2024-05-25: Into the Depths: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Into the Depths''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Sable Aomori, Character :: Timu Guado, Character :: Vivace Mori, Character :: Dirk Swordsman, Character :: Chartreuse Spinosa *'''Where:''' Field of Wisdom, Energy Nede *'''Date:''' June 13, 2024 *'''Summary''': ''A team of Trainers enters the Field of Wisdom, each with their own lessons to learn. Sable, Timu, Vivace, Dirk, and Chartreuse press ahead.'' ---- DG: A party led by Sable Aomori is...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 03:29, 14 June 2024

DG: A party led by Sable Aomori is now entering Field of Wisdom.
DG: Party formation is now over. An Entry Challenge will now be drawn and displayed to the party.
=============================<* Field of Wisdom *>==============================
========================<* CHALLENGE - Into the Lake *>=========================
| Type: Entry        | Dungeon Ability: Agility         | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  At a glance, the entrance to the Field of Wisdom is simply a lake. The water  
  is calm and glassy, betraying scarcely a ripple: if it were not for the sole  
  piece of guidance present here, no one would even know it existed. But there  
  is a stone tablet planted firmly by the lake's edge and here it gives you     
  your directive:                                                               
  "Your wits and wisdom will see you through to the end."                       
  Take its guidance well and look again at the lake: what appeared to be a      
  still but clear lake betrays on closer observation a distortion just beneath  
  the water's surface. A circle of Symbols inscribes the ring of light that     
  will teleport you into the Field of Wisdom proper, but here's the rub:        
  The magic circle is not exactly close to shore. You'll have to get to it      
  somehow, be it jump, float, fly or... swim.                                   
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|    Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure! and Hesitate:_Agility_Down!_Wits_Up!   |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

It's time. Gathering at Cerulean City, the group has finally made ready to face the second of the Four Fields: This time, it is Wisdom that will be challenged. Sable Aomori is one of those assembled, and she's dressed differently than before; she doesn't have her black jacket, but instead is wearing a blue-and-black swim shirt and knee-length board shorts, along with her sneakers. After last time, she's expecting water, especially given the entryway here.

She obviously has her Pokeballs. So, the entrance is... the lake.

Sable steps out towards it; it is well past noon, approaching evening, and there is a stone tablet planted firmly:

'"Your wits and wisdom will see you through to the end."'

"...Look," Sable says, considering for a moment. "There's something below the surface.."

She considers. "We have to get there."

Sable pulls a small object out of her Bag, a little bomb. "...I'll use smoke to make the light visible," she says.

She hurls the bomb out, and before it's hit the water, she dives in to swim towards the portal.

Everyone will have to make their own way forward.

DG: Sable Aomori has used her Tool Smoke Bomb toward her party's challenge, Into the Lake. 
<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    Timu follows Sable's lead, letting her read out what's on the stone tablet - and the daunting distance that they have to cover in order to get to the entrance to the Field of wisdom.
     It'd be more daunting if she weren't an excellent swimmer. The one single pastime the people of Spira had, for years, was Blitzball, and Timu aspired to be a professional Blitzer as much as anyone else who played it. She, too, is dressed for the water even if she didn't bring her Blitzer uniform with her into the Drifter life.
     "The Pokemon nearby might be dangerous," Timu says, "but... I've got an idea, just in case." She's got on her person a few relatively ball-shaped bundles of nondescript bait and berries alike. "I'll send them out as we approach, if anything looks like they might try and stop us."
     It'd be simple for her to toss them almost any distance - even if she's not inherently as strong, she can get them as far out as needs be to be safe. She could call Hestrol out, but she needs to conserve the strength of her friends going into the Field of Wisdom.
     No one has been in there in tens of thousands of years, and if it's anything like what the Field of Courage had... it seems wise. She'll follow Sable's smoke signals, otherwise.

DG: Timu Guado has used her Tool Unconventional Blitzball toward her party's challenge, Into the Lake. Stalwart! Party
shielded from some Exhaustion this round!
<Pose Tracker> Vivace Mori has posed.

"We have to get all the way out there?"

Vivace knew the entrance was at the lake, but she was hoping to not have to actually get *in* the lake. Once was enough, after she fell in with the Lanturn.

Fortunately, Vivace did come ready to get in the water if she had to, this time. Under her outfit (tank top, distressed jeans) she has a swimsuit on. But she doesn't exactly want to ditch her clothes just to use what looks like a Symbological transporter... plus, she only owns one swimsuit and, now that she sees the ones that the others have shown up in, she's not sure she picked the right kind for this.


She makes a face, then pulls out Erikodus' Pokeball. She's not going to swim - she's going to use Erikodus' thrusters to fly out there and have it descend. Maybe the other side of the transporter *won't* be waterlogged.

DG: Vivace Mori has used her Tool HM Fly toward her party's challenge, Into the Lake. Stalwart! Party shielded from some
Exhaustion this round!
<Pose Tracker> Dirk Swordsman has posed.


Well, really, he's feeling better about his team, but the two are a little blurry.

How come? Because he stared into the face of terror and fear (even if he might have been worrying a little past what the Gerudo gym-postulant would actually do) and found faith rewarded.

THE PROOF IS IN THE DUCK: As he approaches the group, freshly laundered, he has two of his guys out at the moment. Quilladin remains a stout presence, but next to him is Sirfetch'd: a dense figure of a duck, bearing sword and shield of vibrant, living leek.

Anticipating the lake, Dirk has left his hoodie at home. He is wearing board shorts of his own along with a violently-purple swim shirt. A waterproofed hip pack is probably gonna hold his phone. He also has his sword, because he isn't leaving home without a sword. Team Rocket could attack at any time. Even at the store. ESPECIALLY at the store.

"Huh," Dirk says.

He cranes his head down. Quilladin churps and points his sword, and Dirk sees it afterwards. Dirk takes a deep breath. "Aight hold on."

Dirk gets out his phone and punches something into it with his thumb.

> how to do diving w pokemon +water +oshawott

As the search results load, Dirk looks towards Timu. "Yeah... ain't much to do about that. If any of you have Electric types, uh, well, you know." Timu probably knows by now. As Sable drops some illustrative smoke, Dirk pops out Oshawott. "C'mon," he tells Quilladin, before asking Sirfetch'd, "You still can swim, homes?"

"Sirfetch'd," says Sirfetch'd, wobbling his shield a little. He can't NOT swim, it would seem. (He gained like 70 pounds of sheer duck muscle. That shiz is dense.)

"OK so the guidance I'm getting here looks like it's from when they was doing automatic text generators on PokeLive like four hundred years ago but it doesn't seem wrong," Dirk announces. "Step one, do deep breaths. Step two, get your Water types out. If you got a big Water type then tell 'em to tow you. If they're not so big, let them scout and then follow them."

Out comes Oshawott (and in goes Quilladin). Oshawott is definitely not a big Water-type. "Aight," Dirk says. "Go with Sable, double back, we'll do this." Sirfetch'd looks over towards Vivace and Erikodus, the latter of whom gets a raise of the eyebrow even as they motor off.


DG: Dirk Swordsman has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Into the Lake. 
<Pose Tracker> Chartreuse Spinosa has posed.

They've faced one of the Fields, and their Courage pulled them through. Now, it's time for the Field of Wisdom. The entrance is located on the water... and so, Chartreuse has prepared accordingly.

Others have dressed for the water and so has she. In her case, a black and green full-body diving suit. Bands keep her hat and her glasses - protected with water-repelling Symbology - firmly where they should be, and she's brought a water-safe bag with her of items she might consider useful.

...Given how much she tends to carry around with her, it's actually a rather light load this time, but still an absurd amount of items. The benefit of Nedian bags, one supposes.

"I guess they really want to test one's abilities to travel..." Chartreuse considered, staring out to where there is a faint ring of light just beneath the water's surface.

"The next Field is going to require a pretty intense hike, too." She comments, then rolls her neck. "Well, no putting it off, I guess..."

She takes a look around at everyone - though in the end, her eyes settle on Dirk and Sirfetch'd.

"Oh hey, he evolved! Congrats, you two!" She enthuses, before turning her attention back to the challenge at hand.

"Alright, Furret, you're up!" She calls out, sending him out. Furret materializes and chirps in greeting before looking back at her, then to the water.

"Do you think you can handle this?" Chartreuse asks. Furret looks at the water again... and then, after a moment of thought, nods resolutely. He does his best to salute with his tiny arms. He hops in the water and Chartreuse follows suit, holding on tight as he paddles the both of them across.

Did you know? Furret can learn Surf!

...Unfortunately, this particular Furret has not, which means there's no signature big wave of water to help push them along. They're taking things the slow and steady way.

DG: Chartreuse Spinosa has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Into the Lake. 
=============================<* Field of Wisdom *>==============================
========================<* CHALLENGE - Into the Lake *>=========================
| Type: Entry        | Dungeon Ability: Agility         | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  At a glance, the entrance to the Field of Wisdom is simply a lake. The water  
  is calm and glassy, betraying scarcely a ripple: if it were not for the sole  
  piece of guidance present here, no one would even know it existed. But there  
  is a stone tablet planted firmly by the lake's edge and here it gives you     
  your directive:                                                               
  "Your wits and wisdom will see you through to the end."                       
  Take its guidance well and look again at the lake: what appeared to be a      
  still but clear lake betrays on closer observation a distortion just beneath  
  the water's surface. A circle of Symbols inscribes the ring of light that     
  will teleport you into the Field of Wisdom proper, but here's the rub:        
  The magic circle is not exactly close to shore. You'll have to get to it      
  somehow, be it jump, float, fly or... swim.                                   
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|    Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure! and Hesitate:_Agility_Down!_Wits_Up!   |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
=============================<* Field of Wisdom *>==============================
====================< Results - Field of Wisdom - Round 1 >=====================
=========================< CHALLENGE - Into the Lake >==========================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Sable Aomori                        0 --(0)--> 0                     Best      
Smoke Bomb                          Maj Agility       Effects: Efficient       
Timu Guado                          0 --(0)--> 0                     Best      
Unconventional Blitzball            Min Agility       Effects: Stalwart        
Vivace Mori                         0 --(15)--> 15                   Bad       
HM Fly                              Min Agility       Effects: Stalwart        
Dirk Swordsman                      0 --(20)--> 20                   Bad       
Rush                                Bsc Agility       Effects: BASIC           
Chartreuse Spinosa                  0 --(20)--> 20                   Worst     
Rush                                Bsc Agility       Effects: BASIC           
Leader: Sable Aomori                0 --(20)--> 20                   Pass     
Conditions: Exhaust(1) and Hesitate(2)                                        
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: The party led by Sable Aomori has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use
party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

Sable has a lot of swimsuits, as it happens. She loves the water. ...She is not so sure that she's going to love this water, though. She gets the chance to see how strong a swimmer Timu is, though, and that's always nice.

"Yes," Sable answers Vivace. Then she smilles at Dirk. "Thank you," she says to his guidance. "Sirfetch'd is really cool..."

An Chartreuse is up!

But, they all make their way across, as it happens. Sable's smoke makes the objective clear. Vivace and Erikodus fly over the problem, and that works just fine, if a little awkwardly. There are wild Pokemon out here, and Timu's Blitzball prowess keeps them away. Oshawott scouts!! ....It's fine. And Chartreuse's furret... does his best.

All in all, Sable and Timu have the easiest time, but no matter how tiring it is, everyone manages to get there. And what they see within is...

DG: Vivace Mori has drawn a new Challenge.
=============================<* Field of Wisdom *>==============================
==================<* CHALLENGE - Gaslight Gatekeep Goathead *>==================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Brute           | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  Somewhere ahead across the metallic pathways of the Field of Wisdom you       
  catch the tell-tale Symbol that indicates there is a switch awaiting you;     
  you've gathered that pulling switches will help you advance to the trial at   
  the heart of the Field. But there's a problem awaiting you as you advance     
  towards the target.                                                           
  The entrance to the chamber that holds the switch is being blocked by a       
  Goathead. They're a strange Pokemon, appearing to look like a stony goat's    
  head... and only the head. This one has parked itself in the threshold and    
  doesn't seem like it's willing to move.                                       
  You're going to have to 'persuade' it to move somehow. It's quite stubborn    
  about staying put.                                                            
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|   Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!, Hesitate:_Agility_Down!_Wits_Up!, and  |
|                             Weaken:_Brute_Down!                              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Vivace Mori has posed.

What they see within is...!

Not water!

The Field of Wisdom has metallic pathways leading from chamber to chamber. Vivace clambers off Erikodus, returning it to its Heavy Ball - it's a little big to maneuver around - and dusting herself up, slightly smug about having remained dry.

"What?" she asks Dirk, having caught that look. Vivace does give Sirfetch'd a bigger nod than she usually allots for anyone, along with a "Good work," because - well, good work.

"I guess this way's as good as any," Vivace says, having no idea where the ultimate goal is other than deeper in. So that means tunnels, and finding a switch... and a Goathead.

The Goathead looks at Vivace.

Vivace looks at the Goathead.

"Shoo," Vivace says.

The Goathead chews imaginary, possibly psychic cud. And does absolutely nothing else.

Vivace stares at it for a few longer moments. It's like a foot and a half tall, but it's also psychic; it's probably just going to put a barrier up if she walks and then she's going to look like an idiot when she faceplants into a wall that isn't there -

"Sandshrew!" she calls instead, the Alolan Sandshrew immediately appearing, ready to go. "San san!" Vivace points dramatically at the Goathead. "Pick it up," she directs.

Her Sandshrew looks a little incredulously at her, but then clatters its icy forepaws together, rushes forward... and simply attempts to pick the Goathead up overhead. (The Goathead is not going to appreciate this.)

DG: Vivace Mori has used her Tool HM Strength toward her party's challenge, Gaslight Gatekeep Goathead. Strengthen!
Party Brute boosted!
<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    Timu takes in a breath to calm down on the other side of it - it is a close call from wild Pokemon attacks, there. This gives her some time to look upon and admire Sirfetch'd.
     "He's incredible," she says of the evolved Farfetch'd, clapping her hands twice, but that's as much time for celebration as they have. All four of her Pokeballs are present, and it's time to head down the strange metallic halls of the long-closed Field of Wisdom.
     What first tests their wisdom is...
     She brings her hands up over her chest, as if transfixed upon the floating goat-like head (hence, Goathead) just sitting there and chewing, stubbornly, matching stubborn wills with Vivace.
     She nods when Vivace's Sandshrew makes the play to pick them up and move them.
     "Hooligre," Timu calls as she looses their Pokeball, revealing that hulking green ogre whose kind is typically found in the employ of Team Rocket, who wonders why Goathead is chewing the air. He starts chewing the air.
     ...He doesn't get it.
     "We don't know how strong they are, so... hold me, okay, Hooligre?" She says, as Hooligre complies and prepares to hold down Timu in case of shenanigans. The Guado, herself, fits the machina-enhanced gauntlet over her hand to flick the grabbing claw over and try to pull the Goathead somewhere else, should they slip the grasp of Vivace's Sandshrew.

DG: Timu Guado has used her Tool Pull Claw toward her party's challenge, Gaslight Gatekeep Goathead. Strengthen! Party
Brute boosted!
<Pose Tracker> Dirk Swordsman has posed.

"Sirfetch'd," says Sirfetch'd, with a bow. (Subtitles: 'You're too kind.')

BUT THEN: Down they go. Oshawott confirms there aren't any horrible rip tides or lingering invasive Pokemon, and while she can't tow Dirk, she can be encouraging. Sirfetch'd himself is able to paddle out a fair way before muscle mass takes over from duck fluff, and he goes into a power dive.

Once they're through, Dirk rolls onto his back and expels a huge breath. "Oh man," he wheezes. "Ah geez." This takes him a little while, despite Oshawott's nervous ministrations. After rising upwards, Dirk rubs his head.

They are faced with a Goathead.

Sirfetch'd raises an eyebrow. He does not move to engage the Goathead. He is wise enough to know he'd take 2X damage and the Goathead doesn't seem that aggressive.

Dirk reaches into his hip pack and rummages.

"Yo," he tells the Goathead. He holds up what's in his hand - it's a mochi macaroon! Black mochi puffs with a cream wrapper. "Macaroon, man. Macaroon. Just let us through and it's all yours. You want it?" He waggles it. The canny will notice that Dirk is both holding onto the sweet pretty firmly *and* is standing at such an angle that at least some of the group could --

Sandshrew's getting up ins, and Timu seems to be joining the attack. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way," Dirk tells the Goathead. (Oshawott folds her arms as if to say: yeah.)

DG: Dirk Swordsman has used his Tool Canned Tea and Homemade Sweets toward his party's challenge, Gaslight Gatekeep
Goathead. Cleanse! All negative effects will be cleared at the end of the round! Sacrifice! The party will take slightly
more Exhaustion this round!
<Pose Tracker> Chartreuse Spinosa has posed.

Chartreuse beams. How polite...!

It takes some effort, but they do eventually make it to the ring - and within, they find a series of metallic pathways. Chartreuse lets go of Furret, who takes the moment to shake the water off. His sleek coat does most of the work, the rest of the water just slides right off.

"We're here. I'm... pretty glad there isn't more water." Chartreuse notes. It still means they're going to have to swim their way back out - but that's for later. For right now, it's time to decide where to go. Vivace picks a path, and they're on their way...

...at least until they find themselves obstructed by a Goathead. Chartreuse frowns.

"I don't suppose you'd be willing to let us through...?" She asks. "...Doesn't seem like much for conversation..."

With that, she looks to those attempting to move the Goathead with force, and then to Furret.

"Why don't you give them a Helping Hand?" She asks. Furret nods. And the capital letters are significant, because rather than move in to help directly... Furret cheers Sandshrew, Hooligre, and Timu on! He may be largely moral support, but it does seem to have an indirect beneficial help, at least...

DG: Chartreuse Spinosa has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Gaslight Gatekeep Goathead. 
<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

Sable nods, when Vivace decides a way to go. Once inside, after all, there's no obvious clues about which way to go. She has already praised Sirfetch'd but she does nod firmly to him once again. And the test of their wisdom, it would seem, is...

It's chewing. "...Goathead," Sable reflects thoughtfully. "A Psychic-type Pokemon..."

Timu and Hooligre have an approach, and so do Vivace and Sandshrew. Everyone does! Sable... wants the mochi macaroon too...

"There might be more water later," she says to Chartreuse. And while Furret gives a helping hand... Sable considers.

"...Goathead," she says. "If you want to see more of the world..."

She extends her hand, and her Onix appears from its pokeball. Ishka roars, attempting to intimidate or perhaps impress Goathead.

"Come with me!"

She has another Pokeball at the ready!!

"My friends and I are getting through, no matter what!"

DG: Sable Aomori has used her Tool Onix toward her party's challenge, Gaslight Gatekeep Goathead. 
=============================<* Field of Wisdom *>==============================
==================<* CHALLENGE - Gaslight Gatekeep Goathead *>==================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Brute           | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  Somewhere ahead across the metallic pathways of the Field of Wisdom you       
  catch the tell-tale Symbol that indicates there is a switch awaiting you;     
  you've gathered that pulling switches will help you advance to the trial at   
  the heart of the Field. But there's a problem awaiting you as you advance     
  towards the target.                                                           
  The entrance to the chamber that holds the switch is being blocked by a       
  Goathead. They're a strange Pokemon, appearing to look like a stony goat's    
  head... and only the head. This one has parked itself in the threshold and    
  doesn't seem like it's willing to move.                                       
  You're going to have to 'persuade' it to move somehow. It's quite stubborn    
  about staying put.                                                            
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|      Cleanse:_All_Effects_Removed!, Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!,      |
|         Hesitate:_Agility_Down!_Wits_Up!, Strengthen:_Brute_Up!, and         |
|                             Weaken:_Brute_Down!                              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
=============================<* Field of Wisdom *>==============================
====================< Results - Field of Wisdom - Round 2 >=====================
===================< CHALLENGE - Gaslight Gatekeep Goathead >===================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Sable Aomori                        0 --(10)--> 10                   Best      
Onix                                Maj Brute         Effects: Improved        
Timu Guado                          0 --(10)--> 10                   Good      
Pull Claw                           Min Brute         Effects: Strengthen      
Vivace Mori                         15 --(10)--> 25                  Good      
HM Strength                         Min Brute         Effects: Strengthen      
Dirk Swordsman                      20 --(10)--> 30                  Good      
Canned Tea and Homemade Sweets      Min Brute         Effects: Cleanse and     
Chartreuse Spinosa                  20 --(10)--> 30                  Good      
Force                               Bsc Brute         Effects: BASIC           
Leader: Sable Aomori                20 --(20)--> 40                  Pass     
Conditions: Exhaust(1), Hesitate(1), and Weaken(2)                            
Effects: Cleanse and Strengthen(1)                                            
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: The party led by Sable Aomori has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use
party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Vivace Mori has posed.

"Me too. I don't want my bag to get wet," Vivace says, hefting her backpack. It's water-resistant. That doesn't mean water-immune.

"San!" Sandshrew says, which is roughly translated as 'hup!' based on how she actually does get Goatherd overhead.

And, a moment later: "...san?" as she realizes she's still going up... because Goatherd is now hovering, with her dangling from the psychic Pokemon. She flails around, wiggling her stubby legs as she tries to brace against anything else.

Timu manages to hook the floating Goatherd and drag it (and Sandshrew) a little bit out of line with Furret's moral support, but the Goatherd is stubborn and wants to stay right where it is! Its eyes flare as it puts up a Light Wall, blocking the area for a moment -

- but it catches sight of a macaroon. This is worth considering.

The Goatherd doesn't immediately float out of the way. It stays where it is, eyes blazing, as Onix appears in front of it. The really, really big Onix. The looming Onix.

...Goatherd slowly lowers back down to the ground, intimidated.

But doesn't quite get there, because as soon as Sandshrew gets her little feet on the ground, she *pushes* - and Goatherd drifts quite some distance before coming to a stop, looking as offended as only a goat can before approaching for its macaroon. IT WAS PROMISED.

DG: Chartreuse Spinosa has drawn a new Challenge.
=============================<* Field of Wisdom *>==============================
======================<* CHALLENGE - Suddenly Sidewired *>======================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Combat          | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You've arrived in one of the chambers (as marked by a switch) that holds a    
  switch, which you've come to understand is necessary to open the way to the   
  Trial of Wisdom within this Field.                                            
  But you hear something slithering moments after you step into the room.       
  There, from the shadows! It's a Sidewired, a serpentine Pokemon that bears    
  some resemblance to a power cable... with a controller on its tail. It        
  rattles its controller ominously as it makes its approach.                    
  And then, it lunges! It's quick, and worse, it's more than happy to try to    
  snack on the electricity of any such objects you might have on you!           
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|          Cripple:_Agility_Down!, Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!,         |
|                Strengthen:_Brute_Up!, and Weaken:_Brute_Down!                |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Chartreuse Spinosa has posed.

Goatshead is out of the way, and they're free to move on. Chartreuse will let the others sort out the specifics.

"Maybe..." Chartreuse considers, as Sable suggests there might be more water. She's with Vivace on this one, though.

They proceed forward until, eventually, arriving at the next chamber marked with a switch. At first it feels empty... but then there's a hiss, like the sparks of exposed wiring. A Sidewinder slithers out of the shadows, rattling its controller tail! The buttons clack menacingly as it draws, approaching with quick, confusing movements.

"Watch your gear!" Chartreuse alerts, then gets an idea. "...Furret, sit this one. Come on, Mareep!"

Furret retreats back, while Chartreuse sends out Mareep. The sheep materializes, and stares down the Sidewired. Sidewired, seeing this bounty of electricity, rattles its tail and lunges, and at the last moment...

"Reflect!" Chartreuse calls out with a gesture. With a defiant 'baa' the clay amulet around Mareep's neck glows softly as she creates a wall of light between herself and the serpent, causing it to smack right into it.

It looks annoyed - but, it's still fixated on Mareep. That could be a convenient distraction to make use of!

DG: Chartreuse Spinosa has used her Tool Light Clay toward her party's challenge, Suddenly Sidewired. Embolden! Party
Combat boosted!
<Pose Tracker> Dirk Swordsman has posed.

"Yeah word," Dirk says about getting stuff wet. "I had to get this like... old camping thing out cuz I knew there was no way we was gonna stay dry."

Dirk keeps his promises, even to weird floating goat heads. "Catch," he says, tossing the macaroon underhand.

"So how you doin', anyway," he comments to Vivace, looking over towards Chartruese during the quieter part of the walk. "I was thinking once stuff settles, you want to battle or something? Like, friendly. Oh yeah, also, I sent an email to the League see if we get badges or whatever." Dirk folds his hands behind his head. "I ain't gonna hold my breath, but you never know."

And then -- A Sidewinder approaches!

Oshawott jumps back with a squeal of dismay. "See," Dirk says, "normally I'd be like this is a job for Quilladin, but, no hate," he pats Quilladin's ball of residence, "I think right now I want to see if you're living up to the hype... Sirfetch'd."

"Sir," says Sirfetch'd, closing his eyes and nodding once, before gazing forwards at the distracted Sidewinder. His eyes narrow, and then --


He lunges forwards, vaulting over Mareep on his way to try to carve a swath in the live-wire's back!

"Y'all gonna go for a catch?" he asks Sable and Timu, glancing at back of them.

DG: Dirk Swordsman has used his Tool R.KATANA toward his party's challenge, Suddenly Sidewired. Embolden! Party Combat
<Pose Tracker> Vivace Mori has posed.

The Goathead is mollified by macaroon.

Vivace keeps Sandshrew out as they progress, just in case of another Pokemon attack. "Me? Fine," is her response to Dirk. "Kinda pissed about the Visitors, I guess, and how they keep acting like they own the place, but..." She shrugs, letting it trail off. "That's why we're here."

Well, it's why she's here.

Dirk asks her something, and Vivace brightens up slightly, though she probably would prefer it not be noticed. "Yeah, we can do that," she says. "The battle. I bet they won't give us a badge, though, no matter what we do - unless we end up fighting a Gym Leader or something for practice, that ought to count."

She hears clicking. Vivace stops, pushing up her glasses before she looks around; Sandshrew stops too, cupping one hand up by her ear. It's not hard to spot the Sidewinder once it drops... "You got this?"


Sandshrew bounds forward, proud and ready to fight despite, unlike the non-Alolan sort, not resisting electricity in the least. "Great! Give 'em some swipes," Vivace directs, circling around while Sandshrew goes straight in, raking with those metal-and-ice claws!

...They're not very big claws, but, well. They're big enough.

DG: Vivace Mori has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Suddenly Sidewired. 
<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    Timu flinches when the Goathead's eyes blaze, as if anticipating it's about to do something. When it seems it might be mollified and convinced (either by treats, a promise of a journey, or just otherwise moved enough to stay out of the way)...
     "It's all right," she tells her Hooligre. "Return," and with that, he's out of the way.
     "Are we supposed to touch anything, here?" Timu asks of the switch ahead, just in time for a Sidewired to leap out and just be a complete bother.
     "Fuecoco!" She calls, throwing out the Pokeball for her first Pokemon friend - that little Fire Croc - to leap out and stand at attention for commands.
     "That's like a--- an Ekans," she observes, as she looks to Chartreuse. "What's that on its tail, anyway?"
     Fuecoco tilts his head as if to ask, 'are you asking me? No, I can only say how it might taste, and I don't know yet, but this can change on a 10 FOL credit chip!' Except even his Poke-speak doesn't go that in depth.
     "I won't be," she tells Dirk as she comes down to brass tacks. "Fuecoco! Move in with a Bite! Whatever happens--"
     Timu takes her Hearth Staff in hand, making sure to channel curative sorceries in case this new, irate Pokemon proves a greater handful than the ergonomic comfort of its tail shape may imply, a warm regenerative air filling the space.

DG: Timu Guado has used her Tool Hearth Staff toward her party's challenge, Suddenly Sidewired. Cleanse! All negative
effects will be cleared at the end of the round!
<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

Water... Sable is always ready for water!! But she's fine if they don't see more of it in here, too. Onix wouldn't like it very much either.

The sequence of events that comes next is adorable, but Sable still wants the macaroon. She notices her Very Large Onix does a good job though. She smiles. "Good work, Ishka."

After the Goathead gets his macaroon, Sable catches him. She does wait until he gets to finish eating, though. That's just polite.

"Oh..." Sable nods, thoughtfully. "I guess they could recognize us somehow. I didn't think about it."

Sidewinder! Sable does indeed wtch her gear as Chartreuse warns them. She considers when Mareep takes hold. Onix, of course, would be ideal for this battle. But maybe that's why...

"Substitution technique," Sable intones, and makes a few gestures--before there are three Sables. Just in case. This way, her gear won't get zapped... probably.

"My dad is doing a study on technological-type Pokemon," Sable answers Dirk's question. "So if you don't want to... then I think I'll catch one for him. If I can."

Sable says, "Ishka. Use Sand Tomb."

If it's possible, then she'll catch another...!

But Timu asks a question! Sabl has her own issues with a lot of Visitors lately, but, "It's like a gamepad that you use to play games," Sable says.

"...I like it when he Visitors try things our way, instead of just taking whatever they feel like..."

Of course, because she's three Sables, this conversation is a little disorienting. It's fine.

DG: Sable Aomori has used her Tool Substitute toward her party's challenge, Suddenly Sidewired. Stalwart! Party shielded
from some Exhaustion this round!
=============================<* Field of Wisdom *>==============================
======================<* CHALLENGE - Suddenly Sidewired *>======================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Combat          | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You've arrived in one of the chambers (as marked by a switch) that holds a    
  switch, which you've come to understand is necessary to open the way to the   
  Trial of Wisdom within this Field.                                            
  But you hear something slithering moments after you step into the room.       
  There, from the shadows! It's a Sidewired, a serpentine Pokemon that bears    
  some resemblance to a power cable... with a controller on its tail. It        
  rattles its controller ominously as it makes its approach.                    
  And then, it lunges! It's quick, and worse, it's more than happy to try to    
  snack on the electricity of any such objects you might have on you!           
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|            Cleanse:_All_Effects_Removed!, Cripple:_Agility_Down!,            |
|        Embolden:_Combat_Up!, Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!, and         |
|                             Weaken:_Brute_Down!                              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
=============================<* Field of Wisdom *>==============================
====================< Results - Field of Wisdom - Round 3 >=====================
=======================< CHALLENGE - Suddenly Sidewired >=======================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Sable Aomori                        10 --(0)--> 10                   Best      
Substitute                          Min Combat        Effects: Stalwart        
Timu Guado                          10 --(0)--> 10                   Good      
Hearth Staff                        Min Combat        Effects: Cleanse and     
Vivace Mori                         25 --(0)--> 25                   Best      
Fight                               Bsc Combat        Effects: BASIC           
Dirk Swordsman                      30 --(0)--> 30                   Best      
R.KATANA                            Min Combat        Effects: Embolden        
Chartreuse Spinosa                  30 --(0)--> 30                   Best      
Light Clay                          Min Combat        Effects: Embolden        
Leader: Sable Aomori                40 --(20)--> 60                  Pass     
Conditions: Cripple, Exhaust(1), and Weaken(1)                                
Effects: Cleanse and Embolden(1)                                              
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: The party led by Sable Aomori has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use
party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Dirk Swordsman has drawn a new Challenge.
=============================<* Field of Wisdom *>==============================
=========================<* CHALLENGE - Naughty Natu *>=========================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Combat          | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  After a stretch of exploration through the corridors of the Field, you come   
  across one of the chambers that holds a switch. As you've gathered through    
  your exploration of the Field of Wisdom, you'll need to find and hit          
  switches in order to progress towards the trial itself. A single glowing      
  Symbol has marked this room as one that holds a switch.                       
  At a glance, it should be simple: go in, hit the switch, and get back to      
  your exploration. But it isn't: a small greenish bird, a Natu, hops out of    
  the shadows to stare at you, unblinkingly.                                    
  It's hard to tell if it likes what it sees or doesn't, because the next       
  thing it does is reveal that it has fearsome psychic powers as it attacks!    
  Natu: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/File:0177Natu.png               
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|    Embolden:_Combat_Up!, Wonder:_Exhaustion_Down!, and Wound:_Combat_Down!   |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Chartreuse Spinosa has posed.

Getting badges...

"I don't know if they'd give us badges... but it'd be nice if they accelerated our certifications, at least. I'd think that conquering the Fields would prove we can be trusted with at least that much." Chartreuse considers, then looks toward Timu. "There's probably another switch... I'm guessing we need to turn on a certain amount, and then something will reveal itself."

And then, the fight! Mareep acts as a distraction, and as Sidewinder goes for another lunge - Mareep leaps back, making room for Sirfetch'd as he lunges in, leek slicing into the Sidewired! It hisses and whirls on Sirfetch'd, enraged, and whips its body around, like, well, a whip... but while Sandshrew might not be ground, it's tough, steel-type body does prove more than enough to take it and counter attack with claws!

Fuecoco, meanwhile, turns the tables, delivering a mighty Bite onto the snake. It reels as Timu channels her healing sorcery, undoing any damage they've taken up to this point - while Sable, in triplicate, orders a Sand Tomb. Sidewired becomes mired in isolating sand and, after struggling for a moment - gives up. It's the perfect opportunity to catch it, for anyone willing! Otherwise, it'll free itself on its own, eventually.

"That's-" Chartreuse starts as Timu asks a question - and then nods, as Sable answers. "That's right! It's kind of nostalgic... they don't really make them like this anymore these days. You can't really beat the classic button layouts..."

With that, the switch is flipped - and, they're free to move on!

<Pose Tracker> Dirk Swordsman has posed.

"Awesome," Dirk tells Vivace, after, and in regards to the battle. "And yeah, I feel that." Fuecoco bursts forwards and Dirk explains to Timu, "S'an electric plug."

Dirk doesn't elaborate further. Electricity is as familiar to his people as stones or the sky.

"I'm good," he comments about the Sideswipe, before taking a moment to look at Timu and say, "So I wanna like apologize if we talk mess about the Visitors cuz I know you are a visitor but I gotta say you've been doin' great as a Trainer, like in my personal opinion, so, like, uh, I guess I'm trying to say, sorry, we mean like Drugs Man with his dang lasers."

Oshawott's eyes narrow. Oshawott will ALWAYS say no to drugs. (Protein, Rare Candy and Poke Drops aren't drugs.)

After this, though, they move along. They're approaching a chamber with a switch and no particular guard. "Hey, alright," Dirk says, before the small green bird hops out of the shadows.

Dirk looks at the Natu.

Dirk looks at Sirfetch'd. Sirfetch'd shrugs.

Dirk looks at Oshawott. Oshawott shrugs.

Dirk looks back to the Natu. "So like," he begins, before the Natu hops a little and A HORRID PINK-VIOLET BEAM SMASHES OUT FROM IT AND ENGULFS BOTH DIRK AND OSHAWOTT!

"Gahhhh!!!" Dirk says, even as Oshawott clutches her head and jumps up and down, wailing in confusion and dismay! Sirfetch'd, who is revealed to have leaped to the side, is sweating slightly -- or something like that -- and he looks over towards the other Trainers, as if to say: 'I don't know this bird, handle it.' (Sirfetch'd subsequently takes a guarded posture, occasionally jabbing towards the Natu, but is incredibly wary of... the little green bird.)


DG: Dirk Swordsman has used his Tool R.KATANA toward his party's challenge, Naughty Natu. Embolden! Party Combat
<Pose Tracker> Vivace Mori has posed.

"The only way I'm getting the certifications I want is if I make it to Victory Road," Vivace says, sourly. "The other Victory Road."

Oh yeah. Timu is here.

"I don't mean you," Vivace agrees with Dirk, which is as close as she's going to get to saying sorry. "I mean the people who barge in and steal, or cheat, or try to push us out of the way - either because we're not them, or because a lot of us are younger, I don't know or care. You just want to go on a Journey. The proper way," Vivace finishes.

Yeah that's as close as she's going to get to an apology.

She certainly isn't going to stop Sable from snagging the Pokemon, either; the only Pokemon Vivace is interested in snagging right now is her own Sandshrew, who bounds back to her, all excited and amped up now that she's gotten to *act*. Sandshrew is impatient.

And she kind of wants to do more, now that the Natu has revealed itself. "Hold on," Vivace directs - but too late! Sandshrew is already rushing forward, even as the Natu fires their TREMENDOUS BEAM toward Oshawott and Dirk!

Sandshrew skids on her belly, icing up the metallic ground in front of her, and begins to spin. Slowly at first, but faster and faster, curling her tail up over her back and tucking her limbs in while ice whirls out, forming a veritable discus of spinning chunks of ice and sliding Sandshrew!

DG: Vivace Mori has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Naughty Natu. 
<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    "A gamepad to play... games," Timu seems confused by this. "Do you throw it, like a ball?" She's gotten used to many of Nede's entertaining excesses, but video games aren't quite in her radar of comprehension yet. This is as far as a distraction as it gets, though.
     When they come out on top, Fuecoco comes back to her waiting arms for a hug, some whispered praise. She takes Sable's praise quietly. She likes Nede's ways, compared to the ones of her culture. This far removed from the Farplane, and the Guado discipline of weaving the disparate displaced emotions and memories carried by pyreflies into dangerous Fiends purely for sake of bringing harm to others...
     "No, I understand," she replies to Dirk, while Fuecoco gets out a little 'co.'
     Vivace's approval means a lot, considering how she's heard second-hand her strong disagreement with the Mayor and leading Pokemon Professor have both entrusted and allowed so much of the Visitors here. Timu nods along. "...And I'm going to keep going!"
     Fuecoco's back in the ball, soon enough, as they head forward.
     "So that's another switch! I think I can hit it from here." Timu picks up another one of the decoy balls she was going to use to chase off any wild Pokemon guarding the entrance, unless any of them had deeply implanted genetic memories to protect the way to the Field of Wisdom that only just turned 'on,' but that's conspirational. Anyway.
     She throws it, but that strange Natu appears and there's some sort of psychic feedback that sends the ball rocketing past her head somewhere in that exchange that involves the HORRID PINK-VIOLET BEAM.
     "Dirk! Oshowatt!" Timu calls as they're put in danger, seeing to Sirfetch'd and their leveled weapon. She nods.
     "Then... Chargeray!" Timu calls, throwing the ball. The newly-evolved Pokemon, as of the previous Field of Courage, flies free with a loud 'Chaaaaaa!' He also starts flying the wrong way, because he both hasn't quite outgrown his aimless flying and also because the Symbological signals here are intense and it's like being pulled through multiple strong currents at once.
     Timu raises a hand to brush the back of it along them, something of an emotional anchoring to guide him to know which 'currents' to fight, as he flicks his forked tail up as to not shock his Trainer.
     She lowers that pull forth the Alchemical Mirror that one of the Wayside kids (now teen!) she befriended bequeathed unto her.
     "Chargeray, take this," Timu hands off the Held Item. It's not clear, at all, how Chargeray held it as a Moteray, and it's not clear how he's doing so even now, but he is, "and prepare a Thunder Shock!"
     "Chaaa!" Chargeray opens his mouth wide to his jagged tongue, firing off a circular-shaped burst of electricity towards Natu, while the Alchemical Mirror should take a lot of punch off the return fire - or maybe even reflect it.

DG: Timu Guado has used her Tool Alchemical Mirror toward her party's challenge, Naughty Natu. 
<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

"Like, research certifications?" Sable wonders. THere are other kinds, but that's what's on her brain at the moment. She suspects Chartreuse is right about the switches, either way. And she recalls Onix, so that she can walk a little more easily in here. Ishka roars to note her presence before she returns to her Pokeball.

She catches the Sidewired, too. She has another Pokeball for it! It's a good opportunity. But Chartruese recognizes the classics! Sable says, "You press the buttons and work the pad in different directions to control things on a screen. ...You usually don't throw it."

Fuecoco is so cute. And Timu seems to understand what Dirk is saying, and even Vivace says something that's kind of nice about it. "Yes," she says. "It's the Visitors who don't care who they hurt that we have an issue with. ...But the Nedians like that, too."

Too young. Sable wonders about that.

But when Natu is there, Sable tilts her head. "Another Psychic-type," she reflects. Suddenly there is a beam!!!

Sable reflects that she should fill in some holes on her team as regards Psychics. In the meantime, she pulls another Pokeball--

"Kasu!" she calls, and the Hisuan Growlithe appears with a, "GROOOO!"


Now there are three. "Kasus," she says to all three, "Use Rock Tomb!"

Rocks try to block it off from hitting Dirk and Oshawott again--as Sable runs over to Dirk. "Dirk...!"

DG: Sable Aomori has used her Tool Substitute toward her party's challenge, Naughty Natu. Stalwart! Party shielded from
some Exhaustion this round!
<Pose Tracker> Chartreuse Spinosa has posed.

"Research certifications, yeah... but accessing certain areas and using certain means of traversal that are otherwise restricted to Trainers who've gathered enough badges." Chartreuse explains.

Dirk apologizes to Timu, and Chartreuse nods. That... incident, has stuck out rather vividly in her mind, as well.

"Yes, I agree." Chartreuse agrees. "I'm fine with anyone who doesn't look down on us."

They reach another chamber. It looks clear, at the moment... except for the presence of a little bird.

"Aw, cute, a Natu." Chartreuse observes - and is then surprised as Natu immediately unleashes psychic force on Dirk and Oshawott! "...Ah."

Time to fight, then!

"You're up again, Mareep - give us a Light Screen!" Chartreuse calls out. With a nod, Mareep brings up more shimmering walls of light - this time, with the goal of mitigating the sort of incorporeal attacks Natu is bringing to the fray.

And with that, Chartreuse gestures.

"Now, hit it with a Thunder Wave!" She calls out. At her command, Mareep's wool begins to spark before firing off in a paralysis-inducing jolt toward Natu!

If there's no complaints... I think I'm going to try to catch this one." Chartreuse says - and, indeed, if no one objects, she follows up the Thunder Wave by hurling a Pokeball right at Natu!

DG: Chartreuse Spinosa has used her Tool Light Clay toward her party's challenge, Naughty Natu. Embolden! Party Combat
=============================<* Field of Wisdom *>==============================
=========================<* CHALLENGE - Naughty Natu *>=========================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Combat          | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  After a stretch of exploration through the corridors of the Field, you come   
  across one of the chambers that holds a switch. As you've gathered through    
  your exploration of the Field of Wisdom, you'll need to find and hit          
  switches in order to progress towards the trial itself. A single glowing      
  Symbol has marked this room as one that holds a switch.                       
  At a glance, it should be simple: go in, hit the switch, and get back to      
  your exploration. But it isn't: a small greenish bird, a Natu, hops out of    
  the shadows to stare at you, unblinkingly.                                    
  It's hard to tell if it likes what it sees or doesn't, because the next       
  thing it does is reveal that it has fearsome psychic powers as it attacks!    
  Natu: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/File:0177Natu.png               
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|    Embolden:_Combat_Up!, Wonder:_Exhaustion_Down!, and Wound:_Combat_Down!   |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
=============================<* Field of Wisdom *>==============================
====================< Results - Field of Wisdom - Round 4 >=====================
==========================< CHALLENGE - Naughty Natu >==========================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Sable Aomori                        10 --(0)--> 10                   Good      
Substitute                          Min Combat        Effects: Stalwart        
Timu Guado                          10 --(0)--> 10                   Good      
Alchemical Mirror                   Maj Combat        Effects: Efficient       
Vivace Mori                         25 --(4)--> 29                   Bad       
Fight                               Bsc Combat        Effects: BASIC           
Dirk Swordsman                      30 --(0)--> 30                   Best      
R.KATANA                            Min Combat        Effects: Embolden        
Chartreuse Spinosa                  30 --(0)--> 30                   Best      
Light Clay                          Min Combat        Effects: Embolden        
Leader: Sable Aomori                60 --(20)--> 80                  Pass     
Conditions: Wonder(1) and Wound(2)                                            
Effects: Embolden(1)                                                          
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: The party led by Sable Aomori has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use
party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Timu Guado has drawn a new Challenge.
=============================<* Field of Wisdom *>==============================
===============<* CHALLENGE - No Wisdom Without Understanding *>================
| Type: Final        | Dungeon Ability: Wits            | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  Finally, the central doorway within the Field of Wisdom opens. Within, you    
  find a large circular chamber. Equidistant metal rings radiate out from the   
  center where a single translucent plinth rises. Light pulses within it, the   
  color shifting in the pale hues of the rainbow.                               
  When you touch it, there is a brilliant flash of white light.                 
  You are overcome by your own memories. You are taken back to a time when you  
  had to understand another's point of view even though it had clashed with     
  your own. What changes -- if it should change? What have you learned?         
  And how, by learning it, do you discern the best way forward?                 
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|      Embolden:_Combat_Up!, Stupify:_Wits_Down!, and Wound:_Combat_Down!      |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Dirk Swordsman has posed.

Sandshrew gets on her belly and prosecutes the offensive. The ground is frosted up and chunks of ice fly, but the Natu looks up and seems to catch most of them - one hits the ground and the bird has to actually fly, which seems, to Natu, to be rude. Several of the ice blocks fly back at Sandshrew. (Sandshrew may not give a hecc.)

"I'm good! I just gotta --" Dirk says, reeling. Oshawott lets out a cry of distress, but then Chargeray surges out and prepares for a Thunder Shock. The thunder bursts and Natu looks up, eyes narrowing.

The lightning crashes (I can feel it, comin' back again o/~) and Natu's fired off Confuse Ray hits, mostly, the alchemical mirror. Chargeray can make the save, so to speak, but Natu has to flutter to the side to avoid counter-shots.

Natu then looks over towards the Growlithe as one becomes three and then rock entombment engulfs them. Natu is briefly and completely hidden.

Then the rock explodes outwards!! But the Natu seems to have gotten mad. Borblike wings spread aaaand the Thunderwave smashes into the Pokemon's side, crackling frizzing up the feather as the Pokemon finally vocalizes. "n-n-n-nat-t-t-t-t--"

A Pokeball flies towards Natu.






"Bluhhhhh," Dirk concludes, taking off his sunglasses for a moment to rub his eyes. "Oh man that sucks. Yo, Oshawott, how you holding up." There's a confused mewling squeap from the Otter, and Dirk says, "Yeah, I - gottcha, hold on." A little fumbling later and he gets the Ball out, and Oshawott is recalled.

And replaced...

With Cufant!

"I feel like a Psyduck," Dirk complains. "Any of you guys got a water? Like for drinking."

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    There's a few more routes through the Field of Wisdom that require detours to hit switches, but they're not all that noteworthy. Any other Sidewinder can be juked, additional instances of Natu can be avoided by waiting to see them look any other way, and any other Goathead can be pried by treats. (Congratulations are given for catching a Natu, and some drinking water for Dirk, too.)
     A rhythm and path through the rest of the Field can be maintained through all their efforts. (Also, some obnoxious teleport and tile puzzles which will not be named or discussed... today.)
     The central doorway at last opens. Timu's ended up towards the front of the group on the last bend, and currently Hestrol is by her side as they make their way inside.
     It's a huge, circular chamber - that's how one knows it's ancient, all modern Nedian architecture uses cubic, grid-based floorplans for the most part - with equidistant metal rings radiating from the center. In the center, that single translucent plinth rising with pulsing light. The color shifts in the pale hues of the rainbow.
     Timu's hands go over her chest. The color gradient and soft shimmering is almost identical to that of pyreflies, by coincidence.
     "It's like some of the switches we've seen, so--" So she moves forward to touch it.
     "...Strooo---?" An inquisitive, timid Hestrol asks, and then there's a brilliant flash of white light.
     Timu and Pani had to stay in the caves, and trust the Otherworlders to stop their father. Their father, who seemed to stand as the last thing between a Spira that would fight to live and see something better, and the adherence of the current old ways to the end of all life.
     The two of them did not stay there. They overheard so much.
     'Time and time again... I have failed my people,' said Gon Guado - their father. 'Their rightful place in Spira weakening by the day. That Spira itself, its very cultural fabric unraveling and eroding right before my eyes... that my own children not only would live to see this, and then become among the envious dead.' He believed them dead, at the time, because they ran away.
     His determination in nihilism saw him summon a truly dangerous Fiend empowered by the forbidden apex of Spira's 'prayer magic' - Reraisega, effectively rendering it virtually unable to be put down.
     So many came to their side, to rebuke them. Timu and Pani, eventually... made their own contribution, as Pani used her own Guado gift to re-weave the Wendigo King's constituent pyreflies into especially weak, Grenade-type Fiends - as if the Mona Lisa were transformed into innumerable constituent childish crayon scrawls, never to reconstitute into the original masterpiece.
     One by one, Timu and Pani spoke of how each and every one of the Otherworlders helped see their resolve here. Too long, too numerous to name, but caught in the moment after all's said and done, Timu feels a sense of time and place being merged - between the younger her, and the one here now.
     They were right to stop her father then, and to stop those Guado loyal to Seymour (virtually everyone among their people). She remembers how she angrily hit her father, almost lifeless in his spirit being crushed, just as everyone continued their journey.
     And all that's come to follow, as the Guado have come to grips with the consequences of their actions - and their lost cultural importance to the day-to-day goings of Spira. The listlessness, as so many lost their spirits in the time that followed. The aimlessness, the increasing strain on resources and opportunities.
     Time moves forward, to the time she was going to become an apprentice healer and physician under her own father, in agreement that with 'prayer magic' being rarer among her people, that it was important when she still harbored stronger dreams of being a professional Blitzer.
     She left Spira without telling even her father goodbye. She couldn't wait for Pani, when she wanted to run away from it all - nor for someone she had growing feelings for in Goro, a male Guado around her age.
     "Father," she murmurs, "Pani.... and everyone," she reflects. She can't take anything she said or did back.
     It takes her time to reflect.

DG: Timu Guado has contributed a risky Wits Action toward her party's challenge, No Wisdom Without Understanding. 
<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

"Oh... yes," Sable answers. "That makes sense." Certificiations.

Sable is a little dubious of Dirk being okay, given Oshawott's cry, but there's not a lot she can do about that other than to keep an eye on him. Her own Symbology might help ease the headache, though.

"Good job, Chartreuse," Sable says. An then she stands up as Dirk settles himself. "Yes," Sable says. "I brought some spare..."

But they go on through the rest. Finally when they reach that circullar chamber, Sable looks around. "It's so pretty," she says. The Pokemon now out with her, Ulpi, crows lightly. And then, suddenly, the flash of light--


It is not so long ago, what Sable remembers. It is not an incident from deep within her childhood this time. It is not the caverns of Mt. Moon, where she learned to overcome her fears. It is a small apartment in Armlock City, and she sits across the coffee table from her father. Edgar Chiba looks thoughtful. "So, you figured out about your mother..."

"Does that mean you knew, Dad?"

"...Yes, but not for very long. She told me recently, too. I suppose it's like it's always been--I'm more concerned with my family than the state of the world. ...But you're not like that. You're going on to fight the Ten Wise Men! You're going to see more worlds, and go on a grander Journey than either of us did!"

Sable opens her mouth ad closes it, and glances away. "But, Mom said..."

"...She says a lot of things," Edgar says. "I love her very much. And you, too. ...But what you need isn't just to think about what she said. You have to think about what she meant. That'll help you understand what you want to do, yourself."

"What she meant... and what I want to do..."

Sable thinks on it, and she remembers that this is a memory. What can she do differently, now that she hs the benefit of hindsight?

Can she really understand...?


"...She sees that the world won't go the way we want it to..."

"Unless we act on it." Sable speaks mostly to herself, but then looks up. "Unless we act..."

"Our hopes will just be hopes."

"...She's mad at a world that hurt her. But she's blinded by that, too..."

"I have to listen to my feelings... but not be overcome by them."

"I have to walk with my eyes open."

DG: Sable Aomori has contributed a risky Wits Action toward her party's challenge, No Wisdom Without Understanding. 
<Pose Tracker> Vivace Mori has posed.

Vivace's problem has been - has always been - when the Visitors try to displace Nedians, or think they know better than the Nedians, or try to solve all Nede's problems... or attack Nede, of course, but that's a given.

Timu has never done any of that. Vivace has no objection - none at all - to Visitors who act like Timu.

Sandshrew does indeed give a hecc about having her ice blocks thrown back at her - for though she may not be worried by the temperature, actually getting clonked on the head hurts no matter what, and she's already been helping for a while. She's still up, but she's a little sore - so Vivace returns her to the Pokeball once the Natu is clicked away.

"I have a lemonade," Vivace offers Dirk, on checking her bag. "Wait, no, there's a water in here too. Whichever you like." Vivace is not particularly prone to overpacking, but sometimes you just need a drink.


The big room, like last time, is enough for Vivace to slow her roll; to not immediately walk in, but to take it in, the ancient place and all it means. She takes one deep breath outside the room, lets it out through her nose, takes another one in - and then marches in like she belongs.


If you had seen Vivace's glimpse into Courage, this is an even younger Vivace than that. Ten maybe; Vivace's hair is done differently, in a braid, and she's in a school uniform. She still has the glasses, and that perhaps is the least different part of her; her glasses are a similar style, simple frames.

She also has a bloody nose, and one of the lenses is out of her glasses; the glasses sit somewhat askew, as one of the arms is bent.

Xine is doing their best to treat Vivace's nose, making sure it's not broken, while Vivace is sitting there and taking it. She is not crying - she won't let herself cry, though her eyes are red, as if she has been.

"Vivace," Xine says, while they work. "You can't be getting into fights all the time."

"But they said...!" Vivace's voice is unclear, her nose sounding like it's plugged solid (which it probably is) and her diction slightly indistinct because of a split lip. "They wouldn't stop calling Ellie names, and stealing her lunch, and pushing her. I just tried to stop them. Why don't you care?"

"I do care," Xine says, "but I care about *you* too. I know they're bullies but you can't just fight everybody. It's good that you want to help people, but sometimes you need to call for help. Talk to a teacher, for crying out loud! Now you're suspended, and you're lucky your nose isn't broken."

"Yeah, because I won," Vivace says, satisfied, before Xine sighs, shaking their head.

The argument continues.

Vivace, unlike her parent, would fight. She was supposed to learn to let things pass by, or to call for help - but what Vivace had actually learned is that she'd have to depend on herself, and nobody else. If you're strong enough to stand alone, you don't need adults. You don't need anyone.

But here and now, since the Visitors have come...

Is that really right? She's here, at the Field of Wisdom, and she wouldn't have gotten here alone...


"Hey," Vivace says, in reality. She lets Niquia out to float around her, to look around in places she can't. "You all right?" she addresses the room.

DG: Vivace Mori has used her Tool Niquia Scan toward her party's challenge, No Wisdom Without Understanding. Enlighten!
Party Wits boosted!
<Pose Tracker> Chartreuse Spinosa has posed.

Wobble, wobble, wobble... click! Natu is caught! Chartreuse hurries over and retrieves the ball.

"Welcome to the team, Natu." Chartreuse greets, then offers Sable a smile. "Thank you."

She can get to know Natu better later - right now, after seeing to Dirk, it's time to move on.

They find themselves in a large, circular chamber... and in the center, a single plinth. Chartreuse looks at the others.

"...This set-up looks pretty familiar. Do you think we'll see a vision again?" She asks. A vision of their past, drawing on their personal experiences... "I wonder what this one's going to be like."

The plinth is touched, and there's a brilliant flash of white.

It's not as disorienting the second time. She knows what to expect, now. She finds herself traveling back - her mind flashing through several instances. Disagreements with fellow students and colleagues... and, more recently, conflicts the Visitors. Their worlds... There's a vast difference. Nede hasn't challenged her like theirs has them. A sleepy little world...

...Maybe it is. But she knows their world has hardship, too - but she acknowledges that their world is, on the whole, more violent and difficult, too.

She can't look away from reality. She has to face both sides of it as they are, and adjust her path accordingly.

That's how a proper academic does it, after all.

...As the light clears, Chartreuse exhales.

"...Yes. I am now." Chartreuse replies with a nod to Vivace, adjusting her glasses. "I'm not sure I'll ever quite getting used to being forced down memory lane."

DG: Chartreuse Spinosa has used her Tool Archaeologist's Backpack toward her party's challenge, No Wisdom Without
Understanding. Enlighten! Party Wits boosted!
<Pose Tracker> Dirk Swordsman has posed.

Dirk pounds that water. Cufant trunks Timu a little in gratitude. It may leave a few streaks of verdigrised copper. This, too, is Cufant's nature.

And then, here they are. The great 'Circle'.

Dirk takes in a deep breath. He approaches the plinth -- did he touch it? The light flashes, heedless.



Old Man Rikishi. His name's like a single word for Daniel. Old Man Rikishi is a hundred and eleven years old, and Daniel is twelve years old. Old Man Rikishi is hale and hearty, and sometimes, he keeps an eye on Daniel. He's sitting, now, on the grass; the same park where he rolled a ball back and forth with a Makuhita.

That's not how it goes now, of course. Daniel's eleven. He's not a kid. He's playing Go with a Hariyama, seated cross-legged. Daniel is winning, but not by much, against the Pokemon. What this says about Daniel's ability at Go is an open question.

It's quiet. It's a weekend. Daniel's mom is out of town - tying up the loose ends of the accident, collecting some more things. She took a plane, but it wasn't good for Daniel to be alone right now.

Old Man Rikishi's known three generations of Tsurugis, and Daniel's now the fourth one, so it's no trouble to him. The old man is thin, and he knows he's on last call, but he doesn't mind. He's seen three generations of Tsurugis and a half-dozen other schools of martial arts floating around the greater Celadon metro area. He remembers when there were ten.

So it goes.

It's Daniel's turn but he hasn't moved. Old Man Rikishi just sits there and drinks his tea, enjoying the sight of the trees.

Daniel speaks: "You knew my dad, right?"

It's not about his brother. Old Man Rikishi answers, his voice quiet and weary but solid, like a plank of wood. "I knew him very well."

"How come he," Daniel says, and he doesn't say died, but he comes close. He finishes the sentence: "was out there. You know? Not, like, here."

"You wish he was here?"

"I ain't say that, I just wish I knew why he -- like, he wasn't on a Journey or anything."

Old Man Rikishi drinks his tea.

"S'what I thought," Daniel says, making a singularly poor move. Hariyama cups his chin with one hand. Hariyama sees the opening but he's got the sense to not just snap-snap-snap on a grieving child.

"I'm thinking, boy," Old Man Rikishi says, without rancor. "I've got a lot of memories in this head of mine."

A second passes. Four. Six.

"He didn't expect to go the way he did," Old Man Rikishi.

"S'not what I asked," Daniel says as Hariyama makes a move.

"Listen," Old Man Rikishi says.

"Your father was a restless man. Always full of energy. I never went up against him when he got the dojo -- didn't dare to. I've raised my share of big, strong Pokemon. Pokemon that could crush their enemies -- Pokemon with the strength to hold themselves steady. I beat your grand-uncle a dozen times... probably my fault he never tried to take a crack at Victory Road."

Old Man Rikishi laughs. "Even if I'd been a young man... I don't think I could have defeated your dad."

"Why, cause --" Daniel says, but he realizes the obvious snap-back had been defused. "Tch."

"Your grand-uncle... he was hard. Like steel. You can make steel bend, you know. There's great machines, in factories... You might like looking 'em up. Maybe go to see 'em in person, if you're curious. Your grand-uncle, he was willing to bend -- and to spring back, when he had to."

"Your dad didn't bend. He kept on going. And the thing is... a spirit like that... it can outrace a body."

Hariyama moves a pebble. Daniel frowns. He's seeing the mistake he made. He's lost the initative, at the very least.

"So... what. He didn't wanna bend? Stay home with us?" Daniel grunts, making an aggressive move that will doom him in five turns.

"If he was the kind of man to do that, your mama wouldn't have settled down with him," Old Man Rikishi says. "He expected nothing less than to come back from any hazard out there with nothing more than a few scars and a great story to tell you and your brother."

Daniel grunts again. "But he was wrong," he says. "He messed up. He made a bad call. Luck ran out."

"It's true," says Old Man Rikishi. "Makes you wonder where luck comes from."

The wind stirs the leaves.

"I'm gonna take a walk," says Daniel. "Hariyama, I'll check you later."

Daniel walks off. Old Man Rikishi can feel a vague troubling in his kidneys. Daniel's never going to finish the game, but Old Man Rikishi smiles to the sun and to the breeze.


Dirk rubs the bridge of his nose. "... yeah, I'm fine," he says. "This supposed to make us stronger...? I don't get it, man."

Sirfetch'd glances up at Cufant. Cufant, uncharacteristically, holds her peace.

DG: Dirk Swordsman has contributed a risky Wits Action toward his party's challenge, No Wisdom Without Understanding. 
=============================<* Field of Wisdom *>==============================
===============<* CHALLENGE - No Wisdom Without Understanding *>================
| Type: Final        | Dungeon Ability: Wits            | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  Finally, the central doorway within the Field of Wisdom opens. Within, you    
  find a large circular chamber. Equidistant metal rings radiate out from the   
  center where a single translucent plinth rises. Light pulses within it, the   
  color shifting in the pale hues of the rainbow.                               
  When you touch it, there is a brilliant flash of white light.                 
  You are overcome by your own memories. You are taken back to a time when you  
  had to understand another's point of view even though it had clashed with     
  your own. What changes -- if it should change? What have you learned?         
  And how, by learning it, do you discern the best way forward?                 
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|       Enlighten:_Wits_Up!, Stupify:_Wits_Down!, and Wound:_Combat_Down!      |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
=============================<* Field of Wisdom *>==============================
====================< Results - Field of Wisdom - Round 5 >=====================
================< CHALLENGE - No Wisdom Without Understanding >=================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Sable Aomori                        10 --(25)--> 35                  Bad       
Investigate                         Bsc Wits          Effects: Risky           
Timu Guado                          10 --(25)--> 35                  Bad       
Investigate                         Bsc Wits          Effects: Risky           
Vivace Mori                         29 --(5)--> 34                   Good      
Niquia Scan                         Min Wits          Effects: Enlighten       
Dirk Swordsman                      30 --(5)--> 35                   Good      
Investigate                         Bsc Wits          Effects: Risky           
Chartreuse Spinosa                  30 --(5)--> 35                   Best      
Archaeologist's Backpack            Min Wits          Effects: Enlighten       
Leader: Sable Aomori                80 --(35)--> 115                 Pass     
Conditions: Stupify(2) and Wound(1)                                           
Effects: Enlighten(1)                                                         
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: You have overcome the dungeon's trials! This run is a success!
DG: The party led by Sable Aomori has successfully explored Field of Wisdom!
=============================<* Field of Wisdom *>==============================
=======================<* CHALLENGE - Power of Wisdom *>========================
| Type: Discovery    | Dungeon Ability: Conclusion      | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You come back to the here and now bit by bit. There is a soft light handing   
  in the air before you, and it's as if you can feel a presence all around      
  this chamber. You're here, and what was done then was done. But you learned   
  from it, and through that experience, however it had gone, you gained         
  And a voice, gentle but not without strength, speaks to you:                  
  "Wonderful. I can see that you truly possess wisdom. This is sufficient: you  
  have passed the trial. The power of Wisdom is yours."                         
  There is another flash of light and before you on the plinth there appears a  
  blue sphere: the Orb of Wisdom, proof that you've passed the trial. Holding   
  it, however, won't make you feel any wiser.                                   
  ...But you've grown, haven't you? You've learned and changed from your        
  interactions with other people, and in doing so, you've come to realize what  
  works in the world you live in. And it's a sure thing that you will continue  
  to grow and change through the many fateful meetings and conflicts that lie   
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|     Enlighten:_Wits_Up!, Hope:_Exhaustion_Down!, Stupify:_Wits_Down!, and    |
|                             Wound:_Combat_Down!                              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    Everyone has their revelations. Some, way more painful to come to than others...
     "...My people have always been afraid of losing what they have," Timu thinks aloud, in her strange liminal place. "Maybe that's why some fight as hard as they do, even if it's wrong to others around them," she muses, coming back to what Asgard had to say about her refusal to accept what they were all doing.
     Everyone seems to come to, on their own time, where they were. No one has been pushed to the brink of the edge of life by battle, here. There's no voice behind a hulking Aulbear praising or criticizing them, like in the Field of Coruage, but a gentle voice. Gentle... but firm, with conviction.
     "Wonderful. I can see that you truly possess wisdom. This is sufficient: you have passed the trial. The pwoer of Wisdom is yours."
     Another flash of light, and ont hat plinth - blue spheres, representative of the Orb of Wisdom (unless they all are), proof they've passed the trial. Timu's Hestrol air-swims (don't think too hard about it) by her side as she claims her share.
     ...But this is not where the paths of Courage nor Wisdom end, is there? They've yet to all continue to live, grow, and learn, and change on the paths and trials ahead.
     "We've done it again," Timu says, exhaling loudly. There's tears in her eyes, again.
     "...There's two left. So... the next one's near Pewter, isn't it," she confirms with the others. The Field of Power will beckon for their challenge, soon.
     (In the background, a Sidewired has 'bitten' into a Goathead, while a Natu presses buttons with their Psychic powers. They are all having fun.)

<Pose Tracker> Chartreuse Spinosa has posed.

They truly possess wisdom... Chartreuse approaches the plinth as blue spheres come into being on top of it, and Chartreuse grabs one, staring into its surface.

She doesn't feel any wiser. But she does feel... accomplished.

"Pewter... I know that terrain, at least." Chartreuse remarks. "...Still, to think the entrance to such a place was located so close to my hometown..."

There are still secrets hidden everywhere in this world, it seems. That thought fills her with excitement.

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

Sable takes her blue sphere. When Vivace asks if she's okay, "I'm... fine," she says. "I think ... I'm better than okay."

She understands. She thinks, anyway. She does feel wiser than when she came here. And...

"Pewter," she says. "Okay. We'll do that, then."

"...Thank you, everyone..."

She looks back into the blue orb, "Maybe... It'll be enough. For her, too."