2024-05-05: Rival Battle! Sable vs. Mia!: Difference between revisions

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(Two rivals clash... and come away with a better understanding of each other.)
(No difference)

Revision as of 03:38, 7 May 2024

  • Log: Rival Battle! Sable vs. Mia!
  • Cast: Sable Aomori, Mia Tamaoka
  • Where: Celadon City - Centropolis Plaza
  • Date: May 05, 2024
  • Summary: The last time they spoke, Sable declared Mia to be her Rival, and that she would show Mia the error of her ways. A lot has happened for Mia since then, and when she spots Sable in Celadon... she decides to approach the other girl. A challenge is issued, and a battle undertaken.

=====================<* Celadon City - Centropolis Plaza *>=====================

In the distant past, Celadon City was simply "Centropolis," owing to its housing of many central functions of government and state. Eventually, the local council decided the city could use an image change to attract more travellers and events, and thus Celadon City was born under an ambitious and prominent civil plan that saw the rise of many department stores and haute couture boutiques. Today, Celadon City is the crown jewel of shopping and consumer goods, and virtually anything can be found here, if you know where to look. Celadon City also houses the Nede Times, Energy Nede's first and foremost publication.

Centropolis Plaza rests at the centre of Celadon City, and boasts a large fountain designed by a famous artisan. Pidoves and other small Bird Pokemon often rest on its many tiers. Around the plaza is a multitude of delicatessens and open-terrace restaurants, making the spot popular with office workers taking their lunch break, and as a gathering spot.

BGM: Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee & Pikachu! - Celadon City - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRmmK8mm9FE
DC: Sable Aomori switches forms to Punk Girl Sable!
DC: You switch forms to Rocket Mia!
DC: Mia Tamaoka switches forms to Rocket Mia!
<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

It is a beautiful day in Centropolis--Celadon City. It is usually a beautiful day in Celadon City, to be fair. Sable Aomori has been here shopping. She's needed a number of things; new TMs for her Pokemon, new clothes (especially Symbologically treated clothes) for journeys, accessories, battle item components... (Since she makes her own)...

A lot of things.

But now, she has a few bags from various stores with bright logos, and she is walking down the sidewalk in a park near Centropolis Plaza. She might get a snack at one of the food carts soon...

But for now, Sable is dressed in her usual black jacket, over a red top and a black skirt with boots, and Prinplup walks along behind her, proudly striding across the grass after her. She is thoughtful-looking, as always, but her height and fur collar help her stand out in a crowd.

The Pokemon helps, too. He has a scarf now! It's very dapper.

<Pose Tracker> Mia Tamaoka has posed.

Mia is also here shopping, as it turns out. Mostly for clothes, though. And for a few other things for a few other things for herself and for her pokemon. (Hopefully this claw polish brand will be more resistant to battle damage, plus it comes with matching shades for the trainers to help coordinate looks trainer and pokemon!) She's only managed one bag, though, but she's taking a break to build up her courage again.

Her light purple hair, which she'd been coming back or tying into a ponytail, is worn down, brushed out and framing her face. Black glasses framing pale, silver eyes. She's still wearing her purple hoodie with the silver pokeball logo on it, and a black t-shirt underneath. And she still has the same black sneakers. But the most striking difference might be the fuschia skirt she's wearing, with a pair of black bike shorts underneath.

Purri, of course, is on her shoulder, tail swishing softly. It's been a good day, despite the nervousness, and she's heading to the Game Corner to medicate on some arcade action.

"... Purr?" says Purri, and Mia follows her gaze, and then blinks. Where before she'd been walking proudly (for all of her 5'1" height), she blanches a little, shoulders sagging as she remembers what Sable said the last time they fought. What Anne and Edgar told her about being a Rival.

Appreciate her, but don't' disappoint her.

But a rival is somebody who will challenge you, as well...

She watches Sable watching for a moment, watching the evolved Prinplup to with a small smile, and then takes a breath.

"Can't av-void her forever, right, Purri?"

"Purr," she says, with a nod.

"Right, then." Mia squares up her shoulders, stands up straight, and then changes direction to approach Sable. She's only got a bag in one hand, and the other offers an awkward half-wave as she approaches, despite the confidence she's trying to project.

"Uh, h-hey, Sable," she says. "Um..." She looks down at herself, but then steels herself and straightens her posture again. "Before we g-go any further, I'm g-going by Mia now. A-and my pronouns are she/her."

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

Sable also has painted nails! Hers are dark blue. Bu she doesn't recognize Mia at first; she doesn't notice that she could be avoided. Not until Mia squares up her shoulders and approaches, at which point Sable turns towards her.

Her hair's brown now; she might've still been dyeing it last time they met.

Now, though, Sable for a moment tilts her head as a girl approaches her--and then blinks slowly when she introduces herself. "Hello," she says at first.


"Oh. Hello then, Mia." Mia, and she/her... She nods, as if filing that information away in some system. "And hello, Purri."

Ulpi the Prinplup rolls his shoulders, extending his wings for a moment up.

"...Cool," she says. "I'll remember that."

is.. is that it???

No. it is not. Sable then asks, "Are you ready? I decided... that next time I saw you, I would battle with you."

"...A girl is fine as a rival, too. Are you ready?"

Prinplup steps forward.

Sable tilts her head towards an open arena space. "...There would be fine."

<Pose Tracker> Mia Tamaoka has posed.

Mia's nails aren't painted at the moment. (But when she makes it back to a place to stay for the night she and Purri will be getting matching nail and claw polish applied.)

But despite all of the nervousness she is trying to conceal, there is a small but genuinely happy smile when Sable addresses her by her name.

Purri meows happily, smiling (as she often always is), with a perky, "Purrloin!" She looks down to Ulpi. "Purr, purrloin." Congrats on evolving.

That smile grows a little wider as Sable says she'll remember that, and she gives a grateful, "Thanks."

She's fine with that. It's more than she expected, really, considering how their last conversation went.

But of course, there's more...

Sable expresses her intentions, and Mia just... nods. "... I know. Y-your mom warned me." Why does she feel so calm right now? She's a little nervous, sure, but when did walking right up to someone she knew was intending to battle her become her M.O.?

A girl is fine as a rival... Mia opens her mouth to say something, but just closes her mouth and glances off to the side, blushing happily. After a moment she nods and looks back to Sable and nods. "Sure."

She is ready, and she's not really sure why.

Purri looks at her, curiously, as if noticing the difference in her trainer... then smiles and leans in to rub her cheek against Mia's. "Purr!" You got this! She then jumps down to the ground as Ulpi steps forward.

Mia and Purri both head over to the arena space. She sets her backpack carefully down, along with her shopping back, and steps into the space marked for the trainer. "S-so... what are the r-rules. A-and..."

She's heard it from Anne and Edgar, but, she wants to hear it in Sable's own words.

"... W-what does being a Rival mean, t-to you?"

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

Ulpi nods sharply to Purrloin. "Prin!" He acknowledges this congratulations.

When Mia smiles wider, Sable can tell that she's happier, but isn't entirely sure why, when she's only doing what's normal when someone changes like this. Nevertheless she accepts it, and then--

"You're still working with Mom?" Sable asks. She's thoughtful about that, for a moment. "I guess she would know. I learned what it means to have rivals from her."

Sable notices a difference in Mia, too, and it's not just the fuchsia skirt. Sable brings her shopping bags with her as she also approaches the arena space, considering Mia further. Ulpi is not so affectionate with Sable as Purri is with Mia--but they were always different in the first place.

Sable sets down her things, except for the Pokeballs at her belt. What does it mean, Mia asks. And Sable tries to meet her eyes through those glasses.

"...it's a commitment," Sable says. "That I'm going to challenge you, and that I expect you to challenge me. Not just in battle, though part of it is getting stronger."

"If you hadn't agreed to this battle... then I couldn't really consider you a rival. But you have. There's something different about you..."

Sable reaches up a hand to tuck some brown hair behind a pointed, pierced ear. "...Prove to me you have resolve, Mia."

She pauses, and Ulpi steps up into the arena at her direction. "The rules are... One Pokemon at a time. You can switch anytime you want, though. Battle until we run out of capable combatants or until one of us yields."

"I think that's fair."

<Pose Tracker> Mia Tamaoka has posed.

It is normal courtesy... but their situation is a bit complicated, now that Sable knows Mia is a Rocket. So it's nice to have that courtesy confirmed.

... Though honestly it'd be nice to get even if things weren't strained between them.

Mia nods. "Yeah, s-sometimes." She does still do normal work for her, when she's not off doing her Journey thing. And when she's not doing her other work, for Team Rocket.

Purri has served a far, far different purpose to Mia than battle partner... but maybe somedayt Mia can explain that, if they ever get back on better speaking terms again.

Mia is studying Sable, too, and she unzips her hoodie so the pokeballs on her belt are more easily accesible. She's got a simple black t-shirt on underneath. She does meet Sable's gaze, though. There's a little bit of baseline uncertaintty on her face, but mostly, in the moment, curiosity.

"... A c=commitment..." To challenge each other. Another piece of the definition she hadn't gotten yet. She nods to that. Not just in battle... "Th-then... in other stuff." She looks down, but only for a moment before she looks up again. "You w-want to convince me to leave."

She doesn't mention leaving what, though. They both know.

Mia nods. "The o-old me might have tried to g-get out of it." She blinks a little as she admits that so frankly, looking thoughtfully for a moment. Something different... "I'm done running a-away from things though. I want to be the b-best version of me, th-that I can."

There's even something about her voice. Though she still can't help some of her stammering, which might read as nervousness... her voice itself is a lot calmer, more certain than before.

Resolve. Mia nods to that, eyes flicking over to watch that adjustment of the hair. That pierced ear... She looks Sable in the eyes and nods. "I will. I'll try n-not to disappoint you."

A beat. "C-can I ask, why you stopped dying your h-hair?"

She listens to the rules, next, and nods. "Okay. I h-have five pokemon I'll battle with." And yet she has six pokeballs on her belt (compared to five, the last time). But Sable should be able to guess which one she won't be using, the one tucked away in a Nest Ball.
Mia reaches to her belt and tosses a pokeball out. "Silci, g-go!"

Out pops not a Silcoon, like the last time Sable might have seen her, but a Beautifly, with wings carefully groomed to an extra bright, vibrant sheen. She pops out and does a little spin in the air before declaring, "Beautifly!"

"Congrats on Ulpi evolving, by the way," she says with a genuine smile.

She considers a moment.

"You can make the first move."

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

"I see." Sable finds herself thinking about that, too. Mia still works for her mother... "Mom thinks people should choose their own paths. Does she know about you?"

Mia can explain a lot of things. But for now, Sable looks back, and she notices more than just uncertainty. It's a commitment, Sable says, and she nods back. "Yes. As people. ...I'm older than you, but we're both on the Journey."

She nods a second time in as many moments. "I do. I don't think you should be where you are. I don't think it suits the person who hatched that Whelpwisher."

The old her... She watches Mia. "If you're done running... Then all right."

"The only stakes on this match are pride and a little FOL. You don't have to quit if I win. But I want you to think about what the 'best version' of you is."

She will try not to disappoint her. Sable acknowledges that with a look--and then the question, "...I stopped dyeing my hair because it's not practical for trudging around on Filgaia and Lunar. The dye runs when it gets wet and dirty..."

She lets that trail off. "But I guess it also reminds me of my Dad. His hair is brown."

"I'll choos five, too." Sable kneels down to place a Pokeball in her bag, and rises again. "Thank you," she says of the congratulations. "Silci is very pretty, too."

The first move... Sable nods. "Ulpi," she says. "Ready?"


"...Go! Use Icy Wind!"

<SoundTracker> Battle! Trainer (Pokemon: Let's go Pikachu/Eevee) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NF01ajkOB_0

Sable points forward, and Ulpi the Prinplup raises his wings into a 'T' before frigid gales begin to blow from behind him at Beautifly!!

"Do your best."

GS: Sable Aomori has attacked Mia Tamaoka with Icy Wind!
GS: Sable Aomori has gained 2 Combo!
GS: Sable Aomori's stances have changed from Counter to Counter and Stoic!
GS: Sable Aomori gains 21 THP from her Cautious!
GS: Sable Aomori has completed her action.
<Pose Tracker> Mia Tamaoka has posed.

Mia draws in a breath as Sable asks her that question. She glances aside for a moment, thoughtfully, then back to Sable. Mia nods. "She does. And she knows my preferred name a-and pronouns."

"We are," Mia agrees. She's still trying to figure out what she wants to use her journey for, but... they do have that in common, at least. "I'm still trying to f-figure out what my Journey is for... b-but I want to use it to g-get stronger."

Is this the best thing to admit, when Sable knows she'll use that strength in service of Team Rocket? Maybe, maybe not. But it's her honest answer.

The person who hatched Rishi... "I guess we'll f-find out."

"I am." Done running, that is.

"Pride a-and FOL." Not being asked to quit... she wouldn't agree to that, anyway. "I've been giving th-that a lot of thought, lately."

"Oh, th-that makes sense... I'm..." Mia glances aside for a moment. "... still f-figuring out a new outfit, t-too." Something that represents her that she can adventure in comfortably.

Mia puts her Nest Ball away, and then squares off with Sable. She smiles, at the compliment for Silci. "Thanks!"

Ice moves--expected, but Mia didn't have a lot of great counter options for Ulpi. "Evade it!"

Silci darts to the side, straining her wings against incoming hail. The edge of one wing frosts over, but with a flex of her wing she's able to shake most of the ice off.

"A-alright, Stun Spore!"

"Beaut!" Silci rises into the air and flapes her wings quickly, releasing clouds of glittering dust and directing them at Ulpi.

GS: Mia Tamaoka has attacked Sable Aomori with Stun Spore!
GS: Mia Tamaoka has gained 2 Combo!
GS: Mia Tamaoka has completed her action.
GS: Sable Aomori perfectly guards Mia Tamaoka's Stun Spore for 16 hit points!
GS: Interrupt blocked!
<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

So Sable's Mom knows about Mia's affiliation. "...She taught me to let people follow their own paths. So that makes sense."


This, here and now, though, is between Sable and Mia. "Strength... Do you know what it is?" Sable wonders. "It's more than the power to push people around."

"It's the power of knowing yourself, too. That's... the kind of strength I want."

Bu they will find out. She's been giving it thought, Mia says, and Sable nods to that. "All right."

A new outfit. "...It's good to experiment with your style. If you aren't sure what you like, copy someone else until you learn to do it for yourself. Style is... fun."

Sable uses a lot of Ice moves, as a rule. But she does have other angles. Silci strains, and Sable watches intently. When Mia insructs her Stun Spore--

Glittering dust spreads close to Ulpi, and he suddenly steps forward into it, slicing through the air with one wing in a shockwave that dissipates the dust entirely. "Prin... plup!" he crows, defiant.

"Ulpi wants to see your resolve, too," Sable says.

"Now... use Peck!"

Ulpi charges, his dapper look from the 'tuxedo' patterns on his feathers lending a certain dignity to his rush forward, and his leap to slam his beak into Silci.

GS: Sable Aomori has attacked Mia Tamaoka with Peck!
GS: Sable Aomori has gained 2 Combo!
GS: Sable Aomori gains 27 THP from her Cautious!
GS: Sable Aomori has completed her action.
GS: Gamble: Very High! Mia Tamaoka marginally evades Sable Aomori's Peck for 133 hit points!
GS: Mighty applied to Sable Aomori!
GS: FP up! Power Burst!
<Pose Tracker> Mia Tamaoka has posed.

Mia nods, as Sable says Anne taught her to let people follow their own paths. But she doesn't say more than that.

Though privately she admits to herself... Anne might be waiting to see which path Mia will take, too.

Mia is thoughtful as Sable reflects on strength. Anne told her not to philosophize about Team Rocket to her enemies, but... Sable isn't her enemy. Not right now, at least, not for this.

Right now, they're rivals, and that feels different. And Mia feels like being honest.

"I want the power to change things I don't like. Both about myself, and about Nede." Team Rocket wants to change Nede's stagnation, of course, but... Sable doesn't need to hear the spiel right now. And what she says hits closer to home for her, anyway.

Copy someone else... She does consider that, for a moment. "M-maybe... but... I dunno. It feels weird trying to become myself by copying s-someone else..." She does smile a little. "It really is!" she lets her enthuse herself for a moment. "B-but there's so much more to it than I e-ever thought!"

Ulpi defeats Stun Spore, and Mia nods. "N-nice defense."

But the Prinplup darts forward, launching into the air at Silci. The Beautifly tries to evade it, but her movements are hampered by the remaining ice, and she takes a solid hit, letting out a pained scream as she slams into the ground.

"D-don't worry, y-you did your best!"

Mia recalls Silci to her pokeball, and then considers. Pixi is right out. Rishi is a bad matchup against flying type moves, and Chira is weak to water, too. So the best bet...

She gestures to the battlefield. "Purri! G-go!"

"Purrloin!" Purri had been hanging out in the trainer box, and she happily rushes onto the field, standing upright and taking a battle ready stance.

Her claws are out, and theyre painted a light purple.

"Fake Out!"

Purri darts forward, zig-zagging back and forth as she approaches Ulpi, to try and throw her off and sneak a hit into her opponent's guard.

GS: Mia Tamaoka has attacked Sable Aomori with Fake Out!
GS: Mia Tamaoka enters a Counter stance!
GS: Mia Tamaoka has gained 2 Combo!
GS: Mia Tamaoka has completed her action.
GS: COUNTER! Sable Aomori counterattacks Mia Tamaoka with Water Gun!
GS: CRITICAL! Sable Aomori fails to charge Mia Tamaoka's Fake Out for 104 hit points!
GS: Reaction switch bonus! Sable Aomori gains 1 additional Combo!
GS: COUNTER! Mia Tamaoka counterattacks Sable Aomori with Payback!
GS: Mia Tamaoka mostly charges Sable Aomori's Water Gun for 96 hit points!
GS: Reaction switch bonus! Mia Tamaoka gains 1 additional Combo!
GS: Charge!! You gain 40 FP! (That's 25 more than usual!)
GS: FP up! Power Burst!
GS: Healthy! For entering Condition Green, Mia Tamaoka receives 100 temporary hit points.
GS: Mia Tamaoka enters CONDITION GREEN!!
GS: Sable Aomori fails to guard Mia Tamaoka's Payback for 88 hit points!
GS: Reaction switch bonus! Sable Aomori gains 1 additional Combo!
<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

"I see. 'Power'. That's something your Team is gathering..."

She thinks of Asgard. He's powerful, and knows about 'strength'. But that's something for later. "So that's why..."

Sable's expression sharpens. "But I want that, too. And I haven't joined them."

She nods at the other. "...If you copy someone else, it's just a while. Then over time, you pick something that's 'yours' out of what you try out. But it's fine not to, too. There's a lot of ways to choose."

But Ulpi works hard. "Thank you," Sable says. "Ulpi does his best. I've trained him against many types of Pokemon... even Grass-types."

Prinplup knocks out Silci, it would seem. Sable waits for Mia to send out another Pokemon. Once she does...

"Purri. Your strongest..."

The next few moments go very quickly; as urri darts forward, Ulpi takes the first blow, waiting for Purri to come close and counterattacking with a blast of water from his beak in the moment of impact. Then, as Purri counter-counterattacks, Ulpi can't quite guard the second slash. He steps back, crowing. "Priiii!"

"Good work, Ulpi," Sable says, and recalls him to his Pokeball in a flash of light. "...But Ulpi isn't very fast. I need someone more agile, against Purri."

Swiftly, a Pokeball appears in her other hand, unseen until it's suddenly there. "Xirua, go."

The beautiful white-and-blue Vulpix emerges from her Pokeball, roaring cutely as she makes a battle stance. "Vul...!"

She immediately starts running to the side, having a running battle wih Purri. "Now," she says.

"Use Dazzling Gleam!"

Vulpix shines in the sunlight suddenly, impossibly radiant. Then, she opens her mouth, and a beam of many colors shines out towards Purri in a powerful blast of energy low to the ground!

GS: Sable Aomori has activated Force Action: Full Clip!
GS: Sable Aomori spends 3 Combo on Gatling, loading 3 into Gatling!
GS: Sable Aomori has attacked Mia Tamaoka with Dazzling Gleam!
GS: Sable Aomori has gained 1 Combo!
GS: Sable Aomori gains 23 THP from her Cautious!
GS: Sable Aomori gains 5 FP from Gleam!
GS: Sable Aomori has completed her action.
GS: Mia Tamaoka has activated Force Action: Guard!
GS: You have activated the Force Action Guard!
GS: CRITICAL! Mia Tamaoka marginally guards Sable Aomori's Dazzling Gleam for 338 hit points!
GS: Reaction switch bonus! Mia Tamaoka gains 1 additional Combo!
<Pose Tracker> Mia Tamaoka has posed.

"They are," Mia admits. "But... it's not just for them. It's for myself, too. And... I'm s-still doing some things my own w-way."

"N-none of my pokemon c-came from Team Rocket. I befriended them all m-myself."

Is that better or worse? Mia's honestly not sure, but... she's still being honest, in the moment. It feels important, somehow.

Mia nods. "You didn't." And maybe if things had happened differently... Mia wouldn't have either. But that's not where they are.

When Sable's expression sharpens, Mia stands up a little straighter, trying not to flinch away from it.

"Th-that's smart... I've b-been trying to train more, d-diversify my team..."

Purri is Mia's strongest, but that's not why she was sent out. Not completely. "Yeah, but, it's a s-strategic choice, too." That might be admitting a little something about her team lineup, but not that much.

Purri is fast, but she's not the only fast pokemon on Mia's team. But she is fast enough, to dart in bast the counter attack to deliver a savage blow.

"Good job!"

Ulpi is recalled, and out comes... Alolan Vulpix. Mia nods. For a speed to speed matchup, it's not a bad choice. Though she blinks a bit as she suddenly realizes that the pokeball wasn't there before...

More ninja tricks, perhaps? She keeps quiet on that. She's not sure she's supposed to know too much about it. Nina is open about it, but Sable less so.

But it's a running battle, and Xirua shines, blasts energy low to the ground. Purri channels dark energy to her claws, tries to rend at the incoming attack to diffuse it--but the firce, quick exchange and counter-exchange with Ulpi a moment before has her moving a bit slower than normal, and she is just a hair to late to guard against most of the attack.

Purri is blasted back, letting out a pained cry as she rolls against the ground.

"P-Purri! Are you okay?"

"Mrooowwwrr..." comes a mostly incoherent groaning as Purri slowly pushes herself upright again.

Mia heaves a huge sigh of relief. "Good try, but come back and take it easy." Purri limps off the field, and Mia scoops her up into her arms.

Well, this choice is easy, though it feels a tad obvious. "P-Pixi! Go!"

She's down two pokemon, while Sable is only down one, and her most recent is as yet unsacathed... but she can't help but smile, at how tense this is.

Out pops Xirua's Kantonian counterpart, with her fur and her tails all impeccably brushed. She stands tall and proud, waiting for an order. "Vul."

"Pixi! Sh-show them what you can do! Flamethrower!"

"Vul...." Pixi springs into action, picking up Purri's running battle as licks of flame start to build up in her mouth, and then she pivots and spews out a massive torrent of flames almost wider than she is.

GS: You do not have that Force Action. [fury clip]
GS: Mia Tamaoka has activated Force Action: Fury Shot!
GS: You have activated the Force Action Fury Shot!
GS: Mia Tamaoka has activated Force Action: Lock On!
GS: You have activated the Force Action Lock On!
GS: Mia Tamaoka spends 3 Combo on Gatling, loading 3 into Gatling!
GS: Mia Tamaoka has attacked Sable Aomori with Go All Out!!
GS: Mia Tamaoka has gained 1 Combo!
GS: Mia Tamaoka has completed her action.
GS: Sable Aomori has activated Force Action: Guard!
GS: Sable Aomori mostly guards Mia Tamaoka's Go All Out! for 87 hit points!
GS: Misery adds  Interrupt!
GS: Interrupt applied to Sable Aomori!
<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

For herself. Sable nods. "...I've seen 'power' in Team Rocket's hands," she admits. "Meeting those who could be so strong... is part of why I knew I had to take this battle so seriously."

Better, or worse? It doesn't matter to Sable which it is. It's important to Mia. "Where they come from... can be important. But what you do with them is most important. That's what I think."

She didn't join Team Rocket. For Sable, that's the difference. Her dark lipstick stays, as she purses her lips together, thinkin. And then Mia calls it smart--

"A diverse team is important... but a dedicated specialist can be strong, too. The Gym Leaders are proof of that."

She pauses. A strategic choice... "Good," she says.

Purri is doing well. That's why Sable has to strike hard. The brown-haired Sable is ineed using ninja tricks. Purri is a little slower... and blasted back.

"You were a fierce opponent," Sable says to Purri, and then looks back to Mia. "That's why... I'll fight my hardest."

Another Vulpix! Xirua is not quite as perfectly groomed as Pixi, admittedly. But she looks intent, her big eyes focused. "Pix!" she answers Pixi.

Flames build. "Xirua!" Sable calls. "Brace!"

Xirua becomes a smaller target, and weathers the flames as best she can. "Vuuuul!" she calls, fire swirling all around her, engulfing her for a moment. She sags with exhaustion from the flames, but... stands.

"Well-chosen," Sable says. "...But I have answers to Fire-types. Xirua! Use Dig!"

Xirua straightens--and then starts to pad against the ground, making a fast tunnel with her paws and disappearing from the battlefield. Long moments pass; the tension builds, as Xirua digs underneath the ground. Until suddenly--

She shoots up out of the earth, sweeping past Pixi like a swordsman whose blow was struck in the moment of passage.

GS: Sable Aomori has activated Force Action: Full Clip!
GS: Sable Aomori spends 2 Combo on Headshot!
GS: Sable Aomori has attacked Mia Tamaoka with Dig!
GS: Sable Aomori has gained 1 Combo!
GS: Interrupt expired!
GS: Sable Aomori gains 30 THP from her Cautious!
GS: Sable Aomori gains 5 FP from Gleam!
GS: Mighty expired!
GS: Sable Aomori has completed her action.
GS: Mia Tamaoka has activated Force Action: Accelerate!
GS: You have activated the Force Action Accelerate!
GS: Interrupt! Attack weakened!
GS: CRITICAL! ROU|LET|TE: Severe! Mia Tamaoka perfectly evades Sable Aomori's Dig for 0 hit points!
GS: Reaction switch bonus! Mia Tamaoka gains 1 additional Combo!
GS: Drowsy and Mute blocked!
<Pose Tracker> Mia Tamaoka has posed.

Sable is taking this battle seriously. "... I'm doing my best to take this seriously, too. It's... heh." Mia glances away. "I'm n-not sure I g-get it, completely, but... it feels important."

Mia nods. She's trying to figure out what she wants to do with them--beyond her Team Rocket goals, at least. She has one of those, now, but... Sable isn't the audience for it, she doesn't think.

Specialists can work... by all rights she knows what her specialty 'should' be, but... part of what she's doing is trying to choose her own path. "... c-can I admit something?" Should she admit this in the middle of a battle? Probably not.

"Purr," says Purri appreciatively. She was looking a little sullen, for a moment, but getting the props from Sable helps.

Xirua manages to weather the storm that is Pixi's flamethrower, and Mia blinks. "Wh-whoa... she's tough."

But an answer to Fire types. Mia braces... Xirua vanishes underground...

"Pixi! S-stay alert!"

"Vul," agrees Pixi, spreading her paws out to try and feel shifts in the movement of the earth. "Vullll...."

And then it comes--Xirua erupts in a terrifying spray of rocks and dirt as she busts out from ground. But Pixi is ready, moving just a moment before the strike would have impacted, avoiding the blow and all of the fallout of the ground being discharged from the tunnel.

Mia lets out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "O-okay! Pixi! Try to get through her d-defenses with Extrasensory!"

"Vul...." growls Pixi as she stares intently at Xirua. Her eyes start to glow, and power washes outwards from her. It suddenly converges sharply at several points, attempting to stab through any defenses Xirua has.

GS: Mia Tamaoka spends 2 Combo on Headshot!
GS: Mia Tamaoka has attacked Sable Aomori with Zero In!!
GS: Mia Tamaoka has gained 2 Combo!
GS: Mia Tamaoka has completed her action.
GS: CRITICAL! Sable Aomori mostly guards Mia Tamaoka's Zero In! for 169 hit points!
GS: Cripple and Mute applied to Sable Aomori!
GS: FP up! Reaction bonus!
<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

"I believe you," Sable answers. "I can tell."

Which part? Maybe all of it. But probably the part whre she's taking it seriously, too. She doesn't nd to hear about all th goals yet. She hears Mia's request anyway, and--

"Yes," Sable says. "You can."

She doesn't wait for that, though. Mia can talk regardlss of what's happening with their Pokemon. And what happens is that Pixi can tell where Xirua is coming up, moving just out of the way. Through Symbology, the tunnel disappears as quickly as it was made, the ground whole once again. But next is a move that Xirua could learn, too--

That sharp power is enough. Xirua has fine defenses against magic, but after the direct to her weakness, it's not enough. She cries out, "Pix!" and then wobbles, starting to fall over. Before she hits the ground, Sable extends the Pokeball in her hand to recall her. "Good," Sable says. "Pixi is in tune with you..."

"That's good," Sable says, and is suddenly holding another Pokeball. She looks down at it. "This Pokemon... I never thought I was strong enough to train him. Nina gave him to me. But he never listened. Now, though..."

"I'm willing to test it! Eno, go!"

She throws her arm, and in a flash of light a small orange reptile appears. It isn't very big--but it wears a skull, and carries a bone.

"Cubone, bone!"

Sable says, "Eno... It's time." Her voice is authoritative--certain.

"...Cu," the Pokemon says as he turns towards Sable, and meets her eyes. "Bone..."

He nods. Sable points forward. "Then--"

"One-two! Go! Use Stealth Rock!"

Cubone whirls his bone and spins around, slamming the ground with it. Pointed rocks appear all around Pixi, all over Mia's side of the battlefield.

Then, Eno the Cubone breathes in--and stomps, angrily, full of emotion, stomp stomp stomp STOMP until the very ground itself shakes, buckles, and seeks to throw Pixi onto the rocks!

GS: Sable Aomori has activated Force Action: Full Clip!
GS: Sable Aomori spends 1 Combo on Link!
GS: Sable Aomori has attacked Mia Tamaoka with Stealth Rock!
GS: Sable Aomori has gained 1 Combo!
GS: Sable Aomori has launched an attack Link!
GS: Sable Aomori has attacked Mia Tamaoka with Stomping Tantrum!
GS: Sable Aomori has gained 1 Combo!
GS: Sable Aomori gains 21 THP from her Cautious!
GS: Sable Aomori has completed her action.
GS: Mia Tamaoka has activated Force Action: Guard!
GS: You have activated the Force Action Guard!
GS: Mia Tamaoka perfectly guards Sable Aomori's Stealth Rock for 35 hit points!
GS: Reaction switch bonus! Mia Tamaoka gains 1 additional Combo!
GS: FP up! Power Burst!
GS: CRITICAL! Mia Tamaoka fails to guard Sable Aomori's Stomping Tantrum for 158 hit points!
GS: FP up! Power Burst!
<Pose Tracker> Mia Tamaoka has posed.

"... Up until now, I h-hadn't really been thinking about team c-composition." That feels a little embarrassing to say, in the moment, but Mia's pokemon have also hopefully proved their chops, too. Like with Pixi evading Xirua with such grace.

Besides, part of getting stronger is recognizing your own weaknesses.

Mia smiles as Sable compliments Pixi, looking to the vulpix. "I l-listened to what she wanted, and sh-she agreed to follow me." She looks to Sable again. "Xirua is really t-tough, too, to take that blast from Pixi like that and k-keep fighting."

Pixi, for her part, stands back up, primly holding her head up.

A pokemon that wouldn't listen... Mia frowns a little at that thought. Some powerful pokemon won't listen to a trainer who hasn't proven themselves. If Sable managed...

"K-keep your guard up, Pixi."

Pixi nods. "Vul."

Mia frowns as Cubone comes out. This could be bad for Pixi, and she doesn't have any really good counters for it... Rocks start appearing on Pixi's side of the field, and she curls up, shielding herself with all of her tails to deflect the worst of the blows. Mia relaxes for just a moment...

Cubone stomps, and Pixi goes flying into the rocks. She tumbles midair, so her tails aren't guarding the right spot anymore. She lets out several pained cries as she is bounced from rock to rock until the tantrum stops.

Pixi comes to a stop, tumbling head over heels until she lands in a heap.

She is still for a very long moment. Mia nods to herself and takes Pixi's pokeball off of her belt--

--then stops as Pixi starts to move, straining, her tiny paws finding purchase in the dirt as she pushes herself back up on trembling limbs. Slowly she turns to face Cubone again, growling faintly with determination.

"Pixi..." says Mia softly. "... Y-you did well. Take a break." And with that Pixi is recalled in a flash of light.

Mia is silent for a moment, considering. They're both on their third pokemon, Mia about to send out her fourth. But there aren't any good counters for Eno right now in his party, and... she's been lagging behind this entire time, anyway.

Mia looks up to Sable, then reaches behind her, but not for another pokeball. Instead what she tosses out is some FOL.

"I'm conceding. I th-think my pokemon did th-their best, b-but... you're been training to be a Trainer, and I haven't. Not yet."

"She's conceding defeat, true, but... she still finds herself smiling a little as she says that. "But I will."

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

"It's not the only thing I consider when training Pokemon," Sable says. "But it is a factor. It's why I raised Prima." To fight Misty... though that seems a faraway dream, now. Challenging the Pokemon League... it seemed like the only thing to do, for so long.

Sable will, one day. But not yet.

But Pixi... "That's the story, then." Sable nods. "...Thank you. We've been practicing. I can't predict what the enemy will throw at us, so I have to be ready for anything."

But Endo comes out, and he does listen, this time. He stands there, imperious in his skull helmet holding his bone club. And when his attack is finished, he waits. He is quiet--he is certain. He stares after Pixi, and when she starts to strain and pick herself up, he turns back towards her. "Bone!" he replies, and adopts a battle stance again.

But Pixi is recalled, and Sable watches Mia think about it. Until...

Sable nods, and catches the FOL card in one hand.

"...I can respect that," Sable says. "If you know the outcome... there's no need to subject your Pokemon to injury."

It might sound arrogant, but she doesn't mean it that way; it's what Mia said that makes it like that. Besides; Sable smiles too, after a moment. It's brief, and it's small, but it's there.

"...To face the Ten Wise Men," Sable says, "And their minions, like that demon... I have to train myself and my Pokemon as hard as I can. So if you want to keep up... You'll have to train, too."

Eno raises his club over his head. "Cubone! Bone!"

"You did well, Eno," Sable says, and then looks back to Mia. "...See that you do. I still don't like what you're doing. But like I said, I'll show you 'my' way."

"...I don't mind if you text me," she says. "But if I see you acting for 'them' again... I won't hold back."

"Find me, when you get stronger, Mia. I'll be waiting."

<Pose Tracker> Mia Tamaoka has posed.

Mia nods. She hasn't challenged any gyms. But... well, that was never her goal, and that doesn't feel like one she should pursue, right this moment. "M-my friend Alice has a l-lot of pokemon, s-so she could be ready for any situation... I should f-follow her example."

A beat. "... and maybe a little of yours."

It's not the whole story, but... it's an essential part of it. "You're welcome," she says. It feels kind of weird to be complimenting each other, but... it feels right. Maybe that's just the kind of rivals they are.

Mia doesn't take offense. Sable is already saying what Mia is thinking. "Yeah. I know they'd k-keep fighting, but..." She looks down to Purri, still cradled in her arms. "They d-don't' have to prove themselves to me."

With the battle officially resigned, Mia concentrates, and a gentle green glow comes to her hand. She gently lays her hand on Purri, and starts healing her wounds.

She looks up in time to see Sable smile, even if it's brief, and blinks. She nods to that.

She'll have to train, too... Mia nods. "I will." Eno is triumphant, and Mia regards him for a moment. "You must have w-worked really hard, to get him to l-listen."

Sable repeats her determination to show Mia her way, and Mia nods. "A-and I'll show you mine."

But she blinks, at that, as Sable says Mia can text her. "... R-really? Wow... th-thanks..." And then she nods. "G-good. You sh-shouldn't. Uf you d-don't like what we're doing, th-then... sh-show us what you're w-willing to do about it."

A fiercer, more determined nod. "I w-will." She glances back to her backpack, thinking for a moment... She walks over to it, crouches to get something out, and then looks back to Sable, holding something up.

It's the swimshirt Sable gave her.

"... I... d-don't know if w-w're exactly friends, again? B-but... I th-thought it was only fair, to offer."

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

Maybe hers, too. Sable nods. "It's good to do that."

For Sable, a challenge doesn't have to be unfriendly--but the situation is what it is. It's complicated.

"I see. That's a way of taking care of them, too." She doesn't recall Eno for now; instead, she lets him hang out on the battlefield, though eventually he starts to walk over to Sable. She looks to him, and then back to Mia. "I did," she answers.

Mia's way, though... What is 'Mia's way'? Sable doesn't know yet. But perhaps she'll find out. Maybe Mia is starting to know, too.

"Yes," Sable agrees. "That's the way."

But the swim shirt... Sable looks at it, and back to Sable. "It's yours," she says. "The feelings I had when I gave it to you... that's what matters. Besides, those are for boys or girls." Either or neither is fine.

"...I don't know if we're friends either," Sable admits, her gray-blue eyes on Mia's. "I can't trust you with everything, because we're on opposite 'sides'. But we want some of the same things, too."


It awkward. There's a breeze. Eno says, "Cubone! Bone, bone!" and nudges Sable's boot.

"...Right," she says. "I have shopping to finish..." Pause. "I'll see you around, Mia. Maybe it'll be less complicated then. Or maybe not."

<Pose Tracker> Mia Tamaoka has posed.

Mia is new to having a rival, too. So she's trying to navigate that on top of everything else.

She'll definitely keep working on figuring out what her way is.

The feelings Sable had back then... Mia nods, and lets her arm drop to her side, still clutching the swim shirt. "Thank you." Boys or girls... That still feels like an acknowledgement of who she's working to become, and she smiles at that.

Someday she won't need it, but for now, maybe she can still keep using it.

Sable doesn't know either, so... that makes two of them. Mia can live with neither of them being certain, she thinks.

But not being trusted with everything. "I know. I u-understand." She nods. "We do."

She shivers a little, in the breeze, falling silent herself, until Eno nudges Sable to react.

"I g-guess we'll find out." How complicated it is, or isn't. Mia turns, to go put the swimshirt away, then stops and turns halfway back to look at Sable again.

"Hey, Sable?"

There's a tension as she contemplates what she's about to say, but she feels like maybe it's okay to make the ask. "If it's o-okay to text you... M-maybe I could text you about g-going shopping together sometime?"

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

Sable nods, when Mia says 'thank you'. The shirt is just a shirt! Sable gave it for a reason. She wouldn't take it back, now. ...Besides, it'd be pointless to; it's way too small for her.

"Right," Sable says. Then, Mia shivers, but--they'll find out. And then--

"Mm?" Sable vocalizes back.

"...I don't know yet," Sable admits.

"But maybe. Text me about it sometime, and we'll find out then."

She waves, and Eno waves his bone.

"...See you." She starts to go.