2017-07-12: Between the Vile: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Between the Vile''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Riesenlied, Character :: Tipheria Ardor *'''Where:''' Lacour *'''Date:''' 12th June 2017 *'''Summary''': ''Riese...")
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Revision as of 01:36, 13 July 2017

  • Log: Between the Vile
  • Cast: Riesenlied, Tipheria Ardor
  • Where: Lacour
  • Date: 12th June 2017
  • Summary: Riesenlied reconvenes with Tipheria, after the wake of the attack on Old Petra.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

In the last week, the Metal Demons and Ebony Wings have had a trying set of circumstances -- Old Petra, their village and home away from home, had been razed to the ground by the mysterious man 'Id' and his Crimson Gear, and their forces routed. And Riesenlied herself was deeply damaged emotionally following an attempt to commune with him. It's been a week since, and following a trip to Gounon and Lacour, she's taken it upon herself to try to contact those that have chipped in to the cause.

Tipheria can feel that wooden symbol that Riese gave her ebb with a soft power.

'I would like to meet you. Lacour, outside the city gates at 3, if it would suit.'

The winged woman is resting beside a tree at the appointed time, draped in an Ellurian tribal cloak with eared hood to fit her horns.

<Pose Tracker> Tipheria Aredor has posed.

Tipheria Aredor was not at Old Petra.

This wasn't out of malice; she didn't have any desire to see it fall. She just wasn't anywhere near it and wouldn't have been able to get there until days later. But she hasn't spoken to many (any?) of the Wings in that time either. Perhaps she forgot she could. She is not particularly aware of the status of Riesenlied and the others.

Tipheria has been in Lacour, though. She's been seen a couple times, and though she did not enter the tournament she's been around it; it let her gauge a few things, such as whether everyone here likes Althena's Guard and the quality of some of the fighters. It means it is not hard to call her for a visit, and Tipheria doesn't turn it down.

Tipheria arrives right around three. She is dressed in her usual layered outfit; the only difference is that she has gotten a new quiver of arrows, as Lacour isn't a place where gunsmoke ARMs are extremely popular and she actually managed to find a fletcher.

"It's been a while," she says, as she approaches. She seems healthy enough.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied places her hand to her elbow as she bows her head, with a soft little smile. There's a forlorn woundedness within her that seems to linger still. "Miss Tipheria. I'm glad to see that you're safe and sound..." she expresses first and foremost, placing a hand to her chest.

"I assume you have heard the news? Unfortunately, many of our operations have been scattered. Many of my kin are..." she pauses, lowering her head. "Many have passed, in the wake of the attack. Yet... our mission will still continue. We will be headed westward, as we spoke last time..."

She sighs very gently, before smiling a bit more wan. "I hope you have had good news on your end recently?"

<Pose Tracker> Tipheria Aredor has posed.

"Better than you, apparently."

Tipheria's words might be rough, but she looks sympathetic at least. She's just... plain-spoken, as always. Blunt. "I did hear," she says, with more empathy. "I wasn't anywhere near and didn't hear about it until after. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to help. If you're still going west, I'll go with you."

The question draws a sigh. "Not really, but not bad news either. Just... not news. I was hoping to talk to some of the so-called 'Vile Fiends' while I was here, but I haven't managed to get them by themselves."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

The winged woman nods at Tipheria, closing her eyes. "I do not blame you for what cannot be changed. I am only glad that you are safe, following such a disaster. And your continued support is always welcome."

Riesenlied thinks on that topic for a moment, though, her smile soft. "I happen to know that they are staying here -- they are staying at the same inn we are. I can speak to Hiro, Jean or Lemina and see if they'd arrange a meeting with you, if that would suit...?"

<Pose Tracker> Tipheria Aredor has posed.

Tipheria Aredor doesn't laugh, thankfully, but she does smile. "Well, if you're going to keep pressing on, I'd feel pretty bad if I ran off and left you. And it sounds like you're just as determined to go west, so... did you find a new lead out that way?"

The offer is a bit of a surprise. "You already /know/ them? They're the ones I was actually looking for. I've got some things to ask them, so yes, I'd appreciate an introduction if you can manage one. I didn't know they were on speaking terms with you... maybe I shouldn't be surprised."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"We had met a few times... and fought together. I owe them, and I consider them great friends..." Riesenlied shares as she leans just a little firmer against the tree. "And-- ah, yes. Following the devastation of Adlehyde and Old Petra, as well as cursory searches around this region, it would be best if we concentrated our efforts to the Badlands."

She gestures. "Aveh and Kislev are along the west end of the Badlands, and they are the two chief countries responsible for many of the abuses of ancient artifacts and Gears. An unfortunately healthy black market thrives there under the military complex that they've created... there are many opportunities to root out wrongdoings there."

<Pose Tracker> Tipheria Aredor has posed.

Tipheria Aredor has a tendency to pace. When Riesenlied settles in, she does that, shifting more or less aimlessly in a tight loop. Eventually, she stops, looking up. "I saw a map," she says. "I couldn't afford it so I don't have it with me, but I know where Aveh and Kislev are." More or less. "I don't know much about them other than what you've told me. It sounds like as good a place as any to get looking. Who knows; maybe you'll be able to steal some relic away from them."

Think big.

Tipheria does smile again. "I'll take that introduction then. They're wanted by the church near home. The same Church of Althena I mentioned before, when we met. I want to know why, and for what, because I don't trust what the Guard says about it - they'll say anything if they think it will serve them."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied has a faint smile as she says, "If I can but prevent more catastrophies as has what been visited of us... then I must be content enough." She nods in turn, and says, "They are wanted... because they harbour Lucia, who has been branded Lord of Calamity." She frowns quietly. "The Althenan Guard have become more bold, so much that they've effectively taken charge of Adlehyde in the wake of the princess' disappearance."

There is a faint sigh as she cups her cheek. "I have heard her companions say it isn't her fault. That Lucia was branded such because she was cursed. The truth is not known to me, but..." she lowers her head. "I do think that it is not as simple a case as the Guard makes it out to be. Even if they slay the Lord of Calamity, I do not believe their troubles would be solved."

<Pose Tracker> Tipheria Aredor has posed.

Tipheria listens to that. Then she scowls.

"I know what the Guard says and does," she says. "There's a reason I won't go back to Adlehyde right now. I told the people in Adlehyde that if they didn't throw them out now, they'd never leave, but did they listen? As for the Lord of Calamity... of course it's more than what the Guard says. I wouldn't trust them if they told me the sun would rise tomorrow; I'd stay up and check. I don't know who this Lucia is, so I couldn't say for certain, but I would definitely want the Fiends' side of the story."

Her scowl deepens. "Though they probably don't call themselves that. I wouldn't." Even though she called herself 'Vile Tribe'. "So yes, I want to talk to them."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"Yet I cannot blame them," Riesenlied frowns... for that would be deeply hypocritical indeed. "They were in need, and in that gap, the Guard took advantage of their crisis to curry favour with them." She nods very slowly, though she raises an eyebrow with a chuckle. "I've actually heard them use the word 'Fiend' lightly. Perhaps it is their way of lightening what the world looks upon them with scorn..."

<Pose Tracker> Tipheria Aredor has posed.

"And they'll end up trying to rule the place," Tipheria guesses, though she has no proof of that and honestly she's probably overreacting. "Well, whatever. They can be dealt with if there's a problem."

She drops the topic, though she's still a little hot under the collar about how the Guard took advantage of a calamity to entrench themselves somewhere new. And she's a little mercurial - enough to laugh when Riesenlied informs her about what they call themselves. "It wouldn't be the first time," she says. "Still, speaking of things we're calling people, I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell them where I was from when you set up the meeting. Maybe during."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied nods, and she expresses, "I will be discreet. It is up to you how much you divulge or do not, after all. But I should note that they know what I am -- a Metal Demon. Perhaps there is a kinship with what they experience and with my brethren... though they ultimately still oppose Lord Siegfried and our main forces. I would not have expected them to, really."

She gestures lightly. "I do wonder if the Guard is effectively setting up for the real possibility they cannot return to Lunar... hence Adlehyde. That would be quite harmful for Filgaia."

<Pose Tracker> Tipheria Aredor has posed.

"They'll have heard more stories about the Vile Tribe than Metal Demons," Tipheria points out. "It would be /easier/ if they were Filgaian. But we'll see." She leaves it at that.

This is because the scowl is back. "I - considered that," she admits. "I don't mind telling you that I tried to go home, the first week I was here. I went to the place I arrived on Filgaia and did everything I could think of. Nothing. And if we can't go home, and we're trapped here..."

Tipheria trails off. "It wouldn't be so bad," she says, some moments later, "if I could just send a message. If I could tell more people to come. Because my tribe - we need a place like this. But if the Guard is spreading, and all the people under Althena's boundary - no."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

There's a genteel, if sorrowful smile to Tipheria. "Don't give up," Riesenlied encourages her, even if she's sure the huntress wouldn't. "I am certain there must be a way, somewhere. And I do still mean every word of what I say -- I will do what I can to ensure your people have the home they deserve too."

<Pose Tracker> Tipheria Aredor has posed.

Tipheria adds, with a sour tone, "Some people say that's what we have. I don't agree, though. I just want - damn! This isn't solving any problems, here or elsewhere."

She shakes her head. "That's a problem for later. If I can't get home, it doesn't matter, does it? I'll just do what I can here. And that means preparing to go to the Badlands, I suppose - well, that's fine. Just let me know when you want to travel by. I'll try to stick closer to the rest of you, this time. I don't need to run off on my own quite so much."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied nods and says, "I'll contact you again by the crest, as I have done so." She lowers her head. "I am familiar with that kind of saying. That my brethren deserve the Gutter that we dwell in... but of course, like you, I do not agree."

She looks towards Lacour, then smiles warmly. "Stay safe, Miss Tipheria. I'll speak to Hiro and the others and see when they'd like to speak."

<Pose Tracker> Tipheria Aredor has posed.

Tipheria Aredor has no way to easily describe - or show - the Frontier, but everything she's seen on Filgaia has been better. She could make a home here... but without the rest of her people, it isn't home. She's an independent sort, but she isn't going to abandon them if she has any way not to, either.

"And the same," she says, firmly, "with you. That's all we all want. Somewhere to live." A pause, while Tipheria collects herself. "Thanks. I appreciate it. I'll be in or near the city for the next while, anyway... but when you're ready to travel, let me know. You... don't look great enough to do it yourself."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"I will require a bit more time to recuperate... it is my mind rather than my body that ails at present," Riesenlied expresses. She slips away from the tree, towards the city gates. "But I will welcome your company nonetheless. It is good, always, to hear more tales of faraway lands... and eventually, to welcome faraway people with what hospitality we can."

<Pose Tracker> Tipheria Aredor has posed.

Tipheria looks at Riesenlied for a long time after that.

"Be well," she eventually says, because there's nothing she can do for the mind; if it was the body, she knows some treatments, but that's a little different. "And yes... it is." She misses being part of a group - belonging. In Filgaia, she's an outsider. Maybe...

Well, that's for another time.