2024-05-14: A World in a Bottle

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  • Cutscene: A World in a Bottle
  • Cast: Ambrosius
  • Where: Laila Belle, Energy Nede
  • Date: 2024-05-14
  • Summary: Noticing Ambrosius's melancholy, Minerva suggests a visit to Energy Nede, a place he has not yet been. The two take their time to explore, but encounter a surprise as they prepare to return home.

 Things have been... busy. Threads that need to be pulled, investigations to carry out... The Veruni are ever active and Ambrosius, as one of their field agents, is occasionally called upon to act. It's a pity, then, that he no longer has the enthusiasm for it he once did. But activity, now, draws him homeward.

 Returning to this region of the world where a trip to Laila Belle - his people's foothold on this world - is easily feasible should have been a relief... But perhaps due to his time spent abroad, he finds he can't relate to them as he once did. Had they always been so focused on rising to the top, at the expense of each other, regardless of cost...?

 And so, rather than get out to see the familiar sights... Ambrosius sits back in his apartment. A bottle stands on the table before him, and a glass. Gounon's famous apple wine... That, he supposes, is one benefit of returning. He sits back. The television is on - for white noise, more than anything. Some program that became popular during the time he's been gone. He can't put a name to a single face on screen.


 The voice shakes him from his thoughts. Minerva's voice - though she appears no different than any other Veruni on the surface, she is in actuality one of the mechanical Scutum units that once served as the Temple of Rejection's protectors. She had been found deactivated, but he restored her through modern Veruni technology, using his golem Nimue's programming as a basis to fix gaps in her code that had been damaged through years of inactivity.

 He hadn't realised at the time - though perhaps he should have - that this action would cause her to grow and learn beyond a simple guardian drone. When she began to show signs of life and interests beyond her station... he could no longer bring himself to deploy her in battle against the Drifters gathering in Elru to assault the Hyadean's Photosphere as he had originally intended. Given how that turned out, it was for the best. He would have borne no end of regret if he sent her to her death for nothing.

 Ambrosius turns to find her staring directly at him, standing up straight with her arms folded in front of her. That she stands inhumanly still is the greatest hint to her nature. At least she developed a habit of blinking during the time she spent learning from the people of Wayside - even he found himself occasionally unnerved by the ceaseless gaze.

 "Minerva." Ambrosius greets. He manages a smile for her. "What did you need?"

 As a rule, Minerva doesn't fidget or shift her gaze like a being of flesh and blood would. But he can tell from the delay that she is hesitating - it usually doesn't take her long to form replies. ...This is a rare occurrence.

 "Your eyes have been on the screen for the past ten minutes, but they have not moved in response to the unfolding events." She observes. "...With all due respect... I believe you may 'brooding'."

 Ambrosius pauses, at that. He blinks, looks at the screen, then back at her, and sighs.

 "...So I am." He admits. He picks up his glass and stares into it again for a moment. "I'm... tired, I suppose."

 More quiet. More hesitation. He looks up again at her. It isn't visible on her face, of course. But, this line of inquiry, the clear effort it's taking...

 ...Is she worried about him?

 "If I may make a suggestion..." Minerva starts, finally. "Perhaps a change of scenery might help?"

 Ambrosius considers that for a moment. A suggestion - a request? This, too, is a rare occurrence, and worth encouraging. Very rarely does she make suggestions like this outside of raw, logical combat tactics. It's a good sign of her growth. But, wait, the way she said it...

 "I take it you have someplace in mind?" Ambrosius asks. His melancholy is forgotten for a moment as he indulges her. There's another moment of hesitation.

 "The anomalous readings in the Lahan Village region... It is said that the source is a rift or portal leading to another world - one inhabited by both people and friendly creatures." Minerva explains. "Perhaps this may be a matter worth investigating."

 "'Energy Nede', I believe." Ambrosius confirms with a nod. "...I suppose I will accomplish nothing here. I could use the fresh air, perhaps. I will consider it."

 He raises his glass to his mouth to finish off the last of his drink... but as he does he thinks about her suggestion for a moment longer and then looks at her, setting it down.

 "Do you wish to go?" He asks. He's curious - but he's already certain of the answer. And, indeed, there's none of the earlier response delay.


 That settles it, then. Ambrosius smiles, a bit more genuinely, then stands up.

 "Then I shall make the arrangements at once." He decides with a nod. Knowing that Minerva is... if not excited, then at least interested in this Energy Nede makes him feel a spark of interest, too. Seeing her take interest in the world - another world, in this case, he supposes - is a good thing. Perhaps this will be good for him, too. She may be right - perhaps he needs to experience something new to restore some of his lost energy. A new world, with new people, new creatures, and new places... New literature to absorb. Yes. That could be good for him.

 It's a simple enough matter to arrange. He is already given some amount of autonomy, so once his intentions are made known, the request clears with little incident. The trip to Ignas proves uneventful, and locating the rift itself... The powers that gather around it are not the easiest to bypass, but for those determined, there's always a way. And so, before long...

 From the rift outside Viridian City, too figures fall. First Ambrosius, then Minerva, each landing with a shuddering quake. Ambrosius stands tall, looks to the sky, and draws in a deep breath. This truly is a different land. But the sky... He studies it, brow furrowed. There is a familiar nature to it. The method and nature differ, of course... but the Veruni, of all people, would know well what they're looking at.

 "Yet another world inside a bottle..." He murmurs. Locus Solus. Laila Belle. And now this Energy Nede... Is it irony? Or is it the expected course for things to always end up this way...?

 "Ambrosius." Minerva's words of warning draw him out of his thoughts and he turns to look around them, where people of this world gather cautiously. They must be the local peacekeeping force. He studies them for a moment... and then, noting theirs, a hand rises to his ear, brushing against it idly. It ends in a fine point, but just like theirs. Another similarity between their peoples. It's almost funny.

 "...Pardon us." Ambrosius murmurs, drawing his ponch around himself. He'd prepared himself for a frosty welcome... and yet, this and a lack of aggressive intent seems enough to satisfy them. He watches as they disperse - though still with a cautious eye on this new pair of Visitors - before looking toward Minerva. "Shall we?"

 With a nod in response, the two set out. It's a small slice of a world. The rest, he learned, has either been destroyed or rendered uninhabitable. This is all that's left - of its people and its creatures, which they have endeavored so greatly to preserve. Fascinating creatures, these Pokemon. Truly, they are wild animals - dangerous, unpredictable... and yet, as Minerva had mentioned, largely friendly. More than once had they encountered these Pokemon on their travels. It gave him the sense that they were being studied, assessed - not as prey, but as potential traveling companions. An odd feeling, but not unwelcome.

 They spent several days exploring the land. It wasn't nearly enough to absorb even a fractions of what there is to experience - and yet, in that time, he saw many things he would not have anticipated. Though his people and those of Energy Nede could both be considered, the route they went down differs greatly... It's fascinating, to see things from such a different perspective. There is something... artificial about the land. That does not escape his notice. But it is still far more alive than either of the places his people call home. It's familiar to him.

 And, indeed... he does find his mood improving, somewhat. He knows that he will eventually have to return to Filgaia... but it is nice. And he can see that Minerva, for her part, has enjoyed this visit as well. She seemed particularly taken with the Pokemon and learning about them.

 ...And, on more than one occasion, fighting them. They truly do seem to have a fondness for combat, as noted - each battle both a friendly spar and a test of each other's might. Ambrosius largely stayed out of these contests, letting Minerva handle them when they occurred. ...Though, seeing her fight them lead to many an odd look from the Nedians. Battling them directly is not the done thing, it seems.

 But, indeed - they cannot stay here forever, and the time for them to return fast approaches. On that day, the two of them make final preparations to depart in Viridian City.

 "I believe I have gathered enough samples. This should prove sufficient, for now, and provide ample excuse for a return at a later date." Ambrosius says. He looks through the sealed bag one last time and, satisfied, closes it up once more.

 "...I see. Then let us depart." Minerva acknowledges. She seems to be in a hurry to leave... Though if anything, he notes, it seems to be from reluctance to do so. They will have to make this trip again.

 But, as they converse, a presence rapidly approaches them. Small footsteps - running? Ambrosius turns quickly to look, and in the process, the child that had been running in a panic full-tilt down the streets of Viridian City rams right into him, bouncing off and falling backward onto the pavement. The shock of it unleashes a well of emotions - and the boy starts to cry.

 Ambrosius stares, in surprise, mild horror, and feeling, in the moment, wholly unsure of what he should do in this situation. He feels not for the first time like a terrible villain, though he can at least say with some confidence that this is likely the first time that it is because he made a child cry.

 "...My apologies. I did not mean to get in your way." Ambrosius murmurs. He bends down to help the boy up - which is when he notices what's held in his arms. A smooth, white creature - like a larva, but with a more presentable but currently uneasy countenance, the back half of its body covered in a transparent icy shell. It has begun to melt - what were once spikes of ice worn away.

 Ambrosius expected to help him up and send him on his way - but the last thing he expected was for the child's wailing to intensify.

 "S-Snom's sick!!" The boy sobs. "His ice keeps melting and he won't stay cold and I dunno what to do!!"

 Ambrosius, perhaps ironically, freezes. Oh no. The child has mistaken him for a kind stranger who may be able to help him. He is wholly unprepared for the situation. Minerva, however...

 "This 'Snom' - it must remain cool?" She asks for confirmation. Sniffling through his tears the boy nods, and Minerva leans down. "May I?"

 After a moment of hesitation, the boy passes him over to her. Holding Snom carefully, Minerva channels her Ether - the power of ice coursing through her mechanical body. The air around her cools and, held in her arms, so too does Snom. The little ice worm relaxes, somewhat and the boy, having been helped to his feet by Ambrosius, marvels, his eyes sparkling.

 ...Ambrosius, too, is impressed. To see her go out of her way to aid a living creature in such a manner... it's remarkable, and new. Or, perhaps it is something he has simply never noticed. He feels proud, in that moment.

 "Is there a facility for the care of creatures here?" Minerva asks, breaking the silence. The boy pauses for a second, nods, then starts off. Minerva follows, and Ambrosius does so as well as he leads them to the Pokemon Center.

 Two hours pass, and then, eventually, they emerge, Snom held in the boy's arms once more. Though Snom looks healthier, now, his icy shell baring its trademark spikes once more, the boy bares an uncertain look on his face.

 "They said... Snom's having trouble keeping his body cold. Something about his 'organs'. He's not sick. That's just how... he is." The boy murmurs. Ambrosius nods quietly, looking wholly uncomfortable and unsure how to handle this situation. "I don't wanna keep him in his Pokeball all the time... but he can't stay cool enough outside it."

 This is... not how Ambrosius planned their departure going. What should he do...?

 The boy looks up, between Ambrosius and Minerva... and then, with an expression of reluctant conviction, thrusts Snom into her arms.

 "I-" Minerva starts.

 "You can keep him cold, right? He's better off with you. I think he'll be happier. He eats snow, and leaves, and berries, and and Poffins, and pretty much anything..." The boy explains. "Help him be big and strong!"

 Minerva opens her mouth to speak again - but by the time she's found the words, the boy has already run off without another look back, leaving the two of them alone. A moment of silence passes between them.

 "...Ambrosius." Minerva states. Ambrosius looks her way.

 "Minerva..." Ambrosius starts - uncertainly, warningly... but she's already predicted his next move.

 "I have been entrusted with this creature's wellbeing, Ambrosius." She states plainly. And Ambrosius... exhales, massaging his forehead.

 When did she learn to weaponize guilt? What all did she learn from the people of Wayside...?

 "...Very well." Ambrosius relents. "I will arrange... something. But I shall leave its care to you. Is this acceptable?"

 "Specimen 'Snom' has already been added to my Protected Target List. I will not fail in my duty." She assures - and that is that. He knows full well what that means. Ambrosius nods.

 "...Very well. Then let us return. We have a report to make - and living quarters to arrange." Ambrosius says. And so, return they do. Not to Laila Belle - but to one of his old workshops in Ignas that also serves as a safehouse. And the next day...

 Ambrosius enters the living area. It's modest enough, with a desk to sit at, some chairs and a table for company, and a small food preparation area... and now, in one corner of the room, a terrarium has been set up for Snom to live when he isn't taken outside. Snow lines the bottom of its surface and ice clings to the glass due to the technology used to keep temperatures low. It's large enough to comfortably fit Snom, as well as some foliage, a cutting from a Nedian tree for him to cling to, and other odds and ends to keep his living environment fresh and interesting.

 ...Another world in a bottle, Ambrosius notes to himself. He approaches the terrarium, watching Snom munch on snow. He studies him contemplatively... and, noticing his presence, Snom looks back. Their eyes meet, and Snom's mouthparts wiggle briefly in a sort of greeting before returning to his snow.

 Ambrosius sighs, wholly defeated.