"Being alive is pretty much a constant state of embarrassment."
Lydia Seren was a talented shaman from the Baskar Colony who dreamt of becoming a great engineer like Emma Hetfield. Unfortunately, she was kidnapped by Solarian agents and experimented and became a summoning weapon. At least, that was the idea. Instead, Lydia Seren met Virginia Maxwell and Carakin who encouraged her to never give up. It took some time, but she's taken those lessons to heart and strives to protect Filgaia to the best of her ability. Lydia is foul mouthed, wild, and violent but beneath that exterior is someone who is very foul mouthed, wildly unpredictable, and surprisingly violent. But beneath THAT is someone with a strong sense of justice, a big heart, and frightening determination.
Virginia Maxwell - Ginny is the best. She doesn't make fun of me and teaches me valuable life lessons and has skeleton friends. She stayed my friend too. She rocks!
Maya Schrodinger - Ginny's hot girlfriend. She's smart and sweet and really good at giving compliments! Must train harder!! ......I think she's into cosplay.
Skeleton - The greatest hero. This isn't just my opinion, it's also objective fact.
Kaguya - Sisters, huh? But it feels like we keep moving in the opposite direction.
Matilda Whitehead - Sorry for, like, not being reasonable over my people being ethnically cleansed.
Ethius Hesiod - Don't you get I want to forgive you? But it isn't that easy?
Emma Hetfield - Man she really is brilliant! I want to be a renowned genius like her someday!
Jaqueline Barber - Leader of the Carakin. She's kind of everybody's mom. EVERYBODY'S.
Carina Wynne - A Carakin Armorer I see around sometimes. Anyway let me tell you about Metal Digger Locus... ... ... Like what the hell?
Shalune Amira - I'm glad she's finally accepting the path of 'smashing shit' into her heart ha ha ha that asshole was SO MAD.
Catenna - My oldest friend if you think about it!
Cyre H. Lorentz - Undercover brother from a different Baskar Village.
Kourin - Well she has a dog and can stab people so good start.
Avril Vent Fleur - She cut off Castle's arm so I definitely will lend her a hand when she needs one. I just wish she could help my people...but...
Lily Keil - Man her backstory has gotta be FUCKED UP.
Riesenlied - Mom is pretty great. Since meeting her, everything in life is just...easier to handle! The Guardians approve of her enough to lend her their power so as far as I'm concerned, she's honorary Baskar! <3 <3 <3
Seraph Ragnell - She's a great mentor and a good friend. I don't think she's doing what she's doing just out of spite.