2017-03-22: The Folly of Underleveling: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 13:09, 27 June 2017

  • Log: The Folly of Underleveling
  • Cast: Josephine Lovelace, Molly Mason
  • Where: Ruins of Memory
  • Date: March 22nd, 2017
  • Summary: Molly and Josie run into each other and decide to give exploring the nearby ruins a go. Mistakes are made.

<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

Josie's share from the last job was pretty good, all considering -- enough for her to grease a few palms, get the innkeeper off her back, and do some resupplying. It was probably, she'd wager, enough to let her rest easy for a little while, and it's not like she would have to do much except rest easy and wait to hear if her little man-searching attempt bore fruit.

Thing is, Josie's not really all that good at 'resting easy'.

The Ruins of Memory tower menacingly in the distance, still a fair ways off. It's not her goal -- not today, anyway. Perhaps she should gather a team sometime and see just what lies in the heart of the place. Today though, it's all business. It had been a simple job and she'd taken it just because she felt like it -- a local researcher wanted some soil samples from the region but the monster population meant they couldn't do it themselves.

It's been pretty uneventful so far. Bag and the helpful sketch of the region lie somewhat haphazardly near the foot of the rock, upon which the archaeologist is now perched, staring up at a blue sky. Nearby, a striking black and white bird -- a pigeon? -- pecks fruitlessly at the dirt as it waddles around.

<Pose Tracker> Molly Mason has posed.

It's been an eventful few days - at least, moreso than Molly can usually claim. After getting all the way out here, the goods she'd come for hadn't even been /ready/ yet. It's too far back to June City to return home and wait, but it's not like inns are cheap either. She'd brought enough money to pad her stay here a bit, but if Molly wants to sleep in a bed and not outside on the hard, dirty ground, she's going to have to think of something.

Small tinkering and repair jobs were fine, but to do anything particularly involved would require the larger machinery of her shop - again, running into the problem of 'it's too far to go home and come back later in the week'. So she's going to have to think of 'alternative' means of supporting herself.

And that's why Molly Mason, professional grump, is sitting astride the back of her trusty horse Albert, staring up at the tower the locals had called 'The Ruins of Memory'. "Hmmmmf." Morgan had made a bunch of noise about needing to gather a party, but...

Like hell she's going to take orders from that mangy fox!!

With a sigh, she nudges Albert's sides with her knees. "Hyah." The gray gelding ambles forward and if it hadn't been for a woman sitting on a rock Molly'd probably have made a big circle around the thing, trying to convince herself to peek inside. "--Oh." Another Digger, maybe?

Josephine gets treated to the intrusion of a brown-haired woman on horseback, who squints at her a bit. "...Hi."

<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

On the plus side, alternative means of support means that you can do your own thing, whenever you like. On the down side, alterative means of support means that there's not necessarily something to fall back on when times get a little tighter than usual. Well, nothing's perfect.

Josie's an archaelogist by trade -- even if mostly nominally, these days -- and that in turn means understanding the important of dirt. Soil, clay, you name it. Still, even the specifications of this researcher are a little... well, everyone has their interests and focuses. It gets her out and paid, and that's all that really matters.

Besides which, she can scope out the Ruins for later.

There's the sound of thundering hooves. Josie peels herself off her rock, unfolding her long legs to plant them in the dust and dirt. She squints, hand lingering briefly on the strap for the harness for her rifle, then waves. "Hello! Traveling far?"

<Pose Tracker> Molly Mason has posed.

The vent in the back of her skirt means she can ride standard without embarrassing herself too much - sidesaddle may be more 'ladylike', but it's also a pain in the ass. Molly tugs the reins gently, bringing Albert to a stop near the archaeologist. "Hi there." She glances from Josie, to the weird bird, to the tower again.

"Not too sure yet. Thought I'd take a gander at thism" she waves a rough-gloved hand toward the ruins, "And see what kind've stuff I could stick my nose into." If she's particularly concerned about the rifle, Molly doesnt show it - she's more into the idea of resting a bit before she has to head back to town. "Mind if I join ya for a minute?"

Of course, it was only a thing she'd said to appear polite. Nudging Albert over toward the rock, Molly uses it for a stepstool, swinging a leg stiffly over her horse's back to slide down to the ground. Her knuckles are white on the pommel and back ridge, but she doesn't complain. "How about you?" she asks after a moment's silence and getting her feet underneath her again. "Out here to look at the tower?"

<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

It's not terribly common to run into someone out in the wilderness, and these are meetings that can go either way, depending on someone's intentions. Still, to head out into the wilds means accepting that fact of chance.

Josie, while clearly armed, still greets the mystery woman openly.

"Oh, the Ruins? Watch out for traps if you're going in -- monsters, too." Josie roles her shoulders in a languid stretch. "Lots of pitfalls-- I went in, once. Seems pretty picked clean on the upper levels if you're looking for a haul..." A shrug.

She looks Molly over even as the other woman begins to dismount. "Sure," Josie says, lips parting briefly in a smile. "I could use the company. Penelope's not much for talking." A nod, here, towards the strange bird tooling around at her feet.

"I was doing a little work, actually! Collecting samples for someone," Josie says, nudging the bag casually lying in the dust with a boot. "I'm an archaeologist," she says, as if this explains everything and isn't actually a non sequiter, then clarifies, "Most of the time. Josephine Lovelace," she says, extending her gloved left hand towards Molly. "You can call me Josie. And you?"

<Pose Tracker> Molly Mason has posed.

The stranger doesn't seem like the sort to attack another Digger just for kicks, though Molly has certainly been proven wrong before. She likes Josephine's open, friendly manner well enough to relax a bit once she's on solid ground.

Glancing down at Penelope, the woman watches her waddle around in the dust for a moment. What a strange bird... "Neither is Albert." She hooks a thumb over her back at the horse. "Is she a pigeon?" Molly asks after a few moments' observation - she didn't go to bird school or anything, okay, but the shape is close enough.

Archaeologist, now that's a word she knows. "Molly Mason," she greets Josie with while might be the start of an easy smile. "Gunsmith." Easing herself down onto the rock, she stretches her legs out in front of herself and pops a couple of kinks out of her back. "Nnf! That's better. So..." She looks at the tower in the distance, and then down at Josie's bag. "What're the soil samples for, if the tower's picked clean?"

<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

'Albert', Molly says, and Josie's dark eyes flick over towards the horse. Yes, of course, that glance seems to say. "Yes, indeed. Good eye! Penelope's a 'fancy pigeon', so she's nothing like those birds you'll see milling about town." Though mill like a pigeon, Penelope currently... is, honestly. You can breed a pigeon to look quite different, but it's still a pigeon.

It hasn't gone without notice from Josephine either. If a glance ever said 'really?' this one would.

"Good to meet you, then, Molly!" A white eyebrow arches faintly at 'gunsmith'. "Interesting! That's gotta be useful when you're out and about... Don't need to go to anyone else for help."

She watches in silence as Molly levers herself down off the horse, resting her right hand lightly on her hip. "These? To be honest," Josie says, shrugging lopsidedly and gesturing helplessly with her left hand, "I have no idea. A girl's gotta eat, I just took the job that was posted." She pauses, glancing out and up at the tower. Then, almost conspiratorily: "Though, to be honest... it's just the upper levels. I went deeper once, and ran into a door I couldn't open, so there's probably something left."

<Pose Tracker> Molly Mason has posed.

"I didn't know they made pigeons in fancy," she admits after a few moment's contemplation of the strange bird. If she notices Josie's raised eyebrow, she doesn't mention it. "Good to meet you too, Josie." Molly takes the invitation to use the nickname, because Josephine is a mouthful and it sounds like a name that belongs to some fancypants princess or something. Josie, on the other hand... that's a good name.

She tugs her hat a bit lower, shading her eyes from the sunlight. "It ain't too bad. As long as I don't need any of the heavy equipment that stays in my shop, I can fix most've my own problems." And occasionally make some okay money while on the road, but she doesn't want to give anyone the impression that she has anything worth stealing. Not even Josie, who seems perfectly nice.

"Can't say I've never taken a job that didn't have that kind of mystery attached." But they were few and far between. She glances sideling at Josie from beneath her hat brim at the idea of secrets still unrecovered. "Just a door, huh...?" Brown eyes slide down to look contemplatively at her heavy boots. "...Think you'd mind showing me?"

<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

For her part, Penelope continues to peck interestedly at the dirt. It seems she's found some beetles.

"It's just terminology," Josie says, waving a hand through the air dismissively. "At the end of the day..."

To be fair, 'Josephine Lovelace' is a bit of a mouthful, but that's no one's fault but her parents'.

Josie nods slowly, her expression slightly distant but appreciative all the same. "Fair enough. There's only so much you can lug around on your own. Best to travel light, I say." Says the woman who just about walked from Aveh to Adlehyde, so probably she would know. The occasional caravan was handy.

"He didn't seem like he was up to anything. Just some harmless old scholar of something or another," Josie says, glancing down at the bag. "I know dirt, but I couldn't even start to tell you what he could be looking for. This isn't what I specialize in." She rolls her shoulders again, shrugging, and grins. "Guess I should be more curious, huh? But I've got more than a few other things on my plate."

Such as, well. That ruin. Potentially. "Just a door. Though, maybe one it'd be good to bring some explosives or something for!" Josie bares teeth in a grin briefly and shakes her head. "Still, if we can get past the traps and monsters..." She stoops, scooping up the bag. "I'm game if you are. I'd like to get that door for blocking me." She turns, looking Molly up and down. "You armed? I'm ready." Just the basics for treking the wilderness and not quite the prep she'd prefer for a delve, but beggers, choosers.

Besides, it's not like she's going to be alone.

DG: You have created a party! Your Digger status has been reset! As party leader your presence is very important! If you need to leave, please first promote another player using +party/promote <target>. Remember to set your tools before setting out with +tools/load.
DG: Molly Mason has joined your party!
DG: A party led by Josephine Lovelace is now entering Ruins of Memory.
DG: Party formation is now over. An Entry Challenge will now be drawn and displayed to the party.
=====================<* CHALLENGE - Entering the Depths *>======================
|Type: Entry       |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 1          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 The exterior of the Ruins of Memory has been well-combed. Drifters have
 cleaned out the huge ground level, which is easily moved through. However,
 as you approach the deeper parts, you can find a great hole leading into the
 depths of the ruins. It will require caution to enter the depths in one
 piece, but the rewards may be worth it.
=Dungeon Conditions: Slow=====================================================
<Pose Tracker> Molly Mason has posed.

Well, here they are. The tower's a bit more impressive up close than it had looked from far away... She tied Albert loosely outside in the shady side of the tower and followed the archaeologist inside.

The surface level floors are, as Josie had said, pretty well-looted already. They haven't run into any monsters yet, but...

Well, she's got her pistols fully loaded, just in case. Footsteps steady and heavy on the stone, she glances over at Josephine. "So, it's just the one locked door that's the problem, right?"

<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

It's a bit of an ad hoc decision, but that suits Josie just fine -- strike while the iron is hot, and all, and it's not as if she has anything else on her schedule except collect dirt.

It's not really much more than a shortish hike away. Or even shorter if you're on horseback.

"Here we are," Josie announces, as they tread on inside, Penelope nestled on her shoulder. As quickly becomes apparent, these ruins have seen a lot of lucky treasure hunters over the years -- all that's left are indecipherable inscriptions on the walls. "Mmhmm, that's the only part I couldn't manage, even with a team." She leads the way, her stride only slightly brisk. "Though--"

She pulls up a little short, almost, stepping sideways as if to reveal the great hole in the floor ahead. "We never did find the stairs down, if they even exist, so this'll have to do." She approaches the lip of the hole, a piece of mortar crumbling off to fall and hit the floor somewhere below. She glances back at Molly and smiles. "Don't worry, last time it only hurt a little bit!" With that, she jumps, Penelope instantly taking flight.

The pigeon might have the smarter idea.

DG: Josephine Lovelace has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Entering the Depths.
<Pose Tracker> Molly Mason has posed.

"Wait, you couldn't open it even with a whole team?" Molly gives Josephine a bit of the old side-eye, and yet for some reason doesn't turn back. Maybe they'll be lucky? Or maybe she's just too stubborn to quit.

She does a good enough job at keeping up with Josie's pace, though she does call out for a slow down around any treacherous footing. As they approach the hole in the ground, her steps slow. So they'll have to be careful going around it, right--

"Oh," she mutters, watching Josie leap toward the unknown, "My fucking god."

For real?!

Biting back a groan of mixed dismay and annoyance, the older woman lowers herself into a sit on the lip of the hole, staring down into the depths. "Well, here goes nothin'..." She pushes herself off of the ledge and prays she doesn't break something.

DG: Molly Mason has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Entering the Depths.
DG: The party led by Josephine Lovelace has failed this challenge! The party gained 2 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

That last step can be a doozy!?

It seems like the floor below might be a little off in terms of the usual floor-to-ceiling height balance. It might make landing a little dubious, potentially. It's just more masonry down here.

Maybe the second time's the charm, since the last time, Josie had landed a little badly. This time, a bit of the good old recommended drop and roll works, or at least it doesn't sting as badly as before.

DG: Molly Mason has drawn a new Challenge.
============================<* CHALLENGE - Blue Books *>=============================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 1          |
-----------------------------< Challenge Information: >------------------------------
 The Ruins of Memory used to be an ancient library. Bookshelves line the
 walls in parts of the ruins, such as this long hallway. However, when you
 enter, some of the books rise. They open, pages aflutter - and ancient
 Symbols on them flare to life. Then, ice, fire, and lightning come crashing
 down as the animated books attack.
=Dungeon Conditions: Stupify==================================================
<Pose Tracker> Molly Mason has posed.

Well, she doesn't break something. That's a plus, right?

At this height, even landing 'properly' hurts. She can't help a low sound of discomfort as pain shoots through her legs and right into her hips! "Hhhhh..." It's okay. It's okay. ...Wait, if there aren't any stairs then how the fuck are they supposed to get back out?! Josie better have brought some rope or something!

She takes a ginger step, then two, shaking off the crackling pain one footfall at a time. It looks like they found some kind of library...?

Or, more appropriately, they found goddamn trouble! "Too bad I didn't bring a torch." Reaching for the pistols holstered underneath her arms, Molly takes aim at the closest ones. "Guess I'll just have to do it the old-fashioned way!"

DG: Molly Mason has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Blue Books.
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

It might be easier if she did start packing a grappling hook, or something for climbing more often just in anticipation of this sort of thing. Well, all's well that ends well.

Quickly checking herself over as she stands, and making sure nothing is too out of sorts (it's not) she glances over at her partner for this expedition. Penelope takes this moment to re-alight on Josie's right shoulder. "You okay, Molly?" That did sound a little painful.

Regardless, she falls in after Molly as they tread down the only obvious pathway leading forward. "Books, huh... I didn't see these last time," she comments, tilting her head to the left as she examines a shelf.

And then just as quickly does an about-face as the sound of rustling 'wings' turns out to be... flying books. "Watch out for the spells!" Falling back a couple of steps, Josie draws her rifle in a smooth motion and takes aim at one of the fluttering tomes. She fires.

DG: Josephine Lovelace has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Blue Books.
==========================<* CHALLENGE - Blue Books *>==========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 1          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 The Ruins of Memory used to be an ancient library. Bookshelves line the
 walls in parts of the ruins, such as this long hallway. However, when you
 enter, some of the books rise. They open, pages aflutter - and ancient
 Symbols on them flare to life. Then, ice, fire, and lightning come crashing
 down as the animated books attack.
=Dungeon Conditions: Stupify==================================================
DG: The party led by Josephine Lovelace has passed this challenge! The party gained 12 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Josephine Lovelace has drawn a new Challenge.
===========================<* CHALLENGE - Spartoi *>============================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 1          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 Undeath is a terrifying state. None know what creates it, but ancient
 soldiers within these halls have not found peaceful rest. As you approach,
 skeletons stir. They rise, clad in long-tarnished armor and holding curved
 blades that are chipped but still sharp.
=Dungeon Conditions: Injure===================================================
<Pose Tracker> Molly Mason has posed.

Okay? Honestly... she's not too sure. Tomorrow's going to be a Bad Day. "S'fine," Molly waves her off with an easy lie, "Just landed poorly. S'been a while since I jumped down a hole in the ground, must be outta practice."

Between their firearms, the books don't last very long - barely enough to flap menacingly and spit a few poorly-aimed spells around before they're shot out of the air like low-flying ducks. Molly dusts a stray spark off of her sleeve and takes a moment to reload as they travel out of the library and into a long hallway. "Never know when you'll need to--"

Aaaaaaand there are skeletons.


"Sheeeeit," the brunette groans, glaring at the armored undead. "Can't the lot of y'all fuck right off?!" There is, of course, more shooting.

DG: Molly Mason has used her Tool Gunsmoke Revolvers toward her party's challenge, Spartoi.
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

Josie can't help it. She grins, baring white teeth. "Hey, stick with me and maybe we can get some practice in," she says, goodnaturedly.

Just as the flapping pages quickly demonstrate, they might be books but they're capable of more than just papercuts. Sidestepping a burst of ice magic that detonates near her, Josie quickly returns the favor with a shot at the offending tome. "Got you--"

The showdown of bullets vs. books is fierce but fast. The tomes don't last long.

"Whew," Josie sighs, kicking at one of the fallen blue books as she passes by it. Just making sure, apparently. "Fire /would/ be pretty handy--"

Well, looks like they attracted something else.

Josie remembers these. "These things!" She raises her rifle, squints at the armored skeletons, and then apparently thinks better of her options. Molly seems to have the greater firepower here. "I'll back you up instead! Just a sec--" Moving the fingers of her right hand quickly, Josie mutters an incantation under her breath, targetting the older woman with her spell.

Molly will feel just that much more power behind each fire of her revolvers, but will it be enough to carry the day?

DG: Josephine Lovelace has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Spartoi.
DG: The party led by Josephine Lovelace has passed this challenge! The party gained 22 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Molly Mason has drawn a new Challenge.
============================<* CHALLENGE - Arrow Trap *>=============================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 1          |
-----------------------------< Challenge Information: >------------------------------
 As you enter this room, a few slits on the wall open up. Arrows fire out -
 and though they may be ancient, they are still sharp and fast as ever!
=Dungeon Conditions: Wound====================================================
<Pose Tracker> Molly Mason has posed.

Even if she knows she's going to be feeling it tomorrow, Molly kinda can't help it - she returns Josie's grin with a smirk of her own. "Yeah, if we keep falling into holes, one day we might even get good at it."

Josie's note of recognition makes her thumb back the hammers on her pistols. Now what?! Boots planted wide apart, the gunsmith holds one pistol out in front of her, sighting down the barrel. "Reckon shooting them in the head'll work?"

That extra burst of power is just what she needed, too, despite the sideways glance Josie gets for her troubles. What, you don't see a lot of magic in June City. It's unusual!

The extra kick her revolver suddenly has nearly makes her curse out loud. But when she watches the bullet blast a two-inch-wide hole right through a skeleton's head, helmet and all, makes the sting worth it. "Summmmbitch," she grins, teeth glinting. "You know how to make a gal feel special, don'tcha Josie?!" Blam! Blam! Blam!

It's probably disrespectful to the dead, but that sure doesn't stop her from aiming a kick at a loose helmet as the two of them head on.

Up ahead, the passage looks clear. Hell, she's feeling pretty damn good about this! "Did you have to go this way last time?" she asks, turning to look at Josie just in time for an arrow to whip through her hair. "..."

The word Molly yells is not fit for print or the ears of god-fearing Diggers. "Duck!"

DG: Molly Mason has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Arrow Trap.
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

"That's the spirit!" Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger right?

"Worth a shot!" Josie offers, regarding the skeletons. It's a darn sight better than trying this sharpshooter business against against one -- there's a slight lack of 'vulnerable points' and a significant surplus of 'hard bony surfaces'.

Josie catches that look, offering only a glance that could be a somewhat blase 'what?' in return as she finishes the incantation. Just in time -- one of them lunges, forcing a narrow dodge as it nicks her coat sleeve. She retaliates by aiming a kick at its midsection, knocking it back long enough for Molly to finish the job. "I try!" she replies, a little belatedly as she brings up her rifle. Just in case.

At least things quiet down here. Glancing about herself, Josie can't help but shake the feeling that...

"I don't think we did. This doesn't look--"


Josie makes a split-second decision, as she does. "Run!" Grabbing for Molly's arm as she passes, she books it down the hallway.

DG: Josephine Lovelace has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Arrow Trap.
DG: The party led by Josephine Lovelace has passed this challenge! The party gained 12 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Josephine Lovelace has drawn a new Challenge.
========================<* CHALLENGE - Goblin Raiders *>========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 1          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 Goblins are prone to plunder anywhere they can find. The short,
 green-skinned creatures are as surprised to see you as you are them when one
 of their bombs blows a hole through a wall. They rush out, some with long
 knives and others carrying shortbows.
=Dungeon Conditions: Wound====================================================
<Pose Tracker> Molly Mason has posed.

"Sorry," Molly shrugs. "Not used to seeing magic done. Wasn't expecting it, but it sure did come in handy." The skeleton is kicked towards her and she shoots it right between the eyes. Er, eyesockets.

Somehow, they manage to make it out unscathed, though Molly is limping a little bit by the time they get to the end of the hall - she can't run AND hide it. With luck Josie will be too busy not dying to notice it. Once they're able to slow down she can adjust her cadence a bit, roll her foot a little to one side. She's gotten fairly good, over the years, at disguising hurts.

"How far down did you say this door was again?" she groans, popping a kink out of her lower back in a stretch. "By the time we get there I



And then there were Goblins. Molly sighs, the sound one born of long suffering, and starts shooting them down as they pour through the hole in the wall. This kind of shit is why she doesn't branch into full-time digging!

DG: Molly Mason has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Goblin Raiders.
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

Well, that's reasonable. "Oh, yeah... I just grew up around wizards, that's all." Which is Josie's way of saying 'so I forgot it's not entirely normal'.

Josie is in FACT trying pretty hard to outpace the arrows and also keep Molly more or less with her -- it's bad form and in fact pretty darn rude to get your partner shot full of arrows from a trap, every Drifter knows that one. So she doesn't notice that Molly is starting to have a little trouble keeping up, as it were. But eventually they clear the hallway and the thuck-thuck-wap of arrows hitting the opposite stone walls fades. Josie mercifully lets go.

"Huh? Oh, the door? I'm not sure, this doesn't look--"

The nearest wall explodes in a shower of rock. "--Watch out!"

Penelope has long since taken refuge in Josie's scarf, which is probably about as smart a place as possible right now. Drawing a bead on the goblin holding an explosive charge (aka, a BOMB), Josie hesitates only for a fraction of a second before opening fire. "Get the ones with the bombs first!"

DG: Josephine Lovelace has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Goblin Raiders.
DG: The party led by Josephine Lovelace has failed this challenge! The party gained 2 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Molly Mason has drawn a new Challenge.
=============================<* CHALLENGE - Annaberge *>=============================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 2          |
-----------------------------< Challenge Information: >------------------------------
 Of the creatures that prowl the Ruins of Memory, these may be the strongest.
 Four-legged creatures the size of a horse, but with a fang-filled head, and
 a body rimmed with terrible spikes of bone, an Annaberge is a powerful foe
 indeed. They can gallop down the many straight hallways and have a powerful
 roar that might shock any who hear it unaware.
=Dungeon Conditions: Bad Luck=================================================
<Pose Tracker> Molly Mason has posed.

Blam blam blam blam--

No matter how many goblins she kills, it seems like more just keep pouring out of the hole in the tunnel wall. She wouldn't be surprised if they ALL had bombs, because that's just how things seem to be going today... but she's following Josie's advice and trying to take out any that are obviously carrying something unsavory.

This works until she runs out of bullets in her guns, and then preslotted ammunition loads as well. "Shit. Shit, shit, shit!" No way in hell is she going to try loading the cylinders one at a time--!

Molly makes an executive decision. "Josie, come on! Let 'em have the damn tunnel!" She hustles past the other woman, reaching a hand out to whiff at Josephine's sleeve as she passes. "Hurry up!"

At least if they run, the goblins don't seem so interested in chasing them down...?

A few twists and turns later, Molly's stamina for running dips a bit lower than she can really withstand. "Huh, hang on, I think we lost 'em," she huffs, looking over her shoulder at the tunnel they'd finally escaped.

She's already reloading from a box carried in her pack when the beat of powerful hooves fades into earshot. Molly looks up, eyes narrowed, and starts slotting bullets into her autoloaders quicker. "I'm bettin' that ain't Albert--"

The creature that comes into view from the darkness beyond is monstrous. "Aw hell naw," the gunsmith groans, straightening up and taking aim. "That's just gross!"

DG: Molly Mason has used her Tool Gunsmoke Revolvers toward her party's challenge, Annaberge.
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

These definitely weren't here last time. Or at least, the excavation team didn't run into them. Perhaps their luck is a little low today...

There sure are a lot of them though.

It's not exactly the best situation for someone whose focus is more of the 'aim and shoot' rather than 'unload onto the crowd'. Even letting her aim slip as low as she can bear -- and that results a few times in bullets impacting the wall and ancient stone chips going flying -- there are still more than she can handle. In spite of herself, Josie grimaces as she lowers her sights for a moment. "They're still coming! How many--"

A hand grabs at her sleeve. "Let them-- right!" It takes a fraction of a section for Josie to catch up with Molly's plan, but once she's there, she's /all in/. Shouldering her rifle, she books it as an opposite wall explodes. Guess she missed one, there.

But at least they get free. "Whew..." she breathes, leaning against the wall. "Don't think they're following..."

Only to straighten as she hears hooves. "Look sharp..." she murmurs, taking a step backwards as she makes the few motions needed to work yet another spell. "I think I know--"

"--What this is!" And she's proven right as the monstrosities surge from around the corner. Normally she prefers to use her left hand for this. Lighting briefly wraps around her arm as she completes the short incantation, pooling in her hand in the form of a javelin. "Heads up!" Hopefully, she can shock one of them and stop it in its tracks -- much better than getting bitten or trampled.

DG: Josephine Lovelace has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Annaberge.
DG: The party led by Josephine Lovelace has failed this challenge! The party gained 9 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Josephine Lovelace has drawn a new Challenge.
========================<* CHALLENGE - Distant Switch *>========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 1          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 A large stone door has slid down the entrance at the end of this hallway. To
 make matters worse, the hallway has deep pits between the path to the door
 and the walls. The door may be opened by a switch on the wall, but one of
 those pits blocks easy access to the switch. Some clever thinking may be
=Dungeon Conditions: Injure===================================================
<Pose Tracker> Molly Mason has posed.

At least she gets a lucky shot - one of the monsters take a round right in its eye and peels off of its collision course to stumble against the wall. It isn't dead, but it's damn well distracted. The other one, however... it doesn't even slow down. Molly swears a blue streak and stares at the beast as it pelts toward them...

Only to glance over her shoulder at the sound of little goblin feet clattering after them. "FUCK. This is why I hate everything!" she growls. What to do what to do what to do--?!

========================<* CHALLENGE - Distant Switch *>========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 1          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 A large stone door has slid down the entrance at the end of this hallway. To
 make matters worse, the hallway has deep pits between the path to the door
 and the walls. The door may be opened by a switch on the wall, but one of
 those pits blocks easy access to the switch. Some clever thinking may be
=Dungeon Conditions: Injure===================================================
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

And the shot of lightning, naturally, goes wide as the one Annaberge picks up speed in its charge. The sound of tiny slapping feet coming up the tunnel from behind -- damn, she'd thought they'd lost them -- is enough to make even the most dedicated optimist frown.

Well, no way but forward.

"Let's go!"

Josie slides her ARM into its holster and grabs for Molly's arm, effectively hauling ass as she makes to dip past the oncoming monster.

She charges on ahead, for a side path that branches off the direction from whence the creatures came. "A door--" She's spotted it, in the distance.

And the many pits that block the way (...and the switch).

"Don't let go!" Moving to slip an arm around Molly's waist, she holds on as tight as she can as she vaults for one of the gaps.

Whether they make the leap or not, there are definitely the sounds of battle from the hallway they left behind. Monsters and goblins might have met one another.

There's even the sound of an explosion.

DG: Josephine Lovelace has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Distant Switch.
<Pose Tracker> Molly Mason has posed.

She can't run much more, she can't fight her way out, did she just help get Josephine killed, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu--

An arm tightens around her waist.


There isn't a lot Molly /can/ do besides 'hold on', and maybe try to jump for the gap /with/ Josephine. Not when Josie's got inertia on her side and did she /really/ want to stay and hang out with the monsters anyway? (No. No she did not.) She grits her teeth and wills her body to refrain from stiffening at the touch. "Ghh-!" Come on, come on, come on!!

DG: Molly Mason has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Distant Switch.
DG: The party led by Josephine Lovelace has failed this challenge! The party gained 0 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Josephine Lovelace has drawn a new Challenge.
=======================<* CHALLENGE - Gargoyle Statue *>========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 1          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 Those who built this place crafted a mighty gargoyle statue to guard over
 this room. Wings spread out, fanged mouth open, and claws held wide, it
 looks fierce indeed. It does not attack, but when you try to walk past... a
 barrier of red light shimmers into existence and keeps you from going
=Dungeon Conditions: Treasure=================================================
<Pose Tracker> Molly Mason has posed.

The ledge gets closer, and closer. Even though she's pretty sure she left her stomach behind somewhere, Molly is actually, almost, beginning to hope that they might make it--!!

They don't. They absolutely, unmistakably, /spectacularly/ don't.

At least the floor beneath is is dirt, and not more of that stone that makes up most of the rest of the ruins. At least she didn't land badly. But Molly knows that she's /really/ going to be hurting tomorrow, and if she doesn't call it quits here she could end up really, really hurt and confined to bed for days. Still... it irks her.

"Josie, you okay?" she asks, pushing herself up onto her elbows. "I think that's about it... we can't afford to take another spill like that. We've got to head back to town." It's not like they can't return later, preferably with several well-ARMed comrades and a serious grudge.

<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

For one bright, glittering instant, Josie thinks they're going to make it.

They don't. They fall down the pit to land in a pile of dirt below.

Well, 'they' minus Penelope -- the pigeon naturally flutters down unscathed moments later, investigating the dirt as interestedly as she had inspected the parched Filgaian soil outside.

"Ugh," Josie grunts, letting go of Molly at last as she winces, peeling herself up off the dirt floor. "One sec, I think..." The world is a little tilty, she's found as she stands, and the archaeologist leans against a nearby wall for a moment.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You? That was kinda... not what I was hoping for, back there." In spite of it, she grins, if crookedly. "Whew."

Leaning back, she stares back up the hole.

It takes her a moment. She has to consider this one, unusally -- she does have her pride. But she also knows when she's beat, and when to throw in the towel. "Yeah. I think we need to turn back, too. No sense dying in a place like this..." That's still a smile, but it's a lot subdued, for someone like Josephine. And a lot semi-bittersweet.

"...This doesn't mean I'm giving up, though! Tell you what, you and me, let's find some people and we'll do this properly, another time." A pause. "Okay?"

<Pose Tracker> Molly Mason has posed.

Even if Josie had said no and kept going, Molly would have let her do it and gone back alone. She likes the woman well enough, but good lord is she not equipped for more adventures today. Thankfully Josie is reasonable! "Yeah, we can always come back. We've got some idea of what to expect now, anyway."

She rolls over onto her side and contemplates the upcoming ordeal of 'making their way back out'. ...Maybe she'd better just concentrate on standing up for now... "Hey, you don't gotta tell /me/ twice-- ngh." Molly pushes herself up off of the ground and gingerly gets to her feet. Left foot, right foot... both will support her weight. Inwardly, she breathes a sigh of relief.

She rests her hands on her hips and stretches backwards until her spine cracks. "Nn! Hell, I think we earned ourselves a lazy day tomorrow. C'mon, I bet there's a bar within walking distance..."

<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

That makes it twice that this place has thwarted her, and it stings, a bit. It's most certainly not her driving goal in life, though.

Just a way of paying the bills, and then there's the matter of personal pride.

"We'll just need to find some like-minded allies. Hm..." Well, there are some people she can potentially ask. Assuming they're able. She'll have to drop some messages in via Memory Cube, sometime.

There's a glance over Molly's way as the other woman seems to struggle a bit standing. Slightly, Josie frowns. Something hurt? That could make getting out again tricky.

But Molly is up and at 'em, or good enough. Stooping just long enough to collect her wayward pigeon, Josie turns towards Molly and stretches out a hand. "I could use a drink, myself."

They do have a long way before they get there, though. At least the multiple branching pathways up from the lower reaches mean that they don't have to retrace their steps.

There might even actually be stairs, in spite of Josie's earlier claims. Somewhere.