2017-12-27: Keep Pushing Forward: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Keep Pushing Forward''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Riesenlied, Character :: Jacqueline Barber, Character :: Lee Knight *'''Where:''' November City *'''Date...")
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Latest revision as of 01:24, 28 December 2017

  • Log: Keep Pushing Forward
  • Cast: Riesenlied, Jacqueline Barber, Lee Knight
  • Where: November City
  • Date: 27th December 2017
  • Summary: Back at the CaraKin, Riesenlied recuperates with Jacqueline's medicines as she talks with her and Lee about the past...

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

A few hours ago, Riesenlied had told Jacqueline that she was going to inspect the wildlands for reports of unusual tremors. She would have returned by now, but she's running a bit late... but by the time she would've noticed and began to have concerns, the blonde Hyadean can be seen moving through the city gates--

--on what is apparently 'Trouble', one of Noeline's faithful ARMs, a little floating sphere that she's seated on since her legs are worse for the wear. She's headed to the Carakin with her new boulder-toting companion, since Noeline had to go check on something else.

"The Caravan Kinship should not be far... have you been there before?" Riese asks.

<Pose Tracker> Lee Knight has posed.

Lee for his part, was walking along with Riesen. He wasn't too sure about 'Trouble'. As well.. that's not natural. At all. But.. drifters deal with these things, so this is part of that. Right? ... right? Musing a moment, Lee shakes his head. "I don't think I've been to the Kinship, persay. Although I have had business with some of their members in another town. They helped me to resupply after a failed attempt to probe the Aveh great desert." Lee shrugs a little, shifting the boulder as he did. With them getting into town, he'd become more mindful of where he walked, or more specifically, where that boulder was to not hit others with it.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

The Carakin was set up in its usual location in November City - a comfortable-sized niche in the streets with plenty of room for the vehicle to move in and out and set up, as well as some places for tables and chairs for people to sit at while they ate the food they purchased. These weren't set up at the moment, however. Instead, there was but a single chair - a rather mundane looking one, on which sat Jacqueline Barber.

The storefront was set up, but business was slow...which was fine with her. Sometimes it was good to have a slow day every now and then. Besides that...she was a little concerned. Riesenlied had gone off to investigate something. Jacqueline had considered going with her, but had instead elected to stay behind and open up shop...she was starting to regret that decision a little. As she's starting to worry, she catches sight of a familiar silhouette in the distance and stands up, feeling a little relieved.

She offers a wave to the approaching Riesenlied...and, as she notes with a bit of surprise, Lee.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied nods warmly as she says, "I've known Jacqueline for a long time now, and she's always been a steadfast ally through thick and thin." She looks towards where the Carakin is set up, calling out to her as she says, "Jay!"

She's lowered herself on Trouble gently as the little sphere putters and lets out a little 'squeak', bobbling from one side to another in a very mascot-like manner in an attempt to endear. "I'm sorry for being late... ah-- do you have some medicine? My legs are a bit wounded."

She gestures towards Lee, not knowing the two know each other. "This is Mister Lee, he helped me in a pinch just now."

<Pose Tracker> Lee Knight has posed.

Lee smiles towards Jay and gives a nod in greeting. He'd chuckle a little and glances to Riesen. "Hmm.. She's the one I met at the other city. So I guess I have been here?" As Riesen would sip off Trouble, Lee would step up to offer her his own support. The boulder shifted from one shoulder to the other, he'd offer that arm to Riese to lean on as he'd look to Jay. "A sandwurm came up right next to her. Some of the rocks landed on her. I had to dig her out.. but she was able to get some info. So that's somethin." Lee would help as he could, at least until Jay took over and showed he didn't need any further help. The boulder would get gently set down to the side, so it's not in the way and doesn't stop him from helping with both hands as needed.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"Riesenlied! And...Mister Knight? It's good to see you again!" Jacqueline greets with a smile...that immediately turns to concern as she notes Riesenlied's condition. She gasps in surprise, a hand covering her mouth.

"O-oh no. I'm so sorry...I /thought/ I should have gone with the two of you..." Jacqueline murmurs, standing up. "Here, you can sit in my chair."

She offers the aforementioned chair to Riesenlied before reaching into one of her bags and searching for the appropriate medicine. As she does so, she glances toward Lee. She doesn't need his help here, but she does appreciate the effort.

"Ah, I see... Well, thank you for helping her, Mister Knight. I greatly appreciate it." She replies, then draws out a bottle and hands it to Riesenlied. "Here. And if you need to elevate your legs, I can bring up a small pillar real quick..."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied does look a little surprised to hear that Jacqueline and Lee know each other, but she sighs just for a moment as she lowers herself onto her chair. "Thank you... and-- yes, that might be a good idea. It isn't critical, but I wasn't able to put pressure on it for some time. It was a really good thing Mister Lee and Noeline were both there."

She bobs her head one way as she laces her hands together. "The sandworms definitely are agitated... but it isn't out of any malice or any effects... they're frightened and hungry." She furrows her brow. "The spreading of the sand has affected their homes significantly..."

<Pose Tracker> Lee Knight has posed.

Lee smiles and nods to Jay as she'd get the medicine. With Riesen sitting in the chair, he'd step back, muse and after a moment picks up the boulder to move it a bit closer. "Here. Then there's less attention drawn from a pillar being brought up?" Rotating the boulder a moment, Lee finds a spot that would be ok to rest her leg on and sets it so it can be used if desired. "I was just out myself when I saw the wurm come up. I heard her yelp from the impact, so went ta help. I'm glad I did.. I learned more about what I'm seeking and.. well.. learned more about some of those who aren't uh.. typical humans? I guess?" Lee frowns, then shrugs a little. "Either way.. I wanna try to help fix things.. and she has more ideas for how to do it.. So I'm here ta help."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"No, it's fine. There's no need to worry." Jacqueline says with a nod toward Lee and reaches into her pouch of Crest Graphs. She wasn't really worried about catching anyone's attention. She invokes the chosen Crest and stone rises from the earth in a shape that could hardly be called a pillar - it would be more accurate to refer to it as a pedestal than anything. Still, it's at the perfect size for her purposes. It'd be pointless to make it any bigger, after all.

She listens quietly as Riesenlied speaks, nodding in understanding.

"I see... Yes, that's a frequent occurrence, I'm afraid. Their usual territories become no longer able to support them, and they need to move on... The war between Kislev and Aveh is probably not helping matters, either." She murmurs, then glances toward Lee as he explains what happened.

She glances between him and Riesenlied for a moment. So, did that mean she told him what she was...? And it didn't seem to bother him any. That was good.

"Well, I'm glad you were there, Mister Knight." She says with a smile, and then nods with a look toward Riesenlied. "Yes...she's asked the same of me, before. To keep looking for answers."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied flushes just a little, once more -- she's propped her legs on the pedestal that Jacqueline creates; it won't be too bad to soothe the wounds from the assortment of Jacqueline's usual salves. Nothing was crushed or anything.

"I think they've mistaken a lot of the tremors from warfare for other signs," Riesenlied expresses, "And it's caused a lot of them to leave their homes as well..." She shakes her head very gently. "It is sad..."

A pause, as she looks towards Lee, then Jacqueline. "Ah, yes... I had told him that I was a Hyadean -- or as less charitable people would call me, a Metal Demon."

There's a more vivid blush as she says, "It's-- only what I believe. Our people have been led on this course on propaganda, yet we lack truths about what happened in the past. I just... genuinely feel we owe it to our ancestors to learn what truly happened. Filgaia is a truly storied world, and to ignore those lessons can be fatal..."

<Pose Tracker> Lee Knight has posed.

Lee smiles and puts his boulder back where it was. Leaning against it, he'd nod a little. "Well.. it's one thing I'm really good at, at least." Shrugging some, he'd look between Riesen and Jay. "As fer that.. I've found as a drifter.. that stories are really the same, on both sides. But it's someone else pushin an agenda that causes problems. Ifn the wars are part of the issue.. then maybe they should be stopped too.. But that'll take a lotta work. And more power than I have. I know that much." He'd give a small upnod towards Riesen. "It starts with understandin one another, eh? So.. if I can start that? Then why not?"

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

It doesn't take long for Jacqueline to be finished with her medicines. By this point she was used to applying them quickly and efficient...and, most importantly, painlessly. She is glad to see that the damage isn't more thorough, as well.

"Yeah..." Jacqueline murmurs with a nod of agreement. There wasn't much they could do about that, either. Just to do what they could to try and fix things...

Riesenlied confirms Jacqueline's belief, and she nods. To be truthful...Jacqueline was still training herself to use 'Hyadean', rather than 'Metal Demon'. It was the term she was used to, the term that had been taught to her since she was a child. But they were no demons...or, at least, most of them weren't.

"It's a good belief to hold. And besides, if we know what happened, it may help give us clues as to how to fix it...and avoid making those same mistakes as well." She agrees with a nod, and then offers Lee a smile.

"Yes, I agree. Only by working together can we truly improve the situation. And that starts with understanding. No matter who or what they are."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied lets out a relieved little sigh as the last of the gauze comes into place, reclining a little on her chair to rest as Trouble comes up to her side with a cute little chirp. She pats her on the head to smile and say, "Good girl..."

She looks to Jacqueline, and to Lee as well. "I had been blessed with the opportunity to travel the lands. Travelling to Ignas, where I met Jay and so many others... it was here that I truly saw how to look past the stories, the preconceived notions... but until you set foot out and see it for yourself -- it can be difficult, as it still is for many of my brethren..."

<Pose Tracker> Lee Knight has posed.

Lee watched as Jay showed her skill in tending wounds.. That was certainly good to know too! He'd muse to himself and nods, smiling to the two women. "I'm glad we're all in agreement then.. As for me? I'm going to keep hunting. I know I need more to me.. to be able to be the proper leverage to turn the tide. But, if I can ever help.. Just let me know. I've got a good back and strong arms and I'm not afraid to get into whatever. I'll be happy to meet with whoever too, if it helps them to meet someone who isn't a bloodthirsty madman, eh?"

+votes: You have received votes from Lee Knight and Noeline.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline can't help but smile at Trouble as the little drone goes up to Riesenlied. Her attention soon moves to Riesenlied herself, however. It was true, sometimes the only way to find the truth was to go out and see it for yourself.

"I'll certainly be sure to call on you, Mister Knight." She says, glancing toward Lee with a smile and a nod...and then chuckles.

"Yes...it would be best to avoid that kind of meeting..."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied raises an eyebrow, before lowering her head bashfully to say, "There certainly have been the share of such characters sometime... and amongst my brethren, there certainly are those who... take longer to listen to other perspectives. They aren't used to such." It's perhaps a lot more charitable than to just say 'they won't listen to reason at all'.

She does nod, however. "Jay organises a lot of Digs through the Guild, just keep an eye out on the board. I've certainly owed her a lot more, with what she's established here..."

<Pose Tracker> Lee Knight has posed.

Lee smiles sheepishly then, shaking his head. "I don't really have access to the Guild. I happen to catch some people talking. That's how I got into one going to the desert.. But I should really probably join if I'm going to do this thing more regularly I suppose." Lee muses, glancing between Jay and Riesen. "Do you two know how to join? So I can get access to that sort of info?"

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"It isn't easy, admitting that what you've known for so long is wrong..." Jacqueline comments with a nod. The conversation turns to the Adventurer's Guild soon enough, however.

"Most major cities will have a branch office somewhere...there's one here in November City, in fact. You just need to go in, do a bit of paper work, and then you'll get your license as long as everything's in order, and you don't have anything on your record that'd reflect poorly on them." Jacqueline explains. "If you do that, you'll have access to more jobs and information than you would otherwise."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied looks embarrassed to say, "Jacqueline would definitely be able to help you out more with that than I could. I tend to have to lay low in the large cities, due to the bounty that I have... I've already attracted more than my fair share of trouble-- and I wouldn't want the CaraKin's reputation tarnished either."

<Pose Tracker> Lee Knight has posed.

Lee nods to Jay, then looks over to Riesen. Musing, he'd shake his head a little with a sigh. "That's unfortunate. I guess it can't be helped.. at least until the one who is behind puttin the bounty up is ratted out.. Then it'll be able to unravel that whole thing.."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"Yes...I can go there with you at some point, if you'd like. I don't think you'll need it, but it may help to have someone to vouch for you, Mister Knight." Jacqueline agrees with a nod. And then he mentions unravelling the bounty on Riesenlied.

Jacqueline doesn't say anything. Instead, she just glances toward Riesenlied. If she didn't say anything, Jacqueline wouldn't either. But...

...She had a feeling that removing her bounty might be just a little difficult.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied's smile fades away a little, and she expresses, "... it is not just founded upon untruths, I am afraid. I have done things that I am not the least bit proud of, and hurt many people for it..." She glances towards Jacqueline for a moment, sighing softly... but she pauses, as she seems to remember that lesson she has to hold into her heart.

"But now, I am doing what I can to make up for it. For those that I have wronged."

<Pose Tracker> Lee Knight has posed.

"I.. I see." Lee frowns a moment, musing contemplatively as he'd look between Jay and Riesen. Finally, he'd nod a little. "The lesser of two evils.. seen at the time. After which your understanding of everyone grew.. And now.. Now ya are trying to repent for past choices." Lee raises a brow, looking to Riesen for confirmation. Finally, he'd shrug a little and smiles to Jay. "Ifn yer willin to come with me to vouch. I'd be happy for the help. As for that.. Well.. I'm not a judge. I'm just a guy trying to save our world, eh?"

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline glances toward Riesenlied, offering a small, reassuring smile. A small gesture, but one she hopes would help. She glances toward Lee with a nod after that.

"I'd be glad to. Truth be told, there are a few things I need to look up, anyway...it would give me a good opportunity for that." She says, and then offers Lee a smile as well. She could approve of that stance on things.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied winces just a little bit further, but nods very gently. "... there are many things I could lament, but it would be less constructive than trying my hardest to make things better. This... is something Jay and I both know and understand." She smiles lightly as she says, "I think I should rest and let my legs heal, while you take care of business in the Guild. I can watch over the Kinship while you're away? I imagine Shalune is not too far away..."

<Pose Tracker> Lee Knight has posed.

Lee straightens up, pushing off the boulder to grab it's haft and lift it up to settle on his shoulder lightly. "I'm sure we all have our things in the past we regret. It's a matter of either keep pushin forward, or letting it swallow you." Lee smiles to Jay then with a small nod. "Shall we then? Sounds like we gotta plan fer now.. eh?"

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"Indeed..." Jacqueline replies with a nod toward Riesenlied. "It isn't easy sometimes, pushing back our regrets so they don't swallow us, but...we try."

She then offers her another smile.

"Would you? I'd appreciate that. And yes, I'm sure she is...but if anyone comes by before then, take their name and let me know when I get back." She says, then nods toward Lee.

"Yes, indeed. Follow me, I'll lead the way." With a wave of farewell toward Riesenlied, Jacqueline starts off toward the November City branch of the Adventurer's Guild...