2024-06-17: Wisdom And Confusion: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Wisdom And Confusion''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Nina Chiyome, Character :: Luna Meitner, Character :: Timu Guado, Character :: Sable Aomori *'''Where:''' Residential District, Fuchsia City *'''Date:''' June 17, 2024 (506 PC Filgaian) *'''Summary''': ''Nina and Luna meet with Timu and Sable after an outing to the Fields, for unclear reasons. Their discussion includes rituals ancient and modern, and also the nature of what the Fields seek.'' --...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 23:50, 18 June 2024

  • Log: Wisdom And Confusion
  • Cast: Nina Chiyome, Luna Meitner, Timu Guado, Sable Aomori
  • Where: Residential District, Fuchsia City
  • Date: June 17, 2024 (506 PC Filgaian)
  • Summary: Nina and Luna meet with Timu and Sable after an outing to the Fields, for unclear reasons. Their discussion includes rituals ancient and modern, and also the nature of what the Fields seek.

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

It's a few days after and... Nina's actually back home. For a few reasons. She'd needed to decompress. And maybe look at things from a new perspective. (Not the way the test had recommended either!) More... a new look at herself. Which means right now she's wearing a cozy Yukata and she's out front of her family's dojo, settled on the lawn, crosslegged and. Well, it's Nina, it's a chance she's sleeping. Ideally she was trying to Meditate though. Especially since it's a nice, clear and warm day with a light breeze.
 With everything that's happened, sometimes it's better to just center yourself. If that means going back to your roots, literally. Finding some familiarity, finding something you know inside and out (As well as anyone can) You do so.
 She's got some old fashioned sandals sitting next to her and her phone's not too far away. Which admittedly isn't as helpful, but she's not quite to the point of being able to just throw the thing into the water and forget about it for a week.
 Poppy is sitting across from her. Watching her quietly. Her other pokemon might be seen running around the yard. Except Mavs. Who is running around on the roof chasing something. Korukiri is admittedly relaxing on the porch with the overhang. She has acquired tea in a cute little cup.
 It's probably a mystery how someone like Nina came from this kind of life.

<Pose Tracker> Luna Meitner has posed.

Luna has spent the couple of days ruminating on her Fields experience. It was... well, she hadn't really been sure what to expect. There had been a faint... hope was too strong a word, but a consideration that she may well have encountered a cfertain relic with a similar namesake to the Field itself. That she had not was... to be expected, really. Surely there were themes that carried across cultures.

But the experience had provoked an old memory she had not considered in a long time, and the message she had been given... she had been judged as having Wisdom. It was an odd notion, to receive such a judgement from a world so far removed from her own.

Despite her apparent possession of Wisdom, however, she had still been puzzled by a text she had received.

> When's the next one?

She had given it a good long contemplation. The Fields were not, seemingly, related to her main objective... On the other hand... she might still glean more about Energy Nede, and the information (and the experience) could be valuable.

A bit of an odd way to ask, though.

> We should discuss this further.

They'd made arrangements for Luna to come meet Nina at her family's dojo... and she'd reached out to Sable ad Timu, hoping to discuss their experiences with the Field of Wisdom.

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    Timu isn't that far away when she receives a text to come visit Nina at her family's dojo, having taken a guided tour nearby in the company of her Fuecoco friend while taking in the sights and sounds of what historical insight is given regarding times long, long, long having occurred in the past. Sometimes, she has an inkling of concern given what a gap of a thousand years did to Spira and its people.
     ...But she enjoys it, overall. She actually got to meet a famous former Top Champion briefly in the process whom works in the nearby Safari Zone, for all of two dialogue boxes' worth. It's been a good time to decompress after having visited all three of the Four Fields that one can access by foot* (* one had to be by water, but semantics). There's a nagging sense of urgency that's made it harder to come down from the revelations and accomplishments made, made ever more prominent when she can see what's emanating from Phynal any time she has a clear view of the northeastern stronghold of the Ten Wise Men.
     "...Luna! Nina!" Timu calls as she approaches, dressed in her usual traveling clothing. "I came as fast as I could," she says as she faces Luna, and then facing to see an uncharacteristically quiet, contemplative Nina with her friends Poppy and Korukiri.
     "Am I interrupting something?" Timu asks, as Fuecoco peeks out from behind her with a tilt and a tiny arm up towards his mouth in contemplation.

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Nina does jump a little at the text back.
 > Usually a good idea.
 No she doesn't elaborate. She thinks it's obvious.
 She's up and brushing herself off when Luna shows up. Offering her something of a polite little bow and a smile, beckoning with her arm, "Welcome to my home and our dojo." She smooths the robes of her kimono briefly, seeming vaguely self-conscious for a moment. She stands on her toes to wave to Timu too. She's short, especially without shoes on compared to.. most people.
 She hasn't met anyone particularly famous herself (As she figures it. She.. has, but it's Nina.)
 She seems surprised to see Timu though and gives Luna a strange look again. "Not who I was expecting..?" she seems genuinely confused.
 Then there's a brief moment of confusion where she looks behind herself, then around. Like she'd be spinning if she didn't catch herself.
 Nina's strange sometimes when caught off guard even if it's entirely her own doing.
 She recovers quickly enough and smiles to Timu, "Not yet, no!"
 She pauses and adds, "Were you here to take up that offer from a while ago?" She means ninjitsu stuff! She.. doesn't know if that offer had been extended to Timu now that she's thinking about it.
 Poppy for her credit twists and yawns, looking at the two new people She then slowly pads over and sits next to Timu. Since she recognizes her at least. She's being lethargic, in a cozy way. The ghost.. takes a sip of tea.

<Pose Tracker> Luna Meitner has posed.

Yes, it's very obvious.

Luna nods to Timu by way of greeting when she arrives. "Greetings." She rushed as fast as she could. "... There is no great urgency." She shakes her head. "I do not..." There's a glance to Nina who was, apparently, meditating, and reconsiders. "... Is this a bad time?"

She gives a small nod to Fuecoco, too.

But she gets a welcome anyway, and nods. "Thank you." But Nina gives her another odd look and Luna frowns as she tries to decipher what that look is. Not who she was expecting. "... we were going to discuss the Fields, correct? I thought it would be prudent to speak to those who have also challenged them, so I took the liberty of reaching out."

And all of a sudden she looks a bit uncertain, glancing back and forth between Nina and Timu. "... That will not be an issue, will it...?"

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    Timu sizes up Nina's manner of dress, if only out of faint nostalgia and homesickness for a land she left behind. The manner of dress isn't identical, but there's a lot of coincidental similarities that have always been striking. "It's... it's nice to be here," she says to Nina, as Fuecoco steps forth as Poppy sits down next to Timu. He's not territorially jealous of his Trainer, so he decides to sit down next to Poppy.
     Was she here for the offer? Timu shakes her head. "I read that we were going to discuss something about the Field of Wisdom?" She says this as she looks down to Poppy and gives a little wave while the lethargic Pokemon takes her place.
     Luna gives her greetings, and the Guado nods again in turn as she brings her hands up around chest level.
     "I don't know if it's a problem to speak about it," she says, but she's also not from Energy Nede and isn't aware of any particular folklore or decorum involving the Four Fields beyond what was shared - only that Mayor Nall and Professor Oak had no idea what one was to expect in there.

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

Sable was a little farther away, which is why she arrives a little later. Dressed in a tight-fitting swim stop and long shorts, Sable is dressed for a trip to the waterways, but isn't there just now. Instead, she's at the familiar environs of Fuchsia's old city...

"Hello," Sable greets the group of them. "The Fields... Discussing them is a good idea."

Energy Nede's opsec is terrible.

"But all of us have been or are planning to go to them, so I think it's OK to tak about it."

"Hi, Nina, Luna, Timu. Sorry I'm late."

Prinplup strides at her side. Ulpi is powerful!!

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Nina gives Sable a cheerful wave and calls out, "The pool's not over here!" Clearly teasing her a bit. She gestures to the other two though, adding in a more friendly tone, "We're busy today." Seeming quite happy about that.
 There's talk about the fields. Then Nina gets a confused look and tilts her head, "I mean it was an odd date, but I didn't think you'd ask multiple people over to talk about it." It's... hard to tell if she's serious or joking there. She's deadpan.
 "Sable, I know you've met Timu-" she actually remembers some names! "And Luna right?" Nodding to each.
 "I.. didn't think all of you would be invited to-" she trials off. Then glances over. She's lost now.
 Still, she recovers quickly enough, "Uh, well come in, take a seat. We can use the porch or head inside or just enjoy the grass and gardens. It's easy enough!" And they are pretty gardens, albeit not extensive. Just very nice, trim, maintained. Flowers and bushes and one tree near the small pond in the back. It's starting to show the hints of pink leaves at least!

<Pose Tracker> Luna Meitner has posed.

Luna nods to Timu as she mentions the Field of Wisdom. "Yes. I have found myself... curious, how others have viewed the experience." Understanding others' viewpoints was a lesson the Field saw fit to impart, after all.

Luna nods to Sable as she arrives. "Greetings, Sable." They've all been to at least one Field. "Yes, that was my thinking as well."

Nede's opsec probably won't get better any time soon with Luna around. For some reason.

"You are not late. We have only just gathered."

An odd date. Luna blinks, and the normally stoic-leaning-stern expression gives away to confusion. "I-- That--" She studies Nina for a moment, trying to figure out if it /is a jest or not, then looks between Nina and Sable. "Is... is there a tradition I am unaware of regarding Nede's courtship rituals?"

Luna is lost too.

"... Anywhere is fine with me."

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    "Sable! It's good to see you," Timu turns to the new arrival. "...Do you think so?"
     Fuecoco recognizes that Ulpi is powerful! Also, Ulpi has type advantage. This may influence things.
     Timu tilts her head at mention of a date, as if there might be a joke going over her head (and she's taller than the others, so it's quite the bar). She does nod at the assertion that Sable and herself have met, and then to Luna.
     "I've seen some gardens along the way here... they're beautiful," Timu says, even if there's always been something just slightly off about how square-shaped almost all the decor and architecture is in Energy Nede, like almost everything corresponds to a specific square grid.
     "Sable and I have been to the fields of Courage, Wisdom, and Power together," she says, as Fuecoco vigorously nods his head. Her hands lower as she goes along to wherever it is they end up deciding to have the more in-depth conversation.

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

"It's not," Sable agrees. ...Sometimes they tease each other; sometimes it just doesn't land. This is one of the latter times. But then she says something about a date, and Sable pauses, tilting her head. "Date...?" Pause. "I'm not sure what the calendar has to do with the Fields..."

Luna's curiousity is oone thing, but, the matter of courtship rituals--"Probably," Sable answers Luna helpfully.

She looks to Timu next. "I do," she says. "Maybe not with Team Rocket," she allows. "But Luna's not in any group like that."

The beautiful gardens...

"So what do you want to know?" she asks of Luna, and then steps over towards Nina to take a seat. "...I dunno," Sable says. "My mom didn't marry anybody, so I'm not an expert at rituals. But I do know the Fields OK now..."

Ulpi pads along, approaching Fuecoco to salute.

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Nina looks to Sable at the reaction she gets and asks, "Wait you didn't set that up?" She scratches the back of her head. Then frowns and tries to think of who else might have set up what she thought was near a blind date.
 Everyone is confused. No one has hurt themselves yet.
 "I don't know? I've never really done any rituals in that way. Usually just dinner and hanging out. Challenging a field was a new one."
 She looks to Sable, "You sure this wasn't you?"
 "We tried to keep them precise and.. traditional. That's more my older brother and-" she waves her hand, "The other clone of me." Yes she teases her triplet sisters too. They all do.
 "The quiet one. She scowls a lot." Reaching up with her fingers to pull an exaggerated frown.
 A voice from inside that sounds.. remarkably like Nina shouts out, "I do not!" and a throwing star whizzes past. It's.. wood at least.
 Said triplet does not make her presence known yet though. She's mid-class.
 She has good ears.
 Lounging back on her seat with Sable there she says, "Just general stuff. We did Wisdom. I.. hadn't gone through any yet. Been busy doing other things. Practicing. That sort of thing." She didn't actually.. get invited admittedly and hadnt' reached out either. Some of it's on her.

<Pose Tracker> Luna Meitner has posed.

Timu is tall, and Luna has a spear, so she's got reach, so hardly anything gets past her. Except for this 'date' business.

"Energy Nede's flora is quite vibrant," agrees Luna in her usual flat, stoic demeanor. Though she's still distracted by the date thing.

Timu names all three fields, and Luna nods. "So you have cleared the third, then... Nina and I have completed the Field of Wisdom. Along with... some other Drifters."

Sable confirms that Luna is missing something, and Luna frowns deeper at that. "... I see."

Of all the aspects of Nede she hasn't chosen to study yet, she did not think it would be this one to catch her by surprise.

"I did not have anything specific to ask. I was more interested in... your impression of the Fields, I suppose. I find myself wanting to learn what I can from others' viewpoints."

"... Set what up?" Luna is looking between Nina and Sable, now more confused now that some other topic is apparently being introduced. (It's the same topic, Luna.)

Dinner and hanging out. "... That would be more in line with what I might expect, yes."

Luna arches an eyebrow as a throwing star comes flying out, observing its flight. "... That is an interesting shape."

She takes a seat after setting her pack down, and standing her spear up. "Yes, that was also my first." Field, and not anything else. "It was not quite what I expected, though I will admit I was not entirely sure what to expect."

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    Timu watches as a throwing star flies past, following it with her eyes to its final destination. Her reflexes are quite good. Fuecoco's, not so much. He's too busy giving a little wave to the saluting Ulpi. It's probably better he didn't try to catch it in his mouth.
     "That's true," Timu says of Sable's thought about not speaking about it with Team Rocket. As things drift towards romance and courtship. "My parents' marriage was arranged," with the quiet implication she might have had one arranged herself - not with horror or enthusiasm, that was largely the way for most of her people.
     She shakes her head, as things go towards the matter of the Fields. Timu moves to take her seat, though her proportions always look awkward next to the Nedians and elf given her height and limb proportions. Fuecoco sits by her.
     "Every Field is like that," she says to Luna, "but... we all see something different, just us."

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

"No," Sable says. "I didn't."

Pause. "Definitely wasn't me." The star comes out. "Hi, Nanoha," Sable greets as if she didn't just throw a wooden shuriken at Nina. It's fine.

"It is," Sable agrees on flora. "Drifters... I see. I'm glad you made it through."

But the impression, she asks for. And wha she expeects--

Well. Sable looks to Timu first, as Ulpi crows proudly at Fuecoco and then shows off one of his moves.

"Oh," Sable says. "Our ancestors did things that way," she says. "It still happens sometimes these days, among the older families. But not as often."

Ulpi finally moves to sit next to Sable, at least. Every field...

"They're interesting," Sable says. "I captured some Pokemon there. It's interesting to know that there' s a whole ecosystem..."

"But the thing I noticed about the Fields is that they emphasize both teamwork and one's own abillities. You need teamwork to reach the end, but the final parts you see for yourself."

"It's... like that."

Pause. "Did you want me to set you up with someone, Nina? I'm not very good at that, but I could try..."

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Nina ignored the throwing star. She'd have dodged if it was a close shot. "Love you too sis!" She calls in and.. well she doesn't throw anything back. Again there's a class.
 Still, "They're.. annoyance weapons? You throw them at people and it hurts. Or you light them on fire or poison them." She's pretty.. straight forward about that. "I just throw bombs honestly. They're more fun."
 A few people have learned this.
 "I don't really know what I learned." She admits. She knows what she saw, she thought she understood it, but some of it slipped away. There was some understanding of views, but maybe it hadn't solidified fully?
 There is a brief look to Sable at some of those thoughts. Somewhere between contemplation, concern and maybe a hint of worry?
 She can't help who she is.
 She looks back to Luna, "I figured you'd gotten my number from her-" She hooks a thumb over Sable's way, "I.. don't always remember who has what though."
 If you didn't know her, it might be worrying that she's a miniature pyrotechnics fan.
 "Our parents have been married for a while. Somewhere between settling family feuds and actual affection if they're to be believed." She adds in an undertone, "I still think they eloped" There's some laughter there.
 Nanoha calls out, "Hit Nina for me" at the greeting, "She did something that deserves it I'm sure."
 There's sounds of her continuing class inbetween the teasing.
 Poppy's on her back, enjoying the sun. In the meantime though, Mavs has.. finally left the roof and lands on the ground near the other pokemon. Where she offers some berries out. Because.. well it's a garden with berries. Of course she does! (She's only a gremlin when unsupervised. Nina does not count most of the time.)
 "Oh, I captured an Abra there. I think someone left him all alone. Need.. a name for him though." She looks around, frowning, "Forgot where he was sleeping. Or if he teleported somewhere cozy."
 "The one we ran seemed to push annoying puzzles. I helped other people solve them." With paint. Of course.
 She glances over at the question from Sable and frowns briefly, "Wait so you didn't try to hook us up?" There's a pause. "Uh. Only if I get to return the favor."

<Pose Tracker> Luna Meitner has posed.

Luna's still trying to figure out this date thing. And now Timu has brought up marriage, a topic that Sable has additional input. "Hmm. Marriage in my village was... a frequently discussed topic, but rarely a straightforward affair." For... reasons.

Luna didn't have a lot of time to think about chasing Voes.

She nods to Timu as she confirms everyone sees something different. "Yes, I rather suspected as much. It showed me a memory I had not regarded in... quite some time. I have been... preoccupied, with it, these past few days."

But she doesn't volunteer more details, not yet.

"... But largely I was concerned with your other impressions. I am otherwise content to leave memories to the past."

Teamwork and individual abilities both. "I see. Yes, that is interesting as well. What struck me is that the experience was not entirely unlike undertaking a Dig, but that the difficulty was... intentful, in a way I am unaccoustemed to.

Fire or poison... "I see. I sometimes do the same to my pear, when it is necessary."

"I am still reckoning with my own thoughts," she admits, to Nina's uncertainty.

"... your number?" Luna frowns, but then something clicks suddenly. "... Do you mean your phone number? We exchanged phone numbers at the Pewter City museum. I did not acquire it from Sable."

Lots of puzzle. "Your tools and magic were a great assistance in dealing with them."

'You didn't try to hook us up?' 'Us' in that sentence being... Luna blinks, and frowns in thought. "Nina, did..." She stalls, struggling to find a way to put her thoughts into words, but clearly an inkling of what the mixup might be.

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    Fuecoco is enamored by Ulpi's cool moves! He belches an Incinerate in the air, and left unchecked this could escalate into something terribly silly in the background.
     This is because Timu is more focused on what there is to share about the fields. "There were a lot of Pokemon I never even knew existed. One of them was like a snake, but their tail was a... controller?" Why is Timu saying 'Ekans' backwards? It's weird, she's being weird right now, even by Visitor standards. "And something like a knight, but only with a helmet and sword as if celebrating something..."
     "I didn't capture any more myself," she's doing her best with the four she has. She didn't grow up around this, and learning to care for them is a new skill all unto itself.
     Timu takes in a breath as she closes her eyes, realizing all the difficult things she had to see and experience again... and remembering what Vivace said that might have rung true.
     "It feels like... it shows that you already have Courage, Wisdom, or Power if you make it there," she says as she turns an open hand in explaining. "Vivace said that anybody could be brave 'once,' but... the Fields themselves seem to know if you already embody what it's testing."
     Timu fishes around her person to produce three separate colors of orb.
     "We were left with these, but we don't know what they're for."

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

"They're good weapons," Sable says, lifting her head in defiance. "...But no, they won't usually take your enemy down on their own. You coat them in something, or enchant them, and it's the coating or enchantment that are yoru main weapon--they're a delivery mechanism." Pause. "But bombs are fun."

Luckily for everyone, Ulpi settles down next to Sable once they all sit down.

"That's interesting," Sable says to Luna. "I like learning about different cultures. Dad says it's because I have a researcher's mind."

Sable shakes her head at Nina. "No, I didn't." Pause. "I'll think about it."

Abra! "Abras are nice. Someone I met once said they respond to calm hearts..." Pause. "So I'm not sure why it liked you, Nina."

She doesn't hit Nina for Nanoha, but maybe that counts.

"Sidewired," Sable explains. "I left that Pokemon with my Dad. He's studying 'mechanical' Pokemon like them right now."

A memory she hadn't thought about for a while... "Some of the memories they showed me were recent. But some were really old. It kinda varied..."

"Memories in the past... I don't think that's the way," Sable says. "The Fields showed me that our memories and experiences shape who we are today." She nods to Timu. "So... we carry them with us, into the present, as we work toward the future. It's connected."

"It's like Timu says," she continues, pulling the three Orrbs of her own. "But it's a little different for me. I feel wiser, braver, and stronger since I went there. I'm not sure I knew I had it in me beforehand..."

"But I guess I must have. Because I succeeded."

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Tapping her foot, she leans over and murmurs to Sable, "You're not messing with me right?" And as for the jab? She huffs. "I'm perfectly calm. It's why I'm so confident just going all out." Which. May not be correct, but she thinks it is. It's fine.
 She does sneak an arm across to offer a pet to Ulpi though. Mavs has taken up a spot next to Nina by now. She also gets pets. Because family mascot.
 On that note, Nina leans forward and double checks. Mavs is Mavs. She relaxes back.
 "Memories and the past aren't inherently a bad thing. Good to learn from. Just don't get stuck in them!" Which.. probably explains why she's a dizzying mix of old methods and grafitti truth be told.
 In a briefly serious moment she says to Luna's comment, "That was probably the point. Whether you succeed or fail, it's a good lesson to try and look at the other person's point of view. Then make your decision on arson from there." It's.. once again hard to tell if she's joking or not.
 She does look briefly guilty though. Sable's right there.
 "Did I?" She seems surprised she'd handed it out. Not concerned though. "Oh. Oops." She taps her at that.
 "Haven't seen that one before" She states to Timu. "What kind of plugs were they?" Because that's the important questions. What are they compatible with? Can they emulate?
 "Bravery's.. knowing how stupid something is and doing it anyway. Sometimes knowing it'll go wrong too." She glances to both Sable and Timu at that. They've.. both been present at her kinda doing just that. She knows she's a bit too.. quick to jump with both feet. "I.. might have struggled with the wisdom side of things because of that really."
 She did spend some time thinking on it. She has more insight. Some of what she does might even be something she puts on. Or has learned from putting it on.
 "I think they're keys. You slot them somewhere and call it good." She shrugs, "Or maybe key cards. They're the right colors." She offers a blue one up.
 "Mine were a pair of memories. And people." She doesn't look over this time.
 "I.. feel like I learn from my mistakes more still." She glances over at Sable. "Maybe they were more idealistic when they made that."
 As an aside she looks to Luna after, "Well if that wasn't a date, you want to go on a real one?"
 Speaking of headfirst into whatever trouble she runs into.

<Pose Tracker> Luna Meitner has posed.

"We only saw the Abra, which Nina captured... I am not actively seeking more pokemon either. Though I will say that Meditite and Riolu performed well." She used the assistance of her pokemon, taking on the dungeon as it was intended.

Tumu and Sable both comment on the Fields already knowing if you respect their respective traits. "I see... that may well be so." Luna reaches into her own pack to retrieve a blue orb. "I find it unlikely they only serve an ornamental purpose. Perhaps something within the Field of Love will make their purpose clear."

"I see," she says to Sable, of having a researcher's mind. "I also take interest in studying the ways of others." For admittedly different reasons. "... I may share more of my village if you are interested, but it is... a difficult matter for me to discuss."

They shouldn't left in the past. "You may be right. Perhaps I misspoke. I ment to say that they are private affairs, so I would leave them to be private."

"... I do not know if I am necessarily wiser for my experience. But it has given me a... new context in which to examine my memory. I... Hmm. I had always felt the experience a mark of folly, but... I suppose the lesson I learned then was valuable."

Luna leans back in her seat a little as she ruminates more. Don't get stuck. "... Yes. I must keep moving forward." She nods thoughtfully as Nina expouses more... and then frowns. "... Pardon. Arson?"

Luna nods. "You did. And before that we met at Silph Co, when Solaris caused a disruption there."

Nina struggled. "And yet you still passed the trial. Maybe the struggle is as valuable as the result."

As a general rule, Luna spends an awful lot of time training with her spear. Studying the tactics of others, testing her martial skills, ever seeking to improve herself. What she does not do, however, is spend a lot of time socializing. And she certainly doesn't spend a lot of time--or any at all, really--dating.

And while she is not afraid of combat, for this she hesitates with. (Woe betide us all of she can find a way to make dating a combat-related metaphor.) "I..." after a moment she sits up straighter. "... I..."

It should be easy to just say 'No.' She probably should just say 'No.' For many, many reasons, not the least of which is that surely nothing that comes from this can aid her in her mission to understand Energy Nede better. Not in any way that would be of interest to her father.

And yet she doesn't.

Luna looks down for a moment, a rare instance of avoding eye contact. (It's okay, she's just thinking.) She looks to Timu and Sable for a moment, and then looks to Nina again. "... Perhaps... we should discuss that in more depth later."

"... Privately."