2017-07-23: Mabo Curry Buns: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: 2017-07-23: Mabo Curry Buns''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Rose, Character :: Seraph Ragnell, Character :: Seraph Edna, Character :: Alisha Diphda *'''W...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 06:01, 28 July 2017

==========================<* Lacour - Market District *>==========================

The Lacour Market District does not rival that of the major commercial powers of Filgaia in terms of volume or value of trade, but it the class of the world in traditional weapons and protective gear. More than a hundred individual shops line the streets of the district, each bearing its own name, specialties, and branding. Almost any kind of weapon or armour can be found in Lacour, and odds are good that anything innovative will be found here first...or make its way here in short order.

The merchants of the Market District are proud and competitive, and walking down the streets is an exercise in patience, as they bombard passersby with litanies in praise of their work and curses for the rust-ridden works of their neighbours. At no time is this competition more fierce than during the Lacour Tournament of Arms; this annual exhibition to name the World's Greatest Fighter includes considerable prestige for the merchants sponsoring their entries, and talented fighters will find their services heavily sought-after.

BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bqMqHag86c
<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

Lacour Market District, after business hours.

While most of the merchants in the area are packing and getting ready to go home, maybe catch some of the matches still ongoing if they're lucky, the Sparrowfeathers are still at work. Their collaboration with Starfall staff and Jacqueline to provide the city with its very own Saucery Globe meant they had a lot of food to move around at any given time, so Rose figured, she'll just set a table aside with the right ingredients.

While off to the side Eguille and the others are tallying up their inventory, Rose has prepared a full table with enough ingredients on it to feed an army. Or one Edna. It'll have to do. Mabo curry buns are deliicious after all, and Ragnell promised to help make them. While Rose would normally be skeptical of a promise from her, the fact Edna will be there to enforce it makes it totally fine.

This'll have to double as a celebration meal for Alisha, too. She might not have won the main bracket of the tournament but she's conquering the second one and it's not too late for her to snatch the finals!

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

It's true. If Ragnell tried to back out of a promise to make mabo curry, or decided to muck it up on purpose for funsies, Edna would have her guts for garters. If Ragnell in fact had guts. Or if Edna wore garters. It's the principle of the matter, really!

But no: Ragnell said she'd take an honest stab at the curry if Rose supplied the ingredients, and so here we are with the lightning Seraph stirring a MASSIVE pot of mabo curry, simmering spicily with tofu and pork. She lifts the ladle, pours a bit into a tasting dish, and has herself a taste. She smiles and gives herself a decisive nod, then sets the ladle back inside.

"Curry's jus' about done," she announces. "Anyway who doesn't wanna wait for the buns can have it with a plate o' rice--" She jerks her thumb at her back, where there is a merely large pot of rice already ready. "Otherwise, Imma start in on fryin' up the buns." She grins. "O' course, there's nothin' stoppin' anyone from havin' mabo curry with rice *and* mabo curry buns if they're hungry enough. We got an ocean here, an' it's not goin' anywhere but into your stomachs."

And her stomach too, but one of the perks of being the chef is being able to constantly sample your own cooking as you cook. That last sampling she had was *merely* the most recent.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Edna has posed.

Whether or not Seraphim actually had guts was a secret held my all Seraphimkind. A mystery never to be answered. A conundrum never to be illuminated. No. Rather, Edna sits at the table prepared by Rose, rapt with attention. ...Which for Edna is just a slight touch above 'looking deathly bored of everything'. Because finally, FINALLY, the time has come. All of her waiting. All of her struggling. All of her hardships. It was all culminating into this very moment.

M a b o C u r r y .

The seconds are ticking down. Edna's blue eyes are glued to that pot being stirred like a hawk waiting to strike its prey the moment it shows weakness. And then Ragnell states that it's done. Buns? What about buns? She can have those when they're done. No, Edna is going to have mabo curry *now*. She stands up all too quickly. She marches her butt over and grabs a plate. And she holds it up to Ragnell. No words. Nothing. Just an expectant stare.


That is what her eyes say.

...Actually they probably don't.

But still.

<Pose Tracker> Alisha Diphda has posed.

Alisha is happy to support the Sparrowfeathers. After all, Rose is her sponsor -- and she did well, better than she ever expected, and guaranteed to come in third place at the worst.

She stands at the gathered table, looking down at the table with her hands resting on her hips. She looks at the mabo curry buns, her expression quite curious. That they are rather pre-mabo curry buns is, well, quite interesting to her. She looks sideways at Seraph Ragnell, her eyes widening a moment, before she smiles and nods. "Oh, yes, they do smell delicious! I can't wait to try one."

She looks sideways at Edna, and the intense look in her blue eyes. She watches her, head tilting to the side.

"Do you like these, Edna?" she asks. She may be a little clueless.

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

"Really, mabo curry buns without the buns? I mean I GUESS mabo curry is still mabo curry but what kind of life would that be?!" Rose argues with Ragnell and Edna, seeing the shorter Seraph longing for the meal without any patience.

"No, none of that! Ragnell, you put that curry in buns and nobody gets to touch it until the buns are smoking hot!" So orders the merchant, hands on her hips and all.

"Say, to pass the time until then, I'm kind of curious to hear about you two now that I can... you know, see you, talk to you. How old are you? Where're you from? Do Seraphim have parents, siblings? Oh! Do you guys have like, elemental-vision, can you detect your element? Can you breathe it? ... if I drop a Water Seraph in a lake can he breathe underwater? Edna, can you eat rocks?"

This deluge of questions is brought to you by Rose, who hasn't been spooked today yet and so is in a great, if somewhat hyperactive, mood.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

As expected, Edna marches RIGHT ON OVER, plate in hand, thrust out to Ragnell with a silent demand for mabo curry in her eyes. Maybe. Ragnell grins at her, then raises an eyebrow at Rose when she *insists* that no one get curry until they're prepped in the buns and piping hot.

"Rose, I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that," she says, amusement marking her tone, "and you'll thank me later when Edna *doesn't* leave your caravan stranded on a mysterious new set of plateaus out of spite 'cuz of it." She grins, winks, and adds, "But hey, if *you* wanna wait, I got no problem with that!"

Mind, Ragnell still has to turn to the pot of rice with a serving spoon and the pot of curry with that ladle before she can actually serve Edna up anything, so if Rose wants to make her protest more *insistent*, she still has that opportunity. But does she *really* want to risk Edna's wrath? Does she *really*? Either way, once the matter of Edna's plate is settled, she'll roll up her sleeves, pull up her gloves, test the pot of oil boiling on another stovetop, and once she's satisfied that it's hot enough, take up the rolls of raw dough and start deftly opening them up, pouring mabo curry inside, and sealing them up again. She'll make half a dozen of these before setting them on a rack to lower into the fryer.

"Glad you're lookin' forward to 'em, Princess!" she says then to Alisha, smile crooked. She wipes off her hands on a towel, then has herself a seat to rest for the moment. "Congrats on how far you've made it in the tourney, too. You've grown a lot." Is that--? Why, it *is* praise! Or maybe Ragnell's just in a good mood in general. She *is* rather capricious. Then she chuckles at Rose's barrage of questions. "Can you maybe dial back the flood of questions to a mere stream?" she says with dry humor. "I'm about eight hundred or so, give or take a couple decades. S'pretty young for a Seraph." Dezel is going to eat his hat when he hears this. "Depends on the Seraph--some do, some don't. I got parents. Probably siblings, I dunno. I haven't been back to my homeland in a long while." She shrugs. "An' if nothin' else, I don't think you'd be able to drown Mikleo too easily."

Why yes, she quite deliberately *did* only answer some of Rose's questions. She'll have to pick and choose which ones she asks next!

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Edna has posed.

Rose has instated a mabo curry embargo.

Edna does not look pleased. Those cold, blue eyes wooden turn from Ragnell to the merchant.

She says nothing, but her gaze says everything.


..... ........

Are her eyes swirling?

No... she's just staring quietly like a petulant child waiting to get her way. Shhhh, she's 821312832183 years old, she's not a child, okay? Okay.

Thankfully, Ragnell knows what the deal is. She knows not to stand between to predator and her prey. A hunter and her quarry. A warrior and the challenge that lies before them. A hero, and their spoils. Salvation for all mankind. This was a matter of utmost importance. Should a critical error be made here, who knows what Lacour was look like the very next day?

Early plate of curry acquired, Edna nods firmly at Ragnell, then heads back to the table where she has herself a seat. A spoon is dipped in and she blows on it a bit before having a bite. Munch munch munch. Swallow.

"...... ....."

Edna's expression doesn't change, but... but... are those sparkles around her? The Earth Seraph looks up at the sky, a single tear glistening in the corner of her eye. Finally. Finally, the long journey is over. After ten thousand years of death, a light is found at the end of the tunnel. Filgaia and Lunar have both been saved.

Oh, right. Alisha asked her something. Edna snaps out of her reverie and spoons up another bite. "The buns don't matter. Just a curry." Munch munch. Rose asks a million questions, and Edna calmly goes through them in the most simple manner possible. "Older than you. Lunar. Yes. Yes. Yes. Case by case. Rocks taste terrible, why would you even ask that."

Questions answered. Edna rewards herself with another spoonful of curry and rice.

<Pose Tracker> Alisha Diphda has posed.

The princess looks sideways at Rose, one eyebrow raising. She didn't expect the sudden barrage of questions to the Seraphim. Someone, it seems, is feeling much more talkative with the Seraphim than she used to be. Maybe Rose is in an especially good mood today? It might make sense. She looks back from her, though, to Ragnell.

Her smile is back at the praise. "Why, thank you," Alisha says. "I am surprised at how far I came. I did not know if I would do that well, at first. But..." There was no undercutting her performance. Even if she loses in the next match, she was heads and tails above many of the combatants in this tournament. She opens her mouth.

Then closes it, and looks sideways at Edna.

"Oh... you prefer it without the buns?" she asks. She blinks, then looks at Rose. "But... are the buns important, somehow? I have not partaken of many buns."


<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

Between Ragnell's threats and Edna suddenly looking scary, Rose backs down and allows this transgression to occur. "Fine, fine! Geez, bun-less mabo curry buns, what a dark age we're in. Forget the Lord of Calamity, this is the marker history's taken a turn for the worse," she says, half-joking, half-exasperated. SHE will wait for the buns to be ready, thank you very much.

Both Seraphim see fit to answer the questions, and Rose's mood pipes back up as she processes the answers. "It's still really weird to think people've been living alongside you guys for thousands of years and you're, at best, a mostly forgotten religion. I mean, the princess aside, I just haven't met a lot of people who still believe in Seraphim, you know? On Lunar I mean. When Sorey showed up it kind of revived interest, but I'm not sure people are that interested in Seraphim. Feels more like he's a convenient hero figure for people." A pause, and she backs up. "How do you KNOW rocks taste terrible? And eight-hundred years old is YOUNG?" Rose eyes Edna and Ragnell suspiciously. Does that mean that yes, they can eat rocks??? And how old would old be for a Seraph??? Rose has more questions!

Then she turns, towards Alisha. "Oh you're just the most adorable princess sometimes. Of course the buns are important! ... but maybe don't say it like THAT."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Technically they're not threats from Ragnell, they're predictions. Warnings, if you will. Still, if Rose is willing to back down, that's for the best for her and her caravan. Ragnell grins at her, winking at the mention of the Lord of Calamity. "We'll be turnin' into Hellions any second now, just you wait," she jokes.

To Alisha, she says, "But, nothin'. Even if you lose the next match, that still puts you in, what, third place? That's pretty good rankin' for almost... what was it, thirty-somethin' competitors? Twenty-eight? Somethin' like that." She waves a dismissive hand. "Bunch of the round-oners were chumps. After the openin' ceremonies, things didn't start *really* gettin' good until round two." She grins. "I'm rootin' for ya, though, Princess." Granted that she doesn't know Garan at all and "Lululu Wait" is another matter entirely, but still. It's nice to see someone you helped temper go on to greater things.

That grin softens into something a touch gentler, more pleased and almost affectionate, when Edna silently accepts Ragnell's curry and sparkles over it. Ragnell hadn't been sure that the flavor would be up to par--she did well enough, in her opinion, but would Edna agree? Apparently so, though. That's nice in its own way. She and Edna might not be close enough to be "friends," per se, but they *are* fellow Seraphim. Ragnell has a fondness for her that she plain doesn't for the humans and Metal Demons and so on that she's met on this planet.

Then she snorts with laughter at Edna's response to Rose's questions. "Nice," she remarks. She cackles again when Alisha starts going on about buns. "Oh yeah, I 'magine Rose is *all about* the buns. She can't keep her hands off them sizzlin' hot buns." Her grin turns wolfish. "Maybe you'd like a chance to help me make some, so she can get a taste a' *your* buns. I'm sure she'd *looooove* that, wouldn't ya, Rosie?" 'Maybe don't say it like that,' she says. TOO LATE, ROSE.

Her humor abates when Rose calls them a 'mostly forgotten religion.' Ragnell knows she means no harm by that, but... oof. Still, she doesn't complain. It's the truth. Humans *have* forgotten Seraphim, for the most part--and Sorey's appearance doesn't mean they've remembered. "After all, he's the one y'all humans can see," she says with a shrug. Her eyes narrow. "And most humans don't care to fight for themselves. They just want someone else to do the hard work of keepin' everyone safe so they can reap the benefits."

But then Rose goes back to the questions, and Ragnell snorts, smirking. "It sure is," she replies. "I got another twelve hundred years t' go before they'll let me into the Katz's Pajamaz. Can you believe that?"

Ragnell does not offer an explanation as to what the Katz's Pajamaz is.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Edna has posed.

Edna has another spoonful as she listens. Alisha gets a glance then, "Princess. You have to win this tournament." Beat. "My lifetime supply of Royal Crablettes is hanging in the balance." Of course. Another spoonful. "But... mmnphmmph...-I'm surprised that you've come this far." There's a faint smile that follows after Edna dabs her mouth with a napkin. "You've grown a bit stronger." That compliment hangs in the air for a second, before she adds, "Just don't lose now, or else you'll be crowned Alisha Diphda, The Jobber Princess. And then they'll sell shirts with your face on it. It'll be legendary."

...Is that a warning or a wish? It's hard to tell.

To Rose, Edna stares blankly. "Eight hundred years old is pretty young." She tilts her head slightly. "After all, I'm older than Ragnell." And yet she doesn't look it one bit. There's no pride in that statement, just cold hard fact. A shrug follows. "People don't need to worship us. It's just more convenient that they do." Pause. "Plus the offerings are tasty." Ah, there it is.

Those words spoken, the Earth Seraph falls quiet again as she focuses on wolfing down Ragnell's curry. She may not have offered the chef her compliments, but she really doesn't need to, does she?

<Pose Tracker> Alisha Diphda has posed.

"Like what?" Alisha asks, guilelessly.

Ragnell explains and the princess turns bright red, crossing her arms and looking to the side. "Hmph! I-I meant that in no such way! I--I don't see what--this is--" She sputters, her face growing hotter, and then she declares loudly: "Hmph!"

She sighs, though, and looks back between the two Seraphim. "So many years... it is hard to imagine. Then, most humans you've met... we barely live a fraction of your lives, don't we?" It would explain a lot -- though not everything. Her brow furrows at the very idea of humans forgetting the Seraphim.

Because they did.

She looks at Edna, then, and hesitates -- before she smiles back at her. Until her eyes widen, and she holds her hands over her mouth, then shakes her head 'no' once. "I-I, um, I will try my hardest, Edna. They... they wouldn't really call me that, would they?"

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

"Ragnell!" Such terrible language! Rose has to keep herself from laughing too much, to the point where her follow-up threats lose any credibility. "I'll bite you again, I'll do it!" She's pretty hard to offend, luckily, so it mostly rolls off her. She conveniently doesn't address the hidden meaning of the Seraph's words.

"Katz's Pajamaz? A place where you have to be two thousand to enter? C'mon, now you're just pulling my leg. Though come to think of it... do Seraphim have... cities? You know, civilization? I don't mean some small village like Sorey's apparently from, I mean places like Ladylake or Lastonbell. I guess they'd have to be pretty well hidden if you do, or... hang on, since your clothes and weapons are invisible, if you built a house, would it be all ghostly and spiritual too?"

Oh no, there she goes again.

"For that matter how come I can TOUCH you guys now that I can SEE you but when I couldn't SEE you I couldn't really TOUCH you but YOU could still poke at ME? How do your bodies... work? How come your clothes are invisible but when you pick up something it just looks like it's floating?"

This replaces the conversation about humans being awful entirely, since Ragnell and Rose would just be agreeing past each other and it'd probably make Alisha uncomfortable. Though she does reassure Edna: "Hey, if you want some food offerings, I already promised Sorey I'd fund his travels! So as long as I've got a job you can be sure you'll be getting some offerings from me! I'm guessing Sorey won't rest until humans and Seraphim can coexist again though... no idea how he'll pull that off, but maybe there's hope yet."

Amused by Alisha turning red, Rose grins, but decides not to push, focusing on the tournament instead of buns. "Nah, I'm pretty sure people'll root for you even if you ~only~ finish in third place. Bronze medal is still pretty good you know? It sure made the travel fund pouch pretty heavy."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

"Man, that sure would be an insult, bein' the Jobber Princess," Ragnell muses. "She got way farther than Claude, but *he* gets to be the King. Then again, maybe that's only natural for someone who jobs as hard as he does?" Ragnell may only have a loose concept of what 'jobbing' and 'jobber' means in this context. This does not stop her from using the word. To Alisha, she says, "Maybe? Probably." A beat. "Only if you lose in a *really* spectacular fashion, I'd expect, though." That's... comforting? Maybe?

She cackles at Alisha's flustered indignation, which is only made worse when Rose's castigation is undercut by her own laughter. She grins wolfishly at Rose, winks, and purrs, "Is that a promise?" Go on! Do it! She *dares* you.

As for Seraphim civilizations, though... Ragnell raises her eyebrows at Edna, who only devours that mabo curry. That, in and of itself, is compliment enough. And it's a good attitude to have, that it doesn't matter if humans worship them or not. As for cities, though... She gives Rose a half-smile. "Well, I'll leave that up to your ample imagination," she drawls. "As for the metaphysics of it all--damned if *I* know. That's just how it is. I can tell you our clothes are actually just manifestations of our power, so they're basically part of us--whereas if we pick somethin' up, say, a plate of curry," she nods to Edna, "that's its own object. In your case, when it comes to pokin' about, I'd guess it was 'cuz you both have high Resonance but were deep in denial for a while." She grins, showing off her teeth. "How about that! Your fear of ghosts just made you *more* vulnerable to ghosts!"

She might snark harder than that, but the hourglass that was previously unmentioned but totally was there the whole time runs out of sand just then. Ragnell glances at it, then returns to the mabo curry buns. Don't want to let them burn, after all. They sizzle heartily when she pulls up the strainer, too. She taps the metal against the pot to get rid of the excess oil, then lays them out on another grid to let them drain and cool off. "S'pose I shoulda prepped the next round of buns while we were talking," she remarks. "Ah well, I'll do that now. Y'all can dig in if you like, but if you burn yourselves, it's on you."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Edna has posed.

Edna smiles mysteriously at Alisha, but doesn't actually answer whether or not people would actually call her the Jobber Princess. All that serves to accomplish is to keep her in suspense. ...Just as planned.

Edna clears her plate, rolling her eyes at all this talk of buns. "Buns this, buns that..." The first round of finished curry buns are eyed and she adds, "Those are the only buns that matter." Wait, didn't she just say that the buns didn't matter just a short bit ago? Shhhhh. There's a hierarchy of bun importance. It goes Your Buns > Mabo Curry Buns > Mabo Curry. Memorize this important flowchart.

It will save lives.

Rose's inquiry regarding Seraphim just earns her a silent stare. "... Use your imagination." A faint smirk follows. Nevermind that the truth for her was that she just lived on a mountain. Nope. That's the boring answer. A shrug follows regarding Seraphim physiology. "You want to know how we work? Why don't you go on up to Lunar and ask Althena? I'm sure she'd *love* to answer you."

Totally, right?

<Pose Tracker> Alisha Diphda has posed.

"Oh, did it? I am glad to know it's brought in customers," Alisha says, with a smile. She has liked having people cheer for her -- liked getting the adoration. It makes her think, sometimes, the way Rose encouraging her to think about ruling one day does. Those aren't easy, simple thoughts for the princess to consider. She hesitates, though, when Ragnell explains.

"I--I will try to not lose in a really spectacular fashion, then," she says. "Or... or at all. I do not want to be the Jobber Princess."

Perhaps Edna's plan is working. The crablettes grow closer.

She wrinkles her nose, though, and takes a bun. She waits, to be cautious, and feels the heat radiating into her hands. She looks up at them. "A Seraphim city," she says with a sigh. "It would be something to see."

But she frowns, a little, at the mention of the Goddess. She has a lot of questions to ask the Goddess, some day.

It isn't easy to be faithful in days like these.

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

"Pass, she sounds fishy," Rose answers Edna, waving a hand in the air. "I don't trust anyone who hands out judgment without ever appearing to do it in-person. This whole thing the Guard has against Lucia stinks. I don't know if it's the goddess' fault or if someone is putting words in her mouth but it hasn't made me want to sit down and chat with her. Maybe some of her officials, though. I'll get this sorted out eventually."

That's a Serious Rose look for a second there.

This might end up involving knives.

As Ragnell delivers buns, Rose plops down at the table and sets one in her plate, careful. She'd accept nothing but smoking hot buns and these were delivered. A look at the Seraph as she waits for her meal to cool just a bit. "That's kind of cool though! I wish I could just MAKE clothes with superpowers like that. Can you change them at will or do they kind of grow up as you do?" Wait, hang on. Edna said she was older. "... and how come Edna's rocking being young way better than you despite the age difference? Is it because you're an old hag at heart?" Look, Rose is allowed to take some shots too.

Then she looks at Alisha, curious. "A gald for your thoughts, princess. Something wrong?"

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Poor Lunata, really. She's been trying so hard to master mabo curry for Edna's sake... Actually, no, from the way Ragnell's heard it, she's been busy cleaning up in the tournament with her new superpowers. So it goes. Maybe Ragnell will bribe her with tips on how to make mabo curry if she's reluctant to fight, though how reluctant could she really be if she's made it to the top three? (One would be surprised, no doubt.)

Either way, Ragnell snorts at Edna's declaration that the only buns that matter are mabo curry buns, and gets to making the next half-dozen. It's good timing, really--the first batch is done by the time Edna cleans her plate. She snorts again, this time in amusement, when Edna suggests Rose go ask Althena. There's something a little pensive, a little distant, in her red eyes, though...

"Yeah, you already get enough of that at home, don't ya?" Ragnell remarks to Alisha, of being the Jobber Princess. It's said without rancor or malice, unlike the first time they met, which might just make it worse. At least there's no pity there, either: just a certain matter-of-factness. She smiles next, though. "Or not," Ragnell jokes of Seraphim cities, "as it were."

Rose, though... Ragnell side-eyes her and her opinion on both the Goddess and Lucia. Hmmm... She chuckles a little, then returns her attention to the buns. They're not difficult to set up, and soon she has another round dipped into the boiling oil, hands wiped, and hourglass turned. "If we wanted to, we could. Obviously I wasn't always dressed like this." She gestures at herself and her distinctly Filgaian fashion. "But I took a real shine to the local style, so I decided to change it up." She half-smiles--then snorts at Rose's pot-shot. "That's right," she says--and then snakes out a hand to snatch the curry bun right off Rose's plate. She can just get another one from the cooling rack so it's not a big deal, but it's the principle of the matter. "But call me back when when *you're* eight hundred an' see if you look as good as I do now." She smirks, then takes a bite of the bun. Ooh, that *is* hot. Nice and steamy and delicious!

She doesn't remark on Alisha's frown. Rose, conveniently, does that for her. For now, she just enjoys the fruits of her labors.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Edna has posed.

Ah. Yes. A pleasant chat with officials in high up positions on the Althena ladder. Yeah, Edna doesn't need to guess at what that entails. Probably knives, judging by the look in the merchant's eyes.

Edna takes a bun and closes her eyes. "I don't think I need to bother saying this, but but you should be careful that you don't wind up breeding more Malevolence with your actions." She takes a bite and chews thoughtfully for a moment. More questions. Edna nods. "Yes. We can change our clothing at will." At that, the Earth Seraph focuses, and her white dress suddenly becomes black. "...Like so."

She focuses again, and it turns white again. "But I prefer this." She shakes her head a bit after. "We don't just make clothes appear, however. If we acquire something, and it becomes our belonging, then it also won't appear to the eyes of those with low Resonance." That would explain her boots and her glove. Eizen gave her those.

Imagine a pair of boots and a glove just tromping down the street though.

Ragnell talks about how she changed up her style because she found Filgaian fashion more her speed. Edna smirks and nods. "It does suit your roguish personality a fair bit more." Roguish. Right.

Edna's gaze falls on Alisha at this point, but she remains silent. She figures that she can assume what the princess might be thinking about at this point. Being a believer in Althena is rough business in these times. With the Guard running about, all manner of strange bans and laws, the Goddess' seclusion... Hm.

<Pose Tracker> Alisha Diphda has posed.

"Mm, quite," Alisha answers Ragnell, but she doesn't expound on it. Her current line of thought is concerning; that one is depressing. Rose asks her what she is thinking. She looks at her -- and then at Edna, when she finds her looking her way, too. "I have wondered about the Goddess. About why she has pursued Lucia so doggedly--when, perhaps, she could be saved. And why she has made many of the decrees that she has."

She shakes her head. "I wish I had an answer. I know some can accept it, but I don't know that I can." Alisha looks sideways at Rose. "It is complicated. But..."

She smiles, then shakes her head.

"We should enjoy the mabo curry buns," she says. "It isn't often that we get them. And I think this problem will still be here tomorrow."

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

"Oh psht, Malevolence Schmalevolence. You think there's such a thing as someone whose actions don't breed negativity? I bet even the Shepherd has enemies. People who're just grinding their teeth he exists at all, festering in those feelings until eventually they just - EEE!"

Until they just what? Rose stumbles back, almost falling off her chair at the sight of Edna making her clothes just change color. She tenses up, frowning. "Dangit, a little warning before you do weird ghost stuff! I-I swear, you guys." Rose sighs. First Ragnell poking at her fear earlier, now Edna. Life is terrible.

At least she has mabo curry buns. Rose grabs hers and-- IT'S GONE. OH NO.

Rose glares at Ragnell. "Now that's just playing dirty, going after someone's food! Just for that I'll make sure I live to a thousand and still look like I'm a dashing teenager! Much better than you." She's not a teenager but that's besides the point.

Alisha has a good point, as concerns the other conversation.

"Sure, sure," Rose answers her, reaching for another bun. Good thing Ragnell made plenty.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

"Gold an' white *does* suit you better," Ragnell observes after Edna changes her outfit to black and back. She grins and jokes, "The black just makes you look too obviously evil. You gotta lure the suckers in first." Suckers who'll make her mabo curry buns, obviously. Though, speaking of which: "Hey, I *made* this food," Ragnell points out, waving the bun at Rose. She leaves out the part where Rose supplied the ingredients and the recipe. "You wanna trash-talk, maybe don't do it just as I'm servin' you up a hot meal." Still, she grins. Rose, still young and peachy in a thousand years, huh? "Heh. I'll look forward to that."

But Alisha makes a varity of good points, both from the oddness of the Goddess's behavior to the fact that those problems will remain long after they enjoy this meal. "Good thinkin'. I still got a million o' these left to make." And, indeed, she continues to prep the to-be-cooked buns while having a bun in her mouth. It's perhaps an impressive display of multi-tasking.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Edna has posed.

Edna shrugs. "It's not my job to stop you. If you want to do that kind of stuff, then be my guest." Edna really could not care less. Just as long as she isn't caught in the crossfire. She wolfs down another bun, then grabs another. "Anyone who can be mad that the Shepherd even exists has got to be living a pretty miserable life though.

Though she does smirk at Rose who freaks out at the color change. Ragnell is glanced at next, and she nods. "Right. Need to lure them in with my ladylike charm, then snare them in my waiting talons."

She nods sagely after that.

Edna, no.

Alisha's thoughts are considered, and Edna has her opinion about them. ...But she probably shouldn't mention it. It wouldn't be great for morale, after all.