2024-02-08: A Cycle Remembered, A Cycle Relayed, A Cycle Relived: Difference between revisions

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(whale noises are the spookiest thing to all Spirans)
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Latest revision as of 21:49, 11 February 2024

  • Log: 2024-02-08: A Cycle Remembered, A Cycle Relayed, A Cycle Relived
  • Cast: Timu Guado, Nina Chiyome
  • Where: Serene Coast
  • Date: February 08, 2024
  • Summary: Following the attack on Pewter City by Michael of the Ten Wise Men, Timu's been granted a relaxing, restful beach day as thanks for having attempted to come to the defense of the people there. Nina Chiyome, up and coming ninja, checks on her new Visitor friend following all of that - and becomes party to a discussion about the problems Spira faced and how larger-than-life those who stood against Sin are. Things take a turn when a creature of a strong resemblance to Sin surfaces from the water...

===============================<* Serene Coast *>===============================

The Serene Coast is a temperate region in northern Kanto, including a large cape that has Vermilion City and Fuchsia City. It is named for its peaceful, tranquil environs. Lightly wooded, especially to the north, and with rolling plains throughout, it is dotted with homes and small villages. The coastline itself has some of the most spectacular beaches in Energy Nede, and there are a number of towns on the coast. It is a rather pleasant place to visit, and many Nedians come here on vacation.

BGM: Star Ocean: The Second Story - Field of Nede - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E03_d3DAOXs
<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    Thanks to Energy Nede's incredible healing Symbology, Timu Guado is a lot better off with a near brush with death by Michael. As quiet thanks for her coming to the defense of the people of Energy Nede, she's been given some FOL and coupons for fun times and services at the Serene Coast of northern Kanto. It's always great beach weather here! (Sometimes it's *fantastic* beach whether, but right now it's merely great. Merely! Great is great. There's never bad beach weather here.)
     It's a nice mid-afternoon, with lots of local teenagers and young adults starting to filter in after classes or morning work shifts, and already it's a riot of fun beach games, music, song, and... Pokemon battling, of course!
     Timu's taking it easy with Fuecoco by her side, sitting down in the sand atop a blanket. She's wearing loose-fitting garments that are nonetheless long-sleeved, and sitting underneath an umbrella to keep the sun off. Her burns need a little more time to heal. There's a very frilly, fruity beverage of a bright red-orange color next to her, and a cooler full of snacks and goodies.
     It helps keep the mind off, and certainly, it's 'earned,' but left to herself and knowing what she's facing... she can't help but feel a bit pensive in the moment.

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Nina Chiyome won't admit she's lost. (She's not. To be fair.) She's just gotten wildly off track trying to balance her team and get some practice in. She might have taken a chat with a gym leader to help.
 Nina's been picking fights! Kinda. You don't improve without battling after all. Right now she's got her quilava riding across her shoulders, dozing and she's quietly taking pictures of places with her phone. Totally innocent stuff!
 It's why she actually walks past Timu at first. It isn't until she's wandered past while looking at the pictures that she realizes what's up!
 She spins on her heels, standing on her toes to get a look over the crowd. It doesn't help. Climbing a convenient pole does though!
 With a flourish, she spins around, gaining momentum to jump (Waking up Poppy who makes a confused noise) and makes her way over to the alien!
 "Hey." She says, leaning forward, "You doing okay? Didn't think you were the melancholy type."

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    "Fueeee?" Fuecoco looks up as Nina approaches. He's holding an indistinct treat of a berry-like nature between his hands that somehow has not been devoured all at once yet. Perhaps this Fuecoco understands the nature of savoring things and making it last*.
(* incorrect, it's a flavor they don't like very much. They do, however, fully respect and appreciate Timu's intent and values it as food all the same, because Fuecoco is a good friend.)
     "Oh! Nina, hello..." Timu looks up with a start. She's sitting with her knees up, and hands curled around them. She does indeed look a bit melancholy. She's had a few close scrapes with mortal danger along the way as a Drifter - Rille ensured they merely stayed 'close' in their travels together - and she's certainly had some frightening and traumatizing experiences during Sin's very final days.
     "...I nearly died from Michael." She says, sullen, unsure how to broach the subject. Without the Guado culture lingering over her shoulder to tell her to keep it to herself, she says it plainly. "In Pewter City."
     Fuecoco ambles closer to Timu, sensing her distress, and looking up at her with those beady eyes of his. She parts a hand from around her knees to pat him along the side of his head.
     That attack is well-publicized by now.

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

The ninja offers Fuecoco a finger wave. Her Quilava makes a sleepy noise and dozes off again. She's lazy when there's nothing happening. Don't worry about it.
 She moves to take a seat nearby. Not quite alongside. That's rude and while Nina's blunt force approach is her usual approach, there's more to her!
 "Heard about that." She says after some thought. That's a rough subject as a whole. "I haven't.. quite watched any of it though." She's tried to avoid it truth be told. Though some part of her is preparing for the worst.
 "What are you going to do now?"

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    "I don't know."
     Timu's answer is more measured rather than frustrated, as if still trying to process all of it even when wrapped in some of the greatest creature comforts that not even the height of Guado societal decadence could ever imagine of.
     Fuecoco stays there for her sake, really, both of theirs. He was truly brave that day as a mere Fuecoco, but he's in a time and place where he can be vulnerable and scared for what happened too - and she did her best to protect him in turn.
     "Everyone else is... they've always been amazing," she continues. "So many of them were so brave and strong against... him. Just like they were with Sin."
     'Sin' is not something Nina would know about.

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Nina Chiyome pulls her knee up and rests her chin against it while wrapping her arms around it. "Well. If I can help somehow, let me know. Even if it's just.. I dunno. Talking?" She shrugs. She's a kid, she doesn't have that kind of experience yet.
 She glances at the Fuecoco and scratches her cheek briefly before adding, "You two probably just need.. something." She has it on the edge of her mind. Something that would help. Then she shakes her head. Wrong people and it slipped away anyway. All out in the open Nina is. "Could.. keep you company for a bit maybe." Which is what she's doing and trying, but the offer's there.
 "I don't know what kind of group needs to face sin. I always took that as more metaphorical."

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    Timu's taller than almost all of the adult Nedians around her, but she's as much a child as Nina is.
     "..." Some awkward silence passes as Nina tries to voice out her feelings on something that she herself appears to be out of her depth with, and at last... Timu nods her head. "I'd... I'd really like that," she concludes. "It's a nice day out here. I shouldn't be out in the sun so much right now, I'm letting some burns heal."
     Nina's curiosity about what kind of group might need to face Sin, mistaking it as a metaphor, makes Timu realize her slip as her other hand goes to her chin. "Oh... I'm sorry, umm."
     "Where I'm from, Sin was a terrible creature that struck my homeland for over a thousand years. Only recently, were they defeated for good."
     Fuecoco relaxes a little as Timu lets out some of her distress in destressing, leaning back to continue eating their treat. It's okay if this isn't their favorite, next time Timu will get one he likes!
     "It used to be... defeating Sin would only buy time before they came back again. We'd call those periods of time a Calm." Timu explains. To put it this way, there might be some sort of societal equivalent to the Ten Wise Men, only Energy Nede's Calm lasted for a mere (mere?!) tens of thousands of years.
     "Sin was... a large creature that lived in the water around Spira. Every so often, they'd attack villages, destroying everything there. They looked like an enormous fish." She might be describing something that looks in abstract a lot like a Wailord. Can one imagine a hostile Wailord surfacing from the water to rise up and destroy everyone and everything people loved?!
     A ways away, the water stirs.
     Timu shakes her head. "...Don't... I'm sorry, don't worry about it. Sin's not going to hurt anyone any more."

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Nina Chiyome nods and settles in for the long haul. Easing back just a little and visibly looking relaxed enough at least.
 She looks over and tilts her head, considering that. "Not my specialty. I know some old medicines and techniques, but probably nothing that would help with a burn." She tilts her head and pulls a funny face, "You'd think picking the fire type-" she gently nudges Poppy, "I would though. That was more my sister's thing."
 She does listen to the explanation. Though she can't help, but shake the vibe that the giant fish was a magikarp. She even states as much, "So like the myth that magikarp cause earthquakes?" Hey, it's close. Sort of.
 "That's.. good at least." She definitely sounds out of place again. Not for a lack of tying.

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    Fuecoco finishes their little treat with one final gulp, and then walks along over to Poppy. "Coco...?"
     He wants to play! As is the nature of the Nedian beasts, usually, sizing up the older Fire-type starter.
     "It's okay. They took care of me at the Center," Timu says, to the tune of she'd be unimaginably worse off otherwise. She exhales out her nose, and moves along to the explanation.
     "...Do Magikarp become so large and powerful that they could?" Timu looks a bit alarmed in the moment. She's seen at least one flopping around that she helped throw back in the water the once, as they seemed like they struggled so much more than almost anyone she's seen. (They appreciated the gesture then.)
     "...It is," she reaffirms. Spira didn't bring their long-standing societal boogeyman with them, but Seymour most certainly tried to create one on Filgaia a long time ago. That, too, didn't come to pass. Timu returns to hugging her knees as the sounds of fun in the sun commence further out in spite of the shared sullen moment too.
     That water stirs a little more, up ahead, as if a foreboding promise of... something.
     "Are you scared of what happened in Pewter, too?" This seems like it should be an obvious question, but, as far as Timu can tell, she's the one who directly lived through the reign of Sin, and Energy Nede's at the (re)start of something similar.

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Nina Chiyome nudges the sleepy Poppy with her elbow teasingly, "Hey. Wake up. You have company." Which is met with a drawn out big yawn. "You've been sleeping all morning. Come on." She nudges the quilava again before the pokemon finally hops down, shakes herself off a few times. Hiccups and flares up briefly before finally sniffing at the Fuecoco curiously.
 Nina nods, "Probably better than ancient herbs and spices mixed into a powder and turned into a dubious pill." She plays that off, but she has a few of them in her kit for a reason. Shh!
 "I don't think I've ever seen one get that big. Just an old rumor." She shrugs, "Their evolved form can get a bit scary, but they're still not that big. I.. think." She's guessing in regards to Sin.
 "I am." She admits, to the question about being scared, "But if there's so many aliens helping out, I figure I should too." Which is mostly bravado. She's very scared, but the resolution's there. She'll help because she doesn't want them to think they're not doing their part! Amongst other things admittedly.
 "Maybe it's why we kept some of our traditions alive even if they weren't ever really used for more than-" she waves a hand, "Tourist attractions and familial stubbornness in not letting something important slip away." She's part of that stubbornness. It's why she's pretty open about what she does!
 "I.. do think I'm going to sneak over to Filgaia and get the bit of meteor I found made into a real thing though. Kinda feeling like wood and rope's not going to cut it."

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    "Fuecoooo~" Fuecoco waves their arms up and down to the sleepy, sniffing Poppy. Come and play with me, Quilava, all parts of Fuecoco's vocal and body language say, as the fresh breeze of sea salt settles among them. They might not like the water very much, but it is a beautiful day.
     "I've seen those in some stores," Timu mentions, "they were cheap, but neither Fuecoco nor Moteray really liked them... so I didn't use any of them again." Even in this post-scarcity society, some things are worth spending more money on for sake of their friends, and Potions that aren't awful to the mouthfeel like the herbal powders is one such example.
     Timu cocks her head. She can't imagine the very idea of something like a Magikarp turning into something scary and dangerous...
     She listens as Nina mentions her resolve about everyone else helping out, thinking back to the time everyone found her and her sister out on the Thunder Plains nearly meeting their end to a group of Fiends off of her dangerous idea and resolve to go to Bevelle during the war.
     "...We can't hide behind what we're familiar with forever," especially when it turns out to be deceitful and destructive, as both the Guado exploitation of the Yevon faith - and the Yevon faith itself - turned out to be. It strikes her in the moment that Nina might be where she was, when she was a few years younger.
     "Be careful over in Filgaia. It's not like here at all," she shakes her head, "it's not always easy to find food or what you need, and... the people there can be awful to you if you don't look like them." Nina would have it a lot easier, as elves are accepted and integrated into Filgaia society and she can pass for that. Something Timu herself couldn't, given the unique features of the Guado.
     Suddenly, ahead, the water starts to part, and a dark gray creature somewhere between a shark and a whale starts to surface - the five meter-long Hestrol, the Visitation Pokemon, whose song starts to fill the air on the beach with an inquisitive...
     Timu stands up suddenly with a start, knocking over her umbrella as she raises a hand. "What is that?! Is that Si-- no."
     It's not Sin.
     But the likeness and some of the associated trauma does not disappear overnight.

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Nina Chiyome tilts her head and asks in confusion, "If someone's marketing our pills with our name, let me know. We don't sell them." She grins, "Family secret." Which.. actually is true. Just seems like a joke.
 Still, the quilava shakes herself out again, stretches one more time and huffs out a little flame before arching her back and doing a little dance. Because the player can't help, but think they're fire weasels.
 Then she pounces at the applegator.
 "I've never been one to hide-" She pauses, "I am one to hide. A lot. I sneak around too. Uh." She trails off and frowns. "I don't hide behind others though. Being good at what I do is a separate thing." It makes sense in her head. Don't worry about it.
 She holds a thumbs up, still leaning into bravado, "I'll be fine. I can help." Which at least might be true, particularly with some practical experience!
 She settles back in her hands, changing her stance and trying to obfuscate any nervousness she might feel. Or she just might be antsy, hard to tell. "I don't doubt it. The bird lady offered to act as a guide." She doesn't know if Timu knows who Hannah would be, they don't all know each other right?
 "I appreciate the warning. And.. I'll see what I can do even if I do end up traveling solo. I'm good at hiding despite Sable's commentary otherwise. She's just jealous our family's awesome." Even if she's not here there's some teasing!
 The pokemon surfacing gets a curious look. "I.. don't actually know all of the pokemon out there and uh-" she fishes out her notebook and offers it up, "I sketch what I find because I don't have a pokedex and I'm too lazy to download the app." Or more realistically, she thinks it might track her movement and that might be awkward!
 "Easy easy, nothing like that here-" She starts, "Usually." There were some rumors and the cave, but it's fine. "Sounds like it's curious about what's going on. Let's get a better look."

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    In the time they play, Fuecoco enjoys watching Quilava do her dance and then pounce, leaping back in turn. It's fun, it's great, and cute!
     But there's a scary whale-shaped thing and Fuecoco parts from playing immediately to rush to his partner's side. Michael, a force far greater than themselves, should have put the fear of oblivion in him - but Fuecoco stands as firm as a small round crocodile-like creature can, even before something with a clear type disadvantage with the way water parts and wreathes along the side of this beaching Hestrol.
     Timu shakes as Nina shows her drawing of the creature, and... Hestrol is not viewed at all as a harbinger of danger or tragedy. Pods of them often surface around fishermen and then just go right back down, as if to communicate what they see in the surface world.
     This one's interested in more sightseeing than usual, with how far into the sand it's going.
     "Stroooooooo---" It calls again, as Nina suggests getting a better look. Something Timu, by her hesitancy and the fear in her eyes, is having a hard time doing!
     "Nina--" Timu stammers.
     "Fueee," Fuecoco looks up to Timu, and their eyes meet. She closes her eyes, brings her hands over her chest, and breathes. When she opens, Fuecoco is there in her field of vision making sure his meets hers. He nods the once, and then takes off after Nina. She follows, from a distance that gradually closes.
     "Hes..." The Hestrol trails off as Nina comes near. Even if Nina's not fully familiar with this species of Pokemon, she can tell at a glance when she draws near as to what the matter is.
     They've been wounded by something - it looks like they were directly attacked by some kind of weapon, and not another Pokemon.

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Nina Chiyome doesn't seem bothered by the pokemon. There's some definite familiarity there. Her sketch is.. rather rough. It's clear she's only seen them at a distance. It's a little different now though.
 She stands up as Poppy bounds ahead, investigating with the young trainer. Bounding left to get a look, then right. She's a lot more alert and active now that something's going on!
 She beckons to Timu, "Come on. Let's get a better look, something's up." Since it's not near its pod and all.
 She works her shoulders, swings her arms, then pauses when she spots the injury. "Ahah." She says, trying to sound calming as she reaches into her bag and pulls a potion. She's not going to try and force feed a whale a pill. Nope. "Easy now, I don't.. actually know if this stings, but it'll help." She holds her hands up, showing the potion bottle as she approaches. Pokemon or not, it's hurt and might be a little touchy.
 "Here come nad help, you can get a better look too." She leans to one side, checking for further injuries. "There's another few little potion bottles if you find any more-" She pats the bag, "In here."
 That usual light tone is a bit different when things are serious! Maybe she can take things seriously.

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    It's not every day that a wild Pokemon of such a large shape and presence - five meters may not be the absolute biggest out there but it's still quite large - just helps itself onto a beach like that to ask for help, of all things, as opposed to running away further into the deep for comfort among its own kind.
     The Hestrol flinches slightly as Nina shows her Potion bottle, but the spray medicine can be applied without too much issue on her part. The injuries are something beyond mere applications of Tackle or Bite or what have you - it's like someone crossed over from the Filgaia side and decided to be an ill-mannered Visitor.
     Something not in short supply, unfortunately, even with the Kanto Police Department doing its best. They've had tens of thousands of years to culturally let go of the concept of warfare, that people rolling up familiar with it is... well. One can see some of the consequences here.
     Fuecoco shows up first, followed by Timu - whose approach is hesitant, at best.
     Until she sees it herself, as to why Nina is leaning as close as she is. She gasps at the thought.
     "They're... they're really hurt," she says.
     "...ooooolll," the Visitation Pokemon whines.
     "Co!!" Fuecoco calls to get Timu to move into action, as Nina's suggesting.
     "...Nina, I--" Timu's breath goes a little more shallow. She can't un-see the Sin likeness, even at a far, far, far smaller scale. Even some of the noise being made from their part bears great resemblance. Wailord might be the very end of her, if she saw them... but this isn't one.
     "We might not have time to check over every part of them," she says, "and... and I don't know if the Rangers would show up in time..."
     "Fuecoco," Fuecoco shakes their head.
     "Nina, I'll... while you use Potion, I'll..." I'll what?
     Timu runs back to where she was, a wince on engaging sprinting when she's still recovering from wounds. She shouldn't be standing so much in the sun right now, either, but yet... she grabs the Hearth Staff she left planted in the sand near her, grasping it as she comes back soon later to start focusing her own sorcerous birthright.
     She can't know all of where Hestrol's wounds are - there might be way more than where Nina's looking! - but there's plenty there to apply Potions too, as Timu summons forth her own curative sorceries in a burst of sparkling warmth throughout Hestrol's body.
     "...Hestroooo-" It flinches, raising their tail up and down slowly.

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Nina's getting a more serious look as she goes. Taking a moment to check over the injuries. She's not really a healer-y sort, that really was more of her sister's thing, but she does know the very basics. You can't work with even practice weapons without picking up first aide. "This isn't something local... I don't think." She continues carefully applying the medicine. Though after a moment she slips towards the pokemon's face, holding up a couple of the pills she'd just been talking about. Now that it's familiar, maybe she won't have to force feed it! (Familiar being relative.) She offers her hand out and shows the pills, "Come on, they're medicine. I eat them too." She mimics eating one with her free hand for emphasis.
 The doesn't really put it together that it might have been a Filgain issue!
 She glances back at Timu, realizing she's both overwhelmed and maybe having other problems that are beyond the young ninja.
 "It won't hurt you, look it's friendly." She gently offers the medicine again. This would be really awkward if it backfires. "It's okay." she's trying to clam both of them down now. Though after a moment, "If.. all else go get help from an officer. I'll try to keep working on the wounds."

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    The Potion work... works! The spray medicine works with virtually all Pokemon, which is no surprise and something achievable in short order for Nina to accomplish. Indeed, it's not something local, and the fact that it is like that is... at some point one might wonder if there are more boogeymen in the wings than just the Ten Wise Men.
     "Strooo--" More whale song, as they consider Nina's pills. They relent, and will allow a pill to be eaten for their well-being.
     'It won't hurt you, look it's friendly,' Timu hears as she keeps her eyes closed to try and focus on the spellcasting. Spira's lasting legacy of a cycle of death is at last behind it, but for those who lived any part of those years consciously...
     "Fue..." Fuecoco's voice trails, knowing Timu's struggling to really look at Fuecoco head on.
     Even her own father, Gon Guado himself, would emphasize how the 'prayer magic' works better if you're looking at the person you're addressing with care. Something she struggled with when helping the people of Bevelle during the Red Priestess Mauri's deception. She can still see some of the wounded from that day.
     (She did see and feel the gratitude of the people who were saved because a stubborn young 13-14 year old girl's insistence on applying Cure, but some things are things she never should have seen.)
     Hestrol murmurs their song again, lower, as Nina tries to break down the situation for Timu on what she can do, even with her emotional baggage weighing her down from looking Hestrol in the eyes and giving them the love and assurance that this recent event nearly took from them. Pokemon are creatures that love and trust at their core, for the most part.
     (some of them are really mean)
     Nina gives her all the lay-up to walk, or run away to get help. A few tears start to escape the Guado girl's eyes.
     "No, I--" she shakes her head.
     "...Do you think whoever hurt them was afraid too?"

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Nina's pretty thorough after the visitor pokemon's given the pills. She's not sure how much they'll help, but it makes it easier right? She pats the creature lightly when it takes them and says, "Getting back on it!" before rounding the pokemon a few times. Pausing to treat the worst of the injuries. It's probably nice seeing a serious side of the usually pretty flippant ninja. Shame what trips it.
 She glances back when Timu's still stuck there. She's about to try and encourage more when she stops again. She's not familiar enough with the kind of trauma there either, all things considered.
 She calls to the pokemon, "I could try to take you to a center, but you'd have to travel along with me from time to time so I dunno if you want that-" she adds as an aside, "Or I could let you go after." Clearly trying to think ahead as potions only go so far and there might be injuries that aren't covered by a spray bottle. Might just be distracting herself as much as anything.
 She pauses though, seeing Timu start to cry. She pats herself down, checks a few times then fidgets before handing the spray bottle to a confused Poppy who to her credit, does give the hand a two paw squeeze to try and help. "Just.. do what you can Poppy." Before running off. She tries to take Timu's shoulder, turning her away from the whale pokemon clearly causing distress. Pointing inward, "It's fine it's fine. I uh. You're doing fine. And I dunno. If it was a monster or weirded out like the red caves, I.. maybe?" She tries to give the alien a reassuring squeeze of a side hug, "If I give you my phone could you talk to the rangers? They might be able to help too." She doesn't want to just dismiss Timu, but she also doesn't want her to just linger around getting further into shock!

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    It's a delicate situation all-around. The way Timu is reacting to something far more innocuous than this... Sin must have been something truly awful to elicit such a response. One would think it'd even bring one of the Ten Wise Men to maybe take a few steps back and go 'nah, let's just let it do its thing over there' with the way she's reacting.
     Timu flinches some from the side-hug - she's still recovering from her wounds fighting Michael, after all - as the younger Nedian tries to figure out just how to help someone who might have had a lot more on her shoulders than is really thinkable for anyone in these parts. Usually fears of Pokemon happen at a very young age and eventually are outgrown, but this...
     The world(s) beyond Energy Nede must be truly frightful and terrible places!
     "I'm... they're really hurt too, aren't they," Timu tries to talk out her feelings, to indeterminate success as she faces away. Fuecoco's head tilts, unaware of just the depths of what's going on here.
     "...I can get there faster," Timu looks up, if not quite directly at the poor Hestrol. "Nina, I... I... I'm,"
     Her hand goes to one of the Pokeballs she has on her person. "I'm going to catch it."
     The question is, should she?

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Nina Chiyome was attempting to be careful about the burns! She does immediately back away though just in case. "So.. I don't." She starts, then trails off, thinking again. Then frowning briefly while looking away. This is well outside of her paygrade and she didn't even know she had one!
 She brushes herself off lightly and glances back, taking a potion, offering her pack to Timu as she tries to steel herself. "I think the poor thing is." She still hasn't figured that part out. "I don't do serious unless I have to." It's slightly joke-y, but that's a true enough statement from the trainer. "I think I get it, bu-" she stops when Timu suggests catching the poor thing. "That is up to you-" she trails briefly, "It'd be good for both of you though?" She thinks. Exposure's supposed to help right? She's pretty sure she read that somewhere. Or was it limited exposure? Was that a manga maybe? She chases those thoughts away and says, "Do it." and stepping aside to give her space.

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Nina's got a potion bottle in hand still, ready to go just in case. Though she does make sure to give Timu room. "Do you know the way to the center from here?" Glancing over after a moment, "I can take you there. Been there a few times." Maybe they'll even see some unique sights along the way.
 "And.. I do kinda think this will help you. And definitely help it." She nods towards the beached pokemon!

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    The Hestrol is hurt, and of all things, they came to the young women and their Pokemon friends here for help.
     "No, you're," Timu takes in a breath, "you're... you're okay, Nina, it's..." Timu opens her tear-stained eyes. This isn't Sin. This is a scared creature who needs help, who might have been hurt in a way it never expected to be. Freeing both arms from Nina's attempt to embrace her and calm her down, she nods her head and takes the Pokeball in hand.
     "I want to help you," she says, quietly. This is a far cry from when Joy gave her Fuecoco, or when she grabbed Moteray of a silly act of parkour in front of Damian. This is something with the shape of what's associated with death and destruction in Spira, in a land that has struggled to move on and find its own way going forward, and something that cannot ever know or understand why.
     "So... please, come with me," she says, and batting away the last of her tears, Timu throws the ball.
     The light disappears inside the red and white sphere and into the sand. It shudders three times, before a tell-tale *click* happens. Fuecoco walks over to the ball and picks it up moments later, looking up to Timu... and then holding his hands and presenting the sphere.
     "Fueco." Firmly spoken. She kneels down to pick up the Pokeball and hold it in her hands, taking in another breath.
     "...Thank you, Nina. Okay... I know where the Center is, so... Fuecoco, return."
     Fuecoco disappears back into his own home ball. She's sore, but she takes off running. Almost nothing in Spira can catch a Guado running at full speed, and that's true of most the rest of Lunar and Filgaia as well - she can get to a Center faster than it'd take for a Ranger to hurry there and then hurry back. (They'd admonish her for running like this in her current state, but...)
     (Sometimes, the love of a creature just asks that much of someone.)