2022-05-26: Times Gon By

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  • Log: 2022-05-26: Times Gon By
  • Cast: Gon Guado, Kadi
  • Where: Guadosalam
  • Date: May 26, 2022
  • Summary: A War Monk stops by Guadosalam, to witness (and be further told of) the malaise that has set among the surviving Guado people after Seymour's removal from societal influence. Nostalgia is invoked from an unexpected direction, but not all joy is shared.

================================<* Guadosalam *>================================

Guadosalam is an underground that sits on the path from the north bank of the Moonflow and the southern trail of the Thunder Plains. The city is found inside an underground cavern, where the walls and walkways are composed of the twisted roots of the trees of the Moonflow's north bank, giving the entire area the faint resemblance of an underground swamp.

Guadosalam is the ancient home of the Guado, a race of Beastman-appearing humans who, until recently, lived outside the grace of Yevon. This changed with the coming of Lord Jyscal Guado, who brought his people into Bevelle's fold; following Jyscal's death, his son Seymour - also a Maester of Yevon - now rules the Guado people both temporally and spiritually.

BGM: Final Fantasy X - Guadosalam
<Pose Tracker> Gon Guado has posed.

    Spira continues its daily existence, which may never fully settle from all the dust and grime kicked up by the winds of change and a great number of unruly guests. The jungle-like caverns of Guadosalam used to be bustling with the coming and going of Yevon faithful looking to visit the images of their dearly departed, and so forth. It is more apt to say that tourism was their biggest business, and in a world perpetually under siege by Sin, business was good. Really good. The late Jyascal Guado, for his flaws, was a visionary in how to capitalize on that.
     Which led to decadence, pride... and, thanks to the near-inability for their own people to want to shake up a clearly destructive path underneath Maester Seymour, possible ruin. Their proximity to the Farplane may be one of the very few reasons there hasn't been more... overt hostility towards the Guado people here, as of late.
     Many Guado lost their lives during the crusades and their fallout, and the numbers of combat-ready has thinned as such that the way coming and going has been less clear of the more dangerous Fiends as of late. This means there are less 'tourists' and more often than not 'people having to come here as part of some other job descriptor.' Where there was once a quiet, standoffish and haughty atmosphere of decadence, there are those trying to make their way through life by whatever they can.
     Gon, once one of Seymour's most loyal, has his work cut out for him on several levels. Not quite the closest figure to a leader among his people now - that has fallen to Tromell - he's finding himself over-tasked in utilizing his mastery over the powers of prayer (or rather, the White aspects of Althena's Blessing of Fire and Ice) for both soldiers and travelers here. Most of his people have the gift of magic in destructive capacities, so by default... well.
     For the moment he's near the front gates after a 'productive' discussion with a band of Hypello merchants who were deeply unhappy with the lack of security detail along the Moonflow. He looks wearier than ever, contrast the days where he had a near-constant scowl that almost never left him.

<Pose Tracker> Kadi has posed.

Life has been... quiet for the most part for Kadi, at least compared to some of the other members of the Yevonite faith. Her time spent on Filgaia was not as eventful as some of the others who where there during her time on Lunar's moon -- she was a woman on a mission. There was no Sin, and there was machina being bought and sold at the local market level! As a loyal Warrior Monk, and, frankly, Spiran who wanted to see the root of all evils banished from their world, she scoured for technologies that she might be able to utilize in the fight against sin. Operation Mi'hen may have failed, but Operation Mi'hen lacked her genius. The idea that Sin could be defeated by the *right* machina weapon was still alive and well in her mind.

So when she finally returned, she had trinkets in tow. Nothing world-shattering by any means, but they all had to be catalogued. Identified, thoroughly tested, and much of that was done in the deepest bowels of Bevelle; she wasn't quite literally living under a rock, but pretty close. Beyond that, with the death of Maester Kinoc, there was opportunity for advancement. The chance to make her mark and get noticed, make her family proud. Would 'Maester Kadi' be that far off?

...well, probably yes.

At least, until she was able to figure out that super weapon. Until then, it would be her affinity for machina that held her back among popular sentiment. She stopped just short of being viewed as a heretic, really. That set her apart, but not in the best of ways by any means... and right now, it felt like the pressure was mounting more than ever. The pressure to do *something*... and so, Kadi had to get away. A trip home to see her family. Reconnect with the things that gave her the drive to be the best she could be.. and, of course, stop in Luca, the mecca of Blitzball.

The road from where she left to where she was going was long, and it would take her through Guadosalam. She made no secret of where her loyalties were, wearing the traditional attire of a Warrior Monk, with those flame-like strands of hair peeking out from under the hood. Each step bringing with it a little clanking sound as metal pieces under her robes brush against others. A proper *stop* in Guadosalam might not have been planned before, but...

...that was before the face of Gon Guado was noticed. A face that her life has run in similar circles to, but never quite interacted with. Her father, Ondru, had told her much of the man's abilities as a competitor. His work within the Church didn't go unnoticed either, for better or worse. Feet turn, and the dimiuative girl makes her way towards the man.

"Gon Guado?" Her tone seeks confirmation, but she tries her best to sound neutral and keep a serious expression on her face... a war she's winning for the most part, though the observant might notice her lips twitching.

<Pose Tracker> Gon Guado has posed.

    What machina is 'good' or 'bad' has always been fluid within the myriad hypocritical tenets of the ways of Yevon, with perhaps the only constant being 'rag on the Al Bhed for having or using it.' With the increased cultural footprint of the Guard presence from their use of Kilika as a staging ground, and the many tales that pass of curious, rough, but also heroic figures among Filgaian Drifters... who knows what the future will bring in terms of what the people of Spira embrace.
     Putting aside the giant death whale in the room (the room is the ocean).
     Kadi calls the name, and the man's lifting head is confirmation by body language well before anything else. Like all Guado, he's tall, spindly, and possessed of proportionally enormous hands.
     "I am he." He looks all the part of a worn out man, by years and events. Due to their height and their former status in the Yevon-dominated societies of Spira, it always did seem like they'd look down their nose just to talk to anyone - figuratively or literally.
     He still stands taller, but he looks as though so much has brought him down much, much lower as he keeps his hands folded in front of him.
     "A War Monk... I assume you have a message you wish to share?" Words spoken as though it's not the first time he'd been encountering this today. Sometimes he's a glorified errand boy, to his chagrin.

<Pose Tracker> Kadi has posed.

    There's a moment of silence. A moment to contain herself. The cracks are starting to show, though. Lips are starting to spread and pull upwards. Blue eyes are wide. "Not... exactly." Kadi admits, reaching up with one gloved hand to pull the hood down. To get a better look at the one she'd heard so much about. "I... ah..." she stammers a bit; for anyone who knows her? This would be a day to mark on the calendar. The normal bravado is missing. She's not immediately started to sing her own praises in excruciating detail.

    "My name is Kadi." she gets out, before quickly following with, "My dad was Ondru... he was a midfielder with the Luca Goers, you know? Before he retired, that is. I mean, he's still Ondru, and I'm sure he could still be *amazing* in the sphere if he wanted to. But. Uh." She's rambling. She knows it, she knows she's not at her best right now, and that's frustrating to her.

    "I... was making the journey home, for a bit. See the state of the world, gather ideas." Breathe a little fresh air. "And... I wish I had a ball with me, because I would definitely be asking for your autograph right now." Okay, so she's more than a little starstruck. She can't help herself. This was someone who, for all else he's done, played with her father. Who did things that she might've loved to do, given the chance. He represents a bright spot in a dark world that has her questioning a number of things.

<Pose Tracker> Gon Guado has posed.

    Gon holds his composure - what of it exists - without much change as Kadi starts to show some shyness. There's a mounting impatience following the less than kind exchange from the Hypello folks he just got done being yelled at by. She's introducing herself by name, and... her father 'was' Ondru.
     That's not a name he's heard in some time. The look on his face, the lowering as though it might not be that fond of a name to hear. 'He could still be *amazing* in the sphere if he wanted to,' Kadi rambles, and there's a blink as if to go 'oh, he's still alive.'
     "I... see." Gon may or may not be able to reconcile the idea of anyone being happy to see him right now after everything that has happened. "I have not played professional Blitzball in many years."
     There he is, years after the fact. Former Guado Glories player, Left Defense.
     He waves through another pair of younger Guado hands, as if to say 'yes, this young woman will have my time until such time someone else inevitably and invariably descends upon me with the latest thing to go wrong.'
     "I do not believe my name would hold such high value these days," he concedes in what is part of a shared societal shame among his people for allowing Seymour to have gone as far as he did.

<Pose Tracker> Kadi has posed.

    There was truth in what the man said. 'I do not believe my name would hold such high value these days'. The rift between Bevelle and the Guado was, without a doubt, an undeniable truth. Most in Kadi's position would be likely be looking down on the older man, even with the height disadvantage.

    This, however, was a special circumstance. There was history. A different way to see him. Plus, it wasn't like she didn't have her own detractors. "You played when Blitzball was at it's finest... it might have been many years, but that doesn't mean you were any less great!" Kadi declares, grinning a little more fully, now.

    Of course, after a couple moments of this she realizes just what, with who, and where she's doing this. Eyes close, deep breath is taken and held for one, two... exhale.

"I'm sorry. It's just... I've heard a lot. I've watched the games." Recordings, mainly. "It's weird seeing you face-to-face. And." Another breath. "Things are complicated, you know? Everything's fractured. We still stand, but..." In a lot of ways, the Church feels like it is the weakest she's seen it. The Ronso were decimated. The Guado are on the outside looking in. The Leadership... well. At least Grand Maester Mika is still around to hold things together. Here, she's starting to deflate some. At least externally. On the inside, she's already trying to build herself up again. Regain her confidence. It's a process!

<Pose Tracker> Gon Guado has posed.

    Where Kadi is grinning, Gon keeps that stiff upper lip his kind are known for. For all the things he deals with daily, this is... far out of his expectations. Is it unwelcome? Kadi talks about how she's heard a lot, watched the games... and there's that odd wave of nostalgia that comes from it. Those were good years, by any measure.
     "I understand. You wish to reclaim what is familiar and comfortable in these times." Ain't that the truth for so many out there! Gon takes a few steps back and gestures to a nearby seat for Kadi to take if she is so inclined.
     "I'm assuming you were fond of those Spheres that caught your father making sport of the Glories' defenses with that game-winning pass from... my third season, was it?" Distracting himself from existential dread with another notable embarrassment may underscore the amount of existential dread that the Guado people have long since needed to bear their share of.
     "I have not been in much contact with those representing the Church of Yevon in some time." Just as well, Bevelle has every right to hold a grudge, and the Ronso... well. More of them survived than Seymour intended, but that does not mean they are happy that such cruelty and callousness transpired.
     "It has been trouble enough to muster the Guado people together. I am... afraid I will not be able to provide a comfortable reception to match what esteem you hold me in."

<Pose Tracker> Kadi has posed.

    "Yeah." Kadi agrees. Times were hard. Heck, a lot of the hope that a Calm might come died when Yuna very publically turned on the Church at her wedding. For Kadi, it just meant more pressure on her shoulders. Placed there by herself, of course. Nobody (else) really expected the little Monk to personally bring an end to Sin.

    Taking slow, steady steps forward, she does take the seat offered. More dropping down into it with a little 'clank' than daintily sitting, eyes turning up towards Gon. Searching for something, searching for...

    THAT. Kadi's eyes lit right up as Gon reminisces about that game. About that season. Her hands come together to clap, and that grin comes back full force. "Yes! The championship season! Oh, I must have watched that a thousand times when I was growing up!" A pause. "Not that you guys weren't great. Dad had a ton of respecct for the Glories!" Or claimed to later, at least. It might have been the way of a man who, having decided being a father was more important than being a blitzball star, was trying to instill the value of humility into an impressionable child.

    It didn't really work.

    "Well, it's about time we *do* reach out, yeah? I don't make the decisions... not all of them... but this isn't the time to divide, you know? No matter what happened! We need to find our common ground. Stand strong. Be ready for the next threat, whether it be.... you know," Sin. "or Althena's Guard, or that entire moon up there!" Yes, Filgaia is still Lunar's moon to Kadi.

    Right there, she has it. The next brilliant plan is forming in her head, right now. "You have nothing to apologize for." she replies, eyes shining with determination. "I may not be a battalion of soldiers, but I can put off my trip home for a while. What can Yevon do for the Guado?" She *speaks* like she's the one in charge of everything. Like she believes it, even if nobody else might.

<Pose Tracker> Gon Guado has posed.

    "Did he, now." Gon isn't very good at pretending to believe that, but everyone knows the Luca Goers have historically been fortunate to be the best of the best in the sport for a long time. Humility has rarely been the observed strong suit when they're the 'home team' of the big Blitzball stadium of the region. And yet, this young woman recognizes this man, so many years out of professional play. "I hadn't kept any Spheres of that time. I haven't even spoken with those I used to play with," Gon reflects upon this. It is an increasingly distressing thing to realize now that he's been made to recount that.
     It may be the first time in a very long time anyone has been that happy or enthusiastic to see him. He frowns, thinks of a few names from those he did play with... and Kadi puts forth the invitation.
     "Kadi, is it?" He's not looking her in the eyes when he asks the question. "You are asking what can Yevon do for the Guado."
     Then he faces his back.
     "The late Lord Jyascal impressed upon us that embracing the ways of Yevon would give our people prosperity... influence... and power. Our people all took to this, and more." This is well-known. "For we guard the Farplane, and in a land gripped with death... there came countless mourning who wished to see but glimpses of those taken from them, as if Sending did not bring the living the peace and closure they desired."
     Guadosalam thrived from that tourism - and how!
     "And so, having embraced our heightened position in Spira's culture through Yevon, did we further endeavor to maintain and uphold this. We had a saying: Guado affairs remain Guado affairs." So very little about Guadosalam and how it carried itself ever left its caverns, and Gon's looking off to the side again as he said this. "We followed our leaders and their visions towards greater prosperity, no matter the cost... and then the Otherworlders showed up."
     Gon raises a hand. "Althena's Guard from beyond our shores... and those people of Gaia. Beyond the brief period of cooperation before Operation Mi'ihen, I acted in fear of what they stood to take. Many of Seymour's crimes," not Lord Seymour, not Maester Seymour, dropping these titles is a big damn deal, "I had assisted with without question. You have seen the results."
     "It took my two daughters choosing to put themselves into harm's way. They went to Bevelle when Seymour and I withdrew all the Guado there... I thought I had lost them. I was ready to take Seymour's aims to their terminus and protect the way to Zanarkand from its caves... and it was the resolve of my daughters that put an end to that."
     Two young Guado women have made the rounds as something of heroines, for all that. If Gon is their father, then...
     "...and even after all of that, only those two had the courage to reach out beyond Guadosalam's borders when Seymour returned and fled underground for some fell purpose. No, it is not a madder of what can Yevon do for the Guado!"
     Gon, at last, looks back - looking just as haggard as he did just before Kadi flagged him down by name. "We are without a leader to guide us through these times. Our most senior among us, Tromell, can scarce go through a day's work without retreating to the thought that Sin will soon destroy us all. I find him visiting the Farplane to speak to Lord Jyascal when I need to confer with him."
     "The question is thus... what can we do for ourselves, having done what we have?"

<Pose Tracker> Kadi has posed.

    'Kadi, is it?' The response comes fluidly, bravado shining through once more. "The one and only!" before quieting to listen to the man's words. Leaning back a bit in her seat and letting her eyes focus. The mention of Althena's Guard causes a visible grimace; to say that particular bunch has not endeared herself to the flame-haired girl.

    Of course, after they laid siege to her home of Kilika... it really is no huge surprise.

    There's a surprised look at the lack of honoriffic given to Seymour, and it continues into the talk of his daughters, "They were yours?" as he mentions the two Guado young girls that came to Bevelle. Surprise... that subsides. It colors her impression of the man. She, afterall, considers herself very much her father's daughter. Her self-proclaimed magnificence comes from being destined for greatness, as she would say it, so the sins -- or virtues -- of the child is representative of the father.

    "Mistakes were made." Kadi admits after a moment or two, "People were trusted that shouldn't have been." Who, she doesn't specify. There really were so many! "...and truly, do any of us deny the chance to rise in prosperity, influence and power?" she asks, moving to stand once again. Reaching down for the clasps of her robe and loosening them to let it hang open. The bulk of her form? Made up of machina; some familiar, like the weapons used by the Warrior Monks. Some not so, trinkets scavenged from her time on Filgaia. "We all seek it. The Summoners do, I most certainly do, and I can tell you there's little I wouldn't do to get it. We were born into the need to rise, for everyone we care about and for ourselves, too."

    Taking a deep breath, she reaches out to try and place a hand on Gon's arm. "The Otherworlders don't understand. They never could." They live without Sin. Much as... "...and maybe this girl from Luca can't really understand how it is for the Guado." A rare admission that she's not perfect. "What can you do for yourselves? It may just be an outsider's point of view, but you can do whatever you need to. You just have to have the courage to take the necessary steps..." A pause. "...and remember, you have friends in Bevelle, when you need them."

    It might not be a sentiment shared by even the majority of Yevon right now, but Kadi's a strategist. She knows they're stronger together, even though the bonds that tie them together have been weakened, and has more forgiveness to offer for 'one of her own' than for others. Of course, the question lingers... and it's something that she has to ask.

    "Gon... tell me. Is Mae--" There's a pause, and a glance at the others around before she lowers her voice. "...is Seymour gone?"

<Pose Tracker> Gon Guado has posed.

    Gon nods slowly at the 'they were yours' thing, but he knows deep down that it is perhaps more that they should be ashamed of him than have him take pride by proxy for their courage when they stood opposite one another for that critical moment beyond the caverns of Mt. Gagazet.
     The extent of machina in Kadi's possession shouldn't be as much of a surprise as it turns out to be, for Gon is well aware of the... loose rules of possession based on influence and convenience. He used to have machina-ized gauntlets that he's certain some of the Otherworlders ran off with (but is too mentally exhausted to care as to who took what).
     He doesn't resist the hand on his arm. Others among his people hardly reacted to much less gentle touches by some other passers-by. Few have the will to really assert themselves any more, in wake of all that has transpired. But there is a cocked eyebrow in the wake of how he has all but admitted his people have exploited the fears and losses of the people of Spira for their own gain. Especially when he had a hand in that Fiend attack that Seymour made a good show of stopping in order to help reinforce the faiths and tenets to their own selfish ends.
     '...and remember, you have friends in Bevelle, when you need them.'
     He doesn't look Kadi in the eyes. "My daughters, perhaps." They were the only two Guado in all of Spira to come to Bevelle's aid, journey up Mt. Gagazet to stop their father, and then once again call for help to stop Seymour from killing his own people.
     He at least can give this definitive answer. "Seymour has not appeared within the Farplane."
     He remains Unsent and at large.
     He shakes his head. "I know not what you wish to accomplish with those words, now." The older generation of Guado - and most of the youth - have a lot of figuring out to do, and there is scarce much optimism or hope for the future among them.

<Pose Tracker> Kadi has posed.

    "They do," Kadi agrees. "You know... you mentioned the Guado are without a leader. Perhaps they'll have two in time, yeah?" There's a wink there to puncuate the comment.

    The mention of Seymour not appearing on the Farplane recieves a soft 'mm' from Kadi. It's something that she's going to have to ruminate on. In and of itself, it's not necessarily good or bad news. It's unlikely that Seymour retains the cultlike following he had, she figures... but the former leader of the Guado was a force to say the least. Dangerous would be a polite way of putting it.

    ...could she use that, though?

    She'll cross that bridge when she comes to it, if she comes to it. Giving her head a little shake to clear her mind, she removes her hand and starts re-fastening her robe. "What do you think I hope to accomplish?" she asks, "I want to keep our people safe, Gon. Bring back the strength that we need to survive. I want to stand up to any threat and cow them into submission, retreat, or oblivion if I have to... and there's too many true threats out there to be let our minds linger for too long on what we could've done differently. Where we could've been when we were needed. I'd rather think of where I can be, what I can do."

<Pose Tracker> Gon Guado has posed.

    Gon almost has the humor in him to laugh at the idea. 'In time,' over the scale of at least ten years. "They are extraordinary," in the way fathers might describe their children but this now has basis in recent historical fact, "but they are too young to bear such a burden."
     A teenaged Guado, with dark blue hair, has scarce handled her Blitzball since the events under Guadosalam. Some of what she had to see and deal with in Bevelle alone was too real for her - for anyone! - and a part of her struggles with seeing those who once fell lockstep behind Seymour await care. Her gift of healing magics, inherited from her father (if only with just the Fire expression thus far), is not called upon too much for her inexperience but instead by necessity.
     An even younger pre-teen Guado girl with green hair is listless after another slow day at her mother's place of business. There are no customers, so there are scarce any things she can do. Her peers are all dealing with the same gloom most the rest are, and she's not far from falling into it herself.
     They helped save Spira a few times over already, but are already fighting uphill to keep themselves going strong after all of what's happened.
     "You may be better served appraising the rest of Spira about these... other true threats you speak of. There is naught here but shelter and shame." Gon sighs. "If... you have no pressing business, I would ask you please be on your way."

<Pose Tracker> Kadi has posed.

    "Then perhaps it's time that others follow their example so they can take their time, ya know?" Kadi offers helpfully

    The tools of her trade once again hidden under her robes, knowledge gained, and her head properly back on straight, she's gotten what she needed here. "Perhaps; I can certainly agree that the residents of Guadosalam are not the only ones who need to be rallied." A pause. "Just... think about what I said, Gon, and take care of yourself and your people." She turns, but just before she starts walking adds, "Maybe next time I come through, I'll see if I can bring an old Blitz Sphere for you."

<Pose Tracker> Gon Guado has posed.

    "If you must," Gon thinks on those simpler days a bit that will not be returning as a few other Guado gesture to him about some other Otherworlders wanting to come by. Calling themselves the 'Sparrowfeathers' or some such. "If you will excuse me."
     It is a strange meeting, to be met with such positivity from someone who seems so intent to deliver it unto those who have lived so wickedly in their blind devotion to traditions and relationships within their society.
     Gon will at least endeavor to see Kadi is able to safely make her way elsewhere from Guadosalam, but some things... are beyond mere pep talks, thus soon after societal upheaval. There were enough Guado who were strong enough to say 'no' to Seymour...
     ... but what comes next when it seems so many are unwilling to take the reins is another issue.