2018-12-13: In Which Shalune Cusses
- Log: In Which Shalune Cusses
- Cast: Lunata Croze, Shalune Amira
- Where: Photosphere, the Gutter
- Date: 13th December 2018
- Summary: In the midst of rescuing the Tainted, Rudeness occurs.
DG: A party led by Lunata Croze is now entering Photosphere - The Gutter.
DG: Party formation is now over. An Entry Challenge will now be drawn and displayed to the party.
============================ <* Photosphere - The Gutter *>======================== ========================= <* CHALLENGE - Veterinarian Care *>====================== |Type: Entry |Dungeon Ability: Brute |Challenge Rating: 1 | --------------------------==== < Challenge Information: >-------------------------- Your team has descended to the depths of the Photosphere's infamous Gutter, in the midst of the fierce battle ensuing overhead. The conditions are beyond deplorable - the only buildings that could be called homes are scrapheap shacks resting against the canyon wall that the spaceship has nestled against. Haphazard streets are largely carved out over the centuries from various community efforts. Something bulky collapses in the distance, the noise of twisting metal crunching the sheds below. "Help, please...!" Underneath a collapsed Metal Beast, you encounter a group of Tainted Hyadeans who implore you for aid. One of them severely bleeds from the calf, and another suffers a large gash of frayed wiring, quicksilver blood flowing out of their torso. It seems that the erstwhile Beast fell on them. They don't possess the strength to push free on their own! =Dungeon Conditions: Overzealous==============================================
<Pose Tracker> Lunata Croze has posed.
The ensuing battle with Yarobeledt's left the Lunies in a precarious position -- with the Rephaim still largely left inert in the inner sanctum up top, and with them without a real way back other than to take the long way. At the very least, other Drifters are present and the CaraKin's still got a hold in some areas...
"... yeah, it's me," Lunata murmurs glumly as she holds onto her receiver. "Franz? You there?"
A pause. "Yeah, we got dropped to a lower layer. Do you know where Cap'n Maitreya and the Deurmods are?" A pause. "... near us? All right. The Rephaim's out of commission right now and I can't reach it. We'll reconvene with the Captain and try to find Bart too."
With that plan of action largely squared away, Lunata's free to squint towards their immediate area -- the Gutter. The most squalid and dreadful of conditions, prompting her to murmur with a wrenching expression as she says, "... this is horrible."
That's also to say she's kind of ignoring the kind of outburst she had in the final battle with Yaro and everything she's said to try to just gloss it over... maybe she's trying to not poke that hornet's nest unless Shalune wants to, before--
Help, please!
Lunata's eyes widen as she hurries ahead and looks towards the fallen beast, under which some Tainted have been trapped under. "Hold on!"
She seizes her hand forward and starts to shove the massive carcass of the Beast underneath her shoulder with a grunt; there's a glow as spectral claws erupt and help assist in the process. "Shalune, hurry!"
<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.
Shalune is also doing her best to studiously ignore Lunata's outburst, at least for the time being. It doesn't really work - she's always been a bad liar due to wearing her heart on her sleeve, and the way her expression quivers is a mixture of concern, worry, and an anger that she's not really used to. But at least she has chalk and a large backpack, and that's as good a means as any to try to distract herself during Lunata's radio call.
Once the other girl's done talking to the Yggdrasil, Shalune stands up and dusts herself off, feeling at least a little in the way of satisfaction. Around her she's scrawled a collection of Jacqueline's new signs, detailing in its odd shorthand that the way behind them is blocked, and giving a rough map of the area ahead as far as she can remember from buzzing over it in the Little Dipper. Next to it, one of the caches that the alchemist had prepared ahead of time.
"... kinda like Adlehyde's alleys, right?" she murmurs in reply, fussing at her hair for a moment in uncertainty before she picks up her mood. "Only a whole lot moreso. Like the bits mom told me not to go near. I think-- from what I remember, we can probably circle around from the other end. Kinda handy when the whole place is a sphere, right?" she adds, trying her best to encourage the both of them.
At the noise, she starts - and even mildly injured and a bit worn out as she is, she can still find enough in the way of energy to spur herself forwards, glancing urgently between the fallen Metal Beast, the Tainted trapped beneath, and the amount of space and material she's got available.
"--o-okay, hold on - don't worry, this is probably gonna suck a bit but I've got some medicine that'll help--" she stumbles over her own words as she feels for the Medium in her pocket. There's not enough space or time to rig up a pulley, let alone for her to have enough strength to deadlift something that big. But mountains are made of earth, right? And she's all about building on other people's ideas and technologies and--
--the rock pillar that suddenly punches up from the floor is nowhere near as strong or persistent or regular as Jay's, and covered in odd blobby shapes. It also falls apart the moment it impacts against the Metal Beast - but hopefully it's enough leverage to add to Lunata's strength.
DG: Lunata Croze has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Veterinarian Care.
DG: Shalune Amira has used her Tool Material - Dinowhatsit toward her party's challenge, Veterinarian Care.
============================ <* Photosphere - The Gutter *>======================== ========================= <* CHALLENGE - Veterinarian Care *>====================== |Type: Entry |Dungeon Ability: Brute |Challenge Rating: 1 | --------------------------==== < Challenge Information: >-------------------------- Your team has descended to the depths of the Photosphere's infamous Gutter, in the midst of the fierce battle ensuing overhead. The conditions are beyond deplorable - the only buildings that could be called homes are scrapheap shacks resting against the canyon wall that the spaceship has nestled against. Haphazard streets are largely carved out over the centuries from various community efforts. Something bulky collapses in the distance, the noise of twisting metal crunching the sheds below. "Help, please...!" Underneath a collapsed Metal Beast, you encounter a group of Tainted Hyadeans who implore you for aid. One of them severely bleeds from the calf, and another suffers a large gash of frayed wiring, quicksilver blood flowing out of their torso. It seems that the erstwhile Beast fell on them. They don't possess the strength to push free on their own! =Dungeon Conditions: Overzealous============================================== ======================= <* Photosphere - The Gutter - Round 1 *>=================== =========================== < Results - Veterinarian Care >======================== Player Exhaustion Pass/Fail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunata Croze 0 --(0)--> 0 Pass Force 0 Brute Effects: BASIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shalune Amira 0 --(0)--> 0 Pass Material - Dinowhatsit 2 Brute Effects: Resilient ----------------------------------==== < Party >----------------------------------- Leader: Lunata Croze 0 --(20)--> 20 Pass Conditions: Overzealous(2) Effects: Resilient(1) ================================== < Dream Chasers >===============================
DG: The party led by Lunata Croze has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Lunata Croze has posed.
"Our alleys weren't /that/ bad," Lunata mumbles rather dourly, with the grunt of effort of sustaining a whole lot of mass at once that she really shouldn't be able to lift save for the freaky undead strength that's been endowed upon her.
She lets out another snarled cry as she gives a shove, and at the last moment as Dinoginos summons and bumps the Beast aside with an earth pillar, the Tainted scamper free and bow their head, saying, "Oh, thank you, Drifters...!"
"U-uh..." Lunata heaves out in exhaustion, nodding towards them as she looks to Shalune. "Hey, the... the Wayside Airship thing should be nearby, right? Or, worst case the Yggdrasil can take refugees too."
DG: Shalune Amira has drawn a new Challenge.
============================ <* Photosphere - The Gutter *>======================== ======================= <* CHALLENGE - Angry Angry Elementals *>=================== |Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat |Challenge Rating: 2 | --------------------------==== < Challenge Information: >-------------------------- Your escape grows desperate as you spot Ley fractures below your feet. Fortunately, your group will have enough time to evacuate underneath metal or other awnings. This proves timely, as the Ley seams convulse and burst into hazardous splashes of radiant energy... ... but the real problem comes after. The gouts of energy manifest into vague elemental shapes with a visible crest of Muse and Frey on their bodies. The elementals appear angered. They convulse, Ley pulsing wildly throughout their body. A disturbance has enraged them -- and they leap to the attack! =Dungeon Conditions: Injure===================================================
<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.
It turns out that Shalune /can/ actually manage a polite silence when she wants to, though it doesn't last. "--um. I mean, I'm just sayin', the alleys near the Saloon had Aunt Hilda's eye on them. No-one was gonna make any trouble there. The ones near the docks, now, those were pretty dark and scary."
She cuts that thought off with a wince as the Metal Beast crashes aside, and immediately trots up to the injured Tainted with a thick roll of bandage taken from a coat pocket. "This stuff's been treated a bit. It won't help you guys that much, but it should take the edge off at least," she promises as she helps bind their wounds with the speed of someone who's well aware they're just doing first reponse.
... and then she trots up to Lunata instead, and even if the other girl doesn't exactly need bandages Shalune is still insistent in the way she starts to deal with some of Lunata's heavier wounds, her expression drawn tight and her mouth in a thin line of worry. "--yeah-- she says after a moment, realizing they're not quite done. "Um, Miss Ri-- the Outreach-- um, I guess you'd know them as the Ebony Wings? They're sweeping through the area too. They've got a big ol' airship parked outside, so if you can get to an exit they can lift you out, maybe."
Her hair stands on end for a moment; Shalune is not really magically attuned enough to pick up what exactly the change in the air is, but she can at least yelp as the floor begins to crack and swell with a multitude of Ley energy. "--go, go!" she encourages, hurrying one of the confused Tainted forwards. I dunno what it's doing, but it's probably best to keep moving--"
She's interrupted as the energy erupts and coalesces together - and this time she's outright speechless for a moment, staring in disbelief. "W-what are /they/ doin' here?! I thought this was like, sorcery no-go!" she blurts to Lunata as she pulls out her staff, immediately strafing to one side to try to peel one of them off her companion - and off the Tainted running for an exit.
DG: Shalune Amira has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Angry Angry Elementals.
<Pose Tracker> Lunata Croze has posed.
Lunata kneels down and helps apply some of the bandaging, since they're probably carring some of Jacqueline's surplus too. She looks towards them, then helps sling one of the more injured around her shoulder as she looks to Shalune.
The Tainted's eyes widen as she says, "Our brethren are here for us...? I had scarce hoped..." as another nods as well. "Thank you. We'll try to not get in your way."
She pauses for a moment, as she hurries forward and-- energy erupts, and she throws something that looks like a dark gloam of shielding around her and the Tainted with a snarl as she goes, "I don't know!"
The elementals appear, and she stoops for a moment and flashes Orochi-Agito outwards -- she'll have to hope that the elemental sphere of cut is effective against fire and water.
DG: Lunata Croze has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Angry Angry Elementals.
============================ <* Photosphere - The Gutter *>======================== ======================= <* CHALLENGE - Angry Angry Elementals *>=================== |Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat |Challenge Rating: 2 | --------------------------==== < Challenge Information: >-------------------------- Your escape grows desperate as you spot Ley fractures below your feet. Fortunately, your group will have enough time to evacuate underneath metal or other awnings. This proves timely, as the Ley seams convulse and burst into hazardous splashes of radiant energy... ... but the real problem comes after. The gouts of energy manifest into vague elemental shapes with a visible crest of Muse and Frey on their bodies. The elementals appear angered. They convulse, Ley pulsing wildly throughout their body. A disturbance has enraged them -- and they leap to the attack! =Dungeon Conditions: Injure=================================================== ======================= <* Photosphere - The Gutter - Round 2 *>=================== ========================= < Results - Angry Angry Elementals >===================== Player Exhaustion Pass/Fail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunata Croze 0 --(0)--> 0 Pass Fight 0 Combat Effects: BASIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shalune Amira 0 --(0)--> 0 Pass Fight 0 Combat Effects: BASIC ----------------------------------==== < Party >----------------------------------- Leader: Lunata Croze 20 --(20)--> 40 Pass Conditions: Injure(2)|Overzealous(1) Effects: ================================== < Dream Chasers >===============================
DG: The party led by Lunata Croze has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.
Lunata can clearly handle herself; the elementals are newly-formed and more like bundles of instinct rather than actual thinking, strategizing enemies. The Muse elemental dives for her with a wordless scream - and runs more or less straight into Lunata's sword. Besides, cutting water droplets and splitting waterfalls is sort of Ge Ramda's thing, right? At least, Shalune is pretty sure of that much, and an elemental is basically a gigantic water droplet, so it all works.
For her part, Shalune is left skidding around some cover as she dodges a gout of fire, her mind racing as she reaches for her coat. The Frey elemental drifts closer, flame blazing from its hands - and then stops dead as Shalune peeks over the top of her cover and levels a certain spritz bottle over the edge. It's-- bigger now, thanks to Shalune's tinkering, and for an instinct there's fear in the elemental's eyes.
"Down. Down, okay?" Shalune encourages. "Look, there's a whole lot of fire outside from the battle out there. You can go play around there all you like, right?" The elemental starts to roar, but it turns into a yelp as Shalune pulls the trigger amidst a hiss of steam. "Shoo!"
It slinks back - then slips away at speed, leaving Shalune heaving out a breath. "What's goin' /on/? First we have a big fight, then Mother goes ha-ha we don't need a fight, then /you/ have a big fight and go all wild, then a bunch of sorcery's just runnin' through the no-sorcery-place like it's no big deal!" she grouses as she pats down her coat, letting the facade slip a little midway.
DG: Lunata Croze has drawn a new Challenge.
============================ <* Photosphere - The Gutter *>======================== =================== <* CHALLENGE - The Exit is just Beast of Here *>=============== |Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat |Challenge Rating: 1 | --------------------------==== < Challenge Information: >-------------------------- A scream pierces through the hallway. Your group turn the corner to see several Tainted hopelessly attempting to escape from a massive battle-scarred Metal Beast with a twisted metal plate on its head. It looks like it's been hurled down here from the battle above, but it's still got a lot of fight in it. The Tainted are in no condition to fight it off, so it's up to you and your group! =Dungeon Conditions: Wound====================================================
<Pose Tracker> Lunata Croze has posed.
"No-sorcery-place? What do you mean by that? Is there some kind of, anti-magic going on or something? I mean I didn't shut down like last time so..." Lunata murmurs for a moment, clearly not figuring out what Shalune's referring to. A pause, as she mumbles, "Isn't this the same stuff that dragon you were fightin' before was leaking out?"
She stares as Shalune threatens a Frey elemental with a spritz bottle, and she can't help but be reminded. Wonder where that Aquasol is...
They don't have a whole lot of time, though, before a Metal Beast bursts through the scaffolding and gantries and nearly knocks Lunata and the Tainted over. "Fudge--!"
<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.
"W-well-- the Guardians hate this place, right? And I heard that Metal Demons can't do any sorcery worth a damn anyways except for Miss Riese and the other lady, so what's it doing here?" she explains, as she merrily conflates Guardian sorcery and Ley energy together. She chews hard at the inside of her lip at the mention of the Ley Dragon, wincing slightly to herself at the thought. "... I--... I guess maybe," she admits. It's not a great thought to imagine Riese leaking throughout the Photosphere.
She's forced to shake it away when the other Metal Beast crashes through the barrier; already strained, her patience stretches that little bit thinner as she jukes backwards. "--these are your /own damn guys/!" she cries, an actual edge of anger in her voice as she plants her feet and braces the end of her shotstaff against the ground. A pull of a button makes it emit a whine that rises rapidly in pitch; the entire body of the staff shudders as a large ball of energy begins to shine at the tip, expanding outwards before it suddenly resolves into a solid white beam of light. "--so leave them alone!"
Somehow, she can get away with saying 'damn' not once, but twice!
DG: Lunata Croze has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, The Exit is just Beast of Here.
DG: Shalune Amira has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, The Exit is just Beast of Here.
============================ <* Photosphere - The Gutter *>======================== =================== <* CHALLENGE - The Exit is just Beast of Here *>=============== |Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat |Challenge Rating: 1 | --------------------------==== < Challenge Information: >-------------------------- A scream pierces through the hallway. Your group turn the corner to see several Tainted hopelessly attempting to escape from a massive battle-scarred Metal Beast with a twisted metal plate on its head. It looks like it's been hurled down here from the battle above, but it's still got a lot of fight in it. The Tainted are in no condition to fight it off, so it's up to you and your group! =Dungeon Conditions: Wound==================================================== ======================= <* Photosphere - The Gutter - Round 3 *>=================== ===================== < Results - The Exit is just Beast of Here >================= Player Exhaustion Pass/Fail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunata Croze 0 --(25)--> 25 Fail Fight 0 Combat Effects: BASIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shalune Amira 0 --(25)--> 25 Fail Fight 0 Combat Effects: BASIC ----------------------------------==== < Party >----------------------------------- Leader: Lunata Croze 40 --(10)--> 50 Fail Conditions: Injure(1)|Wound(2) Effects: ================================== < Dream Chasers >===============================
DG: The party led by Lunata Croze has failed this challenge! The party gained 10 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Lunata Croze has posed.
"I-- had no idea about that, honestly! I thought they just kinda had a technology-so-advanced-you-won't-believe-it's-not-magic--HORF"
The HORF part comes because the Metal Beast manages to just knock her straight off her feet and barreling down a nearby shanty; she's kind of breaking her fall just to protect the Tainted with her as much as she can.
Fortunately, this means she manages to avoid hearing Shalune cuss.
The Metal Beast seems so shocked by this as well that it pauses and stares a tthe pink blob like 'how could you', and that proves to be the pivotal point that sends it flying from a fully charged blast from the shotstaff.
"... I'm okay... I'm okay..." Lunata wheezes. "Just need a moment."
(Shalune fails this challenge because the dread price of cussing is something that is 25 percent exhausting to Lunies.)
DG: Shalune Amira has drawn a new Challenge.
============================ <* Photosphere - The Gutter *>======================== ====================== <* CHALLENGE - THIS is What It's Like! *>=================== |Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility |Challenge Rating: 1 | --------------------------==== < Challenge Information: >-------------------------- You can hear the sound of battle echoing overhead. A dread familiarity hangs in the air... Some Drifter chants the incantation for a grand Symbologic spell... ...Another one loads an oversized ARM and starts blasting with reckless abandon... ...and yet another unveils immaculate bladework, shattering pillars. The collateral of which start descending towards you and your group of refugees. ... ah. Is this what it's like to be a bystander in one of your Gunslinger battles, maybe? Regardless, RUN! (NOTE: You may optionally pose one of your alts as one of the Drifters indirectly causing trouble for you above!) =Dungeon Conditions: Injure===================================================
<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.
Shalune is flung backwards by the recoil of her impromptu overcharge, as a number of pops along the shotstaff's length suggest it isn't going to be a whole lot of use for the foreseeable future, or at least until she can get a couple of minutes to actually do some proper maintenance.
At least the Metal Beast is gone - and that gives her a moment to catch her breath, and then realize belatedly that someone else needs to do the same. Without really thinking about it too hard, she turns on her heel, claps both hands to Lunata's shoulders, then tugs her forwards into a tight hug. "Take two instead of one, okay?" she mumbles quietly, nudging forwards to bury her head at Lunata's shoulder. "You need it. We all do."
The world complies, at least for long enough for Shalune to heave out a sigh. It's still difficult to know what exactly to say to Lunata's rant, but it doesn't really seem the sort of time to use words when she could use drawn-out sympathetic noises and a cuddle instead. "Y'know you can lean on me, okay?" is about all she manages to get out when she does finally decide to speak--
And then the sky above them erupts in laser fire from a Gear that's chosen to fight a dragon out in the open. Shalune goggles at the light-show, more out of sudden concern and surprise rather than a Dean-like love for all things big and mechanical, and her hand is already going for the folded-up shape of the Little Dipper. "--come on! I'll give you a ride!" she calls towards the ex-waitress. This is more familiar territory, right in the moment, and at least she can make the offer to give Lunata a helping hover pad.
She yelps the next moment as a dozen missiles crash down around them, filling the space around them with a peppering array of explosions that thankfully don't capsize the Little Dipper, and Shalune puffs up her cheeks. "--that's not another you up there, right?! Heeey!" she calls up indignantly as the scooter begins to streak forwards. "Watch your firing lines! Even I know that!"
DG: Shalune Amira has used her Tool Little Dipper toward her party's challenge, THIS is What It's Like!.
<Pose Tracker> Lunata Croze has posed.
Lunata lifts herself up with a quiet grumble, shoving her katana to the ground to rather haphazardly use it as a propping stick to lift herself up. She heaves out a breath as she stares at Shalune tiredly, no-- exhaustedly for a moment.
"... I have no idea how to move forward," Lunata admits, sagging her head forward. "I don't know. This isn't the end. I'd be stupid to think this is the end of everything."
She spits out what seems like blood for a moment, heaving herself up. "I have no idea how to get off this ride we've all clambered onto. How we'll ever get to a life I... I want us to be at."
She's about to get more off her chest-- but then a Gear opens fire with a dragon out in the open, and she's forced to pause and go...
This is what it's like.
"Don't be a dummy! I don't use missiles!" Lunata exclaims vehemently as she grabs onto the Little Dipper, helping the Tainted on-- for a moment it looks like they won't have enough lift, which is when she launches the Yggdra Cable to just force the machine out and forward.
Shalune, though, can tell from the white and blue colouring that the Dragon's not any dragon at all; she screeches against the very Gear she's combatting against, shoving it to one side as she gets another streak racing across her wings from gunfire.
DG: You use your Tool Yggdra Cable against your party's Challenge, THIS is What It's Like!!
DG: Lunata Croze has used her Tool Yggdra Cable toward her party's challenge, THIS is What It's Like!.
============================ <* Photosphere - The Gutter *>======================== ====================== <* CHALLENGE - THIS is What It's Like! *>=================== |Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility |Challenge Rating: 1 | --------------------------==== < Challenge Information: >-------------------------- You can hear the sound of battle echoing overhead. A dread familiarity hangs in the air... Some Drifter chants the incantation for a grand Symbologic spell... ...Another one loads an oversized ARM and starts blasting with reckless abandon... ...and yet another unveils immaculate bladework, shattering pillars. The collateral of which start descending towards you and your group of refugees. ... ah. Is this what it's like to be a bystander in one of your Gunslinger battles, maybe? Regardless, RUN! (NOTE: You may optionally pose one of your alts as one of the Drifters indirectly causing trouble for you above!) =Dungeon Conditions: Injure=================================================== ======================= <* Photosphere - The Gutter - Round 4 *>=================== ======================== < Results - THIS is What It's Like! >===================== Player Exhaustion Pass/Fail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunata Croze 25 --(0)--> 25 Pass Yggdra Cable 3 Agility Effects: Rally ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shalune Amira 25 --(0)--> 25 Pass Little Dipper 2 Agility Effects: Resilient ----------------------------------==== < Party >----------------------------------- Leader: Lunata Croze 50 --(20)--> 70 Pass Conditions: Injure(2)|Wound(1) Effects: Resilient(1) ================================== < Dream Chasers >===============================
DG: The party led by Lunata Croze has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.
Shalune can hold on for long enough to bury her fingers into Lunata's hair, at least, and nudge the hug closer still. Maybe it's a bit indulgent of her, but it feels like the sort of moment they need to cherish, despite the heavy hearts involved. "... I know. ... I know," she mumbles back as she closes her eyes. "I don't know either, honestly. But--"
The rest doesn't come until later. The Little Dipper starts forwards, juddering as it tries to find purchase - but the dual momentum of Lunata's cable and an angry stomp from Shalune at its base suddenly kicks it forwards, and the mechanic hangs on for dear life as she sweeps the craft forward and down a too-tight passageway, taking cover where she can.
Somehow, that's the easy part. The harder part is gripping the handlebars in her hands, marshalling her thoughts, and yelling back over the whistling air. "--but we'll have some time, at least! And once this is all over we're gonna take that time to /talk this stuff over/! Properly! And not just 'uuu Jay let's curl up!' or 'I will protect you all an' make myself a monster!' We're all gonna get real mad and complain and bitch and yell and just let it all out rather than keep bunchin' it all up - all three of us together!"
There's a fierceness in her eyes, and a certainty and relish in the way she lets it out, panting a little for breath afterwards - as if /that's/ the part she's wanted to get off her chest for ages. "An' if Jay even tries to be nice I will veto it immediately! An' if you call yourself a coward despite doing your best to deal with all this, I'll kick your ass!"
She puffs up as if to finalize her rant - and as if spurred on by that, she sweeps the Little Dipper down in a swoop so low it threatens to shear the bottom off in a shower of sparks.
"--we're clear! I think!" she calls over her shoulder, some of the cheer going out of her voice as she recognizes the gigantic shape above. In contrast to what she was just saying, she chews slowly at her lip. "... you hang on too, okay?" she mumbles.
DG: Lunata Croze has drawn a new Challenge.
============================ <* Photosphere - The Gutter *>======================== ================= <* CHALLENGE - Products Well Past Their Lifespan *>============== |Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Brute |Challenge Rating: 2 | --------------------------==== < Challenge Information: >-------------------------- -===== <WARNING>=- -===== <WARNING>=- -===== <Atmospheric Breach detected: Sealing Airlocks>=- Your group jukes onto what appears to be one of the Photosphere's original hallways, back in the days when it still served as a starship. However, the instruments therein appear to have had better days, for it detects some kind of dangerous leakage... that results in the caution-marked metal doors sealing shut. There are no terminals to access around, so you'll have to blow through them to proceed. =Dungeon Conditions: Weaken===================================================
<Pose Tracker> Lunata Croze has posed.
The Dragon flees to the skies and goes out of sight at the same time the desperate escape leads them to barrel onto one part of the Photosphere which is miraculously still intact and not grafted onto the cliffside. It leaves them in a place that's more like a spaceship than the shantytown they've been part of all this time. Lunata heaves her breath again as some of the Tainted catch a moment too.
"I don't... I don't... I don't know," Lunata mumbles faintly. "I don't know what talking about it'll do. We /have/... sorta talked it out before. I keep doing stupid things. Jay keeps doing stupid things, I--"
The warnings kind of ring her out for a moment as she stares and says--
"... wait, there's plenty of air here."
"O-oh, that must be the broken airlock. We have a lot of problems with it," the Tainted points out.
The doors shut still, though, as she murmurs and bangs on it for a while. "... piece of junk. Well, I can already see your eyes lighting up from all the tech you want to salvage, Lunie..."
DG: Lunata Croze has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Products Well Past Their Lifespan.
<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.
Shalune glances at the doors for long enough to catch the message - and the obvious malfunction, which makes her furrow her brow as she searches her pockets. "U-umm... wait, I had somethin' for this. You know how we had to make sure we weren't getting gas leaks? Oh--" she pulls out a little charcoal tab with silica crystals studded across it, and frowns at it a little. "... it looks like we're okay?" she scratches at her hair.
Knowing it isn't absolutely critical they escape now gives her the freedom to pause again, and huff out a breath. "... I don't know if we really talked it out at all. We-- talked /about/ it, but we were all too worried to really dig into it. To really get mad at each other. I think - um, I know I'm really, really guilty of this, but it seems like that's what we need most, right? That and some time to just stop for a while and do something super normal."
She's stepped up to the door as she says this, looking around the edge for any kind of panel she can use to gain access. "... after this, let's go back to Adlehyde for a bit. Help rebuild some more, if they still need the work. Maybe it'll make you feel better knowing you've got the strength to do more than fight? ... jeez, there's not even a manual override. That's really bad for safety," she grouses.
Carefully, she kneels down - and bites at her lip as she tries to wiggle and force her Medium into the tight space between the doors. It doesn't really take - they're sealed shut too much - but she seems satisfed enough to call 'Material!' and immediately scurry backwards as she uses a Guardian as a prybar.
DG: Shalune Amira has used her Tool Material - Dinowhatsit toward her party's challenge, Products Well Past Their Lifespan.
============================ <* Photosphere - The Gutter *>======================== ================= <* CHALLENGE - Products Well Past Their Lifespan *>============== |Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Brute |Challenge Rating: 2 | --------------------------==== < Challenge Information: >-------------------------- -===== <WARNING>=- -===== <WARNING>=- -===== <Atmospheric Breach detected: Sealing Airlocks>=- Your group jukes onto what appears to be one of the Photosphere's original hallways, back in the days when it still served as a starship. However, the instruments therein appear to have had better days, for it detects some kind of dangerous leakage... that results in the caution-marked metal doors sealing shut. There are no terminals to access around, so you'll have to blow through them to proceed. =Dungeon Conditions: Weaken=================================================== ======================= <* Photosphere - The Gutter - Round 5 *>=================== =================== < Results - Products Well Past Their Lifespan >================ Player Exhaustion Pass/Fail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunata Croze 25 --(25)--> 50 Fail Force 0 Brute Effects: BASIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shalune Amira 25 --(15)--> 40 Pass Material - Dinowhatsit 2 Brute Effects: Resilient ----------------------------------==== < Party >----------------------------------- Leader: Lunata Croze 70 --(10)--> 80 Fail Conditions: Injure(1)|Weaken(2) Effects: Resilient(1) ================================== < Dream Chasers >===============================
DG: The party led by Lunata Croze has failed this challenge! The party gained 10 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Lunata Croze has posed.
Lunata stares somewhat blithely at Shalune like she's doing dark sorcery when she takes out her charcoal tab and crystals, then goes, "... yeah, figured it was just a broken door," like she wants to pretend she's smart for a moment.
Then she talks about how they haven't talked it out... just talked /about/ it. She doesn't really get the difference.
"Thing is I'm not really certain we'll get a chance," Lunata murmurs rather dourly. "After Mother, Gebler'll probably be hounding us again. If not, then Krosse's still a problem. Maybe that space whale'll show up again sometime too--"
A pause. "And I want to take a break, I really do, but you think Jay's gonna sit still and let a problem be a problem?" She scratches her head further. "Guardians just listen to me, I sound like I'm using her as an excuse--"
The Medium shimmers for a moment, though; as if empowered by Dinoginos himself, the door jimmies straight open!
DG: Shalune Amira has drawn a new Challenge.
============================ <* Photosphere - The Gutter *>======================== =========================== <* CHALLENGE - A Quiet Moment *>======================= |Type: Climax |Dungeon Ability: Wits |Challenge Rating: 3 | --------------------------==== < Challenge Information: >-------------------------- You come across an altar. The air is mysteriously quiet here... as if the din of battle and the roar of violence cannot reach. Criss-crossed upon the floor are lines the colour of the Ley, leading to a central point upon the dais itself. Those with a Medium on their person can feel it reacting gently, as if the powers that sustain the world themselves are lamenting -- a clear oddity, given how muted the Guardians have been lately. There is something here to do with the Guardians, but what? You could spare a moment to investigate further, but you don't have long -- you have a duty to proceed onward with the refugees after you all catch your breath. (NOTE: @mail Riesenlied if your group succeeds on this challenge, along with what Medium(s) were present throughout your Group. This will grant you a little information pertinent to the Finale on December 8th!) =Dungeon Conditions: Save Point, Hesitate, Overzealous========================
<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.
"... you kind of are," Shalune says in the silence after the doors open - but at least she says it with a sympathetic smile as she immediately rubs at her hair. "I mean, um, that's still okay. I get it. I kinda have as well, and I don't think you're wrong. Jay's kinda finding it hard to leave anyone alone these days. I mean, she's makin' me set up goods for /free/! For a while, I thought she was ill or something!"
aShe hesitates, and drifts over towards Lunata once more. "... that's what I mean, though. Last time we said 'I don't want you to get hurt, so I'll protect you'. This time, we should say 'You need to slow down because we don't want you to get hurt' or something like that. It's just... we've all got a lot of things we oughta make clear. I mean, I'm kinda pissy at you every time you call yourself a zombie," she adds, admitting it with a distinct pout.
She lets out a slower breath this time - and then takes Lunata's hand in hers, squeezing it a little as she leads the pair on. "C'mon. Nearly through, right?" she encourages. That encouragement falls somewhat as she glances around the mysterious altar, brought to a standstill as she stares in amazement.
"This is-- um. I can feel Dinowhatsit here," she reports back to Lunata with a furrowed brow, knowing that even her minimal connection is more than the other girl has. "What the heck were they doing? Were they just in denial or somethin', or--" she clamps her mouth shut - and levers her bag over her shoulder to the ground as she starts to root through it. "Um-- just give me a sec, okay? I just wanna set some stuff up. I kinda get the feeling it's worth keepin' an eye out here.
DG: Shalune Amira has used her Tool Bag of Tricks toward her party's challenge, A Quiet Moment.
<Pose Tracker> Lunata Croze has posed.
Lunata drones on for a bit when they arrive at the altar-like pedestal, groaning for a moment as she sinks herself down to the ground. She reaches for Orochi-Agito kind of blindly for a moment, then stares at its hilt where the Original Artificial Medium of Death lies. "Ge Ramda's... responding..."
A pause, as she huffs in turn. "... slowing down's not always an option we got." She dourly stares at Shalune to say, "All I can do is stop accelerating the inevitable, but I don't see a way out for myself. The last thousand guys to have been suckered in to this haven't either. What makes me any different? I call myself that cause I'm just facing facts."
A pause for a moment, and then she slumps against the altar as she unscrews the lid of her thermos and beckons some of the Tainted around, especially the one that looks child-like amongst them. "Here..."
Ginseng chicken soup
with a side of rice cakes
"... simple fare, but... really warms you up," Lunata murmurs as she watches the children drink.
DG: You use your Tool Soup of the Day against your party's Challenge, A Quiet Moment!
DG: Lunata Croze has used her Tool Soup of the Day toward her party's challenge, A Quiet Moment.
============================ <* Photosphere - The Gutter *>======================== =========================== <* CHALLENGE - A Quiet Moment *>======================= |Type: Climax |Dungeon Ability: Wits |Challenge Rating: 3 | --------------------------==== < Challenge Information: >-------------------------- You come across an altar. The air is mysteriously quiet here... as if the din of battle and the roar of violence cannot reach. Criss-crossed upon the floor are lines the colour of the Ley, leading to a central point upon the dais itself. Those with a Medium on their person can feel it reacting gently, as if the powers that sustain the world themselves are lamenting -- a clear oddity, given how muted the Guardians have been lately. There is something here to do with the Guardians, but what? You could spare a moment to investigate further, but you don't have long -- you have a duty to proceed onward with the refugees after you all catch your breath. (NOTE: @mail Riesenlied if your group succeeds on this challenge, along with what Medium(s) were present throughout your Group. This will grant you a little information pertinent to the Finale on December 8th!) =Dungeon Conditions: Save Point, Hesitate, Overzealous======================== ======================= <* Photosphere - The Gutter - Round 6 *>=================== ============================= < Results - A Quiet Moment >========================= Player Exhaustion Pass/Fail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunata Croze 50 --(0)--> 50 Pass Soup of the Day 4 Wits Effects: Liability, Efficient, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shalune Amira 40 --(0)--> 40 Pass Bag of Tricks 2 Wits Effects: Resilient ----------------------------------==== < Party >----------------------------------- Leader: Lunata Croze 80 --(0)--> 80 Pass Conditions: Hesitate(2)|Overzealous(2)|Save Point(1)|Weaken(1) Effects: Resilient(1) ================================== < Dream Chasers >===============================
DG: The party led by Lunata Croze has passed this challenge! The party gained 0 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Lunata Croze has drawn a new Challenge.
============================ <* Photosphere - The Gutter *>======================== ========================= <* CHALLENGE - Out of the Breach *>====================== |Type: Final |Dungeon Ability: Wits |Challenge Rating: 2 | --------------------------==== < Challenge Information: >-------------------------- A gigantic Breach tore the Photosphere's underside open centuries ago when it first crashed into Filgaia. Fortunately for the Hyadeans, this breach was not obvious from the outside, buried against the thick Arctican snowfield and shielded by the barrier that surrounds it. Since then, the Breach has served as an impromptu entrance and exit for the Tainted and others unfit or not honoured to use the passages above. It leads to a shallow cavern system in the mountain ranges of Arctica, and with enough persistence, you should be able to hightail the refugees out of here and to safety. The going, however, won't be easy -- the caverns are dark and unmarked, and a wrong turn could spell disaster for a group of impoverished refugees. Decide on your route with confidence, with everything that you've learnt about the surrounding region! =Dungeon Conditions: Overwhelm================================================
<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.
Shalune at least pauses, and climbs herself down from her own worry and frustration to offer a sympathetic frown as she rustles through her bag. "... I just don't want you to give up, okay? That's-- that's outright scary. That's 'Shalune feels like she wants to flee to Elru again' kinda scary, never mind that we're already here. Things might get better if we pull together and talk. If we look into Ge Ramda. They definitely won't if you push everyone away an' do the same thing everyone else in there did."
She's setting up little devices around the area - tiny and simple, but numerous. Never mind that they won't actually do a whole lot of anything, but at least she looks satisfied as she stands back up. "... well, at least if somethin' happens here I might get-- a faint idea?" she wonders, scratching at her head. "Devet handed me a buncha these and told me to set them up, but... I'm not totally sure what they're for."
Shaking it away, she puffs up her cheeks again. "... you're not a coward for facing this stuff head on. Even if you're moving in a kinda erratic way, you're still moving forward. I feel like that'd be more than I'd do," she admits awkwardly, diverting her attention away to pick up one of the Tainted children and heft them up onto her shoulders as she sucks out a breath. "--okay! Just a little more way to go, guys!"
<Pose Tracker> Lunata Croze has posed.
For a moment, it becomes extremely clear to each of the Lunies' Mediums:
The flow of the Mountain Medium pours freely, with Dinoginos' cry resembling that of woe... but less so Ge Ramtos'.
Is this... related to the statues that they fought so hard over, a long while back?
Lunata scrunches for a moment longer as she refuses to look at Shalune for a moment with what the mechanic can tell is a look of shame. She puffs out a breath again. "... I feel scary. It's..."
She pauses to get up for a moment and holds the Tainted's hand, nodding as she offers some more bowls of soup to get them out and going. "C'mon, just a little more... just hold onto that soup and drink if you get cold, all right?"
The going gets really dark, of all things -- and light isn't actually something Lunata's great at providing. "I could rev, but that'll probably just make things worse."
DG: You use your Tool Soup of the Day against your party's Challenge, Out of the Breach!
DG: Lunata Croze has used her Tool Soup of the Day toward her party's challenge, Out of the Breach.
<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.
Shalune lingers, feeling the answer from her Medium; she bites at her lip, not really knowing what to do with the sensation but hang onto it.
"... you're just Lunata," Shalune pauses long enough to say that much, keeping her voice soft. "There's Drifters who have metal bits. There's Drifters who are all metal bits. There's Drifters who summon lightning and fire. There's Drifters who just wanna watch the world burn. ... none of this is your fault," she adds, about as solemn as she ever gets. "And none of it is gonna make me think you're scary."
There's a pause. "Hard-headed, for sure, but jeez, that goes for all three of us nowadays," she grumbles.
Before long, the Little Dipper has been put into service carrying those Tainted who are having a harder time walking; Shalune is trooping along with one of the smaller Tainteds on her shoulders, picking her footing carefully as she moves through the shattered wreckage of the Photosphere's underbelly. "Jeez, how long's it been like this? I guess you guys never really had any kinda way to clear it out, huh?"
Fortunately, even as the path ahead grows abysmally dark, Shalune perks up happily. "Oh, I've got somethin' for this," she adds as she fishes around in her pack. It might be a flying drone with a light on it, or a collection of long-lasting flare guns that refuel themselves, or--
--it's just a big bundle of flashlights, which she starts distributing out. At least she came prepared.
DG: Shalune Amira has used her Tool Bag of Tricks toward her party's challenge, Out of the Breach.
============================ <* Photosphere - The Gutter *>======================== ========================= <* CHALLENGE - Out of the Breach *>====================== |Type: Final |Dungeon Ability: Wits |Challenge Rating: 2 | --------------------------==== < Challenge Information: >-------------------------- A gigantic Breach tore the Photosphere's underside open centuries ago when it first crashed into Filgaia. Fortunately for the Hyadeans, this breach was not obvious from the outside, buried against the thick Arctican snowfield and shielded by the barrier that surrounds it. Since then, the Breach has served as an impromptu entrance and exit for the Tainted and others unfit or not honoured to use the passages above. It leads to a shallow cavern system in the mountain ranges of Arctica, and with enough persistence, you should be able to hightail the refugees out of here and to safety. The going, however, won't be easy -- the caverns are dark and unmarked, and a wrong turn could spell disaster for a group of impoverished refugees. Decide on your route with confidence, with everything that you've learnt about the surrounding region! =Dungeon Conditions: Overwhelm================================================ ======================= <* Photosphere - The Gutter - Round 7 *>=================== =========================== < Results - Out of the Breach >======================== Player Exhaustion Pass/Fail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lunata Croze 50 --(0)--> 50 Pass Soup of the Day 4 Wits Effects: Liability, Efficient, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shalune Amira 40 --(0)--> 40 Pass Bag of Tricks 2 Wits Effects: Resilient ----------------------------------==== < Party >----------------------------------- Leader: Lunata Croze 80 --(35)--> 115 Pass Conditions: Hesitate(1)|Overwhelm|Overzealous(1) Effects: Resilient(1) ================================== < Dream Chasers >===============================
DG: You have overcome the dungeon's trials! This run is a success!
DG: The party led by Lunata Croze has successfully explored Photosphere - The Gutter!
============================ <* Photosphere - The Gutter *>======================== ======================== <* CHALLENGE - Towards a New World *>===================== |Type: Discovery |Dungeon Ability: Conclusion|Challenge Rating: 1 | --------------------------==== < Challenge Information: >-------------------------- "Just... a little more..." The noise of propellers and the low whirr of Kislevi slave generators echo at the mouth of the frosted cavern as you exit through to the other side -- The Fereshte is here! Overjoyed hollers and shouts echo through the snowfield as the Tainted reunite with their long lost friends; the Wayside Outreach's medics and first responders take the refugees from here, loading them up to the cargo bay which is currently acting as an emergency clinic. The Outreach thanks you for your hard work and efforts, and provides healing and restorative services so that you can head back. You've succeeded in rescuing a group of Tainted! But the battle is not yet over. Mother awaits, as do more refugees within the Gutter... (NOTE: Your efforts have contributed to the total Exploration of this Dig! After a certain point, the rescue efforts will be deemed a success!) =Dungeon Conditions: Treasure=================================================