2017-04-22: Receiving Orders: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:Chapter 1, Act 1]]

Latest revision as of 16:01, 26 June 2017

  • Log: Receiving Orders
  • Cast: Loren Voss, Myyah Hawwa
  • Where: Bledavik - Noble Quarter
  • Date: April 22nd, 2017
  • Summary: Newly arrived, Loren meets with Myyah to receive orders.

<Pose Tracker> Myyah Hawwa has posed.

Loren has been dispatched to the middle of nowhere to help the soon-to-be-fabled Commander Ramses locate some kind of Kislevi murder machine. Recent rumors around the detachment suggest that there may be multiple murder machines. The world is full of wonders.

This means that Gebler's expeditionary cruiser is currently landed in Bledavik, as it is the only suitable long-term docking facility currently accessible in the region. Gebler has situated themselves nicely by now, as the limited nature of current operations means that there are a lot of idle hands. The ongoing festival--no doubt thrown to some extent to impress the Solarian visitors--has had the military police out in force. Proper conduct is essential to maintaining productive relations with the locals.

Today, Loren's orders take him to Bledavik's noble quarter. Despite the upscale amenities, the noble quarter remains unpleasant for the average Solarian. The harsh desert environment is moderated here by the open, polished-stone architecture and shady, light-clothed furnishing, but that can be solved by the placement of portal climate control units brought down from the cruiser. While a Gebler soldier may be expected to endure anything, relaxation improves overall performance. This is the case for the city-mansion in the noble quarter given over to Gebler's use.

It is attractive for a building that is essentially a large ornamented box; three stories tall with a floorplan of eight rooms arranged around an inner garden courtyard. This building is perhaps the best display of Bledavik's wealth outside of the palace itself, but an attentive observer may notice that its interior has been rearranged from its original configuration to adhere to Solarian principles of efficient spatial utilization. The effect is aesthetically and functionally pleasing--to someone who matters enough to make such decisions, at least.

Loren is meeting Lieutenant Commander Myyah Hawwa, who serves as Commander Kahran Ramses' administrative assistant and, in practice, second in command. Loren may have already heard of their reputations: Kahran is an enormously talented soldier whose career is marked by the graceful handling of numerous tragedies. Evidently he was something of a rabblerouser in school, but that must have passed for him to have attained this position. Myyah is of far less interest to people in many regards--people generally agree that she is pleasant to be around and immensely helpful. Further rumors may require digging.

Loren is IDed when he reaches the mansion's front gate. Afterward, a guard escorts him into the building. They pass through a foyer and reception area straight through to the inner courtyard, which is gently lit by the sun due to the tall walls surrounding it. This also keeps it cool, which is a blessing. Some strategically-placed climate controllers brought down from the ship do the rest. The air is pleasantly humid thanks to a large central fountain that is ringed by garden spaces between the walkways.

The guard stops at the threshold between the building and the courtyard and gestures toward the fountain. The purple-haired woman sitting there must be LtC. Hawwa. She sits at a bench along the base of the fountain, focused on a tablet computer resting on her lap. She is wearing a lighter version of the Gebler uniform: a sharply-pressed white cotton dress blouse with grey and black details (including abbreviated rank insignias), a side cap and long skirt of the same make and colors, and tall boots. Her cap rests on the bench next to her, folded up.

Myyah doesn't notice Loren approach. On closer inspection, she's wearing earbud headphones.

<Pose Tracker> Loren Voss has posed.

As for Loren Voss, he was a volunteer for the Aveh campaign -- though one could argue, possibly at length, just how much free will he'd really had in this regard. But as far as he's concerned, it doesn't really matter at this point. Even if the major task at hand at the moment for their detachment is to track down some Kislevi machine and reclaim it.

The sun isn't quite at its apex, but it's already unpleasant enough to be out and about, especially for someone who has spent the bulk of their life in climate-controlled living quarters up in the stratosphere. Still, orders are orders -- and he's meeting with high command for this neck of the woods.

He's heard of Kahran Ramses before -- who hasn't? -- but the Lieutenant Commander is a name he hadn't recognized on the summons. Not that it was too hard to learn the basic facts about the woman: she's Ramses' adjutant, and thus covering his orientation proper.

He'd expected it to be hot in the desert (will wonders ever cease). The truth is, the reality is worse than he'd anticipated. The heat is almost oppressive across the length of most of the day. He hadn't thought van Houten had been serious when she'd said that most people preferred to eat in the evening, but... the heat's managed to just about kill even his appetite.

At least at the mansion proper they've set up more of the climate control units; though Loren remains as deadpan as ever as he's IDed and escorted through into the foyer and inner areas of the mansion, he does manage to relax, if just a bit.

Or at least, until he steps into the courtyard and his gaze tracks the guard's gesture. Do not mess this up, runs the familiar refrain, and steeling himself, the young medic approaches the woman at the fountain.

Loren salutes.

And holds it for a good 30 seconds before he notices that Myyah is wearing earbuds.

...Of course it happens this way. Taking a breath, he finally dares to speak. "Lieutenant Commander?"

<Pose Tracker> Myyah Hawwa has posed.

A peril of a shady area. No shadows to alert people with lowered gazes.

When Loren speaks, Myyah glances up. She doesn't seem surprised despite the (perceptually) sudden appearance. Instead, she gives the man a small smile, and then sets her tablet down while she removes her earbuds.

"You must be Lieutenant Voss," she says, rising to return the salute. She's a modestly tall woman, about even in height with Loren. "I was just reading your file earlier this morning. A pleasure to meet you."

Myyah gestures to the bench. "Have you done more sitting or walking today? I came out for a change of scenery for today's reports. I could show you around if you're not feeling restive."

<Pose Tracker> Loren Voss has posed.

Someone else might have experienced relief, when Myyah looks up and smiles at him. Loren, while he at least cuts off the salute and returns to a neutral stance, feels just about anything but. At her rank, with her connections, she could further ruin him and his family if he makes a wrong move, a fact that he's painfully aware of.

His expression is outwardly as deadpan as ever, the only overt physical suggestion of anything going on under the hood the tension laced into his stance. "Thank you, Lieutenant Commander," Loren says, applying as much formal politeness as is likely (hopefully) necessary in this situation. He hesitates, wondering for a moment if he should say something more, but after a few seconds of mental rummaging, comes up with nothing and thus leaves the matter hanging.

Blue eyes track her gesture. "I..." Which one is right? "...I have no preference, Lieutenant Commander." He pauses again, glancing for just a moment at the fountain behind her, and the surrounding courtyard. "Lieutenant van Houten gave me the general facilities tour when I arrived on base, two days ago. However, I have not yet been to the building here. Whichever is more convenient would be fine."

<Pose Tracker> Myyah Hawwa has posed.

Myyah doesn't comment on the silences, awkward or not. While Loren considers, Myyah's gaze moves, observing his poise and countenance. Her expression remains pleasant regardless of whatever information she may have divined. Is that a good sign?

When Loren calls it a base, Myyah seems humored. She raises her hand to hide a broader smile and perhaps suggest a laugh that isn't quite vocal, but instead is heard in her words:

"I wouldn't call it a base. We're fortifying this building and a few others, but nothing at confidential restricted or above is leaving the ship. We hope it's temporary."

Myyah turns to pick up her cap and tablet. She tucks both under her arm, and then nods her head toward one of the walkways leading toward the eastern exit. "Let's move inside at least."

Myyah heads down the path. She speaks while she walks. "It's good that you met van Houten. You'll be working with her closely. What was your impression of her?"

<Pose Tracker> Loren Voss has posed.

For his part, the pessimistic medic isn't going to consider anything a good sign until he gets out of this meeting, ideally alive.

Damn. Did he already misspeak? The rest of his face might betray nothing, but his eyes widen just a touch for a moment -- his poker face is regrettably imperfect if someone knows where to look. "Yes, of course," Loren says, feeling obligated to say something.

Inside, she suggests, and he nods, moving to follow after her, if at a proper distance.

Working... closely with van Houten. For a moment, his gaze goes somewhat distant. ...Why is this happening to him?

'What was his impression of van Houten?', Myyah asks.

Loren's entire expression has gone carefully blank. Well, blanker than before. "The Lieutenant is..." Damn, damn, he needs to think of something semi-positive and fast, he can't just say what he wants in front of command during his first meeting. Even if he's positive Elly is a threat. "...She seemed dedicated," he settles on, at last. "She was present to meet me during evening drop-off." 'In spite of the heat' might be implied.

<Pose Tracker> Myyah Hawwa has posed.

Loren has the advantage of Myyah not looking at his face while they walk. She has to lead the way, after all. A long pause may, however, tip his hand all the same.

Myyah leads Loren through an archway and into a sitting room. The multicolored stone floor has its own walkways marked by carpets. A mercy for bare feet in the cold of night, one imagines. The room is build around two couches and several chairs of fine leather arranged around a low, broad table. A few paintings have been allowed to stay--landscapes--as well as a large cabinet and a long table along one wall.

Myyah selects the end of one of the couches and sits down. She leaves her tablet and cap on the table in front of her, and then she settles in by crossing her legs at the knee and folding her hands in her lap. She studies Loren's face.

"Dedicated," she says, as if considering the idea. "Yes, she is. I also think she doubts herself. But, that's why we build cohesive working groups, isn't?" Myyah smiles without humor. "Mutual support and the certainty of consensus."

Myyah pauses for a moment to indicate a shift in topics.

"Have you read our mission statement here? SOLSOC sent down orders recently. What are your opinions?"

<Pose Tracker> Loren Voss has posed.

...She might realize he's on edge, he thinks as he follows after her. He needs to remain calm. Remember, you're one of the chosen few by right of birth, runs what might be a mantra as he steps through the archway after Myyah.

As well as its counterpoint: but still don't mess up.

Loren has at least practice in stoicism, and he's applying all he has now to what might be a master-class test.

After a moment's pause, he sits across from her -- hoping he's not erring -- feet planted on the floor and hands resting on his knees.

Loren nods. "Yes. That's what we were taught. We need to consider our comrades and support them during operations." There's no passion to the words he speaks whatsoever, but Loren says it firmly enough, without even a bit of hesitation. This he apparently must believe. "Only by working as one can we achieve our goals."

He's silent, awaiting what may be her next question. "I have. I've reviewed materials since I arrived. I understand we are to retrieve a missing experimental Gear obtained from Kislev in order to maintain regional stability." Loren pauses, as if giving due consideration to the objective. "Equipment like that is dangerous and should not be left in the hands of Lambs." His brow lines, faintly. "I understand from the report that there has already been destruction of a settlement."

<Pose Tracker> Myyah Hawwa has posed.

Myyah, obviously, cannot be one of the chosen few. Her hair is wrong, and her features, and her shape. Subtle things. Almost. Maybe in a few more generations, with the proper marriages of course.

But she's got that rank.

"Yes," says Myyah. Her tone is regretful. "You must have seen the images we gathered while surveying the area. The damage was enormous. It's far beyond anything materials intelligence suggests Kislev is capable of producing, which means they either found it... or they found something that allowed them to make it."

Myyah leans forward slightly, just enough to impart the sense of her growing focus.

"That's why we're here, lieutenant. It's not just the weapon. It's where the weapon came from. Firsthand analysis will help us quickly determine what Kislev is doing--and if Shevat or another tier one group is involved."

A brief silence. Time to consider the severity. Myyah sits back into the couch once more, and when she speaks again she is again casual.

"How would you rank yourself as a Gear pilot?"

<Pose Tracker> Loren Voss has posed.

"I did," is all Loren needs to say on the matter. People from the surface are essentially animals, but even animals don't deserve to die like that.

"It is." A simple statement, but he has little useful to add. The report suggested that Gear was beyond the capabilities of any known nation or group of that tier, which implies just as Myyah says. 'Found it' would be his guess, but...

Straightening slightly as she leans forward, impressing the gravity of the current situation with a light touch, Loren once again nods. "Which makes it imperative to retrieve it, if at all possible." He pauses, hesitating. "And if it turns out that a tier one group has involved itself with Kislev..." Here, Loren trails off. This is outside consideration for someone of his rank. "I suppose we'll see, if that even comes to pass."

He settles into silence again, mulling over the imperatives of their current mission. And then Myyah asks a very casual question.

He knows -- or at least thinks he knows -- about this line of questioning. It's never actually about him. It's about his brother. His hands, still resting on his knees, tense slightly, a mere shallow echo of what goes on beneath the surface. But he doesn't flinch as he regards Myyah.

"I was trained well by my instructors. I would consider myself competent and cautious." Perhaps a little too cautious, but that might go without saying. The logic behind the caution is already transparent enough.

<Pose Tracker> Myyah Hawwa has posed.

Myyah doesn't give any tips as to her specific line of inquiry. Her approach comes easy and quick.

"You qualified for a personal Gear out of Jugend," says Myyah. "That's a little more than competent. They could have put you in a Wand Knight."

Myyah leans forward and picks her tablet up from the table. She taps at it while she talks.

"Jugend submitted your skills profile, but I find their metrics don't account for everything. Especially when it comes to self-image."

Myyah looks up. She smiles again, but it's different this time. It's still friendly--but there is some concern there. It is strangely sincere despite the professional setting.

"How deeply has your brother's incident affected you?"

<Pose Tracker> Loren Voss has posed.

It's exactly the sort of inquiry style that Loren -- steady as opposed to quick-witted in his evaluation of a situation -- is not particularly capable of handling well. Which might make Myyah the ideal interviewer, all considering.

"I did," he agrees. Loren had been surprised by it, himself; naturally he had worked to meet expectations, but apparently he had scored a little better than he had suspected. Strong ether probably also didn't hurt in their evaluations.

Self-image? he wonders, his forehead lining faintly. Where is this headed?

It quickly becomes very, very clear. The breath he takes is as shallow as he can make it, but he still takes it regardless. His attention is still very much on Myyah. It's all about this, over and over again...

"How deeply," he echoes. "It was..."

Is there even a right answer to this kind of question?

Loren glances downwards, at the surface of the table for a moment, before looking back up at Myyah. Funny, that. She actually seems sincerely concerned. "...It was an unfortunate and wasteful accident," he finishes at last. "That's all there is to say about it." His gaze hardens as he finally looks away. "I won't make his mistake."

<Pose Tracker> Myyah Hawwa has posed.

Loren looks down. When he looks back up, Myyah is still watching him. No matter what he says next, perhaps she already has her answer. No matter how concerned she is, she seems like an attentive woman. Someone in her position would have to be.

When Loren looks away again, Myyah does not immediately respond. This may be a cool-down period.


"Lieutenant," she says, "I didn't ask you that to upset you. It's clear that this situation has left its mark on you. What I want is for you to consider who you are, why you're here, and what you're prepared to do."

Loren may see in his peripheral vision that Myyah sets her tablet down again.

"I realize that first-class families don't often need to concern themselves with such things, but the commander is a bit more... meritocratic than your previous superiors. He'll judge you based on what you do here. Nothing else."

Myyah inserts another small pause to change the conversation again. Her tone brightens.

"Do you have any questions for me before we get you your assignment?"

<Pose Tracker> Loren Voss has posed.

No matter how walled off one can attempt to be, there are always cracks in the facade. He must realize it, in the moments after he finishes speaking, perhaps a little too freely. She /would/ have far more experience in these matters than he does.

Loren watches her as carefully as he can in the silence that follows. Did he mess up?

Defensiveness is an unfortunate reflex, particularly in his case. "...It isn't a problem," he says, stating what he wishes were actually the truth, right now. He doesn't dare shift his attention again, all the tension in the world seeming to settle in his shoulders as in silence he considers her words. What he's prepared to do...

Well, whatever is ordered.

"I have heard that about the Commander," Loren says at last, the comment itself rather neutral. He's not sure if it's good or bad, even in light of the past, but... "I understand. I will support our detachment to the best of my ability."

The topic at hand mercifully changes.

Loren shakes his head. "I have no questions at this time."

<Pose Tracker> Myyah Hawwa has posed.

"Alright," says Myyah. She sounds awfully warm for someone who just played emotional rollercoaster conductor.

"I'm shortlisting you for the emergency pilot deployment team should a Gear-level response be required. I don't anticipate that this will happen soon, but anticipation would make such a thing much less an emergency," she says. "In the meanwhile, I've scheduled an appointment with the cultural advisement team to get you prepared for Adlehyde. Recent events have drawn numerous persons of interest to the area, and I believe your skillset will make you an asset for our intelligence efforts on the ground. I suggest that you speak to Captain Kahm Yugh when you have time, as he should have useful insight."

Myyah pauses again, but this time she looks upward. She has been very purposeful with her gaze all this time, so this seems pointed. She's thinking.

"Oh--don't mind Kent. He's much more loyal than he seems. That's all, lieutenant. Thank you for meeting with me today. If you need any help settling in or answering questions, please, don't hesitate to ask me."

<Pose Tracker> Loren Voss has posed.

Perhaps Myyah is really just that kind, in spite of the type of experiences likely required to rise to her level within the military.

"Understood," comes Loren's reply, and it's all he can really say to an order like that. "I'll remain prepared."

Great. Well, at least he knows what's coming.

He simply nods at the second half of his orders. To assist intelligence efforts as a medic and soldier -- he had anticipated that since he'd caught up on reports. "I'll meet with the Captain at my earliest convenience and commence with preparations."

For the first time during the entire meeting, a vague bit of confusion lights in Loren's eyes. Who is Kent, runs the obvious question... that he doesn't ask. 'A teammate' seems like the obvious answer, and he doesn't want to ask stupid questions.

"You're quite welcome. Thank you, Lieutenant Commander." He gets back up onto his feet, facing her. "I will let you know if any questions arise."

A standard salute follows. He'll see himself out of the building.