Pangalactic Federation

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"Go forth, and do what you must."

--Stephen D. Kenny, First President of the Terran Alliance

The Pangalactic Federation is the largest multi-planetary government in the universe of Dream Chasers. It is more than 10,000 years old and represents several hundred races of sentient life. The Federation is the predominant power in the Milky Way and has a foothold in the Andromeda Galaxy as well, making its name both an overarching ambition and a literal fact.

The information contained in this file is meant to represent basic information that most denizens of the Federation would know, though if you want your character to have flunked history in space high school, that's entirely your business. Only characters originating from outside the Kepler-186 system (where both Filgaia and Lunar are located) will be aware of this information at launch.

History of the Pangalactic Federation

The Federation owes its existence to an older organization that was born on planet Earth following the discovery of faster-than-light subspace warp system, which enabled interstellar travel. This discovery prompted a massive wave of colonization and diplomatic exchanges as humanity encountered alien life for the first time. Most of these encounters were positive, and in 12 SD (Space Date, the current calendar), the Terran Alliance was formed. Over time, the Alliance grew, and eventually reformed itself into the Pangalactic Federation in 1552 SD.

As the Federation is composed of hundreds of different (predominantly humanoid) races, their internal histories will be slightly different. Nonhuman OCs from Federation space will be required to submit a brief description of their planet and its history as part of their application, focused mainly on when and why it joined the Federation.


The Federation's supreme leader is its elected President, who is permitted under the Federation Charter to serve no more than five four-year terms. The President's role is significant -- he or she or it holds executive power over military and xenological affairs, and also serves to tiebreak deadlocked votes in the Pangalactic Assembly. The current President, Kattell Hovorn Beleth of the planet Eldar, is beginning her second term.

The Assembly -- which controls Federation-wide policy on commerce, culture, and a host of other matters -- is formed of members elected from 25 equally-partitioned galactic sectors of the Milky Way, and 50 sectors in the Andromeda Galaxy. That's how it works in theory, anyway; in practice, only 21 sectors of the Milky Way and 6 in the Andromeda Galaxy are occupied and under the control of the Pangalactic Federation, resulting in an Assembly made up of 27 Sector Representatives.

Given the sheer size and scope of the Federation's responsibilities -- hundreds of trillions of lives spread across two galaxies -- only the most pressing and serious issues are handled at the Assembly level. Sector and subsector legislative bodies deal with most minor matters... although even the smallest subsector parliaments are responsible for half a dozen star systems at a time. The amount of bureaucratic wrangling that ensues as a result of this organization is fodder for the Federation's critics, who like to portray it as slow, sluggish, and offhandedly authoritarian.

The Assembly and President are housed in the Federation capital, Leonis Prime, located in the Epsilon Sector. Both Earth and Kepler-186 can be found in the Theta Sector.


As of MUSH launch, the Federation is in a state of war with two other competing entities.

  • The Aldian Empire currently occupies the Nu, Xi, Omicron, and Psi sectors of the Milky Way, and has pressed the Federation along its borders for millennia. It is theorized to be based in another galaxy, possibly the Triangulum.
  • The Vendeeni are a race of hostile aliens based in the Andromeda Galaxy, who strongly resent the Federation's colonization efforts.

Resistance movements also periodically emerge from within the Federation in an attempt to throw off what some consider an old, lumbering, and oppressive government. Dealing with these threats requires a significant armed force, and the Pangalactic Federation has that in spades.

The Federation Navy is a volunteer service possessing millions of warships and billions of personnel. Warfare in this far future essentially consists of two types of combat -- either ship-to-ship/fleet-to-fleet battles meant to destroy supply lines and set planets up for raiding, and then the battles on the planets themselves. As such, the Federation Navy is primarily organized around spaceships, although it maintains a significant (think several hundred million) force of Marines specialized in seizing and holding territory while on-planet.

Ships are highly advanced, and range in size and power from small scout vessels and fighters to heavy dreadnoughts nearly as large as planetary satellites. Each of these vessels possesses enormous defensive and destructive power, and even handheld defence weapons carried by the lowest-ranked members of the Federation rival the output of all but the most powerful ARMs on Filgaia.

But their enemies are similarly armed and equipped. Combat in outer space is extremely deadly.

The Federation President is commander-in-chief of its armed forces, though he or she or it is assisted in this role by the First Space Lord (who holds supreme administrative authority over all military personnel) and an Armed Forces Council composed of the military's most senior officers.

The rank structure of the Federation military is included below. To give you an idea of the size and scale of their forces, the total number of officers who can hold a rank at any given time is included.


  • First Space Lord (1)
  • Sector Commander (30)
  • Fleet Admiral (400)
  • Admiral (2,100)
  • Vice-Admiral (10,700)
  • Rear-Admiral (108,320)
  • Commodore (1,487,840)
  • Captain (16,383,000)
  • Commander (119,383,990)
  • Lieutenant-Commander (580,893,450)
  • Lieutenant (2,983,765,570)
  • Ensign (93,904,930,300)

Enlisted Personnel

  • Master Chief of Space
  • Master Chief Petty Officer
  • Senior Chief Petty Officer
  • Chief Petty Officer
  • Petty Officer First Class
  • Petty Officer Second Class
  • Petty Officer Third Class
  • Able Sailor
  • Sailor
  • Sailor's Apprentice

There are approximately 900 billion total enlisted personnel.

Underdeveloped Planet Preservation Pact (UP3)

While very little of the Federation's culture is of pressing importance to Dream Chasers, one law is worth noting: the Underdeveloped Planet Preservation Pact. Known as the UP3 for short, it is a treaty designed to protect planets whose civilizations are not yet fully developed, which is measured by their capability for interstellar spaceflight.

Federation laws strictly prohibit contact with such planets, on the grounds that it would greatly influence the path of history of underdeveloped worlds. All residents of the Pangalactic Federation are required to adhere to this treaty, unless there is a clear and present danger to a person's life.

If interaction with an underdeveloped planet is unavoidable (i.e., because you crash there, and things are trying to kill you), Federation residents are required to minimize the potential influence on underdeveloped worlds by concealing any advanced technology they may have with them. In the event that people on an underdeveloped planet are unduly influenced by contact with advanced technology, those individuals will typically be removed from their home planets, and absorbed into the Federation.

Deliberate tampering with underdeveloped worlds or peoples -- such as spaceships plundering planets of their natural resources -- is one of the few laws for which the Federation will still apply the death penalty. As a result, even people who resent and resist the Federation tend to step quietly around the UP3.

NOTE: In order to maintain the intended feel of the game, admin will be carefully scrutinizing applications for OCs to limit the level of technology extraterrestrials bring with them to Filgaia or Lunar. Something like a ray gun (hi, Opera Vectra) is basically a Zeboim-era ARM, and is evaluated using the same standards. Applications for Federation Gears, known as Assault Maneuver Weapons Systems, will not be entertained.


The Pangalactic Federation still uses the form of dating introduced by the Terran Alliance, which treats the discovery of faster-than-light travel as the beginning of a new calendar system called Space Date (SD). Thus, 2087 AD became 1 SD.

At the time of the MUSH launch, it is year 10,366 SD.

See also...