Katyna Reidal

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Katyna Reidal
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IC Information
Full Name: Katyna Reidal
Gender: Female
Age (Birthdate): 19? (??)
Hometown: Hallora Prime
Hair Colour: Purple
Class: Gear Battler
Role: Drifter
Bounty: 50,000 Gella (Plus bonus for Gear)
OOC Information
Theme: Original Character
Major Group: None
Minor Groups: None
Player: User:Prism

An alien from the unaligned Zeta Sector, Katyna Reidal was drafted by the Rezerbian Space Forces, an organization considered barely better than terrorists by the Federation. After an incident between her and a superior officer, she was given the opportunity of execution for insubordination or a dangerous mission, and Katyna picked the second. She was sent to Kepler-186 to investigate rumours that the Federation blockade concealed a relic or superweapon of immense power... and like many people before her, her ship crashed on entering the system. Retrieved from her crash site by Kislev, she was kept as a prisoner and had a short-lived career as a Nortune Battler until she managed to escape by stealing her own Battling Gear and go on the run. To support herself, she's become a Drifter, travelling the wastes and never settling down in one place - but learning a remarkable amount about the history of Filgaia. Unfortunately, Kislev appears to have it out for her (or her Gear), and her bounty has skyrocketed since her escape, with a bonus for intact retrieval.


Powers and Abilities


Katyna's weapons of choice are knives, primarily thrown. She knows ranged techniques to maneuver knives in various ways after they've been thrown or to cause small shockwaves when she throws them. These techniques are a mixture of self-taught and trained. She is also a capable knife-fighter in melee range but uses these skills less often, preferring to keep her distance.

Katyna owns a modification kit that allows her technologically modify knives, bullets, or other small propelled items. Unfortunately, Filgaian gunsmoke firearms are not of sufficient quality to be used to fire modified bullets, so she only does it with knives at the moment. These modified knives contain systems like a superheated edge that emits a jet of flame on impact, an electric wire that chains the target to a location, and an explosive spike, among others.

Though the modification kit is actually modern space gear, most people of Filgaia would believe the knives to be a mysterious excavated ARM, as they are quite similar in results to Metal Demon-era 'elemental guns'. Katyna does not correct them.

Katyna is also a good shot with small and long arms.


  • Grappling Cable: Katyna uses one of her modified knives that trails an ultralight cable suitable for climbing, swinging, or using as a tool to pull things at a distance. Supports 600 pounds.
  • Portable Scanner: Katyna has a small scanning system roughly analogous to a Federation tricorder, though of clearly different design.


Katyna possesses a Gear.

Wild Trigger was an entrant in the Battling Arena. Believed to be of Kislev make, Katyna has her private suspicions upon messing with the internals that it's older than that - and the determination with which Kislev appears to be trying to get it back justifies her belief. While poking around, she managed to get it to boot into a different system (once), which called the Gear Argentis; Katyna tends to use that name for the Gear, though it's still better known at large as Wild Trigger.

Argentis is a humanoid Gear. Rather sturdy-looking and almost bulky with armour, it has solid exterior plating that conceals a smaller core in the torso (though not the limbs). It has built-in boosters in its legs that allow it to jump extremely high and slow its fall, but not fly.

Argentis' primary weapon is a large gyrojet rifle; it fires bullet-rockets, which are big enough to be loaded with missile payloads. It also has an integrated shield on its left arm, though it's of limited use while firing, as the rifle takes both hands to steady due to its length. Every once in a while, Katyna finds how to activate hidden equipment in the Gear itself.

Anything else about Argentis is currently unknown.

Space Alien

Katyna is a Halloran, a sentient race from the Hallora system in the uncontrolled Zeta Sector. They originated on the second planet in that system, Hallora II, which is a humid, warm world with a largely subtropical and tropical climate. Independently spacefaring, they colonized their two moons but did not discover the secret of FTL transit before encountering the Rezerbians, a nearby race in that sector. Though Hallora remains nominally independent, in practice it is a vassal system of the Rezerbians, dependent on Rezerb for defense and transport while being exploited economically. Additionally, the Rezerbian military uses Hallorans as enlisted (or drafted) personnel in positions that the Rezerbians find difficult due to their physiology.

Physically, Hallorans are a humanoid species. They average slightly taller than a human, but generally fall within human norms for height and mass. Their most obvious trait is their blue skin, which is marked by both stripes and spots in patterns that are as individual as a fingerprint. Bold colours with clear, symmetrical patterns are considered an indicator of health and attractiveness. As a general rule, Hallorans do not tattoo themselves (including with Symbological tattoos) to emphasize their natural patterning; artificial patterns or symbols are considered crude and unpleasant at best, though there is no bias against tattooed non-Hallorans. They have pointed ears and tend to have pale eye colouration.

Hallorans descend from semi-aquatic mammals who adapted to living in flooded forests and came onto shore and into the trees. Though a fully land-dwelling species, they maintain some vestigial traits from their heritage, such as an ability to hold their breath for much longer than a human and clearer vision underwater. Additionally, as they come from a slightly high-gravity world (Hallora II having approximately 1.13 G), they tend to be athletic when in a 'normal' gravity field.

Though Hallorans are very rare in Federation space, they are not unknown to the Federation. Most Hallorans who do not live in the Hallora system work for the Rezerbians in some capacity, either military or civilian. A minority live independently within the neutral Zeta Sector. Many civilian Hallorans find work in the entertainment or service industries, as their colouration is considered attractively exotic to multiple common species.

Logs and Cutscenes

Chapter 1, Act 1


Chapter 1, Act 2


Chapter 1, Act 3


Chapter 1, Act 4


Chapter 1, Epilogue


Chapter 2, Act 1


Chapter 2, Act 2


Chapter 2, Act 3


Chapter 2, Act 4


Chapter 2, Epilogue


Chapter 3, Act 1

