2024-06-14: True Power: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: True Power''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Sable Aomori, Character :: Timu Guado, Character :: Chartreuse Spinosa, Character :: Vivace Mori, Character :: Dirk Swordsman *'''Where:''' Field of Power, Energy Nede *'''Date:''' June 13, 2024 *'''Summary''': ''Into the Princebridge Snowfields a group goes. Sable, Timu, Chartreuse, Vivace, and Dirk seek the lesson and mark of Power.'' ---- DG: A party led by Sable Aomori is now entering Field of...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 04:37, 14 June 2024

DG: A party led by Sable Aomori is now entering Field of Power.
DG: Party formation is now over. An Entry Challenge will now be drawn and displayed to the party.
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
======================<* CHALLENGE - Ice-Encrusted Door *>======================
| Type: Entry        | Dungeon Ability: Brute           | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  The path to the Field of Power wasn't an easy one, already. It entailed a     
  half-day hike through the snowy foothills north of Pewter City -- a remote    
  area that few travel to -- and almost a stone's throw away from the barrier   
  containing Energy Nede's atmosphere. From here, the huge Symbols across it    
  flicker in the sky like an aurora.                                            
  But now, you've arrived. There is a stone plinth outside, marking this as     
  the legendary Field of Power. And, beyond that, you see a door leading into   
  the initial cavern. It is a metal door, ancient but untarnished. Symbols      
  glow over it; someone well-versed in Symbology can see that these are         
  Symbols specializing in ice magic. This door continuously generates a         
  massive sheet of ice, encrusting it into place. Your first challenge will be  
  to force this door open.                                                      
  Every step of the way, more ice will form. It will even crust over hands and  
  weapons, with how fast it grows. It will take considerable might -- and some  
  cunning -- to push open.                                                      
  But if you seek the Blessing of Power, you will need such might and cunning   
  to continue.                                                                  
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|          Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure! and Weaken:_Brute_Down!          |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

The trek was long and difficult. A half day's hike through the Peacebridge snowfields saw Sable Aomori cold, and only the enchantments of her clothes meant that she didn't have to bundle up beyond all reason. But she endured, just like the others.

The huge Symbols of the barrier flicker like an aurora, and Sable marvels at the edge of their very world.

"Past here..." Sable murmurs, "It's Johto..."

But soon enough, they are here. The stone plinth marks them as having approached the Field of Power.

"Brr," Sable says. "That's... ice Symbology..."

She considers. The closer she gets to the door, the worse the cold is. She steps back, after a moment. "We'll have to force our way through somehow..." She considers.

She pulls a Pokeball, and suddenly here is Kasu! The Hisuan Growlithe is red-orange and stony at the mane, and howls happily to help.

"Kasu," she instructs. "Use Sunny Day."


Bright, brilliant sunlight beats down, heating the entire area. It will make flame easier to use.

DG: Sable Aomori has used her Tool Meteorology toward her party's challenge, Ice-Encrusted Door. Stalwart! Party
shielded from some Exhaustion this round!
<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    Timu undertakes the trek with the others. It wasn't that long ago when she had to brave Mt. Gagazet with her sister in order to help stop something terrible. Her gift of the healing aspects of flame comes in handy in helping keep warm, as was the case then, but this time... this journey isn't here for one of desperation.
     She looks up as Sable murmurs about Johto. Their Zanarkand? (give or take one breathable atmosphere)
     The rest of the sights are taken in solemn silence until they reach the place - that stone plinth, and the chill that blasts forth from the constant activation of ice Symbology to maintain the door's frozen seal.
     Her expression brightens some when Kasu appears and makes use of Sunny Day to boost whatever Fire-type means the group has with them.
     "Right," Timu nods, as she lets her Fuecoco out in turn.
     "Fuecoco," she says, "use Incinerate on that ice wall."
     "Co...!" Fuecoco breathes deep, sneezes the once. He shakes his head, breathes deep, and lets loose a stream of fire.
     Timu isn't staying idle as Fuecoco does this, fitting a clawed gauntlet around her hand that's attached to a chain. With a flick, she launches a claw to try and grab at any loosening chunks of ice to help pull away.

DG: Timu Guado has used her Tool Pull Claw toward her party's challenge, Ice-Encrusted Door. Strengthen! Party Brute
<Pose Tracker> Chartreuse Spinosa has posed.

It was a difficult hike - but Chartreuse was in her element. She grew up in Pewter, after all - she's used to difficult hikes. The furthest reaches of the Princebridge Snowfield are tougher than any she's been on so far... but she's prepared accordingly, and she's contributed her know-how and experience to the others, as well.

And now, finally they're here - the edge of the world...

"Remarkable..." Chartreuse murmurs, adjusting her glasses. She'd like to take a closer look... but, they're here on business, and the environment means it isn't good to dawdle, so she turns her attention instead to their goal.

"I see... that's a fascinating way to keep the area sealed." She considers, then reaches for a Pokeball.

"Farfetch'd, you're up." She calls out. Farfetch'd(currently clad in a little coat for warmth) appears, leek at the ready. "Shake up that ice."

With a nod, Farfetch'd eyes the door, sizing it up... and then lowers into a stance, leek tucked beneath his wing. And then, with a flash of an eye, he takes off. Slashes appear across the door in the blink of an eye, cutting through ice!

Chartreuse immediately moves to capitalize on this, drawing her trusty shovel from her backpack and immediately moving toward the door, jamming it into the crack and beginning to try to help lever it open.

DG: Chartreuse Spinosa has used her Tool Leek toward her party's challenge, Ice-Encrusted Door. Fanfare! 
<Pose Tracker> Vivace Mori has posed.

Finally. The Field of Power.

Vivace didn't know what to expect here, but she knew it would be challenging. Bravery and intelligence - obviously those are important. But if you're going to defend Nede, you need power. And isn't that the whole purpose of the Fields?

She's learned, from her previous experiences on them. Now she feels ready.

Vivace probably prepared a little *too* hard for this one. Her backpack isn't any fuller than usual but it got packed, and repacked, and re-repacked. Tools were replaced, adjusted, and generally tweaked. Even her Pokemon helped with that; Sandshrew kept bringing things for her to bundle, and even Prinplup, who is normally too prideful to admit she needs help, found a couple things.

And now that they're there, well, she's glad for it.

Vivace has traded in her windbreaker for a warmer jacket, which she has actually zipped, and a toque in powder blue and white which she will not admit is kind of cute. She has her backpack slung over her back, and only Sandshrew has been willing to stay out in this weather. She's already covered in metal coated with ice, what does she care if it's snowing?

Vivace wanted to stop and look at the edge of the world. She did not bother to explain why, and she didn't take a picture, but she stared off into the vast beyond for a good five minutes before nodding to herself and returning to the journey.

And now the journey has brought them to a big ol' door covered in ice. Coated in it; enchanted with it. Vivace looks down at Sandshrew, who is in some ways very similar, but on a much smaller scale. "Hey, Sandshrew?"


"You know what to do."


Sandshrew does indeed know what to do. She toddles over to the icy door, glittering in the new sunlight, takes a deep breath, lets out a protracted "Saaaaaaaan~!" and opens up with claws and, occasionally, a headbutt. Everybody here has seen Sandshrew perform acts of strength before - well, this time it's in *her* terrain, and she's perfectly suited for it.

DG: Vivace Mori has used her Tool HM Strength toward her party's challenge, Ice-Encrusted Door. Strengthen! Party Brute
<Pose Tracker> Dirk Swordsman has posed.

You know it's bad when Dirk wears what is obviously an insulated hoodie. During the journey, all of his Pokemon emerged for a while - except, of course, and damnably so, really, Charcadet. Oshawott was like 'heck with this' very quickly, despite some pathetic shivering. Quilladin endured longer. Cufant the longest; but eventually she showed enough distress that Dirk called her back.

Sirfetch'd seems fine. But even he seems annoyed at the frost, and is guarding his blade and shield close. He's also poofed up visibly, as is a bird's right.

They reach, however, the wall. Beyond which Johto lays.


Dirk raises up one of his Pokeballs. "Hey," he says to it, quietly.

"I ain't gonna make you. But if you can do even a minute. It's just us out here, nobody's around."

The Pokeball trembles, faintly.

Dirk takes a deep breath. "No problem," he concludes, after a pause, and puts the ball away. His arms fold afterwards. The rise of Fire-type energy makes him relax a little, at least, as the ambient chill is cut in. (Sirfetch'd watches the becoated Farfetch'd with a fatherly eye.)

"I got stuff for y'all once we get in, but if I take it out of my coat it's gonna freeze before you can drink it," Dirk says, by way of encouragement. "Get hype though. Maple. Believe it." He points at Fuecoco, Kasu and Sandshrew in turn; there are *snacks* in their future.

DG: Dirk Swordsman has used his Tool Canned Tea and Homemade Sweets toward his party's challenge, Ice-Encrusted Door.
Cleanse! All negative effects will be cleared at the end of the round! Sacrifice! The party will take slightly more
Exhaustion this round!
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
======================<* CHALLENGE - Ice-Encrusted Door *>======================
| Type: Entry        | Dungeon Ability: Brute           | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  The path to the Field of Power wasn't an easy one, already. It entailed a     
  half-day hike through the snowy foothills north of Pewter City -- a remote    
  area that few travel to -- and almost a stone's throw away from the barrier   
  containing Energy Nede's atmosphere. From here, the huge Symbols across it    
  flicker in the sky like an aurora.                                            
  But now, you've arrived. There is a stone plinth outside, marking this as     
  the legendary Field of Power. And, beyond that, you see a door leading into   
  the initial cavern. It is a metal door, ancient but untarnished. Symbols      
  glow over it; someone well-versed in Symbology can see that these are         
  Symbols specializing in ice magic. This door continuously generates a         
  massive sheet of ice, encrusting it into place. Your first challenge will be  
  to force this door open.                                                      
  Every step of the way, more ice will form. It will even crust over hands and  
  weapons, with how fast it grows. It will take considerable might -- and some  
  cunning -- to push open.                                                      
  But if you seek the Blessing of Power, you will need such might and cunning   
  to continue.                                                                  
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|      Cleanse:_All_Effects_Removed!, Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!,      |
|                Strengthen:_Brute_Up!, and Weaken:_Brute_Down!                |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================< Results - Field of Power - Round 1 >=====================
=======================< CHALLENGE - Ice-Encrusted Door >=======================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Sable Aomori                        0 --(0)--> 0                     Good      
Meteorology                         Min Brute         Effects: Stalwart        
Chartreuse Spinosa                  0 --(5)--> 5                     Best      
Leek                                Maj Brute         Effects: Fanfare         
Vivace Mori                         0 --(5)--> 5                     Best      
HM Strength                         Min Brute         Effects: Strengthen      
Dirk Swordsman                      0 --(5)--> 5                     Good      
Canned Tea and Homemade Sweets      Min Brute         Effects: Cleanse and     
Timu Guado                          0 --(25)--> 25                   Bad       
Pull Claw                           Min Brute         Effects: Strengthen      
Leader: Sable Aomori                0 --(20)--> 20                   Pass     
Conditions: Exhaust(1) and Weaken(2)                                          
Effects: Cleanse and Strengthen(1)                                            
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: The party led by Sable Aomori has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use
party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

Timu looks up, and Sable explains, "Lost Johto is a region that wasn't fully destroyed like much of the planet... But it was still destroyed 'enough'. It's outside our atmospheric barrier; things can't live there anymore."

Chartreuse finds it remarkable, and so does Sable. But she will move on for now.

Fuecoco is a big help; his Incinerate takes a big chunk out of the ice. But the work of moving ice is hard, and Timu has to spend more energy than she hoped.

Farfetch'd slashes through! And Dirk, though one Pokemon is not prepared to come out, has snacks for them.

The final difference comes down to Sandshrew, who goes the deepest the most comfortably, being partly Ice-type. In time, they all get through.

"...My mom's mentor was Professor Maple," Sable commens to Dirk. "...This is tasty..."

Now, the Trial awaits.

DG: Dirk Swordsman has drawn a new Challenge.
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
========================<* CHALLENGE - Snorunt Swarm *>=========================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Combat          | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You enter another cavern tunnel, and like all of the others, it is quite      
  dark. You have to squint to see. But when you do, you see them: a half-dozen  
  pair of white eyes, all across the ground before you. Then, they come         
  rushing forth into full view: six Snorunts, which are charging straight at    
  you with a determined (if high pitched) war cry.                              
  Also, many, many shards of ice. They are flying at you very fast. The good    
  news is, if the battle is won, you may be able to catch one!                  
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|        Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!,        |
|         Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!, Strengthen:_Brute_Up!, and         |
|                             Weaken:_Brute_Down!                              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Dirk Swordsman has posed.

Dirk doesn't take the point until they're inside, though Sirfetch'd is able to carve through along the path when it threatens to refreeze too easily or too early. "You get weather like this where you from?" he comments to Timu on his way in.

The drinks are brought out. A six pack of canned green teas - they're not big cans, and that is a pretty fluffy hoodie - along with a bag of those traditional-style sweets, which do indeed have rice-flour cookies with a maple filling.

There isn't MUCH of a space, but just not being out in an area with air exchange is at least somewhat warmer. More accurately, maybe, it's letting Fuecoco and Kasu's presence increase the immediate area's warminess. Sirfetch'd visibly un-poofballs.

"Yeah?" he says to Sable. "Glad you like it." He takes off his sunglasses for a moment then, to wipe them on a microfiber cloth he had in a pocket. "Dang. It's like winter year round here, huh. I guess it makes sense." After they go back on again, Dirk pulls his hood back. "... guess there's only one way to go."


About twenty yards in, though, there are little glimmers of white. Sirfetch'd's eye brow lifts.


"Aw hecc," Dirk says, immediately drawing out his katana. Sirfetch'd's shield comes up, catching a fair chunk of the initial strike wave of the Snorunt's, but soon enough they are surging forwards, one of them even getting up in Sirfetch'd's business, too close for effective swordin'. "Sir! Sir!" declaims the Pokemon, who attempts to beat the Snorunt with his powerful if stumpy wings.

That Snorunt instead bedevils Dirk. "Gah!!"


DG: Dirk Swordsman has used his Tool R.KATANA toward his party's challenge, Snorunt Swarm. Embolden! Party Combat
<Pose Tracker> Vivace Mori has posed.

Sandshrew *absolutely* appreciates a snack afterwards. It's hard work! And though Vivace has some poffins, who doesn't like novelty?

"Erikodus could go there," Vivace volunteers about Lost Johto. "But I'd need something to protect myself. There's no air and no light and everything's dead." A pause. "Anyway, I've seen a map. A good map. The only thing past this part of the barrier is mountains. There's more west of the Indigo Plateau, but it's not a place you can just visit."

It's dark in the tunnel, but one of the things Vivace brought was an electric lantern. It's designed for camping, but it's pretty useful here too, even though she has to hold it all the time. Maybe she could tie it to her jacket or something, but with what?

She is interrupted in her musing by...

"These guys!" Vivace doesn't like Snorunts particularly; they're supposed to be lucky if they visit you, but the stories don't say anything about what happens when you visit them and these look annoyed. "Sandshrew! Prinplup!"

Prinplup wasn't even *out* before, but her Pokeball was rocking because, frankly, she's felt ignored the last little while, and so Vivace lets her out immediately to team up with Sandshrew. The two of them seem to have fought together before; Prinplup emits a pulsing ripple of water, which Sandshrew freezes part of, sliding on in and trying to bowl over the closest Snorunts!

DG: Vivace Mori has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Snorunt Swarm. 
<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    Timu finds herself more taxed than she thought, coming here. Fuecoco takes note of this once they're beyond the icy barrier to come up to her and put his hands up. She picks him up and holds him close.
     "In Spira... yes," Timu nods. "It's cold year-round in the north, at Mt. Gagazet. It's," she thinks about it, "it's not the same, but... it was part of the final leg of a one-way journey, for many years." There's some baggage there. She shakes her head. "There's also the Macalania Woods, north of where my kind lived, that was also frozen over."
     Snacks are partaken, and appreciated. She listens about Lost Johto, but hasn't much to weigh in about it in the moment.
     The rest doesn't last long, because there are wild Pokemon here who have been left alone for tens of thousands of years and may have strong opinions about sudden new arrivals in their ecosystem.
     Fuecoco is already out, still feeling plucky from the Sunny Day, leaning forward with tiny clenched fists with crumbs all over his hands and mouth. Timu nods, grabbing hold of her healer's staff.
     "Lead with Incinerate," she tells Fuecoco as she quietly intones her curative sorceries completely foreign to Nedian make, helping keep the warmth up in these tunnels.

DG: Timu Guado has used her Tool Hearth Staff toward her party's challenge, Snorunt Swarm. Cleanse! All negative effects
will be cleared at the end of the round!
<Pose Tracker> Chartreuse Spinosa has posed.

"Indeed..." Chartreuse murmurs on the topic of Lost Johto. "It's a shame. So much history lost out there that we... just can't reach."

She shakes her head. She could dwell on it all she likes, but it won't change anything. Better to focus on the now.

And finally, the door is open! Chartreuse hurries on through - and on the other side, drinks and some sweets! Chartreuse gives Farfetch'd his fair share of hers before returning him to his Pokeball.

"Yes, this is quite good." Chartreuse agrees. It feels a little better in here - but only a little. It's a good thing Chartreuse always dresses warmly.

It's dark beyond, but Vivace has a lantern. And in the distance... six pairs of lights?


The Snorunt rush in! Chartreuse backpedals, reaching for her Pokeball.

"Mareep, defend!" Chartreuse calls out. Mareep materializes in a flash! With her warm, fluffy wool and her lit-up tail, she's perfect for this environment. And with a cry, the clay amulet around her neck glows softly and walls of light appear to ward off the Snorunts' attacks!

"Now, send them packing. Time for a Power Gem." Chartreuse says. Some of the others are already being dealt with... so, Chartreuse points one out. With a determined look Mareep whirls on that one. The bulb on her tail gleams brighter for a moment - before firing off a beam that glitters like a gemstone for the Snorunt!

DG: Chartreuse Spinosa has used her Tool Light Clay toward her party's challenge, Snorunt Swarm. Embolden! Party Combat
<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

"Right," Sable answers Vivace. The mountains.. She still coonsiders it part of it anyway, but, "You can't. My brother's dad has studied its history. So I know a little bit, from what I read when we went to visit." A nod to Chartreuse. "...Out of reach."

Timu explains. "I see... I think ice is really pretty, but it's not my favorite in the environment..."

Lucky! Well, not that lucky.

"Dirk!" Sable says in dismay as he is BEDEVILED, and then she launches forward inno he mass. "Substitute!" she calls, and there are now many (secretly plush) Sables! "Kasu!" she calls, and the red Growlithe leaps outward. "Use Rock Tomb!"

More Snorunts are ROCKED as her Pokemon prances forward to dance among the little guys. It's very cute.

DG: Sable Aomori has used her Tool Substitute toward her party's challenge, Snorunt Swarm. Stalwart! Party shielded from
some Exhaustion this round!
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
========================<* CHALLENGE - Snorunt Swarm *>=========================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Combat          | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You enter another cavern tunnel, and like all of the others, it is quite      
  dark. You have to squint to see. But when you do, you see them: a half-dozen  
  pair of white eyes, all across the ground before you. Then, they come         
  rushing forth into full view: six Snorunts, which are charging straight at    
  you with a determined (if high pitched) war cry.                              
  Also, many, many shards of ice. They are flying at you very fast. The good    
  news is, if the battle is won, you may be able to catch one!                  
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|           Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Cleanse:_All_Effects_Removed!,          |
|          Embolden:_Combat_Up!, Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!,           |
|          Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!, and Weaken:_Brute_Down!           |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================< Results - Field of Power - Round 2 >=====================
=========================< CHALLENGE - Snorunt Swarm >==========================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Sable Aomori                        0 --(0)--> 0                     Good      
Substitute                          Min Combat        Effects: Stalwart        
Chartreuse Spinosa                  5 --(20)--> 25                   Bad       
Light Clay                          Min Combat        Effects: Embolden        
Vivace Mori                         5 --(20)--> 25                   Bad       
Fight                               Bsc Combat        Effects: BASIC           
Dirk Swordsman                      5 --(0)--> 5                     Best      
R.KATANA                            Min Combat        Effects: Embolden        
Timu Guado                          25 --(0)--> 25                   Good      
Hearth Staff                        Min Combat        Effects: Cleanse and     
Leader: Sable Aomori                20 --(20)--> 40                  Pass     
Conditions: Bad Luck(2), Exhaust(1), Fright(2), and Weaken(1)                 
Effects: Cleanse and Embolden(1)                                              
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: The party led by Sable Aomori has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use
party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Dirk Swordsman has posed.

Dirk is totally sword-fighting this Snorunt!! "Erikodus can do that?" he asks Vivace, with surprise if not shock. "Dunno how without makin' a hole and that'd, uh, that'd be pretty -- bad --"

Dirk can't talk much because --


Sandshrew is already out there; Prinplup's water wave may not be the most decisive strike in and of itself against the snowy little Poke-guys, but when Sandshrew's icewave freezes it, one particular Snorunt is briefly partly frozen and falls directly to the ground with a thump. "Snorunt," the Snorent says. (PokeSubs: 'Well nertz.')

Timu's direct contribution may be subtle - keeping that sustained feeling of warmth up, because the difference between 5 degrees centigrade (who named it that?) and -5 degrees is a lot more than you'd think. Fuecoco twirls and unleashes a burst of flame that makes one Snorunt land upside down with an X_X face.

Mareep receives a barrage of ice shards, which sink into her fine, lush wool and do not cause harm! And then: C R A C K L E. Two more Snos-runt collapse - but aren't down for the count! They rise up, bent on revandyeahthere'sthe Rock Tomb. "Snooooo!!" > <

Flame, ice and thunder make for a powerful combo; in the background, Dirk and Sirfetch'd whack a Snorunt at each other for a couple of times before it faints in disgust, although one that only looks rather battered staggers out of the Rock Tomb. It's weak...

Perfect for a catch!!!

"Oh uh," Dirk says, wiping off his forehead, "Be careful if you get sweaty cuz if it's cold you can like give yourself hella frostbite." This has the air of a Ranger Tip that just bobbled out of his mind, like a cloud escaping a sword display.

DG: Vivace Mori has drawn a new Challenge.
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================<* CHALLENGE - Sleeping Slopetails *>======================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Wits            | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  Slopetails are bipedal, icy blue lizard-like Pokemon known to enjoy the       
  cold. At least, ordinarily, they are bipedal; today, there are about a dozen  
  of them, scattered across the snowy landscape of the mountain. Most are in a  
  cluster, though others are scattered about here and there. While this is the  
  Field of Might, it is not the Field of Stupidity: fighting all of these at    
  once would not be a wise idea.                                                
  You will need to sneak past. Slowly, carefully, as to not wake one -- and in  
  doing so, surely wake them all. Once you're past, though, a well-timed        
  Pokeball might catch one... and without its fellows any the wiser. (And, if   
  goes badly, you have a chance to run with a good head start.)                 
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|               Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Embolden:_Combat_Up!,               |
|          Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!, and Stupify:_Wits_Down!           |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Vivace Mori has posed.

As the Snorunts fall, both Prinplup and Sandshrew return to Vivace's side. Neither wants to get in the ball; Sandshrew doesn't because she doesn't mind this kind of environment, and Prinplup doesn't because she's now feeling competitive. She looks a little huffy at Sandshrew having been more useful than her, not to mention all the other Pokemon.

Some people just don't play well with teams.

"Well I don't think it can just walk through the barrier, but if it got there, it'd be fine," Vivace says. "It doesn't breathe or anything. I don't know if there's any, like..." She thinks for the proper word. "Airlocks? On the barrier wall."

The tunnel opens up to a different mountain path - they'll have to go outside again for a few moments. (Vivace turns her lamp off.) But scattered on the rocky path are Slopetails. Not just one or two, either. She'd fight one or two. Twelve...

...Well, maybe, with this many people. But she'd rather not.

"We'll have to sneak by," Vivace says, keeping her voice low. "Don't bother them and they won't bother us, probably. Prinplup, ret - "


"...okay, suit yourself," Vivace shrugs. "Sandshrew, do you mind getting back in for a few minutes?"

She minds a lot less, so Vivace deploys instead Niquia, the boxy-looking Pokemon floating in midair with an electronic beep of alertness. She grips onto it and the Niquia takes off... leaving Prinplup behind.

"Prin!" "Niquia, use your tractor beam," Vivace commands, with a sigh.

And so the three of them start to make their ridiculously awkward-looking transit *above* the Slopetails: Niquia, flying on its thrusters; Vivace hanging on for dear life, much larger than the Pokemon she's being lifted by; Prinplup, looking about as undignified as a penguin can, floating some feet beneath connected by a rippling beam to Niquia.

Prinplup has her wings crossed. She looks very unhappy about this situation.

DG: Vivace Mori has used her Tool Niquia Scan toward her party's challenge, Sleeping Slopetails. Enlighten! Party Wits
<Pose Tracker> Chartreuse Spinosa has posed.

The Snorunt are defeated! Chartreuse has to quickly check Mareep over, though - fortunately, she's just fine and is soon returned to her Pokeball.

"I'm not sure, either. I'd have to double check my notes. For obvious reasons, info is pretty scarce..." Chartreuse comments.

Past the Snorunts, the tunnel leads out onto a snowy mountain path - one with quite a few occupants already.

"...Yes, good idea." Chartreuse murmurs. She reaches for another Pokeball, pointing it at her hand. A small, round shape materializes... into Natu!

A very familiar Natu. She takes a look around - and her eyes linger on Dirk and his Pokemon for a moment.

Aww, look, she remembers you!

Chartreuse adjusts her scarf, depositing Natu into it and wrapping it up to keep the tiny bird nice and toasty.

"Alert me at the first sign of trouble, alright?" Chartreuse asks. Wordlessly, Natu stares out into the distance. It's hard to tell if she heard or not. With her psychic sight, she sees things beyond the physical - if something is about to happen, she'll be the first to know.

DG: Chartreuse Spinosa has used her Tool Watchful Eye toward her party's challenge, Sleeping Slopetails. Cleanse! All
negative effects will be cleared at the end of the round!
<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    "He's right," Timu nods to Dirk as things calm down about as well as they're going to. Fuecoco puffs himself out in heightened aggression and feistiness as the Snorunt horde is shown what for. She considers Chartreuse's disappointment about the history lost - what Spira had to unearth and reckon with was painful, even if necessary. Could something out in Lost Johto hold similar weight...?
     They move on, to see this is the resting grounds of powerful-looking, top-heavy Slopetails who are all asleep. (It's kind of adorable? Timu has to cover her mouth to not gasp too loud.)
     Vivace mentions sneaking by.
     "Right..." That Snorunt horde was quite a lot to handle. Fuecoco boldly ambles forth (as is his nature), looking ready to take them on as-is.
     "No," she goes to his side. "It's all right," she tells him, as the little Fire Croc tilts his head. (Behind Timu, a scene of a displeased Prinplup being Tractor Beam'd.)
     After some consideration, her Fuecoco nods, and returns to his ball. Timu looks up and takes a breath. As much as she's left Spira and all her own kind behind, she is a Guado. She wasn't trained in the ways of the Guado Guardian and may not have the full suite of knowledge in how they sneak and skulk out in more dangerous areas around Guadosalam and beyond, but the way her physique allows her to just crouch and move, occasionally coming down to all fours to lean and peek and then keep moving reflects how the Guado people adapted to dangerous environs and the ability to move quickly and climb out of danger.
     Only the slipperiness of the ice itself might undermine her.

DG: Timu Guado has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Sleeping Slopetails. 
<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

Sable does not bring out her Prinplup. That would just exacerbate the problem. Ulpi, after all, is also competitive...

Instead, she catches a Snorunt, and holds the Pokeball for a moment once she does. She smiles slightly. "Hello..."

New Pokemon!

"Oh, right," Sable says. "I have some compounds that will warm you up if you get too cold..."

But Sable pauses, when the Slopetails come into view. Sable pauses, silent. There really are a lot of them...

"Kasu," she murmurs, "Return." Kasu returns to her Pokeball, and Sable looks to the others.

"I'm confident, but..." Of sneaking by, that is. For the others, she hopes they have more of a plan. Timu might be as good at sneaking as she is; Natu can warn them. And here's a Tractor beam! So...

Sable just sneaks outright on foot, moving silently among the Pokemon without complaint.

DG: Sable Aomori has contributed a risky Wits Action toward her party's challenge, Sleeping Slopetails. 
<Pose Tracker> Dirk Swordsman has posed.

"... yeah, I don't either," Dirk answers Vivace. "I don't really know much. Old Man Rikishi said when he lost a hundred kilos around when my dad got born, he had to get like, his skin -- uh - trimmed, and it was LIKE that, or something? I dunno what he meant."

But then they move on forwards.

And they are faced with a Problem.

Dirk falls silent. He looks at Sirfetch'd with some hope. Sirfetch'd shakes his head, shrugs his wings, and is, wordlessly, recalled. Other people are moving forwards. He watches Kasu get recalled. Timu and Sable seem to be doing it on foot, even as he watches Vivace sail forwards.

Dirk takes his own way.

Cufant emerges. She almost trumpets as she usually does but Dirk immediately puts a hand on her snout and puts a finger over his mouth. Shakes his head. There is some wordless communication. Then Dirk rummages in his interior pockets and produces a phone before, very carefully, clambering up on top of Cufant.

He puts the phone to silent mode. Then he nudges a little.

Cufant... steps forwards...

And then steps again...

And steps again...


This is going to take forever, but at least Cufant can probably bull-rush one of the lizards aside before getting buried in the ice.

(The phone has a Sound Level app open.)

DG: Dirk Swordsman has used his Tool Questionably Updated Phone App toward his party's challenge, Sleeping Slopetails.
Enlighten! Party Wits boosted! Shortsighted! The party will suffer a penalty next round... but not this round!
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================<* CHALLENGE - Sleeping Slopetails *>======================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Wits            | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  Slopetails are bipedal, icy blue lizard-like Pokemon known to enjoy the       
  cold. At least, ordinarily, they are bipedal; today, there are about a dozen  
  of them, scattered across the snowy landscape of the mountain. Most are in a  
  cluster, though others are scattered about here and there. While this is the  
  Field of Might, it is not the Field of Stupidity: fighting all of these at    
  once would not be a wise idea.                                                
  You will need to sneak past. Slowly, carefully, as to not wake one -- and in  
  doing so, surely wake them all. Once you're past, though, a well-timed        
  Pokeball might catch one... and without its fellows any the wiser. (And, if   
  goes badly, you have a chance to run with a good head start.)                 
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|           Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Cleanse:_All_Effects_Removed!,          |
|            Enlighten:_Wits_Up!, Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!,            |
|            Shortsighted:_All_Stats_Down!, and Stupify:_Wits_Down!            |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================< Results - Field of Power - Round 3 >=====================
======================< CHALLENGE - Sleeping Slopetails >=======================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Sable Aomori                        0 --(5)--> 5                     Good      
Investigate                         Bsc Wits          Effects: Risky           
Chartreuse Spinosa                  25 --(5)--> 30                   Best      
Watchful Eye                        Min Wits          Effects: Inefficient and 
Vivace Mori                         25 --(5)--> 30                   Best      
Niquia Scan                         Min Wits          Effects: Enlighten       
Dirk Swordsman                      5 --(5)--> 10                    Best      
Questionably Updated Phone App      Maj Wits          Effects: Enlighten and   
Timu Guado                          25 --(5)--> 30                   Good      
Investigate                         Bsc Wits          Effects: BASIC           
Leader: Sable Aomori                40 --(20)--> 60                  Pass     
Conditions: Bad Luck(2), Fright(1), and Stupify(2)                            
Effects: Cleanse, Enlighten(1), and Shortsighted(1)                           
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: The party led by Sable Aomori has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use
party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Vivace Mori has posed.

One day, Vivace will get a better way to fly places.

Well, no. She has Erikodus. But Erikodus is both large and loud and would absolutely not have been the right choice here. Niquia gets her across, and Prinplup too, who touches down and then scrambles inside the cave entrance on the far side to get at least a little bit of dignity back.

Sable just kind of sneaks across. It's not that hard if you can dodge stepping on a tail and keep quiet, though the fact that they do occasionally lash their tails this way or that while sleeping makes it more challenging than it would otherwise be. Chartruse makes it in her own way, Natu keeping an eye out. Metaphysically speaking.

Similarly, Timu gets across in a crouching, sometimes skittering manner. It's a little harder for her, or at least a little different; her issue is less with climbing or hanging on (it's not too slippery out here; the wind has cleared it at least a little bit) and more with avoiding making some noise. She makes it, though!


...takes her time. But eventually she too can pick her way across. Though by the end of it, one of them has stirred; if anyone wanted to catch one, now's the time, though Vivace does not and simply ducks inside the entryway once she's sure everyone made it. Out comes the lantern again. They're going to need that.

DG: Chartreuse Spinosa has drawn a new Challenge.
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
====================<* CHALLENGE - Ice Spikes From Above *>=====================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Agility         | Challenge Rating: 2  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You enter another of the caves winding through the Field of Power. This one   
  has a broader hallway than some, with a taller roof. The lighting in here is  
  quite poor, though, and you can't quite /see/ that roof. You can hear it,     
  though: a cracking, rumbling noise above. Then, large spikes of ice come      
  crashing down -- apparently giving way because of a rumble through the        
  mountain. They're falling right towards your head!                            
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|                Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Enlighten:_Wits_Up!,               |
|    Injure:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!, Shortsighted:_All_Stats_Down!, and     |
|                             Slow:_Agility_Down!                              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Chartreuse Spinosa has posed.

Thankfully, they get past without any trouble from the Slopetails. Chartreuse exhales, letting out a breath she didn't realise she was holding.

"Looks like the path continues this way..." Chartreuse notes. The only way forward is a nearby cave - and as they walk through it, it becomes winder and broader. The roof is high up - higher up even than any of the caves they've been through so far today. It's only thanks to Vivace's lantern that they can catch sight of a faint glimmer of something hanging down from above...

...which is the only warning they'll get before they hear a cracking, rumbling noise, soon heralded by large spikes of ice crashing down. Charteuse leaps back with a gasp of surprise... which soon turns into a frown and a frustrated 'tch'.

"That's going to set off a chain reaction... We'll freeze if we try to stay and here wait it out. We're going to have to rush it." Chartreuse says. With that she hunches over, hiking her backpack up over her neck before drawing out her shovel and resting the blade end over her head. And then... she breaks into a run.

It might look silly from the outside, but it's that kind of preparation that might prevent catastrophe.

DG: Chartreuse Spinosa has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Ice Spikes From Above. 
<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.


Sable does not comment on Cufant. Instead, shhe finishes sneaking, and when she's a the far side, considers for a moment--before tossing a Pokeball to catch one of the Slopetails.

"Pokemon from the Fields... They're worth studying," Sable says quietly.

She follows with Chartruse, stepping out into the wider cavern. And suddenly--

"Look out!" Sable pulls something from her pocket and hurls it up at the ice--a smoke bomb, one whose particulate matter will slow and stick the ice for just a few more seconds to let them through.

"We can do it!" she calls uncharacteristically loudly, and takes off at a run.

She runs very quickly.

DG: Sable Aomori has used her Tool Smoke Bomb toward her party's challenge, Ice Spikes From Above. 
<Pose Tracker> Vivace Mori has posed.

Vivace shines her light around. It's higher in here, though, and her lantern is really designed to spread light out, not up - it's generally much more urgent to see the ground and walls than look up. She doesn't get a good view of the ceiling.

Niquia, on the other hand, is a scanning Pokemon that regularly probes in all directions.

It emits an urgent beeping noise, getting Vivace to look around for the threat - but even then she doesn't look up until the chunk is already on its way down.

"Move!" Vivace unconsciously echoes Sable, starting to run. Prinplup takes off after her, wings spreading slightly as if she was going to glide; she has no problem with the icy floor, though Vivace tends to slide a little bit.

Niquia chases after. Here the tractor beam is used for another purpose - the next time an icicle starts to fall, it *pushes*, holding it up just long enough for people to finish their transit.

DG: Vivace Mori has used her Tool Tractor Beam toward her party's challenge, Ice Spikes From Above. Fanfare! 
<Pose Tracker> Dirk Swordsman has posed.

Cufant exhales with a very faint trumpeting.

At which point... there's a crack and a fall of ice!

Cufant trumpets for real, in alarm. "Man what the hecc!" Dirk says, remaining on top of his powerful mount. "I mean I agree but I ain't got room for them in my school and I ain't rolling like a lot of people do!" Dirk agrees, hectically, with Sable as she bursts into a run!

Cufant hauls grass (get it? grass type? because quilladin is in dirk's pocket? yeah? a reach? that's fair) as she hustles forwards, Dirk drawing out his sword and holding it warily as if he is going to cut a falling icicle apart. "Ghhhh--- THANK YOU" he says to Vivace as a particularly big ice chunk is held aloft FOR CRITICAL SECONDS.

DG: Dirk Swordsman has contributed a risky Agility Action toward his party's challenge, Ice Spikes From Above. 
<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    Timu is wordless about this as the situation shows itself. Suddenly, there's a large sphere-based object she grabs from her pack as she tosses it up and gives it a kick, sending it rocketing towards the ceiling in hopes of deflecting at least some of the icicles away to help make the path ahead less of a problem.
     Actual running speed is not a problem for Timu - she runs a real risk of outrunning everyone when the adrenaline starts flowing, owing to her long limbs, but should the vague sphere-based object bounce along her path and she spots someone else about to have an icicle accident, another *punt* to try and deflect it.
     Echoes of a dream of being a professional Blitzball player.

DG: Timu Guado has used her Tool Unconventional Blitzball toward her party's challenge, Ice Spikes From Above. Stalwart!
Party shielded from some Exhaustion this round!
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
====================<* CHALLENGE - Ice Spikes From Above *>=====================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Agility         | Challenge Rating: 2  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You enter another of the caves winding through the Field of Power. This one   
  has a broader hallway than some, with a taller roof. The lighting in here is  
  quite poor, though, and you can't quite /see/ that roof. You can hear it,     
  though: a cracking, rumbling noise above. Then, large spikes of ice come      
  crashing down -- apparently giving way because of a rumble through the        
  mountain. They're falling right towards your head!                            
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|       Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Injure:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!, and      |
|                             Slow:_Agility_Down!                              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================< Results - Field of Power - Round 4 >=====================
=====================< CHALLENGE - Ice Spikes From Above >======================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Sable Aomori                        5 --(0)--> 5                     Best      
Smoke Bomb                          Maj Agility       Effects: Efficient       
Chartreuse Spinosa                  30 --(17)--> 47                  Worst     
Rush                                Bsc Agility       Effects: BASIC           
Vivace Mori                         30 --(0)--> 30                   Best      
Tractor Beam                        Maj Agility       Effects: Fanfare         
Dirk Swordsman                      10 --(25)--> 35                  Bad       
Rush                                Bsc Agility       Effects: Risky           
Timu Guado                          30 --(0)--> 30                   Best      
Unconventional Blitzball            Min Agility       Effects: Stalwart        
Leader: Sable Aomori                60 --(20)--> 80                  Pass     
Conditions: Bad Luck(1), Injure(2), and Slow(2)                               
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: The party led by Sable Aomori has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use
party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Chartreuse Spinosa has posed.

"They are. To think, they've been living here all this time without Nedian intervention or monitoring... I wonder if they've changed in any way unique to their environment? They must have minute differences..." Chartreuse marvels.

The party runs!! Sable hurls a smoke bomb up onto the ice. It keeps some of the icicles stabilized for a moment longer - a moment long enough for them to hurry on through safely. Vivace's Niquia, meanwhile, uses a tractor beam to hold up an icicle just long enough for Dirk to run through - while Timu, meanwhile, is both agile enough to run on through unharmed and a good enough shot with her sphere-based object that she can knock a few of them out ahead of the party.

Chartreuse - isn't so lucky, heading up the tail of the party, as an icicle falls right for her, slamming into her shovel and smacking it into the top of her head. She sees stars for a second - and follows the others in a daze. Once they're past the hall of icicles, she has to take a second to recover.

"O-oww... Well, that's why you always wear your head protection, kids." Chartreuse mutters, wincing. "Or... equivalent head protection."

After a second longer, she gives a thumbs-up.

"Okay... I'm good. Let's go."

DG: Sable Aomori has drawn a new Challenge.
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
====================<* CHALLENGE - The Guardian of Power *>=====================
| Type: Climax       | Dungeon Ability: Combat          | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You ascend the last snowy path, and come to a wooden bridge built across a    
  chasm. On the other side is a summit, with a stone platform built on it. A    
  coppery altar is atop the stone platform. As you begin to cross the wooden    
  bridge, though, there is a crackle of light; then, a large grey automaton     
  appears, with huge arms and a rounded body. Symbols glow across its form.     
  "Welcome!" it bellows. "I have borne witness to your every struggling step    
  up the mountain! Now, I will test you further!"                               
  The robot surges forward. Both hands come back together -- and it /slams/     
  them down in a hammerblow that rattles the stones, and sends a shockwave out  
  towards you! Now, it is time to show you have the power to overcome this      
  final foe.                                                                    
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|     Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!, Injure:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!,     |
|                 Slow:_Agility_Down!, and Wound:_Combat_Down!                 |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

"Maybe we can find out," Sable says. "My dad is a researcher too..."

Sable is glad when they make it ouut, and then she registers Dirk's comment. "Oh," she says. "That makes sense. Your team is really well-chosen..." And he wants to stay specific.

At Chartreuse Sable winces. "...I think I can heal you, if you need it." Pause. "But you seem OK, so I'll save the energy unless you say so, OK?"

But they ascend. Sable takes the fore this time, checking for further traps or pitfalls or falling ice, until they reach a wooden bridge. On the other side is the summit, with another coppery altar. And ssuddenly--

Another Aulbear.

"Welcome!" it bellows. "I have borne witness to your every struggling step up the mountain! Now, I will test you further!"

As the robot surges forward, Sable leaps to the side, evading his hammerblow and the shockwave--for now. But he moves into action quickly therafter.

"Artan!" Sable calls, and pulls herPokeball to release--Dratini. A risk, given the icy environs, but Artan is one of her strongest Pokemon.

"Let's use our Substitute technique!" she calls, and suddenly, she and Artan are not two but six, trying to keep the attention of the automaton.

"I'll draw his attention..." Her voice echoes from all directions.

DG: Sable Aomori has used her Tool Substitute toward her party's challenge, The Guardian of Power. Stalwart! Party
shielded from some Exhaustion this round!
<Pose Tracker> Dirk Swordsman has posed.

Before them: the Aulbear.

Dirk had already been about to dismount. Cufant doesn't object; it is perhaps notable that Dirk doesn't sheath his sword in this process, but does seem to hold it adroitly. "Hup," he says once he hits the ground.

WELCOME, says the Bear.

And then more to the point, NOW I WILL TEST YOU FURTHER.

"Yeah," Dirk says, as he runs a hand down his belt, hitting buttons. Quilladin backflips out. Oshawott lands in a three-point stance. Sirfetch'd just stands there, already imperious. Honedge emerges. His finger hesitates over Charcadet's --

Nah. He said he wouldn't.

"I guess you guys heard all of that," Dirk announces, "So all I'm gonna say is - FORMATION SIX."


It seems that FORMATION SIX involves a lot of SHARP QUILLS because Quilladin immediately pops a squat and leans his burly shoulders forwards. A tensing and a barrage of those wooden quills leaps out even as Oshawott does a power-slide-kick to the side and concludes it with a backflip, unleashing a huge watery splash!

With an uncanny hhhhhhOOOONNNNNN, Honedge sends a strange metallic noise out over the battlefield -- and then dive-bombs the Aulbear. When the dive begins, Dirk runs forwards along with Sirfetch'd, the latter keeping pace easily despite his li'l duck legs as they both lean downwards.


            RISING X SLASH

There is a lingering scent of green onion in the air as Sirfetch'd lands neatly and Dirk skids for like four yards on the icy floor. He sweeps his blade to the side, and just as Cufant charges and rams into the Aulbear in the background, slides it back in the sheath.

DG: Dirk Swordsman has risked with his Tool Hidden Trump Card ~HONEDGE~ toward his party's challenge, The Guardian of
Power. Embolden! Party Combat boosted!
<Pose Tracker> Vivace Mori has posed.

Niquia lets out a pleased beep at Dirk's thanks. Vivace, as she often does, takes a compliment awkwardly: "No problem," she says...

...but not until everyone is safe.

Though nobody ever compliments her on her team, really. It's happened maybe twice. Is building a useful and powerful Steal teem not impressive enough??

Vivace dusts herself off. "Niquia, return," she says, since the little Pokemon is looking more than a little tired - though how something that doesn't have any facial expression at all expresses that is a little bit of a mystery. Maybe Vivace is just real good at understanding them?

The bridge worries Vivace. Still, she crosses, carefully, or starts to, before the Aulbear -

"Now is a bad time!" She does *not* want to fight on the bridge!

Vivace doesn't even need to give Prinplup any directions before she's taking off. "Prin!" she calls, desperate to prove herself; she leaps, blurring with her speed as she takes to the air. BRiefly, as she is not a strong flier, but she's strong enough to deliver an Aerial Ace with both cutting wings!

Meanwhile, Vivace has a new Pokeball in her hand. She wasn't going to use it, but -


The remnant Pokemon - looking like a fragment of the Aulbear, really - appears in a flash of light. Vivace has been just starting to train it, but she thinks it's a good time to show the Aulbear what her team can really do. "Use your Flash Cannon!"

The Aulbide pokes its head out slightly, its single eye gleaming, brighter and brighter - before discharging a brilliantly bright beam that explodes the ground on contact in a shower of metal-aspected energy!

DG: Vivace Mori has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, The Guardian of Power. 
<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    "Are you all right?" Timu asks of Chartreuse given her injury. She stammers a little, suddenly feeling a bit guilty she wasn't able to protect Chartreuse from that, but... in time, she can regain her composure, as they start up the bridge. She's bracing for the possibility of confrontation at the very top where she can just make out an altar--
     Another Aulbear.
     "Another one...!" Timu is startled by this, rather than given assurance it is something they've already overcome in another Field - the environs here feel more precarious even without the challenge of having to keep moving forward, eyeing the wooden bridge every so often in consideration as to whether it's about to be destroyed--
     She, too, has to leap and roll away from the shockwave, and doesn't quite clear it.
     It gives her a vantage point of Dirk and his team being in near-perfect sync together, and to watch Vivace reclaim the remnants of an old legacy to give them new life in the here and now as a stalwart defender of everyone against another example of its perfected form.
     "Fuecoco," she decides, harnessing their ball again and letting the small Fire Croc Pokemon out anew. He's not as experienced as many of the Nedians' own friends and partners, but her faith is no less in him for it.
     "Step forward and Incinerate," she says, as she takes her Hearth Staff in both hands, upright, subconsciously invoking some of the culturally ingrained view of High Summoner Yuna's poise in Spira's darkest hours before the Eternal Calm. "I'll keep everyone safe!"
     She draws upon her reserves to shower everyone in the comfort of warmth, regenerating health slowly between dangerous, powerful blows.

DG: Timu Guado has used her Tool Hearth Staff toward her party's challenge, The Guardian of Power. Cleanse! All negative
effects will be cleared at the end of the round!
<Pose Tracker> Chartreuse Spinosa has posed.

"Maybe so!" Chartreuse replies. She's definitely curious if there's an answer, and they have a few specimens between them already. After Sable's offer, though, Chartreuse shakes her head and offers her a grateful smile.

"I think I can carry on. Save it, we'll probably need it later." She agrees, then smiles toward Timu, too. "I'm alright, it's okay."

And so they continue. Here, they find the mountain's summit, and a bridge leading to the altar... but also, an Aulbear, to administer their test.

"Well... we won't disappoint." Chartreuse says, leaping back as the Aulbear attacks. "Mareep!"

Once again, Chartreuse sends out Mareep. The little sheep materializes, and Chartreuse gestures quickly. Catching this, Mareep lets out an affirmative 'baa'. The clay amulet around her neck glows, and Reflect flashes into existence to dampen the Aulbear's physical attacks.

"Now then... if he wants to see our power, we'll give him everything we've got. Mareep - it's time for Thunder!" Chartreuse calls out. Mareep looks back, studies Chartreuse... and then nods, determination crossing her face.

Up above, the clouds grow stormy and dark. Lightning flashes through them, occasionally lighting up the heavens.On the summit, Mareep begins to glow. Light surges across her body, her entire form briefly becoming a beacon. And then Mareep...

...Stands up on her hind legs as her form shifts. She raises her little arms to the heavens, and then brings them down, beckoning Thunder onto the Aulbear!

And as the heavens calm and the light clears... there is standing the distinct, pink and white form of a Flaaffy.

Even Chartreuse is awestruck... and then, she laughs.

"Wow... Look at you! We're gonna have less wool to work with from now on, huh...?"

DG: Chartreuse Spinosa has used her Tool Light Clay toward her party's challenge, The Guardian of Power. Embolden! Party
Combat boosted!
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
====================<* CHALLENGE - The Guardian of Power *>=====================
| Type: Climax       | Dungeon Ability: Combat          | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You ascend the last snowy path, and come to a wooden bridge built across a    
  chasm. On the other side is a summit, with a stone platform built on it. A    
  coppery altar is atop the stone platform. As you begin to cross the wooden    
  bridge, though, there is a crackle of light; then, a large grey automaton     
  appears, with huge arms and a rounded body. Symbols glow across its form.     
  "Welcome!" it bellows. "I have borne witness to your every struggling step    
  up the mountain! Now, I will test you further!"                               
  The robot surges forward. Both hands come back together -- and it /slams/     
  them down in a hammerblow that rattles the stones, and sends a shockwave out  
  towards you! Now, it is time to show you have the power to overcome this      
  final foe.                                                                    
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|             Cleanse:_All_Effects_Removed!, Embolden:_Combat_Up!,             |
|     Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!, Injure:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!,     |
|                 Slow:_Agility_Down!, and Wound:_Combat_Down!                 |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================< Results - Field of Power - Round 5 >=====================
=====================< CHALLENGE - The Guardian of Power >======================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Sable Aomori                        5 --(0)--> 5                     Best      
Substitute                          Min Combat        Effects: Stalwart        
Chartreuse Spinosa                  47 --(0)--> 47                   Best      
Light Clay                          Min Combat        Effects: Embolden        
Vivace Mori                         30 --(12)--> 42                  Bad       
Fight                               Bsc Combat        Effects: BASIC           
Dirk Swordsman                      35 --(0)--> 35                   Best      
Hidden Trump Card ~HONEDGE~         OLD Combat        Effects: Inefficient,    
                                                      Embolden, and Risky      
Timu Guado                          30 --(12)--> 42                  Bad       
Hearth Staff                        Min Combat        Effects: Cleanse and     
Leader: Sable Aomori                80 --(0)--> 80                   Pass     
Conditions: Fright(2), Injure(1), Slow(1), and Wound(2)                       
Effects: Cleanse and Embolden(1)                                              
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: The party led by Sable Aomori has passed this challenge! The party gained 0 exploration! If anyone needs to use
party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

Sable thinks to save Timu's healing for dire battles--but she wouldn't try to take over that role in full. After all, Chartreuse carries on.

And the battle is fierce.


The powerful combined technique of Dirk and his Pokemon drives the Aulbear back from his attempt at smashing a Dratini, deep gouges in his plating from the slashes. The automaton keeps striking out all the while when it recovers, but the Aulbide appears, and the Aulbear turns to face it. A brilliant beam flashes through everyone's eyes--and batters the great Aulbear. The battle continues, as Fuecoco Incinerates, setting the whole thing ablaze--in time for Thunder to rain down and blot out all vision. When their vision clears, the Aulbear is gone.

Timu, a far stronger healer than Sable, has the chance to use her art. Plushies are scattered abou the battlefield in the aftermath, and Sable is on one knee, breathing hard from effort and strain both. The 'real' Sable took a hit along with Artan. But Artan shines as if hit by the THunder himself, in the aftermath of the battle; he gleams, and glows, and suddenly in a radiant moment he changes.

The new Dragonair hovers there in the air, sleek and smooth, a beautiful creature where Dratini was cute.

"Dra!" he declares, and takes a moment to be admired before he goes to whirl around Flaafy.

"...We can go on now," Sable says, once she's healed.

DG: Dirk Swordsman has drawn a new Challenge.
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================<* CHALLENGE - The Trial of Memory *>======================
| Type: Final        | Dungeon Ability: Wits            | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  At the end of the Field of Power, you find a coppery altar. It rests between  
  four pillars, and when you approach, you are greeted by a brilliant golden    
  light that flashes out from it. It shines bright into your mind, as the       
  Guardian speaks: "Wonderful! You have overcome every part of the trial!       
  Proceed, now, and behold the power within yourself."                          
  And so you do.                                                                
  You find yourself taken to a memory from your past. The time that you faced   
  something terrible -- something where you had to find strength within         
  yourself to overcome something that seemed unconquerable. What was this       
  terrible thing? And how did you find that strength -- then or later?          
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|          Embolden:_Combat_Up!, Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!, and         |
|                             Stupify:_Wits_Down!                              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Dirk Swordsman has posed.

There is a moment as Artan rises when the entire Swordsman School watches. Eyes gleam. The new Dragonair is reflected in Dirk's sunglasses.

As Sirfetch'd bows in a courtly manner, and the others mostly cheer and bark according to their nature, Dirk raises his hand... and raises his thumb abruptly!!!

"I wonder if you get used to that, if you raise a lot of 'em," Dirk muses to Sable. He looks to Chartreuse and Vivace, Timu too, and says, "You think it's gonna be like the others?"


        IT IS

'Wonderful! You have overcome every part of the trial!'

Dirk frowns, but doesn't make a smartass comment. Perhaps this is the way of a samurai.

'Proceed, now, and behold the power within yourself.'


And so, after the memorial, and despite having had such a tough upper lip, Daniel Tsurugi closed the door in his room and didn't open it for sixteen days.

That's not, technically, quite true. After a couple of days, sandwiches and glasses of juice and milk were left out, for breakfast and for a late lunch. (His mother worried, but relaxed, tentatively, at the third day, when she found the wrapper of a frozen lunch and subtle disturbances near the microwave.)

Days passed. Daniel stuck to himself. He didn't want to talk to anyone. He watched the old shows, from the almost-endless archives of cultural production which Kenneth had taught him to log into -- usually it only comes up in your last couple of years of high school, or if you go REALLY digging in PokeLive.

About six or seven days later he realized he was crying, but it was quiet. It might have been better if it was loud, but that's not the path the trolley took.

Day 16, he opened the door during the day.

"Daniel?" asked his mother, but he walked into the bathroom without answering. Fifteen minutes of shower later, Dirk Swordsman walked out of the bathroom wearing his last clean shirt.

"Hey," Dirk said to his mother in a detached tone. "Sorry if I worried ya. Can I do laundry?"

He was wearing a pair of sunglasses.

The same sunglasses that are what stands between Dirk's eyes and the altar -- the same sunglasses that are reflecting, somewhere, a faint afterimage *of* that altar.

DG: Dirk Swordsman has contributed a risky Wits Action toward his party's challenge, The Trial of Memory. 
<Pose Tracker> Vivace Mori has posed.

"Probably," Vivace agrees with Dirk, which leaves her with an uncomfortable question:

What is the Altar for Love going to show her?


This memory of Vivace makes her look almost the same as now, except her hair is still longer, like when she argued with Xine about getting to travel at all. She still remembers that clearly - and not just because the Altar to Courage reminded her of it.

But it's a little later, because she is standing in front of a Gym. Cinnabar's; not traditionally the first stop, and not Vivace's either. This is her second Gym. Her first badge, the Boulder Badge, is still so new and shiny it looks polished.

This is a Gym she has just left, because she lost; run quickly to the Pokecenter, and then returned.

Vivace's eyes are red but she refuses to cry, just like the time she got into a brawl with bullies. She *will not* - not in front of everyone else, not in front of anyone else. She stares at the Gym door like she wanted to burn it into her memory.

Vivace knew that she shouldn't have picked Cinnabar for her second Gym. Blaine is *good* - and more than that, her all-Steel team (even then) was at an intense disadvantage against the volcano gym. She felt like she was going to melt just standing in there; for her Pokemon it was worse. But she couldn't turn down the challenge.

She had to prove herself. She had to prove her strength.

Vivace clenches a fist so hard it hurts, then releases it. She takes a deep breath and lets it out. She wants to scream; she will not let herself.

It would be so easy to give up. A Steel team could never beat the Cinnabar Gym, that's what common sense - and a fair number of trainers - had told her. But she was never going to stop. She was never going to give up.

"I'll be strong," Vivace says, her voice low. "I'm never going to be weak again." She has to depend on herself... but she also has to depend on her team, doesn't she? Her allies.

"...I'm coming back," she said. "And next time you won't stop me, no matter how hard it is. Right, Piplup?"


Back in the Altar room, Vivace reaches for her pocket, in the little case she keeps her badges. Without removing it from her pocket, she opens it just far enough to get her thumb in and rubs the Volcano Badge. It hadn't been the second badge she'd got after all... but she hadn't stopped, either, until it was beaten. And now, she was here, in the Fields, preparing to fight the Wise Men.

It made the challenges for the Badges seem small. But the Volcano Badge is something special for her.

DG: Vivace Mori has contributed a risky Wits Action toward her party's challenge, The Trial of Memory. 
<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    Timu comes out of that one a bit rougher for the wear (as does Fuecoco, who might have had type advantage against Steel-type attacks but is still a lower-level Pokemon), but together, they endure... and it gives her time to admire both Dragonair and Flaaffy together.
     Dirk asks an important question. Timu just quietly nods, if just because there's no reason to think otherwise. No one's been here in an uncountable number of years. Fuecoco in her arms, she makes the trek up, and...
     ...It wasn't that long ago. A listless Timu Guado struggled in the time of the Eternal Calm, as all her people did.
     The sense of growing unease and malaise in the way life was going. So much felt out of control, even after having a part in the hard-won decisive victory over Sin.
     The emphasis that she should pursue her studies as a healer and physician, in a time when the Guado numbers have dwindled significantly and their influence... lost.
     The lack of freedom, the lack of purpose, the lack of drive - escaping a horrible, deadly, endless cycle to find themselves in the beginnings of another one. The Guado defined themselves by tradition, itself dictated by the head of the entire tribe - Jyascal Guado's bloodline, ending at long last with his half-human child (and eventual all-monstrous) Seymour.
     She had no chance to define herself if she stayed. She remembers that clearly - the choice to leave it all behind, holding as long as she could to invite her sister and another to come with her.
     The power to choose to go where she might risk, so far away from the material (and even spiritual) comforts of Guadosalam.

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    Timu comes out of that one a bit rougher for the wear (as does Fuecoco, who might have had type advantage against Steel-type attacks but is still a lower-level Pokemon), but together, they endure... and it gives her time to admire both Dragonair and Flaaffy together.
     Dirk asks an important question. Timu just quietly nods, if just because there's no reason to think otherwise. No one's been here in an uncountable number of years. Fuecoco in her arms, she makes the trek up, and...
     ...It wasn't that long ago. A listless Timu Guado struggled in the time of the Eternal Calm, as all her people did.
     The sense of growing unease and malaise in the way life was going. So much felt out of control, even after having a part in the hard-won decisive victory over Sin.
     The emphasis that she should pursue her studies as a healer and physician, in a time when the Guado numbers have dwindled significantly and their influence... lost.
     The lack of freedom, the lack of purpose, the lack of drive - escaping a horrible, deadly, endless cycle to find themselves in the beginnings of another one. The Guado defined themselves by tradition, itself dictated by the head of the entire tribe - Jyascal Guado's bloodline, ending at long last with his half-human child (and eventual all-monstrous) Seymour.
     She had no chance to define herself if she stayed. She remembers that clearly - the choice to leave it all behind, holding as long as she could to invite her sister and another to come with her.
     The power to choose to go where she might risk, so far away from the material (and even spiritual) comforts of Guadosalam.
     The power to accept help beyond that as she left Sylvaland and made it to the Badlands of Ignas, where another Drifter - Rille - showed her more of the ropes and expectations of life out there.
     To keep going further, here...
     In the Altar, Timu's now holding onto some gella and silver coins, as Fuecoco looks up. Money, itself, isn't much - but they're proof of her having been able to make things work despite her tender age when she up and left Spira behind her.
     She could still choose to keep going, keep fighting, as long as both she and her friends are willing.

DG: Timu Guado has contributed a risky Wits Action toward her party's challenge, The Trial of Memory. 
<Pose Tracker> Chartreuse Spinosa has posed.

Artan shines...! Suddenly, where once was a Dratini is now a Dragonair. Flaaffy takes a moment to fluff up her wool, then lets out a congratulatory 'baa' as Artan whirls around her. They both seem to be revelling in their newfound powers.

"Congratulations." Chartreuse offers with a smile toward Sable... It's the third time. Chartreuse knows what to expect by this point.

"Power... I wonder what we'll see...?" She considers. Power could mean a lot of things. It could mean one of their many fights, but... she has a feeling it's more than that. She nods, then, to Dirk. "...Most certainly."

And once again, Chartreuse finds herself in a memory. The Saffron City skyline stretches out before her. She remembers that day. It wasn't that long ago, comparatively, that she joined her class on a trip to the city. hat was the night when...


...It's dark. Chartreuse finds standing at the back door of one of Saffron City's more upscale restaurants - the kind that only let certain people in, that you have to schedule months in advance.

She stares at the door. She breathes in, breathes out, flexing her fingers.

...What're people going to think? That she's some Team Rocket wannabe? The thought of being labeled a criminal is... a lot, but just standing and doing nothing... that's a lot, too.

It's not like she knows how to do this kind of stuff. Carefully, she reaches for her backpack, drawing out her shovel. She shuts her eyes tight and then thrusts it for the door. The sound of metal on metal echoes through the night and Chartreuse's breath is caught in her throat for a moment. Surely the whole city heard that, right? The police are sure to be on there way.

...She should just give up and get away while she still can. They probably already have her face, even with her scarf over her nose and mouth and her hat pulled down just over her eyes...

But, no. She has to do this. She can't just sit by.

The shovel slams again, and again, and again... and then, the door swings open.

Miraculously, there's no alarm - as if even the mere idea of a break-in is absurd. That'll probably change soon, especially after this, but... steeling her nerves, Chartreuse stows her shovel away and slips inside. She moves carefully, quietly down the dark, empty hallway. The further in she gets, the more and more a feeling of Wrongness settles in - as she wades against a tide of an eternity of Nedian teachings.

...She could almost laugh. She doesn't even have any idea where she's going. It's not like the movies, or the books, or even the video games where she can just make a straight line right to her targets. She isn't built for this - this kind of rebellion.

...But, eventually, she does reach it. Her destination is before her. A small room, the only one currently lit. It's well-furnished, at least, and food and water has been provided...

And yet its single occupant sits, cross-legged on a cushion with his eyes shut. A single leek lays before him on the table. The Farfetch'd sits in meditation, with all of the air of an old warrior anticipating his death. And as he senses Chartreuse's approach... an eye snaps open, and he stares her way.

Quickly, she holds up her hands - and then, a moment later, feels a little embarrassed.

"H-hey there, Farfetch'd. Uh... Look. I'm busting you out of here, okay? Whatever you do after that is fine with me, but... we should probably get out of here." She urges. He stares at her for a moment... and then shuts his eyes again, and picks up his leek before turning to face her properly.

"Is that... 'sure, let's go'? Right, well..." Chartreuse says. She approaches, picks him up... then tucks him under her arm and runs.

As she runs, the thought occurs to her...

...They're bound to find out. There's no way she can just go back to school like nothing happened. It's not like she broke anything too badly, but Farfetch'd...

They'll want him back. And if they take him back...

...Nope. She can't do it. She can't let that happen. She can't just sit back and leave him to the dinner plates of the rich clientele. She'll have to lay low for a bit - just until things cool down.

...Maybe it's time. Time to give the journey another try. Not like she has anything else to do with her time...

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

Sable takes a moment to admire Artan, too. "Great job," she tells him. "We did it, together." She admires Flaafy, too. "I haven't gotten used to it yet," she says. And that is that.

It is like the others.


A demonic creature dominates the sky. Sable feels her blood run cold, her heart beat faster, as she looks up at Cynne, stepping back in dismay. A real demon--not just a Pokemon, but a demon, an entity bent only on hurting the world and people she cares about. The very emblem of the destruction of the world. Minion of the Ten Wise Men...

And the kind woman who was there, changing.

"If Energy Nede can't live with the fear of the likes of that one," the woman says as her shape shifts, as she draws a terrible rifle and takes on frightening form.

Sable looks to her. She looks to the researcher who took a fossil not long ago, who would later guide her on Filgaia. She looks at a warrior who became her friend, always ready for batle. And back to Cynne, terrorizing the Pokemon, threatening her world.

Tears fight at the corners of Sable's eyes. She wants to call her mother. Mom would know what to do. Mom would be able to handle i. She would...

"...Then let me be worthy of it," the woman with the rifle says, her form entirely monstrous now.

Worthy. Worthy, of their fear. It made her wonder. Is she worthy? Could she be?

...She didn' know, back hen. But she threw two Pokeballs, and began giving orders.

The tears weren't gone. But she could see through them.

And that was where it started. She remembers.


Sable looks up to the sky, to the Barrier again. "I..."

"I don't have anything to offer," sshe says, apologetic. "Because..."

"I'll bring everything I am to win this fight."

"I won't look away," Sable swears.

DG: Sable Aomori has contributed a risky Wits Action toward her party's challenge, The Trial of Memory. 
DG: Chartreuse Spinosa has used her Tool Archaeologist's Backpack toward her party's challenge, The Trial of Memory.
Enlighten! Party Wits boosted!
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================<* CHALLENGE - The Trial of Memory *>======================
| Type: Final        | Dungeon Ability: Wits            | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  At the end of the Field of Power, you find a coppery altar. It rests between  
  four pillars, and when you approach, you are greeted by a brilliant golden    
  light that flashes out from it. It shines bright into your mind, as the       
  Guardian speaks: "Wonderful! You have overcome every part of the trial!       
  Proceed, now, and behold the power within yourself."                          
  And so you do.                                                                
  You find yourself taken to a memory from your past. The time that you faced   
  something terrible -- something where you had to find strength within         
  yourself to overcome something that seemed unconquerable. What was this       
  terrible thing? And how did you find that strength -- then or later?          
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|          Enlighten:_Wits_Up!, Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!, and          |
|                             Stupify:_Wits_Down!                              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================< Results - Field of Power - Round 6 >=====================
======================< CHALLENGE - The Trial of Memory >=======================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Sable Aomori                        5 --(5)--> 10                    Good      
Investigate                         Bsc Wits          Effects: Risky           
Chartreuse Spinosa                  47 --(5)--> 52                   Best      
Archaeologist's Backpack            Min Wits          Effects: Enlighten       
Vivace Mori                         42 --(5)--> 47                   Best      
Investigate                         Bsc Wits          Effects: Risky           
Dirk Swordsman                      35 --(5)--> 40                   Good      
Investigate                         Bsc Wits          Effects: Risky           
Timu Guado                          42 --(5)--> 47                   Best      
Investigate                         Bsc Wits          Effects: Risky           
Leader: Sable Aomori                80 --(35)--> 115                 Pass     
Conditions: Fright(1) and Stupify(2)                                          
Effects: Enlighten(1)                                                         
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: You have overcome the dungeon's trials! This run is a success!
DG: The party led by Sable Aomori has successfully explored Field of Power!
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
======================<* CHALLENGE - Blessing of Power *>=======================
| Type: Discovery    | Dungeon Ability: Conclusion      | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  As you memories dissipate, you find yourself back on the stone platform --    
  and with the altar ahead of you. The light before you shimmers and shifts,    
  condensing down to form a bright, golden sphere. This is the Orb of Power,    
  which shines before you. Touching it doesn't make you feel stronger           
  immediately -- but perhaps that's because you had to draw on the power        
  within already.                                                               
  There is a warmth to it, though. Something that comes from deeper in the      
  mountain below. There is a sense, fleeting, of a connection to something      
  That, though, is a mystery for another time. It is time to leave this place,  
  because the cold winds still blow, and a gentle dusting of snow is starting   
  to fall.                                                                      
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|            Enlighten:_Wits_Up!, Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!,            |
|               Secret:_Exploration_Up!, and Stupify:_Wits_Down!               |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Dirk Swordsman has posed.

The memories pass by.

Loss, confronted with a reliquary face and a fistful of old dreams.

An unbreakable door, faced with resolve against the tales of old.

A spiralling world's sudden stillness, and breaking against the pull of gravity.

Injustice set against compassion, with a victory for the latter, and liberation.

Horror beyond the gates of a world complete, faced despite the hooks of fear.

The view fades... and the light's shimmering down into a golden orb.


"I don't get it," Dirk says, with what sounds like it started life as a complaint but turned into something more doubting. He steps forwards, extending a hand towards the orb. He touches it...

... and nothing happens.

Dirk looks over at the others. "... All of this," he says. "It was just... memories. You guys got it, too, right? Every time, it was like... goin' inside of your own head." But then he looks to the side.

"... huh?"

Behind them all, Sirfetch'd wordlessly closes his eyes and nods just a little bit, once.

A few snowflakes begin to fall.

<Pose Tracker> Chartreuse Spinosa has posed.

Before Chartreuse, light resolves into a bright, golden sphere. The Orb of Power... Chartreuse takes it carefully and, briefly, shows it to Flaaffy who approaches to look eagerly. It feels... warm.

"...Yeah, me too." Chartreuse confirms, looking over to Dirk with a nod. She goes quiet for a moment, thinking on that. Making them face their memories. Memories of Courage, Wisdom, and Power...

...She 'hm's to herself.

"...Now all's that's left is Love. But that one's still a little out of reach." She considers. "...Love..."

...What will the Field of Love have in store for them...?

<Pose Tracker> Vivace Mori has posed.

"It's all memories," Vivace agrees.

She scowls for a moment, but then decides to continue: "I've been thinking about that. It's ... tests, right? To make sure we're good enough. Courageous enough. Powerful enough. But you can't have a test like that you *know* about or it's not a good test. If people knew that they could get anything they wanted, just by being brave, this once - well, a lot of people could manage that. But being brave when you don't know, when it's going to hurt, that's harder. So it has to test us - by finding the things we already did."

Vivace's scowl returns, but more in thought than anger: "I don't know about the orbs. But I bet we won't know until we have all four. And even then, only maybe. Maybe the whole point is to show other people you can do it. And yourself. Like a badge, but ...bigger. More important."

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    Timu returns from that delving into memories, and... she doesn't feel a shiver, so much. (This may not be a good sign, medically speaking.)
     She exhales, watching her breath turn to vapor in the air before her as Fuecoco looks up to her with that bright open smile.
     Her hands fold over her chest as discussion follows about it being all memories, to Vivace's thoughts.
     "It... it does feel like, it's trying to show us we've already had all of that, isn't it?" She says, as she surmises (she's not quite Wizard enough to ponder) the glowing orb before them - like the last two times. She nods at the mention of Love being trickier to reach, at this juncture.
     "Fuecoco!" Fuecoco calls.
     She picks him up, again, taking in his warmth as she considers what it is Love is going to look for in them, and... what comes next, should they all overcome this. She thinks hard about what was spoken for the likes of Gigantamax and Mega Evolution, and just how far they might go against what strain it puts on the Pokemon. The latter was handwaved as 'no long-term strain,' which felt more and more like inching into permissiveness.
     "We're going to find out soon," she says.

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

The light fades... and Sable picks up an orb.

Dirk says he doesn't get it, and the brown-haired girl turns to look at him thoughtfully, before looking back to the orb. In it, she sees Artan's reflection over her shoulder, a beautiful dragon staring into the orb's depths.

"...Yeah," Sable says to Dirk after a moment. "It's..."

Memories. Sable cradles the orb against herself. Her mother, her father...

And herself.

"I remember..."

She looks to Vivace. "Like a badge..."

"Yeah. I wouldn't have known I had these things, if I hadn't done these tests. And I feel stronger. Wiser. ...Braver. And..."

"And I feel..."

She looks down, and quietly says, "I feel part of something. Something bigger."

"Our ancestors might've felt these same things. Undergone these same trials."

"I wonder... what Love has to do, with fighting...?"

<Pose Tracker> Dirk Swordsman has posed.

"I dunno," Dirk says, although he watches Fuecoco run towards Timu.

"After THIS one we definitely all deserve badge tho," Dirk says. "Believe it."