2017-03-12: Debts: Difference between revisions

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  • Log: Debts
  • Cast: Catenna, Lily Keil
  • Where: A shop in Adelhyde
  • Date: 03/12/2017
  • Summary: Two women who don't talk much talk a little after all after meeting in a store.

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

The city isn't Catenna's normal place of travel. She's pitched her tent beyond the city limits, out in a field beneath a few big old oak trees. But now and then she does need supplies. Many of them she can get by hunting, but others require travel into town. Things like machine oil to tend to her shotgun. And bullets to load said shotgun. And leather oil to tend to her boots. And a needle and thread to mend her skirt and top.

Pushing her hood down slowly, she moves through the Adlehyde General Supply Store, giving her head a shake to loosen the thick cascade of her hair and let it spill down over her shoulders. She's a little tense; she keeps glancing up towards the ceiling, and her shoulders are pulled inward just subtly beneath her cloak, which she's mostly opened so as not to appear conspicuous indoors. Hanging from her left arm is a small basket, which she's filled up with a few essentials - some dried meat, a little bottle of rubbing alcohol, a roll of bandages, some shotgun shells, a spool of thread. Now she's on to the oils.

As she moves to the display, she taps a fingertip against her chin, surveying what's there - and her eyebrows rise slightly as she realizes that there's a bottle or three of some sort of heal berry extract sitting there. Apparently someone's been selling the fruits of their exploration.

The woman lays a delicate hand on the rare oil bottle. It's one of those things worth getting.

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

Lily Keil, on the other hand, is staying within the city, among the relative safety of teeming crowds here for the Fair. To be fair, one of the reasons she's here is for the same. But she doesn't advertise much about herself to suggest anything beyond what someone would natually assume.

She has a basket over her arm already, having entered the shop previously and being sure of much of what she wants. She approaches it methodically, still growing accustomed to handling supplies herself. Her slightly-wavy black hair is down, wearing a black dress today with layered skirts, completely covered.

Her basket has heavy-duty thread likewise rubbing alcohol and bandages, some bullets, some fabric, some regular thread in a few different colors. Among other things hidden by the fabric.

Lily's expression is fairly thoughtful as she looks over the shelf, and then reaches out at the same time for the rare oil before them.

She pauses, seeing a delicate hand beside her gloved one. "...?" Another pause. "Ah."

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

Not only a delicate hand, but one of rather a darker complexion than one might normally see in these parts; Catenna /looks/ different. Almost Dharmic, in some ways.

Her fingers touch to the oil bottle at the same time the other woman's do, and she blinks, mildly startled. She draws in a soft breath and looks up. The woman's eyes are almost impossibly pale, a shade of grey like a full moon, and they find Lily's face quickly enough, giving the woman in the layered dress a quick sizing-up as her gaze rises from toe to tip in the space of a second. Her lips part ever so slightly, then close again as she gauges how to actually respond to this.

"...I am sorry," she says. Her voice is quite quiet, a little throaty, and even those few words betray that there's an accent there that's not quite placeable.

Her fingertips nevertheless linger on the bottle a moment, before she begins to slide them away.

"I did not know you were here first," she says, and there's the hint of an apology in there, and in the way she tilts her head a little to one side.

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

Lily notes little details largely as a matter of course, from the things that distinguish Catenna to the startlement in her gaze. While Catenna's eyes are pale, Lily's skin is pale; her own eyes are sharp, golden, even when she's not intending to be harsh.

The sizing-up is easy enough; she's wearing a satchel, but not an ARM; she dresses like a city woman, but her posture is straighter than even usual. There's something to her bearing..

"There's no need to apologize," Lily answers, shaking er head and picking up the bottle... but holding it out between them. "We saw the bottle at the same time. I certainly won't object if you withdraw from asking for it--I could use it--but it's not a simple matter of fairness."

Lily is somewhat taller than Catenna, but not enough to really loom, despite her severe demeanor. This is already more words than she's spoken in a while.

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

There's none of that bearing to Catenna; in fact she seems somewhat tense, but she's concealing much of her anxiety, the little signs of it readable only in her body language - the way she holds her head just slightly angled to the right, the way she shifts her leg subtly as if ready to take a step back if necessary. She does have a shotgun hanging behind her from a simple strap; it's not a complicated weapon, to be totally honest.

Her eyes again flit over Lily, this time noticing the way she holds her shoulders. It's the kind of bearing she's recognized before, in professional men and women who know how to handle themselves.

"It... may be nice to have," she says. Her speech is a little more halting than Lily's. A sign that she's not as familiar with the language spoken in Ignas, perhaps.

Eyelids lowering a shade, she turns her gaze to the bottle. She considers the situation.

She capitulates; her fingers move slowly away from the bottle. "I would not wish to... deprive of you. I can find other healing essences in the wild, I think... and if you could use it, I would be... unkind to demand it."

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

Those signs can mean a lot of things; Lily couldn't say for certain which ones are the real meaning, yet. Educated guesses are part of her line of work, but she does watch carefully, just in case that step back Catenna might take would turn out to be to pull her weapon.

This language is Lily's first. "It may, she agrees."

"In the wild, is that so? That's a very useful skill to have." Lily's eyes rest of Catenna's fingers a moment before she looks up again, "I could use it, certainly. I'm a medic, and any remedy that works is a helpful addition." A pause. "Before you give up, why don't we check the shelf in further detail? I'd be surprised if this was the only bottle they'd stocked."

A wave of her hand as she sets it in her basic, "Unkindness I'm used to. I would prefer not to perpetuate it where I don't have to."

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

"Oh... you are a healer?" Catenna asks with a blink and an arch of her eyebrows.

Lips pressed together a moment, the woman searches the stand of oils for more bottles like the one in question. Her fingers fall to a tiny jar beside it, turning it to read the label; she shakes her head as she realizes that it's not heal berry oil, but something extracted from a different kind of berry. "It may be uncommon," she murmurs.

A pause hangs in the air for a few seconds before Catenna turns to better face Lily, drawing her hand back and bringing it to rest at the flare of her hip. "I would also hate to... perpetuate it. You are one who heals. I have no such talent - I tend to matters of the spirit, only. You can use this to help many others. I could use it only to help me. For me to do so would be a sin."

She bows her head for a moment, then looks up again, eyes finding Lily's. "Yes... living there requires many useful skills."

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

"Yes," Lily answers Catenna. She doesn't see a need to elaborate too much, though it makes her eyes a little more distant for just a moment.

Lily helps, using her free hand to look through other bottles until she finds nothing, too.

Lily doesn't break the silence first, turning the rest of the way to face Catenna again. Her own hand rests on her arm, holding up the basket. "I see," Lily answers thoughtfully, and it's easy to find her eyes, easy to find her looking back unflinching at the other woman. There are some who would feel or show awkwardness in this situation... But not so much Lily.

"I've spent a lot of time in the wild," Lily admits. "I know for certain that what you say is true. Matters of the spirit, however, are largely beyond me." A pause, "I do wish to make this up to you. I can pay you for part of the bottle, or you can come to me if you find yourself sick or injured."

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

Some things are unmissable. The look behind Lily's eyes is one of them. Catenna watches the other woman's expression wordlessly, reading that distant look and filing it away for later, but she says nothing about it.

Instead she picks up another bottle of oil, seemingly content to brush past the whole affair and return to her buying. The bottle she's chosen isn't a healing oil - it's intended to lubricate machine parts. She tucks it into her basket.

The other woman speaks up again. Catenna lowers her head at a shallow angle and breathes slowly out through her nose.

"You are kind," she says, tilting her head to offer Lily a very small smile. She's not a grinner, but even that controlled, measured expression seems genuine on her, extending to her eyes. "I... suppose the aid of a healer would be very useful, if I am to stay here and continue to... adventure, some of the times. Thank you."

Another pause follows before she finally turns with a click of her heel, bringing herself to fully face Lily. Her hands clasp neatly together.

"My name is Catenna," she says.

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

Lily lets it go, and waits beore continuing her own shopping for the moment, though she could certainly use some machine oil, too, among a few more other things.

That expression does seem genuine to Lily, who herself immedately hedges, a rueful smile on her face for a moment later, small but obvious. "I ordinarily charge," she explains, "But I can waive it for now, given the circumstances. I may not be in town indefinitely, but I intend to explore these ruins, too."

Lily dips her head in acknowledgement, glancing down at Catenna's hands and then back up to her face. "My name is Lily. Lily Keil. It's good to meet you, Catenna. Maybe we'll do some of that adventuring together, sometime."

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

There is, at least, more machine oil than there is rare heal berry extract. Catenna picks some up for the sake of her gun, then adds some leather oil for good measure. A nice pair of boots won't maintain themselves.

"I appreciate that you are generous," she murmurs, her hand moving up to her cheek to gently chase a few thick, dark locks away from her left cheek. She doesn't fuss with the big braid that runs by her right cheek. A few bangles glint from it.

Nodding up to the taller woman once more, she rests her right hand at her chest for a moment, nodding gravely. "Hello, Lily Keil," she says. "I am glad to meet you."

The last suggestion evokes a slight curve of her eyebrows, interest seemingly sparked judging from the way she cants her head slightly to one side. "Then you are also one who adventures. I see. One wonders what manner of places you intend to explore. I am... one who finds herself suited to exploring with a companion."

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

"I don't like to be in debt. That's all." Lily shakes her head slightly, though she can take a moment to admire the bangles in the other woman's hair. Only part of a moment, really, but it's there.

She is, after all, fairly insistent on the point she spoke with, for all that she spoke it softly and understatedly.

"You can just call me Lily," Lily offers.

But that /is/ interest, and Lily was looking for it. "I am. The last place I tried to explore was out in the Sult Ruins. I already have one companion, but I'm on the lookout for others for this purpose. I have things I need to find in those ruins--Sult and others--and going just with myself and my partner isn't good enough."

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

They're yet another sign that Catenna's not from around here. Her style isn't Adlehyde normal. It's barely even Baskar standard; not enough tassels or feathers.

Hands curled around the grip of her basket, she shifts it to hang in front of her as she converses with the other woman - "Lily," she echoes with a simple nod. "Very well."

The mention of the Sult Ruins triggers an immediate arch of Catenna's eyebrows, a soft frown creasing her features. "...Watch out for the soldiers," she murmurs. "They are up to something there."

That comment is followed by a small cant of her head, and a clearing of her throat. "I... went there in recent days, with a small group. If you wish to return, I can guide you, if you wish... I also wish to learn more about why the soldiers are there, and what they are doing."

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

It's probably harder to spot the ways in which Lily isn't from around here--because Catenna may lack the frame of reference to spot a smaller distance. Lily spots Catenna's though... And continues not to say anything about it, for the moment. It's not entirely relevant.

Lily just rests her hand on her arm, having no trouble holding up her basket to the side.

At the warning on the soldiers, Lily raises an eyebrow, tilting her head thoughtfully. "Yes, I thought so after that comment. The first time I went I went with one other, and while we evaded the soldiers, the traps in the ruins stymied us. I'm also very curious about what those soldiers are doing. ...I'm more concerned with who's giving them their orders."

A pause, "The second time, they weren't there. So who knows? I'll need to talk to my partner, but we could likely use your help."

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

The distance between Catenna and Adlehyde is visibly vast. She's much more conspicuously not from around here.

"They are impossible to miss," Catenna concedes with a slight crinkle of her nose and a glance off to one side. When her gaze tracks back towards Lily, she brings her shoulders up with a small shrug. "We found things in the ruins... things that may help us understand that. We may find the answers that way." Her voice has lowered, as though she'd rather that not become general knowledge; she glances back and forth as if to ensure no one's eavesdropping.

Her voice soon returns to a more level tone, conversational, though still quiet. "...I would not be against going with you. I do not have great physical strength, as I know some prefer, but I may be of assistance to you, if you... believe that you can use the help of one who can cast, if necessary."

Then she blinks, knitting her brows slightly. "...They were not there the second time? Strange."

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

Maybe Lily will learn a little more about where Catenna is from if they travel together. Or maybe not.

In the now, Lily inclines her head, her dark eyebrows lowered again as she leans very slightly to appropriately hear Catenna's lowered voice. She doesn't look around; she lets Catenna handle that, and focuses on /her/, and why she might be so quiet. "...Yes. There are other answers I want... But if there are military forces operating there, I have interest in knowing what they are."

Lily stands up straight again. "You have sorcery?" she asks, eyebrows lifted a moment. She considers, before she smiles a moment later. "I'm a sorceress myself. I certainly believe we could use such a person. Besides, my bombs handle most of the physical strength required."

A beat, before Lily nods again. "Very strange. I still have no idea why they were absent."

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

She may. Catenna doesn't usually gush about her background right away, at least.

As Lily leans in, Catenna does too, taking a half-step forward to ensure the other woman is close enough to hear her. "I am... not a military person by my nature," she admits with a slight lifting of her shoulders. "But I also do not like a mystery of that kind. And it bothers me, that I do not know who they are. If it is important...."

She trails off, straightening up and briefly shifting her basket in her hands. Prompted by the question, she inclines her head neatly. "If you are also of that persuasion, perhaps our abilities will work well together... I am not one with powerful bombs or great offensive strength, but I am able to encumber and confuse the creatures we meet."

Arching her eyebrows, she asks, "Who is your companion, if you do not mind me asking?"

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

"It may be important; it obviously is to whoever's giving their orders, to commit soldiers." A pause, as Lily considers something, the light of it in her gold-topaz eyes. "I'm military. Or, I suppose I was. Ex-special forces."

Lily watches Catenna as she mentions what she does about their magic--or her magic. "That sounds complementary to me. I work well with that style; my abilities trend more towards..." What's the word? "Offense." Destruction.

"His name is Leon Albus," Lily explains. "Anything else about him I should leave for him to tell you himself, save that we've worked together for a long time, and that he's incredibly competent."

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

"I see," Catenna says. If she is at all bothered by Lily's admission, there's not one single sign of it; she simply nods and accepts Lily for who she is. The woman doesn't seem to be a threat, after all, nor does she seem to be of any of the militaries /she'd/ recognize.

As Lily explains, the beginnings of a quiet smile tug at Catenna's lips, small but appreciative. "And I work best when I can support someone who casts in such a manner. Alone I must be much more careful, though it helps that my spells are very, ah... conducive to my being creative."

Leon's name is dropped, and Catenna nods once, accepting the statement for what it is. "I shall not pry overmuch before I have met him, then. You seem to be an honest person. It will be nice to adventure with such people."

(Because my last party was full of lying liars,) her mind fills in.

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

Lily thought Catenna might be, or might not be, but it was important to be up-front about a fact that would come out regardless when it was noted as potentially sensitive. Lily nods back, to acknowlede the simple answer Catenna has, and leaves it at that.

It's not as if she particularly wants to detail her military history.

Instead, Lily looks pleased, not quite smiling but showing in her eyes and the way her chin tilts up. "Then if we run into danger sorcery can help, we'll be in good shape. I'd be interested sometime to discuss it in more detail." A beat, "I don't fight alone if I can help it; I prefer someone in front of me to keep the enemy off, so I can get off my more powerful spells. I can work up close if I have to, but... Conveniently, thanks to my partner I often don't."

"I appreciate it," Lily answers about prying, though she pauses, and shakes her head immediately. "I prefer not to lie," she answers, "But sometimes I find it necessary. ...In the spirit of that honesty, I thought it important to tell you that. As much as is possible however, I will be up-front with you." A beat, "But I do hope it will be a productive experience for both of us."

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

Catenna doesn't want to detail her ethno-cultural background, either, but the surface honesty from Lily is a nice change from what she's dealt with recently. She makes a mental note to punch Riesenlied in the face.

Shifting her basket to her left hand, the dark-haired woman nods up to Lily slowly. "Likewise, there are things I do not see the purpose in telling you," she says matter-of-factly. "Nor do I wish to speak of them. But I will not tell a lie, nor will I... withhold things that will put you at risk while we are together. So long as I am in your company, you can be assured that I am not going to be a betrayer."

Her tongue briefly pushes into the pocket of her cheek as she mulls an idea over. Reaching back with her free hand, she gives her shotgun a pat. "...I can work with more brutal methods if I must."

One shoulder comes up in a slow shrug. "I should look forward to meeting your Leon, then, and to going out when the time is right."

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

Lily watches Catenna as she explains, nodding along with each part of the statements as sh feels it necessary, through not wishing to speak, through not withholding... And through not being a betrayer. /That/ one gets a flash in her golden eyes of something difficult to read beyond that it meant /something/ to her.

"Fair enough," Lily answers. She's not sure she can trust simple assurances... But she has to make the effort somehow. As she considers this over, she stops talking, silently.

"That's an effective-looking weapon. I take your meaning for sure."

And then a beat, "Yes, I agree. Though we'll need a way to find one another. If you're willing to show me your camp, that's one way. Or we can arrange a meeting place to talk again soon."

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

Lily watches Catenna as she explains, nodding along with each part of the statements as sh feels it necessary, through not wishing to speak, through not withholding... And through not being a betrayer. /That/ one gets a flash in her golden eyes of something difficult to read beyond that it meant /something/ to her.

"Fair enough," Lily answers. She's not sure she can trust simple assurances... But she has to make the effort somehow. As she considers this over, she stops talking, silently.

"That's an effective-looking weapon. I take your meaning for sure."

And then a beat, "Yes, I agree. Though we'll need a way to find one another. If you're willing to show me your camp, that's one way. Or we can arrange a meeting place to talk again soon. I plan to leave for the ruins later in the week."

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

In truth Catenna doesn't expect her assurances to be taken at face value, but she's made them anyway - if only to make herself feel better.

"It is useful," she states with a shallow incline of her head. "If in need of maintenance at times, and reloading. Which costs." The woman nods meaningfully towards her basket.

With a step back, she brushes away a few locks of her hair, nodding affirmatively back to the ex-soldier in front of her. "I can show you to my camp, then - it is fairly easy to get to if you go west from the town a little ways. But I can take you there. It is not far." Her shoulders straighten slightly, then, and she gives her basket a pat, then tilts her head towards the shopkeeper.

"Perhaps we should pay for these goods," she suggests quietly. "I would not keep you overlong."

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

"Back in the Army, I fought with a rifle. I find that an ARM can be much more precise than my spells often are. ...But it does need maintenance, and reloading." Lily doesn't quite laugh, but there's the ghost of a laugh from her throat, from her lips. She hefts her own basket a little higher for the same reason, with the ammunition in it. ...Two kinds of ammunition, in fact.

"Good." Lily would have understood if Catenna wanted somewhere neutral... And in fact will be on the lookout for an ambush, just in case. But she's willing to go at all, to suggest it, which says something.

"Yes, that's wise." Lily reaches out and picks up some machine oil, keeping it in hand for the moment, so that she can wrap it before putting it amidst her things. "Don't worry about my time. I can afford to spend it on this; I'll let you know if that changes." She starts towards the shopkeeper.

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

Inwardly, Catenna makes a note to call off the assassins she absolutely and definitely has.

In fact she has no such assassins. But she does nod with understanding as Lily explains her battle strategies. "It is perhaps easier for me to use the ARM. My spells are not always damaging, and sometimes complex. A firearm is, in many cases, faster, and sometimes more powerful."

With a small flick of her hair back over her shoulders, the dusky-skinned woman adds one more item to her basket: A spool of heavy thread. She tucks it in neatly with the rest before nodding back to Lily briskly.

"I have ample time," she assures as she begins to turn towards the shopkeeper, following Lily to pay for her goods.

(She seems interesting,) her mind fills in as she mulls over what she's heard from the other woman. (And perhaps this is a chance to learn more about that army.)