Riley Arwell

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Riley Arwell
IC Information
Full Name: Riley Arwell
Gender: Male
Age (Birthdate): 21 (October 23 (using IRL terms to keep track of it))
Hometown: Cereza
Hair Colour: Red
Class: Gravedigger
Role: Antagonist
Bounty: 0 Gella
OOC Information
Theme: OC
Major Group: None
Minor Groups: None
Player: User:Hibi

Riley is the host of the Fangs of Valmar, which he has come to share with Xander Lovell through an anomaly that Riley refers to as a "terrible love miracle." The Fangs demand an ongoing series of blood sacrifices, a mission that Riley and Xander don't relish, but have resigned to, traveling the land in search of victims. At a first meeting, Riley may seem to be an amiable Drifter with a playful sense of humor; some may even know him from his pre-Valmar life where he was a simple adventurer. But rumors do follow the pair, and they are wanted in some towns in connection with a series of murders resulting in graves that bloom with red flowers. Riley fights with a bow and dagger, as well as having the power to summon a darkly magical... shovel, which he seems unwilling to discard despite the fact that it is blatantly, palpably cursed.


Powers and Abilities

Riley fights with a bow imbued with the power of Valmar to shoot magical arrows, as well as a frequently poisoned hunting dagger. In situations both dire and mundane, he may call upon what he calls the 'Shovel of Valmar,' a death-aligned ritual tool and polearm weapon. Riley also has the capacity to summon flowers from the Blood Garden, a symbolic space representing Valmar's hunger for blood that the Fangs must appease. The flowers themselves, however, can have very real effects, ranging from blood-drinking to releasing various poisons and toxins.

Logs and Cutscenes

Chapter 1, Act 1


Chapter 1, Act 2


Chapter 1, Act 3


Chapter 1, Act 4


Chapter 1, Epilogue


Chapter 2, Act 1


Chapter 2, Act 2


Chapter 2, Act 3


Chapter 2, Act 4


Chapter 2, Epilogue


Chapter 3, Act 1



Name Stab Rating Comment
Xander Lovell ??/10 What are you talking about? I have definitely never stabbed my dear Xander.
Seraph Boudicca 10/10 Xander tried to stab her and made a cute face when things went awry. Excellent stabbing experience.
Margaret 4/10 I think mostly it was Xander stabbing her, but I helped. I was not a fan of the experience, I would have rather she and her companions went on thinking we were innocent weird newlyweds.
Avril Vent Fleur 3/10 Somehow I was the one who ended up stabbed. Very distressing. Do not recommend.
Magilou 2/10 Helped me tease Xander but set me on fire twice. Would prefer not to stab again.
Zhang Xiumei 1/10 Horrible secret summonable magical armor and weapons. No fun to stab, prefer to encounter in non stabbing contexts.
Eleanor Klein 4/10 Did not intend to stab, was trying to keep as a Drifter friend separate from stabbing life. Still, could have gone worse. Is it possible to cultivate a Drifter friendship that transcends stabbing??
Ida Everstead-Rey 1/10 Please no more people who turn out to carry ancient unfathomable power when we stab them. Please! Please!!
Lily Keil -10/10 AAAAH!! For real?! AAAAAH!!


Taking Over the World It's not the kind of adventure they had in mind. "I say we fight, we crawl, we stand | We make our own way home | We are the only people who grow flowers out of bones"

Peace to the Mountain A lost chance for a cleaner ending. "So let me go | Where no one can follow | Lost with my conscience | Please bury me honest"

Black Magic Evil love miracles are very dangerous and should not be attempted under any circumstances. "Love ain't nothing more than black magic | Better want what you wish for | It might happen"

Karaoke Really, Riley would rather just be having fun. "Take me out | And we'll care about nothing real at all | Pick me up | And we'll make a movie | I'm acting like the world can't hold me down"

