2018-10-19: Returning to the Silent Home: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 06:15, 29 October 2018

  • Log: Returning to the Silent Home
  • Cast: Volsung, Elvis, Ambrosius, Persephone
  • Where: Locus Solus
  • Date: October 19th, 2018
  • Summary: At Elvis's request, Volsung holds a meeting in the central command room of Locus Solus. The Veruni discuss the matter of Lunar, and plans for the future...

<Pose Tracker> Volsung has posed.

Locus Solus. The great colony ship of the Veruni, the last cradle of their civilization. Practically a continent unto itself, it was from here the Veruni left this world... and it was from here that they returned.

And it is here that so many wait, frozen and asleep, for the day they can safely walk the land of their homeworld once more without fear.

This ship, more like a flying landmass than anything else, remains hidden from the sight of anything save those allowed to see it -- allowed to know where it hides, high above the skies of Filgaia. Currently somewhere near the ruined continent of Elru, Locus Solus rests, manned by a (relative) skeleton's crew of the Radicals who have so recently staked their claim to their sacred colony. It is peaceful here, quiet. But of a disquieting sort. The sort of disquiet that comes from a lack of life, that continues to dwindle, day by day.

And it is here, in the central command room of the Locus Solus' main facilities, that the de facto leader of the Veruni Radicals waits. Pearched on his crimson throne, Volsung's expression is a pensive one as he perches his chin upon a waiting fist, icy blue eyes half-lidded and looking almost far away. As if in another world entirely.

A meeting has been called, at the request of one of the Sentinels. And thus Elvis and anyone else he would bring with him have been called back home. Back home, where Volsung waits to hear his report.

For Volsung is nothing if not accomodating for his people.

<Pose Tracker> Elvis has posed.

So much to report. So many uncertainties. The time of the Veruni grows short if nothing can be done, and Elvis was not about to let it be his fault. Even with his findings on the Guardians, creatures most despied by the Veruni have possible solutions ot the VR Factor in some strange way, according to Drifters spoken to. Their magic pulling directly from the fount that is Filgaia.

One that has cut off the Veruni people to slake their thirst for life.

The findings of the strange planet Lunar, and in what small time there, so much was found, and so much more yet to be found.

And more importantly, what of the Metal Demons down? That alliance, stuck so long ago. Reports showing something is amiss with her, and her children becoming so fervored int osaying how everything would be wiped out on the planet.

In her fury, would that include their allies as well?

Elvis reached out to their great leader to discuss these matters, and to pull any answering agents involved as well. Sadly, that would only be Ambrosius this day. Kaguya would not be able to attend. But will certainly be recognized.

The titan of a man enters the glorious hall, one rarely treaded. A place both respected and feared among their kin. "Lord Volsung..." is uttered in that deep, strong voice of his, offering a deep bow upon entry. "It is good to see you. After everything that has happened in the past days, I am glad I am able to report back."

The aspirants of Valmar. The battle over the Guardian Statues. Sin.

Threats that could fell any man in an instant if caught off-guard. All survived. If barely with some.

"There is much to discuss."

<Pose Tracker> Ambrosius has posed.

It felt like an eternity since Ambrosius had walked the halls of Locus Solus.

He was younger then. A foolish young man seeking glory on the battlefield - a glory and respect his family found scarce. The battlefield was not to be his place. He was assigned the same duty as the rest of his kin, to stay behind and serve for maintenance and repair. Now, so much further in the future, he found himself glad for it...though he would hesitate to admit why.

But today he was...unsettled. The silent halls of Locus Solus no longer felt like home to him. But home it was, and a meeting was called here today that he could scarce ignore. A meeting with Lord Volsung himself. It would be a lie to say that Ambrosius did not feel some trepidation about the matter, but his leader still had his respect.

And so it is that Ambrosius enters the room behind the massive Sentinel, dressed in the uniform body armor of a Veruni soldier.

He bows respectfully then stands at attention with his arms folded behind his back as Elvis speaks.

<Pose Tracker> Persephone has posed.

For a specific family, unimportant, had made the city of skyscrapers their brief home. They had left two hopes to help change the life of the Veruni with the others, if not only help to anchor the Veruni.

Only one returned to the Locus Solus.

It is not a disquiet that she minds. It is a disquiet that one Veruni in particular has grown to enjoy, to trust. Such silence is preferable to much else. There was very little that actually brought this Veruni joy, so much of the world having proved it is against them. Yet when the leader calls, it is an answer that the Sentinel's must answer.

Compared to others, her reports are more direct, much more succinct, actionable information. After Evlis comes another. There is no greeting to Lord Volsung immediately. Where Elvis enters, respecting attention amid his sizable form, Persephone may barely seem to grasp attention. Slowly she strides, with a careful practiced rhythm. Her body moves slowly forwards. Finally, she stops as she kneels nearby Elvis and Ambrosius, the pink and purple clad woman kneeling forwards, arm placed before her chest as she bows. "Lord Volsung. You requested my presence." Persephone of the Sentinels notes, staying kneeled forwards.

<Pose Tracker> Volsung has posed.

Eyes a purer blue than Arctican winters stare out past the hall of this place. Past the walls. Past everything.

It's hard to say what Volsung is looking at in those waning moments before his expected arrivals make their entrance. What he might be thinking. But the second Elvis' presence is announced, the second those great doors slide open to usher both he and Ambrosius in, the weight of that cool stare is immediately focused on them. And whatever far off thing that had occupied his attention falls by the wayside in an instant.

"Thank you, Persephone, for joining us," is the first thing the leader of the Radicals says, his voice calm as an undisturbed lake, his expression a steady constant. "Elvis has come back bearing news. I'd like you to be here for it." He looks so young, and yet, the gravitas that surrounds him seems to off-place the very idea that he might be inexperienced.

Perched in that throne like he was born for it.

"Elvis. It's good to see you've returned to us." His head tilts, blue eyes falling on Elvis' companion for a quiet, scrutinizing moment. "And... Ambrosius, isn't it? I've heard quite a bit about your accomplishments in Ignas, as well."

He doesn't quite expand upon that, however; instead, he leans back in that throne, one hand gesturing before resting comfortably in his lap with its companion. "Stand, all of you. What news do you bring?"

<Pose Tracker> Elvis has posed.

The submissive gesture remains until heeded to cease. The leader of any great nation is to be respected, and respect they shall have. "I am glad the two of you were able to join as well," Elvis states to both Persephone and Ambrosius. "I know you have been busy in particular Persephone, so keeping you up to date is crucial." A look to Ambrosius. "Young Ambrosius here knows of some of the issues and discoveries I will present, and is good to correlate with him."

A look to Volsung. A throat is cleared. "I will address the good findings thusfar, for your sake, my Lord."

The man produces a small handheld device. Veruni would know it as a pocket projector. Something that has little use on the field, but helps make a good point here and there. A spherical shape is projected, dotted with with small shapes on its surface, like some sort of marbled substance. "Lunar. The star adjacent. A strange anomaly forcefully teleported me, Ambrosius, and some of our other operatives there, caused by Humans who have little to do but toy with power that is beyond them. Beyond anyone. While stranded, we found out a critical component of the VR factor.

A tap of a button on the side of the hand projector. A familiar Veruni image appears. It may be recognizeable to those assembled as Kaguya. "Kaguya is one of our operatives that was transported there. She is also with an advanced case of VR, almost debilitating in level." A pause. "It was some time before I was able to see her. When I did, what was found was staggering. She was nearly as fit as she once was. She even did her own investigations in to it."

"We concluded that the VR has less of an impact the farther you are from Filgaia. This also indicates that the VR Factor is entirely spiritual in nature. This also gives us the possibility that agents suffering from it may be moved there instead if we can secure proper travel."

"She has also begun mustering her own forces upon the planetoid. There are many powerful entities that reside there, utilising them somehow could be of great benefit."

<Pose Tracker> Ambrosius has posed.

Ambrosius makes note of Persephone's entrance into the room, but his attention does not stray far from Volsung as the leader addresses them...and as Volsung's eyes fall upon him for a moment.

"I am honored, Lord Volsung." Ambrosius replies with a polite bow of his head, standing as requested. He had certainly sent a few reports back in his time...and Elvis had his own reports to make, as well - including one that related to Kaguya. Ambrosius glances toward the projected image for a moment.

He had to wonder how she was doing there...in a way, she had gotten what she wanted. He hoped it was treating her well.

"I have already taken the liberty of forwarding a map of Lunar and what I've gathered of its power structures to our intelligence division." Ambrosius states. "Agent Kaguya's actions on the field were indispensible to my own efforts."

<Pose Tracker> Persephone has posed.

It is known. It was his request. Persephone would not reject such a request. She would not even question it.

"Of course, my Lord." She remarks. Her head does not rise as she is spoken to, as Volsung addresses Elvis, Persephone not looking to Elvis despite the 'young' Veruni's words that bring attention, that bring Persephone to rise once more to look only briefly at Elvis, raising her head and body only when commanded by Volsung.

"Yes, Lord Volsung." Persephone responds, as she brings herself up. Of what news do they bring. There is a minimum of what she has learned. Yet she has tracked much in the meantime. As Elvis starts, she nods. "Of course. There has been a lot of movement lately, more than usual. Not beyond my capabilities, of course." She claims, to lord Volsung as she states.

The pocket projector is raised forwards, dotted spherical shape. She glances out at it, snake helmet facing Elvis.

The VR factor note causes her eyes to raise a bit, focusing upon his words. Kaguya. Oh yes. Such an advanced VR sickness, means... nearly fit.. as it was? Few things cause Persephone to look on in wonder, but this is one. "A place to go in the future..."

It is a bitter pill, to Persephone. Did they know ahead of time? If so, did they simply let them die? They activated it, didn't they? Persephone's heart grows colder still.

"I have continued tracking the persons of Interest on Filgaia... and can report as needed, Lord Volsung." Of course, it is Elvis' and Ambrosius that describe the Lunar situation.

<Pose Tracker> Volsung has posed.

"Please do, Persephone. With how things have progressed, it will soon become time for us to start moving in earnest. We will need all the information at our disposal to know the ideal time to strike... and the ideal place."

With the cant of his head to the right, Volsung considers the projection as it unfolds before him. The sight of it -- and the information that accompanies it -- is met with the mild arch of his right brow; a considerable, to anyone who knows the half-Veruni. Everything's relative, after all.

"Filgaia's moon," Volsung notes mildly as he leans forward in his seat; elbows perching on his knees, he laces fingers together as those tanned lips press into a thinned purse. "Our agents here are already disseminating the data you've provided; thank you, Ambrosius. This will be of great use to us." Cool blue eyes linger upon that data, considerate. "The 'Silver Star,' as they call it, yes? Curious we hadn't noticed the terraforming that occurred there when we returned home. That suggests powerful interference, wouldn't you say, Elvis?"

If there is a point to that line of questioning, though, Volsung seems to table it for now in lieu of Elvis and Ambrosius' further information. Brows knit inward for a quiet handful of seconds. He lapses into silence in the time after the pair finish. And then:


Slowly, Volsung leans backward once more. His frown, of course, is a troubled one. "So even that far out, even with what you say, the VR Factor still has some measure of influence. Our people can't escape it then. Simply buy ourselves a slightly slower end." He turns his attention towards Persephone for a moment, before once more returning to Ambrosius and Elvis anew.

"So. You say it is entirely spiritual. The Guardians, then?"

<Pose Tracker> Elvis has posed.

"Your assistance in recording that is crusial Ambrosius. We are all better off with your knowledge gained." Praise is deserved. "Kaguya will get her deserved rewards when all is said and done!" Elvis bosts. Quite proud of that one. Though even with boasting, Elvis is quite reserved compared to his usual self. In these hallowed halls, the bombastic professor just seems to become a different person. Or at least better mannered.

A glance to Persephone. "We haven't got to talk in some time. If you need help, feel free to ask." She has been tracking a Human of some import last he recalled. He wondered how she fared, though the slender-built Veruni was always one that preferred to be distant. Especially after...

"Indeed, Lord Volsung," Elvis replies with al lthe respect he can muster. "There are powerful beings at work on that moon. A Goddess the Humans of that land worship, and is real. A titanic mosntrosity that rent a large human civilization to dust within minutes-- me and Ambrosius barely survived. It is a land both different and the same that is there. Full of paradoxes and decisions from the past that haunt the Humans at present."

A tenseness shoots up Elvis' back at Volsung's response. "Y-Yes. Its effects are heavily dampened and degeneration incredibly slow, but it is still there."

A nod. "Yes. I have been talking with individuals with similar interests and those whom know the Guardians. I plan to find out more-- perhaps something between them and Filgaia may yet cure us. But ah, that leads to another problem, as the Guardians are currently and effectively silenced."

"I am sure you are well ware that the Metal Demon's matron, Mother is awake? Her mere presence in consciousness is silencing the Guardians. On top of that, the Metal Demons have become more fervent-- I have heard them state their desires to wipe Filgaia clean. Before it was Humans, but now..."

Elvis trails off. "I wonder if it was poor use of wordplay, or they feel high and mighty now."

<Pose Tracker> Ambrosius has posed.

Persephone gets Ambrosius's attention as she delivers her own report, of movements and Persons of Interest that she had been tracking. He doesn't have anything to add here, though he did not doubt things were going according to the Sentinel's plan.

Ambrosius's attention returns to Volsung as he addresses him. Ambrosius offers another polite, respectful bow of his head as Volsung and Elvis both thank him.

The topic shifts to the powerful beings at work there. The Goddess Althena, that titanic beast...and not to mention the Malevolence that plagued the land.

As for the Guardians...

"The Guardian's Statues were present on Lunar, as well...though I regret to inform that we were not able to secure their destruction." Ambrosius reports. He was certain they had all already been made aware of that detail, however.

And then there was a difficult matter to discuss. The matter of the Metal Demon's Mother. It was something...friends...of his had spoken of to him before in the past.

What should they do?

He remains silent. Uncertainty would contribute nothing right now.

<Pose Tracker> Persephone has posed.

"Of course, Lord Volsung." Persephone response, nodding her head and bowing. Of course, Volsung brings an important notice that identifies the situation at hand. For Lunar to not be found, then it would be concerning. There exists strong magic, technology, or the like which could possibly cloud and hide such a planet from sight. "Interesting..." She remarks, and then listens to Elvis, as he explains it.

Persephone's head shakes to and fro as Elvis makes a note for her to 'help'. "I don't believe that would be your forte. Where I work, you may not be able to provide much assistance." Cold, clear statements. Nothing stating Elvis' weakness, simply identifying the status of how it is. "If I require your physical assistance, then I will be sure to request it." She notes, as Elvis speaks about Mother, she is silent.

It would not be so bad, Persephone thinks, if they had wiped this world clear of humans.

"I imagine the humanity they see encompasses everything that they see as filth." She pauses, "If I may add to it, it would be worth any potential risk to allow them to meet their goal if the desire to wipe Filgaia clean." The spy-ops matron states, cold, emotionless. "If they will allow us to retain a limited number in the city of Skyscrapers."

An odd statement for certain, but she is clear for what little she adds.

<Pose Tracker> Volsung has posed.

"So then, an impermanent solution."

As Volsung speaks, his legs flex, and knees bend. With a push, he rises up out of that throne, the violet tails of his coat spilling around his legs as his hands find their place clasped at his back.

"Lunar is an unknown, with powers, technologies, and entities we do not yet have enough information on. This creature you say laid low an entire civilization with barely a thought, might just as easily decimate ours more quickly than the VR Factor. This Goddess -- 'Althena,' I'm given to understand her name is? -- do you think her any more generous than the Guardians here? We require more information." Glasses glint as Volsung pushes them up the bridge of his nose with one free hand.

"I wouldn't dare to give our people false hope only to tear it from their hands in favor of something worse."

With that, Volsung moves. He descends the steps leading to that grand throne that was once occupied by a more official leader, the sound of his footfalls echoing throughout the vast chamber in complement to the cool, reasonable words that slip past his lips.

"Before we send any of our people there in earnest, I'd like to know more. Ambrosius -- I am giving you a side task to go along with your duties. I would like you to seek out a way to Lunar -- one that does not come from happy accident. A way that we can freely traverse. When you do, you are to find Kaguya, and see what she has learned, and what we can use to our benefit. Sentinel Persephone will oversee this mission in my stead. Do you accept?"

He stops at the steps just before those assembled as that question comes. And, as it does, he pauses -- giving just enough time for an answer to be given, before he adds:

"The alliance with the Metal Demons is a matter of convenience. We share a similar enemy. But remember: it is an alliance of convenience. Their religious fervor for their 'Mother' is dangerous. They are just as prone to savagery and violence as a human might. Given opportunity, they'd likely turn on us the second their Mother decreed it, for love of the sport." He shakes his head. Sighs. The subdued sigh of a man holding a civilization on his back. Of course.

"We will continue to work with them. But Persephone. Elvis. You are to keep watch of their movement. The moment it becomes too great a risk to our people for this partnership to continue... we will cut ties. Can I entrust you with this?"

<Pose Tracker> Elvis has posed.

"You know my position on genocide, but I am not here to argue that," Elvis states toward Persephone. "My worry here is how they said it, because it felt as thought they meanted everything that isn't them. Which could invariably lump us in with Humans." A grunt to Persephone's comment directed at him. "Suit yourself. Though do let me know if you need your ARMs or need a tool for a job. I do more than lift things, after all!"

A small smile, mostly for himself. It was rare to see someone get high intellect and strength. Like someone skewed the rolls on a game of chance.

"Ambrosius does have a good point there. They were present upon Lunar. Those Statues. An odd finding if anything-- how a powerful sealing statue would not be on the planet it was sealing something upon. Suppose the magics were that strong, after all.

<Pose Tracker> Elvis has posed.

"You know my position on genocide, but I am not here to argue that," Elvis states toward Persephone. "My worry here is how they said it, because it felt as thought they meanted everything that isn't them. Which could invariably lump us in with Humans." A grunt to Persephone's comment directed at him. "Suit yourself. Though do let me know if you need your ARMs or need a tool for a job. I do more than lift things, after all!"

A small smile, mostly for himself. It was rare to see someone get high intellect and strength. Like someone skewed the rolls on a game of chance.

"Ambrosius does have a good point there. They were present upon Lunar. Those Statues. An odd finding if anything-- how a powerful sealing statue would not be on the planet it was sealing something upon. Suppose the magics were that strong, after all."

As Volsung stands, Elvis straightens up, almost to stand as proper as possible. "Her word is law upon the civilized areas of Lunar. She wasn't seen for a very long span of time, and only appeared once the creature-- Sin, as it is called-- wreaked havoc. The Goddess declared a crusade against the land from which it hailed. A continent named Spira, I believe? Nothing is known from what I was able to gleam. Most sources thought it a myth, even."

Hm, so Volsung is aware of the possibility with the Metal Demons... "With their ultimate goal at hand and Mother awake, they have grown reckless. They sieged and practically destroyed the Human city of Adlehyde for the last statue they needed. They made many enemies that day. I fear they will resign to more brash tactics in time. Including some that may threaten us."

A look to Ambrosius. Would he accept such a high honor as a quest from Lord Volsung himself?

A respectful gesture and nod to the Lord of the house. "Of course, Lord Volsung." Now a part of him wants the Metal Demons to slip up. If Mother can be dealt with, contact can be made with the Guardians, and pursuit of a cure can continue. More research in to that special medium that Avril girl had. Mediums don't work for Veruni, so why did that one respond...?

"The Humans and their allies are mustering effort to make an affront toward Mother soon, from what I understand. They plan to cross the seas and seek them out. We will follow, and do what is best for the Veruni."

<Pose Tracker> Ambrosius has posed.

The attack on Adlehyde...Ambrosius had heard of it, of course, but he had not ended up in the city itself, and was not close enough to assist before it was all over. It was a testment to the Demon's desires, however...

Volsung raises from his throne and Ambrosius watches. His words were reasonable and worthy of respect - it was a stance that Ambrosius could agree with. They didn't know enough about Lunar or its threat yet to determine anything definite.

And what's more, Volsung had a task for him. He could hardly turn it down, not that he had any desire to.

"I accept, Lord Volsung. You have my word that I shall pursue this to the best of my ability." Ambrosius agreed with a bow of his head. In a way, it was a task perfectly suited to him.

And then, Volsung stresses that this alliance was one merely of convenience. It made sense. He wondered what would constitute too great a risk...but that was not his place to ask. It was just as well. He trusted the judgment of the Sentinels, and of course Lord Volsung himself.

<Pose Tracker> Persephone has posed.

His statements are clear, his logic flawless. His decisions absolute.

Persephone, finds herself a bit somewhat eager, too eager, to commit to such a relationship. It is one that Volsung adds. As he states that she is to watch, to be entrusted to take care of their alliance, of convenience. That if they are to turn on them, she is to know. The pink and purple guardian, black all over elsewise, does not respond in any eager way. "Of course, Lord Volsung. I'll ensure that they are shared the same attention as the humans." She claims, with a forwards twist, a palm to her shoulder as she leans.

"Of course, Elvis." The Sentinel exclaims, bobbing her head towards Elvis. "I am very aware of your specialties. What I will need is someone that does not stand out..." Elvis, meanwhile, garnishes attention. It's not that Elvis is only strength, it is that he is quite a personable fellow, which garnered radiant attention. He would not, simply due to charisma, stay unseen for long.

There is a moment that Persephone is silent.

"If it is possible, I will ensure that both sides, Lord Volsung. The Metal Demons would not expect an 'ally' to allow for the humans to manage an offense against them... but then the humans would then be unlikely to assume their Veruni assistance to once more turn against them." The woman remarks, cold, uncaring.

"It is clear, with my absence, I can use this to our advantage."

The Sentinel stands silently afterwards, adding only, "The worst case for both of them, leaving us in a more beneficial state to take advantage."

<Pose Tracker> Volsung has posed.

In all things, Volsung is nothing if not prepared.

He has been planning the just due of his people for so very long now, after all.

It is a level of thought and care to detail that only shows in the most subdued of ways on those restrained features of his; the faint purse of lips, the subtle crease of brows as they speak of the Guardians' presence on Lunar. The look of wheels behind wheels turning in that uncompromising blue gaze.

"The Elw would not leave anything to chance, nor their masters. The statues being on Lunar might have been a precautionary measure. But if there were several there, that means there's some means of accessing the Silver Star. Doubtless several." The leader of the Radicals turns half-towards the direction of the grand hall's exit, as if looking past it with a thoughtful crease of a frown. It is only when Ambrosius accepts, then, that he looks upon the Veruni directly.

"Good," utters the violet-clad man, the cold blue of his gaze considering Ambrosius for a moment. "Remember that your actions will help bring our people the future they deserve. Your efforts will not be forgotten -- nor go unrewarded."

It is then, as Elvis and Persephone accept their own tasks in turn, that Volsung once more turns. As he starts to ascend those steps, he listens to Elvis' assessment and Persephone's suggestion, hands clasping once more at his back with every steady, resolute step.

"I trust your judgment. We will not expend any more resources than necessary in pursuit of this goal, or alliance. We have too many enemies who would spring at the first sign of weakness." The land dwellers. Solaris. Shevat. The Guardians.

The world.

"We will not give them the satisfaction of seeing a bared throat. No. If it becomes necessary... those humans might well prove to be a convenient resource."

And it is there he might see fit to end it, those words delivered. "That will be all, then. Unless you have more to say." And yet...

And yet, at the apex of his climb, he pauses. He turns, glasses glinting to obscure his gaze as he looks down at his assembled Veruni.

"There is one more thing..."

All of them hoping so much for a future.

"The silver-haired amnesiac woman Kaguya mentioned. Avril, I believe her name was?

"She will come to Elru with the rest. And when she does...

"I want you to ensure she finds her way to the Control Zones."

Find her way to him.

"I want you to consider that your highest priority. Understood?"

<Pose Tracker> Elvis has posed.

Good man, Ambrosius. Think of the renown you will earn for your service to Lord Volsung. The renown to your people. You will do them proud. "I am sure he is most adequate for the job," is offered, as assurance. It is unfortunate he cannot be of more help to Persephone however, but despite all of his glaring advantages, his achilles heel is blending in. He is about as good at it as Kartikeya.

It seems she has a good idea however. While not one to do harm to Humans, leaving them in a poor state with their bout against Mother if successful does make for a good idea. Sabotage of their methods of travel. Loss of equipment.

"I do have a thought." Elvis replies with. THere was an Elw structure deep under the Human city of Azado on Lunar. The teleportation we used to escape the ravages of Sin dropped us in and around Aldehyde when the battle was commencing. Is it possible a ruin nearby may be linked, and the magics have merely become flawed in the time passed since their kind?" It couldn't hurt to attempt more investigation. A possible lead for Ambrosius.

A slow nod to the possible uses of Humans. Maybe one day VOlsung will see what he sees... maybe. So many threats. So many problems. It would be a long road. One Elvis is prepared to walk.

A proper bow of respect to Volsung for hearing out his wishes. Yet he has another request. A head perks up from that bow. Hum. The young lady who showed Elvis her Medium connected to a guardian. "Huh," he muses for a second. "Of course. I have seen her before. There is something about her... that I cannot put my finger on. Something different. We will certainly make sure that happens, Lord Volsung."

So he requests, so he shall receive. Perhaps Volsung knows more about her than he lets on...? What possible special qualities does she have? Enough to have the Lord of this house deem her worthy of his time.

That is quite special.

<Pose Tracker> Ambrosius has posed.

Leave it to Persephone to think strategically, of course. That was her role, after all. Ambrosius looks to her as she speaks, though his attention soon returns to Volsung.

The Elw...indeed, every time that they had found their way to Lunar, the Elw's machinery had been responsible. Elvis offers his own theory.

A possibility...one he would have to look into, though he was not familiar with any ruins ruins that might be in the Adlehyde area. Still, it was worth investigating.

"Then I shall begin there, Sentinel." Ambrosius replies, with a polite nod toward Elvis.

Truthfully...Ambrosius himself has begun to see the value of humans. He could not admit that here and now, however. This wasn't the time or place.

Volsung concludes by bringing up the silver-haired amnesiac. Ambrosius had the opportunity to speak to her once or twice, so he was familiar with who he was speaking of.

That simplified things somewhat...though the task itself would not be easy.

"Understood." Ambrosius replied.

<Pose Tracker> Volsung has posed.

For now, Volsung seems content to let Elvis and Ambrosius discuss possibilities and strategy regarding the connection between Filgaia and Lunar amongst themselves. Instead, he makes his way back to that throne he fills in place of their true ruler, settling himself back upon it with the cross of one leg over the other, elbows settling upon their respective arm rests as he leans back.

There's something about her, says Elvis, and Volsung's response for once is a rare, if cryptic, sort of smile.

"You'll see, my friend," is his answer, calm and assured. "I'd rather it be a surprise. But believe me when I say...

"... she is very, very important. So treat her with the utmost care."

And with that, he settles comfortably into his seat, head tilting to the side to perch his cheek upon his waiting fist. "That will be all for now. You all know your missions -- continue them, and remember -- much rides on our success. We cannot afford mistakes any longer. Not one of us." His right hand sweeps. His gaze, stern.

"Now go. And make our people proud."


And he waits. That resolve -- that dedication -- that fire persists until they have all of them left.

And it is only then that every bit of it bleeds away until there is nothing in his eyes but a cold, dead flame.

"... Sin, eh?"

And nothing on his lips but a smile that cannot reach that stare.

"Heh. You're getting awfully cheeky, aren't you...?"