2024-05-08: An Uncertain But Bright Future

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  • Log: 2024-05-08: An Uncertain But Bright Future
  • Cast: Redi Hayworth, Yulie Ahtreide
  • Where: Caves under the Ruins of Memory
  • Date: May 08, 2024
  • Summary: Redi and Yulie reach a new understanding -- and finally escape the caves underneath the Ruins of Memory, too.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

It's the dawn of the second day in the cavern underneath the Ruins of Memory! At least... it is probably morning, because there isn't sunlight One can't be entirely sure.

Despite the rather important conversation late last night, taking down their camp had a lot to do for Redi and Yulie after getting up: rolling up their separate bedrolls, taking turns changing into travel gear, packing up the cooking supplies, and other little odds and ends.

Redi left a couple of fireballs floating high above the camp to provide light the whole time. She is sliding the last things into her bag, once again wearing her traveling clothes: a white shirt, her shorts, and her blue hat, though it's clutched in one hand right now.

She turns her head, looking at Yulie. They've had time to exchange a few words, but... it's the first time they've really had a chance to talk with all of the morning's preparations.

And for once, Redi isn't quite sure what to say. Though that isn't a bad thing.

"...Hi," Redi settles on, with a goofy smile on her face.

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

Time is hard to tell down here, but it feels like morning. Morning enough, at least - which means it's time to get up and pack up. Yulie's busied herself with work and is now, once again, back in her Paladienne uniform. Her hair is still down - as pretty as they are, neither the crystals nor the lake serve as quite a good enough mirror to get her ribbon fixed just right.

And so, after everything that happened yesterday... Yulie finds herself in quite a good mood, humming to herself as she packs up the last of her things, as well. She stands up, shoulders her pack, then looks toward Redi...

...who greets her with a goofy smile on her face. Yulie can't help but smile back, turning a bit pink.

"Hi." She greets, offering a wave - which she pauses midway through, as her mind catches the instinctive reaction. And once she realises that, she can't help but giggle a bit.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

Redi sees the wave.

That already makes her start to giggle -- she holds it back for a second, but then Yulie starts to laugh, and that does the rest. Laughing is infectious, like that.

She takes a second to stop, then she steps a little closer to Yulie. There's a moment of uncertainty, like she isn't quite sure what to do.

"...S-So, um." She tilts her head to the side. "Big... big day, yesterday! With the, um. W-We're... girlfriends, now?"

A beat.

"Oh gosh I'm sorry I'm not saying it like a question! I-I mean unless you wanted it to be a question then we can make it a question! I-I mean--!"

Then it's Redi's turn to start blushing.

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

Yulie laughs, then Redi laughs, which only makes Yulie laugh even harder... and then, as she's finally recovering from the laughing fit, Redi steps a little closer. She can see the uncertainty.

"Big day..." Yulie agrees with a nod. And then...

Oh gosh, she said it. Yulie goes pinker, stopping in place as the reality hits. Her mind reels, but in a good way - but then as Redi starts to panic Yulie raises her hands, shaking her head.

"N-no, n-no, it's okay, I know what you mean..." She assures. "I, um... is that all it takes? Saying it?"

She asks. She looks awkward for a moment, trying to piece together her own thoughts and feelings.

"B-because, um, I think... I think that would... make me happy?" She replies. "I-if you want to be! Because I know we both have a lot going on right now... But if you do..."

She trails off, her train of thought rapidly running out of track.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

"I--I think so?" Redi says, in regards to how much it takes. Her cheeks are staying red, and she looks at those two hands held up. She calms down a little -- by taking a nice, deep breath.

"I'm not an expert, exactly. I've... the other Redi went on two dates, ever," she says, looking awkward for a second. "But... it'd make me happy, too."

She smiles again, and she tilts her head to the side as she watches Yulie. And it's -- it's a little easy, now, to get lost in thinking while watching her.

"I... I know we've got a lot going on," she says. "But... those things are easier, when you're there. And I--um."

She turns a brighter shade of red. "...I-I want to!" she says. "I... I like you a lot."

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

'I think so'... well, Yulie nods. Redi admits that she isn't an expert. The other Redi went on two dates... Yulie laughs a bit awkwardly, at that.

"That's... two more than I've ever been on..." She admits. It's something she never thought about before. She didn't really have the time to. It never felt... safe, to let herself think about things like that. "But... I'm glad."

She smiles back at Redi as she watches her. She knows... and Yulie smiles as she remarks on how things are easier with her there.

"...Me too. I'm... a little scared, but... I want to give it a try. With you." Yulie decides, clasping her hands in front of her with a nod and a smile through an equally red blush. "I really like you, too."

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

"H-Hey... it's okay." Redi says, with a smile. "Those feel like a long time ago. And... um, I feel... a lot more strongly about you."

She hesitates for a second, when she hears Yulie is scared. And her heart skips a beat, to see her clasping her hands like that. Funny, she thinks, how suddenly that's making her fluster more than before.

And hearing that Yulie really likes her, too... that hits her right in the heart. Her voice catches for a second.

She takes a step forward again, then she puts her hands on Yulie's shoulder. She does so carefully, nervously.

"Let's try, together, then," she says. "Besides... I think a romantic snuggle under crystals totally counts as a date, if we want it to."

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

Yulie smiles back with a small, awkward laugh as Redi assures her that it's okay. Those feel like a long time ago... Yulie smiles a bit more brightly, though, as Redi says she feels more strongly about her. It's nice to hear that.

She sees that hesitation... and, it helps a little to know that this is both something they're feeling out, that they're both trying to figure things out.

Redi approaches, hands on her shoulder... and with a smile, Yulie rests a hand on top of them.

"Yes... let's." She agrees, and laughs, just a little. "You think so? I'm okay counting it if you are... I don't think a lot of people can say they've done the same."

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

"Mm-hm. I think this one's all ours," Redi says, with a glance around the cave. Despite it being a day later, it is still lit up from her fireballs -- though they're not as dim as they were last night.

She takes one of Yulie's hands, then, and squeezes it. Then she lowers it, so they're hand-in-hand. "You, um, you want to start heading out?"

There's a beat, as she looks around the crystals. "I'll miss this place..." But the memories are ones that she'll always have.

And these ones are hers.

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

"Yeah." Yulie agrees with a nod. There's something nice about that thought. Something that's solely theirs. Not even Brionac can take this moment, this place, from her.

Redi takes her hand with a gentle squeeze and Yulie holds on, nodding.

"Yeah... If we stay here too long, everyone might start to worry." She replies, the follows Redi's gaze as she looks around the crystals one last time.

"...Yeah. Me too." She murmurs. She'll miss it... but it's better to leave it be, to let it remain here and continue to persist as it has until someone else finds it again.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

Redi holds Yulie's hand, and doesn't let go. And it's nice, she thinks. They'd held hands before -- but it was different. To show support, to prop the other up, when they were having a hard time.

Doing it just to do it is wonderful, in its own way.

"Hicalu is probably already worried," Redi admits, with a little laugh.

She looks around for a moment more. One day, maybe, they can come back. She nods, then she starts walking -- keeping pace with Yulie.

After they get walking, though, there's a brief pause -- then she looks sideways at her.

She grins, sheepishly. "So... we should have a second date, when we get out of here. I-I mean... we're traveling together, so I know we're usually spending time together, but..."

She trails off. "Go somewhere as a date!"

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

It's nice... It's amazing how different it feels, to hold another's hand just to feel their presence.

"You're probably right..." Yulie agrees, with a small laugh of her own. "I wonder what he'll think about all of this."

Redi nods, and Yulie nods, and then, they're off to continue finding their way out.

And then, a pause. Redi offers her a sheepish grin.

"A second date..." Yulie replies, mystified. Saying a 'proper date' doesn't feel right. A date they intend to be a date when deciding on it, maybe... She nods, pumping her free hand to hype herself up. "I think... that would be nice!"

She considers that for a moment, though.

"I don't, um... know any places that would be good, though..." She admits, a bit sheepishly.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

Redi looks sideways, considering for a moment what Hicalu will say when he finds out they are dating. It is an important question! And she certainly doesn't want him to feel like a third wheel. But she settles on the initial reaction.

She looks very serious, for a moment, as she looks at Yulie. Then, solemnly, she says, "I think he'll say... 'Aaaaaaaah.'"

Then she bites her lip and tries to not laugh.

But, then there is the question of a second date -- and where they should have a second date. Redi looks sideways at Yulie.

She smiles, before she squeezes her hand, reassuringly.

"All the places I know are in Hilton," she admits. "Maybe--um--" She pauses, thinking for a moment more.

"What about Energy Nede?" she asks. "I heard one of the cities has an aquarium and someone said it's a popular date spot. There'd be fish! And..."

She coughs and looks to the side. "M-Maybe I think you look really cute in Nedian clothes." She turns red again. "That's not the only reason! J-Just... y-you know!"

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

Yulie meets Redi's Very Serious look - and then offers a Very Serious nod.

"I think you're right." She agrees... then smiles. "...I hope it's a happy one."

She's excited to share this news with everyone. Nervous, but... excited.

Redi squeezes her hand and some of her nervousness fades. It's alright - she doesn't need to worry.

Most of the places Redi knows are in Hilton... that does complicate things a bit. Yulie frowns, 'hm'ing contemplatively as she tries to think of someplace, too... It's Redi, though, who first thinks of an idea. Yulie brightens.

"Oh, that sounds amazing. I bet it's lovely." She enthuses... and laughs good-naturedly as Redi coughs and looks away. Cute...

"You really think so...? I do like Nedian clothes." Yulie considers. "They're comfy and easy to wear... I'm not sure if it's the fabric, or something they do differently..."

She smiles.

"I'll definitely keep that in mind." She decides.

It might be time to pick up a new outfit. She has casual clothes, but something fit for a date... She nods to herself, secretly excited about the prospect of picking out an outfit for the purpose of someone else. It's something she's never done before...

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

Redi breaks into a smile after Yulie's serious look -- then she nods. "I think he will," she says. "I... I think everyone will. Might be biased, though."

Not that she minds being biased at all.

She looks sideways at Yulie, and she grins when it becomes obvious that her idea about an aquarium date was a hit. She laughs, even, a little embarrassed at the way she enthuses about Nedian clothes.

"D-Definitely!" she says. "I... I'll get some too. I have to dress up for it! And... besides," she says. "I wanna see these super comfortable clothes for myself."

Maybe it's time for a couple of new outfits for herself. Wearing her uniform -- even part of it -- does feel like wearing someone else's clothes, some day. But...

Something Yulie will like sounds perfect, too.

She pauses as she keeps walking -- because ahead, she spots something. A little sliver of gold-white sunlight, across the rocks. Her eyes widen.

"Hey, Yulie, is that...?"

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

"I think so, too." Yulie agrees, with a slight giggle as Redi admits to being biased. ...Maybe she is, too. And then she nods, brightening as Redi mentions the possibility of picking out some new clothes of her own.

"I'm really excited to see what you decide on." Yulie replies, eagerly. She likes Redi's uniform... but the idea of seeing a different side of her, something unique to her, is really nice, too.

They continue, and up ahead... a soft sliver of light. Yulie blinks, staring at it for a moment and then nods slowly in disbelief.

"I... think it is. Though... that would mean..." She trails off - but the conclusion is easy enough to reach.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

"I'll dress to impress!" Redi says, with a wink that ends up a little goofy looking.

She slows to a stop -- and nods, as Yulie confirms: that is a beam of sunlight, which means there is a way to the surface. And on the one hand, it is a relief. They need to get back to Hicalu, to their friends.

But... but, on the other hand...

This place was important. It hurts, somehow, to know they're about to leave it behind. Even the parts that were hard...

It's the happiest Redi has felt in a long while. She falls quiet, as she looks at it, and contemplates that.

But whatever's on the other side of it, it's a new step. And one she isn't taking alone. She looks sideways at Yulie, again. "You ready, Yulie?"

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

Yulie can't help but smile and laugh good-naturedly, at that. Redi winks, and it's a little goofy-looking... but it's that goofy side of her that she finds so charming.

...It's nice to think that, even though she'd probably be way too nervous to actually voice the thought aloud.

But for what's ahead, they've reached the same conclusion. The surface is just up ahead.

...Yulie's going to miss it too. But she meets Redi's look and, after a moment, she nods.

"...I'm ready." She confirms, with a squeeze of her hand.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

Redi watches her, for just a second more. She smiles when Yulie nods -- and then she squeezes her hand back. "Then... let's go, together!"

And even if she will miss it, there are a lot of things to look forward to, out there. Redi starts walking.

Hand in hand, and with a growing sense of excitement.

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

"Let's go." Yulie agrees. She takes a deep breath to ready herself... and then she heads forward.

Hand in hand, to an uncertain but bright future.