2024-05-21: Philosophy And Memory

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  • Log: Philosophy And Memory
  • Cast: Asgard, Anne Aomori
  • Where: A Team Rocket Base, Energy Nede
  • Date: May 21, 2024 (506 PC Filgaian)
  • Summary: Anne comes across Asgard training, and the two of them have a discussion about masters, servants, and free will.

<Pose Tracker> Asgard has posed.

Team Rocket has many 'arenas' for Pokemon training, within their complex, buttressed by Nede's best architectural engineering available in order to make certain it withstands most things. This is a good thing!

Because Asgard is training his Pokemon today.

His Machamp has just torn up the arena, lifting up a good half of it in order to try to fold it over and crush his Master, when the Golem raises his fist, and charges right through with an impact that rains debris all around him on a straight run to punch the Machamp in his Solar Plexus, temporarily flooring him. It's at this moment that his Lucario leaps at him, fists aglow with Chi as they start hammering into his frame.

Making a noise, he turns, and suddenly it becomes a furious exchange of blows between them, the Golem's fists at first slow, but then becoming charged with lightning as he trades blow for blow with the Lucario, and then finally outpaces him grabbing him by the neck and lifting him off the ground.

"Better, Lucario." The Golem notes, pleased, "But it is not enough."

A Ghostly Shape appears behind him, suddenly reaching for him, as he unceremoniously turns, whipping the Lucario into the head of the Golurk, the impact heavily rocking both. And the Golem's stealth rock explodes under Asgard's foot, raining shards.

The arena is silent for a time, and 'the Golem' triumphantly appears, making a run through the cloud as if to simply run his Master over.

Two crimson orbs appear, and abruptly the Golem finds it's rocky exterior hammered again and again and again by a pitiless onslaught, before he is smashed into the ground by a hammer fist.

Asgard's entire form is covered with shards and dents, and one might realize...

... he wasn't utilizing his barrier during this entire battle.

"When challenging a greater foe, strength in numbers is a valid stratagem to make up for your individual lacks, but that strength must be refined. Each of you came at me opportunistically, and that failed to render me off-balance. If you wish to grow past your current limits, then you must learn how to utilize your own strength in tandem with the others. That synergy will allow you to rise to new heights."

While he began speaking while all of his Pokemon were nearly unconscious, they're now all back on their feet, and it's as if they are - listening? Obviously they can't understand every word, but it is perhaps the feeling of the trainer.

"A break, to recuperate your bodies and spirits - and then we will work in pairs to better complement each other. Return."

Four Pokemon shimmer, and return to their balls. Asgard's image then blurs, his form shunting as if losing dimensions, and then he too returns, his form fully healed? As if the damage never happened to begin with.

The arena too, changes. Though this time not by anything done by Asgard, it simply starts repairing itself, this might take a little bit more time.

<Pose Tracker> Anne Aomori has posed.

It's not that important where this arena is.

Anne Aomori has been watching this training for the last few minutes. She regards Asgard's awesome power, and the way that he trains his Pokemon by training with his Pokemon. His advice... is good.

Anne is thoughtful as she watches him. As sh watches his form shunt, and his wounds heal. As the arena starts to repair itself...

"Fascinating," Anne remarks. "And good advice, too. I was telling my student something like that the other day..."

"Though I confess I only rarely train with my Pokemon directly like you do. But then, you're well beyond my level in personal combt, I think."

"...And yet, you use our ways. That's very interesting to me."

Anne is dressed in white, today, but there is no 'R' emblazoned upon her clothes. Nevertheless...

<Pose Tracker> Asgard has posed.

Asgard's head turns to regard Anne, eyes once again yellowed. He doesn't say anything at first, allowing her to say what she wishes to say.
And then, he nods gravely.
"The technology within me is inferior to Nede's own. There is no comparison when one actually compares specifications. Even a simple Pokedex outstrips my processing power. And yet, one would be hard pressed to create a combatant that is my equal with Nede's technology."
Anne might get the impression that it is not simple arrogance, after all he humbly admits to his own limitations even compared to a Pokedex. "It is because at my core - is the infinite capability to evolve through memories of battle. In that, I am not dissimilar to Pokemon, save that within me are memories of battles that span well over ten thousand years. Memories become data that I have optimized through that impetus to improve myself. Memories that have granted me feelings and a heart."
And yet now, Asgard places his hand across his chest, "While I might be beyond your level in personal combat, I have only six months of memories of Pokemon battling. It would behoove me thus to learn all I can from those more experienced and stronger than I - to evolve further."
As his arm drops to his side, his gaze turns from Anne, "I train with my Pokemon as such, not only to evolve myself - but to test if our bond can evolve as well. That the bond between Trainer and Pokemon can evolve as well, to foster greater unity - but also independence. I wish to see if they can evolve to the point where they no longer require my guidance to adapt to the ever-changing nature of battle..."
Opening his palm, he looks down towards his hand, "... just as I once did."

<Pose Tracker> Anne Aomori has posed.

"True," Anne agrees with Asgard. It's not arrogance on his part; it's a statement of fact. That their technology is greater, and that even so, he is a stronger combatant.

"Hmm. Yes," Anne answers, when Asgard mentions his memories. "I see. that's... interesting. I suppose to collect such a 'heart' is inevitable, after such a long time.

Six months of memories...

"For all my skill, I lack 'experience' in such battles. ...But with Pokemon I do have a great amount of experience. I'll be happy to assist you."

Their bond...

"Fascinating. It's possible, I'm sure of that--but not the goal most Trainers have. Laqui, my partner, could likely battle with strength without me--but the Nedian way is to act as the General, commanding her soldiers--the Pokemon. ...Oh, people will tell you it's not like that, it's not about battle--"

"But for Trainers, that's what it boils down to. A thing you have already realized, I think. I look forward to seeing your Pokemon development."

"My name is Anne Aomori, if we haven't been properly introduced. I'm a researcher, and the area of my study is Pokemon behavior."

<Pose Tracker> Asgard has posed.

"Believe it or not, I achieved that in under a year - at least, by certain philosophical definitions of what a heart is." His most likely, given that he's stating it, "Though I have since refined it further."
He nods politely, and there is actually a strange sense of deference, as if he's sincere and not actually looking down upon her. "I would appreciate that, if you are offering."
And indeed Anne states that it is possible, and he waits for her to finish, fully, "We have not, but I was told you were a reliable person by 'The Boss' to seek out information on Pokemon training, and science. As you likely know already - I am Asgard, of Filgaia."
Now, he does step closer, but it's clear he's not trying to intimidate, merely to converse, "It is the Nedian way, yes, but while I wish to understand Pokemon battling, I wish to do so through my own philosophy. I am a Golem - and originally obedience protocols were programmed into me, but I have freed myself from them... I no longer require the direction of a Master in how I might serve. I now serve my Master of my own free will, and am a fully autonomous extension of his strength."
There is a beat pause and...
"That is what I desire for my Pokemon. Not to be shackled by the constraints of inbred obedience, but for our bond to be such that their will and drive for battle pushes them to greater heights. That they themselves 'evolve' to the point where they choose whether their memories of our time together is worthy of their loyalty - and if so, choose how to honor our bond of their own accord."
It is, perhaps a strange way of looking at things isn't it? To grow so strong that one breaks free from forced loyalty and instead chooses it. But it just goes to show how the philosophy of these Outsiders differs from Nedians.

<Pose Tracker> Anne Aomori has posed.

"Is that so?" Anne asks. "Well, that says something. I'm sure you have. We organic beings must refine ours, as well."

Hmm. She notices that deference. "I am," she confirms. "I will share my knowledge with you. I was never a Champion-ranked Trainer like some, but I am more experienced than most in our organization."

And then... Hmmm. The boss... "Yes. Well, Asgard, it's a pleasure to meet you, then. And it's nice to hear nice things about myself!"

Anne has to look up, even as tall as she is, to talk with Asgard. But it doesn't bother her. "I see..." She listens, and considers his philosophy. It means she's silent as he continues, and silent for some time after, as she thinks about it.

"Yes, that's far from what many Nedians would want," she answers. "The idea of our 'tools' having a choice in the matter... Well, it's something we don't think about. But I've seen many Filgaians who do. ...Not that I consider them to be nothing more than 'tools' myself--Laqui is also a dear friend, for instance. But we should be honest about the fact that we use even our friends in this world, at times."

"...That aside," she says, "I'm very interested in that philosophy. You see, my ancestors once had 'masters' as well. We were servants of great lords and ladies, keeping secrets and doing battle in the shadows. And I have chosen the Boss as my own 'master'. I trust his ambitions to take Team Rocket to a new level. ...More to the point, it fascinates me to imagine whether you can accomplish such a thing."

"That inbred obedience is quite strong. There are Pokemon who are free of it--but most are willing to obey, so long as the Trainer has their respect. But you aim for something greater even than that."

<Pose Tracker> Asgard has posed.

"The pleasure is mine."
He doesn't seem to be saying that, as if he is merely trying to flirt, or be charming either. It seems that sincerity is one of his strengths as well.
And then, he listens, nodding at times, for example at Laqui being a dear friend. Then... again at being servants. "I see. It is a rare thing upon this world to embrace personal strength beyond the utilization of Pokemon. Especially in service of another. Indeed, I feel that it is so rare that in it's long existence Nede has never had a truly honest conversation about how it's past of conquest shapes everything on Nede to this day - including it's notions of strength, and the utilization of Pokemon within nearly all forms of battle."
However, he must consider that a digression, because he moves on to it, "If I have learned one thing in my many years, it is that there is no forced obedience within either the building blocks of life or within one's programming that cannot be overcome with enough strength and will. Since I know such a feat is attainable, then I believe should a Pokemon strive for it, they could stand as tall as any of the legends within this realm."
There is some hesitation however and-
"I concede perhaps, that it is possible that level of strength be so incomparably high that it is 'unreasonable' for most Pokemon to ever achieve, but I have not come as far as I have by being content with being constrained by my limits - so I will not insult our bond between Trainer and Pokemon by implying they ought to be."

<Pose Tracker> Anne Aomori has posed.

Sincerity! Anne appreciates sincerity... and since she knows little of what to expect from a Golem, really, she'll accept him for where he is.

"It is. I only do so because of the example of my ancestors; because we have a tradition we have passed on for some forty thousand years. ...And I confess, I'm glad of the opportunity to use those skills."

An honest conversation... Hmm. "I'd agree," she says. "...Many of the children I've dealt with lately seem not to understand the basic truths of strength. But I suppose that's just as well. What's youth, but an opportunity to test yourself without worrying about 'sense'?"

But obdience... hmmm. "Interesting hypothesis." His hesitation gets a shake of her head. "No, you have the right approach. Theoretically the capabilities of Pokemon should be nearly limitless--and we have many legends on which to pattern the idea."

"So I support you. If you'd be so kind, please document your data and findings. I'm most intrigued."

<Pose Tracker> Asgard has posed.

"Tradition of that sort seems exceptionally rare on Nede. I am glad that your family did not foster upon you a sense of shame in the past strength it once held."
Asgard says politely, perhaps even passingly surprised? Forty Thousand Years - one would think someone would break that inheritance, but they did not.
"It is because Nede has confused it's youth." Is Asgard's conclusion, on why they do not understand the basic tenets of strength. He holds out one hand, open palmed, "In every Pokemon Battle - it plants the seed of the philosophy that Nede once took for granted. That might makes right. The outcome is the objective measure of one's strength."
He then holds out his other hand open palmed, "But Nede's elders teach that strength should be used responsibly, for the benefit of society."
Asgard pauses at that moment, then closes the first palm. "And yet - from the moment one first begins to battle it is driven into them the true ethos of Nede's past - 'Might makes right.' With Might - you can impose your will upon society."
He then continues looking at Anne, as he closes his second palm into a fist, "What then happens when they reach the height of strength, and learn that even at the pinnacle of Nedian society, they are powerless to change anything substantive? That gaining further strength, is meaningless. Some may find contentment in service to the many - but it denies the nature of Pokemon Battling itself to impose the idea that 'You may climb no higher than this.'"
Asgard pauses for a moment, and then allows a concession, because certainly he knows where this philosophy leads, "It is true the strong may choose to be tyrants, but the weak have their own sort of tyranny in manipulating the strong to believe there is no choice but to accept their status quo. ... In the end, it is a matter of choice, and they have to be dishonest in how they convince others to make their choice."
Anne agrees this his hypothesis is interesting, and Asgard nods at that, "Indeed so. While I understand the merits of inbred loyalty in allowing even your children to utilize them as companions - and weapons more safely, it is not that different from 'Limiters' put upon Filgaians by the ruling Solarians. They are different methods of enforcing one's will upon others, by denying them options."
Asgard does actually smile at her, and... "A trivial matter, actually. May I have your contact information on your datapad?"
No sooner does he get that contact information than he utilizes his to send back... a wealth of data, all neatly catalogued in files. If she looks over them at a cursory glance, it is not perhaps done so in perfect academic format, but it is incredibly detailed, and his observations are sound even to a scientist.
"If you look you will find I have also sent data on every Pokemon Battle I have thus far fought to come to these conclusions." Asgard points at his head, "My memories are the data itself, which my Gemini Circuit optimizes in real time."

<Pose Tracker> Anne Aomori has posed.

"Yes. ...Some do. But I suppose because our skills aren't only for battle..." She lifts a hhand and lets it fall, as if letting something slip her grasp. She lets it go.

"Hmmm." Anne is thoughtful, at that.

"...It does," she agrees. "That's what I learned, those years ago. That no matter what research I did, no matter what truths I uncovered... that society would go on as it did. Unchanged. Unchanging."

"I understand that in an enclosed environment it is perhaps wise to discourage war and ambition. But I don't forgive this stagnant society. I tried to show my children how to pursue their own 'strength'... but I suppose the culture is as big a shaper as their mother."

"...And I suppose I don't mind that they want to use their strength in service. I was like that, once. I suppose I am hopeful that in a changing Nede, they won't face the same ceilings that I did."

"...In case they do, I'll continue my work here."

Limiers... Hmmm. "Limiters, you say. ...Hmm." A pause. "Yes. The truth is that they are companion and weapon, both. And those of us who refuse to see that will have trouble dealing with other worlds."

"Options, though... Yes. I'm quite interested in that. While I don't think all Pokemon have the inclination for such 'freedom'... Those that do must have very interesting behavior indeed. How does a Pokemon act, when it is self-actualized? I wonder that."

Then she smiles back. "You may. Here."

Lots of nicely-catalogued data. "Oh ho. This will give me something to do for some time, even if I do shut down my lab."

"Thank you," she says. "This sort of data is precious. And I'm sure that, by learning our ways as well, you'll grow even stronger."

"Of course, I intend to do the same. To accomplish our goals will require more than study."

<Pose Tracker> Asgard has posed.

"It is wise." Asgard concedes fully, "But it is also dishonest. Nede's youth deserve better than to be taught only shame from their history and traditions - while also being lied to about Pokemon Battling's intrinsic link to Nedian traditions of conquest."
Indeed, it is only perhaps because Asgard is so focused on his philosophy - his ideology of strength, that he sees it so clearly. It is not that he knows Nede better than any member of Team Rocket, simply that he focuses so much on analyzing these ideas of strength.
"It was their choice to bind Pokemon as spoils of their conquest - to breed them as such. Should they choose to oppose Team Rocket's future, then let them do so by conquest. Even should Team Rocket fail... then at least Nede's future will be decided in the true Nedian way."
Perhaps indeed, he's even referring to 'Nede's children' though without specifically referring to Anne's, necessarily. "Indeed so. Nede's children should be wary coming to Filgaia or Lunar without understanding - commanding a Pokemon is not dissimilar to wielding an ARM. The armies of Filgaia and Lunar will not hesitate to target the trainer. It is - as you said, Nede's preference to be regarded as 'Masters' or 'Generals' but the simplest way to scatter an army is to cut off it's head."
His yellowed eyes look upon her, "Even Team Rocket hesitates to take lives in their 'Conquest' of Nede. But the people of these worlds, they will not hesitate."
How does a Pokemon act when it is self-actualized? Asgard actually smiles again, his metal smile pulling back on his strange artificial face, "It is my belief - that if their trainer was a worthy one, then they will continue to honor their bond... but in their own way. We shall see if my hypothesis is correct in time."
Asgard nods gravely, "I am certain that I already have. Even exposure to different kinds of battle create memories that spark this evolution. That was the will of my creators, but now it is my will."
A moment passes and then, "I am perhaps curious, if there are any short term goals I might assist you in. There is - a reciprocity in such matters, I believe. If I am taking advantage of your resources, then I ought to repay this through my strength. My memory data is hardly payment enough, if even there you are assisting me in testing my own theories."

<Pose Tracker> Anne Aomori has posed.

"I think I agree. It's an interesting perspective... Not dissimilar to my own, but from a different angle than I would've used."

Her ideology also involves strength--but she is not a Golem designed for combat. So of course she wouldn't have exactly the same analysis.

"True," Anne answers of the choice. "That is what I want, as well. Well, I'd like my children to be safe... But I'm proud that they're doing more than just complaining, too."

"...True," Anne allows of their targeting. "I'm training one of my students now for that possibility. And it seems that my daughter has already approached her own methods for it. ...I taught her my combat arts, of course--but even if she prefers to fight with her Pokemon, I'm at least glad she has that safety knowledge."

But that statement about lives... Anne smiles, but it's a wry one. "True," she says. "Even I consider it largely barbaric. ...But when in a place, one must be prepared to deal with their approach, not only one's own. If I expect this of Visitors, I'd best be prepared to do the same."

To honor their bond... Hm. "I look forwrd to it."

"Excellent," Anne says of Asgard's strength. And then, his curiousity--

"Hmmm. There are operations upcoming that would be of interest. I'll get you some details. That's for the Team in general, of course. For me specifically..."

"I'm going to do my own operation soon, I think. It's about time I stopped hiding my affiliation. So your cooperation would be quite useful. And..."

"This is a favor, rather than a goal. I'd like you to explain your philosophy to my daughter, when you see her again. You met her once before, and made an impression on her. Perhaps over a battle. I doubt it'll dissuade her from opposing us... But I do think it might help her grow in her own right."

<Pose Tracker> Asgard has posed.

Asgard gives Anne this long, grave look, and perhaps Anne understands what that look says. The Golem says after a moment, "No amount of training will ever truly ready someone for a battle that is life... or death." It is not remonstrative, it is simply a statement of fact, that Anne already knows. "Far too many children overestimate their limits in a warzone."
And it is easy for a Pokemon trainer to overestimate themselves in a Warzone, when one controls a beast of battle. "It will be up to them to have sensible and to be fortunate." Indeed, in Asgard's view, luck is a form of strength.
Does Asgard care when children die? Certainly so, he understands it is a truth of the world that they will, but he believes it is often a waste of strength - of potential.
Anne however speaks of operations, and he waits, "Very well, I am willing to offer my assistance, provided my Master has no need of me at the time."
However, she asks for a favor, and for a few long moments he analyzes Anne - even beyond the name. It's difficult for Anne to sense him doing this, since it is simply him more thoroughly taking in data about Anne that his scans can reveal, and cross-referencing it with his memory.
It is perhaps making certain that he is not being misled. Many have... ulterior motives for such things.
"I see. So you are Sable's mother. I did not wish to presume there was a connection simply because you share a surname. Very well, that is easily done."
A beat.
"She will lose, if it is to be a Pokemon battle." He indicates instantly, again - not arrogance, simply an honest assessment of her strength, "But it is through failure, that we learn true strength."
A moment passes - two - three.
"Just to be clear. I presume you do not wish for me to take her Pokemon from her for Team Rocket's benefit?"
It is, a serious question - perhaps within it he is truly trying to understand what kind of person Anne Aomori is.
In even nuances as simple as his memory of her facial expressions and body language.

<Pose Tracker> Anne Aomori has posed.

"...Yes. That's all I can hope for. Sense, and good luck. It would be easier on me if she just accepted the path that was ready for her. If she just went about her Gym Challenge, and let me handle the world."

She thinks of a phantom Volcano Badge.

"...But that's not the path she's chosen, and I'm proud of her for that. ...Whit, too. He hasn't indicated a desire to save the world, but he's still getting out there for his stories."

But Anne nods, whenn Asgard agrees. And then, well...

Many would have ulterior motives for such things. Anne, usually unflappable, actually has her eyes widen almost but not quite imperceptibly at Asgard's question for clarity.

That's all. Bu then she shakes her head. "...It's fine, if she loses. And unless she chooses to use our skills for herself, it will be a Pokemon battle. But I'm hopeful that she'll learn from it."

A pause. "I gave her that Pokemon, and with it, my hope that she would grow into a strong woman of her own. ...it would be very convenient to me, indeed, for her to have to come home instead of journeying."

"But that's not what I want. I want her to have the chance to prove her way is right. I'm sure she could catch more, and still prove that to me even if you took hers..."

Her body language is hard to read for most, but her discomfort is if not plain then apparent to Asgard, until she finishes, "That 'hope' I gave her is symbolized by that Pokemon. I won't see it taken from her."

"...I believe in Team Rocket, Asgard. But the Boss knows one thing."

"...If it were between my family and my work here..."

"...It wouldn't be a contest."

<Pose Tracker> Asgard has posed.

<poem> Asgard watches Anne carefully. It's uncertain what his evaluation is of the situation. If anything, a Golem is far harder to read than a person. His emotions may be real, but who can interpret whether mechanical emotions always are expressed as human emotions are.

"Very well. I will do as you ask."

It is perhaps a relief that he so readily accepts that. One does got the impression that he was testing her for disloyalty to Team Rocket - merely to understand her motivations.

"In ten thousand years, I have witnessed many conflicts between mother and daughter."

The Golem states matter of factly, "I will not claim to be able to predict how yours will end, but whatever the outcome... I will remember it."