2018-03-19: A Hat in Time: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: A Hat in Time''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Virginia Maxwell, Character :: Maya Schrodinger *'''Where:''' Vane *'''Date:''' 19th March 2018 *'''Summary''': ''V...")
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Latest revision as of 19:44, 19 March 2018

  • Log: A Hat in Time
  • Cast: Virginia Maxwell, Maya Schrodinger
  • Where: Vane
  • Date: 19th March 2018
  • Summary: Virginia catches up with Maya in Vane, carrying even -more- weird things with her!

<Pose Tracker> Virginia Maxwell has posed.

Virginia's been gone for a couple days now -- 'got to check on some things' sounds a mighty fine excuse up until you realise that you're stranded on the Moon and you don't know where anything is; true to Virginia form, however, she's gone for a couple of days and has suddenly turned up...

... dressed in a ratty black cloak and a white blouse and skirt, with leggings and a loose robe underneath that evokes the feeling of some kind of... dark mage?

"Here it is!" Virginia exclaims cheerily as a certain undead helper bobbles, carrying her goods. She also appears to have acquired a... hat. A witch's hat.

This would be okay, except the hat also mysteriously has a gleaming eye and a brim consisting of a row of teeth chomping up and down on what seems like gum.

Ginny how did you get even weirder....

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

It isn't that Maya doesn't want to go out adventuring with her pal Virginia Maxwell, it's that there's a damn wealth of knowledge in Vane and she's been earning her keep in the meantime patching the place up. The library, for starters, no longer has any holes in the roof. The wooden slats nailed over the missing shingles aren't going to win any design awards, but it keeps the warm in and the cold/rain out.

A rare treat for Ginny is waiting in there: a certain someone rugged up in a hand-me-down sweater and a pleated, scratchy, grey (but extremely warm) skirt and leggings. And huge coke-bottle spectacles.

"You're back, good, I was starting to..." Maya looks up from a thick tome, having been making notes on a very precious notepad. Precious because it's Filgaian and--okay Vane probably has writing supplies. Anyway, she blanches at the sight of Virginia, wearing an animated hat.

"... worry."

<Pose Tracker> Virginia Maxwell has posed.

Virginia grins brightly, looking for all the world like she just stole Maya's Form 2 aesthetic as she stamps a black gnarled staff, and the hat just kind of goes 'fuee...' and relaxes a little, dozing off into restful sleep.

"This place looks like it could use a lot of help...!" Virginia cheerfully says. Skeleton flumphs the boxes down on the table, while the witchy witch leans in on private-form Maya and leans on her side. "Do you like the look?"

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

Well, Mayaa Invaaso has a lot of glitzy rubies and junk. And a sword! Ginny has a ways to go yet, but they'll definitely look good together.

'This place looks like it could use a lot of help...!'

"It certainly does. More than I can lend." the bookworm has a huffy little bump to her tone, but it isn't unpleasant. She looks comfy as hell in a recliner she found somewhere, even if it's kind of beat to heck and back. There's a pause, and then Maya takes her specs off to polish them with the sleeve of her sweater.

"Where did you -find- such an outfit? Not that I mind in the least, it somehow... suits you..."

<Pose Tracker> Virginia Maxwell has posed.

Virginia lets out a 'kaa-h!' and says, "Oh, I can't even wait to tell you half the story! But for now--" She takes her hat off and plonks it down ontop of her boxes, saying, "Meet Hat." Hat just kind of yawns and continues sleeping, and she winks charmedly at Maya as she leans to give her a peck on the cheek. "I figured, with ARMs and Crest Sorcery both unknown to Lunar... I should push the exotic mage angle! So here I am, Virginia Maxwell, Family Friendly Necromancer!"

Ginny necromancers are usually terrible people

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

'Meet Hat.'

Slightly toussled blonde curls hang most un-glamorously over Maya's face in the wake of this grand introduction. She pushes them clear of her vision with her Shakhan Commemorative ball point pen. "Hat." the unmasked Mimic repeats the name skeptically, most expressively eyeing the sleeping magical chapeau from one side.

Virginia also explains, critically, why. Maya pinches the bridge of her nose, but it's a ruse--she does so to keep from smiling. "You're correct there. We're certainly very strange, here, but at least we've the company of our other strange friends..." and she sits up again. Hand drops, gingerly touching the top of Hat. Pat Hat.

"I worry that nobody will know you're Family Friendly unless you tell them, though."

<Pose Tracker> Virginia Maxwell has posed.

"Haah...? Shouldn't it be obvious just from the way we carry?" Virginia seems undefeatable in spirit! She smiles brighter as she points and says, "Skeleton is so friendly to the kids!" Skeleton... pauses and wisely, as always, does not say anything. Hat, at the very least, seems so very much comfortable and sleepy... nyu...

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

It's a very tentative patting of the Hat, but it doesn't move to chomp Maya's hand, so all things considered, it's going well.

"Well, I've certainly had more luck fitting in -here-." Maya glances at Skeleton as she says this. At least he had a Dollar Store window to hide in. "But I can't hole up in here forever. We won't find a way home that way. Apparently, Lemina's magic carpet is -not- something we can rely on to traverse worlds..."

For all her huffiness, this is a much more soft-spoken Maya than the brash gunner, the genki sorceress, or the cool knight. "But it's surprisingly comfy here..."

<Pose Tracker> Virginia Maxwell has posed.

"Ah, well, don't you worry about that, l'il ol Ginny'll go hit the streets for you too!" Virginia puts on a faux kindly auntie accent for a while, before deciding she's gone long enough without another smooch on Maya's side. "You know, for stints short enough that I don't get lonely without you."

She smiles wider to say, "What've you been up to, though? Tell me what's up this side of Meribus!"

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

Clunky boots and leggings criss-cross on the recliner's seat, Maya squirming cutely as she gets a smooch on the cheek. She puffs up but makes not a single complaint. "You could always -ask-, or I'll just lose myself in here until someone drags me out by the feet..."

It isn't much of a defense. The frumpily-dressed blonde pats Ginny on the head fondly. "A--anyway, I've been looking after Miss Riesenlied and trying to help Lemina's mother patch this place up. You'd like her, she's--well, a real charity case. Just like Miss Riese."

<Pose Tracker> Virginia Maxwell has posed.

Virginia raises her eyebrows as she smiles and says, "Ah, yes, you certainly will be too busy spending time in here when--"

And then she just leans further in and scoops Maya up, up off her feet! When Maya isn't transformed in a mode, Virginia certainly can do this much. "Hee hee. Where're you staying? I'm gonna make the executive decision to say you've done enough reading, young lady!"

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

Now there's a shock! Virginia, with her protagonist-y strength, sweeps the smallish recluse out of her chair, who squawks as her copy of A Brief History of Magic (Approx. 699 pages) falls onto the recliner with a dull thump. "I--I've been staying here! There're rooms!"

So much cool lost in the moment. Maya isn't kicking and demanding to be put down, but she is totally getting owned.

<Pose Tracker> Virginia Maxwell has posed.

Virginia needs moments where she's handsome too, okay. She smiles wider as she smooches her again and says, "Oh, you'd best show me to your room before someone sees us smoochin'..." she giggles.

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

OK, now Maya covers her burning cheeks and wishes she had the gumption to just call down one of her projection forms like she was fuckin' Shazam or something. Alas, she is vulnerable.

Just a smidgen.

Without a word, the megane gal indicates a fat iron key with a '21' stamped on it. "-Really-..."