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IC Information
Full Name: The Ultimate Macho Man, The Grim Reaper's Pen Pal, The Dark Hero What Fights In The Dark So You Don't Have To... Zed!!!
Gender: Male
Age (Birthdate): LOST TO THE MISTS OF TIME (11/11)
Hometown: Photosphere
Hair Colour: Mossy
Class: Macho Man
Bounty: 0 Gella
OOC Information
Theme: Wild Arms
Groups: Metal Demons
Player: Stormgear

"Here I am! The Grim Reaper's pen pal! The ultimate Macho Man!"

This mysterious green-haired swordsman is nothing less than one of the legendary Metal Demons -- a dark hero from a long-forgotten age. Zed is the ultimate Cool Dude, a mighty warrior who hopes to earn praise, worship, and gushing fan letters from all of Filgaia. Seriously, he's just that cool. In the meantime, he helps his fellow Metal Demons to restore Mother, because that's as good a means as any to ensure the humans respect him. Or fear him. Or just think he's awesome. Zed is cool with any of those outcomes.



Powers and Abilities



Metal Friends


Gamma: I have so much to teach you about the world. So much to learn. Let's start with... The classics.

Riesen: A very nice boss lady who I actually feel like I can talk to about my feelings. My emotions. MY NEEEEEDS.


Noeline: How... do you even move in that dress....?????

Yarobeleedt: ONWARDS, SANCHO!!

Uncle Sieg: Your words guide me every day. Your smile terrifies me every day.

Rival Friends

Claude Kenny: MY FIRST RIVAL! Though we may someday find ourselves on opposite sides of the battlefield, DO NOT WEEP FOR ME! For this... IS DESTINY!

Hiro: MY SECOND RIVAL! Your dragon has very squishy paws and I have yet to find an appropriate replacement.

Drifter Friends

Ruby: A NOBLE RED DRAGON. Also adorable. I want to squish those paws.

Lemina: Lemon. Lemony. Mega-Mari! She's a cool lady who's afraid of nothing and I think I might be a member of a magic guild now??? IDEK.

Jean: Gave me food. 10/10.

Lucia: The Lord of Calamity is actually very nice and thinks I'm being very helpful. This is a strange feeling. Is it contagious?



Sephy: Says she is not a little girl. I am not so sure. Still very nice! Has a strangely, powerful doll.

Vin: Bird man! What's with the weird clothes?

Rosaline: W-what is this... This feeling!? My chest feels tight! My heart is going to explode! C-could this be... No! It's impossible! That power... Nobody can wield that power!

Catenna: Meow. Meooooow. Meow. Your name reminds me of this.

Talise: Tall. Eesh. That's not her name, she's just tall, and punchy, and sings well! A nice person, would get along with Odjn.

Ida: Oh man are you going to have some issues when... No, wait, that's spoilers! Nyahahahaha!

Invisible Friends

Edna: Edna. Eeeeeedddna. Zzzzzzeeeeedna? Hm. Well! She's a big old grump. Turn that frown upside down, umbrella-ghost!

Shepherd Friends

Sorey: The one who taught me the power... The power of RESONANCE. Good guy, needs to stand up for himself more. Wonder if he gets pushed around a lot? Still needs to teach me how to light my sword on fire.

Alisha: Someone needs to teach her not to judge a blue haired apocalypse maiden by its cover! Still not bad. Knows how to appreciate the churro. Owes me pastries.

Enemy Friends

Agatha Pyrelight: A lying liarface who clearly needs to learn how to lie better.

Zed's List

Of Things I am No Longer Allowed to Do in The Photosphere

1) Meal tubes are for eating, not shoving into the fuel port 'because the flavor reminds me of gasoline.'

2) The Quarter Knights do not combine to form Metallicor, Guardian of the Photosphere, and I should not tell neonates that they do.

3) I will no longer tell neonates that Berserk is a Quarter Knight because he is the fattest Metal Demon.

4) I am also not allowed to call Berserk 'The Quarter Pounder Knight.'

5) I will no longer tell neonates that Alhazred is a Duke of Hazard.

6) Glumzamber is a finely tuned instrument of destruction, it does not need to be cheered up. There is no Gladzamber.

7) Mother is in torpor, and will not wake up if I bring her breakfast in bed.

8) I will no longer tell neonates that Alhazred's laboratory is 'full of tasty candy.' Even if Alhazred told me so. Especially if Alhazred told me so.

9) Alhazred is satisfied by his job. He does not need to be told to make new friends. Furthermore, I will be held responsible for what happens if I tell him to make new friends.

10) Lady Harken is not to be categorized as 'tsundere' or 'kuudere' or any other kind of '-dere.' Further transgressions will be remediated by mandatory sensitivity training, courtesy of Berserk and his favorite crowbar.

11) I am not to refer to Neonates as 'loyal battle monkeys.'

12) The Quarter Knights do not need a theme song, nor should I ever attempt to compose one.

13) I am not to teach Metal Dragons to 'fetch the UFO,' no matter how much we might need the resources.

14) Painting 'sick flame decals' on the Photosphere is not a productive use of my time.

14b) Nor is it productive to paint the Metal Dragons.

14c) Being red does not necessarily mean it goes faster.

15) I am not allowed to write 'SOLARIS IS ASSHOLES' really big in the snow in the hopes they read it when they fly over.

16) The Photosphere does not have a critical defect down a maintenance shaft and a trench run is not appropriate to conduct on it.

17) Lucied is a valuable ally in our war on Filgaia, I should not distribute compromising photos of her on the intranet. No matter how adorable they might be.

17b) Lucied's fangs are for the flesh of our foes, not peanutbutter.

18) I am not allowed to grow new friends out of ARMs and living metal. 18b) If it happens again, I am responsible for killing the tumor monster.

19) My copy of Yburn Sphere X is not an ARM, and I cannot synchronize with it. Claiming otherwise is foolish. 19b) Even if 'it speaks to me on a deep and personal level.

20) Noeline's dress is not a chest-high wall for cover shooting, no matter how robust it is.

20b) It is also not a tent, no matter how fluffy it is.

20c) Nor is it an umbrella, and I am not to pick her up by her ankles when it starts to rain.

Charms of Zed the Hero What Fights In The Dark So You Don't Have To

Asura at the Lotus Door

Cost: — ; Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1; Type: Permanent

Keywords: None

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: None

Zed has begun walking the path to true... enlightenment...? How he got there, nobody is quite sure. He claims that it involves sitting under waterfalls and climbing really tall mountains. Whatever the case, he has acquired this technique. It doesn't do anything, except for letting him figure out how to use this new awareness of self to benefit all demonkind!! Or probably just himself. Also may or may not serve as a key to unlock greater martial prowess, but what the devil is a Celestial Martial Art anyway!?!?

Devil-and-Angel Mediation

Cost: — ; Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1; Type: Permanent

Keywords: None

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Asura at the Lotus Door

Zed has learned how to tune his ears and spirit to hear the words of a very specific subset of supernatural creatures. Specifically, Seraphim. He claims that he does this by honing his awakened awareness! That may or may not be true, but some Metal Demons (read: Alhazred) have noticed that, whenever he uses this technique, Zed's aural sensors begin vibrating at extremely specific oscillatory wavelengths. That's totally resonance, right!?!?

Peering Through Heaven's Gate

Cost: — ; Mins: Perception 2, Essence 1; Type: Permanent

Keywords: None

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Asura at the Lotus Door



Second Ignition of the Heart

Cost: -; Mins: Integrity 2, Essence 1; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Emotion

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: N/A

Something strange has begun to awaken within Zed. He is uncomfortable with the heat burning in his heart, the fire that fills his soul, the warmth that fills his chest. He doesn't know its name, but he knows it's there. Now he must learn... To harness its terrible power. This charm represents the first step on the path to mastering true strength. It does nothing except to enable Zed to tread further down this strange and wonderful road.


Logs and Cutscenes

Chapter 1 Logs

Chapter 1 Cutscenes