2018-12-27: Shattered

From Dream Chasers
Revision as of 21:01, 27 December 2018 by Malfi (talk | contribs) (The Photosphere Sequence takes a hard toll on Malfi.)
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  • Cutscene: <Shattered>
  • Cast:< Malfi>
  • Where: <Arctican Wilderness>
  • Date: <2018-12-27> ICLY takes place 2018-12-01.
  • Summary: <The Photosphere Sequence takes a hard toll on Malfi.>

The escape pod touched down near the others; they were programmed to seek each other out so survivors could band together. Malfi and Bogey stepped out, caution in their steps. Both are wounded and scorched; Bogey has deep rakes along his flanks and left front leg. Malfi's not in much better shape.

They watch as the Photosphere plunges into the sea.

Home, the only home she's ever known, gone. Her faith, gone. The war, lost. Many of her people gone -- some of them friends. Her leader, gone. Malfi had seen Siegfried's body from a distance, crumpled in Fei's arms with a terrible finality. Tradition held that the souls of dead Hyadeans entered Mother's warm embrace.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

The laughter that bubbleburbles from her is bitter and more than a touch hysterical. It gives way to deep, racking sobs that she tries hard to hold back.



No, not in front of the humans!

This must be--

How the people--

The people of Adlehyde--

Felt when we--


She has just enough time to settle to the ground before darkness claims her.

Bogey stands over her inert form, programmed to protect his rider. He won't attack anyone attempting to help her.