2019-07-14: Much Happier What-ifs: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Much Happier What-Ifs''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Riesenlied, Character :: Noeline *'''Where:''' The Fereshte *'''Date:''' 14th July 2019 *'''Summary''': ''R...")
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She keeps her voice light and gentle as she places a kiss amongst blonde hair, between two horns. "I think you may be right... but there is time yet. I would rather you rest as much as possible."
She keeps her voice light and gentle as she places a kiss amongst blonde hair, between two horns. "I think you may be right... but there is time yet. I would rather you rest as much as possible."
Ivan (Vanya) pages: Oh wait sorry it's been an hour but I meant to ask if you wanted to schedule a scene related to such silliness
You paged Ivan with 'uwa! hmm... i have a scene tomorrow with clarine, we could ask if we could merge (unless you want it 1 on 1)?'
==== <Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed. ====
==== <Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed. ====

Latest revision as of 03:15, 16 June 2024

  • Log: Much Happier What-Ifs
  • Cast: Riesenlied, Noeline
  • Where: The Fereshte
  • Date: 14th July 2019
  • Summary: Riesenlied rests following the Fereshte's escape with Noeline...

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

As much as Riesenlied would like to keep helping with the efforts, she's been wounded -- and wounds aren't something to take lightly on her given her classic problem of blood unclotting, and now it seems to have continued onward. And to prevent her collapsing unduly, she's been relegated to bedrest in their cabin in the Fereshte...

Where she seems to be doing a spot of light reading with a stack of papers laid out over her lap. She's dressed a bit differently, a chemise and a light shawl draped over it being her choice of bedwear right now.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline is sat alongside her. The advantage of Spira is that, by and large, the ship more or less runs along without needing their help - it isn't as if they have a full settlement up and running, unlike back at Wayside. Besides, Noeline's being rather cautious given the state of Riese's wound, doing her best to assist with the clotting by placing pressure on it whenever her partner feels healthy enough to handle it.

(She's thought of offering some of her living metal before to help quite literally patch the wound - but she has to admit a certain amount of worried concern over whether it would break her 'Medium', or whether it would have any undue or dangerous interactions with that of Odoryuk's.)

She's also dressed lightly, by virtue of the fact she hasn't actually gotten up yet. Out of sheer curiosity, she's gathered together a few Yevon tracts, tales of previous summoners and their pilgrimage - partially to compare the different approaches, and partially because they're the closest thing she's got to an adventure novel here on Spira. One hand affectionately draw circles on Riesenlied's back.

"Still, the details are rather vague and lacking," she frowns after a while. "I suppose they do not want just anyone to go following them, after all."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied's heart is thumping, in that classic way when she's trying to fish for a reaction from Noeline based on what she's wearing. On a regular basis she wouldn't really be dressing like this, but she's moving a bit closer to what her partner likes wearing even if part of her is--

Well, the ring is literally conveying an image of her rolling around on the floor kicking.

"... the Fereshte had tales of pilgrimages, but their nomadic lifestyle really meant that there was no particular destination afar. The altar upon the Forgotten Sanctuary was the closest to such a thing ..."

A gentle little sigh.

"We can't stay with the Fereshte forever in Spira, I think. The more the pilgrimage progresses inland..."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

With a quiet chuckle, Noeline sets her papers down, shuffling over towards Riesenlied. "I think I prefer those sorts of tales, honestly. Wandering wherever your fancy takes you is something I can get behind much more than a fixed path and a fixed destination," she notes, sneaking her way closer until her arms can draw around Riesenlied from behind.

She's careful not to give away her own reaction too much through their link - the better to tease Riese, of course - but the soft hum she lets out is unmistakable in the way it's almost a warmly contented purr.

She keeps her voice light and gentle as she places a kiss amongst blonde hair, between two horns. "I think you may be right... but there is time yet. I would rather you rest as much as possible."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Uh oh, the steam gauge is definitely filling up with the way Noeline's slinking behind her to give her a warm wrap of her arms. The horns are puffing up again, ever so lightly...

"Mmm.... it was not the fancy of a true Drifter, or like your path through Ignas and Aquvy..." Riesenlied muses. "It is travel in tune with the land. In deferrence to its seasons, in how the weather permits... and knowing where the bounties would lay unspoiled and knowing what to take and what to leave alone."

A pause, as she quietly bundles up a few of those papers at that.

There's a timid smile as she receives a kiss and says, "I know. We might just need to... arrange some things..." But it's clear she's rather distracted right now.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

It's as much a treat for Noeline as it is for Riesenlied, if the former's thoughts are any indication. Relief and warmth mingle with a light amusement as she watches her beloved's reaction, unable to avoid the rather toothy grin she gets as those horns puff upwards.

"That makes it sound like I had it too easy," she puffs up, but there's a teasing light in her eyes, and she's softer when she continues. "It sounds very pleasant. And quite new to me. Perhaps it's something I should learn."

She's careful not to damage the other Hyadean's wings as she nestles closer, displaying a practiced caution - but encouraging her partner back against her, offering herself as support to lean against. This time, the lazy circles are being drawn at Riesenlied's waist, and she nestles her head in at Riese's neck.

"We can cross that bridge when we reach it," she soothes. "Even then, it wouldn't be for too long, I don't think. Some of the Outreach and the Azadians can look after the ship together."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

The attraction certainly hasn't abated, and it is rather difficult for Riesenlied to stop it from bleeding through the link of their rings as she flushes further. "I'm not saying that..." she admits as she carefully folds what seems like an old stack of letters away for another day. "I am charmed by your journey through Filgaia, after all."

The horns droop ever so slightly as she says, "In a way... maybe the Outreach is learning too. We've always been dependent on our natural reach and how we carefully toil about the land, hmm...?"

Speaking of the wings, we haven't addressed them in a very long time, have they? They're only a fraction of their original size, nothing more than scale-like shreds, but...

Nonetheless, it's still just as warm a spot for her as before. "Some of the Outreach were offering to hoist me up on a palanquin, of all things! I-- think that would be a bit much."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

The bleeding over of affection and attraction might be why Noeline turns her head a little, the better to place a kiss at Riesenlied's neck... ... but it's much more likely to just be because she's Noeline, and more to the point a Noeline with a Riese securely in her arms. She tightens the embrace for a moment, drawing in one of those soft breaths as she recharges from her beloved's presence, and then draws away for long enough for Riese to tuck the letters away.

She can't deny a curiosity about them - but she's content to wait for Riesenlied to bring them up, knowing they both have a lot of memories between them. "In the same way, I am charmed by our current journey," she admits with another chuckle, and can't help herself as her smile tugs wider, as a hand lays itself between Riesenlied's wings to brush there. "It /has/ given me a great many bounties."

She can't hold her straight face after the tease, especially not when Riesenlied admits that the Outreach have offered a palanquin. "What?" she blurts, her arms out to encourage Riesenlied back against her once more. "Even if that were in any way practical, I can't imagine you being comfortable with it. The Emperors of old didn't peek out the window every two minutes to ask if their bearers are tired."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied lets out a little squint and a squeal with it, rather terribly affected. And a Riesenlied being held by a Noeline is certainly a happy Riesenlied indeed, as she feels her breaths getting a bit shorter with each draw of air she takes.

"... I'm glad to have been here in this journey," Riesenlied whispers. "This time..." She nuzzles her way a little more closely, and more lovingly in turn, even as the shards of her wings wiggle up and down.

On the subject of the palainquin though...

"I--I don't know either! It's nice of them to offer though..."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

"It's not nearly over yet. I promise you that," Noeline whispers in return, catching her beloved once more in her arms as she closes her eyes and simply basks in Riesenlied's presence. "I know it has often been difficult - but none of us are going anywhere except to find a home, together."

"And of course, it's nice for them to offer," she grumbles with something of a pout. "But even so, surely anyone in the Outreach should realize you'd want to walk amongst them? I hope I'm not causing you to get put on a pedestal, or anything."

She relaxes, though - especially when she lets her touch explore, moving from the other woman's waist to her legs in an unhurried fashion. She can't help but break into a light smile against Riesenlied's neck as she does so. "... it feels like a long time since we've gotten some time to ourselves. Not that I'm complaining about having a family, of course, but still..."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied hesitates in the way Noeline responds to that, like she's curious on whether or not she's presenting too hard about her laments. "Where would we find a home, I wonder? Of course, I think of the children, not just my own preferences..." she cozily smiles a little.

She scratches her cheek as she murmurs, "I think they've just noticed... I've not been healthier as of late. They fret in their own ways. But it'll be all right..."

She sucks in a-- hesitant breath as Noeline's hands wander further, and there's a stammer of, "Y-yyyeah?" that sounds absolutely priceless. "I do miss such things... we should spend more time... for ourselves..."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline quietly chuckles to herself; this time her kiss is softer and gentler, aiming to soothe the other Hyadean a little. "I think we already have one. There are people at Wayside still waiting for our return, after all. Then there is this ship, and its occupants. ... whatever we choose, we are no longer wandering on our own. We have people at our side," she hums, obviously enjoying playing their situation up a little.

"I do fret rather a lot myself, you realize," Noeline puffs, even though she's well aware that Riesenlied knows that. "I just hope I am not fretting too much, or too forcefully. Honestly... this is all rather new territory for me, even now." Still, her ring pulses a little, with a warm light of support.

Or it does before Riese makes that noise, and Noeline's eyebrows jump as her eyes spark, immediately trying to coax an encore by pairing her touch with another kiss. "I miss them, as well. ... let's try to make a little more time," she agrees with a quiet hum that edges into laughter.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied puts her hand to her mouth for a moment, suckling in a breath. She closes her eyes and thinks of home. Of Wayside. "I wonder how they are faring. They have all gone and made a home out of it; not once, not twice, but three times now. I do miss them... I wish we could send a message back."

She doesn't know about a cute robot that can go bii-- bii-- and fry her head to send a message back.

"No, it's... it's all right. And I've been doing my part to get healthier and stronger where I can too," Riesenlied whispers. A pause, as she glances aside. "... there was a time I wanted to say -- I was glad you could have friends like Marivel, in case..."

A pause.

"But I won't be thinking like that. I won't be thinking in the what-ifs and such..."

She nuzzles in just that little bit closer. "You have my full attention..." [WATCH] Sheriff Star has disconnected.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

"We'll find a way back," Noeline decides with quiet certainty. "Just as we did from Lunar once before. And when we do, we will find Wayside waiting for us, just as it was. Or, knowing them, somehow even bigger than before," she huffs out an amused sigh. "And they will be waiting to see the two of us again, without a doubt."

Noeline's quiet smile is understanding, at the very least; she knows better than to scoff, not when she can instead lift a hand to find one of Riesenlied's, clasping it in hers. "I have friends and family aplenty, now... but that does not make you any less irreplaceable," she adds with a solemnity that lasts all of a few seconds. "Besides, I would rather think of much happier what-ifs."

"Such as--" she adds with a laugh as she suddenly dips Riesenlied back with her. She has to be a little ginger at times, not wanting to exacerbate Riesenlied's wounds - but she can still end up leaning over the Hyadean spread on the sheets, her grin brilliant. "--what if I kept you here with me all day?" Rather than give Riese time to reply, she's lowered to offer a long and heartfelt kiss.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied is melting down... please stand by...