bold, Cancel, Counter, Disease, Enchanted, Follow, Gamble, Gatling, Heal, Headshot, Inspire, Link, Martial, Pierce, Prepare, Prudent, Reload, Reserve, Rush, Strike, Withdraw, and Smite.
    If the character has PS Creative, the flags are improved to include: Amplify, Break, Burst, Cover, Formation, Hyper, Infect, Interrupt, Mighty, Quick, Riposte, Shield, Slow, Surge, and Weaken. Free Attacks with Creative may also be built out of a pool of 6 AP.
    Free Attacks may be cleared with +freeattack/sweep. Note that this will remove ALL current Free Attacks!
    • Free Attack Maker - On-game, type +free. On the stat spreadsheet, there's a Free Attack Helper tab.
  • Deathblows are pre-built attacks that reflect a character's special moves. These must be purchased as part of your application, or through advancement. A character must attain a certain level of Force Points in order to fire upper-tier deathblows. Deathblows are built using a minimum of 4 AP and a maximum of 10 AP. Normal forms cannot have more Signatures than Deathblows. Access forms are not subject to this restriction.
  • Signature Attacks are very powerful pre-built attacks that are unique to a character. They both require and cost Force Points to fire. Signature Attacks are built using a minimum of 8 AP and a maximum of 16 AP. At this time, Signature Attacks must be either PL 0-1, or PL 7+. Again, except for Access forms, a form should have no more Signatures than Deathblows.
  • Mystic Artes are extremely powerful pre-built attacks that are unique to a character and represent the apex of their abilities. As a result, each character can only have one Mystic Arte per form. Forms with PS Fiend may have two. Mystic Artes may function like any other attack but have the following restrictions: Mystic Artes may not use Link or Follow (they are not a part of another attack, they are the attack) and as with Follow, using a Mystic Arte inflicts the Stagger debuff. This debuff prevents the use of another Mystic Artes or attacks with the Link Flag, and expires after four rounds; this duration cannot be reduced. Additionally, at this time, Mystic Artes must be either PL 0-1 or 7+. Mystic Artes are built using a minimum of 8 AP and a a maximum of 20 AP. Mystic Artes have a discount of 15 FP, which stacks with other discounts. Mystic Artes count as Signatures when determining attack ratios.

Attacks are scaled according to power levels of 0 to 10, and divided like so:

Power Level FP Cost FP Minimum Debuff Odds Base Damage (Average) Tiers Allowable
0 -20 0 115% 0 All
1 -15 0 115% ~40 All
2 -10 0 100% ~62 Free Attacks, Deathblows
3 -5 0 100% ~84 Free Attacks, Deathblows
4 0 0 85% ~106 Free Attacks, Deathblows
5 0 15 70% ~128 Free Attacks (with Creative), Deathblows
6 5 30 55% ~150 Deathblows
7 10 60 45% ~172 Signatures, Mystic Artes
8 25 75 30% ~184 Signatures, Mystic Artes
9 50 100 20% ~206 Signatures (with Fiend), Mystic Artes
10 75 125 20% ~228 Mystic Artes (with Fiend)

It is possible with stacking various attack flags to have an attack with an effective PL greater than 10. Note that attacks with effective PLs over 11 are subject to diminishing returns on damage. Note that only listed PL matters for determining debuff odds.

Attack Flag Sorting

The flags listed for attacks in +stats and +attacks are grouped by functionality and then displayed in the following order:

Targeting Flags These consist of Area and Self, which affect how an attack can be targeted. Useful to keep track of if you're bossing!
Attack Modifiers Flags that modify an attack's properties.
Buffs All flags that buff or heal a target, and associated flags.
Debuffs All flags that debuff a target, and associated flags.
Stance Modifiers All flags that affect your stance.

Flags within a grouping are arranged alphabetically.

Attack Flags

Flags are listed below. The number in parentheses is their AP cost. They can be divided into the following categories:

  • Attack Improvement Flags: These improve an attack's capabilities directly, adding bonuses to hit chance, Critical Hit, damage, and other effects.
  • PL Adding Flags: These are a subset of attack improvement flags which specifically add to Power Level.
  • Status Effect Flags: These inflict debilitating status effects on the target.
  • Healing Flags: These grant temporary HP to the target and mitigate status effects.
  • Buff Flags: These grant powerful buffs to the target.
  • FP Management Flags: These reduce FP costs, in exchange for having fewer effects on an attack.
  • Boss Flags: These are meant to assist in a boss fight, but can also be used against single opponents. Typically, these should only be purchased by characters who are antagonists.

Attack Improvement Flags

  • Accurate1-Accurate5: (ACC1-ACC5) This attack imposes a scaling penalty to Evade reactions depending on the level of this flag. These levels cost 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 FP, with minimums of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25. This flag also grants a small bonus to PL that does not stack with the bonus from other reaction-punishing flags. (1,2,3,4,5)
    • Flag Incompatibility: These flags are incompatible with other Accurate flags, as well as any Brutal flags.
  • Area: (AREA) This attack can hit multiple targets, and inflicts additional damage on targets with PS Squad. It costs 10 additional FP for each additional target. (For example, an attack that normally costs 0 FP would cost 30 FP if the attacker wished to attack four targets; an attack that costs 50 FP would instead cost 80 FP if the attacker wished to attack four targets.) When used on a single target, Area instead provides a bonus to Hit and Critical Hit odds. (4)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag may not be applied to the same attack as Self.
  • Artillery: (ART) This attack deals double damage to a target that has PS Gear. (0) (F)
  • Brutal1-Brutal5: (BRU1-BRU5) This attack imposes a scaling penalty to Guard reactions depending on its level. These levels cost 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 FP, with minimums of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25. This flag also grants a small bonus to PL that does not stack with the bonus from other reaction-punishing flags. (1,2,3,4,5)
    • Flag Incompatibility: These flags are incompatible with other Brutal flags, as well as any Accurate flags.
  • Careful1-Careful5: (CRE1-CRE5) This attack imposes a scaling penalty to Charge reactions depending on its level. These levels cost -5, 0, 5, 10, and 15 FP, with minimums of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25. This flag also grants a small bonus to PL that does not stack with the bonus from other reaction-punishing flags. (1,2,3,4,5)
    • Flag Compatibility: These flags are explicitly compatible with Accurate and Brutal flags, though not with each other.
  • Curb: (CRB) This attack prevents the defender from extra FP by using the +charge reaction, as well as extra FP from Reaction Bonus and Arcane Font/Countermeasures/Power Burst. This attack costs 5 FP and requires a minimum cost of 15 FP. (2)
  • Drain: (DRA) This attack grants the attacker a number of Temporary Hit Points equal to half the damage it deals, to a maximum of 150, or 300 for attackers with PS Gear. This attack costs an additional 5 FP. It requires a minimum of 10 FP to use. (3)
  • Gamble: (GMBL) This attack's PL is randomly raised or possibly lowered slightly. Also applies to healing output. This attack costs an additional 5 FP. (1) (F)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is compatible with any damaging or healing attack. It was previously incompatible with PL adders, and that is noted here for reference.
    • Special: This flag may also be used with Heal flags. It adds roughly ~30 per Combo point of healing to the effect.
  • Headshot: (HDST) The attack has a higher Critical Hit chance, and costs an additional 15 FP. (3) (F)
    • Combo Option: If the attacker has any Personal Skills that have a chance to inflict a Status Effect on attack, this flag will automatically trigger them. Additionally, the Critical Hit chance of the attack is further enhanced, and the attack has an additional +25% chance to successfully inflict a Debuff. These behaviors cost 2 Combo.
  • Lucky1-Lucky5: (LCKY1-LCKY5) This attack has increased odds of successfully inflicting a debuff, which scale depending on the level of this flag. These levels cost -5, 0, 5, 10, and 15 FP, with minimums of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25. (1,2,3,4,5)
    • Flag Notes: For the purposes of planning, the odds added by Lucky are noted here. Lucky1 starts at 10%, whereas Lucky5 goes up to 30%.
  • Roulette: (ROUL) This attack's PL is replaced by a random number from 1 to 11. This attack costs an additional 40 FP and requires a minimum of 60 FP to use. Because it replaces the attack's PL, there is no benefit to a Roulette above PL 0. (6)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is incompatible with all PL Adders.
  • Sneak: (SNK) This attack displays in the target's Attack Queue as a Free Attack with PL 4 and the Reserve flag, regardless of its actual attributes. A false name for it may be set using the command +sneak/name, which will cause that name to display in the attacker's Queue instead of the attack's true name. The attack's true name and attributes are revealed during resolution. (3)
  • Trueshot: (TSH) This attack gains the equivalent benefits of Accurate3 and Brutal3, while losing the ability to score a critical hit. It costs an additional 5 FP. (2)
    • Flag Incompatibility: It is legal to combine Headshot and Trueshot, but not recommended.

PL Adding Flags

Flag Notes: PL Adders: These include Gatling, Strain, Facade, Formation, Pierce, Smite, and Purge. You may have up to two of these on any given attack, excluding Pierce and Smite, which can never be on the same attack. This supersedes previous restrictions. This explicitly allows Gamble as separate from these adders. Poison, while it adds a PL with its combo option, is explicitly not on this list. Also note that effective PLs of 11 and higher begin to see diminishing returns.
  • Facade: (FAC) This attack adds Power Levels to the attack based on the number of debuffs on the user. It costs 5 additional FP. (2)
  • Formation: (FORM) When the target of this attack reacts to it, it gains +1 PL for each attack with Formation the target has reacted to this turn, including itself, up to a maximum of 3 PL. It costs an additional 5 FP, and requires a minimum of 30 FP to use. (2) (FC)
  • Gatling: (GAT) The attack receives a small boost to damage, and costs an additional 5 FP. (2) (F)
    • Combo Option: Instead of its normal effect, this flag increases the attack's PL by 1 for every Combo spent on its Combo Option, to a maximum of 3. Increasing an attack's PL this way does not raise its FP cost.
  • Pierce: (PRC) This attack adds 1.5 PL and deals .25x extra damage against a target with THP. This extra damage caps at a maximum of the target's THP, or 999, whichever is smaller. It costs an additional 10 FP. (3) (F)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag may not be applied to the same attack as Smite.
  • Purge: (PRG) This attack removes debuffs from the target at the same rates and with the same conditions as Restore. In addition, it adds Power Levels to the attack based on the number of debuffs on the target. It costs 5 additional FP. (2)
  • Smite: (SMIT) This attack completely ignores a character's Temporary Hit Points, dealing full damage against their Hit Points. It also adds at least 1 PL, with one additional PL per two buffs on the target, up to a potential total of 4 PL. It costs an additional 5 FP, and requires a minimum of 30 FP to use. (3) (F)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag may not be applied to the same attack as Pierce.
  • Stern: (STE) This attack replaces Power with Vitality in damage calculation. It also grants a PL bonus of 1 if the user has the Shield buff, 2 if the user has the Guard Force Action active, or 3 if both are true. It costs an additional 5 FP, and requires a minimum of 30 FP to use. (3)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag may not be applied to the same attack as Swift.
  • Strain: (SRN) This attack adds a significant bonus to Power Level at the cost of dealing 12% of the user's current HP to the attacker. The damage to the attacker bypasses THP, and note that for bosses this damage caps at 150 points to the attacker per target. Area at your own risk. The minimum damage Strain can deal to you is 50 points. It costs an additional 5 FP. (2)
  • Swift: (SWI) This attack replaces Power with Reflex in damage calculation. It also grants a PL bonus of 1 if the user has the Quick buff, 2 if the user has the Accelerate Force Action active, or 3 if both are true. It costs an additional 5 FP, and requires a minimum of 30 FP to use. (3)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag may not be applied to the same attack as Stern.

Multiple Attack Flags

  • Follow: (FOL) This attack can be used independently, or immediately after an attack with the Link flag. If used after an attack with the Link flag, the attacker gains the Stagger debuff for four rounds. Stagger disallows the use of the Link flag's effects, and its duration cannot be reduced. This attack costs no additional FP. (0)
  • Link: (LINK) This attack allows the use of a second attack this round, which must have the Follow flag. If the attacker opts not to use this flag's effect, they must use the +round command to complete their turn, but suffer no ill effects. This attack costs an additional 15 FP, and requires a minimum of 45 FP to use. (0)
    • Combo Option: This attack grants the attacker 15 FP, refunding its cost. This Combo Option costs 1 Combo.
    • When constructing a Link/Follow attack, remember that Link and Follow can go on any Deathblow, but only on Deathblows.

Dual Type Flags

  • Augmented: (AUG) This attack uses the average of ARM plus its regular attack type stat, plus 5, to calculate its offensive benefit. It is defended against by the worse of ARM and its original type. It costs 5 additional FP. (1)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag cannot be taken on ARM attacks.
  • Enchanted: (ENC) This attack uses the average of SOR plus its regular attack type stat, plus 5, to calculate its offensive benefit. It is defended against by the worse of SOR and its original type. It costs 5 additional FP. (1)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag cannot be taken on SOR attacks.
  • Martial: (MAR) This attack uses the average of TEC plus its regular attack type stat, plus 5, to calculate its offensive benefit. It is defended against by the worse of TEC and its original type. It costs 5 additional FP. (1)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag cannot be taken on TEC attacks.

Status Effect Flags

  • Blind: (BLND) This attack inflicts the Blind debuff if it hits. Blind increases the chance that a target's attacks will be successfully reacted against. This attack costs an additional 15 FP. (4)
  • Break: (BRK) This attack inflicts the Break debuff if it hits. Break increases damage taken on +guard by 20% for 3 rounds. This attack costs an additional 15 FP. (4) (FC)
  • Cripple: (CRP) This attack inflicts the Cripple debuff if it hits. Cripple reduces the target's Technique for 3 rounds. This attack costs an additional 10 FP. (3)
  • Delay: (DLY) This attack inflicts the Delay debuff if it hits. Delay lasts for 3 rounds by default, and it subtracts 1 from the PL of any attack issued. It also reduces the efficacy of healing effects by the target by 10%. This attack costs an additional 5 FP, and requires a minimum of 15 FP to use. (2)
  • Disease: (DISE) This attack inflicts the Disease debuff if it hits. Disease reduces THP intake by 75% when active, and applies a 10% damage bonus to attacks against the target when THP is active. Regardless of whether THP is active, Disease imposes a small penalty to all stats. This attack costs an additional 10 FP. (2) (F)
  • Dispel: (DSPL) This attack, if it hits, removes two buffs from the target. Additionally, there is a 75% chance that a third buff is removed, and a 50% chance that a fourth buff is removed. Any buffs beyond the fourth have a 25% chance of removal. Buffs of lower duration are prioritized for removal. It costs an additional 10 FP. (2)
  • Disrupt: (DRT) This attack inflicts the Disrupt debuff if it hits. Disrupt lasts for 3 rounds, debuffs the Charge reaction, and disables the additional FP gain from PS Force Critical, Arcane Font, Countermeasures, Power Burst and successful reaction bonuses. This attack costs an additional 10 FP. (2)
  • Drowsy: (DRWS) This attack inflicts the Drowsy debuff if it hits. The Drowsy debuff imposes a slight penalty to attack hitcheck and incoming reaction rolls for 3 rounds. This attack costs an additional 15 FP. (4)
  • Entangle: (ENT) This attack inflicts the Entangle debuff if it hits. Entangle prevents the target from achieving a Critical Dodge and debuffs their evasion attempts, and lasts for 3 rounds. This attack costs an additional 25 FP, and requires a minimum of 30 FP to use. (5)
  • Hex: (HEX) This attack grants its target the Hex debuff. Hex lasts for 3 rounds, like most debuffs, and while it is active no debuff on the target can expire. This means Restore won't do the trick, and upon +rounding, they will remain at 1 round duration until Hex wears off. Hex does not affect itself, and does not affect Pressure Point, Silence, Malfunction, Shieldbreak, or Entangle. However, it also grants a 15% further chance of any other debuffs landing. This attack costs an additional 25 AP and requires a minimum FP count of 30. (4)
  • Infect: (INFE) This attack increases the duration of all debuffs except Pressure Point, Malfunction, and Silence by 2 rounds, if it hits. It costs an additional 10 FP, with a minimum required FP value of 30. (2) (FC)
  • Interrupt: (INT) This attack inflicts the Interrupt debuff, which lasts for up to 2 rounds and lowers the PL of attacks by 1 and the critical chance of attacks by a significant amount. It has a chance to wear off with each attack made. It costs an additional 10 FP, and requires a minimum of 15 FP to use. It also prevents Counterattacks against this attack. (3) (FC)
    • Combo Option: The attack removes 2 Combo from the target. This Combo Option costs 1 Combo.
  • Jam: (JAM) This attack inflicts the Jam debuff if it hits. JAM reduces the target's ARMs for 3 rounds. This attack costs an additional 10 FP. (3)
  • Misery (MSRY) This attack inflicts a random debuff on the target, excluding Boss-only debuffs. This attack costs an additional 10 FP and requires a minimum of 30 FP to use. (3)
  • Mute: (MUTE) This attack inflicts the Mute debuff if it hits. Mute reduces the target's Sorcery for 3 rounds. This attack costs an additional 10 FP. (3)
  • Poison: (PSN) This attack inflicts the Poison debuff if it hits. Poison inflicts a small amount of damage each time the target acts for the next three rounds. If this attack also has the Artillery flag, and is used against a target with PS Gear, it instead inflicts the Corrode debuff. Corrode inflicts increased damage each time the target acts for the next three rounds. This attack costs an additional 10 FP. (2)
    • Combo Option: In addition to its normal effect, this flag raises the PL of an attack by 1. If this attack also has the Artillery flag, and is used against a target with PS Gear, this damage is proportionately increased. This Combo Option costs 1 Combo.
  • Shieldbreak: (SHBR) This attack inflicts the Shieldbreak debuff if it hits. Shieldbreak prevents the target from achieving a Critical Guard and debuffs guard attempts, and lasts for 3 rounds. This attack costs an additional 25 FP, and requires a minimum of 30 FP to use. (5)
  • Slow: (SLOW) This attack inflicts the Slow debuff if it hits. Slow increases damage taken on +evade by 20% for 3 rounds. This attack costs an additional 15 FP. (4) (FC)
  • Weaken: (WKN) This attack inflicts the Weaken debuff if it hits. Weaken reduces the target's Power for 3 rounds. This attack costs an additional 15 FP. (4) (FC)

Healing Flags

Healing flags grant the targets Temporary Hit Points (THP) which last for 2 rounds by default, with the duration extended by 2 rounds for each additional healing effect. It is possible for active heals--Absorb, Heal, Hi-Heal, and Full-Heal--to critically heal, multiplying their final heal value. All healing effects are doubled when applied by Gears (or with the Artillery flag) to Gears. Heals can be further modified by Personal Skills like Green Thumb. Additionally: Facade, Gatling, and Strain all add to a Heal's effects just like they would a damaging attack.

  • Absorb: (ABS) This attack grants its target THP based on their current HP percentage. Above 75%, it's worse than a regular Heal. Below 50%, it's about a Hi-Heal. Below 25%, it's significantly better. The effect scales within this range. This attack costs an additional 30 FP, and requires at least 30 FP to use. (3)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag may not be applied to the same attack as Full-Heal, Hi-Heal, Inverse, or Heal.
  • Full-Heal: (FULL) The target of this attack gains a base of ~280 THP, or twice that if their current form has PS Gear. This attack costs an additional 50 FP, requires a minimum of 60 FP to use, and must be a Signature or Mystic Arte. (7)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag may not be applied to the same attack as Absorb, Heal, or Hi-Heal.
  • Heal: (HEAL) The target of this attack gains a base of ~100 THP, or twice that if their current form has PS Gear. This attack costs an additional 25 FP, and requires a minimum of 10 FP to use. (3) (F)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag may not be applied to the same attack as Absorb, Full-Heal, Inverse, or Hi-Heal.
  • Hi-Heal: (HI-H) The target of this attack gains ~190 THP, or twice that if their current form has PS Gear. This attack costs an additional 35 FP, and requires a minimum of 30 FP to use. (5)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag may not be applied to the same attack as Absorb, Full-Heal, or Heal.
  • Inspire: (INSP) This attack gives its target 2 Combo, and may not target the attacker themselves. It costs an additional 15 FP. (3) (F)
    • Combo Option: This flag grants an additional Combo, for a total of 3.
  • Inverse: (INV) The target of this attack, if they have the Zombie PS, gains a base of ~90 THP, or twice that if their current form has PS Gear. This attack costs an additional 25 FP, and requires a minimum of 10 FP to use. (2)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag may not be applied to the same attack as Absorb, Full-Heal, Heal, or Hi-Heal.
  • Recover (RCVR) This attack removes a debuff from the attacker on use. Additionally, there is a 75% chance a second is removed, 50% a third, and 25% that all other debuffs are removed. It costs an additional 15 FP. (4)
  • Regen (RGN) This attack grants its target the Regen buff. Regen grants the target ~40 THP at the end of their round. If there's no other heal on the attack, it grants 1 tick of healing on taking effect from an attack. This attack costs an additional 30 FP, and requires a minimum of 15 FP to use. (3)
  • Reload: (RELO) This attack gives its target an amount of FP: this is 40 FP for a single target and 15 FP for multiple targets. Reload may not target the attacker themselves. It costs an additional 15 FP. (3) (F)
    • Combo Option: This flag grants an additional 15 FP.
  • Restore: (REST) This attack, if it hits, removes two debuffs from the target. Additionally, there is a 75% chance that a third debuff is removed, and a 50% chance that a fourth debuff is removed. Any debuffs beyond four have a 25% chance of removal. Debuffs of lower duration are prioritized for removal. (2)

Buff Flags

  • Amplify: (AMP) This attack grants its target the Amplify Buff. Amplify increases the target's ARM for 3 rounds, and replaces the Jam debuff, if present. This attack costs an additional 10 FP. (3) (FC)
  • Blitz: (BLTZ) This attack grants its target the Blitz Buff. Blitz applies the Formation flag to all of the target's outgoing attacks for 3 rounds. This attack costs an additional 25 AP and requires a minimum FP of 30 to use. (5)
  • Burst: (BRST) This attack grants its target the Burst Buff. Burst increases the target's TEC for 3 rounds, and replaces the Cripple debuff, if present. This attack costs an additional 10 FP. (3) (FC)
  • Cover: (COV) This attack grants the attacker the Cover Buff, which provides a small bonus to Vitality for 2 rounds. All of its other effects apply to its target. It costs an additional 5 FP to use. (3) (FC)
  • Dynamax: (DYN) This attack grants the Dynamax buff, which gives a bonus to Critical Hit chance and adds Artillery to all outgoing attacks for 3 rounds. It costs an additional 5 FP to use. (2)
  • Expansive: (EXP) This attack grants the Expansive buffs, which adds the Area flag to all attacks for the target except for Mystic Artes. It lasts for 3 rounds. It costs an additional 10 FP to use, requiring a minimum FP of 45. (2)
  • Hyper: (HYPE) This attack grants its target the Hyper Buff. Hyper increases the target's Power for 3 rounds, and replaces the Weaken debuff, if present. This attack costs an additional 15 FP. (4) (FC)
  • Lock State: (LOCK) This attack grants its target the Lock State buff. Lock State lasts for 3 rounds, like most buffs, and while it is active no buff on the target can expire except via Enrage's clear condition. This means Dispel won't do the trick, and upon +rounding, they will remain at 1 round duration until Lock State wears off. Lock State also provides a 15% reduction to the chance of debuffs landing on the target. This attack costs an additional 25 FP and requires a minimum FP count of 30. (4)
  • Mighty: (MTY) This attack grants the attacker the Mighty Buff, which provides a small bonus to Power for 2 rounds. All of its other effects apply to its target. It costs an additional 5 FP to use. (3) (FC)
  • Pray: (PRAY) This attack grants its target a random buff. This attack costs 10 FP. It requires a minimum of 30 FP to use. (3)
  • Protect: (PRO) This attack grants its target the Protect buff, which gives the user 20% of the target's damage from incoming attacks. This attack costs 5 FP. It requires a minimum of 15 FP to use. (1)
  • Quick: (QCK) This attack grants its target the Quick Buff. Quick reduces damage taken on +evade by 20% for 3 rounds, and replaces the Slow debuff, if present. This attack costs an additional 15 FP. (4) (FC)
  • Riposte: (RIP) This attack grants the attacker the Riposte Buff, which provides a small bonus to Reflex for 2 rounds. All of its other effects apply to its target. It costs an additional 5 FP to use. (3) (FC)
  • Shield: (SHLD) This attack grants its target the Shield Buff. Shield reduces damage taken on +guard by 20% for 3 rounds, and replaces the Break debuff, if present. This attack costs an additional 15 FP. (4) (FC)
  • Surge: (SURG) This attack grants its target the Surge Buff. Surge increases the target's SOR for 3 rounds, and replaces the Mute debuff, if present. This attack costs an additional 10 FP. (3) (FC)
  • Terastilize: (TERA) This attack grants its target the Terastilize buff, which allows a character to use the best of their ARM, SOR, and TEC stats regardless of attack type in both attack and defense. This attack costs an additional 30 FP, and requires a minimum of 30 FP to use. (5)

Resource Management Flags

  • Chain: (CHAI) This generates 2 additional Combo for the attacker. It costs an additional 10 FP, and requires a minimum of 30 FP. (3)
  • Efficient: (EFF) This attack's FP cost is reduced by 10. This only applies to the base cost of the attack; it will not provide a discount for Access form surcharges or Area attacks. (2)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag may not be applied to the same attack as Refined or Self.
  • Emerald (EMR) At Condition Green, an attack with this flag costs 20 FP less than it otherwise would. This attack costs no extra FP and has no extra minimum to use. (2)
  • Refined: (REFI) This attack's base FP cost is reduced by 5. This flag does not apply to surcharges, such as those from PS: Access or the Area flag. (1)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag may not be applied to the same attack as Efficient or Self.
  • Rise: (RSE) This attack removes Stagger from any character it hits. This attack costs an additional 45 FP, and requires a minimum of 60 FP to use. (6)
  • Self: (SELF) This attack can only be used on the character using it. Its FP cost is reduced by 15, to a minimum of 0. (1)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is incompatible with the Area, Efficient, Refined, Inspire, and Reload flags.
  • Wildfire: (WLD) This attack is less accurate (by about the same amount Brutal1 is more accurate, but against all reactions) and gains a minor bonus to critical hit chance. Its FP cost is reduced by 20. (3)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag can only be used on offensive attacks.

Stance Flags

  • Advance: (ADV) This attack places you in the "Hero" Stance, which increases outgoing damage and decreases incoming damage by 6%, as well as increasing all FP costs by 5 (or 10 for Signature moves, or 15 for Mystic Artes). Hero Stance lasts until a mutually-exclusive Stance is activated. This attack costs an additional 5 FP. (1) (F)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is incompatible with all other Stance flags except Counter.
  • Anticipate: (ANT) This attack places you in "Anticipate" Stance. This next time you Evade an attack, you gain an additional 20% damage reduction. (2) (F)
  • Bold: (BOLD) This attack places you in "Avenger" Stance, which grants a bonus to outgoing and incoming damage of 6%, making the character hit harder but also take more damage. Avenger Stance lasts until a mutually-exclusive Stance is activated. This attack costs an additional 5 FP. (1) (F)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is incompatible with all other Stance flags except Counter.
  • Cancel: (CANC) This attack removes Avenger, Stoic, Hero, and Sage stances, and grants you 1 Combo. It costs an additional 5 FP. (1) (F)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is incompatible with all other Stance flags except Counter.
  • Counter: (CTR) This attack places you in "Counter" Stance. The next time that you Charge an attack against you while in Counter Stance, you launch an attack on your attacker. Its PL varies based on the PL of the attack you Charge; 0-4 PL produces a PL 4 counterattack, 5-6 PL produces a PL 5 counterattack, and PL 7+ produces a PL 8 counterattack. The counterattack's Type is based on the Type of the attack that placed you in Counter Stance. Counter Stance lasts two rounds, or until you next Charge, whichever comes first. Note that Charging with a Counter foregoes the usual bonus FP from Charge; the benefit is the counter. This attack costs an additional 15 FP. (4) (F)
  • Prepare: (PRE) This attack places you in "Prepare" Stance. This next time you Guard an attack, you gain an additional 20% damage reduction. (2) (F)
    • Flag Incompability A character may only have one of Counter, Prepare, and Anticipate active at once.
  • Prudent: (PRUD) This attack places you in "Stoic" Stance, which reduces both outgoing and incoming damage by 6%, weakening the character's attacks but strenghtening their defenses. Stoic Stance lasts until a mutually-exclusive Stance is activated. This attack costs an additional 5 FP. (1) (F)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is incompatible with all other Stance flags except Counter.
  • Withdraw: (WDW) This attack places you in the "Sage" Stance, which grants a significant penalty to outgoing damage of 10%, boosts outgoing healing by 15%, boosts debuff odds by 30%, and reduces all FP costs by 10 (Minimum 0). It also reduces the cost of Force Actions by 5 FP, to 15 FP. Sage Stance lasts until a mutually-exclusive Stance is activated. This attack costs an additional 5 FP. (1) (F)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is incompatible with all other Stance flags except Counter.

Zero Cost Flags

  • Pass: (PASS) This attack does nothing. It does not trigger on-hit PSes. (0) (F)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is mutually exclusive with all other flags.
  • Reserve: (RSV) This attack generates an additional 5 FP for the attacker. (0) (F)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is mutually exclusive with all other flags.
  • Rush: (RUSH) This attack generates 1 Combo for the attacker. (0) (F)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is mutually exclusive with all other flags.
  • Strike: (STR) This attack gains an additional 1 PL, which counts towards PL-related FP requirements. If the character's current form lacks PS Fiend or PS Nemesis, this flag cannot increase PL above 8. (0) (F)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is mutually exclusive with all other flags.

Boss Flags

  • Crush: (CRU) This attack, if it hits, deals damage equal to 40% of the character's remaining HP. On a successful Guard, it deals 20% of their remaining HP; on a partial Guard, it deals 30%; on a successful Critical Guard, it deals 10%. On a successful Evade or Charge, it deals 25%; on a partial Evade or Charge, it deals 30%; on a sucessful Critical Evade, it deals 0%. On a critical failure of any type, it deals 45% damage. An attack with this flag cannot inflict Knock Out, and grants its targets 15 FP. This attack costs an additional 70 FP. (3)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is mutually exclusive with all damaging flags, including but not limited to Gatling, Gamble, Smite, Purge, Roulette, and Headshot. Use sparingly.
  • Curse: (CRSE) The target is afflicted by Jam, Cripple, Mute, Slow, Break, and Weaken. It costs an additional 50 FP to use this attack. (10)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is incompatible with Jam, Cripple, Mute, Slow, Break, and Weaken.
  • Destroy: (DTRY) This flag reduces the base cost of an attack to 0. The affected attack grants its targets 50 FP, and removes the Stagger debuff from them, if applicable. (2)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is mutually exclusive with any flag that exclusively grants a Buff or THP, or which reduces the duration of Debuffs on its target.
  • Leak: (LEAK) The target is afflicted by Leak, which increases the cost of all ARM attacks by 30 FP. Note that you can only be affected by one of Starve, Old, and Leak at one time. This flag requires a minimum of 45 FP and costs 25 FP. (5)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is mutually exclusive with Old and Leak.
  • Malfunction: (MAL) Locks down the use of ARMs attacks for two rounds. You can only be afflicted by Silence, Malfunction, or Pressure Point (never two or three) at any given time. Please note that this attack is restricted. It is documented here so you will be aware of its existence, if targeted. (4)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is mutually exclusive with Silence and Pressure Point.
  • Menace: (MCE) This attack removes Stagger from the character using it. This attack costs an additional 45 FP, and requires a minimum of 60 FP to use. (6)
  • Old: (OLD) The target is afflicted by Old, which increases the cost of all TEC attacks by 30 FP. Note that you can only be affected by one of Starve, Old, and Leak at one time. This flag requires a minimum of 45 FP and costs 25 FP. (5)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is mutually exclusive with Starve and Leak.
  • Pressure Point: (PRES) Locks down the use of Technique attacks for two rounds. You can only be afflicted by Silence, Malfunction, or Pressure Point (never two or three) at any given time. Please note that this attack is restricted. It is documented here so you will be aware of its existence, if targeted. (4)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is mutually exclusive with Silence and Malfunction.
  • Reaper: (RPR) This attack, if it hits, inflicts the Reaper debuff on the target. Reaper lasts for 3 rounds, and inflicts damage on completion of each turn, much like Poison except much more powerful. This attack costs an additional 30 FP to use. (6)
  • Ruin: (RUIN) This attack, if it hits, removes all Buffs and Temporary Hit Points from a character. It costs an additional 30 FP. (6)
  • Silence: (SIL) Locks down the use of Sorcery attacks for two rounds. You can only be afflicted by Silence, Malfunction, or Pressure Point (never two or three) at any given time. Please note that this attack is restricted. It is documented here so you will be aware of its existence, if targeted. (4)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is mutually exclusive with Malfunction and Pressure Point.
  • Starve: (STRV) The target is afflicted by Starve, which increases the cost of all SOR attacks by 30 FP. Note that you can only be affected by one of Starve, Old, and Leak at one time. This flag requires a minimum of 45 FP and costs 25 FP. (5)
    • Flag Incompatibility: This flag is mutually exclusive with Old and Leak.

List of Commands

Information in Combat Commands

  • +stats/+stats <form>: Stat viewer. +stats displays the form you are currently in; +stats <form> displays <form>.
  • +scan: Shows combatants in the room with various combat information, including buffs, debuffs, and stances. With an argument, shows more detailed information on one character.
  • +form <form>/+mode <form>: Switches your current form to <form>.
  • +health: Displays your personal +health, including form name, a banner announcing special form-defining Personal Skills, HP, FP, Force Level, Status, a banner reporting Boss status and remaining Boss actions, and a short queue.
  • +attacks: Lists your current form's attack list.
  • +libra <name> Gives an overview of a target's statistics. Only works on targets in the room with you, and on the form they are currently in.
  • +free Without arguments, shows a list of free attack flags available to the user. With arguments, sets a free attack.

Combat Action Commands

  • +attack <target>=<attack name>: Attacks a target with an attack from your list on your current form. Multiple targets separated by semicolons.
  • +defend target/attacker: Enables a Defend action (take effect of an attack to another character onto yourself).
  • +force <Force Action>(=<target>): Activates Force Actions. Most Force Actions take no arguments. Mystic requires a target.
  • +cancel <target>: Cancels an attack on a target. Attacks cannot be cancelled after their target makes a reaction to them.
  • +force/cancel: Cancels Force Actions that apply to yourself. Works before but not after round-end procedure.
  • +evade <queue number>: Uses the Evade reaction against an opponent in your queue.
  • +guard <queue number>: Uses the Guard reaction against an opponent in your queue.
  • +charge <queue number>: Uses the Charge reaction against an opponent in your queue.
  • +accept <queue number>: Uses the Accept reaction against an opponent in your queue.
  • +guard/fail <queue number>: Automatically fails your Reaction against an attack, while emitting a failed Guard Reaction.
  • +evade/fail <queue number>: Automatically fails your Reaction against an attack, while emitting a failed Evade reaction.
  • +selfko: Transmits the KO message to the room, regardless of your current HP.
  • +free: Lists all available tags for your Free attacks.
  • +freeattack <attack name>|<power level>|<type>|<Flags>|<separated>|<thusly>: Adds a Free attack to your current form.
  • +free <attack name>=<type>/<power level>/<flag>: An alternate, simpler free attack setting command.
  • +freeattack/sweep: Wipes all of your Free attacks on your current form.

Boss Commands

  • +boss/act <Action>: Activates Boss Actions. Currently, no Boss Actions take arguments.
  • +heal/<switch>: Full heal command. Takes /full, /boss # for boss health, or /optional # for optional boss heal. # is the number of opponents. If you need to change your bossed HP total, use +heal/adjust # where # is the new number of opponents.
  • +qte/start <player1> <player2> <etc>=Name/<guard, evade, or charge>,<guard, evade, or charge>,<guard, evade, or charge>
  • +boss/turn: Ticks down one turn (used with timed boss fights).

Sneak/Counter Name Commands

  • +sneak/name <false name>: Sets a false attack name that any Sneak attacks will use.
  • +sneak/clear: Clears your false attack name for Sneak attacks. They will use their real names.
  • +counter/name <false name>: Sets an attack name that any Counter attacks will use.
  • +counter/clear: Clears your attack name for Counter attacks.

Bucket Commands

(see Buckets for info)

  • +bucket/place # - Places a new bucket with # slots.
  • +bucket/adjust # - Only works if you have a bucket. Adjusts slots to #.
  • +bucket/clear - Clears your current bucket.
  • +bjoin <Bossname> - Joins an extant bucket.
  • +bleave <Bossname> - Leaves your current bucket.

Dream Chasers staff have access to reports from the use of csys commands, which are used for bug tracking and balance monitoring purposes.

See also...