2017-08-06: Lacourian Fashion: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Lacourian Fashion''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Jacqueline Barber, Character :: Kourin, Character :: Ethius Hesiod, Character :: Arleph Ardan *'''Where...")
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Revision as of 03:22, 7 August 2017

  • Log: Lacourian Fashion
  • Cast: Jacqueline Barber, Kourin, Ethius Hesiod, Arleph Ardan
  • Where: Lacour - Market District
  • Date: 08-08-2017
  • Summary: Jacqueline and Ethius join Kourin on a shopping trip to find clothes she can call her own, briefly running into Arleph on the way.

========================<* Lacour - Market District *>========================

The Lacour Market District does not rival that of the major commercial powers of Filgaia in terms of volume or value of trade, but it the class of the world in traditional weapons and protective gear. More than a hundred individual shops line the streets of the district, each bearing its own name, specialties, and branding. Almost any kind of weapon or armour can be found in Lacour, and odds are good that anything innovative will be found here first...or make its way here in short order.

The merchants of the Market District are proud and competitive, and walking down the streets is an exercise in patience, as they bombard passersby with litanies in praise of their work and curses for the rust-ridden works of their neighbours. At no time is this competition more fierce than during the Lacour Tournament of Arms; this annual exhibition to name the World's Greatest Fighter includes considerable prestige for the merchants sponsoring their entries, and talented fighters will find their services heavily sought-after.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

A while back, Kourin had professed a desire - to have clothes of her own, clothes that weren't just for practical purposes. Jacqueline was more than willing to help her on this endeavor. Her original plan had been to get everyone together on this, but as they all seemed to be busy, it was just her, Kourin, and Ethius.

This was fine, Jacqueline imagined that Kourin would probably more comfortable with a smaller group, anyway.

"So, I've been taking some notes on the clothing stores in the area...I think I've worked out a pretty efficient route throughout the marketplace. If we take this route we can get around while avoiding all the big crowds." Jacqueline had said. She'd procured a map of Lacour, somehow, and had filled it with all kinds of notes. If one took a closer look, one could even see that she'd routed in a stop by that cafe that they had originally made these plans in.

This was probably to be expected from a merchant.

They were strolling casually through the streets now, partway into the route.

"I'll admit, it is nice to be able to walk through the streets of Lacour without worrying about promoting my business, or about how Lunata's fairing in the Tournament...I'm so used to rushing things, I appreciate a chance to just take things slowly." Jacqueline comments with a smile.

<Pose Tracker> Kourin has posed.

Kourin's almost free of the habit of glancing over her shoulder constantly to check for pursuit. Almost. She's definitely glad that this didn't turn into a grand public outing. She doesn't like to be the center of attention, or feel like a spectacle, and somehow trying on different clothes in front of everyone would have made her feel like just that.

Spirit is along, but with a leash today - more because there will be times when Kourin is in a changeroom and will need him outside than because of any real concerns about him running off or the like.

"It can be nice to savor the moments that Althena gives us--sorry," Kourin apologizes. "I should not assume...well, I have always felt the same, anyway. I am glad you are here to make the plans for this...I would have had no idea where to start. I have never been...shopping...before."

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

Ethius walks along behind the two of them, stoic and quiet as ever with the same long stare. Kourin can be reassured that he's behind her and that he probably won't let anyone scary or weird come too close to her.

...People other than Ethius, anyway, who is plenty scary and weird and already kind of close?!

He is carrying bags in both hands.

On closer inspection of his backside, he is also wearing several bags' worth of purchases already. (Someone lost the Rock Paper Scissors tournament to avoid being the shopping trip pack mule recently...)

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline chuckles slightly, but it's a good-natured sort.

"It's alright, Kourin. I appreciate your mindfulness, but you don't have to hold back around me." She replies with a smile in her direction. Kourin's belief in Althena was a part of who she was, after. Jacqueline might not share that faith, but she wouldn't be one to judge her for it. She returns her attention to the path ahead, then, and glances down at her map.

"I'm glad to help out! Honestly...this is my first time, too. At least, anything like this...Lacour is quite a bit different from Adlehyde." She replies. "There's so much more variety than I expected...oh, speaking of..."

With that, she glances back towards Ethius.

"How're you holding up back there?" She asks. He wasn't complaining...

...But this is Ethius we were talking about here. Complaining wasn't exactly something he did.

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

"I am fine, Miss Jay," Ethius responds with the same trademark nonchalance as always. It is a professional courtesy that he endures the burden as such that he will not let on the threat of his right shoulder being dislocated under the encumbrance.

<Pose Tracker> Kourin has posed.

Kourin smiles shyly back. "It is a point of contention that I raised with my former commander," she explains, "and I would be a hypocrite if I was not careful. Hm." She pauses, looking at the storefronts. "There are...many shops, it seems. I...suppose I knew that there would be such a variety but in my duty before I never really paused to look at them...as such." She sighs. "Despite wanting to savor each moment, there was also the duty to Althena to be observed, after all."

She glances back at Ethius. "Are you well, Mr. Ethius? I believe our next shop is just ahead, and we can rest there..."

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

"Your concern is appreciated, Miss Kourin," Ethius states this sentence with the amount of practice it has seen in live situations over the last weeks, "but I am fine. Take as much time as you would consider necessary for your purposes."

Inwardly, Ethius considers a number of secret strategems in which to foil Cyre and ensure that he will be the one to assume the role of beast of burden on the next shopping trip of the Caravan Kinship.

<Pose Tracker> Arleph Ardan has posed.

Arleph steps out of a shop, too. A clothing shop, at that. Upon closer examination, it is as close you can get of a thrift store in middle of Lacour. Cheap, used and inexpensive, a wonderful combination when you are a Drifter like himself. Then again, clothing have never been much. In his arms, are several bags, tall with neat-folded clothes, while gathering few more over his back and his shoulders. It have many sorts of clothing, men's, women's, many sticking out as everything was shoved into the bags to cram as much space as possible. Still, he appears to have little problem with all of the bags he's carrying.

It might be due to the symbological symbols glowing on the side of a few of them.

He is merrily on his way, hefting up his bags and walking along, straight in the path of Jacqueline and Kourin, dodging around "'Scuse me." The Symbologist says out, skipping a moment when he hears the names. His head pokes out, his hat first. "Ethius?"

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

Ethius turns his head after addressing Kourin's fears towards a certain local country doctor, but says nothing one way or the other. He doesn't seem surprised or dissatisfied - it just seems a quiet acknowledgement that Arleph is speaking to him, with the silent implication that he'll probably say what he wants while he continues to suffer in dutiful silence.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"Ah, I see..." Jacqueline replies with a nod of acknowledgement. She could understand that. If Kourin didn't want to fall victim to the same things she had spoken out against, she would support her in that endeavor.

"I'll admit, I would be curious to see what stores on Lunar are like..." She replies. Probably much the same, but the wares would be the interesting part.

Jacqueline steps aside as someone steps out of nearby store, laden with even more bags than Ethius was. She wouldn't have given him a second thought except he then paused, and mentioned Ethius.

That was interesting. Jacqueline turns to face him now, and studies him for a moment.

"Ah, you're...Doctor Ardan, correct?" Jacqueline asks, turning to face him properly. They'd met once before, a while back, and she'd recognised his name in the Tournament.

<Pose Tracker> Kourin has posed.

Kourin pauses, politely regarding the stranger.

Spirit, who is a Good Dog, trots over to him, tail wagging as he sniffs at the New Person.

<Pose Tracker> Arleph Ardan has posed.

The New Person smells like dust, frizty sparklers, cheap clothes dust balls and ????.

Arleph returns the gaze on Ethius. "Silent as always." Arleph says, tilting his head to one side, before refocusing on Jacqueline. "Ah! Yes! That is correct, Ms. I am Doctor Arleph Ardan, a pleasure to meet you."

The Symbologist wriggles an hand out from carrying a bag, lifting one out beside him and snaps a finger. A brief glow comes from his gloves and the bag remains in mid-air, sticking out a gloved hand for her to shake. "I am sorry to interrupt in your shopping day, but I know of Ethius from several avenues."

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

Ethius continues to betray little emotion or intent, the way he just stands there and stares as the country doctor seems to make himself a focal point of the day's interruptions. It is true that they have occasionally been side by side on a number of expeditions - plus the match in the Lacour Tournament of Arms, where he was soundly defeated with ease.

Too much ease.

"I see you are in good health." He doesn't sound enthusiastic. (He never does, so this... is normal?)

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"I'm Jay, of the Caravan Kinship." Jacqueline replies with a nod and a smile. She regards his use of Symbology with interest. On the whole she wasn't a big fan of Symbology, since she felt much that it could do she could do just as well with Crest Graphs...but that level of Sorcery wasn't something she'd be able to pull off.

She accepts his hand and shakes, then glances toward Kourin as if asking whether she'd prefer to introduce herself and Spirit or if she wanted Jacqueline to do it.

"Ah...you must do a lot of Digging, then." Jacqueline comments with a knowing chuckle. Ethius was somewhat of a fixture at many of those old ruins, after all. Or, at least he had been. She awasn

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

wasn't sure if he still kept up with that.

<Pose Tracker> Kourin has posed.

Kourin accepts the handshake hesitantly. "I am called Kourin," she says. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Ardan." She does not say much more--she's a very shy person!

<Pose Tracker> Arleph Ardan has posed.

"Ah! I've heard of you." Arleph replies. His grip is firm, strong enough as he retracts his hand back, grabbing hold of the bag once more. This one appears to be full of old, dusty robes. When he grabs upon the bag, the symbol vanishes. "It's certainly a pleasure to meet both of you." He gives Kourin a bow of the head, too. She's certainly seemingly shy, it's true. Arleph have an easy, causal smile to his expression, while he rolls his shoulder on the bags he carries. "Yes, I do some Digging now and then, there's no shame in that." He agrees on, eyes fleeing at Ethius again.

Ethius that gave up a fight. With so many mysterious things... and uses illegal spells. Hrm.

"I take it you are all companions, then?"

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

Ethius seems content to let the women do the talking as he keeps his eyes focused upon Arleph. It's kind of odd to note specifically when he scrutinizes someone or something. He just has a way with his eyes where it looks like he's doing that with virtually everything they survey. Learning? Judging?

He takes a moment to observe Kourin's hesitation in her body language and voice, but nothing seems to come of it. (Yet?)

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

It was always a pleasure to hear that someone had heard of them before. Jacqueline offers Arleph another smile.

"Indeed it is." She agrees with a nod. And, of course she would never judge someone for digging.

"Oh, of course not. I do a fair amount myself, actually. It's how I've met most of my good friends." She replies, shaking her head.

"And yes, we are! They're both part of the Caravan with me. Don't hesitate to call on us if you ever need anything, Doctor. Friends get a special discount!" The latter statement is added with a wink. You could always trust Jacqueline to work in a sales pitch.

<Pose Tracker> Kourin has posed.

Kourin nods, but says nothing.

Spirit wags his tail, hoping for pettings.

<Pose Tracker> Arleph Ardan has posed.

Arleph is not observing Ethius, but that does not mean he's not looking at him, or paying attention to him. The fellow Symbologist have always been a mystery to him, even more that he knows, for a sure thing, that he is not from this world as well. It's much like a standoff. Does he know? Does he know that he knows? What purpose would it serve to out him -- that would out him, too.

There's a brief moment where Arleph was looking at Ethius, then snapping back to attention at Jacqueline. "Ahahaha! I shall have to keep it in mind, then." Arleph says, "If you have needs of Symbological items, in the same manner, do come and find me as well: I take consultions on the matter, I offer very reasonable prices!"

Arleph lifts a hand to his head, taking off his hat in a greetings. "In any case, I shall not intrude upon your shopping time any further, Ms. Jay, Kourin. I shall be on my way: this old clothing shall not be made into armor by itself, after all."

Spirit will feel a gloved hand scritching his head. Good dog. Best dog.

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

Ethius is the sole Symbologist of the Caravan Kinship - it does sound like he really could make good use of Doctor Ardan's services, right? This information doesn't seem to please nor anger him, but there's just that sense he might be vying for Spirit's job as a guard dog. (Then what will Spirit do for a living?!)

"I will keep this in mind, Doctor," he says, as though deciding words would be apt, as he reasserts the grip of the bag(s) in his left hand. Hopefully those words don't mean anything more than just what is being said, on their own?1

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"I'll definitely keep you in mind, Doctor." Jacqueline replies with a nod. Symbological items weren't exactly easy to come by, and when they were they were quite expensive. Knowing someone who could produce them would be quite beneficial - the Caravan might need them in the future. She'd have to remember him in the future.

In lieu of a hat, Jacqueline nods when he begins to depart.

"Ahh, I was wondering what that assortment was for. Good luck with your work!" She replies, bidding him farewell with a wave. Once he leaves, she returns her attention to her map once more, though she spares a glance toward Ethius.

"He seems a nice enough fellow." She comments with a smile.

Now where were we...ah, our next stop should be just right up here." She says, pointing out a store not far from the one Arleph had emerged from.

<Pose Tracker> Kourin has posed.

Kourin nods. "He seemed quite polite...I wish I was...more social, but...it is still difficult for me." She sighs. "I am glad to have you both as friends, however."

Spirit wags his tail happily, then follows after his Mistress.

Kourin looks at the wares on display and her face goes a little paler than normal. "These...these clothes are very fine, but...the prices..."

The prices are quite reasonable, in fact. Kourin's just not used to shopping.

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

"If I may take a moment to ask, Miss Kourin," speaks Ethius as he verbally intrudes on the shopping process for the very first time this entire outing as he draws a bit closer to observe the clothes in question she seems to be worried about, "do these clothes much resemble the ones people wear from where you originated?"

<Pose Tracker> Kourin has posed.

Kourin shakes her head. "No...the clothes on Lunar are very different. Simpler, in some ways." She seems to be struggling to find the words to explain, but fashion is not her forte. "The cuts...the...colors..." She sighs. "They are sometimes extravagant, but the clothes that the poor here wear are of higher quality than the poor at home, I believe."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"Just take it one step at a time, at your own pace. Don't try to rush it." Jacqueline replies, then smiles. "But I'm glad too, Kourin. You, Ethius...and Spirit too, of course."

Naturally, Spirit receives a gentle headpat after that's said.

Jacqueline looks over the wares along with Kourin. She takes the prices into consideration. Frankly, the price wasn't really too much of a concern for her. As long as it wasn't going to put them too far back, she didn't mind if they had to pay a little extra for Kourin's sake. Not that these prices were particularly bad. Still...

"Well, that's why I'm here. I'm a master of the time-honored tradition of haggling." Jacqueline replies confidently. It was a skill she was quite familiar with as a merchant, both haggling and being haggled with.

She does pause as Kourin elaborates on clothing back on Lunar.

"Hmm...well, we do have techniques and technology here that might allow us to make them at a cheaper cost than might be available to people back on Lunar..." She suggests as a possibility.

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

Ethius brings a hand (still carrying bags) to his forehead as Kourin and Jay discuss the differences in tailor technology and color availability. This looks like something he might have an opinion on...?1

"I see," he says, as he lowers the hand (and carried bags) away from his face. Ethius walks away from that particular set of reasonably priced good-quality clothes as his expert eye for fashion - his strange decision to go with a yellow bandanna atop a maroon-to-ash gradient poncho aside which looks seriously ugly!! - towards more muted colors. A bit simpler...?

He passes by those.

"As far as the available textiles go, Miss Kourin, I believe you would enjoy this one." He doesn't have any spare fingers in which to pick up and hold up a muted gray dress... but it doesn't look as 'nice' as what she's already peeking at.

<Pose Tracker> Kourin has posed.

Kourin takes a look, then pauses, hesitating. "It...I don't believe it would...attract the attention...of the one I want to impress, however..."

She doesn't like it.

"It does look quite...practical, but...that is not what I am looking for today..."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"Yes, we need something a bit more...eye-catching. There's a time and a place for that sort of thing." Jacqueline replies, shaking her head. She paces back and forth, and eventually her eyes land on something.

"Ah, yes...something like this, perhaps. When I want to attract attention to my store, I like to go with bright colors, ones that make it difficult for people to look away from." She says.

The outfit she was looking at was colored in a...rather gaudy fashion. It definitely did remind one of the sign of Jacqueline's store, and the side of her wagon...

It was a fair bit different than Jacqueline's usual state of dress. It almost made one wonder if she had picked out her usual outfit herself or if someone else had been involved in the decision.

<Pose Tracker> Kourin has posed.

Kourin bites her lip. "Perhaps...something...a little simpler...?" Her eyes are drawn to a slim, straightforward dress--not gaudy, but the color is rather more vivid than the muted gray. It may be cut to accentuate certain features, but Althena never prohibited that--and it is displayed with a half-cape of grey that goes quite well with it.

"I think...this one?"

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

Ethius quietly allows his choice of the drab gray dress to be left aside, but now... it does seem he's invested in helping Kourin choose, after having been something of a neutral non-presence outside of being a handy dumping ground for shopping bags.

Come to think of it... Since Ethius is a man, one might ask if he could be able to weigh in on what he'd find attractive in a woman - age differences and changing cultural trends within the span of that difference aside. He's a Filgaian, right? He should have a good finger on the pulse of what the women go nuts for in this desertifying world.

"...Perhaps." It's not his call, um, who are they shopping for clothes for, again?! "Would that be a color familiar to those of your land?" Why would that matter?

...Has he caught on about the meaning of this, or...?!

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline turns to look at the dress Kourin was looking at. She steps over, appraising the dress, then turns her attention toward Kourin, studying her for a moment. There's a moment of quiet, and then...she nods approvingly.

"You know...I think that'd look really good on you. You've got a good eye, Kourin." Jacqueline replies with a smile.

Her attention turns toward Ethius as he asks his question. ...Honestly, she'd had Ethius pegged as the type who didn't really have much interest in that sort of thing. Maybe that was why she didn't mind letting him tag along on this search for clothes?

She was curious about what the answer to that question would be, though.

<Pose Tracker> Kourin has posed.

Kourin blinks. "Colors? We have the same colors...this dress...yes. I think I would like it, please..."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"Ah, of course! Why don't you try it on, then, and see how it fits? There's a room right over there." Jacqueline suggests, pointing over to one of the changing rooms.

"I can hold onto Spirit while we wait for you, if you'd prefer." She offers. She figured Spirit probably wouldn't mind...but then again, this probably wouldn't be the first time he'd been through this today.

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

Ethius grows quiet again upon the confirmation of the color differences. This must be a good answer, then, if he has no protests? Or... any other opinions, for that matter? He stays out of the way, waiting alongside Spirit and Jacqueline for however long Kourin needs.

<Pose Tracker> Kourin has posed.

Kourin nods, passing the leash to Jacqueline and taking the dress and cape, oddly delicately, and heads for the changing room.

Spirit strains at the leash for just a bare moment to follow her, but once he realizes he's being held by Jacqueline, he calms down and sits, head down.

A few minutes later, Kourin re-emerges, wearing the dress, and looking slightly nervous. It is a simple affair, but it suits her almost perfectly, the color of the dress setting off the color of her eyes.

"How...how do I look," she asks, turning round to allow her friends to see.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline takes the leash from Kourin and waits. Fortunately, Spirit is a Good Dog and she knows she doesn't have to worry too much about him running off or anything.

Kourin emerges a few minutes later, and Jacqueline is stunned by what she sees. She had already had a good idea, but seeing her like this directly confirmed it.

"Wow..." She breathes out.

"Kourin, you look marvelous!" Jacqueline says with a smile and a nod of approval. "It's a good look for you!"

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

Ethius regards Kourin's emergence in her new clothes with the same regard he seems to give everything else - a look. It catches the eyes! (Lots of things seem to catch his eyes, but never mind that!)

It takes him a while to say anything - maybe the better description is to say he could be stunned to utter silence at the youthful beauty before him? Maybe? He brings a hand to his forehead again as Jay fawns over her new look.

"Yes." That's all he has to say? Just 'yes'? So that's two who approve, then!

<Pose Tracker> Kourin has posed.

Kourin blushes. "I...like how it makes me feel. It makes me feel...special, somehow." She smiles shyly.

Spirit barks once, tail wagging. It seems he approves too!

"I...I think I will take it. It is..." She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, an expression on her face like the one she gets when eating--she is taking in the joy of the moment, savoring the sensation of clothes not just meant to be practical coverings for the first time in her life.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"That's a good feeling, Kourin. Hold on to that, and don't forget it." Jacqueline says with a nod. Kourin definitely seemed to enjoy it, and she confirms that she'll be taking it.

With a nod Jacqueline turns away and goes up to the counter, to the store's proprietor. The two of them engage in a series of prompts. To someone who wasn't familiar with mercantile language, the conversation might be...a little difficult to follow.

The propietor seems a bit hesitant, at first, but eventually, with a look toward Kourin, they nod. Jacqueline hands over some gella and returns with a victorious smile.

"Alright, Kourin, it's officially yours now!" Jacqueline says.

<Pose Tracker> Kourin has posed.

Kourin surprises everyone--including herself--by hugging Jacqueline.

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

Ethius stands there a silent witness to a young woman's quiet joy over a luxury she never imagined she could have. Is that a feeling he, too, could share? The lack of emotional response threatens to have other passers-by confuse him for a mannequin, were it not for the somewhat intimidating aura he tends to cast by simply being.

He makes no motion to hurry up their departure, allowing Kourin and Jacqueline to share the moment for as long as they need to.

You know, like a good shopping beast of burden.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

It definitely was a surprise, but not an unwelcome one. It takes Jacqueline a second to react, after confirming for herself that yes, Kourin was indeed hugging her. She returns the hug and pats her on the back.

She...does actually have to be mindful of the leash, and Spirit's movements, though. It would kind of ruin the moment to accidentally get it wrapped around the both of them.

She releases Kourin, looks her over again, and nods. She was proud of Kourin. It wasn't something she needed to say out loud, it showed right on her face. This was a big step for her to take, but here she was.