Violet Salazar

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Violet Salazar
IC Information
Full Name: Violet Salazar
Gender: Female
Age (Birthdate): 58 (March 20, 443 PC)
Hometown: Marze
Hair Colour: Silver-white with some gray streaks // Eyes: Sky blue
Class: ARM-totin' Atheist Midwife Granny
Role: Drifter
Bounty: 0 Gella
OOC Information
Theme: OC
Major Group: None
Minor Groups: None
Player: User:Malfi

There is more to this widowed old horse-Beastwoman midwife than is apparent at first glance. People might dismiss her because of her age, but underneath the surface once can sense a strength, a resilience, a restless active mind, and a sense of purpose. She carries herself with a dignity that belies her Beastblood and with the somber carriage that befits a mourner. She does not turn down patients just because they cannot pay. Most people call her by her name, others "Mother Vi," still others "Widow of Garlyle." She doesn't seem to prefer one name to another. Her speech and manner of dress are notably old-fashioned.


Powers and Abilities

  • Medical knowledge. Her healing buffs are all TEC: applying bandages, tourniquets, and splints, for example.
  • Sharpshooter. She also knows EXACTLY where to hit a human (or humanoid) to do the most damage. She uses a Collapse-era ARM that converts between rifle and shotgun modes, as well as grenades.
  • Blood Gifts. She has more strength and endurance than one would expect, plus an intuitive understanding of horses -- they like her, and she can communicate with them on an instinctive level. When she was younger she could break a wild horse in under three hours. She is too old to even attempt that now.
  • Daisy. Her special horse, a sorrel mare with a flaxen mane and tail. If she knows she'll be riding into danger, she'll select another, lesser horse, normally Drummond, a buckskin gelding with a black mane and tail.
  • Magical Dullard. She's one of the few people from Marze without at least one Symbol. She tried, but the ink broke down within a month or two, as her body rejected it. She hasn't found a way around it yet. She could potentially use Symbological objects but doesn't know that yet.
  • Poor Resonance. She can tell that *something* is there but can't see or hear Seraphim. Yet.

Logs and Cutscenes

Chapter 1, Act 1


Chapter 1, Act 2


Chapter 1, Act 3


Chapter 1, Act 4


Chapter 1, Epilogue


Chapter 2, Act 1


Chapter 2, Act 2


Chapter 2, Act 3


Chapter 2, Act 4


Chapter 2, Epilogue


Chapter 3, Act 1





442 PC (0 years old) Violet Chatham born to an equine-beastfolk couple in Marze. Growing up she is teased and bullied for her Beastblood.

462 - 5 PC (20 - 23 years old ) Medical training in Marze; during these years Violet loses a patient for the first time, which profoundly affects her. While in medical school she meets and marries Eduardo Salazar, a full-human.

465 PC ( 23 years old) Violet gives birth to a daughter, Kathryn. Her graduation is slightly delayed by this.

489 PC ( 47 years old) Violet's daughter Kathryn, 23, marries Cody Moran, 28, a farmer in Twebit. Kathryn is a mail-order bride for the isolated village, and she and her fellows are usually "undesirable" in some way -- Beastfolk, the maimed and mutilated, the sickly, the outcast... Kathryn is a good catch; at least she's young, healthy, and attractive for her kind (or at least that's how the bigots would phrase it). The marriage works out.

491 PC (49 years old) Grandson Connor born (now 10); Violet is the midwife. By this point she and Eduardo have settled in Garlyle.

493 PC (51 years old) Violet's husband Eduardo slain during the destruction of Garlyle; granddaughter Leona born (now 8). Desperate for answers (and revenge), Violet takes up Drifting. Cody and Kathryn don't approve: they'd much rather she be living with them and enjoying a genteel retirement, helping out around the farm, or even being Twebit's resident midwife.

494 PC (52 years old) Twin granddaughters Valerie and Vivian born (now 7).

497 PC (55 years old) Granddaughter Brynn born (now 4).

500 PC (58 years old) Granddaughter Emily born (now 1).


Chibi portrait by yozha92, commissionable through .