2024-06-27: Aquarium Day: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 03:35, 28 June 2024

  • Log: Aquarium Day
  • Cast: Misty, Riesenlied, Timu Guado, Nina Chiyome, Chase
  • Where: Cerulean City - Cerulean Gym
  • Date: June 27, 2024
  • Summary: Cerulean Gym is hosting an Aquarium Day, a chance for visitors (and Visitors) to come check out the Gym's aquarium and even interact with water-type pokemon up close. New friends are made, water-type pokemon are comforted, and the power of roundness makes itself known.

=======================<* Cerulean City - Cerulean Gym *>=======================

Cerulean Gym is a large pyramid-like structure. In addition to being a Gym, it is also a public aquarium. Its interior houses countless floor-to-ceiling tanks of water, with a variety of well cared for Water-type Pokemon inside. A few special cases also have Ice-type Pokemon on display. This makes it popular with tourists, school trips, and young women in love with each other from across Energy Nede.

The Gym itself is an inner chamber, which is on the second floor. The room consists of several connected swimming pools, with bridges running over them. Misty, the Gym Leader, tends to observe from a central platform -- and someone challenging her has to reach her, with both Trainers and the trial of navigating a maze of bridges and pools in their way.

BGM: Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee & Pikachu!
<Pose Tracker> Misty has posed.

It's Aquarium Day! Okay, the Aquarium is a huge part of Cerulean Gym, so really every day is Aquarium Day, but some days are more Aquarium Day than others. Right when a visitor walks into the Gym, they are greeted by huge, floor to ceiling tanks filled with a variety of well-cared-for pokemon, allowing guests to view reproductions of their aquatic habitats. There are multiple different tanks that recreate specific types of habitats, from streams, to lakes, to shallower and deeper waters, and even a few geared especially towards ice-type pokemon. The tanks are large, allowing guests to walk around them, and up on the second story are observation decks and railings so that the pokemon can be observed doing their thing on top of rocks or icebergs, out of the water.

The reason why today in particular is an Aquarium Day is that there are no challenges being taken today. The main battle area is open, but instead of being used for challenges it's instead being used as a sort of pokemon meet and greet opportunity. Pokemon wishing to interact with people can make their way there, and everywhere there are plenty of staff on hand to discuss the various pokemon and help the younger visitors interact with them.

Misty herself is there, of course, smiling as she watches the visiting guests mill about and get to interact with the pokemon. She's instantly recognizeable, of course, with her bright orange hair tied off into a sideways ponytail. she's dressed in a light blue crop top with a blocky yellow stripe running down the center, jean shorts, and red sneakers without socks.

"No running around the edge of the pool, sweetie!" she calls to an overeager girl running along the edge chasing a black fish with brilliant rainbow-hued scales on its fins. The Tokuirokkaku seems content to swim around and be observed, but hasn't approached anyone yet.

There are, of course, plenty of other pokemon swimming about ready to meet people.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

    Riesenlied has finally been exploring Nede in part because word has gotten out about some advanced treatments they have, owing to their superior knowledge of the field of medicine, that could assist with her degeneration and health issues. It's been a tumultuous time of seeing various doctors, having to be referred to specialists due to her unique circumstances, and today she's been sent to Cerulean...

    But it doesn't mean she can't enjoy herself too.

    Hearing the advertisement for an Aquarium Day, Riesenlied decides to scope it out in case it turns out to be a nice date spot. There's just something about aquariums and yuri...

    "Oh, how wonderful this is! There are so many kinds of aquatic life I have never seen before," Riesenlied muses to herself. She's only starting to catch up to even the idea of Pokemon, but it's been an experience thus far.

    She's also making sure she stays well away from the edge of the pool, because wheelchairs and pools don't mix.

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    After having passed the trials of three of the Four Fields, Timu and her Pokemon friends are all doing their best to rest, relax, and recover in preparation for when it's time to take on the Field of Love. Beyond that... Timu is a child of Spira, and the water has always held great cultural significance to that region of Lunar.
     She's visiting the Aquarium alongside her Fuecoco friend. Said Pokemon is not put-out by being a Fire-type in Water-type environs, but that also just may be his Bold nature talking. She stands out from the Nedians due to her greater height, lanky limb proportions, veins around her face, and sharp nails - but she carries herself in a manner consistent with anyone else as she watches numerous Water-type Pokemon swim by.
     (a spooked Veluza sheds some excess meat to get away from some small children, as they do)
     "...Fue?" Fuecoco looks over yonder to the wheelchair as a cheerful voice shows wonder and awe in what they're seeing, and Timu turns around with her heart lighting up.
     "...Riesenlied?" Timu steps away from what she hopes will be on offer for lunch later. "It's really you!"
     "Fuecoco!" The small Fire Croc Pokemon raises a tiny stubby arm in greeting.

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Today is a quiet day. She's exploring the aquarium. She may enjoy the Safari Zone more for a myriad of reasons, but sometimes a nice day surrounded by water and water types is nice. She might also be taking notes and debating on things internally, but when is she note running circles around herself?
 Mind you, she did spend some time near the ice exhibits, because she does have a decent number of ice types, despite her usual fiery attitude.
 That said, she's not opposed to water types! And she's made her way here wearing what looks like beach wear. A pale one-piece, a button up top and sandals. Because it's a nice day. And you know, water.
 A hand shoots up when she spots Timu, waving excitedly to her, but.. she doesn't run. Because that's dumb and despite what you think she isn't always that dumb!
 she still stumbles though.

<Pose Tracker> Chase has posed.

The happiest Pikachu scampers from tank to tank, ears perked high and tail waggling back and forth in rapid joy. She knows better than to tap at the glass, much as she vibrates with the desire to smash her face against it for the closest possible look at the Pokemon inside. Instead, she stops to look back at her trainer, calling for his attention and constantly pointing at each new Pokemon and each new habitat.

"Chachu! Chachu...!"

Chase follows after her, looking at each exhibit with the same wide eyed awe and wonder as his Pikachu. Also out of a ball today is his Staryu. Chase checks in on it with the occasional glance and holding up his phone, which has an app that changes the background to a solid color. It shifts with input, trying to mirror the way Staryu's gem occasionally pulses through colors. Staryu 'responds' and Chase's brow knits. He goes back to his phone, thumbing in notes before another "Chaaachuuu!" beckons him and Staryu both to the waterside. But Pikachu is waving mostly at Timu and Nina, trainers she's come to recognize. And Riesenlied, who she also recognizes. Pikachu loves people she recognizes!

(Nevermind that Pikachu also loves meeting people she does not recognize.)

She tugs at Chase's pant leg with her free paw, prompting him to raise his hand halfway and gives a small wave with her.

Staryu slowly spins in place, unreadable.

<Pose Tracker> Misty has posed.

There's plenty of staff helping out--even one of Misty's sisters are roaming around somewhere in the background--but Misty is no less active herself. She spots Riesenlied making an effort to steer clear of the pool's edge and heads over. With a bright smile she says, "Hello, Miss." With a flourish of her arm she indicates the rest of the space, "And welcome to the Cerulean Gym Aquarium! I'm Misty, the local Gym Leader. Would you like to meet one of the pokemon up close? I'm sure we can coax one up onto the land for you. Don't worry, it won't hurt them any."

One of the mysteries of pokemon is that they can battle on (almost) any terrain, after all.

Misty takes something from her pocket and moves to the poolside, scanning it for a suitable pokemon. There's an artificial ice flow in the middle of the pool for some of the pokemon to hang out in, and a barking sound is immediately followed by a Sealeo helpfully batting a Spheal over to Misty's side. It rolls for a moment until it turns upright, then turns to Misty and barks excitedly for the treat Misty is holding. "Well hellow there, Spheal." Misty offers the treat to Riesenlied. "Would you like to feed him?"

She turns her attention to Timu next, who calls out to Riesenlied. "Oh, so you two know each other. How wonderful. Welcome to our Gym, please take your time to look around." She looks to Fuecoco and leans over. "Well hey there little guy. You're not upset by the water at all, are you? Good for you!"

There are plenty of ice and water types both for Nina to peruse, and if she wants to discuss their merits there are certainly plenty of staff here who are also trainers to discuss that with--including the Water Gym Leader herself. Misty smiles and gives Nina a wave. "Welcome to the Aquarium!" Nina trips, despite not running, and Misty looks momentarily concerned. "Are you okay over there? Do you need any help?"

An exciteable Pikachu, of course, draws Misty's attention for a moment. A brief concern, since there are plenty of water types around, but she observes how Phwee isn't tapping on the glass or being disruptive, so it's probably fine. What gets her attention even more is the Staryu, naturally. "Hey there, sweetie. Is this your Staryu?" She looks between Chase and Staryu. "I'm rather partial to that line myself, you know. How are you two getting along?"

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

    Riesenlied blinks a few times as a familiar voice calls out to her -- and her mouth opens in surprise as she waves with both her draconic and human hands both. "Timu! My goodness, I did not expect to see you here. And who is your wonderful friend here?" She already looks charmed by Fuecoco.

    There are others as well; Nina seems to know Timu, and her heart is buoyed by Timu (assumedly) making friends through her time here. And-- oh, was that not the boy who visited Wayside the one time?

    She gives Chase a wave as well, but remembers that he is more quiet -- though his vigorous Pikachu is certainly just as energetic as ever.

    The Gym Leader, Misty,arrives to introduce her -- and there's a delicate smile as she tilts her head. "Oh, hello. This is a wonderful space you have -- Miss Misty. My name is Riesenlied, from Filgaia. Thank you for letting me experience this."

    But there is an offer to meet one of the Pokemon up close! Riesenlied looks surprised again, but she then watches as a Spheal rolls up and barks excitedly--



    Would you like to feed him?

    "M-may I?"

    Riesenlied already looks entirely entranced by the singularity of Roundness that is Spheal. There is no escape; there is no resistance. Upon witnessing the pinnacle upon which the modern texts and academia of orb must surely be revised, causing a furor and much heated debate amongst the Circle...

    "S-Spheal is round..."

    Sometimes, you just have to say the obvious.

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    "Oh! Nina." Timu looks up from engaging with Riesenlied - Nina's a ninja and it's easy for her arrival to suddenly catch anyone off-guard, raising a hand in turn. "Have you met Riesenlied? She's... she's a very kind person." Timu struggles to think of a good way to talk about her in succinct terms, given the positive impact she's had just about everywhere she and the crew of the Fereshte have been.
     Then there's Chase's Pikachu friend, Phwee. Timu offers a wave too, and for Chase if Chase and his Staryu both look her way too.
     "This is Fuecoco," Timu says as her attention returns to Riesenlied, who responds with another permutation of 'Fuecoco' with all due cheer and friendliness. Even among those who do not strongly resemble the Nedians of whom they lived alongside for tens of thousands of years, they seem inclined to see just about everyone as a prospective friend!
     If Riesenlied notices - beyond the carefully wrapped Alchemical Mirror she was gifted by Mikaia - she has four small red-and-white spheres on her person, so Fuecoco's not the only friend she's made among Pokemon.
     "Fue!" Fuecoco nods in enthusiasm to Misty.
     "Oh! Hello. My name is Timu Guado," Timu stands upright and bows - it's a manner not unlike Erika and her fellow Celadon Gym Trainers. "I'm from far from here, but... I'm undergoing the Pokemon Journey alongside my friends here," she gestures to Fuecoco, and later to Nina and Chase. She takes in a breath as she pulls a Pokeball on her person, clasping it between both her somewhat oversized hands. Though they may have a somewhat more monstrous appearance, she clutches it as gingerly as anyone who cherishes their Pokemon friends might.
     "If I'm not imposing... I do have a Water-type Pokemon I'd like to share, to make sure they're doing all right." Timu's voice grows a bit more somber. "When we first met, they were hurt - Nina and I saw them to a Pokemon Center just in time. But... I'd like to have a specialist take a look, if you can spare the time."

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Nina has let both her Sneasel and Froslass out near the ice exhibits. She is.. keeping an eye on Mavs mostly because she is still a resident gremlin and it's always worth trying to keep an eye on anyone that enjoys causing chaos for the sake of chaos.
 There are people that think this about Nina.
 Of course, there's a ball pokemon. Big fluffy one. Kinda? Nina may or may not sneak away with a quick beckon to her two pokemon. The froslass bobs her head and drifts slowly behind NIna, enjoying the sights herself. Mavs.. just darts ahead. Then does a running leap onto the ice flow where she starts bouncing from one to the next in a loop, getting some of that energy out.
 She's not quite a water type, but she likes the cold for obvious reasons!
 This means the ninja's alongside Riese at the pool. She doesn't at all seem bothered by anything really.
 Especially with Timu introducing her, "I haven't! I have now though." She offers a quick little polite bow from where she's standing. She's admittedly trying not to stare. She's not worried, but it is neat. And rude. And neat.
 She does note, "Timu's one of the alievisitors." She's trying there at least.
 At least she hasn't mangled a name yet.
 She does nod at Timu's assessment though, "It's been a bit, she doing okay?" Sounding gennuinely concerned.
 "I uh.. wanted to just learn about water types. I don't really do the planning thing for pokemon battles. Got chewed out for it at the last gym and well, it was good advice."
 She shakes her head, focusing, "I want to at least learn about them since my current lineup isn't particularly well matched. Might find one that clicks and I can go out and find one!"

<Pose Tracker> Chase has posed.

Is Pikachu aware she has the type advantage? She only learned she couldn't electrocute ground-types about last week. She might have already forgotten. But look at all the other Pokemon to meet and watch and learn about! As she watches Spheal roll in, she smooshes her head to the ground and attempts several somersaults to mirror this method of locomotion.

Staryu 'looks' back at Misty insomuch as a Staryu can look at anything, though her experience probably makes it easy to tell she has the Pokemon's attention. It gives a spin clockwise, then counter clockwise, trilling with a strange alien sound that indicates contentment.

But then Chase himself is addressed, and he gives a start in a way he hadn't when he expected Staryu might be leading the conversation. (Did Chase really expect that to be the case? Absolutely.) But Staryu grants mercy by giving Chase a nudge and nuzzle with its top ray, emphasizing his choice in trainer to Misty.

This buys Chase time to get his phone and put his words there.

<it's a reliable pkmn>
<but doesn't ask for a lot>

Chase glances to Staryu in concern, which Staryu only reacts to with a questioning tilt. Chase frowns in thought. It feels like there's more Staryu needs, even if Staryu acts like everything's fine...

Meanwhile, Pikachu comes to a wobbling halt, eyes swirling, until her ears twitch and swivel toward Timu. She frolics over, looking up at the Pokeball Timu is holding with a bright smile. Pikachu seems to also vote for this course of action.

<Pose Tracker> Misty has posed.

Misty isn't as young as the youngest trainers out on their journies, but she's still plenty young enough. "I'm so glad you think so! This Gym has been in our family for a while, but I'm really been doing my best to expand some of the programs we offer, like having meet and greets with the pokemon here." She smiles cheerfully, "I'm okay with being called just Misty, though."

"And it's very nice to meet you, Riesenlied. From Filgaia, huh? You know, I've been making plans to go give the other worlds a visit. Is there any place you'd recommend as a first stop?"

"Of course you may!" Misty hands over the treat, and Spheal watches it exchange hands, then rolls over in front of Riesenlied and barks excidedly, clapping his fins.

Round... Misty giggles a litte, "He sure is. He's a real cutie, isn't he? Go on, he won't bite. You can give him a pet, if you'd like."

Timu has a--rather formal--introduction to make, but Misty smiles and takes it in stride. "It's very nice to meet you, Timu. I hope you and your Fuecoco friend are enjoying your visit to the Aquarium." She's taking the Journey too... "That's wonderful! I'm sure you'll meet a lot of new friends, and Energy Nede has a lot to offer for someone on a Journey, and I hope that includes for Visitors, too."

"Hmmm?" A request, if it's not an imposition. "Well..." Misty glances around for a moment, but everyone seems well-tended to, most of the pokemon seem to be behaving themselves, so a quick look couldn't hurt. Though Misty's expression grows more serious when Timu mentions the injury. "Well the Nurse Joys are very good at what they do, but I'd be happy to take a look. What type of pokemon are they?"

Timu and Nina rescued this pokemon. "Well, I'm glad you two were able to them out. It's always distressing to see a pokemon injured out in the wild." Just here to learn. Misty smiles at that. "Well, you're definitely in t the right place, then!" She considers Nina thoughtfully. "Oh yeah? What was the last Gym you were at? And, just in case it wasn't obvious, you won't have to worry about any battling today. Not with me, at least." Mavs is hopping from ice flow to ice flow... a couple of the Spheals and Sealeos are excitedly barking at her, but it's fine. It's all friendly playfulness.

"What's your current lineup? I, of course, have my preferences, but maybe I can offer you some advice."

Phwee is very cute while attempting alternate means of locomotion.

Misty kneels down to observe Staryu's rotations and trilling, and smiles as she sees that they're content. She gives a soft, trilling whistle back to indicate that she's glad they're doing okay. She observes the way Chase starts, and how Staryu provides support, and nods approvingly.

Doesn't ask for a lot... "Then it seems to me like you're caring for them really well." She looks at Chase's concern, studying the younger trainer for a moment. "Do you think there's something wrong? Or... are you concerned you missed something?"
Riesenlied says, "If time permits, I would like to see and cheer on you sometime when you undertake a Pokemon challenge, Timu," Riesenlied admits."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

    Nina! So that's who the young woman is. Timu introduces her as a kind person, and there's a light blush at that. "It is nice to meet you, Nina. I imagine you are also on a Pokemon adventure, like Timu?"

    Timu introduces Fuecoco, and even as enraptured as she is with Spheal, Fuecoco -is- also an element of Roundness, in his own special cute way. Riesenlied doesn't seem used to eyeballing the Pokeballs that people are carrying -- as she isn't used to the Pokemon journey herself -- but she does notice the mirror, which brings a smile.

    "If time permits, I would like to see and cheer on you sometime when you undertake a Pokemon challenge, Timu," Riesenlied admits.

    But Timu has a Water Pokemon she'd like to show? She wonders what... and Nina's Pokemon certainly are interesting too!

    "Hmm, planning... I feel like I understand a little. It is similar to understanding what elements are effective, is it not?"

    Riesenlied, they call it Type Matchups here!

    Chase gets a nudge from Staryu as a vouch of confidence, but it's his phone and the way he gets startled when addressed that Riesenlied picks up on; she rummages through her purse and then holds up--

    A brand new smartphone!

    Riesenlied's life is truly forfeit, between Spheal and Smartphone.

    "Um-- Chase," Riesenlied asks in a soft matter, so as to not make him feel like he's on the spot. "Do you prefer communicating on this? I have just obtained one two days ago, but..."

    She's dealt a lot with kids who prefer to express themselves in other ways, in her time with the Wayside orphanage.

    ... of course, she's hopeless with the phone, still, so she might need some guidance, but she's trying! Trying to get hip with how the kids text.

    Misty expresses that she wants to visit the other worlds -- would there be a place she'd recommend as a first stop? Riesenlied considers this for a moment, then says, "Not far from where you exit the portal, there is a town called Adlehyde. The people there are friendly, so I think that is a fine choice to gain your bearings."

    Then, it is TREAT TIME

    Riesenlied hands the treat out on the palm of her (non-sharp) hand, and watches slowly as Spheal nibbles on it. And on the urging that he is pet-OK, she slowly curls her hand to nuzzle the side of the... almost dog-like water Pokemon! How mysterious!

    "Oh, goodness, he really is terribly charming," Riesenlied is having the time of her life. But Phwee is cute too, the way she's trying to roll like Spheal... don't think you haven't been noticed!

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    "I'm hoping so," Timu says. "She's timid when I let her out," she explains to Nina.
     "Co..." Fuecoco's voice trails off in concern. He is temporarily mesmerized by Staryu's colors while Chase relays his feelings and concerns about a Pokemon who doesn't seem to let on their needs very well.
     Timu enjoys watching Riesenlied and Spheal get to know one another, and of course some of the silliness going on with Nina's friend playing between the ice floes.
     "Adlehyde is better off than most of Filgaia," she adds, "much of it's been turning to desert." She wonders if she should bring up the chilling reception she often gets out there, but from incidental times with her Nedian friends, no one gives them trouble compared to the occasional remark Timu herself gets. It's probably fine.
     Back to the matter of her own Pokemon! "They do a very good job taking care of everyone's Pokemon," Timu nods as she runs her hands along the Pokeball, and there's Phwee down there looking up encouragingly. She takes in a breath.
     "They're a Hestrol," she says, which means they're a big one! They're roughly equivalent to a Wailmer in size. This is ample enough time for any amount of space that needs to be cleared to be... well, cleared, as Timu exhales and lets her Hestrol friend out of the ball in a Symbologically-engineered miracle of light.
     "...Strooooo---..." The whale song follows, as she forms in the water rather than from above. As Timu has said, Hestrol is timid at first sight, shrinking a little from the direction of strangers. If Misty looks carefully, there is evidence of scars - serious injury inflicted by less-scrupulous, more opportunistic Visitors.
     If Riese has her Dragon's Tear, she can detect there is a faint undercurrent of fear that fades, as Timu kneels down pool-side to rest her hand against Hestrol's side. Scarring aside, she seems in good shape and calms immediately when her Trainer comes to her side.
     Whale-like creatures have a severe cultural connotation to those from today's Spira, so this is quite a sight to those who are aware of it.

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Nina looks over to Misty at the question and says, "Lt. Surge's. I kinda improvised through it and won, but barely. Dunno." She shrugs, hands out.
 She did take his lessons to heart for what it's worth. It just takes a while for anything to catch up to her.
 Other things might be helping too though.
 "I get it." She nods to Timu at the comemnt though, regarding Hestrol. "I.. hope she's fine though."
 The Froslass is.. quietly examining Riese's horns. Because they're kinda sorta similar to her own. (At least Nina thinks that's what's up.) She doesn't touch, but there's at least some curiosity there as she slowly drifts around her. She's.. a bit chilly to be around. Nina does the 'Psst' thing and tries to quietly shoo her back a tiny bit because of it.
 This also means Mavs has a look about her as she darts across the ice flow, back towards the group. Where she lands poolside and skitters over and.. jumps up to land on Nina. Where she crawls and settles on her shoulders. There might be treats involved. Running around on ice is one thing. Treats are another.

<Pose Tracker> Chase has posed.

Chase glances to the talk of planning and lineups, between Nina and Misty, frowning with his own thoughts and concerns. He's not exactly subtle that he's listening and thinking about these things with the way his brow knits and his gaze intensifies, but he is deliberately avoiding interjecting his thoughts.

Hearing his name snaps him out of it. He looks to Riesenlied abruptly, and his gaze lights up seeing her smartphone. 'But...' she trails off, and Chase senses some of that hesitation. It's an opportunity to meet halfway, so he does: nodding, and typing in his number to show her on the phone. Or, if necessary, helping point out the steps.

He smiles faintly, seeing her and Spheal. These Visitors really do seem to get along well with Pokemon...

Hestrol appears! Pikachu tappy dances in place and greets with a hearty, "Piii Pikachu!" Perhaps Phwee, too, can tell how Timu and Hestrol react to one another, and is happy about what she sees. Or Chase was, and his Pikachu's mimicking it. It can be hard to tell with her.

As for Misty's question...

Chase frowns down at his phone. The feeling is there, but he doesn't know how to put it into words, exactly. Even as he types, Staryu looks down and watches him. Can Staryu read...?

<found it hurt badly>
<seems ok, but...>
<i want to help it thrive>

His expression wilts a little further. He doesn't feel this is quite what he's getting at. It seems like making a problem out of there being no problem, put into words like this. But clearly Chase thinks there is a problem.

<Pose Tracker> Misty has posed.

Is it all just about type matchups? "Well, that's certainly a part of it. But there's other things to consider, too, like your pokemon's temperament, how well your pokemon get along and work together." Of course, you can go even deeper than that, but... Misty's not battling today, so she keeps from getting too into the weeds. (Too int o the seaweeds?)

Riese makes an offer to communicate by phone, and Misty nods. To Chase she says, "Please let me know if you need any accommodations to enjoy your visit to the Aquarium."

"Adlehyde, huh...? Alright, I'll make that my first stop. Thank you, Riesenlied." She looks to Timu with a concerned expression. "I've heard a little bit about that... Deserts aren't quite my forte, but I do have an interest in ecology as a whole. Hopefully, if there's something our worlds can do to help each other..."

Misty smiles as Riese feeds Spheal, and the round pokemon eagerly eats from her hand, making happy noises, and more happy noises when the petting comes. Once the snack is all gone they bark happily, then take to rolling around Riese's chair a few times in celebration of snacks and pets, before stopping in front of Riese and nosing at them again.

"Well, it looks like they've taken a liking to you." Misty has another treat in hand to pass to Riese, if she wishes to take it.

"A Hestrol," says Misty thoughtfully, nodding. "I see." Then, more cheerfully, she says, "Don't worry, we can make some space." It's a combination of clearing space and scooting the party along a little to a slightly less occupied part of the pool, but in relatively short order they can make the space for Hestrol to come out.

Misty is silent for a moment as Hestrol comes out, remembering that Timu called her timid. She kneels a bit, to present a less intimidating profile... and she does a remarkable job of holding in her anger at seeing those scars, for Hestrol's sake. (Though Riese and other psychically or empathically-inclined pokemon may still be able to sense it.) Misty's got another treat to offer Hestrol herself this time. "It's okay, Hestrol," she says gently. "You're safe here."

She can say that with certainty; she's one of the most skilled trainers in the room, after all.

"She's calm around you," Misty comments quietly as she looks over Hestrol. She's examining those wounds, but only visually. "That's good. That means she trusts you, which is exactly what a pokemon needs after being through an ordeal like that." She looks to Timu and Nina. "You two did really well getting her help as quickly as you did." She offers Timu a warm smile. "You'll want to keep an eye on those scars, of course--I might be able to recommend something--but the fact that your presence calms her down is encouraging."

She considers Nina's words next. "Yeah, that sounds like him. He can come on a little strong, but he means well. Us Gym Leaders are here to help you improve, after all." That's what Misty believes, anyway. She gives Nina a smile. "I look forward to battling you someday--when you feel ready for it, of course."

Misty looks on as Chase expresses his thoughts about Staryu, looking between Chase and Staryu. More anger, at hearing that another pokemon was greviously injured, but again, she keeps that in for now--it's not going to help Chase (or Timu), and her focus is on helping them right now.

She kneels to examine Staryu more closely, holding out a hand and gently beckoning Staryu to come closer. "Well, you seem to have taken really good care of them... they don't seem distressed..." She tilts her head a little, considering. "What do you think of Chase, Staryu?"

She listens for Staryu's answer, and then looks to Chase. "I know you want to help Staryu, but... I think STaryu wants to help you, too. It's okay, if you both want to support each other, you know."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

    Riesenlied's expression saddens a little, with a nod. "Unfortunately, large swatches our planet environs are struggling. It is rare to see so much aquatic life in Filgaia, which is why it is so endearing to see a sight such as this."

    Timu lets out a Hestrol -- and Riesenlied definitely can't dissociate its low cry from Sin... even if she knows that there is no relation between the two. But perhaps, in this own way, this is Timu's own path of stepping out of the shadow of Spira.

    The Dragon's Tear does, indeed, softly glow; she doesn't immediately reach to soothe Hestrol, though, knowing that Timu knows more about her immediate circumstances, and that overcrowding can be harmful.

    "There is fear in her heart..." Riesenlied does share. "But your presence calms her, Timu. I know you can help her heal. But to think that even here, there are people who would abuse Pokemon..."

    And Froslass is curious about her! Riesenlied's horns wiggle softly, reaching out gently to let Froslass touch if she wants to; even if she's a bit chilly, this much is fine. "Aaah, goodness, you are a curious sort, are you not?"

    Chase helps her work her phone out! She looks a bit embarrassed about it, but being able to meet Chase halfway does please her.

    She's chicken pecking when she's typing...

    <Hello. Cheese>

    A slight, puzzled frown.


    She looks really confused now.


    "T-this device is taking the words I wish to convey and converting them to other words..." Riesenlied looks profoundly defeated, horns flattening near Froslass. But Misty does give her an out as she mentions that she hopes their worlds can help each other.

    "That is part of why I am here, as well. In part to see if there is Nedian medicine that could help me, but also to discuss with environment representatives with Nede to see what approaches we can take to improve conditions in Filgaia," Riesenlied explains.

    She does take another treat to spoil Spheal, because the wants of this wonderful creature is something she will very readily address without restraint.

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Nina does seem a bit surprised that Riese mentioned the oceans were struggling too. "Ah. I thought it was just the land, hadn't even thought about that." She scratches her cheek. Then looks over at Mavs, who gets poked, "There's no treats right now." in an undertone.
 "I'm just glad we were able to help them both." She notes, as an aside to Misty. Talking to Timu and Misty really. That might have been more than she should have said, but at least she doesn't go into detail at all either.
 She does.. still rather remember the day at least. Reaching a hand out to trail it through the water after crouching down.
 Chase's concerned look gets a curious, "What's up?" as she trails her fingers. And tries to keep an eye on her Froslass who is still drifting slowly around, having found Timu curious too now. She has a hand up to her chin, like she's considering asking a question. There is none of course, but..
 She drops it for now, not wanting to press someone who might just be shy, turning back to Misty, "Oh I didn't take it negatively. Someone sits you down and tries to help you for a while, you pay attention." Unless it's a teacher. Those are different. This was by free choice! And more interesting.
 Then.. she slowly glances over to Riese and stands up, "Mind if I take a look?" Not wanting to read the screen beforehand. She doesn't have a reason to spy yet!
 Either way she suggests, "Turn off auto correct. And maybe the dictionary." Then there's a pause. Maybe she will peek at the language. If it's being translated, "Uh.. unless it's a new language, then maybe keep the dictionary on?" She wants to help!

<Pose Tracker> Timu Guado has posed.

    "Fue!" Fuecoco cheers along Mavs and their acrobatics across the ice.
     "Stroo..." Hestrol whines gently to Phwee's greeting. She doesn't move very much while she's getting used to the water in here, for however long her stay is. There's a lot of other Water-type Pokemon here with her and she's not used to this crowd.
     She calms some more as Misty reaches out to her to reassure her that she's safe, swimming up closer to take in the treat. Somehow, treats are truly one-size-makes-all-happy, as the treat disappears into her mouth.
     Misty gives a glowing read of the relationship between Timu and Hestrol, leading the Guado to smile a little. "I know some healing magic - we called it 'prayer magic' in Spira. It's different from yours in that it's... it's not Symbology," she's sure she has the name of it right, as she starts to stand up with Riesenlied's read of fear. "I know." After all, Timu herself was scared too, at first - as Nina would remember.
     "Stroo..." The whale song gains a bit more melody and life as she eases into the aquarium waters.
     "Is it okay if she stays here for a little while?" Timu asks of Misty. "I'll stay with her, of course, just... I don't think I've seen so many fish-- Water-type Pokemon in one place." Not even in the most opulent corners of Spira that did keep colorful fish, or the sights of many clusters of pyreflies flitting along in the water.
     "Fueco!" Fuecoco calls to Hestrol, as if to encourage her to be comfortable and enjoy everything. And maybe bring back some of that Veluza meat over there, he might be suggesting...
     "I... I really owe you thanks for helping with her, Nina," Timu says to the ambitious ninja, as Riesenlied struggles with her phone.
     "I went through that too," she says as she draws hers - it's specially-made for her proportions, and has a fetching case with three red stripes and one cyan! (Almost poetic, in its artistic arrangement, but in truth it's overstocked everywhere...)
     "I know some Pokemon have already escaped through both rifts to Filgaia and Lunar. Sometimes you see them when going out that way." That's its own can of worms, but the Meowth has been let out of the bag - the wildlife of all three worlds don't quite inherently understand what a rift is and where it goes. For Misty, that means there might be Water-type Pokemon getting into all sorts of mischief!
     Especially if Pidgeotto decided to carry a Magikarp meal and accidentally dropped them in another world's body of water. Surely, nothing terrible could come of that.

<Pose Tracker> Chase has posed.

On accommodations, Chase nods, then shakes his head, then nods in that awkward everything-is-fine but also, demonstratively, Chase does require some accommodation. He's even helping Riesenlied with some of it! But it is also, hopefully, helping Riesenlied learn to tame the beast that is a smartphone.

Autocorrect is another beast altogether, isn't it. Cheese. Chase blinks a few times. He responds with an emoji. Of cheese. (What he knows NOT to say is that Riesenlied's horns are a kind of unintentional accommodation, too. They make her easier to read...)

But it's nice here. Quiet. Good atmosphere. Lots of Pokemon. Timu's Hestrol is getting some important attention.

With Nina turning her attention on him, Chase hesitates again. All his responses tend to come a little slow, a little drawn out. But he does thumb out text to show her:
<have you asked your pkmn?>

Chase worries it's either a weird question or so obvious it's rude to ask, and he won't know until he gets a reaction.

Misty's an expert in water Pokemon, and Chase watches her with an unrelenting intensity as she interacts with Staryu. He's trying to learn something, uncertain, and never having struggled with a Pokemon quite like Staryu before... if 'struggling' is even the right word. But Staryu so easily drifts to Misty, core glimmering and body floating in spinning bounces.

With Misty's advice, Staryu turns to Chase and bows its body halfway down in a rapid kind of nod, confirming an answer that has Chase still looking hesitant. Chase looks to Misty, questioning, but back to Staryu. Staryu nudges closer, and then Chase hugs onto it, nodding a little.

Pikachu climbs up onto Chase's shoulder to nuzzle him and Staryu both with a delighted, "Pii pika~," not wanting to be left out of this group hug.

<Pose Tracker> Misty has posed.

It does not do Misty good to hear that the aquatic life on Nede suffers especially much because of Filgaia's problems. She's working, and she's doing her best to be a gracious host, but that bit of news does get a pouting frown from her for a moment. "That's disappointing to hear..." But she brings the smile back quickly enough. "But I'm glad you get to enjoy the sight while you're here!"

But phone instructions are given! Riese has difficulties, though. "That's the auto-correct. That gives everyone trouble, sometimes." But Riese clarifies why she's here, and Misty perks up. "Well, then." She holds a hand to her chest, puffing herself up a little. "You just so happen to be talking to one of the foremost trainers specializing in water-type pokemon on Energy Nede. I do quite a bit to teach about the ocean ecosystem with the Gym's Aquarium and the programs we offer, and I happen to know a number of researchers and academics."

"If you'd like, we could exchange phone numbers to stay in touch? I might need to ask help in return figuring out how Filgaia works."

Spheal happily barks at the newest treat received, and offers Riese a nuzzle before rolling over to Misty. "Spheal speahl, spheal!"

Misty looks down to the Speah, tilting her head curiously. "Are... you sure?" Spheal bounces up and down in an approximation of a nod. Misty taps her chin as she considers. "Welllll... My policy has always been that any of you are free to leave the Aquarium when you want to... I guess I never said how you had to do it..."

(Isn't her policy an all-out offensive with water-type pokemon? Yes, but she's allowed to have more than one policy!)

She smiles to Riesenlied. "It seems Spheal would like to come with you. What do you say? We can teach you how to take care of a pokemon, it won't be too difficult."

Misty nods to Nina. "You two did a really good thing for Hestrol. You should be proud of that." She didn't take it negatively. "That's good to hear! If you ever want advice about water-type pokemon, feel free to swing by the Gym for advice. I'll be doing some traveling, so I won't be here as often, but I'll be keeping the facilities open, and there'll be someone to here to help out."

She is relieved, when Hestrol relaxes some more, and especially when she takes the snack on offer. Misty's got a pocketful of water-type snacks for all the guests to use, but it seems like she's getting just as much use out of them today. Misty gently places a hand on Hestrol as she draws closer, giving her a gentle pat. "I know it's crowded, but I'll try to make sure everyone gives you some space, okay?" She offers a bright, cheerful smile to Hestrol to help further calm her.

She nods to Timu. "Oh really? I've never heard of a different type of magic before. I know a little bit of Symbology, but mostly stuff that's useful for working in the water, plus a little bit of healing magic." She stands. "But between your magic and the Pokemon Center, it seems like Hestrol is doing alright. She just needs time and support from you."

A nod, to letting Hestrol stay out. "Sure! A number of the pokemon we take in were injured, and we help them recuperate and then let them leave when they feel ready. Hestrol already has a trainer, of course, but I think it'd be okay to let her swim around for a while. Just no battling, okay?"

Maybe it'll do Timu some good, too, being in such a peaceful place.

"I've heard about that," Misty says, of pokemon escaping. "That's one of the reasons I've decided to travel. I want to make sure any pokemon that crossed the Rift aren't suffering for being in an unfamiliar place."

Chase indicates he does not need accomodations, even while he demonstrates that he does. But Misty can't force it on him. "Okay. If that changes, please do let us know, and we'll be happy to help."

Misty was known for being hotheaded in her day, but in this moment has almost infinite clam and patience for the foibles of water-type pokemon. Staryu nods, and Chase looks to Misty. Misty smiles, patiently, and says, "Don't forget to ask your pokemon too, hmm?"

And she smiles wider as they hug, and Phwee joins in. "I think you both are going to be alright. But, feel free to stop by any time if you have any concerns."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

    "I, too, am glad that the both of you were around to rescue Hestrol!" Riesenlied expresses to both Timu and Nina. She wonders what kind of experience they had in encountering it, but... it's more important that it is here, now, out of danger.

    "Auto... correct," Riesenlied sounds unfamiliar with what that might be. "And a dictionary! Goodness, a tome as thick as a dictionary is contained within this device?"

    Timu asks if Hestrol can stay there -- Riesenlied would think that's a good idea too, if Misty agrees; after all, healing can be accelerated with companionship around...

    "Ah... her song is becoming more vibrant," Riesenlied expresses. "I think she enjoys this place."

    Timu shows her her phone -- specially made! Riesenlied looks surprised, but then says, "I wonder if I could have had one like that too..." She holds up her somewhat more unwieldy dragon hand. "I had to apologise because I chipped the screen on the show model they showed me."

    Pokemon have fled through the rifts to the other worlds, but... well, that's not something that they can control now -- but if severe imbalances in the ecology happen, they can certainly look into it.

    But then--

    An emoji of cheese appears!

    Riesenlied looks alarmed! Her horns shoot up in consternation and surprise. "My goodness, you can express yourself through pictures! How does one go about this-- ah-- hmm--"

    :cheese: :cheese: :cheese: :relieved: :cake: :nerd_face: :rooster: :chicken:

    "Ohhh..." Riesenlied looks as if her world has been expanded just a little. "I did not know texting could be so fun!"

    Misty expresses that she's oen of the foremost trainers specialising in water-type Pokemon -- and that she both teaches and is connected. Riesenlied looks quite impressed, nodding as she says, "Absolutely -- and if you are ever in need of assistance, I would be more than happy to help."

    But something unexpected happens... spheal! spheal!

    S-spheal would like to come with her??

    "R-really? Would it be... oh..." Riesenlied is hesitating, but much like Chase notes, her horns are now wildly flapping up and down in excitement without her noticing.

    So easy to read...

    "If you would teach me, then I would like to learn. I am concerned that I spend a lot of time in dry environs and not near water, but I understand that Pokeballs assist with their needs...?"

<Pose Tracker> Nina Chiyome has posed.

Nina gives a moment to consider what's written on the phone. Then she says wryly, "They think I baby them too much as it is, but I'd be a bad trainer to throw.. most of my lineup into a water gym. I respect them too much to do something that stupid." Which means she has lines to draw at stupid actions. Most of which boil down to 'Does it affect her, or others'.
 "They know me by now though."
 She doesn't at all seem phased about having to read the text though.
 Riese's comment, the first part is met with a wide smile, "So'm I. Helped a few people out that night I bet." Then there's a follow up where she says, "I mean that's art as a whole isn't it? Just-" she pauses. "You mean emojis." She almost seems disappointed that she can't get into art theory and maybe showing off her less illegal stuff and..
 Mavs does sit up and lean forward to peek at Chase. She seems quite cozy there. If anything she has a good relationship with her pokemon at least.