Solaris POI: Xantia

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Authorized for release to Gebler Special Exploratory Group (SEG)
(Clearance-confirmed contractors included)

NAME: Xantia
PRE-ENCOUNTER SUMMARY: 2017/04/23: PoI "XANTIA" was discovered in the "Gentleman's Alley" operational area and I was able to emerge in local role and speak with her. She had caused some minor difficulties due to an advantage in physical strength relative to the person manning the "Arm Wrestling" attraction, and I presented myself as a minor manager for interaction.
ENCOUNTER SUMMARY: 2017/04/23: I did not learn much about her more recent activities, but I was able to examine the ARM she carries and confirm that it does not appear to be either the source of her abnormal physical strength, nor operational. She did not even consider it to be an ARM. I was not able to examine it closely, although my limited examination confirms that it was of tier one technological origin.

XANTIA was in some hurry to purchase food, and there may be a connection between this voracity and her feats of strength. I encouraged her to demonstrate her abilities on a fireplace tool nearby, which she did happily (see physical artifact A).

The object is of standard industrial iron and she did not seem to show signs of significant physical effort while bending it. Her ARM showed no external signs that I could demonstrate. If she was expressing an Ether ability or similar phenomenon, her manifestation was too faint for me to detect at close range.

2017/07/09: I successfully infiltrated the tournament under the persona of 'Seis Thurule'. My first match was against the POI Xantia, who demonstrated considerable application of the combat effectiveness so noted in previous reports. Unusual levels of strength and bare-handed attacks seem to be her specialty. Attempted several targeted attacks towards her bracer ARM with ether, which seemed to cause her distress (she was concerned I might break it, which suggests it is vulnerable).

Further engagement with air-aspected ether attacks suggested she possessed a form of electrophobia, but this appeared to be a mental condition intended to suppress her own latent abilities for electrokinesis, which manifested in the middle of the fight. At this point I forfeited the match rather than continue and risk her abilities cascading out of control.

2017/07/26: Fought person-of-interest Xantia. Her style is likewise reminiscient of a Gebler martial art, but I do not believe she has the same training as Fei. On Lt. Kahm Yugh's orders, I fought cruelly to attempt to press her into using her etheric abilities, but instead she went into a false zen state and her bracelet fired a powerful energy beam of its own will.

2017/08//02: Second, the ministry of science recently responded to my inquest regarding POI Xantia. No record of similar equipment to her armature or known techniques exist in their records, which leave us with Shevat as the other possibility. We must consider strongly the Lieutenant Commander's theory that Shevati influence and sleeper agents could be at play in the events unfolding.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: 2017/04/23:My recommendation is continued monitoring, as this situation seems to have the hallmarks of a potential - but potentially clumsy - insertion of a controlled agent.

2017/07/09: It is highly now highly likely that Xantia is an unregistered Ether user, and this may be connected with her previously reported status as an amnesiac and wield of uncertain technology. Suggest cross-referencing what we know with information Etrenank is willing to share.

2017/08/02: Lt. Ortell to continue monitoring if possible.

2019/10/05: Associate/member of mercenary group 'Black Wolves'.

2020/10/05: Participated in assassination attempt of Minister Shakhan.

COMMENTS: 2017/04/23: Report attachments:

(PHYSICAL ARTIFACT A: Several photographs of a bent iron poker. The actual poker is available in the secret Gebler base near the Gentleman's Alley for analysis and science purposes.)
(EXPENSE ACCOUNT: Elly expensed a "Fruit Cocktail," a "Slightly Hard Lemonade (additional ice)," and the iron poker. Very fastidious.