2017-09-01: Promise Me

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  • Cutscene: Promise Me
  • Cast: Gwen Whitlock, Frea
  • Where: Boot Hill
  • Date: September 1st, 2017
  • Summary: Stopping by Boot Hill to finally visit with her beloved Auntie Frea, Gwen finds out that there have been things Frea had been neglecting to tell her about.

         "So you drew the attention of some crow aficionado who wishes to see if you were a 'real person' via some unpleasant manner, attempted to punch a cloaked Gear pilot when he kept snatching your bullets out of thin air, got caught trying to help a poor downtrodden 'Lord of Calamity' who already had many loyal minions to do her bidding, and now you tell me that there's a spare Aveh Gear parked in my hybrid pepper garden?" Frea massaged her sinuses with the thin fingers of her black gloved hand. "It makes the antics of the last five years seem like child's play, what with your 'Super Courier' business and this 'girl next door' persona you decided to wear. At least then you kept a firm distance from your clients."

         Carefully placing the steaming tea cup in front of her aunt, Gwen made a show of looking remorseful. "Well, when you put it like that, uh, I guess I haven't been that careful these past few months, eheh."

         Frea lifted the teacup with an examining eye, carefully sipping it. "I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later." She made a face. "Bah. This batch of tea leaves is far too sweet for me. I suppose it'd be more to your taste. But yes. I suppose the pepper garden is the best spot for that Gear for now- hm?"

         "Er, well." Sitting to the other side of the table with her own cup of hot tea, Gwen reached forward for the pot of sugar and spooned some into hers. "Which part did you mean by 'bound to happen'?"

         Frea coolly looked up at the curious eyes of the redhead. "That'd you'd continue to open up to people, of course. Humans are social creatures. Did you believe that your childhood was actually 'normal'?"

         "I was a different kid back then." Gwen frowned, pressing the tea cup to her lips.

         "Were you?" Frea chuckled ruefully. "You tried to act the part of the street smart whelp, but deep down you were still too soft. You couldn't keep up with your friends forever. You were lucky I got you out of there when I did. But the problem still remains. Your initial distancing provided some protection, but now that you threw that away, I'm beginning to wonder about something."

         Gwen blinked. "'bout what?"

         "You've shown a willingness to hurt someone in order to protect yourself. But would you be willing to kill someone to ensure your own survival?" As Gwen winced, Frea sipped patiently in the silence that followed. "You've been given a generous amount of health and longevity. Would you be willing to take another's life to preserve it?"

         The young woman winced. "... I don't know."

         "Your hesitation shows you fully understand the weight of your ARM, at least. I made sure to instill that in you from the beginning." Frea sighed, looking remorsefully at the teacup held daintily in each hand. "I just wished it was quicker, for the sake of all those teacups. But I suppose it had to be something valuable and delicate in order for you to-" Her words were cut off by a sudden fit of pained hacking, the cup and saucer falling from her numb hands onto the table, hot tea spilling across the wooden surface.

         "Auntie!" Gwen rushed from her chair to the elderly woman's side, helplessly holding her steady on the chair at the woman struggled to breathe between bouts of coughing. "I got you now, it's okay. I'll get the doct-"

         "... She already knows." Frea managed a dour smile as the fits began to subside. Gwen held onto her, a free hand straying over to pick up the slowly ambling teacup before it managed to tip down on the floor below. Frea chuckled. "Bah. To think, I was the one who used to do this for you. ... Such a fool." Frea allowed her head to rest on Gwen's shoulder, her dark eyes slowly beginning to close.

         It was if the scales were fell from Gwen's eyes at that very moment. She could finally see the changes in Frea's appearance since her last visit over half a year ago: the pale complexion, the stooped posture, the once proud head leaning against Gwen's shoulder. Gathering and lifting her aunt in her arms, Gwen was surprised by how light the woman felt. Moving her aunt to her bed, Gwen gently laid the woman down and draped the quilt over her. "I can stay here. I'll take care of you."

         The comment drew a proud scornful from Frea. "You're far too kind for your own good." She grimaced. "... I'd rather listen to Widow Merryweather prattle on about her various conditions... than wallow in my own with you buzzing over me every time I coughed." The scholar chuckled, the motion prompting a few coughs before she continued. "I'd say I've gained more enjoyment over your strange little adventures than I initially let on." Frea shifted against her pillow. "So that's enough melodrama for the afternoon. You have an order to make in the morning. I'll have you stop by Doctor Wilmot's house for the tonic before you leave." Frea rolled her eyes. "I'm sure she'll be hovering over me in the morning. I'd appreciate it if you were well out of town by then. It's an embarrassing display." She then paused, her gaze drawing on Gwen with surprising warmth before she turned her head away, embarrassed. "So that's enough drama. Promise me something, will you?"

         Sitting on the edge of Frea's bedside, Gwen looked over her attentively. "What is it?"

         Frea reached up then, gently pressing her cool fingers through Gwen's hair. "Just promise me you'll live."