2017-06-01: Synchronicity: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Synchronicity''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Kahm Yugh, Character :: Myyah Hawwa *'''Where:''' Bledavik, Noble's Quarter *'''Date:''' June 1, 2017 *'''Summary''...")
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Revision as of 01:26, 8 June 2017

  • Log: Synchronicity
  • Cast: Kahm Yugh, Myyah Hawwa
  • Where: Bledavik, Noble's Quarter
  • Date: June 1, 2017
  • Summary: Kahm receives another visitor while recuperating in the hospital: Myyah, who has a few choice bits of news for him.

<Pose Tracker> Kahm Yugh has posed.

So far, Kahm's day had been predictably peaceful. The usual diagnostics and status checks had all been positive, they'd ceased the use of painkillers (though his still creaked with a dull pain when he moved), and the latest report said he'd be cleared for active duty again by tomorrow.

Naturally, this only made the remainder of his stay seem unbearably long, and the Captain was beginning to get...creative in his pursuit of ways to kill time. A small sheaf of scribbled notes lay at the side table of his reclined hospital bed, which Kahm added to infrequently as he reviewed a data tablet with further video footage captured during the operation that earned him this admirable seat. A smattering of images are saved and magnified: The horned commander of Lunarian cultists, the stranger who called infernal flames down on the Golem Lolithia, and (of course) the imposing captures of SLIDE-1.

It was only kind of working-there was only so much analysis you could get out of this material, and Kahm had a hold of it for at least 48 hours. Even his frown was starting to wear thin.

<Pose Tracker> Myyah Hawwa has posed.

Kahm hears hushed speaking outside of his door. It is approaching. The content is unintelligible until the very last moment, when both speakers stop just outside.

"Thank you, doctor."

"Of course. I'll be down the hall if you need me."

Next comes the expected gentle knocking at the door. A moment later, it opens enough to allow Myyah to peek inside. She's wearing her lighter, linen uniform of the dress shirt and skirt and so on because even portable climate control technology can't make everything bearable.

"Captain?" she says. "It's me. Do you have a moment?"

<Pose Tracker> Kahm Yugh has posed.

The walls here weren't exceptionally good; it wasn't the first time Kahm had heard various whisperings and mutterings that he'd merely tuned out in order to sleep or work. It wasn't until he heard the words 'Thank you, doctor' in a familiar voice that his attention was piqued towards the door just as the voice's owned knocked her presence.

"Come in." The Captain said, putting the tablet to the side and straightening his posture while Myyah entered the room.

A standard hospital gown was a far cry from an officer's uniform, but it didn't stop Kahm from acknowledging the Lieutenant Commander with a crisp, informal salute from his bed. A second unexpected visit-this was something of a first.

"Lieutenant Commander." he said, dipping his head in a nod. "It seems I have nothing but moments. Please."

He gestured to a chair left by the side of the bed, for her comfort.

<Pose Tracker> Myyah Hawwa has posed.

Myyah enters. When Kahm salutes her, she gives him a charmed but muted smile and returns it with full form.

"I didn't want to keep you from your rest," she explains, likely unnecessarily.

Myyah carries her own tablet. She crosses the room to take a chair and pull it nearer to Kahm's bed, after which she sits down.

"I trust you read the report that I forward to you about that translation request."

<Pose Tracker> Kahm Yugh has posed.

Kahm allows himself a dry laugh, "No worries. I've had my rest, but that's a point of disagreement with the nursing staff."

His face wears more of its usual seriousness when she mentions the report. "I did." He said, crossing his arms in thought, "It was rather ominous to find something like that shortly before Adlehyde was attacked. Not that i'm given to superstition."

Myyah's tablet earns a brief glance, but Kahm restrains himself to curiosity. "The coordinates were interesting as well, thought dated. Did anything else turn up?"

<Pose Tracker> Myyah Hawwa has posed.

"Synchronicity," says Myyah, poorly hiding her amusement behind a tiny smile. "An interesting but sadly underfunded area of metaphysical research."

Myyah looks down to her tablet, switching it on. Unfortunately, for curious Kahms, Myyah's tablet is tinted such that viewing it from any direction other than head on only shows a black screen.

"It is unusual," she says. "Especially considering that is identifies Diabolos Gears rather than a singular Diabolos Gear. I've taken the liberty of preparing a mission proposal for the commander. I assumed that you would want to be involved in the discovery team."

<Pose Tracker> Kahm Yugh has posed.

Yes, come to think of it, that did counter the narrative Kahm had always understood surrounding the day of collapse. "Absolutely. I should be cleared for duty as of tomorrow." Not that the Captain expected to move on that info so soon, or that Myyah didn't already know that.

"They were nice enough to let me have one of these." He pulls his own tablet off the table and turns it back on, bringing up the stillscreens, "This is video taken from some of landing crafts we had. Quite a few interest people came out in the chaos. This one.." He said,his finger hovering over the horned demi-human, "..seemed to be in a position of commander where the cultists were concerned. The other one summoned a powerful conflagration, strong enough to damage one of the Golems."

Before he forgets himself, he adds, "Thank you, by the way, for your assistance when our craft went down. I'm not sure any of us would be here without the route information you sent us."

<Pose Tracker> Myyah Hawwa has posed.

Myyah turns her gaze toward Kahm's impromptu presentation when it is given. When she pays attention to something, she well and truly focuses. Her reputation in both academics and military intelligence is well proven in Gebler by now despite her whatever her official job description may be.

When Kahm switches topics, Myyah looks toward him. For a moment, she is studying him with the same machine-like intensity that she normally reserves for reports and other learning opportunities. Only a moment; she smiles sheepishly, glancing down and away.

"It was nothing," she says. "You and the others did all the work. I suggested to the commander that he put in for commendations for all of you."

Myyah softly clears her throat as she sits up again. Her tone is once more professional. "The one who attacked the Golem presents himself as a drifter. He was present at the pre-invasion open lecture and exhibition on the Metal Demons, where he took advantage of some developing confusion to steal a supposed sample of Metal Demon blood. He perhaps has some kind of agenda, or perhaps he was stealing something he thought was valuable and then also attempted to scuttle a Golem."

"As for the commander--I recently received a report on the landship he operates from. They use some sort of magitech solution from what we can tell. Fairly advanced for what it is."

<Pose Tracker> Kahm Yugh has posed.

"I'm honored." Kahm's chin dipped, then raised with another addition, "Lieutenant Voss in particular showed commendable leadership under pressure. Given my condition at the time, I instructed him to take command if I became compromised, and to prioritize the others. Things got sticky for a moment, and he did not hesitate to follow orders."

Strange as it might seem for the Captain to commend someone for leaving him behind (however briefly), there it was.

He'll then listen to the Lieutenant Commander's breakdown of the individuals he listed with all the rapt attention and considering she showed for his initial report, nodding his understanding of key point. "They're both worthy of further investigation, particularly that landship. I have a mind for some personnel that can be assigned to that, once a proper report is made." He certainly couldn't do everything, much as he might try.

"Speaking of, what's the situation with command right now?" His face grew a shade more curious then it was concerned, "I heard you might have your hands full."

<Pose Tracker> Myyah Hawwa has posed.

Myyah furrows her brow. She's typically poised, but doesn't seem shy about showing confusion here.

"Command? I suppose the commander is busy with so many other groups taking interest in the situation developing here. Personally, I could always use more tech support to help with the document churn, but I'm used to making do with what we have on the ship."

Myyah studies Kahm's face for a moment, trying to read him. "Or do you mean something else?"

<Pose Tracker> Kahm Yugh has posed.

"Sorry." Kahm waved his hand, "Maybe I do still need to be here. I meant how we're reacting to the fall of Adlehyde, in general. I expect we can anticipate a significant refugee influx across Aveh's borders, which will cause a host of issues.." Increased patrols, border checks, supplies and isolation...he suppose it depends on what spin they had the Prime Minister put on it.

"In any case, that's all far above my head. I find I tend to think too much when i'm, ah, confined." The Captain shrugged his shoulders helplessly, "Was there anything else you wanted to go over?"

<Pose Tracker> Myyah Hawwa has posed.

"Oh," says Myyah. She casts her gaze down again. "Regional command is preparing for the influx. They're projecting that the refugees will also move throughout Western Ignas, including Kislev and November City. Solaris is more interested in the Metal Demons--they're weighing response options, but right now they're leaving it up to us. I don't think we can count on any help from the SDF anytime soon."

Myyah pauses to indicate the topic change. She looks up again.

"The activity reflex often satisfies itself with the mind if the body is unavailable," she says, quietly. Another pause. Myyah stands, sliding the chair backward.

"Between you and me, I would prepare to speak with the prime minister and other interest groups within Aveh. You're a person of interest now due to your experiences and everyone wants to get ahead of this thing before it becomes a real crisis. Even if you weren't... I think I'd want you along to help, if I were command."

Myyah clutches her tablet to her chest and gives Kahm another smile. This one is unarguably kind.

"I'll ask the doctor to let you out early. I'll see you soon, captain."

<Pose Tracker> Kahm Yugh has posed.

Up to them for now. Somehow Kahm wasn't surprised. "I'll prepare a requisition for any available combat data remaining on the Metal Demons, if it hasn't been done already." He said, ruminating on the nature of the things. The large one they faced in Adlehyde seemed to regenerate from even the most serious attacks..

His eyes look up to the Lieutenant Commander when she specifies his future role. Whatever Kahm feels about being a 'person of interest' in matters such as these, he nods his head with compliance. "I'll do my best to keep this from overwhelming us. I still feel like we don't know enough now." But he'd play the political game if he had to, and just hope it didn't prevent him from engaging in the field.

Even Kahm's now-legendary stoicity couldn't remain unphased by Myyah's generosity, and he dipped his head with a faint smile in return, "Thank you for that, Lieutenant Commander. I've been bunked out long enough."

"Oh, one more thing." He spoke before she could leave with a tone that suggested importance, "Lieutenant Van Houten came by to see me yesterday. I may have overstepped myself, but given our past challenges in trying to apprehend the pilot of SLIDE-1 I suggested she her unique experiences with him might be useful in luring him last out." Kahm's eyes dipped back down to his own tablet, "He seems rather...fixated on her, if my analysis is correct."

"That said, I thought I should run it by you before she's actually cleared for it."

<Pose Tracker> Myyah Hawwa has posed.

Myyah hesitates at the door when Kahm mentions one more thing. She listens, and then purses her lips as she considers the ramifications of this.

"I see," she says. A beat of silence. Then: "I'll talk with her. I think you're right, but... it's better to discuss this kind of thing with another woman."

Myyah gives Kahm one more reassuring smile, and then disappears into the hallway, gently shutting the door behind her.