2017-08-29: A Show of Support: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: A Show of Support''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Riesenlied, Character :: Maya Schrodinger *'''Where:''' Wayside *'''Date:''' 29th August 2017 *'''Summary''': '...")
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The blonde glances around briefly, sticking close to her horned host. "Where should I look around here, first? It's been a whirlwind tour of new places, lately, I'm in the mood."
The blonde glances around briefly, sticking close to her horned host. "Where should I look around here, first? It's been a whirlwind tour of new places, lately, I'm in the mood."
Elhaym van Houten (Elly) pages: i guu'sed to live in houston so this has been worrisome, though i've also been told that sorey was wrong and my old neighborhood isn't that badly flooded

==== <Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed. ====
==== <Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed. ====

Latest revision as of 03:02, 16 June 2024

  • Log: A Show of Support
  • Cast: Riesenlied, Maya Schrodinger
  • Where: Wayside
  • Date: 29th August 2017
  • Summary: Maya Schrodinger arrives in Wayside, and is greeted by Riesenlied.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

The village of Wayside is something of a poorly kept secret... secret enough to deter the faceless masses who'd try to raze it down, but known enough to-- you know, Drifters who may very well just have been exploring towers that house ancient Metal Beasts during the Metal Demon Wars with its owners.

Surrounded by two cresting cliffs nestling a valley, the village of Wayside is seated over the remnants of its former village -- something approaching a garden and a crop terrace is underway next to the water purifier unit, and a ring of caravans surrounds a great campfire around which prefab buildings and a saloon have gotten underway.

Riesenlied is in the midst of this, currently... ... rejuvenating herself from her earlier trip -- a rather dizzying one which she can't really... remember much of. She looks towards the Dragon's Tear as if searching for answers, but... it holds not a lot in turn.

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

Secret as Wayside may be, Riesenlied has extended an invitation to this particular Drifter to come and have a glimpse. And this Drifter's approach is no secret--she saunters along with a purposeful little gait to each step and, having appeared from around a cliff not so far away, Maya shakes one of her gloves off and gives a shrill whistle with both fingers in her mouth to catch some attention.

She's a little ways out, that said, so it's a few minutes walk until the blonde in the heavy orange dress is within chatting distance. A confident and cute little grin is on her face. "So! This is where you and Miss Barber were talking about? What a flower in the desert you're growing here..."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied cups her hands gently as she tilts her head, smiling warmly as she beckons for Maya to come closer. Several guards are posted that step in the way of her approach. This is curious for several reasons:

One of them appears humanoid... save for what looks like a repurposed Gear piston that he's got for a leg, and the other half of his shoulder looks kind of caved in. Next to him, a lady with binoculars for eyes and a fridge for a torso is passing by, exclaiming something about "bein' careful with the merchandise or I'll flay y'all alive!"

On gesture, though, they let Maya through as she says, "Miss Maya, welcome. There isn't a lot here yet, but... yes..." she nods warmly. "Welcome to Wayside. A place where all who have been cast aside by the world are welcome..."

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

The not-all-that-tall Human girl pauses with a finger to her lips in curiousity as she's stopped for a moment, scanning the oddballs, but it isn't long before Riesenlied waves her through and she offers them a courtesy-curtsey on the way.

"Can't say I feel like the world as a whole has tossed me aside just yet," a very friendly, cheery, and spirited grin is on that face as she stands across from the soft-spoken Metal Angel, "But, you know, all my friends are heretics from another planet, and now Metal Demons, so it's only a matter of time." and with that, Maya sticks a hand out to shake Riesenlied's, if she'll meet her halfway on that.

"You're looking mighty hale and hardy, Miss Riese, suits you better than a sniffle. I brought some housewarming gifts to celebrate."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"I did meet Hiro earlier," Riesenlied comments in turn to Maya's mention of the heretics from another planet, holding her hand out and gently shaking it in return. Her voice is as calm and reserved as Maya mimicked in that other scene, the kind that makes Ginny kick her legs and squeal a little. "We reached something ... more of an agreement, compared to what I'd managed with them before... they have a strong sense of justice."

A pause, as she looks up.

"Perhaps, too strong... ah?" she tilts her head. "I may have some bounties in turn..."

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

The duffel-bag slung over Maya's shoulder isn't exactly bulging, so--what has she brought? Now I have a while to come up with something and pretend it was planned all along. Phew!

Maya seems to know better than to give Riese her finest business grip, and so firmly (but gently) takes that hand in her own and ends the shake with a gentle pat on top. Well, that seems like a sweet sentiment! "They sure do. Not sure I've got as much conviction in this whole body of mine as that boy does in his little finger, but..." her grin turns a little more sly, and she mimics a gun with her fingers at Riesenlied. Ka-pow! Is that her best idol pose? "Give me another month or two, and I'll be right there, all 'I'm an Ally of Justice!'... or something."

The blonde glances around briefly, sticking close to her horned host. "Where should I look around here, first? It's been a whirlwind tour of new places, lately, I'm in the mood."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied closes her eyes with a quiet smile, as she says, "He has great friends, and the verve to last him a whole adventure yet." She lets go of the hand, as she bobs her head as she rises to her feet and lets go of that brooch she was holding. Quietly, it seems to shimmer with a faint hue of orange to teal.

"Ah, I'd say your stop would be the Val-halla..." as Riesenlied points to the only saloon marked 'V4L-H4LLA'. "That's something of our one-stop shop for Drifters right now, I'm afraid. You'll find room and board, and meals, though we aren't as stocked as a full city may be..."

She glances about and says, "Besides that? The folks are setting up their homes, and we're trying to get our garden and qanat up and running. The Caravan Kinship's been helping a lot with those efforts."

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

Maya is following Riesenlied's indications of the different places of interest around Wayside, sharp gaze focusing on each building in turn. "Missing a few supplies? I could do a little canvassing for you--not as much as if the whole family were here, but still." she asks with a brief glance back to the Metal Darling's face.

"It'd be good to help out. I need to turn a new leaf, start doing things that... matter. You know--for their own sake." there's a surprisingly whimsical note from the usually-carefree Maya. "Feels like there's a whole world out there I wasn't paying attention to before a big chunk of it got burned down before my eyes... is that a weird thing to say, Miss Riese?"

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied doesn't answer immediately... but she smiles very gently as she says, "No, not at all. After all, most of my brethren have never seen the world outside the iron walls so many of them are cooped within." She puts her hands behind her back as she steps closer towards one of the buildings.

"It's a slow process, and full of dangers... but it is ever so worth it, to be able to see them experience and learn the world as it ought to be explored," she speaks in a near-whisper.

"And much like our excursion last time, I would be happy to accompany you in that adventure myself, Miss Maya." Kaguya has left.

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

.oO(Yeah,) Maya thinks to herself as she and Riesenlied slowly pace through the peaceful village of Wayside, .oO(Ginny would totally melt if I spoke softly like that all the time. Darn. Am I too rough around the edges? Do I have any books on ladylike behaviour I should try to absorb? Wait, but that wouldn't be genuine! I shouldn't fool her like that...)

The blonde snaps back to the moment, forcing herself not to goof off internally too much. Her grin has faded to a pleasant smile. "You've a real way with words, that's for sure. I don't plan on trying to handle it all alone, so. I'll be sure to ask for your help where I need it." a pause. "In fact, if you don't mind a little chat, I could drop these off with whoever you've got as a quartermaster, and--"

A momentary pause, again, while Maya scratches her cheek. A tic of momentary uncertainty, but not discomfort, as someone perceptive like Riesenlied can probably tell. "--I should bring you up to speed."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"I think you might find one of the caravans more comfortable right now..." she gestures towards one of the caravan carriages that kind of doubles as bedrooms at this point in time. "We've a few other Drifters who've come and stayed, like Miss Lily. The saloon and inn is a bit sparse right now, after all.."

A pause, as she laces her hands together and bobs her head the other way, horns perking up just a little bit more. "... of course, I'd be happy to listen, Miss Maya," she expresses as she gestures, and a familiar black metallic dog comes into sight, with one of her tails swung out lazily as if to offer to take the duffel bag.

"We meet again," expresses Cetiri, the robo-dog. "You look better yourself, this time. Relax a spell, and hopefully I can convince Riesenlied to rest a while too..." there's a quiet grouse.

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

"Oh, I'm much better." Maya gives a cheery little wave to Cetiri, who she doesn't seem reluctant to hand her bag over to at all. It contains a variety of gifts, mostly of the edible variety: dried fruits, fine teas, and one or two items of practical use. Like ink pots and quills, bandages, and heal berries (the edible kind, not the Staff Member). "More confused than ever, but, in a better spot to ask the right questions!"

The girl stretches, briefly, arms over her head and fingers flexed together. "You know, she's got a point." she adds Riesenlied's way, mid-pose. "It'll be a lot easier to chit-chat about some of this stuff if we're nice and comfy. I've had some weird things happen, you know?" those arms finally go back to her sides, fingers braced on her hips.

"Weird visions in that temple, weird dreams with something I could just--feel was one of our Guardians, you know, like the one that used to have a statue in Adlehyde... I'm not really good at all this stuff from one of those classic epics. I'm more of a pulp reader."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

There's a delighted little look from Riesenlied as she walks towards the inn proper, and gestures towards where there's... a bowl of /fresh/ fruits. Bananas, strawberries, blueberries... huh. Quite the luxury good in this day and age. Where'd she get it from? Hopefully she didn't get into trouble with the law for that. (She totally did, she just doesn't remember.)

"I also... went to that temple, with Noeline," she quietly speaks as she sits down at the sitting room, gesturing for Cetiri to help Maya with her belongings. "It is curious, perhaps. A Guardian was sent to kill me at my weakest, when I fell into a bottomless ravine at the Temple's depths. Yet I pleaded... and I have been assigned with a task."

She goes to fetch one of the teapots where some have been brewing, and pours some cups of tea. She sips from the cup. "A task to prove that my kin are capable of more than just murder... and now I am here."

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

Once upon a time, Maya would have taken a seat and waited.

Now, she hesitates at the other woman's side. Cetiri doesn't have much to carry--the Schrodinger girl travels lightly (without a single firearm or round of ammunition in her belongings, scans might find) and frugally, when she must be responsible. And it feels wrong to just soak up Riesenlied's hospitality. Thus: even if it's just taking some saucers out of a cupboard, she does something.

"I don't--know the score that well," Maya admits as she slowly takes a seat opposite the winged lady, one leg crossed over the other. Her skirt is huge, so this is hardly improper. "About your people, and the war between us... I was still just a pretty selfish girl when you put me down in the big city."

A wry smile is on Maya's face. It's not unpleasant. "But I knew you weren't the type that wanted to kill and burn us all, and if one of those wacky Guardians is going to put their faith in you... well. Guess it proves I'm not that bad a judge of character after all!"

The primly, but dynamically-dressed young Drifter lifts a cup of tea in her hands thankfully, inhaling the scent. "Feels like that Temple... drew us in, doesn't it? Like there was something we needed to be shown there... especially if they put that much trust in you."


That's a fresh--red--strawberry!!

Maya's eyes lock onto the bowl of fruit for a moment, but she returns to paying attention to Riesenlied after a second.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied -- peeks towards the bowl, before offering it to her. "... please, feel free, if you would." Now this is the kind of luxury only rich people could afford, so... ... ... actually, Maya can probably afford it on a regular basis, but out here in the boonies?

"How do I put this..."

She rubs at her cheek, before she remarks, "There was a war one thousand years ago. On one side, my ancestors, who first came here seeking a new home. My leaders were but young neonates then..."

She gestures. "And on the other, your ancestors, the humans who banded with the Guardians and their allies, the Elw."

She sighs very faintly as she smiles in turn, ever so wanly as she sips her cup of tea. "There was a cataclysmic war, the details, consequences and outcomes I am still scarce on... and at the end of it, the Elw abandoned Filgaia, and the Guardians... were left blinded."

She sets her cup of tea down. "Equites admitted as much. They've no eyes into the world... they bear the scars of yesteryear as if it were just yesterday." She pauses for a moment, before she murmurs, "Much like how Lord Siegfried bears the hate deep in his chest..."

She squints her eye. "You are from Aveh, are you not? You are used hearing the rhetoric of the old -- of grudges against Kislev that they inflict on the young, with propaganda. ... I fear it is much the same way, albeit on a... much more world-threatening scale..."

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

Oh yeah, no, despite being a Richie Rich, Maya is more mindful and aware that not everyone can eat fresh fruit and veggies all the dang time. Also, that fruit probably looks Modern Day Good compared to the slightly more rustic offerings produced by farms, as opposed to the Plant.

Maya has that cup in her hands as she listens. She doesn't look very skeptical--as she once might have. It's easy to swallow, after a Guardian takes up residence in your mind and starts lecturing you. "Oh, I remember it, the things they'd all say about everyone from Kislev... but even as a teenager, it sounded stupid to me. We're all squabbling over the same patch of dirt, while strange things skulk around waiting for the victor to tire themselves out..." she chuckles ruefully. "I was a really well-read child, though. All I could do before a certain age was read, and think, so... I guess I'd think about all the propaganda I'd see when I'd venture outside, and think: 'who falls for this?'..."

Sii~iip. The hot tea helps Maya keep from getting too wound up, thinking back to a time before she learned how to... do what she does. "At least your talkative friend had a name. Mine didn't introduce themselves--just... showed me something in my dreams, lectured, and I woke up." and despite what I just wrote, the girl involuntarily shivers. Noticeably.

"I know part of the reason I came here was to show you what I saw, since... now I remember better. Now that I'm not ... scrambled."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied's eyes widen ever so slowly, before she smiles sympathetically as she says, "I was... spared from the rhetoric and propaganda in my own home. Largely, because I was cast down to the gutters before I could even begin to absorb it. Perhaps it is that cruelty that, in turn, has let me learn the world for own myself..."

A pause, before she closes her eyes. "Showed you... something in your dreams?"

A longer pause, as she squints. "Is it to do with that... laboratory that we gazed together?"

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

There's another involuntary shiver from Maya, whose fine skin is briefly graced with goosebumps as she forces herself to bring back to mind the nest of steel, glass, and plastic that the Guardian showed her. Tying it to the memory she so briefly felt, when Riesenlied peered into the fractured network of her mind... in her heart, she knows they match. She knows they match from the little things: the smells of the laboratory, the pinch of vinyl on the seats, the hum of engines.

"Cast down to the gutter, huh..." she remembers to pipe up after a moment's contemplation, tongue dry despite just having had a sip of tea. "It's crazy to think of someone like you being an outcast. You speak with so much... hmm... so regally, I suppose? But then, I don't know a thing about your home and your people, really..."

Well, the memories don't get any more pleasant the more thought she gives them, so Maya then meets Riesenlied's squinting gaze. "You're right, too, it's about that place... my new benefactor wanted to show it to me for some reason, and it was a little creepy!"

Try as she might to make light of it, playfully, Maya is clearly a little uncomfortable with something. Not, like, cringing and in need of a hug, but...

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"R-regally? I assure you, I am no such thing as royalty... amongst my fellows, I am but an outcast, someone who is incapable of channeling many of the powers that make my brethren viewed as superior..." Riesenlied is humble and polite, though she is aware enough of herself to express, "... but in that sense, I was able to develop viewpoints outside of the doctrines we were taught."

She reaches her hand forward gently, as if to offer it for support. "...speaking of, I feel I have a better grasp of that power than I did prior."

She unveils the Dragon's Tear again, the silver brooch upon which that shimmering gem -- now starting to peak towards red -- is ensconced upon.

"... I should be able to... gently guide you, prevent such harsh peaks of emotion and intrusion, if you were so willing."

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

Hoping that Virginia would understand that she will never be replaced by Riesenlied, Maya takes another sip of her tea and puts the cup down so she can pat the extended hand again in support. It feels weird to be so open, but--she needs to change, and embrace this kinda thing, or else everything will have been in vain.

"I appreciate it, and I'd like to return there. But we'll do that a little later," and she withdraws her hand, glancing briefly to the strange empathic gem whose twinkling catches her eye. Mostly I elect to have Maya do this because it is late at night IRL. "We've tea to enjoy, after all. Why, coming here strictly for business would almost feel a tad disrespectful, Miss Riese!"

The show of support alone does a lot to help, anyway. It helps centre Maya's mind and remind her what that same, selfless support can do for the troubled soul of Virginia Maxwell.