2019-07-27: Her First Real Battle

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  • Log: Her First Real Battle
  • Cast: Gon Guado, Ena
  • Where: Mi'ihen Highroad
  • Date: 27 July, 2019
  • Summary: An old soldier is tasked with a raw novice against Althena's Guard.

=============================<* Mi'ihen Highroad *>=============================

Many years ago, a man named Lord Mi'ihen, commander of a mercenary group known as the Crimson Blades, was summoned by the Grand Measter to Bevelle to answer the challenge that his group was a threat to Yevon. Though his followers suspected he would be executed and begged to follow, Mi'ihen ordered them to stay behind and walked along an old path to Bevelle, without stopping to rest. 

Moved by the display of piety, the Grand Maester formally adopted Mi'ihen and his soldiers into Yevon as a defensive force, known now as the Crusaders. In recognition of the momentous moment, the path Mi'ihen walked now bears his name.

...except not really, because the original one was wrecked by Sin a few hundred years ago. You can still see bits of it as you pass along the Highroad, on which the Djose Temple can also be found.

BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8tfe_H7bzw
DG: A party led by Gon Guado is now entering Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard.
DG: Party formation is now over. An Entry Challenge will now be drawn and displayed to the party.
================================<* Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard *>=================================
=========================================<* CHALLENGE - Half A League Onward *>=========================================
|Type: Entry       |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
-----------------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >-----------------------------------------------
 After meeting up with the Warrior Monk commanders near the rear of the        
 current skirmish, they quickly give you your marching orders and direct you   
 towards where they think you will do the most good in the sortie currently    
 To get there, though, you will need to charge into the thick of it -- right   
 on and into the fray. Althena's Guard is on the lookout for reinforcements,   
 so you will need to dodge and evade a flurry of spells and more conventional  
 missiles flung your way.                                                      
=Dungeon Conditions: Overwhelm================================================
<Pose Tracker> Gon Guado has posed.

    The forces of Yevon don't have the luxury of choosing where, or when, they will be called to try and stem the tide of the Althena faithful's advances. They are slowly but surely being overwhelmed. Though the present terrain isn't favorable for it, the Guard - in theory - could call upon their terrible Golem weapons at any time and erase what gains the forces of Yevon might yet get... with or without Otherworlder help.
     Gon Guado, one of the older Guado still in service as a soldier even as he comes close to pushing fifty, is one of the prideful and arrogant enough - even now - to not wish to involve those Otherworlders any further lest it involve evicting them. He has worked with the Warrior Monks over the years time and time again. His name is familiar to them.
     He has a few Guado foot soldiers with him - a preference to generally work among his own, as it were - but circumstances are as such that there's a smattering of others willing and able to fight outside of his people. His pride, at least, does not supercede sheer opportunism at hand. In an effort to protect the Yevon way of life, what is he to convince others to seek other reasons to fight?
     It's already off to a bad start. The Althena devout have exposed one nasty weakness the Yevon forces have - their communities have been so insular and largely unchallenged culturally that this extends to even military tactics, and their ambush tactics have, thus far, proven far more effective than they would have otherwise.
     A nearby Guado foot soldier takes an arrow to their upper back. Gon hurls one of the large gauntlets on his hand up to try and block another incoming. The arrowhead pierces the plating, but slows it just enough that the wound is shallow. Already, he is working on a healing spell with a warmth to it not unlike fire - for it is Althena's Blessing through that very aspect, refined into the shapes and disciplines sorcery takes in these parts.
     "Seek higher ground," Gon tries to call above it all as Althena's foot soldiers charge in. There's a rocky climb (literally!) in the intended escape route - but that might be their only way.
     With the other gauntlet, Gon flicks an arm and the gauntlet itself hurls forward like a grappling hook. Simple machina - what 'should' be banned by religious doctrine. It's never been clear to the outside observer what is or isn't okay, in what context.
     Nonetheless, that is Gon's personal attempt to maneuver himself out of (most of) harm's way. What of the others with him?

DG: Gon Guado has used his Tool Chain Claw toward his party's challenge, Half A League Onward.
<Pose Tracker> Ena has posed.

    For Ena, this is her first combat deployment. She is obviously nervous. Unlike Gon, she doesn't have any soldiers or warrior monks with her. It's just her, fighting alongside her senior in the church. She clutches her staff close to her chest, as the arrows fly around her. When she sees Gon's compatriot take an arrow to the back, her eyes widen in fear.

    Still, she looks towards the battlefield, and gulps. This is her duty. If she's to become a summoner, she needs to face threats like this. The enemies of Yevon. The enemies of Spira. The people who had occupied her home. "R-right!" Ena responds to Gon's order, and she starts running towards the path up. A rocky cliff, under spellfire and arrow barrage both.

    "Don't fail me now..." She says out loud, her trusty Kilikan sandals under her feet to steady her way forward. They're simple, humble things, but they are nonetheless what she has. She has to hope they're enough, as she clumsily tries to dodge out of the way.

DG: Ena has used her Tool Humble Sandals toward her party's challenge, Half A League Onward.
================================<* Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard *>=================================
=========================================<* CHALLENGE - Half A League Onward *>=========================================
|Type: Entry       |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
-----------------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >-----------------------------------------------
 After meeting up with the Warrior Monk commanders near the rear of the        
 current skirmish, they quickly give you your marching orders and direct you   
 towards where they think you will do the most good in the sortie currently    
 To get there, though, you will need to charge into the thick of it -- right   
 on and into the fray. Althena's Guard is on the lookout for reinforcements,   
 so you will need to dodge and evade a flurry of spells and more conventional  
 missiles flung your way.                                                      
=Dungeon Conditions: Overwhelm================================================
===========================<* Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard - Round 1 *>============================
===========================================< Results - Half A League Onward >===========================================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Gon Guado                           0 --(0)--> 0                   Pass
Chain Claw                          2   Agility Effects: Stalwart             
Ena                                 0 --(0)--> 0                   Pass
Humble Sandals                      1   Agility Effects: Quicken and Rally    
-------------------------------------------------------< Party >--------------------------------------------------------
Leader: Gon Guado                   0 --(20)--> 20                 Pass
Conditions: Overwhelm
Effects: Quicken(1)
===================================================< Dream Chasers >====================================================
DG: The party led by Gon Guado has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Gon Guado has posed.

    They are simple, but humble things - but whatever empowers Ena's steps, she takes them. She climbs them. Arrows and sorcery nip away at the backsides of those fleeing. Althena's Guard, on the attack, is relentless - the whole of them escape with only largely minor wounds among the lot of them, and this should be treated as a small miracle. Yevon's forces have been slow to adapt to new ideas, of which every Guard assault flings at them with every encounter. The lot of them escape to higher ground, but even that may be part of a multi-pronged ambush. There's no way to be sure - often until it's too late.
     The Guado foot soldiers seem to take to it all stoically enough, as they are, as Gon re-secures the extended gauntlet's chain with another flourish of an arm. (Flourishes are difficult when one's hands are just so... huge.)
     Gon's gaze towards the gathered is not what one would consider passionate as he surveys the lot of them before bidding they continue down their present path. Though they escaped the ambush, they are off course from where the Warrior Monks wanted reinforcements. It will be a battle unto itself to get there.

DG: Ena has drawn a new Challenge.
============<* Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard *>=============
======================<* CHALLENGE - Tactical Maneuvers *>======================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 A group of Warrior Monks you've connected with on the field per earlier       
 battle plans relay to you that things have changed -- an assault that was     
 previously to take place from a particular direction has been altered to      
 begin from a different point of origin, to better make use of the natural     
 land forms of the highroad.                                                   
 You're going to have to get from where you are now to the new staging area,   
 lest the advantage be lost. Quickly.                                          
=Dungeon Conditions: Slow=====================================================
<Pose Tracker> Ena has posed.

    It's not where they had hoped to be, but it doesn't seem a total loss. The squad of Warrior Monks they were meant to be reinforcing were out of position, and for good reason. The leader of the monks waves Ena, Gon and the soldiers into cover, even as missiles continue to fire down.

    "W-weren't you supposed to be further ahead?" Ena asks, her voice shaky. Her grip on her staff is strong enough that her knuckles are going white. She's breathing heavily. And this is only the start of the battle. Nonetheless, she's not running away.

    "Plan's changed," comes the reply from the leader of the monks. "We're going from the east. Better cover for us, and harder for them to hit back at us." He looks to his own squadron, before looking to Gon, the one clearly in charge. "We've got to move now, or we miss our opportunity."

    Ena nods shakily, and then the order goes out. "Let's go!" yells the warrior monk, and Ena runs with them. Gon has his own squadron to lead, Ena can just follow orders over here. Fortunately for her, she's fast, and hopefully her feet are steady. Those humble sandals are getting a real work out today, as the groups make a full sprint towards the new chosen battlefield.

DG: Ena has used her Tool Humble Sandals toward her party's challenge, Tactical Maneuvers.
============<* Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard *>=============
======================<* CHALLENGE - Tactical Maneuvers *>======================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 A group of Warrior Monks you've connected with on the field per earlier       
 battle plans relay to you that things have changed -- an assault that was     
 previously to take place from a particular direction has been altered to      
 begin from a different point of origin, to better make use of the natural     
 land forms of the highroad.                                                   
 You're going to have to get from where you are now to the new staging area,   
 lest the advantage be lost. Quickly.                                          
=Dungeon Conditions: Slow=====================================================
=======<* Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard - Round 2 *>========
============<* Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard *>=============
========================< Results - Tactical Maneuvers >========================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Gon Guado                           0 --(5)--> 5                   Pass
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Ena                                 0 --(5)--> 5                   Pass
Humble Sandals                      1   Agility Effects: Quicken and Rally    
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Gon Guado                   20 --(20)--> 40                Pass
Conditions: Overwhelm|Slow(2)
Effects: Quicken(1)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: The party led by Gon Guado has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Ena has posed.

    Speed is once again with the forces of Yevon, fast without haste. Gon's troupe of Guado are swift and relentless, but nonetheless Ena and the warrior monks keep pace, only falling a little behind. Ena looks a touch tired, but otherwise she is holding steady. Despite the continuing barrage, the troops make great paces towards the assault position.

    When they come to a halt, Ena crouches down behind cover again, looking nervously at the attack point. "Did we make it in time?" She asks, and the leader of the Warrior Monks gives a nod.

    "We just wait for the signal, lass." He forms into position.

    Now comes the waiting, hopefully uninterrupted.

DG: Gon Guado has drawn a new Challenge.
================================<* Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard *>=================================
=================================<* CHALLENGE - Their Arrows Will Blot Out The Sun? *>==================================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 1          | 
-----------------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >-----------------------------------------------
 The contingent of Althena's Guard ahead of you on this field of battle have   
 initiated an attack upon you, and they have done so with great force:         
 spells, arrows, bolts, javelins.                                              
 Regardless of whether your intent is to engage them directly or avoid a       
 confrontation, you now must evade their volley -- not unmanageable at         
 currently distance but still tricky. Just remember to stay calm and stay      
=Dungeon Conditions: Hesitate, Fright=========================================
<Pose Tracker> Gon Guado has posed.

    Dutifully, the signal is waited for. Even with Gon's misgivings about the choices being made, the Warrior Monks have been recognized in times past as being capable warriors in their own right. It is far too late to protest and change course. If they are in a position of advantage...
     An arrow strikes into the ground. One of the other Guado retrieve it deftly to be certain that--
     "Althena's." Based on the shape of the arrowhead, it matches the way they carve/forge them. That's an arrow made by Althena's hands, which means--
     Which means if they want to be extra sure it is, there's suddenly at least fifteen more samples for them to go through. There is another conclusion one can make with this without having to unearth any more, and that, as it were, is...
     "It's an ambush!" Calls one of the Warrior Monks. This was supposed to be an advantageous ambush position, but no, the forces closely aligned to the Black Wizard have set up this trap without fail. These aren't just arrows.
     Now there's balls of magic. Pointedly, magical elements that do not seem to be common among Spira's sorcerers. Spheres of packed earth, rays of light, waves of darkness, gusts of wind. They are milking the vulnerability to things they have had no real experience or exposure to prior for all it's worth, and how.
     Especially when at least one of the spellcasters on the Black spectrum use their mastery of earth to start uprooting the terrain to imbalance and make it near impossible to safely reposition oneself. There are casualties that mount - the Warrior Monks gathered here have it the worst. Two disappear under a wave of shadow.
     What direction do they have to escape to? That is a problem.
     "To the north," Gon calls at a higher tone than he normally takes. A sign that even he is starting to panic at this turn of events. To go north is, effectively, to full-on retreat. Could they be running into a pincer attack?
     Gon flicks out a gauntlet's chain to grab onto a rocky outcropping as the ground gives way underneath him, preventing himself (for the moment) from plummeting a dangerous distance.

DG: Gon Guado has used his Tool Chain Claw toward his party's challenge, Their Arrows Will Blot Out The Sun?.
<Pose Tracker> Ena has posed.

    Ena's eyes widen again as the arrows start digging in. "N-no way," she stammers, barely avoiding an arrow coming from them. "How did they know we were here!?" To all appearances, she is trying to keep herself calm, but it doesn't seem to be working that well. As the warrior monks fall to shadow and arrow fire, Ena once again looks to Gon for insruction.

    And the instruction is to run, as the earth starts rising under her feet. Ena stumbles as she starts running, and isn't fast enough to stop her path getting blocked by the earth opening up in front of her. She sees the arrows coming. She's trapped.

    And instead of cowering to protect herself from the arrows, she launches herself forward and into the air, to jump over the sudden chasm. It's a feat of agility that may not pay off, but it's better than dying here and now.

DG: Ena has used her Tool Humble Sandals toward her party's challenge, Their Arrows Will Blot Out The Sun?.
================================<* Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard *>=================================
=================================<* CHALLENGE - Their Arrows Will Blot Out The Sun? *>==================================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 1          | 
-----------------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >-----------------------------------------------
 The contingent of Althena's Guard ahead of you on this field of battle have   
 initiated an attack upon you, and they have done so with great force:         
 spells, arrows, bolts, javelins.                                              
 Regardless of whether your intent is to engage them directly or avoid a       
 confrontation, you now must evade their volley -- not unmanageable at         
 currently distance but still tricky. Just remember to stay calm and stay      
=Dungeon Conditions: Hesitate, Fright=========================================
===========================<* Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard - Round 3 *>============================
===================================< Results - Their Arrows Will Blot Out The Sun? >====================================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Gon Guado                           5 --(0)--> 5                   Pass
Chain Claw                          2   Agility Effects: Stalwart             
Ena                                 5 --(0)--> 5                   Pass
Humble Sandals                      1   Agility Effects: Quicken and Rally    
-------------------------------------------------------< Party >--------------------------------------------------------
Leader: Gon Guado                   40 --(20)--> 60                Pass
Conditions: Fright(2)|Hesitate(2)|Overwhelm|Slow(1)
Effects: Quicken(1)
===================================================< Dream Chasers >====================================================
DG: The party led by Gon Guado has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Gon Guado has posed.

    Dust rises. The doomed scream. Death comes quickly for the unprepared, and the numbers thin out - roughly half of the gathered are lost to that volley. On the other side of it all, at least, are Gon and Ena, who both survive that opening chasm that swallows so many within. There is no time to stand around and reflect on who fell, or who is left - or to even catch their breath, for another volley of arrows is coming in to try and mop up the survivors of the ambush.
     The only assurance they have is that the foot soldiers of Althena are unlikely to move after them through that chasm. The collected have to continue without ceremony nor reflection - to the north. Whether to fall back, or think of a new means of attack... they have to keep going.

DG: Ena has drawn a new Challenge.
============<* Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard *>=============
=====================<* CHALLENGE - Given Flare Warning *>======================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 1          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 One of the things the Warrior Monks gave you was a simple set of battle       
 flares, for use to transmit a signal to their people further afield in this   
 battle. If you were able to get to a good enough prominence, they wanted you  
 to send an important message via the flares.                                  
 You've found yourself in such a good place now. However, doing this might     
 also draw the attention of the Guard your way -- there is a group not         
 terribly far from here, and they would easily be able to see your flare. How  
 do you plan to go about it?                                                   
=Dungeon Conditions: Hesitate, Reckless=======================================
<Pose Tracker> Ena has posed.

    The clearing forward is a moment of safety, as those who survived land. Ena breathes heavily. "Did... did we make it?" The answer for a lot of the group is 'no'. She looks back at the chasm that swallowed the forces whole. She shakes her head. "We need to warn the others..." She says.

    She reaches for something from a pouch, and pulls out one of the flares the Warrior Monks gave for communication.Seh stands up to signal, and then she spies the close contingent of Althena's Guard. Ena grimaces, and crouches back down. Once again, she reaches into her pouch, and pulls out a scroll, quickly reading it. Instructions for how to send the messages via flare. "This is going to be risky." She says, and crawls forward to a hopeful vantage point.

    "Can you keep watch, Sir Gon?" She realises hers is the riskier job. If she's spotted, she'll be drawing the arrow fire. She's also the most expendable here, perhaps. A sad realisation.

    Once she finds her position, she pulls the flare and starts signalling. It's all now on the guard not seeing her.

DG: Ena has used her Tool Novice's Scroll toward her party's challenge, Given Flare Warning.
<Pose Tracker> Gon Guado has posed.

    The three surviving Guado aside from Gon himself come around him - for good reason other than just his status among them. He is one of the few of his kind who has capability in 'prayers,' a key source of on-the-spot battlefield healing that he sees to at once - to an outside observer, a certain cruelty in which he sees to their wounds immediately but doesn't yet look to ask some of the others gathered directly for their need of aid, as warm healing magic washes across one of them.
     "Very well." He says, as he lets Ena handle the matter of getting the flare out. Tensions rise ever higher - they could be as good as surrounded on all sides. What help that could come may already be lost to another ambush. The metaphorical die is cast, as Gon looks across the surroundings with a tension he is not familiar nor comfortable with.
     Are they to give up further ground to these Otherworlder savages, then?

DG: Gon Guado has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Given Flare Warning.
============<* Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard *>=============
=====================<* CHALLENGE - Given Flare Warning *>======================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 1          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 One of the things the Warrior Monks gave you was a simple set of battle       
 flares, for use to transmit a signal to their people further afield in this   
 battle. If you were able to get to a good enough prominence, they wanted you  
 to send an important message via the flares.                                  
 You've found yourself in such a good place now. However, doing this might     
 also draw the attention of the Guard your way -- there is a group not         
 terribly far from here, and they would easily be able to see your flare. How  
 do you plan to go about it?                                                   
=Dungeon Conditions: Hesitate, Reckless=======================================
=======<* Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard - Round 4 *>========
============<* Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard *>=============
=======================< Results - Given Flare Warning >========================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Gon Guado                           5 --(5)--> 10                  Pass
Investigate                         0   Wits    Effects: BASIC                
Ena                                 5 --(5)--> 10                  Pass
Novice's Scroll                     1   Wits    Effects: Enlighten and Fanfare
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Gon Guado                   60 --(20)--> 80                Pass
Conditions: Fright(1)|Hesitate(2)|Overwhelm|Reckless(2)
Effects: Enlighten(1)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: The party led by Gon Guado has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Ena has posed.

    It's a few incredibly tense moments. The fact that Gon only sees fit to aid the Guado doesn't draw any response at all from Ena. He must know what he's doing, after all.

    The Guard squadron nearby moves carefully, looking around the area. They almost spot Ena, but Gon has time to warn her, if he chooses so. But the Yevonite novice seems to be a dab hand at keeping out of sight. They wait for the window of opportunity, and Ena sends the message.

    Three short bursts, a long burst, one short burst, two long bursts, two more short bursts. AMBUSH - ATTACK HALTED - PROCEED WITH CAUTION

    A warning that the Warrior Monks can hopefully use to their advantage. Just as quietly, Ena abandons the spent flare and crawls back to the rest of the group. She has no idea what else lies ahead, but at least they have a fighing chance. She defers to Gon again, looking to him for orders, even if she still looks shaken.

DG: Gon Guado has drawn a new Challenge.
================================<* Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard *>=================================
=========================================<* CHALLENGE - A Plan Most Cunning *>==========================================
|Type: Final       |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
-----------------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >-----------------------------------------------
 This is it. One final push, and you may be able to see that Yevon reclaims    
 ground this day. This will not win the war, but with enough small victories   
 the greater may be won.                                                       
 The group of Warrior Monks you have joined for this last offensive are few    
 in number; without question, the other side has more people fielded than you  
 and the band of Monks. Yet, with proper strategizing, perhaps you might be    
 able to minimize your losses and maximize that of the Guard's instead.        
 It's all a matter of using what you have, what you know of the Guard's        
 tactics, the terrain, and whatever devices and skills you may have at your    
 command today to deliver the Monks to victory.                                
 May Yevon guide you.                                                          
=Dungeon Conditions: Stupify==================================================
<Pose Tracker> Gon Guado has posed.

    Gon doesn't warn Ena, for that would make noise and draw attention - but would he, if the need arose? That's a good question. It's one that they end up not needing to have to answer, for they do not draw closer - they may not have seen them.
     There aren't many left among the gathered, not after that big ambush from earlier. Three bursts are put into the air, exploding in flame into the air. Someone must be there to receive it. Someone must be there to watch it. There are no return hails by flare gun, or shouts that would identify a Yevon contingent incoming to reinforce.
     No, what transpires - they'll all hear this - because it's a frightened scream.
     "They've called one of their demon creatures!" That voice comes from nearby. "I saw it in the air! Flames! The savages are calling their demon creatures!" A younger voice, accented like someone from the Hyland region. Either way, sounding like someone who is not from these parts.
     A frightened Althena's Guard scout, who is convinced that there is an incoming Aeon. From this close, there is one conclusion one can make. The scout does not have clear line of sight with them, as they are surrounded by brush and rock.
     Among them, they do have one source of fire - the source of the confusion.
     "...What say you?" Gon looks to the scared, tired, humble Ena. "What say you show them more of that fire they so fear?"
     None of the gathered among them - that are still alive - are practiced Summoners of any stripe. But it could come to pass, today, that they might be able to pull off an epic bluff with a flare gun.

DG: Gon Guado has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward his party's challenge, A Plan Most Cunning.
<Pose Tracker> Ena has posed.

    Well. That's a convenient response. Somewhere, deep down, Ena is disappointed. If only she were a summoner...

    But Ena realises what Gon is up to quickly, and nods. She takes the flare gun from her pouch again, and looks over the enemy forces. One last push, huh? "Very well. I'll take cover and fire into them." She says, before disappearing to closer cover as fast as her legs can carry her. For someone's first combat situation, she's doing remarakably well. She steadies herself, and then...

    Bursts of flame shoot through the air, attempting to emulate the flames of Kilika's own Aeon. Two long gouts of flame, before she darts between cover and fires from a new location. Don't stay still, don't let them lock. Make them think there's more of you than they expect. She takes to her task well.

    But the final charge, that's not hers anymore. That's the job of Gon, the Guado soldiers, and the surviving Warrior Monks. She can only inspire fear and panic from afar now.

DG: Ena has used her Tool Novice's Scroll toward her party's challenge, A Plan Most Cunning.
================================<* Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard *>=================================
=========================================<* CHALLENGE - A Plan Most Cunning *>==========================================
|Type: Final       |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
-----------------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >-----------------------------------------------
 This is it. One final push, and you may be able to see that Yevon reclaims    
 ground this day. This will not win the war, but with enough small victories   
 the greater may be won.                                                       
 The group of Warrior Monks you have joined for this last offensive are few    
 in number; without question, the other side has more people fielded than you  
 and the band of Monks. Yet, with proper strategizing, perhaps you might be    
 able to minimize your losses and maximize that of the Guard's instead.        
 It's all a matter of using what you have, what you know of the Guard's        
 tactics, the terrain, and whatever devices and skills you may have at your    
 command today to deliver the Monks to victory.                                
 May Yevon guide you.                                                          
=Dungeon Conditions: Stupify==================================================
===========================<* Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard - Round 5 *>============================
===========================================< Results - A Plan Most Cunning >============================================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Gon Guado                           10 --(5)--> 15                 Pass
Investigate                         0   Wits    Effects: BASIC                
Ena                                 10 --(5)--> 15                 Pass
Novice's Scroll                     1   Wits    Effects: Enlighten and Fanfare
-------------------------------------------------------< Party >--------------------------------------------------------
Leader: Gon Guado                   80 --(35)--> 115               Pass
Conditions: Hesitate(1)|Overwhelm|Reckless(1)|Stupify(2)
Effects: Enlighten(1)
===================================================< Dream Chasers >====================================================
DG: You have overcome the dungeon's trials! This run is a success!
DG: The party led by Gon Guado has successfully explored Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard!
================================<* Mi'ihen Highroad Battle - Against Althena's Guard *>=================================
==================================<* CHALLENGE - Spoils Of War - Magitech Fragment *>===================================
|Type: Discovery   |Dungeon Ability: Conclusion|Challenge Rating: 1          | 
-----------------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >-----------------------------------------------
 At last, victory. Althena's Guard is forced to bid a retreat from the field,  
 making Yevon the champion -- at least for today. The war is not yet won, and  
 who knows what tomorrow may bring?                                            
 For now, you can feel pride in what you've done. And, for that matter, claim  
 what has been left in the wake of the Guard's departure from the field. They  
 were unable to claim all that was theirs before leaving, which means that     
 what remains is fresh for the taking.                                         
 This includes a magitech device that was too badly damaged for them to        
 remove with them. While much of it is unsalvageable -- and there is no        
 longer an element within to power it -- the core can be plucked from the      
 useless framework. Maybe someone crafty could do something with this?         
=Dungeon Conditions: Treasure=================================================
<Pose Tracker> Gon Guado has posed.

    Althena's Guard overestimates their enemy. They may have specialized teams for engaging and dealing with Aeons, but whoever they sent their way was not one of those teams. The flare gun bursts continue - whatever the differences Spira's own equivalent of flares has to anywhere else... it's enough to fool and dishearten a Guardsman who does not know better, one whose voice is given heed among a more tightly-disciplined, well-trained number of them, and the Guard retreats in order to preserve its manpower advantage best it is able.
     Gon moves with those left to survey and secure the location in their wake. This is a temporary victory at best. They could return with a specialized force at any time... but right now, it is time to establish a new perimeter in which to better gauge the Guard's encroaching movements anew.
     It is also a time to discover that in their haste to retreat, someone has accidentally left an important piece of equipment behind.
     "They have left behind one of their weapons," one of the Guado says matter-of-factly as they come across a heavy piece of magitech device. Machina, is what Yevon would call it as a knee-jerk thing - but tehre's something about its make and appearance that is so foreign that to call it that would be to undersell how strange it is even to them. So strange, to put it entirely under that same umbrella would not appear factually correct.
     Gon looks out to the waters ahead. Sin hasn't come as of yet. He exhales as there may yet be calls among some of the survivors to push it into the ocean before Sin does come and destroy them all.
     "This shall be secured," Gon states. Whtever it is, it shall be secured. "I would not put it past the uncouth Otherworlders to throw themselves into the ocean to retrieve it."
     That's that.
     "You." To Ena, Gon speaks. "You have served well against the enemies of Yevon - the enemies of all Spira." Gon does not smile. There's a sense that even saying something like this, a feeling that he could well be looking down his nose upon a frightened but resolute young woman who has little else left to lose after her home.
     This one will be useful, he internalizes.

<Pose Tracker> Ena has posed.

    Once the enemy are routed, Ena pokes her head out from behind cover. The flare gun is utterly spent, it's impersonation of Ifrit having done wonders. She hadn't expected that to go so well, or so effortlessly. The fact that this allows them to set up a perimeter is a surprising change of pace. After the battles of Luca, it was a surprise that Yevon could hold their own from the machina that Althena's Guard brought to bear.

    She walks toward the magitech device, but shies away from getting too close. She looks as though she doesn't trust it whatsoever. Which is probably not an unusual reaction. Still, Gon orders it secured, and she watches as the Warrior Monks do their bit.

    When Gon speaks to her, Ena stands bolt upright. "Ah, thank you, Sir Gon!" She seems to be honestly a bit surprised by the compliment, and bows deeply while giving the sign of Yevon. Certainly, he is her superior here. But there is something about that look that irritates something deep down, well below the surface.

    A ripple that can't be seen, but that one day might be felt.