Minor Groups
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This page serves as an index for minor groups. Minor groups are small, but semi-permanent, bands who have come together for common cause. They are entirely player-created, and different from the major groups that control the world. While they do not command the technological might of Solaris and the Veruni, nor the military power of Althena's Guard and Odessa, they can combine the resources of their members.
If you would like to create one, please see our Group Application.
Current Minor Groups
- The Black Wolves are a small mercenary company founded by the two survivors of a Kislevi commando team with the same name. The successor group formed in the wake of an attempt on the life of Prime Minister Shakhan and kidnapping of Princess Cecilia. The Wolves act as an allied band of Drifters, taking difficult jobs and involving themselves in the reclamation of ARMs, protecting individuals and items, and the wars being fought on Filgaia. Despite that, much of their profits go towards funding their own mission and protecting the small team that they have gathered.
- Calamity is an organization created by an alliance of Siegfried, Ganondorf, and K.K. By gathering Ganondorf's forces, the remnants of Odessa, and Metal Demons still loyal to their former commander, they have set out to save Filgaia from the dangers of Solaris, to save Lunar from the dangers of Zophar, and to control the world for its own good. While they have a goal that many Drifters might share, the means they employ are ones that few Drifters could ever agree with.
- Formed from the ashes of Jay's Curatives and Curios, the Caravan Kinship travels the land providing food, medicines, and other various supplies to those in need, or those who have money to buy them with...and sometimes, just lending an ear to people and their problems. Just look for the big, friendly golem on the horizon, and the Caravan Kinship are sure to be not far behind.
- o/~ CaraKin, CaraKin, with Shal's scraps to fill your Bin! o/~
- o/~ CaraKin, CaraKin, with Jay's jollies when you scrape your Shin! o/~
- o/~ CaraKin, CaraKin, with Cat's curries made not from the Tin! o/~
- o/~ CaraKin, CaraKin, with us any way you'll always Win! o/~
- - The Caravan Kinship Jingle
- Ever lurking in the shadows, the Crucible is an insidious organization dedicated to the spread of misery and discord across the world. Twisting the unfortunate to their whims, the members of the Crucible have varying motivations, but are all allied by a common goal of inflicting their corrupting cruelty on mankind -- and spreading the seeds of malevolence where they go. From Hellions to even Seraphim and stranger things still, their membership all have one thing in common: they are not here to help humankind.
- Tomamond is a small group of explorers who are investigating a legendary region on Glenwood, now lost to time, called the Lost Land. The group is named after a ship from the Lost Land, which somehow made its way to Spira shortly before whatever calamity befell the region. Tomamond's membership includes a number of individuals who have connections to the Lost Land... or, perhaps, want to find it and discover its treasures for personal gain.
- The Vanguard of the Mayflower is the result of an agreement between the Veruni Moderates -- those who wish for a Veruni future that coexists with the rest of Filgaia peacefully -- and similarly aligned Drifters. Recognizing that the actions of the Veruni Radicals threaten more than the people under their control but all of Filgaia, they seek to counter plots and advances by the Radicals while working to both find an answer to the existential threat to the Veruni that is VR Factor and demonstrating that cooperation and coexistence between the Veruni and the people of Filgaia (and beyond!) is possible and achievable.
- The Lord of Calamity and her allies bring chaos and misfortune wherever they go. These vile fiends (dubbed such by Althena's Guard, who also names them betrayers, heretics, vermin, criminals, and Acolytes of Calamity, on occasion) are symbols of war, heresy, and even apocalypse: rumors are spreading across Filgaia that this group of demons are the harbingers of the planet's doom, threatening to turn its long, slow demise into a quick, painful one. For their own part, the Vile Fiends (internally, cheekily, the Vile Friends) are seeking a way home to Lunar by exploring the ruins of Filgaia's past, protecting each other and those in need, and trying to experience everything the Blue Star has to offer, like the ragtag bunch of space tourists that they are.
- The Wayside Outreach is an international non-profit organisation dedicated to providing three services throughout Filgaia:
- Aid, undertaking missions to provide relief to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, and disasters.
- Integration, undertaking dialogue to defuse cultural tensions and assist the needs of non-native species, such as the Hyadeans and Veruni.
- Research, undertaking Digs to research the complex and storied history of Filgaia and Lunar in order to find solutions for long-standing issues such as Zopt Syndrome and VR Factor.
Former Minor Groups
- The Dawn Chasers are a group of Drifters who have gathered around Princess Cecilia Lynn Adlehyde and her goal of retrieving the Teardrop from the Metal Demons. They oppose the Metal Demons in ways small and large, hoping to defeat the diabolical ambitions of those who would kill their world. All have their own agendas and seek their own horizons, from vengeance for fallen comrades to seeking desperately for a way to go home; but united, the Dawn Chasers seek to restore the ancient Guardians of this world and harness its lost secrets, to provide a new dawn for all Filgaia.
- The Fox Company is a group of world-roaming explorers, collectors and occasionally entertainers and dealers in semi-legal goods, whether Lunarian law likes it or not. Unlike most bands of Drifters, the Company enjoys the support of an unknown funder, who occasionally asks the group to undertake missions, sell products and spread music and sometimes liquor throughout the worlds. This anonymous benefactor compensates the group with supplies and great deals on treasures the team discovers in the course of their journeys. Whomever supports the Company seems more than happy to quietly support a little band of heroes... or at least a band of rabble-rousers.
- The Hyadean Remnant loosely describes those from a distant planet named Hyades, who arrived on Filgaia aboard the interstellar vessel known as the Photosphere. Once called the Metal Demons, their guardian deity's treacherous revelations and the destruction of their home on Filgaia has left the Hyadean people a diaspora. For some, centuries of war in service of a lie has has broken their will to fight and the journey to integrate into Filgaian civilization has begun. For others, there can be no end to the battle until blood is answered with blood. The destruction of their home and their leader must be answered.