Sorey | |
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IC Information | |
Full Name: | Sorey |
Gender: | Male |
Age (Birthdate): | 17 (???) |
Hometown: | Elysia |
Hair Colour: | Brown |
Class: | The Shepherd |
Role: | Drifter |
Bounty: | 0 |
OOC Information | |
Theme: | Tales of Zestiria |
Groups: | None |
Player: | Zetasol |
A young man from the hidden Seraphim village of Elysia, Sorey's life was changed upon meeting Alisha during a ruins exploration with his companion Mikleo. His sense of responsibility upon hearing her story of the troubled state of the world drove him to leave his safe life, beginning a journey that found him elevated as the legendary Shepherd, a savior who would use the power of the Seraphim to set the world right once more. Tasked with defeating the Lord of Calamity, Sorey travels the world with his human and Seraph companions. Along the way, of course, there are a vast number of ancient artifacts and ruins which need to be explored - a pastime that almost inevitably transforms Sorey from a calm and composed young man into an enthusiastic devotee of scholarship.
Sorey doesn't remember much of his early life. His earliest memories are living together with his friend Mikleo in Elysia, where he lived among the Seraphim who dwelled there for many years. Because of his association with them from his earliest memories, Sorey has always been able to perceive these legendary beings - and truth be told he does not see them as anything particularly amazing. It's hard to be in awe of spirits when you talk with them every day, get in arguments, learn from them, and compete with the Seraphim who is your best friend.
Much of Sorey's early years were spent both learning and exploring. 'Gramps', as he refers to Seraph Zenrus, taught him much about the world, but he and Mikleo were trained in fighting by a friend of the Seraphim whom Sorey refers to only as 'Master'. Sorey's love of ruins stems from this time of his life, as he explored many of the local ruins around Elysia quite extensively. Zenrus recognized that Sorey had both the temperament and compassion that would drive him to become the Shepherd one day - much of his training was in preparation for the day he would leave the village for the greater world.
That day came when Sorey and Mikleo found Alisha collapsed in a ruin they were exploring. Upon bringing her back to Elisya to recover, Sorey learned of the chaos that was engulfing the world - a point that was brought home when the Hellion Lunarre attacked the village seeking to hurt Alisha for ends known only to himself, barely missing her as she had left only hours before. With proof of the threat on Alisha's life, Sorey took off after her, traveling to Ladylake during the Sacred Blade Festival.
During the festival Sorey was present in the great cathedral where the Sacred Blade rested. But due to his resonance and experience with Seraphim, he was able to see what no one else could - the presence of a Seraphim who guarded the Sacred Blade. When the malevolence of the crowd caused a Hellion to manifest, Sorey stepped forward and drew forth the blade, forming a pact with Lailah, its guardian.
And from that day onwards, he accepted the mantle of the Shepherd - tasked with saving the world from malevolence and its master - the Lord of Calamity.
Powers and Abilities
The Pact of the Shepherd - Becoming Shepherd means forming a pact with a Seraphim who has the power of Purification. Sorey's pact has been created with Lailah, and as long as she supports him he can channel the power of any Seraphim who has joined his compact. Because of this Sorey also can use both White and Black magic, something that is impossible for any of those who are not channeling the power of Althena or her Seraphim directly.
Flame of Purification - Sorey's power of purification usually manifests as a blue-white flame which engulfs his sword, thanks to his core pact having been made with Lailah, a fire Seraph. While he can use many different elements in his attacks, the flame is the easiest for Sorey to manifest. Hellions who are struck by the flame have the darkness that makes up their powers and bodies burned away, leaving their mortal or spiritual forms unharmed and often times changed back to what they had been before their corruption by malevolence.
Those who are not touched by the power of darkness feel a strong impact from the flame, but do not suffer physical damage. Those without a strong will, or those who are struck repeatedly, will fall unconscious thanks to the tremendous power that the flame contains.
Althena's Blessing - Sorey is also touched by Althena's Blessing, and naturally can use lightning element magic. It is hard to say if Sorey was naturally inclined to White or Black magic to begin with.
The Armatus - Armatization is the greatest weapon the Shepherd possesses, as it allows him to become one with a Seraphim who has sworn a pact with him. The Seraphim transforms into both armor and weapon, taking on the form of the Divine Weapon which they have used to make their pact with the Prime Lord Lailah as well as a pure white and gold outfit which Sorey wears. These ancient ARMs offer considerable power, although their use drains Sorey's stamina at a ferocious rate and he cannot use them for long periods of time.
Sorey's Companions
- Alisha Diphda: Sorey's first human friend, and a dedicated princess who stops at nothing for the sake of her people. Sorey greatly respects Alisha, and considers her to be his closest human friend - although he worries that once they return to Lunar that the pressure of helping to fight against the Lord of Calamity and her dedication to her duties in Hyland may strain their relationship.
- Rose: A rather plucky young woman Sorey has crossed paths with several times. He believes this number is significantly lower than it actually is due to Rose also being an assassin and having tried to kill Alisha a few times. This will certainly not lead to any tension in the future.
- Seraph Mikleo: Sorey's oldest and closest friend, bar none. He has been through literally everything with Mikleo, and the two are virtually inseparable. Friends, rivals, companions - it is his relationship with Mikleo that helps Sorey to believe that it is possible for humans and Seraphim to coexist in harmony.
- Seraph Lailah: Sorey's Prime Lord Seraphim, and the one who set his feet on the path to becoming the Shepherd. Sorey knows Lialah has been through quite a lot, even if she doesn't talk about it. For her sake, and everyone else's, he strives to become the best Shepherd he can.
- Seraph Edna: Sarcastic and a bit abrasive, Sorey none the less finds Edna's insight and wit to be quite helpful. Edna's willingness to cut to the heart of a problem and her ability to force Sorey to examine his own motivations and feelings have been a huge help. The Shepherd sincerely hopes to repay her by discovering a way to purify Edna's brother from his current scale covered state.
- Amelia Rose: Compassionate and dedicated, Sorey's view of Althena's Guard is a little cautious - he believes that there are good people here, but they might be blinded by their concern for the threat of the Lord of Calamity to how their actions might be perceived.
- Cecilia Adelhyde: A rather odd young woman, Sorey has met the princess several times and still has no idea that she even is a princess. Still her resonance seems unusually high, given that she can see Seraphim without even realizing that perhaps most people can't...?
- Sephilia Lampbright: A poor lost girl - Sorey hopes that she finds a way home, or at least remains out of trouble until his group discovers how to get back to Lunar.
- Talise Gianfair: A bit rough around the edges, but seems like a good person. Despite that, there seems to be some tension between Talise and the Shepherd's group of late...
- Ida Everstead-Rey: A devout scholar Sorey has run into several times now. Seems nice enough, but the fact that she has become overly deferential of late is a bit uncomfortable. The Shepherd isn't someone Sorey expects Filgians to show respect to. Not to mention he's a bit uncomfortable with people from Lunar doing that as well...
- Corwynt: Probably the embodiment of what makes Sorey uncomfortable with the Guard. He seems committed to his duty, but his refusal to consider a fate for the Lord of Calamity that is not death is... distressing.
The Vile Fiends
- Lucia: The Lord of Calamity is a terrible figure, and her strange way of speaking and the sheer amount of malevolence she carries with her is a mark of her dark nature that the Shepherd cannot ignore. While many insist that Lucia is in fact innocent, Sorey has found no other explanation for the sheer amount of darkness that swirls about the young woman. It is possible she unconsciously carries the power of the Lord of Calamity with her... either way, Sorey hopes the day he can purify this young woman will come soon.
- Hiro: While initially a good man that Sorey believed he could be friends with, Hiro being revealed as the Consort of Darkness put a rather large damper on that. Sorey understands that Hiro is doing what he believes is right, but despite his insistence that Lucia is innocent, Hiro has yet to provide a good explanation as to why she carries so much malevolence.
- Jean: Clever, earnest, and willing to help her friends - it's a pity that Jean's friends are all members of the Vile Fiends who serve the Lord of Calamity. Jean seems skilled in a fight, and little more than an innocent young woman caught up in a bad situation... so why do her wanted posters ascribe such dark power to her? The whole 'no dancing' thing is already kind of weird...
- Lemina Ausa: Sorey has heard stories of the wonderful Magic Guild of Vane, and feels that it is a shame that it has fallen into such disrepair. But taking short cuts like allying with the Lord of Calamity isn't the way to make things better, Lemina...!
Metal Demons
- Zed: While initially seeming to just be a weird guy, Sorey has learned that Zed is in fact one of the ancient Metal Demons who attacked Adlehyde. Now he feels a little disappointed - Zed had tried to show him what he aspires to be, but the Demons don't seem to be the sort of group that will let him aspire to be a hero...
- Riesenlied: Sorey inadvertantly kidnapped her tiny Metal Dragon friend Odjn, and got to meet Riese when returning Odjn to her. She seems sad thanks to the carnage her people have unleashed - Sorey hopes that one day she might be able to make a difference one day.
- Noeline: A 'Crimson Noble' which Sorey assumes is some sort of higher ranking Metal Demon, because she certainly seems similar to Riese, although different in weird ways. Described by Riese as her 'closest companion', she seems to be the sort who shares Sorey's desire to learn more about the world, which is pretty cool. Neither she nor Riesenlied seem like the cold blooded killers who attacked Adlehyde, at least...
Logs and Cutscenes
Chapter 1 Logs
- 2017-02-18: Hellions, Strangers, and Stranger Things
- 2017-02-19: Exploring the Sacred Grounds with Future Enemies!
- 2017-02-21: The Nature of Filgaian Saloons
- 2017-02-25: The Lord of Calamity: Lucia the Destroyer!
- 2017-03-03: Shepherd Looking for Destiny (But Not His Destiny)
- 2017-03-25: In Which Princess Alisha Discovers Churros
- 2017-04-01: Everyone Is Clucked
- 2017-04-09: Did You Try Working the Shaft II: It Keeps Happening
- 2017-04-18: New World Old Problems
- 2017-04-20: Fairgrounds Encounter
- 2017-04-25: The Exhausting Berry Cave
- 2017-04-28: Come Hellion or High Water
- 2017-05-11: Malevolence 101
- 2017-05-13: Fertile Soil
- 2017-05-14: In Which Edna Adopts a Kitty
- 2017-05-18: All's Fair in the Fair
- 2017-05-22: The Shepherd and the Fiends
- 2017-05-25: A Personal Request
- 2017-05-26: Trial by Fire
- 2017-05-27: 2 Dragon 4 Sorey
- 2017-06-01: The Shepherd and the Assassin
- 2017-06-11: Butterflies of Doom
- 2017-06-26: Opening Her Eyes
- 2017-07-14: Trials and Crucibles
- 2017-07-27: Loser Bracket Finals: Alisha vs. Garan, Round Two!
- 2017-08-17: Meeting with the Shepherd
- 2017-08-20: Ancient Civilizations Hated People
- 2017-08-21: Ghosts and Wagons and Explosions
- 2017-08-26: The Way Forward
- 2017-09-01: Wearing People
- 2017-09-03: Today Is Warning Day
- 2017-09-08: The Shepherd's Squires
- 2017-10-01: Spooptacular Farmhouse
- 2018-01-07: Masquerade
- 2018-02-25: The Frogs and the Ox
- 2018-03-04: Fly Me To The Moon
- 2018-04-13: Tying Threads Together
- 2018-07-14: Leviathan
- 2018-08-03: The Fall of the Forgotten
- 2018-08-25: Reining In The Raining
- 2018-09-08: Go Jump In A Leck
- 2018-09-13: A Reminder
- 2018-10-07: A Ceremony at Sea
- 2018-10-26: Lava Quod Est Sordium
- 2018-12-15: World Eater