2022-07-23: Souls Not So Easily Cleansed: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Souls Not So Easily Cleansed''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Riley Arwell, Character :: Xander Lovell *'''Where:''' Pearloats Pasture *'''Date:''' July 12, 2022...")
m (Azoth moved page July 12, 2022: Souls Not So Easily Cleansed to 2022-07-23: Souls Not So Easily Cleansed: I messed up the date format in the title. AGAIN)

Latest revision as of 20:11, 26 November 2022

  • Log: Souls Not So Easily Cleansed
  • Cast: Riley Arwell, Xander Lovell
  • Where: Pearloats Pasture
  • Date: July 12, 2022
  • Summary: Free from the ravages of the curse for now, the Fangs of Valmar set out on adventure once again. But this time, Xander's daring to hope again and comes to Morgause with ulterior motives... Unfortunately, his hope goes unrewarded.

===================<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial *>===================
==============<* CHALLENGE - Journey to the Center of the Earth *>==============
| Type: Entry        | Dungeon Ability: Brute           | Challenge Rating: 2  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  At a hidden location in the deepest depths of the forest is a cave. The       
  cave, itself, is unremarkable from the outside. Even when you enter it is     
  nothing special; a winding tunnel that leads back into darkness.              
  It's only when you start walking along it that it becomes remarkable. The     
  tunnel goes on and on, taking a winding path deeper and deeper under a        
  mountain. There are no side tunnels that go further than a few hundred feet,  
  so it's impossible to get lost.                                               
  The tunnel is literally miles long, unlikely as it seems - but it seems       
  naturally formed despite the improbability. Further on, strange mushrooms     
  begin to show up, and then crystalline formations. Some of them glow. After   
  a mile of walking you don't need light anymore; there's enough of the         
  glowing crystals for visibility.                                              
  Eventually, this tunnel opens up into a massive subterranean 'valley' filled  
  with tree-like mushrooms and enormous crystal spires that rise hundreds of    
  feet toward the ceiling. The floor is 'bubbled' into craters ranging from     
  only ten or fifteen meters to as big as a hundred, or even more. Cracks have  
  formed between the craters, forming a string of valleys and winding paths.    
  But to get there, you have to travel for almost three miles, downward and     
  through winding passageways. At least it's easy to not get lost.              
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|                             Tire:_Exhaustion_Up!                             |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Riley Arwell has posed.

The Fangs have come a long way. And why, you might ask? Because Riley heard there was a place with giant mushrooms!! (Is that really the only reason?)

Even beyond the journey to Glenwood on Lunar, they still have a long way to go, with a descent into a deep, dark, winding tunnel.

But at last, their explorations bear fruit.

They come upon towering mushrooms and crystal formations, a truly alien underground landscape. Riley's eyes shine with wonder.

"Xander...!" he says, and surely Xander can guess what's coming. "I want to eat one!" And he starts toward one of the tree-sized mushrooms brandishing his dark shovel to dig out a piece of it like it's a giant evil spoon.

DG: Riley Arwell has used his Tool Shovel of Valmar toward his party's challenge, Journey to the Center of the Earth.
Strengthen! Party Brute boosted!
<Pose Tracker> Xander Lovell has posed.

Is this the only reason? Xander's heard his own rumors. Giant mushrooms are far less intriguing (sorry Riley) than whispers of the elemental shrines. Keys to the goddess mean little to Xander, but the promise of trials, resonance with the soul...

Might that be a way to shake off Valmar's curse? Loosen its grip...? Make the impossible possible? Why would he dare hope again? He tells himself he's not. It's an adventure.

...An adventure with a stupid seed of hope. Shut up.

He walks alongside Riley within the darkness, lost enough in his own thoughts that he does not notice the immediate threat before them. Xander jerks to awareness, looking urgently from mushroom to Riley and back, scrambling for his knowledge of plants to determine how likely this thing is to be poisonous.

Rather than assist Riley in cleaving a path forward (or cleaving a path to lunch?!), Xander cuts off a small bit of mushroom and begins inspecting and experimenting on it immediately for any necessary antidote creation.

"Of course you do."

DG: Xander Lovell has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Journey to the Center of the Earth.
===================<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial *>===================
==============<* CHALLENGE - Journey to the Center of the Earth *>==============
| Type: Entry        | Dungeon Ability: Brute           | Challenge Rating: 2  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  At a hidden location in the deepest depths of the forest is a cave. The       
  cave, itself, is unremarkable from the outside. Even when you enter it is     
  nothing special; a winding tunnel that leads back into darkness.              
  It's only when you start walking along it that it becomes remarkable. The     
  tunnel goes on and on, taking a winding path deeper and deeper under a        
  mountain. There are no side tunnels that go further than a few hundred feet,  
  so it's impossible to get lost.                                               
  The tunnel is literally miles long, unlikely as it seems - but it seems       
  naturally formed despite the improbability. Further on, strange mushrooms     
  begin to show up, and then crystalline formations. Some of them glow. After   
  a mile of walking you don't need light anymore; there's enough of the         
  glowing crystals for visibility.                                              
  Eventually, this tunnel opens up into a massive subterranean 'valley' filled  
  with tree-like mushrooms and enormous crystal spires that rise hundreds of    
  feet toward the ceiling. The floor is 'bubbled' into craters ranging from     
  only ten or fifteen meters to as big as a hundred, or even more. Cracks have  
  formed between the craters, forming a string of valleys and winding paths.    
  But to get there, you have to travel for almost three miles, downward and     
  through winding passageways. At least it's easy to not get lost.              
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|                Strengthen:_Brute_Up! and Tire:_Exhaustion_Up!                |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
===================<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial *>===================
==============<* CHALLENGE - Journey to the Center of the Earth *>==============
| Type: Entry        | Dungeon Ability: Brute           | Challenge Rating: 2  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  At a hidden location in the deepest depths of the forest is a cave. The       
  cave, itself, is unremarkable from the outside. Even when you enter it is     
  nothing special; a winding tunnel that leads back into darkness.              
  It's only when you start walking along it that it becomes remarkable. The     
  tunnel goes on and on, taking a winding path deeper and deeper under a        
  mountain. There are no side tunnels that go further than a few hundred feet,  
  so it's impossible to get lost.                                               
  The tunnel is literally miles long, unlikely as it seems - but it seems       
  naturally formed despite the improbability. Further on, strange mushrooms     
  begin to show up, and then crystalline formations. Some of them glow. After   
  a mile of walking you don't need light anymore; there's enough of the         
  glowing crystals for visibility.                                              
  Eventually, this tunnel opens up into a massive subterranean 'valley' filled  
  with tree-like mushrooms and enormous crystal spires that rise hundreds of    
  feet toward the ceiling. The floor is 'bubbled' into craters ranging from     
  only ten or fifteen meters to as big as a hundred, or even more. Cracks have  
  formed between the craters, forming a string of valleys and winding paths.    
  But to get there, you have to travel for almost three miles, downward and     
  through winding passageways. At least it's easy to not get lost.              
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|                Strengthen:_Brute_Up! and Tire:_Exhaustion_Up!                |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial - Round 1 *>==============
================< Results - Journey to the Center of the Earth >================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Riley Arwell                        0 --(8)--> 8                   Pass
Shovel of Valmar                    2   Brute   Effects: Strengthen           
Xander Lovell                       0 --(8)--> 8                   Pass
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC                
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Riley Arwell                0 --(20)--> 20                 Pass
Conditions: Tire(2)
Effects: Strengthen(1)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: The party led by Riley Arwell has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use
party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Xander Lovell has drawn a new Challenge.
===================<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial *>===================
====================<* CHALLENGE - The Silence of Stone  *>=====================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Brute           | Challenge Rating: 4  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  This crater is very small by the standards of those you have seen before.     
  Barely ten meters across, with a crystalline obelisk with what looks like     
  marble set into it in patterns, it is clearly a thing built by the keepers    
  of the shrine.                                                                
  Touching the obelisk gives you a feeling: a question without words. This is   
  a challenge, and not a comfortable one. Are you sure you want to continue?    
  Agreeing - either out loud, or in silent communion - teleports you to a       
  void, where you float. There is a destination - a crystal obelisk identical   
  to the one you left, floating in the distance.                                
  It is possible to move toward it by sheer effort and force of will. One has   
  to be absolutely focused - and as one moves toward it, unpleasant and         
  distracting sensations assail you. Sudden shifts in temperature, the sense    
  of total dryness or drowning, flares of pain with no cause, pressure as if    
  one was being squeezed, other stranger sensations - none of it is real, but   
  all of it feels as if it is.                                                  
  Losing your focus for too long, or passing out, causes you to sink into the   
  void. Making it to the crystal gives you a profound sense of relief and       
  revitalization. Either way, your party finds themselves in a new location,    
  either recovered or exhausted by the conclusion of the trip.                  
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|          Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!, Strengthen:_Brute_Up!,          |
|             Tire:_Exhaustion_Up!, and Treasure:_Exploration_Up!              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Riley Arwell has posed.

It is a race of sorts, between Xander's science and Riley's appetite for the unknown. One that turns out favorably, it seems, with Xander getting clear data on the mushroom's properties before Riley manages to put any of it in his mouth.

It seems that it is somewhat poisonous (perhaps it's difficult for something fully edible to achieve such a size) but within the parameters of what Xander's current stock of antidotes can probably handle.

Riley also gives the flavor high marks. "It TASTES like a legendary giant mushroom...!" He assures Xander. "Hearty... a little smoky almost...Do you want a piece?"

<Pose Tracker> Xander Lovell has posed.

"I do not," Xander answers Riley, finalizing a swiftly concocted antidote of crushed ingredients melted together with other reagents to make a swiftly hardening candy of a potion. He pushes it immediately into Riley's mouth.

It's intentionally flavorless, so as not to ruin whatever taste Riley's enjoying right now. ...Against Xander's better judgment, perhaps.

He grunts as they continue, moving tools and ingredients from hand-to-hand, to under arm, sometimes with his teeth, as he gets a few more situated just in case. It's all reorganized and packed away by the time they reach a new wonder: a massive, crystalline obelisk, about ten meters across, with marble patterns upon it.

"I suppose it's a kind of holy site, after all..." he muses allowed before reaching out.

As soon as his hand brushes the surface, his body goes rigid. If Riley does the same, he'll sense the wordless question himself. This is intended to be a challenge, and whatever intent lingers within the magic here is asking if they want to continue. Xander glances to Riley, then nods at the obelisk.

Everything becomes a void -- no earth to stand on, both of them left floating in nothingness. Another obelisk in the distance as some sort of finish line marker. Willpower can move them through it, but the second they try, they're rewarded with nightmares upon the senses.

As hosts to the Fangs... there's material to work with, isn't there?

Xander chokes on a growl of a sound, fighting through this attack on all of him, throbbing with memories of dozens of pains he's already experienced and a few more he may be afraid he one day will. Focus. Focus. He tries to, first and foremost, reach for Riley in the horrible void before pushing forward.

DG: Xander Lovell has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward his party's challenge, The Silence of Stone . 
<Pose Tracker> Riley Arwell has posed.

"Antidote? Fank you," Riley says, overtop of the medicine popped in his mouth. As always, Xander is too good to him...

Riley wraps up and tucks away some extra portions of the mushroom for later and scrawls the flavor notes in his notebook for posterity.

"I'll save some for you in case you change your mind..." he offers. It is far more likely he will eat them himself, but.

They come upon a strange monolith with a silent challenge, and when both of them give their agreement, it pitches them into a strange void.

"What in the---! Xander!!" He reaches out toward him in turn, but trying to move results in consequences. The prick of thorns -- it can't be!! It's too soon!!? The sensation of blood filling his airway...

He spends a while in panic, trying to cough... It's only that it goes on too long that allows him to realize... ... this isn't real? Is this the challenge? But how is he supposed to do anything when it feels like he's suffocating!!

DG: Riley Arwell has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward his party's challenge, The Silence of Stone . 
===================<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial *>===================
====================<* CHALLENGE - The Silence of Stone  *>=====================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Brute           | Challenge Rating: 4  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  This crater is very small by the standards of those you have seen before.     
  Barely ten meters across, with a crystalline obelisk with what looks like     
  marble set into it in patterns, it is clearly a thing built by the keepers    
  of the shrine.                                                                
  Touching the obelisk gives you a feeling: a question without words. This is   
  a challenge, and not a comfortable one. Are you sure you want to continue?    
  Agreeing - either out loud, or in silent communion - teleports you to a       
  void, where you float. There is a destination - a crystal obelisk identical   
  to the one you left, floating in the distance.                                
  It is possible to move toward it by sheer effort and force of will. One has   
  to be absolutely focused - and as one moves toward it, unpleasant and         
  distracting sensations assail you. Sudden shifts in temperature, the sense    
  of total dryness or drowning, flares of pain with no cause, pressure as if    
  one was being squeezed, other stranger sensations - none of it is real, but   
  all of it feels as if it is.                                                  
  Losing your focus for too long, or passing out, causes you to sink into the   
  void. Making it to the crystal gives you a profound sense of relief and       
  revitalization. Either way, your party finds themselves in a new location,    
  either recovered or exhausted by the conclusion of the trip.                  
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|          Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!, Strengthen:_Brute_Up!,          |
|             Tire:_Exhaustion_Up!, and Treasure:_Exploration_Up!              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
===================<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial *>===================
====================<* CHALLENGE - The Silence of Stone  *>=====================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Brute           | Challenge Rating: 4  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  This crater is very small by the standards of those you have seen before.     
  Barely ten meters across, with a crystalline obelisk with what looks like     
  marble set into it in patterns, it is clearly a thing built by the keepers    
  of the shrine.                                                                
  Touching the obelisk gives you a feeling: a question without words. This is   
  a challenge, and not a comfortable one. Are you sure you want to continue?    
  Agreeing - either out loud, or in silent communion - teleports you to a       
  void, where you float. There is a destination - a crystal obelisk identical   
  to the one you left, floating in the distance.                                
  It is possible to move toward it by sheer effort and force of will. One has   
  to be absolutely focused - and as one moves toward it, unpleasant and         
  distracting sensations assail you. Sudden shifts in temperature, the sense    
  of total dryness or drowning, flares of pain with no cause, pressure as if    
  one was being squeezed, other stranger sensations - none of it is real, but   
  all of it feels as if it is.                                                  
  Losing your focus for too long, or passing out, causes you to sink into the   
  void. Making it to the crystal gives you a profound sense of relief and       
  revitalization. Either way, your party finds themselves in a new location,    
  either recovered or exhausted by the conclusion of the trip.                  
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|         Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!, Tire:_Exhaustion_Up!, and        |
|                          Treasure:_Exploration_Up!                           |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial - Round 2 *>==============
======================< Results - The Silence of Stone  >=======================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Riley Arwell                        8 --(31)--> 39                 Fail
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC                
Xander Lovell                       8 --(31)--> 39                 Fail
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC                
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Riley Arwell                20 --(15)--> 35                Fail
Conditions: Exhaust(1)|Tire(1)|Treasure(1)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: The party led by Riley Arwell has failed this challenge! The party gained 15 exploration! If anyone needs to use
party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Riley Arwell has drawn a new Challenge.
===================<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial *>===================
=========================<* CHALLENGE - Diamond Eyes *>=========================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Wits            | Challenge Rating: 2  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  The next valley you enter is different from the others. The stone walls are   
  studded with tiny crystals; hundreds of tiny glittering flakes that catch     
  the eye, sparkling from any light source.                                     
  And in fact sparkling more than they should, as the beautiful crystals form   
  patterns; though it's hard to see the pattern at first, it suddenly resolves  
  and makes it hard to look away. Spirals and arcs designed to lead the eye,    
  at first merely distracting you but eventually leaving you dazed and          
  confused as your eye tries to subconsciously follow the patterns around in    
  arcs and loops and spirals, a path that never ends.                           
  It takes force of will to break eye contact and look at the ground (which     
  has no crystals) or simply close your eyes to move on, rather than standing   
  stunned. Looking away from the crystals sharply still leaves you dizzy for a  
  while, but it's better than the alternative.                                  
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|        Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!,        |
|             Tire:_Exhaustion_Up!, and Treasure:_Exploration_Up!              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Xander Lovell has posed.

"Sure," Xander says, to the tone of 'I hate everything'. He does not expect Riley to save him any for later. He wishes Riley would -- not because Xander wants any, but because it would be less in Riley's system to worry about.

It turns out, such a challenge would have been the lesser of two evils.

The void is merciless. Where Riley feels his lungs filling with blood and choking him out again, Xander winces through a familiar pain he tries to convince himself isn't real. He just did this. He just had the pain crawling through his body like cracks through shattering glass, sharp, relentless, invisible.

Xander snatches hold of Riley's, panicking him with him a moment a he grabs hold of Riley's face to inspect him for thorns inside him. "Riley, Riley...!" But all the choking and gasping isn't real. Their pain isn't real, except for the part where it all very much is.

He squeezes his grip into Riley, trying to forcibly drag them both through the void, even with the sense of thorns roiling inside them, erupting through bone and flesh. Xander's barely able to bite back his own cries.

It's not stronger than the nightmare, he tells himself. It's no worse than that. It thinks it is, it thinks it knows what he's been through, this magic, this trial, thinks it has any idea what Xander can put up with...!

Clawing into Riley -- and perhaps clawed into in turn -- he forces himself on no matter how many thorns he swims through to get it, however shred his body feels -- darkness clawing at the edges of their vision until the sense of bleeding out and the pain of it all overwhelms, stealing consciousness away.

They wake under the sparkling glow of crystals, Xander still clutching Riley with a rigid, unrelenting grip. It only loosens as Xander's awareness trickles back in, his breathing too rough and heavy for him to so much as complain for the moment.

<Pose Tracker> Riley Arwell has posed.

They do not make it to the other monolith, and whatever reward it may have held for passing the challenge. Instead, they sink down into the void -- together at least, but lost in their painful illusions until reality finally comes back. Comes dazzlingly back, as it happens. They find themselves in a place where the walls glitter with patterns that seem to move and twist endlessly.

They awaken clinging to one another, and Riley gasps a little until he's sure he's really breathing, only to have to shield his eyes from the glitter so the dizzying lights don't give him a headache.

"That... ... that's not fair! That challenge was about withstanding suffering, wasn't it? We're GREAT at withstanding suffering! Why did we lose!" Riley, it turns out, is affronted at this particular slight from the universe. But this new place--while probably beautiful under many circumstances-- feels like a hangover given physical form after the arduous experience they just emerged from.

"...we need a break," he decides, and starts to sulkily eat berries with his eyes still shaded.

DG: Riley Arwell has used his Tool Fruit Snack toward his party's challenge, Diamond Eyes. Cleanse! All negative effects
will be cleared at the end of the round!
<Pose Tracker> Xander Lovell has posed.

Xander only dares move when Riley does. They're both alive. Awake. They survived it. But surviving isn't enough. Is that what this temple is trying to tell him? Or does it reject their souls outright, tangled with a power too dark and poisonous. Xander pushes himself up, raking his fingers through his hair, damp with sweat.

"We didn't lose," he says. Not yet. Not yet...

He gets up and places his hand to Riley's back to lead and push him on, merciless in his decision to press forward. Sorry, Riley. (At least he can still eat...)

"Come on."

But that strange, tempting light of the crystals... Xander instead looks down at the 'pendant' he wears around his neck: the vial, rather, and the strange sea of stars Riley made in potion form. They never did discover what it did.

Perhaps it's prettier than a crystal cave.

DG: Xander Lovell has used his Tool Mysterious Vial toward his party's challenge, Diamond Eyes. 
===================<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial *>===================
=========================<* CHALLENGE - Diamond Eyes *>=========================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Wits            | Challenge Rating: 2  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  The next valley you enter is different from the others. The stone walls are   
  studded with tiny crystals; hundreds of tiny glittering flakes that catch     
  the eye, sparkling from any light source.                                     
  And in fact sparkling more than they should, as the beautiful crystals form   
  patterns; though it's hard to see the pattern at first, it suddenly resolves  
  and makes it hard to look away. Spirals and arcs designed to lead the eye,    
  at first merely distracting you but eventually leaving you dazed and          
  confused as your eye tries to subconsciously follow the patterns around in    
  arcs and loops and spirals, a path that never ends.                           
  It takes force of will to break eye contact and look at the ground (which     
  has no crystals) or simply close your eyes to move on, rather than standing   
  stunned. Looking away from the crystals sharply still leaves you dizzy for a  
  while, but it's better than the alternative.                                  
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|          Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down! and Cleanse:_All_Effects_Removed!         |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial - Round 3 *>==============
===========================< Results - Diamond Eyes >===========================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Riley Arwell                        39 --(5)--> 44                 Pass
Fruit Snack                         1   Wits    Effects: Cleanse              
Xander Lovell                       39 --(5)--> 44                 Pass
Mysterious Vial                     3   Wits    Effects: Efficient            
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Riley Arwell                35 --(20)--> 55                Pass
Conditions: Bad Luck(2)
Effects: Cleanse
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: The party led by Riley Arwell has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use
party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Xander Lovell has drawn a new Challenge.
===================<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial *>===================
======================<* CHALLENGE - The Forever Tunnel *>======================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Brute           | Challenge Rating: 2  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  Rather than an overland passage between the valleys of the subterranean       
  Shrine, this time there's a cave-like tunnel between the two. There are       
  words over the entrance on a plaque - this must have been one of the          
  constructed parts of the Shrine. They're in the old language, but clearly     
  engraved despite the passage of years:                                        
  'To one's own path stay true.'                                                
  Looking inside, the tunnel is long enough that you can only see the other     
  end as a point of light at the far end, even after you enter it.              
  You make it what seems like about halfway there before you realize you're     
  not getting any closer. And if you turn around, you don't seem to be getting  
  any closer to the entrance you came in from, either.                          
  As you walk (in either direction) there are several side tunnels that may     
  offer a shortcut. They wind deep into the darkness... and, if followed,       
  eventually teleport you back to the original plaque.                          
  To make actual progress, one must be firm in their beliefs; the more you      
  want to get through, the more stubborn you are about it, the more likely you  
  are to see the other side. The weak-willed or unfocused make no progress at   
  all. But even under the best circumstances, it is a *very* long walk.         
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|         Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Cleanse:_All_Effects_Removed!, and        |
|                            Suffer:_Exhaustion_Up!                            |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Riley Arwell has posed.

"You need a break, too!" Riley protests. But he lets Xander lead him along, merely making sad noises about being hurried along, and blindly offering him a berry at one point.

Although he is having a bit of a grump, it's hard not to be charmed by Xander's earnest determination in reassuring him that they haven't lost...

Xander manages to keep his attention on the vial, and though their path is a bit meandering without the walls as a visual reference point, it does keep them from getting lost in their winding patterns long enough to make it to some more accomodating terrain.

<Pose Tracker> Xander Lovell has posed.

"I do n-- mmlf." Xander is silenced with snack, glaring at Riley briefly, but gently tilting the side of his head against his shoulder for a second -- just a second...! -- before dragging them both onward.

The vial is prettier than a cave, and they come to less dazzling atmosphere soon enough. Xander pinches his eye shut and blinks a few times regardless. The light was... a lot.

Eventually, through the passages of the underground, there comes another tunnel, and above it, a plaque. The language is an older one, but Xander approaches, climbing up onto some of the rocks to run his hand over the engraving. He gets his notebook, checking something.

"To one's own path stay true..."

Xander snorts. Ever since he's become cursed with the Fangs, there's hardly anyone who wants him to actually do that. He snaps his notebook shut, hops down, and presses onward into the darkness. Darkness, and a light. A light that's not getting closer.

"They did warn us," he sighs to himself. These aren't comfortable challenges. They're annoying. He furrows his brow, and continues stubbornly onward.

<Pose Tracker> Riley Arwell has posed.

Did Xander just take the tiniest break...?? ... adorable.

"You need a break longer than one second!!" Riley complains, regardless. They finally escape the diamond dazzle and instead find themselves in a cave introduced by a mysterious plaque that Xander sets to deciphering... it bids them to 'be true to their own path,' whatever that means.

And thus, they begin a very long walk. They did warn us.

"How do they know what our true path is, though? Maybe our true path goes all over the place!" Riley gazes with temptation at one of the side tunnels.

"Well, we might as well find out if we're in a loop..." he says, and summons the Shovel of Valmar. As they walk along, he uses it to make a mark on the ground to note their passing. "If we see this again, we'll know the tunnel is just messing with us."

DG: Riley Arwell has used his Tool Shovel of Valmar toward his party's challenge, The Forever Tunnel. Strengthen! Party
Brute boosted!
===================<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial *>===================
======================<* CHALLENGE - The Forever Tunnel *>======================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Brute           | Challenge Rating: 2  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  Rather than an overland passage between the valleys of the subterranean       
  Shrine, this time there's a cave-like tunnel between the two. There are       
  words over the entrance on a plaque - this must have been one of the          
  constructed parts of the Shrine. They're in the old language, but clearly     
  engraved despite the passage of years:                                        
  'To one's own path stay true.'                                                
  Looking inside, the tunnel is long enough that you can only see the other     
  end as a point of light at the far end, even after you enter it.              
  You make it what seems like about halfway there before you realize you're     
  not getting any closer. And if you turn around, you don't seem to be getting  
  any closer to the entrance you came in from, either.                          
  As you walk (in either direction) there are several side tunnels that may     
  offer a shortcut. They wind deep into the darkness... and, if followed,       
  eventually teleport you back to the original plaque.                          
  To make actual progress, one must be firm in their beliefs; the more you      
  want to get through, the more stubborn you are about it, the more likely you  
  are to see the other side. The weak-willed or unfocused make no progress at   
  all. But even under the best circumstances, it is a *very* long walk.         
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|               Strengthen:_Brute_Up! and Suffer:_Exhaustion_Up!               |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: Xander Lovell has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward his party's challenge, The Forever Tunnel. 
===================<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial *>===================
======================<* CHALLENGE - The Forever Tunnel *>======================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Brute           | Challenge Rating: 2  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  Rather than an overland passage between the valleys of the subterranean       
  Shrine, this time there's a cave-like tunnel between the two. There are       
  words over the entrance on a plaque - this must have been one of the          
  constructed parts of the Shrine. They're in the old language, but clearly     
  engraved despite the passage of years:                                        
  'To one's own path stay true.'                                                
  Looking inside, the tunnel is long enough that you can only see the other     
  end as a point of light at the far end, even after you enter it.              
  You make it what seems like about halfway there before you realize you're     
  not getting any closer. And if you turn around, you don't seem to be getting  
  any closer to the entrance you came in from, either.                          
  As you walk (in either direction) there are several side tunnels that may     
  offer a shortcut. They wind deep into the darkness... and, if followed,       
  eventually teleport you back to the original plaque.                          
  To make actual progress, one must be firm in their beliefs; the more you      
  want to get through, the more stubborn you are about it, the more likely you  
  are to see the other side. The weak-willed or unfocused make no progress at   
  all. But even under the best circumstances, it is a *very* long walk.         
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|               Strengthen:_Brute_Up! and Suffer:_Exhaustion_Up!               |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial - Round 4 *>==============
========================< Results - The Forever Tunnel >========================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Riley Arwell                        44 --(13)--> 57                Pass
Shovel of Valmar                    2   Brute   Effects: Strengthen           
Xander Lovell                       44 --(13)--> 57                Pass
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC                
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Riley Arwell                55 --(20)--> 75                Pass
Conditions: Suffer(1)
Effects: Strengthen(1)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: The party led by Riley Arwell has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use
party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Riley Arwell has drawn a new Challenge.
===================<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial *>===================
=======================<* CHALLENGE - The Living Wall *>========================
| Type: Climax       | Dungeon Ability: Agility         | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  As you reach the end of the valleys, you can see the actual structure of the  
  shrine itself.                                                                
  The problem: the statue sits on top of a butte, standing high above your      
  current position. The butte's slimness and height combine to make it look     
  almost like a tower.                                                          
  But one the side of the butte is not stone. It's covered in vines - an        
  impossibly thick and dense riot of vines climbing what must be stone, deep    
  down, but at this point is mostly more vines; braided and twined around one   
  another for several feet, it's impossible to see the craggy butte itself on   
  that side. Some of the vines are as thick as an arm, or even a large man's    
  waist, with leaves bigger than two hands held flat next to each other. The    
  size and scale of the greenery is unnatural.                                  
  If you're careful, you might be able to climb the vines. But being lightly    
  rooted, not all of them can take a human's weight, and some of them are not   
  entirely safe in their own right, thorns ready to dig into unwary hands or a  
  sap that causes itchiness.                                                    
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|    Strengthen:_Brute_Up!, Suffer:_Exhaustion_Up!, and Tire:_Exhaustion_Up!   |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Xander Lovell has posed.

"A second is plenty," Xander argues. He is apparently correct for once.

As Riley suggests going all over the place, Xander pauses. "...You may be right."

Or is Xander trying to exasperate the dungeon back with the power of Riley? The thought tugs at his lips. There is, briefly, the tiniest, evilest little smile on his face.

"Lead the way."

Xander follows after Riley as Riley shovels through the darkened tunnel, and does nothing to stop Riley from running off in random directions in his efforts. They do not see the shovel's marks looping back around at all -- is it too dark? Is it magic? It doesn't matter, because the light is getting closer. It's a long, long walk... but one with an end.

They are, after all, being true to themselves.

<Pose Tracker> Riley Arwell has posed.

Perhaps they were not really supposed to go through the random side tunnels, but whatever--no regrets! They did stay true to their own path! And their long, long walk is finally rewarded with a glimpse of the shrine--purched atop a natural tower strewn with vines. Riley looks it up and down, frowning a little. Psyching himself up for a climb.

"All right, I can do this. We know all about vines..." He smiles encouragingly at Xander like he isn't the one who needs encouraging himself, and starts slowly and methodically pulling himself up the side of the wall.

DG: Riley Arwell has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward his party's challenge, The Living Wall. 
<Pose Tracker> Xander Lovell has posed.

Fatigue has never stopped Xander before, and it won't stop him now. They emerge to the next part of the shrine, and Xander glares up at the butte and all its vines. He is beginning to feel like the shrine is taunting him.

That would be fitting for a trial of the soul, he supposes.

He gives a nod, but before Riley can get too far, Xander yanks him closer and spritzes a bit of alchemical perfume on his collar. Once released, he gives himself the same treatment. That should help steady some of the physiological reactions of anxiousness and tension to make the task easier.

Wiping off his hands on one another, he eyes the vines, then leaps on to begin climbing his way up, looking for points of stronger footing to perch in for a moment to make sure Riley doesn't -- or does -- need a hand with the increasing elevation.

DG: Xander Lovell has used his Tool Autumn Mist toward his party's challenge, The Living Wall. Fanfare! 
===================<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial *>===================
=======================<* CHALLENGE - The Living Wall *>========================
| Type: Climax       | Dungeon Ability: Agility         | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  As you reach the end of the valleys, you can see the actual structure of the  
  shrine itself.                                                                
  The problem: the statue sits on top of a butte, standing high above your      
  current position. The butte's slimness and height combine to make it look     
  almost like a tower.                                                          
  But one the side of the butte is not stone. It's covered in vines - an        
  impossibly thick and dense riot of vines climbing what must be stone, deep    
  down, but at this point is mostly more vines; braided and twined around one   
  another for several feet, it's impossible to see the craggy butte itself on   
  that side. Some of the vines are as thick as an arm, or even a large man's    
  waist, with leaves bigger than two hands held flat next to each other. The    
  size and scale of the greenery is unnatural.                                  
  If you're careful, you might be able to climb the vines. But being lightly    
  rooted, not all of them can take a human's weight, and some of them are not   
  entirely safe in their own right, thorns ready to dig into unwary hands or a  
  sap that causes itchiness.                                                    
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|                             Tire:_Exhaustion_Up!                             |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial - Round 5 *>==============
=========================< Results - The Living Wall >==========================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Riley Arwell                        57 --(16)--> 73                Fail
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Xander Lovell                       57 --(8)--> 65                 Pass
Autumn Mist                         3   Agility Effects: Fanfare              
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Riley Arwell                75 --(0)--> 75                 Pass
Conditions: Tire(2)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: The party led by Riley Arwell has passed this challenge! The party gained 0 exploration! If anyone needs to use
party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Xander Lovell has drawn a new Challenge.
===================<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial *>===================
==================<* CHALLENGE - The Ancient Stone Guardian *>==================
| Type: Final        | Dungeon Ability: Combat          | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You climb to the shrine, resting upon its butte. There, you see a massive     
  statue; something shaped like a sort of idealized beastperson. A long,        
  lupine snout; fangs that almost glisten and yet are grey stone. Empty, blank  
  eyes. A muscled, humanoid form with exquisite musculature. It is posed in a   
  way that highlights the strength and perfection of its form.                  
  Including when it moves.                                                      
  The statue's body moves like a living thing, thanks to the powerful           
  sorceries in it. Those same sorceries allow it to summon several crystals     
  from the ground -- and send them hurtling like missiles.                      
  Then, it lunges forward, with fists and fangs that don't glisten, but are     
  far too sharp.                                                                
  Behind it is a doorway, open to a chamber; that chamber has a glimmering gem  
  visible. However, the statue stands between you and that chamber.             
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|                 Tire:_Exhaustion_Up! and Wound:_Combat_Down!                 |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Riley Arwell has posed.

"The perfume of courage..." Riley aknowledges with teasing reverence as Xander spritzes him, though he does pause a moment to breathe and enjoy the scent Xander crafted before he digs into the challenge of the climb. Riley would typically claim that it is not heights that bother him so much as falling from them, but there is certainly a moment near the top when he freezes with some irrational primal sense that going any higher would spell his doom.

At that moment, he searches for Xander, meeting his eye and trying to absorb his determination and love to gather his own strength to press on. Eventually, they manage to haul themselves up over the top, and Riley collapses with a great sigh of relief.

<Pose Tracker> Xander Lovell has posed.

"Y--es, the perfume of courage," Xander echoes, trying to maintain monotone, but clearly having flinches at that first syllable there. Then he does not want to look at Riley, all of the sudden. (Except he does again soon, because they must climb together.)

Once they're up, he sets his hand on Riley's shoulder wordlessly, and for the first time sees it fit to actually take a break. A couple minutes to catch their breath and calm down any jittery nerves.

...Or that's what he'd have liked.

The massive statue of the shrine they've clawed their way to moves. It's a wolfish thing, a lupine beastperson that looks built to hunt creatures several times its already intimidating size. As it comes to life, crystals in the earth answer its presence, rising from the ground and firing toward the pair with a howl.

It follows suit, lunging with fang and claw alike to rend into them.

Xander bites out a curse and lunges forward. At least one shard has already spiked through his shoulder and it looks like he did that one purpose to keep going, trying to get close enough to identify a weakness in the statue's foundation and shove some part of a dagger into it.

Clearly, he intends to let himself get bruised up as a gamble for this opportunity. He will heal himself later.

DG: Xander Lovell has used his Tool Candied Medicine toward his party's challenge, The Ancient Stone Guardian. Stalwart!
Party shielded from some Exhaustion this round!
<Pose Tracker> Riley Arwell has posed.

Xander actually takes a moment to rest with Riley...! Which of course the universe is having none of, and a stone beast stirs to life, coming after them with massive claws and flying crystals!

"Xander! Don't become a pincushion!!" Riley shouts. Unfortunately, his own strategy involves scrambling away as quickly as possible so he can get a clean shot at the creature while Xander is drawing its attention--he expects the arrow on its own might simply bounce off its stone body, but he imbues one with dark power, so that when it strikes, many ropes of vines lash out and tighten to try to bring the beast to a standstill.

DG: Riley Arwell has used his Tool Dark Bow toward his party's challenge, The Ancient Stone Guardian. Rally! 
===================<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial *>===================
==================<* CHALLENGE - The Ancient Stone Guardian *>==================
| Type: Final        | Dungeon Ability: Combat          | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You climb to the shrine, resting upon its butte. There, you see a massive     
  statue; something shaped like a sort of idealized beastperson. A long,        
  lupine snout; fangs that almost glisten and yet are grey stone. Empty, blank  
  eyes. A muscled, humanoid form with exquisite musculature. It is posed in a   
  way that highlights the strength and perfection of its form.                  
  Including when it moves.                                                      
  The statue's body moves like a living thing, thanks to the powerful           
  sorceries in it. Those same sorceries allow it to summon several crystals     
  from the ground -- and send them hurtling like missiles.                      
  Then, it lunges forward, with fists and fangs that don't glisten, but are     
  far too sharp.                                                                
  Behind it is a doorway, open to a chamber; that chamber has a glimmering gem  
  visible. However, the statue stands between you and that chamber.             
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|                 Tire:_Exhaustion_Up! and Wound:_Combat_Down!                 |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial - Round 6 *>==============
====================< Results - The Ancient Stone Guardian >====================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Riley Arwell                        73 --(3)--> 76                 Pass
Dark Bow                            3   Combat  Effects: Rally                
Xander Lovell                       65 --(6)--> 71                 Fail
Candied Medicine                    2   Combat  Effects: Stalwart             
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Riley Arwell                75 --(35)--> 110               Pass
Conditions: Tire(1)|Wound(2)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: You have overcome the dungeon's trials! This run is a success!
DG: The party led by Riley Arwell has successfully explored Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial!
===================<* Morgause - Shrine of the Earth Trial *>===================
====================<* CHALLENGE - The Heart of Morgause *>=====================
| Type: Discovery    | Dungeon Ability: Conclusion      | Challenge Rating: 2  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  The shrine is a fairly small building, all told. A cylinder, covered with     
  some of the vines that you used to reach it, and fantastic rocky outgrowths.  
  In places, stonework and natural stone blend together seamlessly. The         
  interior room is circular, with a dais in the center.                         
  There sits the gem you are seeking: a glimmering amber gemstone, which        
  hovers above the dais. It glints despite a relative lack of light reaching    
  Those with the skill can tell it is aspected with the elemental energy of     
  earth. It sits for the taking -- and marks the completion of one shrine.      
  Additionally, it's possible to put an item where the gem was. This altar can  
  imbue a single object, weapon, or Tool with an enchantment of the nourishing  
  earth, functioning once for each individual per visit. Alternately, those     
  with the Blessing of Althena in the element of Earth may unlock a powerful    
  earth-related spell.                                                          
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|    Secret:_Exploration_Up!, Tire:_Exhaustion_Up!, and Wound:_Combat_Down!    |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Xander Lovell has posed.

Xander does draw the stone beast's attention, and for a moment, their movements are terrifyingly similar. The wolfish statue may have a broader build to Xander's slender frame, but each moves with an animalistic poise, taking full advantage of what nature (or magic) has saddled them with. It would not seem out of place if Xander suddenly bit the thing, and with the Fangs of Valmar, maybe he could.

He does not. He makes his strike into stone with nothing but a dagger, the blow ricocheting off when it didn't prove a weak point after all. He darts a half circle around, aided by Riley's vines slowing and holding it, and leaps on its back, and drives the weapon with both hands into an empty eye socket. That isn't great, either, and he ends up seized in a claw and smashed to the ground, pinned. Several crystals rise up, ready to pincushion him.

Riley's arrows get there first, piercing into the statue and sending webs of cracks along its frame. It crumbles, Xander left coughing as the literal dust settles, and crystals fall harmlessly around him.

Xander sighs out, getting himself up and brushing the dirt from his clothes before eating one of the candied medicines. Unthinkingly, he feeds one to Riley. "...Thanks."

It's finally quiet... And finally over? Xander blinks up at the beautiful amber gemstone that seems to be their reward. For a moment, he's completely mesmerized by it. Tentatively, he reaches for it, taking it from the altar and offering it forward to Riley. "...Huh. Do you... feel any different?"

He's not sure he does. Earth... They seem to carry a corrupted version of it themselves. If anything could touch them, might it be such primal forces? Xander gnaws on his own lip, listening, waiting, feeling...

...Despite having overcome everything, his gaze drops, dejection clear on his face.

<Pose Tracker> Riley Arwell has posed.

"I didn't get hurt," Riley says, but it's too late, he's eating the candied medicine anyway (no take-backs!). "Are you okay?" He took at least one of those flying crystals...

Do you... feel any different?

"Mmm... spiritually? I don't know... ... I'm happy we won, though."

He joins Xander in gazing at the crystal, taking his hand in his own as he sees his face drop without understanding what dissappointed him.

There's a brief silence as he tries to figure out what to say.

"...Hey, Xander, it's our favorite," he finally says, nodding at the gem and nudging Xander with his shoulder.

It started out as his own favorite, he thinks, but Xander uses that amber-handled dagger so much Riley figures it must have become Xander's favorite too at some point.

<Pose Tracker> Xander Lovell has posed.

"'M fine," he mumbles, still a man on his mission until they get to the altar.

But then the mission's over. Xander swallows a hard lump in his throat. He didn't want to tease Riley with the idea again, that maybe there would be progress or hope of some kind. It should just be an adventure. And now Xander's... doing this. Pathetic. He tries to breathe steady, and the longer he stares at the ground, the harder it is to look up. Why? Why, why, why? Why isn't it enough? Did he not endure it enough? Endure it right? He never gave up, he hasn't given up. Everyone talks like that's all it takes, so why?! Not even... a drop, a hint, anything...?!

A nudge from Riley gently knocks him from his thoughts. He blinks back up at him, then back to the gemstone. "Ah --

"... It is."

It is Xander's favorite. The truth is, it always was.

He huffs out, a little shaken, but exasperated enough. "I don't know what use it has for us, but I suppose we deserve a trinket now and again."

<Pose Tracker> Riley Arwell has posed.

Xander is sad... why is Xander sad...?

I don't know what use it has for us...

"Decoration," Riley says, taking it from its place to claim it for them. Maybe for weapons... maybe for dance costumes... maybe a bit of jewelry to wear. "A memento. I wonder if it's sacrilegious to cut it into pieces... I guess the ship has sailed on being sacrilegious anyway." A pause. "Do you want a memento of this place? It seems like you're... unhappy."

<Pose Tracker> Xander Lovell has posed.

"Decoration," Xander repeats, flat, and it seems the basic banter is at least getting some life back into him. For Xander definitions of life. He shakes his head. "If you want to chop it up and sprinkle it around camp, we'll figure out how to chop it up."

He pauses thoughtfully. "Maybe it can be used in alchemy..."

All of this is sacrilegious, but yes, that ship has sailed.

Xander flinches at the implication he's unhappy. "I-It's fine. I'm fine. Just... tired." He looks back to the altar. It does seem some power is flowing through it. Even if it's not the power they need. He hesitates, reaching for his bag, then looks to Riley. "...Turn around for a second."

But if Riley does sneak a peek at whatever Xander's decided to get up to -- or refuse to obey in the first place -- he'll catch Xander in the act of empowering some of his dancer's sashes with the earth shrine's power.

They might as well get something out of it! Besides their favorite gem. What? Xander's greedy.

<Pose Tracker> Riley Arwell has posed.

"Decoration," Riley repeats once again. "I'd kind of like an earring..." This is the first time he's expressed such a wish. Being cursed means it's convenient to have simple desires. It seems large enough to make more than an earring out of it if they wanted, though.

"Secrets..." Riley turns around obediently, feeling hopeful. Secrets are a good sign, secrets mean there is some liveliness in Xander.

<Pose Tracker> Xander Lovell has posed.

"You don't... wear earrings?" It starts more biting and ends in a question. Xander tilts his head, rolling the thought around and eyeing Riley's ear. He looks to the gem, then back at Riley, and something like realization glitters in his eye.

Secret completed, Xander folds his sashes back in his back and huffs. "You can look now. Anyway, we're done here. Let's go make you an earring, or whatever."

<Pose Tracker> Riley Arwell has posed.

You don't... wear earrings?

"But I could...!" Riley says. Based on his expression, maybe Xander is currently having the realization that earrings can be added where there weren't any before.

Anyway, we're done here. Let's go make you an earring, or whatever.

Riley kisses the top of his head. "All right. And we can finally get you a break." He'd like to think that exhaustion is the only reason for Xander's dejection earlier, but he has a feeling it's something more complicated than that...

<Pose Tracker> Xander Lovell has posed.

Xander grunts in protest with the kiss, refusing to look at Riley again, but now for the right Xander reasons.

"I don't need a break."

And yet he is leaning a little into Riley as they make to leave the shrine.