2024-02-28: Old Haunts

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  • Log: 2024-02-28: Old Haunts
  • Cast: Redi Hayworth, Yulie Ahtreide
  • Where: Hilton
  • Date: February 28, 2024
  • Summary: Starting to feel like her old self again -- which is complicated, in and of itself -- Redi decides to go out into Hilton. Yulie comes along with her, to keep an eye out and lend an ear.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

It's almost time to leave Hilton. It's been a few days. And, at the end of the day, they can't stay there forever.

Which means Redi is leaving home again.

But, before she does, she wants to get out. Really get out -- she only did a couple of short walks. She has been a little better, since the first couple of days. A little more lively, a little more friendly, but she is visibly putting on more of an act.

But, she suggested to Yulie that they go out to the lighthouse to have a look -- and, maybe, get some fish on the way.

She finishes getting ready and steps out of the bedroom, into the common area of the rooms they have. Redi has a white button-up shirt, a pair of black pants, and her boots on. She also has a spare grey jacket on. Her mail carrier's uniform isn't on and she doesn't have her hat on.

She looks at Yulie, takes a deep breath, and then asks: "How do I look? I, uh, didn't think the uniform was the best idea..."

More that, right now, she isn't ready for it.

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

They've been in Hilton for a few days. It's a long time for Yulie to stay in one place... but it's worth it. She wasn't going to abandon Redi, and between herself and Hicalu they've done everything they can to be there for her.

She's glad that things have been getting better, at least a little, but she can tell that Redi's been putting on an act. It's... a little hard to watch, sometimes.

Today, though! Today they're getting out and about. It's a good idea - it's good for her to get some fresh air and do some walking. And so for now, Yulie sits in the common area. She's dressed in the casual outfit she picked up on Energy Nede, rather than her full Paladienne attire - and when Redi emerges, Yulie stands up.

"You look great." Yulie offers with a small smile... and then, a hesitant nod a moment later. "...That's probably for the best."

She can guess at how conflicting the idea of it might be right now, when there's so much in question.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

Redi grins at Yulie -- a bit sheepishly, but so much of how she usually dressed was tied up in her uniform. She wore it practically every day. "Thanks," she says, before she straightens her back out. "Yeah, I thought... it's a little awkward, right now."

She glances to the side. Then, she sucks a breath in, looks back at Yulie, and nods. "Right! Let's go. We should go see the lighthouse while we're here, right?"

She walks tothe door -- and then opens it, holding it for Yulie. She looks back at her. "How've you liked Hilton? Aside from..."

She motions, once, with a hand. Aside from how things went.

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

Yulie does like Redi's uniform, but it's nice to see her try out other things, too, in a more put-together way. ...Not that she can blame anyone for wearing their uniform everyday, given how she only began gravitating away from her own just recently.

She smiles at the thanks - and then nods, when Redi admits that it's awkward.

"Yes. I'd really like to see it... It sounds so interesting." Yulie agrees with a nod. Redi opens the door for her and Yulie exits gratefully, a thoughtful look on her face.

"Aside from that..." Yulie replies with a small, awkward laugh. "...I like it. It's somehow both nice and cozy, but big, so there's always something to see. I feel like you could live here for a while and never get bored of it."

It's the kind of place she wouldn't have minded growing up in.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

Nedian clothing does tempt Redi, a little. Especially going with Yulie and wearing Filgaian clothes. Redi looks sideways at her, as they step out into the hallway. She closes the door and locks it, before she looks sideways at Yulie.

"It's something else," she says. She tries to not think too hard about her memories of the place. Memories that aren't hers.

"It won't be lit up, since it's daytime. But..." She flashes a smile. "We can go up top, and you can usually eat up there."

She leads the way, through the hotel, and towards the doors leading to the street.

"It is lively, isn't it?" she says. "It's... it never gets boring. We should really come back in summer. Maybe." She hesitates. "I mean... I want to come back in summer and go to the festival. Again. For the first time."

She laughs a little, and it's a little forced... but a little not. "...Y-You get what I mean."

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

Yulie nods as Redi mentions that the lighthouse won't be lit up, but still being able to go up... And the lighthouse may not be, but Yulie lights up a bit at the mention of usually being able to eat up there.

"Oh, that sounds fun... Maybe we should pick up something to take with us up there?" She considers, as she follows Redi out through the hotel and onto the street.

She nods - and then, offers her a smile as she suggests coming back in the summer. She laughs along with her.

"I think that's a great idea. I still want to see it. With you and Hicalu... and even Riley and Xander, too." She replies. It was a promise they made together, after - even if the circumstances now might be more different than they ever could have imagined when they made it.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

"The market's on the way," Redi promises, and she lights up a little herself to see that Yulie did. It is a little infectious, maybe.

"There's places that sell sandwiches on the way. Or at least, were the last time..." She trails off. Is she really going to learn to stop referring to things that happened in the past?

She steps through the doors -- into the streets and the sun -- and puts a hand over her eyes, for a moment, while they adjust.

"We'll come back," she says. "There's the fireworks. And people wear some nice clothes -- there's, um, robes and fancy dresses and stuff. It's one of the only times I'd really dress up."

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

"Great!" Yulie replies cheerily. She listens Redi mentions places that sell sandwiches... and she can see the way she trails off. She offers her a small, encouraging smile. "Well... we'll see what we can find."

The light is a little intense - though not as much for Yulie, who's had a bit more opportunity to get out. She listens as Redi describes the festival.

"That sounds incredible... I'm looking forward to it. I'd like to try some on..." Yulie considers. "I want to see what you, and everyone picks out, too."

Assuming the others are the type to dress up, that is...

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

"Yeah," Redi agrees, with a smile. They can see what they find on the way. And she can do her best to not dwell too much on the matter of memories. "All sorts of stuff, I'm sure."

She lowers her hand, as her eyes adjust, and looks sideways at Yulie. "They're a lot of fun. You need help putting one on, but there's people to help with that." She pauses for a moment. "We, um, might need to convince Hicalu a little."

He doesn't quite seem like the fancy robes type.

"I'll have to pick one," she says. She looks at Yulie, then grins. "Maybe we can do matching ones!"

She keeps walking. They can't see the market yet -- there's a hill in the way -- but they can hear it. It's a bit loud, with people calling out what they're selling.

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

"That makes sense..." Yulie considers. She hasn't worn any herself, but she's seen how elaborate some of them can get. Redi points out, though, that they might need to convince Hicalu, and Yulie laughs. "You're right. We might have a big task ahead of us..."

Matching outfits... Yulie brightens once more.

"Oh, that'd be great... Let's do it! I've never done anything like that before..." She agrees enthusiastically. She's never really had the opportunity... but now that the option's on the table, the idea is exciting.

Over the hill, they can hear the sounds of the market.

"It sounds really lively today." Yulie notes with a hint of cheer.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

"I'm sure we can do it," Redi says. "Maybe Riley will help." She doubts Xander will. And, of course, it might be dangerous to hope the Fangs will help. There's the matter of Xander's plan.


She likes to think about it.

She looks sideways at Yulie and smiles at her, then nods. "We'll do it, then," she says. She hesitates for a second. "You... probably didn't get many chances for going to festivals?"

She didn't forget what she said about her life, even if it has been hard lately.

They crest the hill -- and the market is below them. It's in a recessed area, with stalls with many a colorful tent and covering. Redi brightens, again, to see it; it's nostalgic, and while it's complicated, it looks and smells good.

"Right down there!" she says. "Those stalls have the food. Right on the way to the lighthouse, too. There's fried fish, sandwiches with lobster and crab and fish, coleslaw, and a bunch of different sides."

She starts down the steps to the market, eagerly. It is lively, too, and packed with people.

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

"Maybe!" Yulie agrees with a small laugh. Maybe it is dangerous. She hasn't completely gotten over her wariness of them... but she hasn't forgotten how they stood up for Redi, either. That counts for a lot.

"I'm looking forward to it." Yulie replies with a nod and a smile. She considers, then. "Mm, well... I have been to a couple, but only since I started traveling - so only in the past few years. But they were kind of... spur of the moment visits. I haven't really opportunity to make plans like this."

The top of the hill gives her a good view of the market. It's a delightful combination of sights and smells and she takes a moment to just take it all in.

"It all sounds incredible. I'm not sure where to start..." Yulie considers, quickly following Redi down the steps. It's good to see her looking eager about it.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

"Ah, yeah, that'd do it," Redi says. "Spur of the moment ones are fun, too. Different kind of fun!" she says, with a smile and a glance at Yulie. "But... it's fun to plan and look forward to it, too."

She considers for a second more, before she reaches the bottom of the steps. She glances back at Yulie -- and hesitates for a second. She almost jumps to volunteering.

But... it's not her memories that come to mind; that remember her favorite stall.

"I think..."

She considers, before she smiles. Then she points at one, with grilled with sandwiches -- long rolls, split down the middle, and offerings of fish, lobster, crab, and vegetable filling. "...That one's good. We could get a couple sandwiches. And drinks. And split fries?"

She scratches her cheek. "The fries are... pretty huge."

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

"Yeah." Yulie agrees with a nod. It's nice to have something to look forward to - something to plan out and talk about for the future.

Yulie meets Redi's glance. She catches the moment of hesitation - but it slips away easily as Redi considers before pointing out a particular stall. Yulie approaches, looking everything over. It's really astounding - everything smells fresh and delicious, too.

"That sounds good to me." Yulie agrees with a nod and a small laugh. "At least they're generous..."

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

"Mm-hm. It beats having them be stingy with the fries," Redi says. "Here goes."

She walks up to the stall -- and there's another moment of hesitation, that worry she might be recognized. And that little, lingering worry she doesn't have a right to this. She takes a second more to push it back.

Then she puts in her order: a lobster sandwich with spicy sauce, coleslaw, and a side of fries and a lemonade. The merchant waits for Yulie's.

It isn't too long before they're getting their food pushed into their hands -- after all, it's always being cooked. Redi hefts a bag with their order, and the lemonade in her other hand.

"It smells good," she says. Then, she looks down the pier -- and at the lighthouse at the end. "Ready? There's an elevator to take us up to the top!"

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

"Definitely." Yulie agrees. She lets Redi go first, offering her a brief glance, before putting in her own order. It's similar - though where Redi gets the lobster, Yulie gets the fish. It's a quick process, and soon enough, she joins Redi with her own.

"It does... I'm getting hungry already." Yulie agrees. "An elevator... that's convenient. Yes, I'm ready!"

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

"Me, too," Redi says, with a sheepish grin.

Then, she nods. "The elevator's great. There's stairs and I took them." She pauses, and then she gives Yulie a very serious look.


Then she actually laughs, instead of a forced laugh, for the first time in a few days. She doesn't even think to feel guilty for the memory until a little after they start walking.

The elevator ride is a short ride up -- and the lighthouse has a platform, with a railing, on the outside. It gives a commanding view of the harbor and the city. Redi steps out, looking around -- and her eyes widen a little at the masts of the ships; the tiled roofs in the distance; the hustle and bustle of the market; and the glittering blue of the sea.

She sighs, after a moment. Her voice is a little quiet, when she speaks.

"I'd say it's just like I remember, but..." Redi trails off, then she smiles a little. "...It's the first time I'm seeing it, too, huh?"

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

"Oh no." Yulie replies with a gasp - and then laughs right along with her.

They take the elevator up, all the way up, to the platform at the top. Yulie is amazed as she steps out, joining Redi in watching everything in awe.

"Wow... Everything looks so lovely from up here." She breathes out. She hears Redi sigh, then looks over to her.

...She's conflicted. Of course she would be. Yulie goes quiet for a moment until, eventually, managing a small smile of her own.

"...Maybe." She admits. "But there's something nice about that, too - both of us seeing it for the first time together."

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

Redi beams, for a moment, when Yulie laughs with her.

Up at the top, though, she stares for a different reason. "It does, doesn't it?" she says, scanning over the ocean. She looks sideways at Yulie -- her eyes on her, instead of looking over the horizon.

"There's... yeah." Her voice is quiet. It's not the first time she has thought of how lucky she is -- and how grateful -- that Yulie stayed with her. She finds herself at a loss for words, for a moment.

Finally, Redi smiles, softly, and she scoots just a little closer to Yulie. "Yeah. I think... I like the idea of making new memories. Having new firsts. With you."

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

"Yeah..." Yulie agrees, awe in her voice. She's seen a lot of sights in her time as a Drifter, of course, but she'll never get tired of seeing more and more of them.

She looks over toward Redi as she starts, then stops. And for a moment there's just quiet. Redi smiles and scoots closer, and Yulie smiles back.

"I'm glad." She replies. "There's so many more out there ahead of us..."

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

"Yeah," Redi agrees, with a smile.

Many more things to do ahead of them both. It's a comforting thought, after the way she felt for the past few days. She looks back at the ocean, then at the shops stretching out ahead of her.

She looks back at Yulie, then she beams. "And stuff to eat, too," she says. She holds up their bag of food. "Let's get a seat and dig in!"

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

"Definitely." Yulie agrees enthusiastically with a small laugh, and then a nod. "That sounds good to me. Let's!"