2017-03-16: Compensation Issues: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Compensation Issues''' *'''Cast:'''Character::Bartholomew Fatima, Character::Morgan Newkirk, Character::Cassidy Cain *'''Where:''' In one of Adlehyde's ma...")
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Revision as of 05:11, 17 March 2017

  • Log: Compensation Issues
  • Cast:Bartholomew Fatima, Morgan Newkirk, Cassidy Cain
  • Where: In one of Adlehyde's many, many bars.
  • Date: March 16, 2017
  • Summary: Cassidy Cain humors old acquaintance Morgan Newkirk by attending a meeting with a sand pirate intent on putting together a crew for certain jobs of dubious morality. A bar fight happens. A wedding almost happens. What's a girl to do but make things worse?

<Pose Tracker> Bart Fatima has posed.

This was certainly a bar in Adelhyde - not quite as well heeled as the famous Starfall Saloon, but also a bit more low profile. In short, it was a good place to meet folks on the down low when you needed to make arrangements for items of an illicit nature. Or if you wanted to hire some help to dig around for supplies that are a bit more illegal to procure.

Bart had put out some feelers into the underworld, looking for a few Drifters to help with various jobs, with the promise of ample compensation.

It is these deals, or perhaps other illicit activities, which presumably attracted both Morgan and Cassidy to the bar this evening, and Bart is sitting in the right table, his hands crossed in front of his chest as he prepares to welcome anyone who arrives.

Then it happens. An unusual sharp word. Something snarled in response. A bit too much liquor in the room. And then a bottle is raised.

The sound of breaking glass.

And then someone picks up a bar stool and HURLS it across the room, where it smashes into the far wall with a tremendous crash of wood. The entire saloon goes silent.

And then someone shouts, "THAT WAS MY FAVORITE STOOL YOU ASS!"

Things rapidly begin going to hell after that.

<Pose Tracker> Morgan Newkirk has posed.

"...see Cass," The easy drawl of one Morgan, former battler champion of Kislev and now member of the illustrious Adventurer's Guild can be heard as the door opens. "...thats why this is the perfect plan. I mean its not like those fops would actually know good whiskey from bad. We get in, we swich, we get back to the party and then we enjoy ourselves!"

What is he talking about? Well who knows really. Its A Plan. For a future time. This plan though, for this specific time, was to meet a fellow...less-than-legal-merchant...and find out just what he wanted. Thats really what Morgan's job was, or how he made a bit of his income. Pointing people at just who they needed to talk too.

So he sees said contact. He would talk to said contact. He would even go sit down with said contact.

Which is when a bar stool goes flying inches infront of his face to smash against the wall. A slow look is given to the remains of the stool, then a slow look towards where the shouting is coming from.

"We get to all of the best places don't we." He says lazily towards his companion. "I don't suppose this is your fault is it?" He adds as his ears flick back just slightly. "I mean I know we just got here, but you work fast."

<Pose Tracker> Cassidy Cain has posed.

The door swings open, and while 'Long Con' Cassidy Cain has humored her old acquaintance into arriving in this fine drinking establishment, she is still eyeballing him skeptically as she takes a few, breezy steps inside of the bar, where a fight has just broken out. Stopping at the threshold, slender brows inch higher up her hairline at the sight of stools and fists being thrown, both curiosity and amusement simmering in the depths of her gold-flecked emerald eyes. With smoke lacing the air, tinged with spilled liquor of varying degrees of quality, she looks right at home here as anywhere else in Filgaia.

"Ay, ay, I hear you," she murmurs. "It's a perfect plan, you say. Nothing will go wrong, you say. Except you're not really saying what I need you tae say. Five words, luv. You know what they are." She turns to angle a look at him from under her hat, punctuating each with a flick of a finger.

"What's. In. It. For. Me."

There's a lift of her shoulders and a slight half-smile. "I've yet tae hear any hard convincing on your part, and the obligatory getting down tae your knees and proclaiming your undying love for me. That one's non-negotiable, y'ken."

When the man asks her it's her fault, eyes widen with a look so innocent she'd be convicted on the spot by all of Filgaia's courts. "Ach, vile slander, luv. Not /every/ fight that happens in this town is my fault, y'ken. Give me a little credit. A lass needs her beauty sleep once in a while."

She raises her voice, and points to some random brawler on the other side of the room, addressing the nearest one next to her.

"You gonna take that from the likes of him?" she wonders. "He just called you wee. And speaking as a warm-blooded lass, I dinnae think you'd want to be called 'wee' anything. Fight, man! Fight for your manly pride!"

Just because she didn't start the fight doesn't mean she can't make it worse.

DG: Bart Fatima has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Cutting Words.
DG: Cassidy Cain has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Cutting Words.
DG: Morgan Newkirk has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward its party's challenge, Cutting Words.

DG: You fail the challenge, and take 12 Exhaustion! You have 12 total Exhaustion.
DG: The party led by Bart Fatima has failed this challenge! The party gained 2 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.

<Pose Tracker> Bart Fatima has posed.

Bart knows how these things go. It only takes a moment for him to look around and see what the score is going to be. There are barfights, and then there are BARFIGHTS. The latter are typified by the fact that instead of your usual mechanics, farmers, traders and the like you instead see a saloon packed full of Drifters with gunsmoke weapons, magical skills, and various implements of mayhem.

And there are a LOT of Drifters with such things around here.

"Get down both of you!" Bart hisses as he kicks his table over and takes cover behind it. "God damnit that's Blackhand McCree and his miniature cannon ARM! He's gonna put a hole in the wall and the town constables will be along within fifteen minutes."

And then Cass just goes and eggs people on, and Bart wonders if he should leave them to it.

There is a loud *boom* and someone shouts, "WHO INSULTED MY CANNON?!? I AM NOT COMPENSATING FOR *ANYTHING* WITH THIS THING!"

"Really just get behind the table," Bart growls and gestures. "This is gonna be bad."

Unfortunately the table does not compensate for the fact that the giant of a man with a cannon strapped to his arm is waving it in their direction. Bart has about a half second to realize that the huge weapon is being aimed their way before he starts hustling Morgan and Cass away from the table.

They have about a second before there is a loud *BOOM* that rocks the room and reduces the table to splinters. And the wall behind the table for that matter. The cannon ball goes bouncing through the saloon and out the far side, rolling into the street and tripping some poor bystander who is walking by.

The bar fight really gets started at that point, and Bart scrambles away, picking some splinters out of his jacket and arms. "This is gonna be a bad one..." he mutters.

<Pose Tracker> Morgan Newkirk has posed.

The fun just seems to be warming up now. As people start to get into things, and the smile grows on Morgan's face. "What besides the free booze that I know you'll sample the entire time?" He shoots in Cass' direction as he takes in the clintelle of the bar.

"Oh this is defintally going to be bad." But there is a bit of glee in Morgan's voice instead of the growl in Bart's. He's downright enjoying himself at this point.

At least he was until someone brought a cannon to a barfight.

The table is abandoned as he notes the weapon pointing in their general direction. He rolls away as its erased from existance, popping back up to his feet a moment later.

"It was that guy!" He shouts towards the 'Wee' weapon wielder as he points to the other side of the bar. "The one with the feathered hat!"

Misdirection. Totally misdirection.

Or maybe it was that guy. Its hard to tell as things heat up.

Feather Hat well he takes umbridge at that.

"YOU SHUT IT EARS!" As all manner of sharp and blunt objects begin to be hurled in their direction.

"Why do they always concentrate on the ears?" He wonders as he kicks over a table for the little group to take cover behind. "They arn't /that/ noticeable are they?"

They totally are.

<Pose Tracker> Bart Fatima has posed.

Yeah this was going to be even more of a mess, but Drifter bar fights usually were. The real question was if anyone had some crazy martial arts or (god forbid) there were a few casters in the crowd. Bart dives behind the table and grunts as he looks at Morgan for a moment.

"Look, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but ya got a pair of fox ears on top of your head," he points out in what he figures is a perfectly reasonable manner. "Sort of thing people notice, take in the gross details - and I mean like overall, like nice curves and that sort of thing, not like... ew, you know?" The one eyed blonde pirate makes a sort of curving representation that happens to be pointed in Cass' general direction.

Because she makes a good illustrative model and all.

Bart peeks over the edge of the table as another beer bottle slams into it and shatters, and then states: "HEY!"

He stands up, and in one smooth motion pulls his whip from his hip and snakes it out into the air. The bull tip makes a loud *CRACK*as it snakes around an expensive bottle of beer, and Bart tries to reel it in for a catch. "DAMNIT STOP THROWING THE GOOD STUFF YA IDIOTS!!!"

DG: Bart Fatima has used his Tool Bart's Whip toward his party's challenge, Hurled Beer Bottles.

<Pose Tracker> Cassidy Cain has posed.

"....wow, that actually is a cannon," Cassidy muses out loud, just as Bart, being the gentleman that he is, drags her behind the table. Her eyes find the younger man's and for a moment, she takes the time to absorb what he tells her about the man with the cannon ARM. "His name is /Blackhand/?" she wonders incredulously. "Really? Is it just because of the cannon or because he wipes with it?" Mischief simmers in the depths of her eyes. "Do you want me tae ask him, luv? Satisfy our burning curiosity and all?"

That's probably a bad idea.

Thankfully, whatever intentions Cassidy has regarding McCree is cut off when Bart shoves her and Morgan out of the way of the table, which shatters into splinters soon enough; the cannonball doesn't stop there, because such things never do, careening right into the wall and leaving a gaping hole. Reaching around their new barricade, she manages to pluck her hat off the floor and re-situate it on the pale-gold lustre of her hair.

At Bart's gesturing of her, curves and all, she winks at him, pursing her lips to blow him a kiss. "Verra appreciated, luv. I dinnae know we had an afficionado for fine art in the room. Were I the sort, I'd be blushing."

Lifting her head up, she reaches up in an attempt to catch one of the hurled bottles.

DG: Cassidy Cain has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Hurled Beer Bottles.
DG: Morgan Newkirk has used its Tool Force Lash toward its party's challenge, Hurled Beer Bottles.
DG: You pass the challenge, and take 1 Exhaustion! You have 13 total Exhaustion.
DG: The party led by Bart Fatima has passed this challenge! The party gained 17 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now.

<Pose Tracker> Morgan Newkirk has posed.

"I /have/ noticed them yes..." Comes Morgan's reply as he slips to once side to make room for the other two behind the table. His guantlet glows as he raises a hand almost casually and a bottle of something amberdark and mostly full comes zipping towards him though the air, changing direction on a time before he closes his metal fingers around it.

One hand raises up from cover again as he snags a glass with two fingners. OPening the bottle with his teath he poors himself a generous helping before knocking it back.


"MY EARS ARN'T THAT BIG EITHER!" Blackhand roard as he aims towards Feather Hat. The blast of force and smoke from the barrel of his cannon echos around the room, rattling teath and windows as the little knot of bottle hurlers go flying in various directions.

"You know, I don't think I've ever actually seen you blush. I mean when you wern't trying to get something out of someone." He adds towards Cassidy as he peers over the edge of the table, ears slowly folding back to minimize targeting.

One of said ears might slap Bart.

It happens.

"So my new friend, did you know there was going to be this much fun when you called us? I mean if you did I'll have to thank you for the entertainment."

<Pose Tracker> Cassidy Cain has posed.

The brawl continues, with the three of them hunkered down behind another table. With the bottle snatched so neatly from the air by Cassidy's deft grip, she leans back against the overturned wooden appendage, pulling the cork out of her teeth and taking a swig. "At least some of the decent stuff's been saved," she tells her companions gamely, offering a drink straight from the lip of it to Bart. "So what's your story, luv? What brings you tae this fine, chaotic watering hole?"

Another loud BOOM rocks the middle of the room. Blackhand McCree yells unintelligibly at Feather Hat as the latter busily casts aspersions on his mother's character. There's a wince from the blonde hearing it. "Ach, well. That's done. You know the world's about tae end when someone brings ma intae the proceedings-- "

There's a loud, splintering crash, and a heavy THUMP from behind the bar. One of the overlarge kegs of ale gives way, bouncing on the floor and careening wildly across the rectangular space. It manages to send Blackhand flying, while Feather Hat dives for the proverbial trench. Its trajectory is also, unfortunately...

Cassidy's expression flattens.

"It's coming right for us. You cannae miss it, lads."

It's one of those Super Large Industrial Grade Kegs. The ones that are so cartoonishly large it takes a few horses to bring it from Point A to Point B, and teeming with absurd amounts of glorious alcohol. A germ of an idea sparks at the back of her mind. Her head tilts over to Morgan.

"You know, luv, one of these could probably supply your entire booze bash."

She digs into her pockets, and produces...

...a grenade?!

"Speak now or forever hold your peace," is the only warrning she gives them before she unhesitatingly tosses it...not at the wildly rolling keg, but the space a few feet before it, to blow a hole in the middle of the floorboards to stop it from reaching them.

<Pose Tracker> Bart Fatima has posed.

"Well you know, the usual," Bart replies to Cass with a shrug. He pauses as there is more shouting for a moment, and then adds, "I'm in need of some folks of dubious character and moral fiber for jobs of a reckless and profitable nature." He grins, his one eye twinkling a bit as he continues. "I represent a group that believes that the best things in life are free, but making them free requires fuel, explosives, and supplies. That sort of thing."

The rumbling sound of the massive keg beginning to roll towards them let's Bart know that this evening is going from bad to worse. He just looks at it in disbelief for a moment, and then declares in his most dramatic voice, "There is no way I'm going out flattened by a giant keg!" That's a bold declaration, but what is he going to do about it?

Well, Bart whips a barstool, and then another, throwing them in the path of the keg to slow it down so it doesn't just roll over the grenade and crush it flat, thus ensuring the explosion is pretty much wasted. But as he coils his whip back up he looks at the other two and states, "That's about all I got for ideas... so let's hope the basement is ready for whatever's coming."

From nearby, the bartender shouts, "WHAT'S THAT ABOUT THE BASEMENT YOU ONE EYED LUNATIC!?!"

DG: Bart Fatima has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Completely Full Keg.

<Pose Tracker> Morgan Newkirk has posed.

"Ooooh I like the way you think darlin," Morgan replies as he grins and glances around the table to see the rolling keg of their possible doom. "And yes, before you ask. You can still get your finder's fee for this." He adds as he pops up from behind his cover.

Rolling to one side the Fox comes up on his feet with a wide grin. "Well, I might be able to help ya with that sort of thing. For the right kind of finders fee of course. Man has to make a livin' and all." A pause. "And Cass there is defintally of dubious moral fiber." He tosses towards the womann with a grin as he takes stock of the situation.

"Its your basement or your walls mate!" He calls over to the bartender as he starts shoving chairs and tables in the way of the Keg of Doom. In order to get it to roll just how he wants it to roll.

Which is down and out of the place.

"How the hell do we get it out of the basement later is the question..."

DG: Morgan Newkirk has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward its party's challenge, Completely Full Keg.
DG: You fail the challenge, and take 13 Exhaustion! You have 26 total Exhaustion.
DG: The party led by Bart Fatima has failed this challenge! The party gained 4 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.

<Pose Tracker> Cassidy Cain has posed.

The bartender does not have to worry about his basement.

It seems the keg is too big and too full of the good stuff to be stopped. With Cassidy's grenade foiled, and the bar stool crushed, it careens wildly for the table in which they are using as a barricade. Before Cassidy can say anything about Bart's proposition, there's a stare at the incoming, rapidly-rolling shadow.

"Might be time tae switch positions, luvs. Just as well, I was getting bored of the view over here anyway."

With that, she hurdles over the table and leaps over the bar, bottle still in hand. There's no way she's letting go of the forty-year whiskey she's managed to score in that small feat of juggling bottles.

<Pose Tracker> Bart Fatima has posed.

"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOUR BASEMEN- oh man it's coming RIGHT AT US!" Bart declares as the keg rumbles forward. He leaps after Cass onto a nearby table, and reaches down to drag Morgan out of the way if the fox man isn't moving fast enough to dodge the huge keg as it rolls over and crushes the table, part of the bar behind it, and a few thousand gella of expensive hooch.

A damn shame, really.

But with the path of destruction having pushed the fight to the side, there is an opportunity to try and get closer to the door. And Bart grins as he looks at Cass and Morgan. "Well, this isn't exactly the sort of bar hopping I had in mind," he comments, and brings his whip around to anchor it on the rafter. "But beats jumping down into this mess!" And with that, he swings over to the top of the massive keg, and hops onto the bar proper.

The bartender just shakes his fist as another round of violent arguments (and another cannon shot) break out in the crowd. "Look we just want to get the hell out of here," he shouts back at the man behind the bar. "Too much action for my tastes, especially with the constables probably on their way! Come on miss! And... um... foxy! We can get out along the bar!"

DG: Bart Fatima has used his Tool Bart's Whip toward his party's challenge, Table Jumping.

<Pose Tracker> Morgan Newkirk has posed.

"Way ahead of you darlin!" Calls the fox as Morgan leaps further away from the now doomed table. He trips though onn a fallen stool, crashing shoulder first into the floor before rolling up.

When he stands? He still has his bottle.

His glass is gone the way of the dodo though. But thats ok since he was finished with that.

As he stands he finds himself next to a barmaid, which by Guild Law he is forced to tip his hat too.

Which he does. With a 'Ma'am'.

"Morgan! The name is Morgan! The lovely blonde is..." A pause as he looks towards Cassidy. "...which name are you going by now?" He asks with a grin as he hop-slides over the top of a table and towards the bar.

DG: Morgan Newkirk has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward its party's challenge, Table Jumping.

<Pose Tracker> Cassidy Cain has posed.

With the way out indicated by the one-eyed man, Cassidy looks up; she's already behind the bar, and her eyes slip over the growing chaos, charting out the course to the exit. Of course, this means doing some serious acrobatics across dangerous terrain on a few tables and perhaps jump outside a window.

"Ach, well. I suppose daring escapes cannae always be easy," she murmurs, tucking the bottle of expensive whiskey into her belt after replacing the cork. No use spilling it.

Hopping up along the bar counter, she follows the map she's made through the wild bar brawl. Boots balancing nimbly, she leaps for one table, and another, and another. She doesn't stop, light steps and effortless, almost acrobatic grace taking her clear across. There's no pause, no hesitation. It's as if she's /done/ this before, and those who suspect wouldn't be wrong. While it has been a few years since her last performance with the Thespians, it had only added onto her already considerable skillset - the better to survive Filgaia's dangerous wastes and thoroughfares.

Prompted for her name, she looks over her shoulder at the boys, giving them a wink.

"Name's Cassidy Cain," she supplies simply, before she leaps for the exit. "And who might you be, luv?"

DG: Cassidy Cain has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Table Jumping.
DG: You pass the challenge, and take 4 Exhaustion! You have 30 total Exhaustion.
DG: The party led by Bart Fatima has passed this challenge! The party gained 12 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.

<Pose Tracker> Bart Fatima has posed.

"So Miss Cassidy and Mr. Foxy, got it," Bart states as they make their way over to the bar with the minimum of fuss. And Bart grins and... probably winks at Morgan? He's missing an eye so that sort of expression doesn't actually... work anymore.

"Right, Morgan - got it. Name's Bart, and I represent a lil' group of folks out in Aveh who generally and solemnly are getting up to no good, especially where that rat bastard Shakhan is concerned." He looks out over the bar fight - it looks like they're got a clear run now that they're acutally on the bar but the flailing limbs and occasional bullet could make this run a mite bit tricky...

"So y'know good times all around, right?"

<Pose Tracker> Morgan Newkirk has posed.

Morgan laughs. "Well normally most people in Aveh don't want anything to do with me, considering I'm technicly from Kislev. But considering I'm in the Guild and not the Army I think I can manage something like that. Provided we get out of here without getting set on fire, or burned, or curshed by kegs or..."

At that point Morgan finds himself suddenly to heavy on one foot. A short tumble sends him slamming down on the table he was about to clear and he looks behind him to see...


Clutching one ankle.


"Oh my god, your name is Blackhand don't you have any damn self respect! GET UP AND SHOOT SOMETHING!"

Big wattery eyes look up at Morgan. "I...I ran out of ammo."

"....this is pathetic...let go of my foot!!"

Morgan just tugs at said his foot a bit and looks up. "A little help here?" Looking towards Cassidy and Bart.

<Pose Tracker> Bart Fatima has posed.

Bart just looks down at Blackhand for a moment and grunts. "Hey Blacky, you remember me?"


Bart doesn't even hesitate at that point. He just starts trying to remove Blackhand from Morgan's leg via the best and most effective method possible.

Repeated application of BOOT TO THE HEAD.

DG: Bart Fatima has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Clingy Coward.
DG: Morgan Newkirk has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward its party's challenge, Clingy Coward.

<Pose Tracker> Cassidy Cain has posed.

She was /almost/ there.

But Morgan's call for help stops her in her tracks. There's an amused, angled look at Bart there. "Gotta hand it tae you, luv. No matter the situation, you can still pitch a cause," Cassidy tells him, and all the while the Fox-Man is struggling with his burden. She keeps away when that leg lifts from the blond sand-pirate, liberally applying his bootheel to Blackhand's forehead.

Once he's managed to stamp his treads on leathery skin, she crouches on the table, balancing easily on the balls of her feet.

Index and middle fingers extended, she gives Blackhand a smile....before she shoves them right into his eyesockets.

"Sorry, luv," she says. To her credit, she sounds immensely apologetic. "But I s'pose we still need the wee fox."

DG: Cassidy Cain has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Clingy Coward.

DG: You fail the challenge, and take 21 Exhaustion! You have 51 total Exhaustion.
DG: The party led by Bart Fatima has failed this challenge! The party gained 2 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.

<Pose Tracker> Morgan Newkirk has posed.

Boots and fingers are applied liberally to Blackhand's face. Now normally this would let a normal person get the message to let go. Blackhand though. He isn't normal. He is a Digger. And so his reaction is to flail...

...unfortunately for Morgan this means the man who can lift a bloody cannon is now flailing with a fox in one one.

"THIS WAS NOT THE INTENDED RESULT!" He shouts as he finds himself defying gravity as he is flung like a ragdoll over the shoulder of Blackhand and back into a massive mix of meleeing malcontentents.

Say that three times fast.

"Let go! Get off me! STOP PETTING MY DAMN TAIL!" He roars as he is carried away by the melee. At least the ears give them all a easy way to track him, though at this point they are fairly well pinned back and angry.

<Pose Tracker> Bart Fatima has posed.

"Well that's... unfortunate," Bart states as Blackhand pulls the poor fox boy into the surging, brawling crowd down below. He looks at Cass for a moment, and sighs. "Never leave a man behind!" This was, sadly, going to hurt - and Bart jumps into the crowd and starts laying about him, trying to beat back enough of the people fighting so that Morgan can get to his feet and get back up on the bar! Unfortunately, Morgan is also being carried away as well, and that isn't good! The bar is safe! It's keeping them out of the fray!

That is, of course, before the bartender just sort of loses it.

"WHY ARE ALL OF YOU TRYING! TO! WRECK! MY! BAAAAAAAAAAAARRRR!?!" the heavyset man roars. Of course, his hat has fallen off at this point, and the pair of ox horns he was hiding underneath it have become visible as well. Which explains how he manages to pull off the next feat of strength.

Clearly unwilling to settle for allowing other people to wreck his bar, the bartender decides he's going to beat them ALL to the punch. And there is a load groan as he squats down, and grabs the bottom of the bar... and LIFTS it.

Yes, the bar tender has had enough. Because he just flips the bar into the room, sending it tumbling end over end. Bart has nothing he can do but hit the deck, because OH GOD SOMEONE JUST THREW THE BAR AT HIM.

DG: Bart Fatima has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Flying Furniture.

<Pose Tracker> Cassidy Cain has posed.

And with that, things rapidly start going downhill.

Cassidy stares as Morgan is dragged back into the fray, palming her face. "I swear he does this on purpose," she mutters as an aside to Bart. "Look, luv. If you were in love, you could have just said so!" The last to the fox-man as he yells about the state of his tail. "Eyepatch and I could have gotten off scott free, but here we are, trying tae save your furry infatuated arse! But you're in luck, I know a priest!"

Well, Jude /was/ a priest.

"I'm sure if you wanted, he can marry the both of y-- "

There is a mighty bellow at the back of the room, and a growing shadow. Glade-green eyes lift slowly up to the sight of the entire bar /wrenched/ from its bolted position on the floorboards and /throws/ it at her and their new acquaintance.

"Oh, fook."

She doesn't just leap. She /soars/. She clears over the heads of the brawlers below, taking her on a perpendicular course from where the bar is projected to collide, arms reaching up to wind around the rafters and her slender body dangling in mid-air. For the first time in this entire brawl, her heart leaps to her throat, the volatile combination of adrenaline and other biochemicals setting her bloodstream on fire.

"Ach," she says with a laugh, feeling the rush. "That's more like it."

Never does she feel more alive than when she's about to die.

DG: Cassidy Cain has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Flying Furniture.
DG: Morgan Newkirk has used its Tool Force Lash toward its party's challenge, Flying Furniture.

<Pose Tracker> Morgan Newkirk has posed.

"I am not infatuated with anyone! You take that back!" Comes Morgan's call as he raises to the top of the melee to shout. There is a small beatman on his head, gnawing on one ear. A second taller man seems to be wrestling with Morgan's arm but...well he's stronger than he looks. Because the dangling man looks supprised as Morgan has no problems fistshaking well and good at Cassidy's taunt.

Then he's bowled under again.

He's just getting some breathing room when he hears that roar. The groan of wood coming apart at the seams. The shift of the entire bar.

More importantly he hears Cassidy Cain curse.

Thats /never/ good/

"DUCK AND COVER!" He roars and as most of the people do just that he does the opposite. A blue-white beam of energy lashes out from his gauntlet to latch onto one of the rafters and he goes sailing up towards the ceiling.

Held there by his ARM and fairly good fortune he just peers over towards Cass. Eyes bright, blood singing in his ears. His ears have perked back up now and he offers her a wickedly crooked smile.

"Don't ever say I don't take you to nice places."

DG: You fail the challenge, and take 15 Exhaustion! You have 66 total Exhaustion.
DG: The party led by Bart Fatima has failed this challenge! The party gained 4 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.

<Pose Tracker> Cassidy Cain has posed.

The length of the bar misses them entirely, sent crashing to the other side of the wall, reduced to nothing but kindling. The mad bartender, whoever he is, was /really strong/. Dangling from the rafters, the blonde stares disbelievingly at the state of the wood, and the cracks on the wall. How it managed to hold is a downright miracle on itself.

'Don't say I don't take you to nice places' Morgan says.

Cassidy's grin cuts like a knife, the devil's own mischief in that virid stare. "Ay?" she murmurs. "You oughtae watch what you say, luv, people might get the verra wrong idea about-- "

The sound of cracking wood and twisting metal, harsh, grating and heralding /terrible things/, claws at her ears. Slowly, she looks down.

And spies the /other/ bar get ripped off its bolts, and sent hurtling to the three of them. She doesn't even have the time to curse, this time, when the wooden thing just takes her, Morgan and Bart /clean/ off the floor in a whirling mess of timber and metal, sent /through/ the cracked wall that the first bar had already damaged. Sounds of dismay, rendered unintelligible by shock and surprise, bubble in their wake as they're unceremoniously kicked out of the bar in the most violent way possible.

And all the while, Cassidy Cain /laughs/. Because what just happened was /absurd/.

"Did he just have this as a /spare/ or somma-- "


<Pose Tracker> Morgan Newkirk has posed.

"...best. Business meeting. Ever."

<Pose Tracker> Bart Fatima has posed.

Bart Fatima just bwragmrrglebrrr