2017-11-27: Cuccos!: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Cuccos!''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Riesenlied, Character :: Seraph Lailah *'''Where:''' Wayside *'''Date:''' 27th November 2017 *'''Summary''': ''Lailah vis...")
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Latest revision as of 02:08, 28 November 2017

  • Log: Cuccos!
  • Cast: Riesenlied, Seraph Lailah
  • Where: Wayside
  • Date: 27th November 2017
  • Summary: Lailah visits Wayside again to meet Riesenlied and her cuccos. Enamored as they are about very round birds, they manage to put off their admiration long enough to speak of business!

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Wayside may in many ways be a fragile village, but it is also a tenacious village, full of the resolve of those that would seek to find a new way of living. Even out here, in this desert... recently, it has seen its first harvest festival, thanks to a certain Elw girl's beautiful saplings resulting in successful potato and tuber growths.

In the midst of this village, Riesenlied can be seen dressed in a white gown, with capelet and long gloves -- she's carrying a basket of grains on one hand as she spreads the feed around her adorably round cuccos. A little phenomenon of sparkles exudes softly from around her spread wings, which are a bit tattered and... leathery, like a Dragon's, in one way, yet broken.

There is a slightly sorrowful smile on her face as she expresses, "Danger may come yet again to this village... I am sorry, everyone."

The cuccos let out a clucking chirp as they look up at her, and nestle a little closer at the base of her feet.

A young girl can be seen watching enamoredly -- she's about five years old, with feathery black wings at her back, marking her as a Beastgirl. "Riesemama, there's someone to see you...!" she calls out.

"Oh, thank you, Mikaia... I'll be right there," she smiles warmly at the girl.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lailah has posed.

After her last visit to the small village, Lailah enjoyed it so much that she decided to venture back here on her own today. Her conversations with Ragnell and the subsequent admiration of the adorable round birds in the village may have sparked her interest in returning. But there was also another reason...

And so, as she arrives today, Lailah spends some time walking through the village. It's not hard to just make her way through without being bothered. Very few people seem to be able to perceive her presence here after all.

Her first stop is to admire the adorable cuccos and without really focusing on anything else, the tall seraph crouches down to look more closely at the birds as a little girl passes her view. From what Ragnell told her of the children here, she immediately recognizes the girl.

"Hello Mikaia! Is your Riese-mama here today?" The way the seraph speaks to the child, it's like she has know her forever and her voice is soft and gentle as she speaks.

When the girl runs off, Lailah continues her admiration of the birds, even reaching out a hand to gently (and carefully) ruffle some feathers as a few others move towards her clucking with interest.

"Sorry guys, no food here." Lailah laughs, smiling fondly at the birds.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Mikaia is a precocious child, isn't she? The other children were not able to see Seraphs, but Mikaia seems... sensitive, in the many little ways that someone like Lailah would be able to tell. The way she kind of reacts to magic as 'tingly', in her words. She may become a great magician someday, with those kinds of talents.

Sadly, the rest of the villagers are unable to perceive her -- the Hyadean Tainted that make up so much of the bulk of the village, with their idiosyncracies and crutches, like the humanoid with accordion tubing for legs, or the lady who runs the inn with a refrigerator for a torso and binoculars for eyes.

There's a kind of... admirable tenacity about them, though. Even when life's pushed them around, they don't let themselves be defeated by it.

Mikaia smiles and nods as she exclaims, "Uh huh!" She points towards Riese as she feeds the cuccos, and giggles. "It's Miss Lailah!"

Riesenlied smiles as she steps closer towards the gate to say, "Oh, good afternoon, Miss Lailah... it's so nice to see you again..." Riese has quite the nice little coop of cuccos, freely roaming around their pen, since they first met when she bought them at November City!

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lailah has posed.

Lailah smiles, even as Mikaia runs off with her tiny wings bouncing behind her. She always had a fondness for children even though her interactions with them were pretty limited, aside from Sorey and Mikleo when they were babies.

While she waits and interacts with the cuccos, Lailah once again considers the idea of owning one as a pet. It is, of course, a terrible idea because they are basically living in a hotel but it's still one that she fantasizes about.

With Riese's appearance though, the woman stands up, offering a slight nod to her. "Hello! I hope I am not interrupting anything but I thought I should come by and see you..." She pauses to glance at the birds gathered around her. "And the cuccos. It seems like you are taking very good care of them."

She considers something for a brief moment, "Last time I saw you in November, you only had 2! Now look at them!" Grinning, she reaches out for one and it makes a valiant effort to nibble on her finger, trying to determine if it was edible or not. The action causes the seraph to pull her hand back quickly, worried it would get a little too determined.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

There's a very faint blush from Riesenlied as she brushes a bit of hair back, and she expresses, "They were able to thrive so well here.... and, to be able to commune with them is..." The photon phenomenon that surrounds them emanates for a moment, and she smiles just for a moment longer.

"They really appreciate you too -- and greet you again! I did not know you'd seen them before..."

Is... is Riese actually able to commune with her cuccos, somehow? Cucco queen is strong...

Mikaia smiles up at Lailah and says, "You really like cuccos, don't you, Miss Lailah? I do too..." though she doesn't say that horses enamor her far more than cuccos. Mikaia is not a true believer of the Arma Dylan...

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lailah has posed.

"You have that close a connection to them?" Lailah looks very interested in this fact. "That's pretty amazing actually." Totally nothing weird about being that close to an animal. She maybe even wishes to have that kind of connection.

Lailah nods and doesn't question how Riesenlied seems to know she was here before but she does add, "I was here with Ragnell but I think you were away. We got to see them for a bit and it makes me happy to see how well you care for them." It's pretty admirable in her mind.

As the child questions her, Lailah grins at her. "That's good Mikaia! I love them too! They're so fluffy and round and..." She gets excited and very animated in her movements as she says this, pressing two hands together in front of her. "Do you help Riesenlied take care of them? That's a lot of responsibility!"

Standing there, Lailah is reluctant to bring up her other reasons for being there but finally she asks quietly, "Ragnell told me about what happened before. I just wanted to come see if you were okay. I know how much you care for this village." She knew about the light and the events that had caused it but she doesn't add that part for Mikaia's sake since she didn't know how much the child knew.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"It's because of..." Riesenlied hesitates for a moment, and then -- extends the flow of those particles just a little bit further outwards, towards Lailah. Her voice echoes and reverberates -- in her mind, just for a moment.

This empathic power of mine...

The blonde Hyadean places a hand at her cheek bashfully. "It started to happen to me soon after my visit to the Temple..."

She nods gently as she looks towards the cuccos again, pausing to smile. "They say they like you very much." Mikaia bobbles just for a moment to say, "I do! I change their water and fluff up their straw beds every morning!"

There is a bit of a hesitation as Lailah points that out... but then she nods in turn. "Ah, thank you... I appreciate your taking the time to check on us. It was quite an alarming fright, but..."

Mikaia looks up at Riesenlied, then at Lailah again. "Mama was there to protect us... and help us get through it..."

She reaches down to pat her on the head. "You and Janey were both very, very strong as well."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lailah has posed.

Lailah looks curious as Riesenlied pauses and then she hears the voice and her eyes widen a little. It's not a total surprise to her in general considering that serpahim have similar powers but to sense it from her was a little alarming at first. "Wow. That is pretty weird. I mean... not the power but that it's something that just came up. Seraphim have ways of communicating that are similar but..." She pauses. "Does it concern you or rather I guess do you know what caused it?"

The fire seraphim looks down at Mikaia, "That's wonderful Mikaia. You really are a special girl!" Lailah's expression is warm... motherly. "I bet they are happy you are taking such good care of them."

The conversation of the events or at least their remarks make Lailah pause. "You were there too Mikaia?" And Janey as well? "I am happy to hear that you all took care of each other!"

"Oh, by the way! I was wondering if you could get me some of the potato alcohol?" She pauses. "I was interested in trying a couple of new recipes with it." For obvious reasons, Lailah couldn't just walk up to a vendor there and ask for it herself. "Really, anything else you could get would be nice! I enjoy cooking and learning new recipes."

She bends down to Mikaia, "Would you like to try some of my food sometime? I would love to cook for you all!" Lailah gets really excited about this idea, almost even moreso than she did with the cuccos. Only almost...

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"Y-yeah... it was--" Mikaia swallows, looking up at her mother for a moment... who nods gently, knowing Lailah is a professional and very experienced. "There was this needle that was-- full of the... tingly bad stuff... Malevolence. It shocked mother into creating that... world?"

Riesenlied looks particularly contrite for a moment, and exhales very softly. "Yes, there-- was an artifact that one of my colleagues was studying, in order to better understand it. But a mishap occurred..."

She bobs her head to one side, as she looks towards Lailah. "I believe it was... my contact with Equites, the Guardian of the Sword, that... /started/ it, but I am unsure as to why... it has caused strange things to happen to my body."

She raises her deformed arm, which had become draped in scales of a draconic nature, for a moment.

"O-oh? Hmm--" she gestures towards the inn and says, "Oh, I see. I'll be sure to ask Val to prepare you a few bottles!"

Mikaia looks up towards Lailah as she bends down, excitedly saying, "R-really? Wow, I want to try Miss Lailah's cooking!" Her wings are wiggling in excitement.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lailah has posed.

While Mikaia describes the events that happened Lailah's expression falls a little and she raises a questioning eye to Riesenlied. "They were using malevolence?" This was definitely news to her and something that was very worrying considering that's what they are fighting against - the spread of malevolence.

Whatever remaining thoughts she has, Lailah pushes them away to smile again at Mikaia. "It sounds like you were a very brave girl!"

Turning back to woman, "Riese, how much do you know about the seraphim? I mean, you know what our purpose is right and if I am understanding what you described correctly... it's very concerning."

She glances at the deformed arm Riese raises. "I mean, who knows how else it affected you to experience that? I would be very careful..." For a moment, Lailah grows quiet, even as the cuccos cluck around them.

Finally, with Riese's agreement to get the bottles for her, the seraph nods. "I appreciate it. Ragnell recommended it... though..." Lailah laughs. "I think she was probably more interested in drinking it than cooking with it."

As Mikaia exclaims that she wants to try Lailah's cooking, she nods. "Well Mikaia. We will have to do that sometime. You and all your friends could come and we could have a banquet. Does that sound good to you?" The question is directed, not only at Mikaia but Riesenlied as well.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"... mostly, from what Ragnell has described to me," Riesenlied admits. "She has spoken of the history of the Seraphim, from the older age when Althena first created them to protect Meribia... the conflict that has happened since..." A pause. "That... you are beings who generate no Malevolence -- that if you were exposed to too much..."

Her face falls. "You would become like that Fell Dragon I saw in Elru."

She drapes her arms quietly, just a little bit tighter. "Ah, that sounds so much like Miss Ragnell... she did appreciate Val's drink quite a lot..."

Mikaia looks up towards her mother again, and smiles warmly. "O-okay! I'll get Janey and the others to come too!" All channels have been gagged.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lailah has posed.

It doesn't surprise Lailah that Ragnell has explained so much to Riese and actually she is thankful for those that know more about them and understand what their purpose on Lunar, and now here, was. "That sounds right for the most part. I mean there is more to it but..." She glances at Mikaia. "...it's not really something that needs to be talked about right now."

Her eyes grow sad for just a moment with the mention of the fell dragon, "That's right. If a seraphim allows themselves to be corrupted too much that is the result. Unfortunately, as far as we know, there is no way to purify that kind of corruption." The unspoken result of that of course being the death of the dragon and the seraphim and it makes Lailah feel deep sadness for Edna, knowing her brother was in that position.

Finally, she shakes her head. "But don't worry about it okay? We have ways to avoid that kind of corruption and we do our best to keep things from going that far."

Mikaia talks about gathering the rest of them to come and Lailah smiles. "Okay Mikaia. As soon as we decide when to do it I am sure your mom will tell you." Lailah nods towards Riese, "She sure seems to adore you." In many ways, Lailah can see similarities between herself and the girl that stands before her and not just because of their great love of cuccos and all things round and cute.

"I don't want to keep you all from tending to the cuccos but I am glad that we could meet up with each other. Do you know what kinds of foods the kids like? I want to make sure I make something they will enjoy." She mentally goes over possible ideas in her head from simple meals to more elaborate ones.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied is always possessed of the desire to learn, after all, and it was through several meetings that the story came out. "... I understand," she nods very gently, lowering her head as she gains a downcast expression as well. "... it may not be my place to say, as someone who only knows a scant amount of the history you have experienced, but... I will not give up." She places her hand to her heart.

"It is why I had the desire to be able to sense and feel Malevolence, after all. I cannot possibly help those I cannot empathise with."

She smiles just a little delicately to Lailah when she reassures her, nodding gently. "I understand... do let me know, if I can help in any way. I know that... the Guardians -- have been responsible for purifying a measure of Malevolence themselves. I could point you to some sites of worship, people to talk to if it interests you."

Mikaia squints just for a moment and complains, "Janey really likes junk food, so I-- want her to eat healthier! Even if you have to cheat and sneak veggies in her burger..."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lailah has posed.

Lailah seems surprised at the dedication that Riesenlied shows to understanding things. "That's very noble of you to say." She nods. "However, just know that it's not something to take lightly at all. You don't have to experience something to be empathetic and..." She sighs. ".. it's not easy to handle. Even now it still bothers me and I have been around for a very, very long time." Her thoughts briefly turn to Rose and Alisha and how hard it's been for them but still they persevere and Riese seems to have that same level of admirable dedication.

With her remarks about the Guardians, Lailah adds, "For a long time...I believed that no one else had the power of purification like I do. Hearing that the guardians have that power does make me more interested in hearing about them so I would appreciate that." There is no surprise in her voice, perhaps having already heard, whether it be by rumours or otherwise of the guardians abilities.

Lailah turns and laughs at Mikaia, affectionally patting her on the head. "That's good that you are thinking about eating well. I promise it will be as healthy a meal as I can make and maybe if you eat all your food /then/ you can have dessert. You tell her that for me okay?" She winks at the child.

"Anyway, it has been wonderful talking to you Riese. Please take care and let me know if you need anything else. I already adore your small village and will do what I can to help out...even if not everyone can see me." She laughs a little to herself at her own remark.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

There's just a slightly bashful expression from Riesenlied, as she gently nods. "... I know. It is not something to ever underestimate, and I know that well... I will do my best to be careful -- both for myself, and the people around me." It took all her power to protect Mikaia from being affected by the needle... she could only hope it would never have to happen again.

"There's-- just one more thing..." Riesenlied admits, as she looks to Mikaia - and the youth smiles as she takes the basket to say, "Okay! I definitely eat all my veggies, Miss Lailah! I won't let you down!" She wanders into the coop to continue feeding the cuccos.

"There is a situation right now... underneath Wayside. What started as an investigation into oddities in our waterway led to... a Guardian Statue, that appears to be sealing something ancient and terrifying..."

She cups her hand to her cheek. "Not everyone understands our position at present -- there will be those amongst my brethren who wish to destroy it..." She sighs. "I have requested the help of some Drifters to investigate, but... if it is of interest to you -- then I would also humbly request your help, Miss Lailah." s posed. ====

"That's good Mikaia!" Lailah adds before the child runs off again to tend to the birds and then Riese mentions the situation and the seraph listens carefully. "I am not sure how I can help you all but if you desire for me to be there, I will endeavor to do what I can."

"Just let me know when and maybe I can get Sorey and the others to help as well." It seems to her like something that Sorey at least would be interested in, and probably Rose as well.

"Take care of yourself in the meantime okay?" Lailah smiles warmly to her before she bends down to ruffle a few feathers. "..and these guys too." Not that she doubted Riese would do her best.