2019-04-21: Some Light Conversation: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Some Light Conversation''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Xantia, Character :: Seraph Clarine *'''Where:''' Luca - Residential District *'''Date:''' April 21, 2019...")
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Latest revision as of 21:26, 12 August 2019

  • Log: Some Light Conversation
  • Cast: Xantia, Seraph Clarine
  • Where: Luca - Residential District
  • Date: April 21, 2019
  • Summary: Xantia literally runs into Clarine, a chance encounter that happens just at the right time for a new type of training she'd been considering...

======================<* Luca - Residential District *>=======================

The people of Luca live in the center of the city, where massive seawalls and dykes have kept the weather at bay. There are markets here, but they are smaller and less bustling affairs; these are places for locals to shop at, with predictable goods. Many of the stores trade in the official merchandise of Blitzball teams. There are also cafes, restaurants, and other amenities those from beyond Spira might be used to. The environment is cosmopolitan.

It is, however, dim -- not in cheer, but in lighting. Both stone structure and huge canopies cover the tops of the city, save for the Blitzball Stadium. This helps keep frequent rains from putting a damper on the city, and life here is as frantic as it can be elsewhere in Luca.

BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CIlRCYnZcg
<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

Busy, busy, busy. The big tournament may be over, but that much hasn't changed about the city of Luca. Naturally the Fiend invasion left a bit more of a mess to clean up than usual, but life returned to relative normalcy soon afterwards. Perhaps surprisingly so, from an outsider's perspective, but Spirans generally seem used to incidents like this to some degree. A sad state of affairs, on the one hand. On the other, being able to get back to business as usual so readily after a dangerous situation is not exactly a bad quality to possess.

At this point, it's hard to tell that anything terrible happened a mere couple of weeks ago, the way people are going around their daily business. The market stalls are open, the people are cheerful and friendly - if it wasn't for Blitzball being marginally less on everyone's lips than before, it's much like the way things were when the Drifters transported from Filgaia first arrived in town. Which may have been a bit more of a shock to some than to others.

Seraphs, in particular, would've needed to get used to the fact that just about anybody could suddenly see them. In streets as busy as these, anywhere else it would've been more common to have people just casually walking straight through the ethereal bodies of those they couldn't perceive. But here, everyone is equally careful to not bump into human and Seraph alike. How weird is that?

Meanwhile, Xantia has managed to blend in quite naturally, simply by rolling with the mistaken assumption of being with the Crusaders due to the armor she was wearing. The same one she was wearing during the fateful battle in the Guardian Sanctuary, where those who were present there could certainly have seen her before.

But has Xantia seen any particular Seraphs while she was there? She may not have. She was pretty laser-focused on punching the self-proclaimed Adversary of Mankind at the time. And perhaps there was an additional reason. Given that the red-haired fist fighter, humming a happy tune to herself, is currently coming down the street at a brisk pace, looking directly ahead of her, where she should be seeing a certain Seraph in her path... but is not showing any signs of having noticed that anybody is in her way.

There's always exceptions to every rule... by all appearances, she may be one of them. But didn't Ragnell address her by name in the Sanctuary? Something strange is going on here...

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

It's certainly quite weird! Indeed, Spira had been rather difficult for Clarine at first. Unlike many of her Seraph friends, who had time to adjust due to their teleporation to Filgaia, Clarine had only been awake there for a few weeks before suddenly finding herself in this strange land where everyone could see her.

She's gotten used to it now...for the most part, anyway. She's a rather timid sort, so it's not something she'll ever be able to completely adjust to - having so many people around was always nerve-wracking, whether or not you were used to being practically invisible to the average person.

She finds herself pacing through the crowds today, her mind elsewhere and on other things. This would usually be fine, since most people can see her...except she soon finds herself on a collision course with a certain someone.

"A-ah!" Clarine realises a second too late. Rather than do the reasonable thing and step out of the way, or apologize...she instead freezes in place, momentarily unsure of what to do in this situation.

B-but she doesn't seem to be perceiving her, so it'll be fine, right...? Or, at least, that's what Clarine tells herself.

<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

Normally, this shouldn't be an incident to worry about, depending on how comfortable you are with people walking straight through you. But that isn't what happens this time.

The moment that Clarine notices that somebody is heading straight in her direction, that person also seems to notice, their eyes going wide. "Wha--"

Better late than never... but still too late for her to slow down at that point, forcefully barreling right into Clarine. She did try to stop, but that ultimately just causes her to be unbalanced when the collision happens, stumbling backwards and falling on her behind.

"Owww..." Xantia whines, before wondering aloud, "Where'd you come from all of a sudden?" Perhaps she was simply so deep in thought that she didn't notice?

That possibility quickly goes out the window too, when Xantia squints, blinks, rubs her eyes, and then wonders aloud, "Oh... you're a Seraph, aren't you?" At least the situation seems to have clicked in her mind as something that makes sense.

She hops back to her feet afterwards, extending a hand for Clarine if she hasn't picked herself up by then, smiling brightly, already back to her usual friendly demeanor. "Sorry about that, I didn't see you in time!" Quite literally. But she doesn't seem about to volunteer an explanation for what just happened. "Are you okay?"

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

Clarine had some experience with walking through people. It wasn't the most pleasant experience, but it was better than the alternative. Unfortunately for her, the alternative is what happens this time - the person in front of her seems to notice her at the last possible second and the two of them collide, knocking each other back.

With a light whine Clarine sits up. She spots Xantia and stares, blinking - this time frozen in place in an attempt to process what just happened. She had mistaken her for one of those lacking Resonance...but it was as if this changed abruptly.

Humans were so confusing sometime...!

Xantia extending a hand toward her brings her to reality, though, and with a hint of caution she accepts the help, taking Xantia's hand and pulling herself up to her feet. Once she's stable again she takes a moment to brush some dirt off her dress before looking back up at Xantia.

"M-my apologies, I was...I was somewhat distracted..." She murmurs in apology. "I am unharmed, yes...and yourself?"

Her mind tracks back around to one of Xantia's previous questions and she nods.

"...But, yes. I am a Seraph - the Seraph of Light, Clarine." She explains. So, she knows what a Seraph is...Clarine tucks this information away for later.

Now that she thought about it...the young woman in front of her seemed familiar. Hadn't she seen her somewhere before...?

<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

Xantia may have had some experiences passing through things she couldn't see before, but the amount of times she crashed into people is undoubtedly higher than that. It's just that usually it's her own fault for always moving quickly and not always paying attention. That wasn't the case this time, but she's not about to make a big deal out of who's fault this actually was.

Especially not after that introduction. It seems to surprise Xantia quite a bit. Being who she is, she doesn't leave it a mystery as to why that is for very long.

"Light? Really, there's Seraphs of Light?" The surprise quickly makes way for outright elation, Xantia making another grab for Clarine's hand in order to clasp it between both of her own. "That's amazing, I'm so lucky! I was just thinking that now that I can do Lightning and Fire, I should start working on another element, and Light makes the most sense, right!? Maybe you can give me some pointers!"

Wondering 'what the heck is she talking about' is normal when talking to Xantia. If Clarine can push her mind past that, perhaps this mention of 'doing Lightning and Fire' will help in putting together where she's seen Xantia before - she was certainly using both of those elements in the battle of the Guardian Sanctuary.

Either way, this was too important not to bring up immediately. Only afterwards does Xantia think to actually introduce herself. "Oh right, I'm Xantia by the way! I'm training to be a hero, but for now I'm a Crusader, sort of!" There, now everything makes sense. She'd offer a hand, but well, she might already be holding Clarine's hand at this point, in which case she'll just go ahead and shake it now, still with both of her hands.

Surely none of this is at all awkward.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

Clarine introduces herself...and Xantia grabs for her hand, clasping it between her own. Clarine is too surprised by the gesture to stop it, staring blankly ahead at her.

The energy and enthusiasm may be a little overwhelming for her, and it takes a good few seconds after Xantia introduces herself and shakes her hand(still currently clasped in her own) for her to finally catch up.

Her words were certainly informative, however - they do fill in a missing piece.

"You were...at the Sanctuary." Clarine observes quietly, and then offers her a slight nod. "It is, um...pleasant to meet you."

But, Xantia had asked her about something - about her element, light.

"Um...I am afraid I am no teacher. H-however...if there is something you wish to know, I might...be able to help...?" She ventures.

<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

Xantia rarely displays any ability to adjust for the sake of someone who doesn't share her level of energy. This time is no different, racing through conversation to hit all the beats she wants to all at once. At least she can wait a few seconds for the reaction to happen.

Not quite the reaction she was expecting though, it being pointed out that she was at the Sanctuary. It only puzzles her for a moment, but at least it disrupts the energy enough for her to let go of Clarine's hand, and move a hand to her chin instead. "Sanctuary... that must be... the Guardian Sanctuary, right? You were there too?"

Granted, she was a little busy, but considering the weird circumstances of the crash, there may be a deeper reason why she wasn't able to notice that. Likewise, she has nothing to go on as to what got Clarine involved, but given the whole Seraph thing, one additional obvious question comes to mind. "Did you know Ragnell?"

Regarding the element, Xantia initially just sort of waves off the hesitation. "It's fine, it's fine, you don't have to be a teacher or anything! I just have to figure out how to make Light happen!" And then the waterfall truly begins.

"So what's the trick, how do you do Light powers? Is there something you think about to make it happen? Do you have to feel a certain way? Anything that helps it become stronger? Oh, oh, do you know any healing, is that any different from the attacking kind of light power?"

No need to wait for answers, clearly asking absolutely everything that comes to mind right away makes far more sense.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

"Yes, I was..." Clarine confirms with a nod. There's another, more subdued nod as Xantia asks about Ragnell.

"...I did. She is...why I was there." She explains quietly. With her hands free, she clasps them together in front of herself.

And then, a deluge of questions emerges. Clarine blinks, apparently having a hard time keeping up...but she does manage, eventually.

"It is...hm. It is difficult to explain." Clarine says, frowning consideringly. "I...do not need to 'think', or 'feel' anything specific... In a fashion, I...am light - it is a part of me. I simply need only will it, and...it happens."

She looks away from a moment, a pensive look on her face.

"But, for you... um, let's see... think of...a warm, bright day on a beach. Resting in a nice, comfortable sunbeam coming in through a window. A lantern, guiding one's way through darkness..." She suggests. "That is light. Try, ah...try focusing on those feelings. ...And immersing yourself in them, if possible."

Is she suggesting Xantia go take a nap in a sunbeam somewhere? ...Honestly, yes.

But what helps light become stronger?

"...The brighter it is, the easier it is to use. As for powers...light is very versatile. It can be focused, or, or refracted, directed, or bent...'attacking' and 'healing' are only two aspects of its capabilities, harnessed in separate ways. ...But, it may be different for a Seraphim than it is for others..." She explains.

<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

It's faint, and it's brief, but there is a measure of sadness in Xantia's eyes when it's confirmed that Clarine knew Ragnell. She may not have any idea about how close they were, but she can at least relate to how someone who knew Ragnell must have felt about how that all went down. Unlike many, she didn't really feel betrayed at all, still very much considering Ragnell a friend by the end of it. But the only indication of that will have to be found in the way she says, "I see..."

She is far too eager to focus on the positive to not immediately move on to a happier topic, or at least one that she's excited about. Even Clarine's initial explanation - as impatient as she is with having to wait even a short moment for it - seems to meet with her approval, Xantia nodding enthusiastically in response. "I see! So you have to become the light!"

She says it with so much conviction, feeling pretty confident that she said something that sounded good. It takes her a moment before she realizes, "Wait, I can't do that!" Not literally, anyway, which is how she tends to take everything.

When it's focused more on things that she can do, Xantia's smile quickly returns, commenting, "That sounds nice. That's the kind of thing I'd like to do anyway." She might in fact be talking about taking a nap in the sun right now. What a quick study!

That's pretty much where it stops however, as the versatility of light and how to achieve the differences only lead to the thought, "That sounds complicated." And even though it hasn't been on her mind until now, she has to nod in agreement with that last statement. "I guess so. Sorry, I got a little enthusiastic." A little?? "I probably can't learn it the same way, what I do, my... magic, it's a little different from yours."

She puts her hands behind her head, casually continuing, "Still, I think you may be able to help me practice. ...Like Ragnell used to help me."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

The way Xantia's expression becomes a little more subdued...it does not escape Clarine's notice. She frowns, just slightly.

But, Xantia turns the conversation back to a brighter(pun fully intended) topic. ...Clarine tilts her head to the side in confusion.

...She's not sure it's possible for a human to become light. Or, at least, survive the process. Xantia seems to feel the same way after thinking about it.

"Ah, it is? It is...one of my favorite pasttimes..." She comments, a hint of a smile returning to her face. Who doesn't love a good nap?

But, in the end, it's complicated - and as she says, their abilities are different. Clarine nods quietly...but pauses, when she mentions that Ragnell used to help her.

"...You...said you used Lightning..." She states quietly. She hadn't made that connection before. Clarine closes her eyes for a brief moment.

"I do not know how much I can do, but...if I can at least do that, I would be glad to help..." She decides with a nod.

<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

Xantia lets out a short laugh when Clarine makes the logical connection between herself and Ragnell, then shakes her head. "There was that, yes... but, Lightning was something I could already use. What she helped me with the most was in using my E... my ma-- oh forget it, I'll just say it, my Ether." She just glosses over how she apparently just had a short argument with herself, smoothly continuing, "Anyway, if it wasn't for her, I probably still wouldn't be able to see you right now."

It perhaps doesn't put all the pieces in place, but it may help to somewhat explain how her way of perceiving Seraphs is different from most people. Those who can sense Resonance in others would be able to note the vast difference in Xantia now compared to before she literally ran into Clarine.

Still all smiles, she suggests, "I tend to learn a lot from just trying things, and watching and asking about how other people do it. I'm probably not going to figure it out right away, but every little bit can help!"

Her smile fades a bit when she adds, "You won't make fun of me if I accidentally give a tree tentacles, will you?" There's... probably a way in which that question specifically made sense to ask.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

"'Ether'?" Clarine repeats, with a tilt of the head. ...She doesn't know what that is, but she can sort of understand from the context. It must be the 'magic' Xantia mentioned before, at least from her brief argument with herself.

She nods quietly - indeed, Clarine could notice a sizeable difference. It was somewhat baffling to her...but hopefully this would mean they wouldn't collide with each other again.

"...I see... Then...I wish you luck." She says, with a polite bow of her head. "If you have any other questions...do not hesitate to ask. I shall do what I can to help..."

If it was just questions, or watching her, or asking her how she did it, then that was something she could do easily. But then Xantia asks something that gets another curious headtilt from Clarine.

"I-Is that, um...is that something that has occurred in the past...?" She asks with a hint of concern, then shakes her head. "...W-well, no, I would not laugh at you...but please do not let it happen to me!"

That would be very concerning!!

<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

"That's the magic I use," Xantia readily confirms Clarine's suspicions about Ether, demonstrating by way of closing both her fists, the left briefly emitting sparks while the right spontaneously catches fire, which quickly extinguishes. She lowers her voice a bit, even though it's a little late to do that now. "It's a bit of a secret, so I'm supposed to just call it Magic. I figured it might help if you know the difference. If you don't... well, don't worry about it."

She regains her former volume when she grins at Clarine's agreement to help. "Great! I don't really have a plan just yet, but I'm sure you can help when I have a good starting point!" Taking a nap in a sunbeam is pretty good, but... "If you have any other good ideas for that, I'm all ears!"

She pauses, feeling the need to clarify, "That's just something people say if they're eager to listen. I'm not really made out of just ears." Expressions, right? There's got to be more people than just Xantia out there who struggle with them. If only Fei were here, he'd be so proud of her actually using a figurative phrase.

Apparently she wasn't expecting the strangely casual mention of tentacle trees to be questioned, given how surprised she looks about it. And then points out just as casually, "Of course not, you're not a tree." She then scratches her head, finding that incident a little embarassing. "That's why I need to figure out more about healing... I tried to heal a tree, but then that happened instead." Her look turns first sour, then slightly sad when she adds, "Ragnell thought that was very funny."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

Clarine nods. Yes, that's reasonable - as Xantia demonstrates her powers, she can tell the difference right away. It was something important to be aware of.

"Do not worry...I will not tell anyone." She says, shaking her head before offering her a faint smile.

"Oh! A 'turn of phrase', as they say...I see." Clarine considers with a nod, then thinks. She can understand it - it was only in recent months that she started really interacting with anyone again, so she is a bit rusty on certain phrases and colloquialisms.

"None at the moment...but perhaps it may help to see my own capabilities in action sometime." She considers. Not that she'd do so here and now - hers tended to be a little flashy, considering what they consisted of, so it would undoubtedly draw attention.

Xantia explains the incident and Clarine nods, looking visibly relieved.

"A-ah, I see...that is good..." She comments. There's a nostalgiac smile as Xantia mentions Ragnell. "...She would have, yes."

Healing, though...

"...I suppose the only thing I can suggest is practice..." She comments. Healing came naturally to her...but as they'd mentioned before, there were differences in their various practices.

<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

Xantia nods, never particularly worried that Clarine would tell anyone else. She doesn't tend to worry about that no matter who she tells a secret to. That's what makes it such a big risk to tell Xantia anything she isn't supposed to tell others.

What are the odds, though, that she would explain a figurative phrase to someone who'd actually find it helpful? It's because of coincidences like this that Xantia tends to only feel encouraged in the way she does things rather than consider anything she does particularly weird.

Such as when Clarine suggests seeing her capabilities in action prompting Xantia to immediately suggest, "Yeah, we should fight sometime!" Makes sense to her, the most direct way suits her fine! Though at the slightest hint of hesitation she'll at least clarify, "Not for real of course, just a practice fight. It'll be fun!"

She's pretty ready to let the embarassing matter of the Tree Incident pass, though when the notion of practicing healing comes up, she crosses her arms and frowns. "That's the problem, though... how do you practice healing? I'm worried that if something goes wrong, I won't be able to make it right again. ...like with the tree."

One can imagine a frantic Xantia trying to get rid of the tentacles and only succeeding in making things worse and worse. And Ragnell just dying of laughter.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

"F-fight?" Clarine asks, with a bit of concern...then nods quietly as Xantia gives a little bit more of an explanation. "...W-well, if it is just a practice fight, then...perhaps..."

Combat was one of the few areas she was confident in...not that it was something she was proud of or liked to show off.

Xantia asks a good question - how does one practice healing? Clarine frowns, taking a moment to consider. For her, it was easy, but another...

"I-I suppose you would...want to start small, and with someone watching you. Preferably...someone who can take over, should things start going wrong." She considers.

<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

Fighting is the thing that Xantia may be the absolute least concerned about. No shortage of confidence there herself. She treats it like it's the most natural thing in the world. "Of course, of course! I can just hit a bit less hard than usual, it's fine!"

It probably will be fine. She had a firm grip, but it's not like she broke Clarine's hand earlier. What more proof do you need that she's capable of holding back?

As for the matter of healing... well, given what Clarine suggests, she's pretty much set herself up for an obvious suggestion. Which Xantia doesn't fail to deliver on immediately - with a smile, but meant completely seriously.

"Someone like you?"

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

Th-that...isn't the most reassuring thing to hear, but Clarine nods all the same. She's sure it'll be fine. Probably. Hopefully.

"Then...let us do that sometime." She decides...and then Xantia makes a suggestion. Clarine stares for a moment, and blinks.

"...A-ah. I, um...I suppose that would be the obvious decision..." She murmurs consideringly, then nods. "...Yes, someone like me, then. I would be glad to help you there, as well..."

She nods to herself. It was one of the other things she was good at...

<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

"Great! Then it's decided!"

Straightening herself up to her full, not-very-considerable height, Xantia plants her hands at her sides, feeling pretty great about this arrangement she's managed to secure. Not bad, especially considering the whole idea only came to be after the accidental run-in just now. Who needs extensive planning?

"And of course, if I can ever help you with anything in return, you only have to ask! That's what being a hero is all about!"

She doesn't seem to feel like she needs to think about anything for a moment, she just decides the things she's going to do off-hand. Quite the pair of opposites that have managed to encounter each other here today. What's going to result from this arrangement...?

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

Clarine offers Xantia a slight smile in reply. She was a little nervous about it, herself...but she wouldn't have said anything if she didn't intend on going through with it.

"Is it...?" Clarine, considers, then nods. "...Then, if I think of anything, I will let you know."

Nothing was pressing on her mind at the moment, however - running into Xantia(literally) had made her forget what was worrying her before.