2017-12-09: Snatching Defeat: Difference between revisions

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(Malfi is recuperating after "What Lurks Underneath"...)
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Revision as of 14:41, 9 December 2017

  • Cutscene: <Snatching Defeat
  • Cast:Malfi
  • Where: Wayside Village
  • Date: 2017-12-09
  • Summary: Malfi is recovering from Ethius' attack. Time to think isn't necessarily beneficial!

That was one thing about recuperating -- it gave you plenty of time to think.

Malfi lies in a cot inside V4L-H4LLA's modest inn, having crawled feebly out of Wayside's qanat after being swept along by the strong currents. She'd plunged into the waters of the Schturdark Temple after being defeated by a human yet again.

Ethius Hesiod, the white-haired Symbologist, had hit her with spell that left fine dust gumming all her technorganic works -- which the medic was trying to remedy with a steady routine of purgatives, emetics, and diuretics -- which was just as unpleasant as it sounded, but at least it was working. Blockage, plus exposure to the filthy water, probably would've killed a human. Luckily she wasn't.

There she is, brooding about the way the fight should've gone -- and fretting about her creatures. She'd asked Fenrir to feed them while she was incapacitated but hated to burden the wolf-demon with them. At least Bogey was able to fend for himself.

If she knew Bogey, he was frequenting the orphanage. The children loved him, and he didn't mind them. With his kinsight module deactivated, he thought everyone was Hyadean -- and his best friend to boot. He also liked to play.

Her thoughts are interrupted by her medications working. The purgative this time, ugh! How much longer was this going to go on?!? She remembers being strangled with dust -- a semipassive onslaught, nasty, devious, cowardly -- hardly the straightforward approach she herself had been trained in.

That one has no honor.

Those were the big advantages the humans had, utter ruthlessness and magic -- and the favor of the Guardians. Malfi hadn't seen the Turtle statue destroyed, but she'd heard about it from visitors. She'd actually touched one of the devices the humans used to protect the statues, held it, and almost, almost seized it as a prize. So close, only to succumb!

She sinks under the coverlet -- and into a resounding cloud of self-condemnation. She shouldn't be so weak, so vulnerable, so easily vanquished.

Especially by humans!