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Malfi by Angeline Roussel.jpg
IC Information
Full Name: Malfi
Gender: Female
Age (Birthdate): 37 (March 29, 469 PC)
Hometown: Photosphere
Hair Colour: White // Eyes: Amber
Class: Zoologist/Researcher/Part-Time Warrior
Role: Drifter
Bounty: 0 Gella
OOC Information
Theme: Original Character
Major Group: Metal Demons
Minor Groups: None
Player: User:Malfi

Latest Update

Malfi arrived in Ignas with a group of Drifters, all investigating the unusual light that had appeared over Ignas. Rille Felis informed them about a mysterious space portal, the source of the light. They resolved to investigate as long as they could avoid Kislevi and Aveh patrols.


  • Loves: Coffee, recognition
  • Likes: reading, old books, sweets and pastries, experiments that work
  • Dislikes: Most humans and their food, cruelty
  • Hates: Guardians, bullies, Alhazred
  • Flaws: Pride, vanity, overreaching ambition, inexperience and lack of critical thinking
  • Weaknesses: Sorcery, lack of a real killer instinct
  • Personality Traits That Could be Exploited: Honor code, scientific curiosity

Malfi by Ainemswork small.jpg


Powers and Abilities

Malfi is a typical tank-fighter, slow but strong. Her weapon is a lance (it telescopes). She adds the Electric/Lightning Element to most of her attacks. She is also notorious for “Net” attacks that Entangle and/or capture opponents. If she is monster-hunting, she will always have a way to immobilize the monster and transport it back for study and/or training. Her resources range from ropes and cords and muzzles to cages to force-cages to sedatives to stasis fields.

  • Scientific curiousity. Malfi is always seeking out intriguing specimens. If she's unable to capture a live one or procure a dead one, she'll settle for scanning it. Her scanner also carries compact records of her databases.
  • Huntress. Some of the monsters she pursues are wily, cagey, and/or powerful.
  • Traps, Snares, and Tranquilizer Darts. She has a variety of ways to capture her targets.
  • Electrical element. She absorbs non-magical Lightning attacks (though an actual lightning strike would probably kill her) and can sense non-magical electromagnetic fields. Her Heal buff involves transferring bioelectrical life energy, and while it would work on Filgaians, they wouldn't find it comfortable, particularly if they have ties to the Guardians. She has internal batteries to power these abilities.
  • Built for War. Don't let her status as a scientist fool you: she can hit hard.
  • Bogey. Her Metal Beast Bear-Dog mount/companion has atypical programming for a Metal Beast. He resembles a hairless steel bear with dog mannerisms (or perhaps a Vulcan sehlat without the fangs) and can be quite friendly when not in combat mode. If he IS in fighting mode, watch for his bites, rakes, and bear hugs. He is omnivorous to a fault, but like his master, prefers metals. He will protect his rider at all costs.
  • Orn.Her second Metal Beast, resembles a huge eagle. Malfi dislikes flying, so she doesn't use him as a steed, but he's useful for reconoittering. She often attaches a video camera to him and sends him out to spy on the terrain. She is training him to carry messages.
  • Adolescent Anti-Reality Bubble. Take an Earth teenager. Make them immortal. See how the delusions of invincibility get even worse? Yeah. So far, she believes the propaganda she's been raised with, and she hasn't learned (much) critical thinking yet. In spite of this she has a serious demeanor and comes across as older than she is. The bubble is gradually being punctured, as she's been defeated by humans several times now.
  • Kinsight. She can spot other Metal Demons, even when they're in disguise.
  • Standard Metal Demon Powers. Shapeshifting, regeneration. And you thought just making the teen immortal was bad... Her shapeshifting is adequate enough that she can pass for human if she likes, though in a more petite form. She can also adapt her senses, particularly her vision, to see ultraviolet, infrared, or distance; this also makes her resistant to Blind.
  • Damage sponge. Her armored form adapts to battlefield conditions, on top of her already impressive hit points. Her "armor" is actually part of her body. It is alive. It has a pulse. (Yes, she can unmanifest it at will). She normally wears a surcoat over it.
  • Hammerspace. Like every JRPG character ever, she somehow manages to stow away her oversized, overwrought weapon whenever she needs hand(s) for something else. ICly, she probably just teleports it into storage and back. Her backup weapon is a broadsword.
  • Google Translate. See notes above. The translation happens in her BRAIN, so she appears to be proficient at speaking and reading Filgaian (at least until the translator screws up). It is no help with ancient runes and such, though. She can update its vocabulary manually with a bit of concentration.
  • Portable Scanner. She is rarely without this.
  • Barista. After a year of preparing coffee at least once daily, she's pretty good at it. She has perfected a recipe for arnica latte, which helps with pain and speeds healing. She is using synthetic arnica, which is far less effective than the real thing, so the healing effect is light to moderate.
  • Rumor Has It. She keeps up with the latest rumors, though she disbelieves 95% of them.
  • Batman prepared. When Digging she carries a backpack full of useful supplies.

Logs and Cutscenes

Chapter 1, Act 1


Chapter 1, Act 2


Chapter 1, Act 3


Chapter 1, Act 4


Chapter 1, Epilogue


Chapter 2, Act 1


Chapter 2, Act 2


Chapter 2, Act 3


Chapter 2, Act 4


Chapter 2, Epilogue


Chapter 3, Act 1



Metal Demons and Other People

  • Alhazred. SCARY. She resents him very much.
  • Ambrosius. Not to be underestimated.
  • Berserk. Relieved he's dead, the big bully.
  • Boomerang. Admirable sense of honor. She doesn't trust Luceid, though, for being a Guardian.
  • Dean Stark. Clobbered her good, then dragged her to safety after Lords Alhazred and Berserk abandoned her to bleed out. She owes him a debt of honor.
  • Ebony Wings. Respects them but has steadfastly refused to join them. She agrees that using deceased Metal Demon parts to make ARMS is grotesque (and morbid).
  • Elvis. Brain AND muscles. A valuable ally.
  • Epsilon. Steel Panther, eh? Wonder if he can change into one.
  • Fenrir. She's a strong fighter who does not belong among the Tainted.
  • Gamma. Finally, someone younger than her that she technically outranks. Other than Yarobeleedt. Everybody outranks him.
  • Kalve. Could spend hours discussing the latest advances in our fields. Plus, it pays to stay on good terms with the medic.
  • K.K. She has not met him yet.
  • Lady Harken. Grateful she looks after her subordinates. More people should do that.
  • Neriah Parringer. Enigmatic and secretive. Has proven her loyalty, such as it is, on multiple occasions.
  • Noeline. Why would she throw in her lot with the Tainted?
  • Riesenlied. She was right about Mother after all. And I have more sympathy for the Tained now, having been one (for a time) myself.
  • Siegfried. Respects and is intimidated by him. He is a strong commander who expects results. [OOCly, he's a bad guy but he's also, y'know, right. Kind of like Magneto that way].
  • Yarobeleedt. Annoying but situationally useful. Bottom of the pecking order. His nickname for her is ^Creature Creature^.
  • Zed. He's very brave, or very foolish. Possibly both.

Specimens Malfi Would Like to Claim and Study

Drifters and Others

  • Animal. Are all humans so savage and unpredictable?
  • Arleph Ardan. Met him in passing. Is he really a Doctor of Symbology?
  • Ashes. She is really too young to be wandering around by herself.
  • Ashley Winchester No human should be that powerful!
  • Asteroid the Kid. Not sure if she's even human, or what happened to her if she is. (Malfi does not realize she and Lydia Seren are one and the same).
  • Avril Vent Fleur. A young woman who hangs around with Dean.
  • (Catenna). A dangerous shaman.
  • (Cecilia Adlehyde). Seen from a distance, she's a blonde shamaness who calls down the Turtle's wrath.
  • Chime Isa. She just HAS to be one of those super-annoying perky morning people. An elf with healing powers. Operates a pair of mean crossbows. Devastating "Arrows of Light" attack.
  • Citan Uzuki. Just a simple country doctor...
  • Cyre H. Lorentz. A tigerman with wind and light powers.
  • Dash Caskett. Don't think I've run into your species before. Whatever it is!
  • Elhaym Van Houten. Seen from a distance, in her Gear.
  • Gwen Whitlock. Sure seems to know what she's doing.
  • Hannah Curie. A Crest Sorceress.
  • Hicalu Wilwisp. Makes excellent muffins, especially the chocolate ones!
  • Hiro. Young and exuberant. Ruby is a dragon?
  • Iskandra Grendorre. She must be related to Mikaia.
  • Josephine Lovelace. She has a pet bird who may be more than she seems.
  • Kahm Yugh. Doesn't know his name but recognizes him as a dangerous opponent.
  • Kourin. Met her briefly. She has a well-trained, obedient dog.
  • Layna Manydays. So she's a pirate?
  • Leon Albus. A capable leader of the Black Wolves
  • Lily Keil. Scary!
  • Lydia Seren. A very unusual human. The horns suggest herbivore, but those teeth!
  • Lunata Croze. The very picture of despair.
  • Margaret. Mysterious.
  • Rille Felis. A furred, horned and fanged Beastwoman who's proven very helpful.
  • Scythe Riebaure. A potent sorcerer.
  • Sephilia Lampbright. Accompanied her to a ruin in Lunar. Doesn't know her well.
  • (Seraph Beast). What is this strange being? A sentient, floating statue?
  • (Seraph Lanval). An invisible(?) water person(?)
  • Shalune Amira. Has impressive mechanic skills.
  • Talise Gianfair. Accompanied her to a ruin in Lunar. Doesn't know her well.
  • Timu Guado. Very young to be adventuring on her own. I wonder if her parents know she's here?
  • Virginia Maxwell. Has very unusual companions/summons.
  • White Knight Leo. Her initial skepticism about those moon stories has been routed, now that she's actually BEEN TO Lunar.
  • Yulie Atreide Odessa is interested in her but won't tell me why.


  • Ethius Hesiod. Is dishonorable and not to be underestimated. Nearly killed her with a dust attack during two altercations: 1 and 2. He's been hunting and killing Metal Beasts, even though I gave him the command words to pacify them. Xenocide.
  • Ida Everstead-Rey. A truly frightening human with mysterious powers. Kicked Malfi's ass and beat Yarobeleedt into a coma at the Nota Bridge. Malfi refers to her as "THAT WOMAN," or she did until the big escape from the Photosphere. Ida has earned her grudging respect.
  • Kaguya. Admits to being an alien, but what kind, exactly? Deceptively fragile-looking. Wish I'd had the chance to scan her; then I might've gotten some answers!

Other / Notes

Character portrait by Angeline Roussel, commissionable through ArtCorgi. Fullbody character portrait by Ainemswork, commissionable through SketchMob.

Excavated and Other Prizes

What Where Status
A death butterfly preserved in a glass jar Rujm El-Hiri (not logged) Sank with the Photosphere.
A Heal Berry and a purple participation ribbon Lacour Arms Coliseum Still has the berry; ribbon sank with the Photosphere.
Several samples of Fell Dragon blood for analysis The Sorcery Globe, Elluria Sank with the Photosphere.
A Gear in need of repair Desert west of Guardian Temple It was reduced to its component metals, put in suspension, then Malfi and her friends drank it.
One share of a footlocker full of gella Kislev-Aveh Front Spent on coffee and sweets.
A meganut seedling Gourmet Quest Blackmoon (not uploaded) Destroyed along with Wayside, where it was planted.
An old book with a white dragon on the cover Lunar: Tintagel Ruins Sank with the Photosphere.
Discount coupons to Ramus's shop Lunar: Meribia Sewers Sank with the Photosphere.
A couple of dead chimeras for study and dissection Lunar: The Feral Menagerie Learned that they are closer to being ONE creature rather than a fusion of three. The remains have since been discarded.
A source for magically-pure water. Lunar: Sinner's Cellar No access to it now, but it made GREAT coffee!
Several ornate books Lunar: Sinner's Cellar Sank with the Photosphere.
A scan of three engraved gems Lunar: Emry's Mire Sank with the Photosphere.
A dead Sinscale insect for study Lunar: Azado Sewers Analysis still in progress using the Photosphere's advanced equipment. Sank with the Photosphere.
Two gems, a dead Miniblin, and some glass bottles with corks Serpent's Coils Bottles are being used to gather samples. The rest sank with the Photosphere.
What Where Status
Jacqueline Barber's "Earth Pillar" Crest Graph At the destruction of Wayside Returned to Jay during a rescue
A handful of Seraph Amaranth's chocolate healing hearts Lunar: Chocolate Factory in East Nota She still has them.