Stat Templates
Stat templates, are a way for players to quickly update their character sheets. To use them, simply take a copy of the sheet supplied and make any changes you desire, for example, adjusting specific stat values or changing attack names. Then submit the adjusted (or not!) sheet with your upgrade app.
Names of the templates are for quick descriptive value only and aren't meant to imply that they are available to specific types of characters. A Baskar Shaman for example is not restricted to the Shaman template!
Templates include Digger stats and tools.
More templates will be added to this list in the future. Please look forward to them, and feel free to make any suggestions!
The Templates
Attacker Types
This form represents a character focusing on damage output who specializes in the ARM stat. Whether this means they use firearm-type weapons or something as exotic as a laser sword is up to you!
This form represents a character focusing on damage output who specializes in the SOR stat. The name of the template may be 'Symbologist' but this is by no means restricted to Symbologists -- anyone who specializes in the time-honored art of 'nuking it with fire' might find this suitable.
Defender Types
This form represents a character focusing on their defences who specializes in the TEC stat. While they might literally be the proverbial 'knight in shining armor', they could just as easily be the tough who doesn't know how to die.
Support Types
This form represents a character focused on support and healing who specializes in the TEC stat. They might be a medic trained for the battlefield -- but they might also be an alchemist or a master of chi!
Debuffer Types
This form represents a character focusing on status effects who specializes in the ARM stat. Are they a trick-shot gunner with special bullets, or are they making use of a more esoteric sort of ARM to debilitate their opponents? The choice is yours!
Other Types
This form represents the typical Baskar Shaman walking the worlds, adept in SOR, but also ARM and TEC as new troubles require new solutions. That said, this form is suitable with some adjustments for just about any character who uses a medley of methods to manage their messes.