2017-03-31: No Good Deed Goes Unappreciated: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 21:45, 2 April 2017

  • Log: No Good Deed Goes Unappreciated
  • Cast: Rudy Roughnight, Gwen Whitlock, Rosaline Calice
  • Where: Outside Adelhyde City
  • Date: 3/31/2017
  • Summary: When Rudy's kind-hearted attempt to nurse a wild animal back to health goes awry, Rosaline and Gwen come to his rescue. Camping for the night, the three learn something unique about each other, and perhaps, forge new friendships.

<Pose Tracker> Rudy Roughnight has posed.

His arm bleeds and it hurts. There is no one to blame but himself yet still he wants to cry. The wolf's teeth dig deep into the flesh of Rudy Roughnight's arm, twisting its head from side to side in an attempt to pull him down and kill him. He holds the bowie knife in his hands, yet he holds his attack and keeps his feet planned in the ground. The brown eyes of young boy look toward the creature, pained and troubled, but he knows he has to do something.

But that's the climax of this micro-tale.


Varmints are just part of any ranchers experience and the Ranchlands are no exception. So it was little surprise that during his rounds around Adlehyde, where he is awaiting word to help a certain Princess, that he came across a varmint down on its luck, a simple large gray wolf, sick and wounded with a hurt leg; no explanation, no reason, just laying near the side of the road.

If Rudy was a rancher or a farmer, perhaps they would just end the beast, but for some reason, the young boy decided to take care of it, to mend it back to full health. Heal Berries were purchased and mixed with food and left for the creature to consume. Over time, its wellbeing increased. Rudy thought he had a made a new friend, much like stories of kindness to animals had flooded his memories of his youth.

But things are wild for a reason.

And so, while he was sleeping, the mostly healed creature decided to attack Rudy while he was sleeping at his campsite, which was a slight distance the road and easily noticed if one was making their way toward the town. The brief scuffle has lead to the bag being dragged about, the neatly placed items such as his bag tossed about, and now, Rudy stands at this troubling position. The beast he has tried to save, is now trying to end him. So now he stands, wolf clinging to his forearm and the knife slightly shaking in his hand.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

Hopefully before Rudy has to make his decision, there's some loud clapping, as well as shouts. Shouts, thankfully, in Rudy's direction. "Hi-yip! Ha-yah! Hi-yip!" Some more loud clapping. "Shoo, shoo! Ha-yah!"

Here comes Gwen Whitlock, loudly stamping her boots and standing tall, clapping her hands above her head with more shouting to possibly scare the beast. If there's one thing most wild animals abhor, it's when there's numbers of another animal. A wolf or any sort of wild canine, Gwen considers, should be much the same, as long as they're not wounded. Or worse.

That is also assuming this is simply a straggler from some pack.

It's due to these reasons that Gwen doesn't simply run in to wrestle the wolf away. If she can get the wolf to dislodge itself from the young boy and run away, more energy can be spent on tending to the boy than worrying about fending off a wolf. Besides, she'd rather not use force if she can get away with it.

So. What did Auntie Frea say? Make yourself seem more of a threat than you really are, in a way an animal would understand. Stand straight, make lots of noise, and hope your horse Gulliver and the cart aren't being assaulted by bandits or the rest of the pack back where you abruptly left them.

<Pose Tracker> Rosaline Calice has posed.

It hasn't been so long since that expedition in the Lightless Shaft where Rosaline met Rudy. A lot has happened since, however. For one thing, she'd officially signed up to the Adventurer's Guild. Their tasks made for precious extra income she could add to her orphanage fund, and also took her away from the city. She thought she would have preferred the safety of civilization over the danger of the outside world, but... No.

She likes it, in the wild. It's quiet. ...Most of the time.

A search for a lost ring is what brought her to the Ranchlands. She might as well be looking for a needle in a haystack, but she took the job anyway. Her senses had always been sharper than most's, and she liked the excuse to go out besides. She preferred the aimless wandering infinitely over collecting charity in the middle of a crowd.

Fast forward to the current predicament!

There's a rustling in the nearby leaves, with a pair of feral eyes glinting among them, reflecting the light of the campfire. Another wolf? No, the pair of eyes doesn't make a move yet... trembling?

And then Gwen manifests. The glowing eyes actually disappear. For a moment, behind the bush, Rosaline Calice cowers, hands over her ears. It seems her intimidation tactics have worked ALL TOO WELL.

<Pose Tracker> Rudy Roughnight has posed.

The wolf's ears go back when there is a new arrival in form of Gwen Whitlock. Her lessons on wildlife serve her well and feeling an exposed flank, the wolf tries to turn Rudy toward the yelling woman who clearly isn't afraid of it. Then there is another person behind the bush.

The Hunter, feeling that it has become the Hunted, flees.

And so Rudy just stands there, water forming around the edges of his eyes. He wants to cry, but he doesn't know why. But instead he gives a sniffle, using his slightly bloodied glove to wipe his eyes while he puts his knife away. His ARM the Hand Cannon, his true weapon, is current wrapped in thin leather, which is enough to conceal exactly what it is, but not enough to waylay most curiosity.

Now out of harm's way, Roughnight looks to the two gathered, a brief nod of respect given along with a weak smile and a soft "thanks" before he gets to work putting together his campsite now that he has guests, even as his arm continues to bleed.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

As soon as the wolf runs off, Gwen almost seems to instantly shrink several inches, her own fear leaving her like a kite after the last of a strong gust of wind. "Oh thank god, it didn't have rabies or somethin'..." She trails off.

Oh, she sees you, trembling bush. "Hold on." Gwen's voice is shorter than she'd like for it to be- she'd like to keep up that nice, nice happy-go-lucky foolhardy courier, but seeing the red on Rudy's arm out of the corner of her eye and what could possibly be another threat, Gwen's short on time to convince anyone of anything aside from 'minimize damage'.

But those aren't dog eyes. Gwen may not have been the best at biology beyond what came useful for survival, but she does know this: canines don't have slitty cat eyes. Slowly picking up a stick or long instrument of some sort, she reaches forward, attempting to divert the bushes to one side. "We may got some company here."

But Rudy... already knows, it seems. Thus, the bush parted, Gwen looks over her shoulder to hear the curious sound of things being gathered up. Wait, is he going into shock? People who lose blood do sometimes do weird things, so maybe- "H-hey!" The stick is dropped, the MYSTERIOUS CAT-EYED DANGER momentarily pushed to the side of Gwen's mind as she turns around. "Whoah there. You're bleeding pretty rough there. I appreciate the good manners n' all, but I think we need to get that wound treated before you get an infection."

She gulps. "Assuming I didn't just ignore a mountain lion back there... Hey, Mr. Roughnight-" she says, finally placing his name from that night at the tavern, "are there mountain lions here?"

<Pose Tracker> Rosaline Calice has posed.

The wolf runs away. Gwen calms down. Rosaline opens her eyes again, but it seems she's been spotted. Gwen makes a reasonable but, in this case, wrongful assumption, causing her slit pupils to shrink even further as she remains there, paralyzed...

But no. Rudy's gaze crosses her own, and he knows. Gwen eases off, and Rosaline relaxes. Well, then... There isn't much sense in hiding anymore, if there even was any.

Gwen expected a mountain lion, but instead what she sees is a cat-eared woman in a nun's habit coming out from behind the bush. The woman looks very apologetic. She often does. as Rudy knows, and Gwen may soon find out that this might, in fact, be the nun's default setting.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she says, "I really should have come out to help sooner, but I just... dogs scare me. And loud noises, too... I was paralyzed." She holds her hands together, as in prayer, looking like she's about to cry too, for different reasons. There is just no way she could have handled this situation worse.

But wait... There's no time for self-pity, she has something to do.

"Oh! Your wound... I can do something about this, please let me." She walks past Gwen to approach Rudy and clutches her cross, her other hand glowing as she pours healing magic into the young man's wound.

After a moment's silence: "You recognized my eyes."

<Pose Tracker> Rudy Roughnight has posed.

"There are mountain lions. In the mountains."

Rudy's tone is matter-of-fact, lacking in judgment or mirth. He stops in his clean up efforts due to Gwen refocusing his priority with a healthy dose of common sense. "Oh" he suddenly realizes. There is definitely something slightly off about this young boy, in ways that are both refreshing and concerning at the same time.

At this point, Rosa makes her appearance as she arrives from behind the bush. A brief smile is given as the woman seems ready to cry. "It's fine, wolves can be scary," the young man states in a gentle tone as Rosaline moves to look at his arm. The other hand, the one that isn't bloodied, lifts to rest gently upon her shoulder if she allows it, giving it a light squeeze.

With the arm being healed like Gwen asked and the danger past, it seems things can settle into a lull and the talk to things more conversational. "I hope you both are doing well," he asks softly, as if the attack from the wolf didn't happen.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

"I suppose so," Gwen says, a self-deprecating weird sort of grin on her face. "Guess that was kind of a silly question." That or he's still loopy from shock! Clearly that.

Rosaline's appearance proves yet another reason why Rudy's not frightened. It's not a mountain lion at all! "O-oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to call you a mountain lion, haha..." Gwen runs her right hand through the hair on the back of her head. "I suppose I was just a bit too effective, then. But thank goodness you came over!" Gwen moves out of the way to allow Rosaline to come through. "Wild animals can be scary, yeah. We're probably just as scary to them, too. In this case... it worked out, didn't it?" Recognizing the cross in Rosaline's hand, Gwen nods. "Ah, Ethos! Even better."

Rudy seems to zero in on Rosaline's fear and pain more than his own, an act that causes Gwen to smile softly as she kneels down over the items spilled from the earlier attack. As she reaches to pick them up, she pausing, reflecting on the scattered debris there.

Drifters who travel alone like this, especially when they're young, tend to have secrets. At least, she did, when she first started out. They weren't all bad secrets, of course- just the sort of secrets a young teenager, not quite used to having them, sometimes grew anxious over getting discovered. Rudy, being the awkward young teen he is, probably doesn't want any sort of girl of any age sifting through his things.

Instead, she straightens. "Hey. How about I circle ol' Gulliver and my cart around here, just in case that wolf comes back? The inn at Adlehyde City's probably gonna be booked full at this point in the evening. I got a medical kit there too, but I think I'll leave the aid to those who are better at the aidin'."

<Pose Tracker> Rosaline Calice has posed.

Rosaline twitches ever-so-slightly when Rudy raises his arm, but she lets him rest it on her shoulder. He speaks reassuringly, and she nods. Soon the wound is patched up, at least the physical component of it. For the rest, magic can't do much.

"It's all right," Rosaline says without looking back at Gwen, with a nervous laugh. "I-I should have probably acted less suspiciously. It's normal for people not to know what to think."

She makes an interesting proposal. "Oh yes, that would be lovely, thank you." She nods, though she doesn't quite cross the other woman's gaze, looking down instead. "I... My name is Rosaline, by the way."

She then goes and sits down, quietly. Nowhere actually convenient, just on the ground, in something resembling fetal position. Her tail swishes along the dirt. "I'm doing..." She has to think about her answer to Rudy's question. "Well enough. A lot of things have been happening." She gives Rudy a strange look. He remembers that she pointed a gun at him, right? They aren't... It's hard to say whether they could be called friends. It's awkward. "And... how about you?"

<Pose Tracker> Rudy Roughnight has posed.

The items Gwen finds don't really seem to hold much in the way of secrets. There aren't any signs of hidden passions or private shames. In fact, the items are rather bland; an extra white shirt that seems rather dirty from time on the rough, extra rations that seem cheap but largely unappealing, mismatched socks that boots always seem to conceal. They reveal a seemingly boring existence of a young man seemingly devoid of hobbies or passing interests and save the few bullets and healing items that have spilled out from his bag, nothing to show he has anything outside of his profession.

Brown eyes take in the taller woman as she does her best to help, as if waiting for her thoughts on Rudy's lackluster possessions. As she avoids messing with the items, Rudy merely shrugs. "If it's something you'd prefer, that's fine," he says meekly. "Wouldn't want you to stay someplace worse than you should on my account."

The gloved hand flexes slowly, revealing that the blue haired boy can move it without much in the way of pain. The glove is them removed and placed on a stick that is stuck into the ground. That way the bit of blood that slipped its way in can dry.

"That's the thing about life Things are always happening and nothing last forever. Bad things come and go But good things too," Roughnight offers softly, speaking as if the tense moment over Rudy acquiring a new ARM never happened. He moves between the two ladies before he lowers himself on his haunches and works on getting the campfire going again since it seems people will be stay with him.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

"It ain't suspicious," Gwen answers Rosaline, waving a finger. "I mean, you weren't prepared to fight off a league of wolves with your cross, were you? What if we both got hurt? You'd still be in a great position to heal us, right?" Touching two fingers to her forehead and flicking them outwards in a salute, Gwen's mouth spreads into a broad smile. "Gwen Whitlock, super courier." Finally, she's owning up to it. Or maybe she still feels a little selfishly pumped after coming to a young Drifter's rescue. Like a knight in shining armor!

'Wouldn't want you to stay someplace worse than you should on my account.' Gwen looks at the young man, tilting her head slightly. There's something odd about Rudy. And Rosaline too, but her sort of odd is more the sort of odd Gwen just puts up to being shy and maybe not used to being in the thick of combat. That and the Beastman thing. They're alright, but it's still strange sometimes to encounter a man with a tail, or a woman with large pointy furred ears. Interesting, but sometimes the sort of thing that throws you off autopilot. Granted, isn't Gwen the same way? She just tries to mask it.

Rudy, though... something's... off. But not in a bad way.

Then again, why is she saying anyone is off when she's dealt with Zed?

Departing into the dark, Gwen returns with her silver horse and cart in tow some time later, circling Gulliver around so that he and the cart curve along the bonfire. "Shh, shh," Gwen gently murmurs to her horse, still curious about the abrupt stop and department of his Person. "While we're on introductions," she says, petting Gulliver's long nose, "This is Gulliver, my partner. He's loyal, sweet, works hard, and dumber than a bag of hammers. He's the best horse in the world."

Digging into her cart, Gwen produces some firewood, which she brings over to the campfire. Kneeling down besides Rosaline and Rudy and supplying wood as Rudy gets the fire started again, Gwen listens quietly. "I can watch over for you guys if you need some sleep. If you don't mind me, Mr. Roughnight, I'll see if I can gather up your things a bit. That arm of yours may not be fully ready to go, and that's a rough way to wake up. You too, Ms. Rosaline."

That's when Gwen's stomach, unheeding of any sort of manners, begins to growl. "Uh... sorry. Um, hold on, I better start cooking up something."

<Pose Tracker> Rosaline Calice has posed.

"Aha, right, you're right," Rosaline answers Gwen at her attempt to cheer her up. She feels she could argue with that reasoning... But no, she probably shouldn't. It would be rude. She does, however, smile at 'Super Courier'. "That was pretty Super, it's true."

And soon, she's gone.

"Yes," Rosaline says, gazing at nothing in particular when Rudy speaks. "Nothing lasts forever." She looks down, into the embers Rudy is starting to reanimate.

She doesn't dwell on it.

"You know... I've been thinking, since we last spoke." She doesn't go into specifics, because that would probably be best for all involved. "The things I did... I was under a lot of stress at the time. I'm still trying to figure out how to do what I have to without hurting anyone." She seems to be at all times Rudy has seen her so far, including now, though she looks relaxed now, by comparison.

"So I wanted to apologize. You don't seem like a bad person. We don't... we can't take each and every ARM, it just wouldn't be right. So long as power is used safely and responsibly... I... I..." She starts to stammer. Up until now, she was on the right track. Maybe she had rehearsed. "All I'm saying is, I'll be watching you."

This probably put her earlier lurking in a new perspective, but it's hard to tell whether this is meant to be reassuring or threatening. But Gwen soon returns, with a cart and horse.

"Hello, Gulliver," she says with a smile, rising to go pet the horse's long face if they'll allow it. This animal she has fewer problems with. But Gwen speaks of gathering things, and then proposes to cook. "Oh, certainly, leave it to me." More at ease, she does a more tense version of Gwen's earlier mock salute, and begins doing what she can to tidy up what still remains of the camp's disarray.

<Pose Tracker> Rudy Roughnight has posed.

"I never met your horse," Rudy says softly as Whitlock introduces her traveling partner. Slowly, he lifts himself up a standing position, moving toward the beast of burden. "May I?" he inquires and if allowed, Roughnight will move to pet the side of the creature with his bare hand, seemingly not at all hurt or blissfully ignoring any injury that the wolf might have caused. And if Rosaline is there, well, he will still go there, making the animal seem more like one for a child's petting zoo rather than a form of transport.

As Rosaline speaks in the wake of Whitlock, Rudy will either stand by the horse or continue petting it, depending on Gwen's response. Even if he isn't allowed to touch the creature, he does seem to enjoy being close to it. The talk of campfire duties is just given a nod, figuring that if the two women seem set on staying here he won't do anything to dissuade them.

However, Rosaline's words cause the boy with the blue bandanna to slightly cringe, particularly at the words 'I'll be watching you' as if by a reflex of experiences past. Oddly enough, there isn't a counter threat or some coy response as one would expect from a gruff Drifter or a sly lover, but merely a resigned "Okay" as Gwen returns. The young man really isn't one for words, as if choosing each statement carefully or actively avoiding the chance to speak whenever possible.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

Gulliver, as his dark eyes take in the presences of Rudy and Rudy, seems all too eager to take them in. "Please, go ahead," Gwen says, with a nod. "He's probably hungry for some attention from people right now. Dealin' with me always coming and going. Delivering things, not letting him pig out on food... Yes, I'm a terrible person, ain't I, Gulliver?" Gwen says, her voice shifting into a childish tone as she rubs his back. "Augh, what will you even do with me?"

Rosaline's petting prompts the horse to lightly nudge the woman's hand in encouragement. As Rosaline moves to tidy up the camp, Gulliver turns his head towards Rudy, his dark muzzle softly touching Rudy's head. "Ah, good, good," Gwen encourages, mindful of Gulliver possibly trying to sample Rudy's hair like he did Zed's. "Gulliver's the sort to like anyone with a good heart."

That's the way she wants to think of it, when seeing him like this in front of people. The gentle Gulliver, bowing his head to quietly accept all and any offerings of petting and general affection, all too happy to display that back with soft nudges of the nose, a quiet whinny, a playful nuzzle when he forgets that persons are not horses. "Anyone who is a friend of Gulliver's is a friend of mine."

Granted, that friendship is sometimes simply won by who has food and who is more likely to spoil him.

As Gulliver drinks in the attention, Gwen takes out three brightly colored woven blankets, handing one to Rosaline and then, allowing Rudy time with Gulliver, simply laying his by the fire. "Here. Usually I just have these around when I had to make trips up north, but on a night like this, one is really all you need. They make them tough in the Badlands."

<Pose Tracker> Rudy Roughnight has posed.

"He's a good horse," Rudy says softly, stating this as if it were a calm fact. The only thing that Rudy really protect are the ends of his bandanna, moving them when the horse seeks to nibble and nuzzle. While Gulliver seems accept any attention given, Rudy seems to take in the horse's 'affection' hungrily, literally rubbing his face against the horse when horses moves its larger head against his own.

As the blanket is offered, Gwen gets a small smile and a nod from Rudy. He is silent for a few seconds, as if figuring out his words before he says them. "Thank you so much Not sure if can really do anything to repay your kindness. If you need some healing stuff, I have some Heal Berries."

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

"Yeah, he is. Doesn't startle real easy like some, works hard as long as you're willing to keep up with him, and generally remembers that biting is not a way to show a person that you like them, or that you want to play." Seeing Rudy seem to open up to Gulliver's affections, Gwen watches, feeling something akin to when she was able to make her own aunt laugh for the first time. It was a difficult process, not helped by the woman's sour mood, but seeing her smile like that...

The kid may not get enough chances to feel that way, perhaps. Gulliver, for the most part, indulges in Rudy's attention, still managing to keep mindful of Rudy's shorter height when compared to his own.

When Rudy finally speaks, Gwen looks to the curled up Rosaline, then back to Rudy. "When I was younger and didn't have a lot to give people, some people still were kind to me," Gwen says quietly, turning to look at the bonfire as it crackles. "It's how we all survive. Besides, I got to feel like a big ol' hero, rushing in like that. Didn't have to shoot or hurt anything, either. Even if that wolf was attacking you... never did like the thought of killing animals, beyond just for hunting." Her left hand grabs her right, feeling it through the thick leather. She'd feel like less of a hero if she had to explain to everyone that she wasn't a metal demon or some sort of other monster while using her ARM. "But I would've if I had to, make no mistake. Even if we only met once, I feel Drifters should always help a fellow Drifter. Like white blood cells coming to defend against a virus! Or wait... is it... bacteria..?" Wait, no, only Auntie Frea would understand that, choose something else, Gwen. "Like bees? Ants... no, ah..." Her shoulder slump. "Y'get what I mean...? Like... people do. Maybe there'll come a time you get to be a hero for me or Ms Rosaline over here."

Still. Even if Rudy has the youthful sort of innocence that Mr. Balderdash lacked, there *could* be something. Gwen hesitates, stroking her chin. "Though, if you insist, I'm always lookin' for people to help me out on orders where I can't do everything myself. Stuff is lackluster now due to the damn blockade, but if things settle back down, there's going to be a lot of shipments back and forth. If I'm going to take advantage of that, I'm going to need people to help me, because you *know* bandits will try to pick someone like me off. I look like an easy target, even if I ain't. You're probably the same, right?"

<Pose Tracker> Rudy Roughnight has posed.

"Killing is something that sometimes has to be done, but I don't look to do it."

There is a calmness to his words, almost zen-like. For a brief moment, it might seem like the words are his own wisdom, but they seem inflected in a slightly different way: It's someone else's sage advice. "Seems like you feel the same way," Rudy adds a short moment later.

As Gwen thinks about her ARM arm, Rosa, and other things, it seems Rudy is fixated on the horse. While the reasoning for kindness is explained as a rule of nature or some sort of ethical code, Roughnight states his own simple logic: "I like helping people too." He's not stupid, but at times he seems far too simple.

At the talk of work, Rudy looks over Gwen. He thinks over her words for a moment, then reaches over to the leather wrapped weapon. He looks toward the horse then toward her. She's earned the trust. Calmly, he wraps the leather to reveal it: a relic from the Metal Demon Wars, the Hand Cannon.

It is perfectly polished, perhaps the only thing that seems to be without blemish on the young man. Bigger than a revolver (though it has a cylinder for rounds), smaller than a rifle (though it has a grip for a second hand) it seems to be much like it's owner: simple, unique, and perhaps like Gwen stated about Rudy himself, much more powerful than he appears. "If you need my help," Rudy states with a serious look to his eye as he rolls the cylinder around before stopping it with a firm certainity. "Just ask."

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

"Yeah." Gwen looks at the soft-voiced boy for a moment, then nods. "Kinda hate a kid your age has to learn to be okay with that, but it's part of being a Drifter of any kind, I suppose." Her sober expression falters when she realizes that, very likely, the divide in age between them is probably... less than five years. Well, nevermind that, he might as well be twelve for all the amount of big sister'ing she wants to do right now!

He likes to help people. It's simple. Does he need a reason? ... Wait, Gwen thinks, just why did she need a reason to do the same thing? "... Yeah, I... kinda do too," Gwen finally admits. Did she really have to dress it up like that in order to even admit to it? "Feels good to. Didn't get to do a whole lot of it until I got older." Augh, she sucks at being the wise cool sister type. Her novels lied to her!

When Rudy reaches towards the concealed hand cannon and reveals it, Gwen's expression shows mild surprise, the betrays a certain amount of knowledge as she looks over the weapon, tracking over the various parts. Recognition. Then, as if to assure Rudy, she nods. "You probably already know this, but... make sure to pick who you show this to. That's gotta be at least around Metal Demon Wars era. Can't say for sure- my auntie knows a lot more than I do."

'Be careful who you show this to.' Kalve had warned her, as well, possibly for reasons similar and yet slightly different. Yet, isn't that the way it went for so many? ARMs were as different as the very owners they synchronized to. Gwen was able to learn that much.

"I'll show you my ARM. I want you to know that I can help you, if you need it. But promise me you won't tell anyone, unless you absolutely have to." Her voice is quiet, trying not to wake up the peacefully slumbering Rosaline. "Ho'kay, here goes. Promise me you won't, uh... get grossed out or anything..." It'd be a good lesson, maybe. But should she really show him something like this so soon after having to deal with a wolf attacking him while he slept?

"I'll trust ya, since you trusted me." Gwen releases a breath and draws the first glove... off her left hand, revealing a nice, pink, slightly callused hand. She flexes the fingers, as if to prove it was real by movement alone. "My hand. Uh, here. You can feel it. Normal, right?" She offers it out to Rudy, almost like offering a limp handshake. "You'll get why I'm showing you this in a second."

Whether or not Rudy reaches out to her hand, Gwen grips the glove of her right hand with her teeth, tugging it off with some resistance. Underneath, metallic skin glints faintly in the flickering light of the campfire, the surface textured just enough to keep the metal from sending reflections off into the air. Joints that move and reflex, much like the normal hand she displayed first. She undoes the cuff on the sleeve with her mouth, pushing it up to reveal more of the ARM to Rudy. "Probably not as powerful as yours," she says, flexing the metallic fingers, trying to judge Rudy's expression and how uncomfortable he may feel. "Still packs a punch. But I'm human, see? Not... anything else, so... yeah." She holds both hands up for Rudy to examine. "I'll help you out, if you need me. If you're not, uh... crazy uncomfortable with it. Which, I mean, if you are, it's okay! Perfectly fine. But if you aren't... be happy to help. That's all." She looks away to the fire, her lips stretched into a nervous line. "... so yeah..."

<Pose Tracker> Rudy Roughnight has posed.

When you're young, five years is a long time. It's a long time when you're not young. Married for five years is something to be proud of, being alone for five years can seem like an eternity. Five years can be a lot of growth and change for a person. Presuming he lives that long, one might wander what sort of man Rudy Roughnight will become. Not that he would ever think about such things naturally.

When Gwen replies to enjoying helping like himself, Rudy smiles. "That's good."

Of course, the weapon draws a somberness as Gwen makes her observations. Rudy doesn't really speak on what he knows about the weapon nor his thoughts on this mysterious Aunt. But he nods again when Whitlock makes him promise. When he speaks as infrequently as he does, it does make it seem rather plausible it's a secret he would take to his grave.

Finally, there is there is the moment of truth. The reveal. Rudy waits for the case, the pulled away jacket, the hidden holster. But there is none of that as Gwen reaches for her glove and Roughnight's brow quirks in confusion. He doesn't pull away as the ARM arm makes itself known for what it is. Instead, his left hand reaches out, as if called to it, but it is calmly held in place by other hand.

"Never seen anything like it," the boy admits, his tone more matter of fact than offering pride or horror. "But you're right; people tend to be scared of stuff like that. Considering what such power can do, not really surprised." Again, those words that seem like conversation, but the words of someone else as if lifted from a conversation from another soul.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

The gasp, the shock, the horror... doesn't come. At all. Gwen sort of suspected Rudy'd be somewhat able to process it, as his personality seemed on the mellow side of things. Even so, there's a small, cautious part of her that curls up protectively like an armadillo, afraid of a possible conflict that she might bring upon herself.

You never know how people feel about such things, even if they have used an ARM themselves.

"Yeah, it's.. kinda convenient, isn't it?" Gwen admits with a sigh of a relief, allowing herself a small bit of pride now that the initial anxiety over Rudy's reaction is past. "I haven't seen anyone with one like this either, but, it's a big world out there. Seeing a lot of ARMs I've never seen anywhere else."

Flexing and rolling around both hands, Gwen continues, "I lost my, er, 'real' arm when I was a kid. I thought I'd have trouble getting used to it, but with ARMS being the way they are... it's like I never lost it in the first place. But the downside, well..." She holds up both hands for Rudy to compare, in order to make her next point. "If I don't make it clear what I am, someone could mistake me for a Metal Demon. Especially now with the exhibition going on and all. They may be long gone, but the concept's been brought to the forefront in everyone's minds. I'm just a courier, in the end, and a Drifter at that. Can't do much of anything if I'm thrown in some jail on suspicion that I'm, err... not what people expect me to be. Even if I am."

As Rudy reaches out but stops himself, Gwen half-smiles, misinterpreting his reaction as curiosity. "Hey, it's okay! I appreciate you doing that, but, uh, here." Standing up, she steps over, reaching her right hand outwards as if about to shake hands, towards the arm the Rudy was beginning to reach out. That's probably just his dominant hand. Or maybe that was his right? Maybe he's ambidextrous. "I'm not, er, loaded, if that makes sense. Bullet-wise. But yeah."

The hand, while not flesh, doesn't feel like strictly hard cold metal, either. It feels alive and malleable to a degree, even warm to the touch.

<Pose Tracker> Rudy Roughnight has posed.

There is a long pause as the hand moves into Rudy's, as if trying to teach him that handshakes are nothing to be afraid of. But it's clear that appropriate greetings was not the issue.

There is a very brief and very faint blue glow on Rudy's forearm,one that appears as Rudy's left hand makes contact with Gwen's unique gift. The Terrific Transporter might feel something in the 'alien' limb or be able to notice something on Rudy's forearm, but who knows, Rudy's never accidently attempted to sync with an ARM like this, one in the shape of limb much less one currently attached to a person. Despite the fact the effort that is doomed to fail, even if Rudy wished to do so, Rudy looks alarmed at what is happening. Truly, he presents as a boy defined by events seemingly out of his control.

Regardless of the reaction from his current company, the ARMs wielder forces his own hand away, looking down as he appears ready to cry. "I'm sorry for what I did," he offers weakly, his grip around his own left forearm tight, as if ashamed by it. Talk of Metal Demons of Metal Demons is brought back up. "I understand what it's like to be feared for who you are. I'm sorry for what I did," he repeats, as if reciting something he's had to say so many times over his brief life. "I'm sorry for what you have to go through."

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

And this is where Gwen makes her mistake. Rudy, after all, seems like an awkward young man. Maybe he's been sheltered, or hasn't had a lot of contact with people. Maybe he's shy because she's a girl- even with the age difference, guys can be like that. Maybe it's him just trying to be respectful.

... Well, he kinda was, really. Kinda hard to be polite when you're synchronizing someone else's ARM away from them.

"Nnh...!" Gwen's shocked expression lasts a brief moment before collapsing into a pained wince, her left hand gripping at her chest. The courier, in her infinite wisdom, never did tell Rudy anything about what the ARM's installation was truly for. After all, just why does a 'simple courier' have a device as powerful and dangerous as an ARM in place of her arm? Certainly not to impress people, or scare bandits.

Electricity sparks as Rudy breaks contact, Gwen aiding him inadvertently by pressing away with her own left hand. Collapsing back, she breathes, her eyes closed. In, out. In. The ARM shakes. Rudy apologizes, referencing what she said moments earlier. Not quite ready to speak, Gwen holds out her left hand, palm out, in a silent gesture for him to stop, then pointing to the sleeping Rosaline.

When she does speak, she makes an effort to hush her words. "...G-gimme a sec," she says, sitting down by the fire. The sleeve is buttoned back into place, and the glove placed by on. "H'okay. C'mon over, you should be okay now."

If and when he does, Gwen says, "I'm the one who should apologize. You were the one holding yourself back. I just... kinda jumped the gun. Thought you were being shy." If he doesn't shrink away, the second time Rudy apologizes, Gwen gently presses a left hand on his shoulder. "... Y'sound like you've had to say that a lot. I told you. It's okay. You were looking out for me. It's... not like you could've went 'hey, stop silly courier, my arm'll get all glowy and do... stuff!' So. You're okay. I'm okay." She manages a smile. "Okay?" The courier then pauses. "... I'd give you a big ol' hug right now, but. Uh. I wanna make sure that's something you're okay with."

<Pose Tracker> Rudy Roughnight has posed.

There is a long pause as the hand moves into Rudy's, as if trying to teach him that handshakes are nothing to be afraid of. But it's clear that appropriate greetings was not the issue.

There is a very brief and very faint blue glow on Rudy's forearm,one that appears as Rudy's left hand makes contact with Gwen's unique gift. The Terrific Transporter might feel something in the 'alien' limb or be able to notice something on Rudy's forearm, but who knows, Rudy's never accidently attempted to sync with an ARM like this, one in the shape of limb much less one currently attached to a person. Despite the fact the effort that is doomed to fail, even if Rudy wished to do so, Rudy looks alarmed at what is happening. Truly, he presents as a boy defined by events seemingly out of his control.

Regardless of the reaction from his current company, the ARMs wielder forces his own hand away, looking down as he appears ready to cry. "I'm sorry for what I did," he offers weakly, his grip around his own left forearm tight, as if ashamed by it. Talk of Metal Demons of Metal Demons is brought back up. "I understand what it's like to be feared for who you are. I'm sorry for what I did," he repeats, as if reciting something he's had to say so many times over his brief life. "I'm sorry for what you have to go through."

<Pose Tracker> Rudy Roughnight has posed.

As Gwen deals with the dangerous aftermath of Rudy's accidental efforts, the young boy doesn't help, as if fearing that the woman will suddenly be on the offensive. That doesn't happen though, and Whitlock is able to recollect herself as Rudy does the same.

A sniff helps contain the water in Rudy's eyes, the tears refusing to fall considering he's around people he barely knows. But Gwen seems nice enough and seems to have a worldly awareness to her. It's a rare combo in these lands, that's for sure. The hand rests on the shoulder and it is only the contact that brings his eyes up to meet her own blue-gray.

"I didn't know what would happen," Rudy admits softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I tend to really do well with ARMs from the 'Metal Demon Wars Era' as you called it.-" Some people would say a comment like that evasively, but for Rudy, that's the only explanation he seems to have or give with the 'glowing blue' and he seems fine with it. "But never saw one that was part of someone." He gives a long sigh, as if trying to exhale all the tension from his body. "Glad you're okay though. I didn't think an ARM could be linked that like to someone, but well, it's a big world, I suppose."

The boy's bandana sways from side to side as he shakes his head in response to the offered hug. While he might be different from normal teens in some ways, in others he's right on point. "It's okay, it's not needed." A glance is given toward the area. "If you need to rest, feel free to do so, I'm sure that keep an eye on things. My arm is pretty healed up and I'm tougher than I look." As he speaks of his own inner resolve something seems to happen. As he gives Gwen a glance back toward with his brown eyes, a small spark seems visible in the back of his eyes, a shining lighthouse of strength in a sea of self-loathing. It's fleeting, melting itself with the sadness prior to bring Rudy to a homeostasis of sorts, making it unclear if it is something he intentionally hides, or just an aspect of himself that has yet to really present itself.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

This may have been the first time Gwen's ever had someone use synchronize with the very ARM attached to her, but, it may not have been the first time she's had to deal with whatever problem she's working through right now. The measured breathes, the way she closes her eyes, working through each breath like some sort of mantra.

While it was the separation that ultimately helped, Gwen's expression seems calm, if still a little surprised and unsure. She's got questions, yes, and she definitely wants to ask them, but Rudy's facial expression and the way he's trying to hold back tears shifts her priorities. "It felt like... something was coming in. Taking over. I guess that's what I'd try to define it as. You say you can do well with ARMS from the Metal Demon Wars Era, right?" Gwen ponders over this, using a stick to shift some wood on the fire. "Do you mean, say, using them and all? Most people can only synchronize with one or two. I think. Don't quote me on that."

When she looks at Rudy, her eyes soften in the glare of the fire. She grins. "... Maybe you're just that special. Whatever you did there, I'm kinda glad it's you who has it. I dunno... if that happened to me with someone else, I'd probably be scared of them. But seeing you, even if I've only met you once or twice, I dunno. Your eyes." She points to her own. "Those ain't the eyes of someone who wants to hurt me. Unless, well," Gwen makes a face. "I get on your bad side. Could see a kid like you gettin' really dangerous for someone in a hurry."

Gwen the blinks. "Er, oh. Also. Uh. Just so you don't get to thinkin' you suddenly developed something new, uh, the ARM connects to my heart," Gwen explains, placing her right hand over her head. "I was born with a weak heart. The ARM runs through here..." She takes her hand off of Rudy's shoulder and points to her own, running her index finger from there towards her heart. "It's attached there in some... way, not sure, but apparently it uses some sort of electricity? Something. Makes sure my heart beats fast enough for my body, if I'm remembering right. So, uh, that part? That was my ARM."

Seeing Rudy shake his head to her offer, Gwen laughs and nods. "Yeah, you are kinda old, I guess. Sorry, just the way you looked made me want to bearhug you. Maybe you dodged a bullet there!" As Rudy makes his offer, Gwen slowly nods, her gaze looking towards Gulliver and her cart. "... Yeah, I... probably should rest for a bit. I admit, it was... kinda scary. I hadn't felt something like that in a long time..." She quickly shifts her gaze back to Rudy. "But I wasn't scared of you, so don't you get that thought in your head."

.... Because that's the sort of thought Gwen would've had in hers, had the tables been turned. Still, seeing that spark of resolve, Gwen's sudden anxiety flows away. "... You're a good person."

"I'm still gonna take you up on that free favor, though."

<Pose Tracker> Rudy Roughnight has posed.

As Gwen tries to figure out the extent of Rudy's gift, it seems Rudy seems to become much less responsive. "I dunno," he admits softly. "Just seems to be that way."

Gwen speaks of his kindness, the potential of a unique gift he possesses, of the power he likely contains inside. He doesn't really reply to those words, only giving what some would believe a simple and perhaps dismissive shrug. But his brown eyes belay that there is more it to. He's clearly thinking over the words, mulling them over with deep consideration as he seems in that moment to personify the phrase 'still waters run deep'.

The talking woman shifts to discuss her medical condition and how her ARM plays into it. His eyes follow the tracing of her hand, his gaze resting to her chest. As he stares slightly in thought, she talks of him being 'kinda old', as well as her desiring to bearhug him They combine into a cocktail that result in the young boy doing something that Gwen might not expect. A soft blush comes, filling his boyish cheeks. "I'm tougher than I appear," he repeats softly as his eyes meet hers, in response to the idea that he might be dodging a bullet in avoiding her hug.

As Whitlock agrees with his sentiment that she needs rest, Rudy nods. "I can help get you ready for bed." While the older woman might fear exactly what that means, he actually moves away from her at that, merely going to his sleeping area and lifting his bag. He then takes off his glove and begins to methodically run his hand on the ground. Any imperfects that would impede a good night's rest such as sticks, rocks, and even clumps of grass are tossed aside or managed in order to ensure the resting area is smooth. As he does his rather odd way of caring, Rudy offers his own counter assessment. "It's rare that someone is so willing to forgive. To trust something someone that they don't understand. You have to be careful with that. If your discernment is off, if it is taken advantage of, you can be hurt. And for you to be hurt or killed would be sad. There are far too few people like you in this world."

Unlike Roughnight's previous longer statements, there is no hind of reciting or stating of some past wisdom, just his own thoughts in his own soft and seemingly meek voice. As he rises up, he looks over toward the woman, repeating himself yet again as if to counter his insight. "I like helping" comes in response to the taking up on the free favor before he adds a final statement. "If you have a sleeping bag or the like, you can place it on top of mine. It will make it softer. If not, just use mine, it's already warmed."

While Rudy doesn't really speak of his past life, like most people, he offers hints of it in clues with what he does and says.... Most of it in sharp contrast to the way most react to things.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

'Just seems to be that way.' Gwen lifts her right arm slightly. "Yeah, but aren't we all kinda like that?"

When he blushes, Gwen blinks, then looks downwards to where she's pointing. The offer to bearhug him. Her mind may have been regarding him like he was much younger, but he is still, well, a teenager. "O-oh, uh-" Thankfully, Rudy seems to have moved on, reinstating the quiet strength that lies underneath the awkward-seeming teenage exterior.

That all crumbles at his next choice of words, causing Gwen to choke back a stammer at the innocent statement. "W-well-" She stops as he moves to his area, lifting his sleeping bad and meticulously smoothing out the ground. She's almost about to tell him to stop, but she quiets herself.

Maybe this is his way of showing his thanks. Acceptance, even if it's more of a means to an end on her part, is not something that is given freely, regardless of whether they were in Adelhyde or the Badlands. 'There are far too few people like you in this world.' Now it's Gwen's turn to look bashful, her gaze looking away from the teenager to the campfire. For all that she tries to impose herself as a sort of psuedo-'big sis' (which is probably silly, considering the sleeping Rosaline looks to be a more proper fit for the role, in Gwen's opinion), there's a clear divide in their experiences. "... Yeah. It'll happen, one day. I don't doubt it." Her voice is oddly quiet, betraying a certain sort of melancholy that has been kept well-hidden up until now. She opens her mouth to say something, then looks at the helping Rudy. She offers a sad sort of half-smile instead. "I accept those who accept me."

... Which probably will lie the key to her downfall, though Gwen's slightly sad smile indicates a sort of understanding of this fact, as well as key in that she, like Rudy did earlier, was thinking on his words.

"... Nah, you need your sleep too," Gwen says as Rudy finishes, placing her blanket and bag on the spot he prepared. "Besides, you did a great job clearing this area." Curling up in her bed, she turns over, looking towards Rudy. "... I think I already said it, but... if you need anything, uh, let me know. Can't promise you much, but. You're kind of a rare person yourself. I wouldn't mind giving you a hand if there's something I can help ya with." Then, turning over towards the fire, she says, after stifling a yawn, "G'night, Mr. Roughnight."

<Pose Tracker> Rudy Roughnight has posed.

A slight grunt is given is given at the fact that Gwen knows she will be burned, but Rudy doesn't speak on it. Instead, he continues to focus on his efforts in ensuring that her place is perfect. For a reason that defies Rudy's limited understanding, the arm that was previously bitten hurts. He continues on despite his pain.

"I'm fine," the boy states when it comes to the comment of needing sleep as well as needing help. The boy loves it when he can get the most mileage out of the least words possible. "I can just rest tomorrow at the tavern. I've saved enough that it won't be too big a deal. Rudy's fine, miss. G'night."

And with that, Rudy merely takes a seat by the fire, watching it from time to time. Occasionally, he'll look toward Rosaline and Gwen, protective in his own way. Once he's sure that Gwen is asleep, however, he will calmly move toward his sleeping bag and attempt to put his over hers in order to ensure she's warm enough. Provided he can get away with that, and even if she wakes up protests and he's forced to put it back, he'll still end the night and begin the morning with the same thing, just sitting down by the fire, curling his arms around his legs as he draws them to his chest and think about the past, the present situation he finds himself in with the company he keeps, and despite trying to avoid it, what the future may hold for him.