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  • Log: 2017-06-22 Faith and Discrimination
  • Cast: Elena, Rosaline Calice, Ida Everstead-Rey
  • Where: Lacour - Market District
  • Date: 2017-06-22
  • Summary: Three followers of Granas meet and chat!

==========================<* Lacour - Market District *>==========================

The Lacour Market District does not rival that of the major commercial powers of Filgaia in terms of volume or value of trade, but it the class of the world in traditional weapons and protective gear. More than a hundred individual shops line the streets of the district, each bearing its own name, specialties, and branding. Almost any kind of weapon or armour can be found in Lacour, and odds are good that anything innovative will be found here first...or make its way here in short order.

The merchants of the Market District are proud and competitive, and walking down the streets is an exercise in patience, as they bombard passersby with litanies in praise of their work and curses for the rust-ridden works of their neighbours. At no time is this competition more fierce than during the Lacour Tournament of Arms; this annual exhibition to name the World's Greatest Fighter includes considerable prestige for the merchants sponsoring their entries, and talented fighters will find their services heavily sought-after.

BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bqMqHag86c
<Pose Tracker> Elena has posed.

"N-No! Why would people enjoy this?!" comes the loud protest of a young woman, causing a commotion in front of a small merchant's stand. Displaying a number of items - shirts, caps, plush toys, badges - this merchant seems to have set up shop early to promote the grand tournament, having already produced merchandise of some of the more anticipated participants whose names were leaked already.

"Hey, I don't hold the tourney, I just sell souvenirs," the mid-thirties merchant says, looking exasperated as he argues with the much smaller blonde girl in front of him. Perhaps it's given him grey hair already.

Elena has none of those excuses, stomping her foot down. "That is not an acceptable reason! I cannot believe you would willingly profit off the suffering of other human beings! This is not entertainment, it is a bloodsport!" she whines.

"Yeah well you go tell'n that to the people in charge."

"But you are the one selling all of these things to children! You are encouraging them to participate in violence! Do you not see what is wrong with that?!"

"Young missy, do you want the commemorative Leo badge or not?" the older man finally asks, crossing his arms sternly.

"... yes. But that does not change my disapproval!"

"'m sure it doesn't. Here y'go."

Elena huffs, pays, and then walks away a bit, not sure where to go next. It's a big town, and she's never been here! She should familiarize herself with the area, but where to start...?

<Pose Tracker> Rosaline Calice has posed.

Goodbye, Adlehyde. Hello, Lacour.

Rosaline hasn't been very noisy about that fact, but her Calice Orphanage fund is right back to zero now. She donated it to the Adlehyde charity efforts, since the need was more pressing and, besides, almost certainly included an orphanage or two.

So you know what would be particularly nice now? Lacour tournament prize money!

Rosaline is here to cheer on a certain 'Lady Chloe', but she also has an eye towards a category for which sign-ups aren't open yet.

"I suppose it would make sense for me to remain in the back and support everyone with defensive sorcery, instead of focusing on ARMs fire. My aim's gotten a bit better, but it... it's still not very good." A ponderful pause. "Do you know what sort of teams we might be up against? I'm really not familiar with these competitions..."

She trails off. She's walking with fellow Team Chauncey (Name Subject to Change) member Ida, as they take in the booths and stalls being set up for the event. It's good that people aren't losing hope. Heartening, even.

The nun's eyes are naturally drawn to the colors of Granas clergy. "Oh, hello there," she says as she passes by Elena, timidly raising a hand. She would have likely remained silent under most circumstances, but being with a friend emboldens her somewhat, and besides, fellow servants of Granas are practically family.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Ida might not be competing in the most eagerly-anticipated bracket, but she's practicing like she is. She's been drilling herself on her style's forms each morning, and again each evening--at least once, she got Sephy to help her practice her aim by throwing little clay discs into the air. She believes she has the whole ARMs thing covered, but she suspects that the moment she starts getting confident about it, the universe will throw her another curveball.

"Between you, Lynnai, and Sephilia, we do have a strong defensive game," Ida says. "while Talise, Chauncey and I bring respectable offense. That said, flexibility is a virtue in situations like these. I am anticipating a strong presence from gunsmoke sharpshooters, since this is the first time they've ever been allowed to compete." Ida, of course, is walking along at Rosaline's side as she gives her analysis. She spots the Songstress a moment after Rosaline does, draws herself up, and focuses a little. Was she arguing with the vender a few seconds ago?

<Pose Tracker> Elena has posed.

With the Leo badge proudly affixed to her dress, under one of her shoulders, Elena looks the tourist part alright. Luckily she wears colors associated with the Church of Granas, and plenty enough of symbols on her clothes here and there to confirm it, so it's a piece of cake to identify her.

Sadly, she's not very well known, being a lowly Songstress of little renown, and herself doesn't know the names of most officials. It seems she had noticed Rosaline, too, or perhaps the talk of fighting had gotten her attention - but she quickly contains herself to bow politely, hands together in front of her. She seems a bit stiff, or maybe shy?

"H-Hello! I'm sorry for the commotion, I just cannot believe there are people who would profit from the injuries of others...!" She is sheltered. Ignorant might be a better word.

"My name is Elena, I am with the Church of Granas." She speaks all... tightly, too. Barely any contractions. "I arrived this morning, the Church requested me to assist tournament participants who sustain injuries, and to spread the light of Lord Granas too." Somehow she doesn't seem that happy about the news.

"... I... I forgot to ask for a map of the city."

<Pose Tracker> Rosaline Calice has posed.

"This is true," Rosaline says softly, considering the insights. One thing's for sure: She'll be spending a lot of time agonizing over how to have her crest graphs reorganized. Shields will obviously be useful with bullets flying about, but some offensive magic might also come in handy... So many choices!

It's a testament (no pun intended) to how seriously Rosaline has been taking the competition that she didn't even notice the argument. Her eyes did perk up at the sound, as they tend to do when something seems to stand out from the usual buzzing of the crowd, but the words didn't actually register.

"O-Oh, I see..." Rosaline says, softly. Shy, sheltered Elena is in good company. She smiles to her fellow clergywoman, before bringing up her satchel bag and starting to look through it. "It's no problem. I can give you mine. We've arrived fairly recently too, but I think between the two of us, Ida and I can find our way around..."

"B-But my apologies! I forgot to introduce myself," she says, having fetched a map but grasping it far too tightly. "My name is Rosaline Calice. I'm an Etone-in-Training." Her speech is somewhat more relaxed, but it may be a regional thing. "It's nice to meet you. I'll be praying for Granas to smile upon your mission."

She seems to have forgotten to actually hand the map over.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Ida puts on her cheeriest, most polite smile. "A pleasure to meet you, Sister Elena," she says, trying not to feel personally slighted and irrationally angry. She is only halfway successful, but Elena could never tell the difference. Ida nods to Rosaline as she pulls out the map, adding: "Anything to help you in your new duty." She lets Rosaline introduce herself, and then adds her own introduction. "Ida Everstead-Rey, of Guild Galad." Which, being a stone's throw away from St. Heim, is pretty solidly Granas Church territory.

"Ah, Sister Calice, the map...?"

<Pose Tracker> Elena has posed.

"Thank you! But... are you sure you won't need the map for yourselves?" Elena asks, concerned, even if she had just been offered it in thefirst place. She can't help it, she doesn't want to be a bother. Even after asking for help!

The Songstress' mood seems to rapidly improve as it turns out that not only is Rosaline a fellow member of the Church - although technically the Ethos are a sub-division of the Church, it doesn't matter to Elena - but Ida is from the same city she is!

"What fortune! I will pray for his light reach you as well! I know that you Etone have one of the harshest jobs in this world, dealing with unclean abominations, it... isn't it scary, at times? Everything I've heard suggests it isn't for the faint of heart!" Take your praise, Rosaline, take it and drown in it!

Then Elena turns to face Ida, clueless as to the feelings that rock hard facade conceals. "I am also from Guild Galad! But, I have not had the luxury to go back for almost a decade now, I wonder how it is doing...?" It's, after all, across the sea, and sea travel isn't so commonplace these days. Nor is it cheap.

<Pose Tracker> Rosaline Calice has posed.

"Oh yes! Right!!" Miharu tenses up when Ida reminds her about the map. She loosens her grip and presents it to Elena. It's... a little crumpled and even torn where Rosaline's thumb was a second ago, but it should still be readable. She shakes her head. "It's all right. We can get another one easily enough."

Nearby: Almost every merchant sells maps to the out-of-towners, at a CAPITALISTIC MARKUP.

"Haha," Rosaline lets out, faintly, her skin getting pale for a second as she's reminded of what her job entails. "I haven't acted much in official Etone capacity yet..." she confesses, "though I'll try not to let people down too m-- not to let anyone down."

She clasps her hands together, avoiding looking at either woman. "I hope I get to visit Guild Galad sometime. I haven't traveled much at all from home before... Um, before things happened."

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Ida can practically feel the nervousness radiating off of Rosaline. "Indeed," she says, offering her friend a reassuring smile. "Rosaline and I made our acquaintance a month or so ago. We're, ah, Drifters." It still feels awkward to say, even though now it's pretty much the unvarnished truth.

"As for Guild Galad, progress continues, as it always has. I do miss it dearly, but each day in Ignas brings new experiences. If our path takes us there, Rosaline, I would gladly introduce you to it." She finds herself trying to pick apart Elena's mannerisms for some clue as to which social class she comes from--June's mannerisms are coarse and easy to identify, but Elena is proving trickier.

If Elena has any clue how the city is run, she would recognize the Everstead-Rey house as one of the big mercantile houses. They sell ARMs. A lot of ARMs.

<Pose Tracker> Elena has posed.

Elena belongs to the social class of "dumped in a coven when she was a child and practically never exposed to the real world". This might become obvious as the conversation goes on, especially since Elena had no reaction to Ida's name.

It might also be the fact she hasn't noticed people are selling maps all around them. The noise of the city is, truth told, rather intimidating for the Songstress. She's used to more quiet, smaller villages.

She takes the map with a smile, turning it around a few times before figuring out which way it's meant to be read. She's sheltered, not illiterate! After a few moments she puts it away, to make sure she doesn't lose it.

"Thank you again! I would be happy to show you around Guild Galad if the chance ever presents itself, if I can even recognize but a part of it!" Then comes the word Drifters.

It isn't a dirty a word as Geohound, but Elena still isn't a fan. Most Drifters, she had been led to believe, care only for money. Battle-hungry mercenaries! It couldn't be further away from the truth, but she wasn't raised in the most accepting of places.

"I-I see. May I ask what your purpose as a Drifter is?" There's a judgmental glare, poorly concealed. "I have not gotten to meet very many of you face to face. What sorts of jobs do you take?"

<Pose Tracker> Rosaline Calice has posed.

Rosaline isn't great with meeting new people, as Ida has probably figured by now. She'll relax... eventually. She smiles back to Ida. "That'd be lovely."

Is Rosaline being judged? She almost always keenly feels like she's being judged, but right now this might in fact be what's happening. Rosaline shrinks, slightly but visibly. But then, didn't someone state that she WASN'T FAINT OF HEART? She gathers her courage to formulate an answer...!!

"We each have our goals, but..." She wrings her thickly-gloved hands together. "I'm raising funds to rebuild the orphanage I grew up on. This is... in addition to, um... standard Etone things. Slaying dangerous monsters, making sure technology doesn't fall into the wrong hands..." She trails off, reddening.

"But Ida and the others are all good people," she manages to breathe out, simply.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Ida is still the very picture of impeccable conduct, even as the Songstress judges her for her life choices, like everyone is inevitably going to do when she gets back home. It is trivial for her to swallow the hot little coal of guilt and anger. It can go off to sit with all of the others.

"I'm a naturalist by training," Ida says. "My mother was Sister Flora, before she left the Ethos and settled down. She taught me a great deal. Up until quite recently, I was here as part of an expedition from Eastbridge, based out of Adlehyde." The reason for the past tense is, of course, the whole thing with the demons and the fire and murder.

<Pose Tracker> Elena has posed.

These answers seem to satisfy Elena, as she smiles and nods to both of the ladies before her. "I see! That is good. I have heard that there are those Drifters who would do anything for money. Cold-blooded murder. Betrayal. J-Just to think there are such people out there, it makes my blood boil!" Elena huffs again. She's quite the opinionated sister, isn't she?

This time, at least, she catches herself and makes a panicked bow. "M-My apologies, I was unnecessarily rude to you both! You would not have given me this map if you were such people, I should not have jumped to conclusions like that." This won't stop her from doing it again.

She straightens herself back up. "Thank you, then! Without kind souls like you, the roads would be even less safe for the common folk! We must each do our own part in making the world a safer and brighter place, so I am glad you have already found your ways!"

Then to Ida: "I have heard of the tragedy that befell Adlehyde. I wish I could have done something to help. What was your expedition searching for, rare plants?" She did say naturalist!

<Pose Tracker> Rosaline Calice has posed.

"Oh no, it's all right, it's all right," Rosaline lets out after a moment, waving her hands as if she was the one who'd just been rude. She bows right back to Elena. She isn't normally much of a bowing person (it seems to be, again, a regional thing) but right now she's making a special exception.

Rosaline nods sadly at the mention of Adlehyde. "When you think about it, your presence here is helping, in a way. Half of the taxes raised during the tournament will be going to the reconstruction efforts... So we'll be helping people, however indirectly."

She allows herself to let out a sigh. It's a small one, but she's been close to holding her breath the whole time, so it comes out overblown. "I do still hope no one gets too badly hurt. But this tournament is all in good fun, right...?"

Optimism! It's important.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Ida is starting to wonder if Elena is one of those cases where they ship a too-pious member of the clergy to do "missionary work", thereby ensuring they are well away from both important business and the Church's dirty laundry. Mother told her about things like that. She returns Elena's bow with grace and poise, making note of the way she seems to be wobbling between piety and self-reproach.


"Every so often the University goes and gathers specimens from different parts of the world--it keeps the collections fresh and noteworthy. Occasionally, the faculty will place requests, since they usually can't sponsor their own expeditions. This time, I was tasked with botanical, archaeological, and fossil-material collection."

Ida nods to Rosaline, then. "At the very least, I have been assured there is no risk of anyone being killed."

<Pose Tracker> Elena has posed.

"I am not comfortable with the premise of the tournament. S-Surely, there are... better ways for people to gather funds and entertain themselves than fight...?" It's a hopeful question which may as well confirm Ida's doubts. She seeks shelter in something she says stiffly, like a quote from a book. "The Light of Peace is Granas, the god whose praises we sing."

A brief pause, then she resumes. "I do not see why we cannot find entertainment and interest in peace instead of war... b-but I will do what I was tasked to do!" In truth it was not ALL she was tasked to do. She'd also been told she should work with the Adventurer's Guild and "get some experience" whatever that meant. She's been putting that off. Probably will continue to do so for as long as she can.

"I hope you are right. I do not feel like I am helping right now." Probably because she just had to be helped! But now she has a map, it'll all be fine. Elena looks at Ida, curious. "I-I see! Fossils, minerals, plants and historical artifacts... so you are a sort of researcher, too? It must be interesting to study the past through exploration rather than reading!" Reading had its perks, though, and Elena would never part with her religious works.

<Pose Tracker> Rosaline Calice has posed.

Rosaline's ears twitch. They must be burning.

"Praise be," she says softly. She isn't sure how they can ensure a lack of fatalities, but it's reassuring to hear.

There's also something bizarre about meeting someone who makes Rosaline seem like a worldly pragmatist by comparison. The two may be similar in obvious ways, but the beastwoman's upbringing has made her considerably more comfortable with violence. And yet, still...

"I understand what you're saying," she says with a nod. "I hope we can help Filgaia get there someday. But for now..."

She welcomes the change of subject, when it comes to talking about Ida's work. It's a bit her work too, now that they're working together. "It's been very much so." She allows herself a smile.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

"First we must deal with the Demons," Ida says, easily establishing herself as the most pragmatic member of the trio. Even then, she finds herself feeling guilty. A member of the clergy is basically sitting over there, unwittingly prodding Ida in several spots that have been especially sore of late. As Elena continues to rail against violence in general, Ida remembers Kalve's voice.

What are you? Are you a scholar? A craftsman? A warrior? Are you all of these things? Are you none of them? I lied to you because it was necessary. You lie to yourself because you do not know the answer.

"Oh, yes," Ida says. "It does involve many nights spent out in the wilderness, but the finds one comes up with make it all worthwhile. And now, it's more necessary than ever." Ida offers a conciliatory smile. "Have you ever seen anything like that in person, Elena?" Even as she speaks, Ida starts feeling apprehensive. If she is having trouble holding on to her ideals, then how is this fragile hothouse orchid of a woman supposed to?

If you are not a violent woman, then what are you?

<Pose Tracker> Elena has posed.

"It might be a long road... but for the world's sake, it is a road we must walk! The Church of Granas teaches that, because of the Devil of Darkness, the world if ailing. With faith and conviction, it can be healed!" She sounds like she should be on a stage right now. Or in a church. Possibly both.

"I-I suppose... that if it is for a good cause... I can... tolerate this tournament and abstain from making further judgments... even if Lord Granas wouldn't approve of such a violent sport, if it is done with good intentions and no one gets hurt..."

She'll just keep telling herself that.

A grim nod follows, agreeing with Ida. "These... "Metal Demons" sound scary. I am not a warrior, but I was taught to defend myself! If they attack again, I will do my best to defend those around me." Then she shakes her head to the next question. "I have not gotten to explore the wilderness yet. But I am confident I could handle it!" She'll regret those words soon enough. "After all, Lord Granas will be with me no matter where I go!"

<Pose Tracker> Rosaline Calice has posed.

Rosaline nods along as Elena works her way towards being all right with the tournament's existence. This is fine. This is all fine.

"They definitely are," she says of metal demons, staring at the ground for a moment. She's never going to forget that day and the night that followed. She probably has some stories, some of which Ida was there for, but she doesn't feel like sharing them right now. Then again, when will she ever?

"That's the spirit," she says, in a decidedly un-spirited way. "Though if you need someone to lend a hand, feel free to look me up. I'm not much more familiar with the environs than you are, but I know how it can be. And besides, followers of Granas should stick together, shouldn't they?"

She isn't volunteering Ida, that would be rude, but she looks at her, curious as to whether she'll throw her hat into the ring as well.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Oh, dear, Ida thinks. This one is in for a rough road ahead. She keeps right on smiling up until she sees Rosaline drift off for a moment--and she knows exactly where Rosaline's drifting off to. Ida rests a hand on her friend's shoulder, reassuringly. "Of course," Ida says. "It would be my pleasure to assist you, Sister Elena. Though I must ask... what do you know of the Metal Demons?" She doesn't feel terribly optimistic about the answer. Most Galadians are at least vaguely familiar with them, but only as scienific discoveries, and the raw material of industry. Thinking of them as living things is kind of a leap.

<Pose Tracker> Elena has posed.

"I will keep that in mind, Sister Calice!" Elena says with a nod and a smile, happy to know she can count on her fellow sister for help if she ever needs more. Then Ida, much more grounded, asks the important questions.

Elena lowers her head, a bit shamed. "N-Not as much as I should, I must admit. I am aware they appear in ancient legends, that their remains are often excavated as objects of high value and importance, and they a long time ago they were defeated by humans. I have also heard that they are not from this world. That is... that is about all I know, I am afraid." It turns out the naturalist was quite right. "Even so!" Sore demo. "I cannot let a lack of knowledge become an obstacle! I will learn all there is to learn so that I may be of aid." She has no idea where to start and kind of said that on a whim, but she totally means it.

<Pose Tracker> Rosaline Calice has posed.

Rosaline's tail (and the rest of the body it's attached to) relaxes a bit at the feel of her friend's touch pulling her back to reality. Her look back to Ida is thankful.

And a deal is made. Rosaline might just look like some sort of cool big sister, helping the new girl out like that. It's not a feeling she often gets.

That's... not completely clueless about the Metal Demons, at least. Rosaline smiles again, though it's nervous. "Yes, knowledge... might be helpful. My friend Jacqueline sells books, among other things. That wouldn't be a bad place to start. And, um... Well, we could tell you what we know from... firsthand experience, some other time."

She looks like someone who just remembered an appointment. Ida can easily guess why she isn't so eager to go there just yet.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Ida wonders if Elena has any idea what she volunteered for. She wonders if she has any idea what she volunteered for. It's only a matter of time before the Metal Demons regroup, and it's quite likely that Ida and her companions will be caught in the crossfire once again. By her own admission, Elena wasn't there at Adlehyde. She has no idea what they can really do.

"That's the spirit," Ida says. "If I may, my card." She slips a hand into a pocket and comes up with a little metal case, sliding the lid open with her thumb. She takes a single piece of cardstock out and gives it to Elena. "Please forgive the outdated parcel address," Ida says. "I haven't yet had the chance to have new ones printed."

<Pose Tracker> Elena has posed.

"Please! You do not need to apologize for circumstances outside your control," Elena insists, as she takes Ida's card. "I wish you the best of luck in finding a new home! If you would like, there are a few spare bedrooms at the church I am staying at, I am sure you Drifters are used to more luxurious rooms but it is better than sleeping on the floor!" Oops, there's some #casualdiscrimination slipping in there again. Elena does not seem to notice that time, and hardly sounds like she's judging so much as being clueless.

She takes note, as well, of the name Jacqueline. "Could you introduce me to your friend, Sister Calice? I would very much like to consult these books on the Metal Demons!" Books are there one should turn for knowledge. They have never failed Elena.

"A-Ah, right! If you were to require my services for anything, please come find me at the church! I will be happy to lend aid in whatever way I can!"

<Pose Tracker> Rosaline Calice has posed.

Rosaline, meanwhile, isn't having a moment's panic like Ida's despite the subject matter and her slowly coming to similar realizations. Do you want to know what her secret is? She's always terrified.

She doesn't have a card either, and vaguely wishes she did. How do Etones normally hand out contact information? Something to ask Mother Oba the next time she sees her, maybe. Or Ida might already know.

"Um," is all Rosaline has to say in response to that #casualdiscrimination, before she decides that this isn't a fight she wants to pick. In fact, if she could never argue with anyone, ever, that would be fantastic.

"Of course," she says with a nod. "I think she'll be coming to town soon if she hasn't already." Look at her! She's ~connected~ now.

"Thank you so much," she says, "I'll remember this." She begins to wave and walk away, because social encounters for her run on a timer at the end of which she will die. It only faintly occurs to her, as she does, that it's entirely possible that they're actually staying at the same church.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Ida is starting to suspect that Elena and tact are no longer on speaking terms. "You're most generous, Sister Elena," Ida says, with another little bow. "I have accomodations, and I certainly wouldn't want to impose, especially when there are many more in far greater need than I. I'll do what I can to transcribe my findings for you, in the meantime." She turns to Rosaline, quickly determines the other woman is nearing the end of her rope, and turns back to Elena. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Sister Elena. I hope you find this place as welcoming as we have."

Then it's off to ensure Rosaline gets back somewhere more private than a major thoroughfare.