2017-06-29: Best Frienemies: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: 2017-06-29 Best Frienemies''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Rose, Character :: Seraph Ragnell *'''Where:''' Lacour - Market District *'''Date:''' 2017-06-29 *'''S...")
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Latest revision as of 10:51, 30 June 2017

  • Log: 2017-06-29 Best Frienemies
  • Cast: Rose, Seraph Ragnell
  • Where: Lacour - Market District
  • Date: 2017-06-29
  • Summary: Rose and Ragnell, sitting in a tree... F I G H T I N G.

==========================<* Lacour - Market District *>==========================

The Lacour Market District does not rival that of the major commercial powers of Filgaia in terms of volume or value of trade, but it the class of the world in traditional weapons and protective gear. More than a hundred individual shops line the streets of the district, each bearing its own name, specialties, and branding. Almost any kind of weapon or armour can be found in Lacour, and odds are good that anything innovative will be found here first...or make its way here in short order.

The merchants of the Market District are proud and competitive, and walking down the streets is an exercise in patience, as they bombard passersby with litanies in praise of their work and curses for the rust-ridden works of their neighbours. At no time is this competition more fierce than during the Lacour Tournament of Arms; this annual exhibition to name the World's Greatest Fighter includes considerable prestige for the merchants sponsoring their entries, and talented fighters will find their services heavily sought-after.

BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bqMqHag86c
<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

The Lacour Tournament is underway!

Where else could you find Rose but in the market district, with the rest of the Sparrowfeathers?

It had been a stressful couple of days since Sorey did his thing. Rose thought, hoped even, that once she let go of his hand, she'd stop seeing ghosts. That did not happen. She had to spend a night chatting and eating cake with Lailah (which... admittedly went well), and then when she got home there was... him.

That was a screaming contest five minutes in.

And a fisticuffs ten in.

Maybe that's why the Wind Seraph doesn't seem to be around today. There's just the Sparrowfeathers, manning several tables full of wares. Gunpowder, various weapons and armor maintenance kits, tournament souvenirs by the truckload. Paintings of the participants, action figures, badges, autographs. Fine herbs, some food, healing potions, Heal Berries. As usual if you need something, the Sparrowfeathers might have it, or can get it for you if you can wait a bit.

Rose is on the frontline today, rather than leaving Eguille in charge. She's got her best smile on and handles the crowds of tourists like a pro. Before long, the sun is setting, and people are hitting the pubs or going back home. The Sparrowfeathers start packing for the night, slowly, as they wind down and relax.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Lacour sure is the place to be right now. Ragnell had a hell of a time watching the opening match yesterday, too, and although she noticed some other things that will need follow-up, for now she's content to enjoy Lacour and its tournament at face value. She saw both Cecilia and Rena at the tournament too, so that's some other things nicely taken care of--at least for now. Whether it'll all pan out is another thing, but again: right now she's just here to enjoy herself.

Which usually means /sweet pranks/ may be imminent, but for now, Ragnell meanders through the Lacour market, chuckling at all the weapon stores attempting to get one up over their competitors. She crunches into an apple which she's halfway eaten by now and deftly steps around a pair of children racing through the marketplace, who of course can't see her. Most people don't, which makes it good on her that the setting sun is also sending people home and/or to the bar. And... hey, isn't that Rose? Looks like the Sparrowfeathers are taking advantage too. Ragnell chuckles. She'd have been more surprised if she *hadn't* seen them here.

Biting into the apple, she hooks her thumbs on her jean pockets and moseys on over to the Sparrowfeathers table. Not aware that Rose can see her now, she doesn't bother with a greeting; she just peers at what Rose has out. Huh. Looks like they're not so much trying to sponsor anyone so much as take advantage of the tournament hype. Fair enough, really. Ragnell imagines Rose has made mad bank today.

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

Oh, one last client?

Rose glances up from the small crate of goods she's re-packed, halfway to putting it back into one of their caravans. "Eguille, can you handle that, I've gotta put this down," she says.

Eguille glances at the table, seeing no one. He responds, flatly, "There's no one at the table, missy."

Rose glances back, and frowns. "Oh, ha ha, Rose can see ghosts, it's very funny, Eguille! Fine, geez, I'll handle it, I've gotten enough sass from the Seraph, you don't have to make fun of me and pretend you can't see people." Huff. Rose moves towards the table, still carrying the small crate.

"Hi, hi! Sorry, we're packing up, but if anything still on display interests you feel free to buy, or come back tomorrow when we have a new wave of wares out!" She had, after all, never SEEN Ragnell. And Ragnell didn't say a thing, so...

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

When Ragnell hears Rose talking to Eguille, she assumes there's some other human at her back also looking at the Sparrowgoods, and so doesn't even look up. When Eguille claims that there's no one there, though--that gets her to lift her chin and raise an eyebrow. A quick look around informs her that, yes, Eguille is right: she's the only one at this table right now. By the time she turns back, Rose is approaching with a crate in tow, cheerfully chatting her up.

Ragnell lifts a hand to take her apple as she bites down with a *crunch*, then chews slowly as she smiles.

Once she swallows, she pitches her voice deeper to sound more masculine and also not immediately recognizable. This is not even slightly difficult for her, having an already naturally gender-ambiguous voice. "It's all good, miss," she drawls. "Actually, if you're packin' up, that's good timin'. Means you'll be free soon, right?" She winks, grinning wide at Rose. "Don't suppose you'd be down to moseyin' over to one of the pubs for dinner an' a drink?"

After what Dezel said, she entirely expects to be rebuffed. She *is*, however, interested in seeing Rose's reaction to getting randomly hit on by what would appear to be a total stranger.

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

Rose's eyes light up. Predator instincts online.

"Well, I don't usually drink with my customers, although sometimes I'll drink with the suppliers, especially if what they're supplying me with is meant to be!" Gotta sample that booze before selling it. It's for work.

"Buuut, you know, if there were less things on the tables for me to need to pack I'd be free that much sooner! See anything you like? Maybe one of these Dragon Slaying Slacker promo posters? Look at that hair, I bet he strangles dragons with them! Or how about a replica of Leo's blade? There's only two left, and the smith isn't going to be making any new ones!"

Naturally, Rose shows off the wares.

She might put more emphasis on more expensive pieces.

Eguille, in the back, stares.

He decides to say nothing and will let Rose find out on her own. Besides, those crates won't move themselves.

"Of course we've also got some prime tickets for highly anticipated matches! Those go fast, though, they're almost all booked!"

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Ragnell holds back a laugh, but not an ever-widening grin. Ahaha, it really is just like Dezel said. That's fine by her, though; this is much easier to work with, and has a potential for more comedy anyway. "That *is* some fine merch you got there," she agrees, nodding with a twinkle in her eye. "They aren't bootleg, are they? I can't abide by bootlegs. If you're gonna buy merch, you oughtta support the official source," she adds with an oddly Alisha-like sanctimoniousness. "But hey, I know business is business. I won't judge if that's what's up."

Tickets, though? "Ah, naw, I don't need tickets. You woulda got me there, too! I love these tournaments." Ragnell winks at Rose. "But I know someone on the inside, as it were--" That is to say, she knows herself, someone who is invisible to most people, and so can slip inside as she pleases-- "so I can get in for free. What d'you think, miss? Free entertainment's a hell of a way to spend a night, eh?"

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

"Whoa, no! No bootlegs here! The Sparrowfeathers have a reputation to maintain, we only deal with honest suppliers and we make sure everything's in order before we sell it," Rose reassures, as a point of pride. She might like money, and she might know the ins and outs of making people spend theirs, but she's no crook. She couldn't live with that reputation.

"I mean, I wouldn't take replica weapons into a real battle to begin with, but I personally guaranteed we only sell the highest quality wares, or your money back!" And that's never happened, another point of pride.

Rose ponders. On one hand, free tournament match entry! On the other, that sounds shady, and also, she has obligations. Namely towards Alisha, whom she is sponsoring, even if she doesn't know that yet. Gotta get her that new outfit before her match while she thinks about it.

"I don't know! Sounds pretty fun, but I've got a lot of things to handle over here. We've got a surprise attraction opening and everything needs to be in order!" And given its scope, that's a lot to ensure is in order.

"Oh, maybe you could introduce me to your guy on the inside though! One can never have too many contacts like that, I could make it worth your while!"

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Ragnell laughs and takes another bite of her apple, leaning one hand on the stand and hooking an ankle around her leg. A nod follows, and when she swallows, she adds, "Well, that's rightly good to know! Might have to come back tomorrow, see what else you got for sale. I do like upright, proper, *honest* gals like you." Another wink follows. Given that grin, it might sound a little like this guy's making fun of her... but maybe he's just being overly friendly?

The talk of weapons does seem to get "him" thoughtful, though. Ragnell considers the stand and takes another bite, tapping one finger on her forearm. "Hmmm... I do see you got some maintenance kits," she says, glancing at one of the sword polishing sets. "You got anything for pistols?" This is genuine curiosity; Ragnell doesn't use bullets, but it's a good idea to maintain the weapons she uses regardless, probably because she uses them in an unconventional way.

"Yeah? Must be busy, bein' a merchant in Lacour during tournament season," she says, smiling. "Well, I'm in no hurry, an' the tournament's only just begun. I'm sure we'll have *plenty* of time later." She grins. Introduce Rose to her guy on the inside, eh? Man, Rose is going to *explode* when she realizes the truth. It's going to be *awesome*. "Worth my while, eh? What were ya thinkin'?"

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

"Of course! I'm not an expert myself, I've only fired a rifle once experimentally, but I know how to take care of them, and I know if you don't they'll clog, lose accuracy or even jam! That goes for your average firearm and ARMs both!" Though she knows even less about the latter than the former.

"Let me see, they should be somewhere around..."

She bends over to check into a box under the table. She eventually produces a neat packaging that rattles when handled, metallic clings indicating it's jam-packed with toys.

"Flexible cleaning rods, several different tips and brushes, vials of cleaner, and several other things I don't know the name of but which I know help keep your firearm clean and accurate."

She also rattles off a price, which is about what you'd expect for a high quality kit.

"And yeah! But the business is great, and we love our job, so it's not like it's any trouble. As for your while, well, I don't know... we could see about giving you a cut of the profit, that tends to be standard practice, unless there's something else you have in mind. Say, you sound kind of familiar, what's your name anyway? I'm Rose!"

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Ragnell has to give her credit: even though she was just hitting on Rose, and Rose almost certainly had no interest, she stays friendly and uses the hooks as best she can to try to secure a sale, while also giving genuinely good customer service. Of course, she's watched her at work before, so it's not like she's unfamiliar with her businesswoman side, but there's a difference between watching someone work and engaging them yourself.

She leans over when Rose produces the package, eyeing whatever decoration might be on the outside of the box. "Mm, mm, mm... That *does* sound pretty good," she muses, stroking her chin with her free hand. "About average goin' too, price-wise..." Rather than committing to the sale one way or another, though, she looks up, half-smiling. "Oh no, I imagine the only trouble is snaggin' a good spot before everyone else does. After all, y'all aren't from around here." A cut of the profit? She chuckles. "Nah, there's no real profit in this, just entertainment. But hey, isn't that the best reason to do anything?" Maybe if you're a free-spirited nature ghost with no one to take care of but yourself!!

But Rose notes that she sounds familiar and introduces herself. Ragnell laughs. No point in teasing her any longer than this, so: "Well, howdy, Rose. The name's Ragnell." The Seraph lets this sink in for a beat, then flashes her her toothiest grin yet. "How the hell are ya?" she adds, just before taking a big ol' CHOMP out of that apple.

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

"The best seats DO go go quickly, yeah!" Rose replies to the quip about snagging a good spot, before looking confused at the ghost remark. "Huh? What do ghosts have to do with -"

Ragnell continues. Rose stares.

Rose drops all pretenses of being a good merchant when Ragnell tells the truth, and dives behind several meters in shock and panic. "R-Ragnell! W-Wait, so, Eguille wasn't -"

Eguille looks back in when Rose glares in his general direction. He beams a smile and gives his boss a big thumb up. Rose does not look pleased!

"Y-Y-You -" she manages to stutter, pointing accusingly at Ragnell. Her arm flails, and slowly, visibly, panic and fear get taken over by annoyance. Maybe anger. Probably anger.

"Do NOT do that to me ever again! I'll make you eat your hat!" Possibly metaphorical. Probably not. "I swear! Don't make me come over there and..." And do what, interact like normal human beings? Like she was moments ago?

She must look like a fool to the rest of the Sparrowfeathers right now, yelling at thin air. Eguille's smarter than that, even if he doesn't have Seraph-O-Vision, but the others not so much.

"W-Why did you come here, to make me squirm?! Because it won't work!" Bit too late for that.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Waiit for it. Waaaaaiiiit for it.

THERE we go.

Ragnell *roars* with laughter, leaning over to slap her knee in sheer, outright, unbridled amusement at Rose's expense. "Don't think I could, sugarplum!" she says cheerfully in her normal voice, which is not that different from the voice she was using a minute ago. "After all, now you know what I look like, huh?" Another roguish wink, though now Rose has a better idea of its meaning.

She laughs again at her claims of not making it work. "You're yellin' and carryin' on right now, Rosie, so I'd say it's workin' plenty!" She follows this up with a cavalier shrug. "As for why--well, I didn't know you could see me now when I moseyed up. You sayin' hello like I was one o' your customers made me feel like playin' along." A grin. "Somethin' wrong with that? After all, I *was* startin' to feel tempted by that maintenance kit o' yours!"

Her smile doesn't fade--not in the slightest--but a certain gleam enters her eyes as she leans forward to get a better look at Rose's face. "Mm, mm, mm... So you can see us now, huh. You finally let Sorey do this thing, huh?" She reaches out to pat Rose on the shoulder; Rose may not stay still for this to happen. Whether it does or not, she shrugs again. "Looks like you're still afraid, but hey, better now you can confront your fears instead of runnin' away all the time, huh?"

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

"It's not! I'm perfectly calm and not afraid of you!" This may be the biggest lie Rose has ever told. Certainly it's the most transparent at least.

Ragnell was, after all, the embodiment of everything Rose feared about Seraphim. Invasive, creepy stalkers! Her and that stupid tophat guy whose name she won't even think. Maybe it's the hats. They make Seraphim evil. The theory certainly holds for Edna.

She doesn't squirm her way out of Ragnell's shoulderpat, though she isn't comfortable by the proximity either. "I... I guess, yeah. I mean that was kind of the point. That and I wanted to show that dumb Trial Knight that I can do better and won't let some dumb invisible things kill me!" Instead now she can die to dumb VISIBLE things. That's KIND OF an improvement?

Rose slowly manages to collect herself. At least Sorey and Alisha continue to be right that Seraphim are just... people. Invisible, creepy people, but people. Or jerks in Ragnell and Dezel's cases.

"If you want the kit you can just take it. I don't like debts and I know I've seen your powers help me out every so often, like when we escaped the city or in a couple of those expeditions. BUT! No more sneaking up on me! I want to see your hands at all times!" You know, figuratively.

"Or else I'll bite again!" She would, too.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

"Rose, if you're gonna lie, at least *try* to make it believable," Ragnell says wryly. She pauses, regarding Rose thoughtfully; then she adds, "You met Dezel yet?" She can't imagine *that* encounter went well. Not since Dezel was perfectly content to hide himself from her before. At least Ragnell doesn't keep her hand on Rose long, opting instead to polish off the last of her apple and fold her arms. She nods slowly, half-smiling. The Trial Knight again, huh? But hey, any improvement Rose can make, even a small one, is a good one. Ragnell's pretty sure this proves her right, too: the best way to motivate Rose is through spite.

"Oh, so you're in my *debt* now, are ya? Good to know!" she says brightly. "If that's the case, I'm sure you got better, or you'll get better! I'll hold off on that kit, hedge my options!" Ragnell, you are SUCH a jerk. Her grin widens again at Rose's threat to bite again--and then she leans in, one hand reaching up to clasp Rose by the chin and tilt her head up, if Rose lets her.

"Promise?" she purrs.

She'll let that stand for a second or two; then she laughs congenially and backs off. "Kidding! Kidding! Though hey, if you ever feel like ventin' your spleen, I sure as hell wouldn't mind seein' what you can do, Miss Assassin." Her grin turns feral. "An' if you really *can* do better."

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.


"Don't you say that jerk's name! He's lucky I let him walk out with his head still attached!" The answer: yes, they've met. No, it probably didn't go very well. Then again that wasn't that hardest outcome to envision.

Judging by her body language, Rose doesn't mind the invasion of her private space so much as she minds Ragnell being a ghost. Besides, the Serpah has gotten to observe by now that Rose is quite friendly, huggy and clingy, so surely a hand on her chin won't set her off. The fact it's a ghost doing it is the issue.

Then she barks, when Ragnell backs off.

"You take that kit or I'm making you eat it!" she threatens, possibly with real intent. It's a lot of small pieces in there, it's probably pretty eatable. Not to be confused with edible. "... but, maybe I'll take you up on that. I haven't... gotten to see how you Seraphim fight yet, and I don't really get to train against magical people like you often. Acctually, at least, really..." There's a silver lining in every disaster.

Then Rose darts for Ragnell. It's her turn to get up close and personal. Hand over shoulder, she attempts to squeeze Ragnell's head inside her elbow. "B-But don't call me that in public! What if someone heard you?!" Well, Rose, if that was the case, drawing attention to it certainly wouldn't be the greatest idea. Then again she really wanted an excuse to get back at Ragnell.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

"That badly, huh?" Ragnell says, both wry and amused. "Well, can't say as I blame ya. I tried to warn 'im..." She shrugs. What exactly did she try to warn him of? Well, it doesn't matter now. She doesn't know the extent to which Rose knows what Dezel's been doing with her body, but then again, she doesn't know the full extent of that either. This is one of those things where it's best to leave it to those involved, especially since (as far as Ragnell can tell) Rose is in the know now.

"Now is *that* any way to repay a debt?" Ragnell drawls. "Sounds to me like if you made me eat it, you'd be repaying a good turn with ill. Is *that* the kinda reputation you wanna cultivate for the Sparrowfeathers?"

Hasn't seen how the Seraphim fight yet, huh. "Well, it's not like we all fight the same," she points out. "Edna's got her own style, an' so does Lailah, an' so do I. Presumably your hat-man does too, but I've never seen 'im fight." She shrugs, then grins again. "But hey, I'm always up for a good brawl. You wanna train? You just let me know. I promise I'll go easy on ya."

It's like Ragnell is *trying* to be as obnoxious as possible. Or maybe she's just like this naturally! Who even knows??

So it's no surprise that Rose, now that she can physically interact with Seraphim, takes the opportunity to grab Ragnell in a headlock, snapping at her not to share her Secret Identity publically. Ragnell laughs, although it's a bit strangled. "Then laugh it off like it's a joke," she replies, because it *is* true that more people on Filgaia can see Seraphim than on Lunar. "Act like it's a serious thing an' people'll believe it. Act like it's a dumb nonsense remark and people'll forget I even said it."

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

"Or just don't say it at all!" Rose insists, although she eventually frees Ragnell with a barely angry anymore huff. Being able to headlock a ghost is apparently great therapy. Rose shakes her head, slaps her cheeks, and then beams a smile at at the Seraph.

"Well, at least you turned out to be kind of normal. Kind of a jerk, but a normal jerk. I can deal with this easier than if you were some spooky pile of bones rattling around in a tornado." That is a suspiciously specific example. Rose isn't sure she wants to know what that thing looked like. Sadly, she won't be able to avoid it now either.

"And yeah, I'd bet a Fire Seraph doesn't fight the same as a... Lightning? Storm? Thunder? Seraph, plus you use guns and bombs so you must stand out that much more. Still! I only ever really get to train with people like me. I could use the experience fighting someone who can wave her hand around and shoot lightning everywhere." And/or the stress relief of beating on Ragnell a bit? Perish that awful thought.

"I'm pretty sure I owe you more than a gun kit's worth, anyway, so really, take it, it's on the house." A peace offering, maybe? "It'd be inconvenient if your gun jammed during practice!" Sure, that's what it is.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Ragnell just laughs when Rose grumps at her, and continues to laugh even as she releases her. It sounds like Rose already isn't all that angry anymore. She really burns hot and fast, doesn't she? Though maybe it helps just because she *can* headlock her. When Rose calls her normal, she snorts, but with a smile.

"Is that what you were picturin'?" she says. "I'm sure the others've said so already, but Seraphim aren't *really* ghosts. We got some superficial things in common, but we're as much the same as you humans and the Veruni are, or the Metal Demons." Since, truth told, Ragnell actually isn't all that sure what's so different about the Veruni from humans. Just looking at them, they look pretty much the same to her. At least Metal Demons have the decency to have a metallic sheen to them in places. "Welp, it's just as well that you can see us, regardless. Whether we're the same as ghosts or not, you can't conquer your fears without facin' em head-on."

A chuckle. Oh yes, what an awful thought indeed. "Lightnin'," she tells her. "But it's not even just about being a Seraph of one element or another; we have individual fightin' styles, just like you humans do." Really. *Really*. Don't pay any mind to the striking similarities between Wind Seraph Dezel and Wind Seraph Zaveid. "I actually used different weapons before I came to Filgaia! Guns aren't exactly *common* over on Lunar. But it's true I do specialize in magic."

Hmmm, she sure is insisting on that kit, huh? Well, no harm in letting bygones be bygones. Now that Rose can see her, they can have a different kind of (antagonistic) relationship. Ragnell smiles and hefts it up. "Well, since you keep insistin', I guess I'll take you up on it." She turns her gaze up towards the darkening sky--it's gone from sunset reds to velvety evening blues. "Anyway, I'm sure you got more packin' up to do, so I'll leave you to it." She straightens, then gives Rose a two-fingered salute and a lopsided smile. "See ya later, Rosie."

Then, unless Rose sees fit to stop her for whatever reason, she'll amble off with the gun servicing kit in tow to... well, wherever it is in Lacour that she's staying. Where *is* she staying, anyway?

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

"I'm not sure what I WAS picturing. But it was a lot scarier than this for sure. Like... floating invisible people without bodies! And creepy faces and... you know... ghostly... bits." Rose has, clearly, never seen a real ghost. "But yeah, you're right. I couldn't live my whole life like that. But don't you take that as permission to creep up on me and do ghostly things!" Please don't!

Fighting styles, she can understand that.

Then Ragnell announces she's leaving, and Rose could not be more fine with that if she tried. She might have regained her composure but this is still... hard. Something to get used to. "Y-Yeah. I guess I WILL see you later." That's how you know she hung out with Lailah.

With the Seraph gone, Rose storms towards where Eguille was.

He is conveniently not there anymore.