2019-08-25: Hello Stranger: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Hello Stranger''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Gwen Whitlock, Character :: Seraph Ragnell *'''Where:''' Mi'ihen Highroad *'''Date:''' 8/25/2019 *'''Summary''': '...")
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Revision as of 05:19, 6 September 2019

  • Log: Hello Stranger
  • Cast: Gwen Whitlock, Seraph Ragnell
  • Where: Mi'ihen Highroad
  • Date: 8/25/2019
  • Summary: Gwen decides to camp for some quiet time, but is pleasantly surprised by someone she's long thought dead. Tickle fights ensue.

=============================<* Mi'ihen Highroad *>=============================

Many years ago, a man named Lord Mi'ihen, commander of a mercenary group known as the Crimson Blades, was summoned by the Grand Measter to Bevelle to answer the challenge that his group was a threat to Yevon. Though his followers suspected he would be executed and begged to follow, Mi'ihen ordered them to stay behind and walked along an old path to Bevelle, without stopping to rest.

Moved by the display of piety, the Grand Maester formally adopted Mi'ihen and his soldiers into Yevon as a defensive force, known now as the Crusaders. In recognition of the momentous moment, the path Mi'ihen walked now bears his name.

...except not really, because the original one was wrecked by Sin a few hundred years ago. You can still see bits of it as you pass along the Highroad, on which the Djose Temple can also be found.

BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8tfe_H7bzw
<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

    After a while, a girl just needs some downtime.

    But it's one thing to disappear into whatever wide expanse of the Ignasian landscape and resume the relatively peaceful life of a simple courier doing courier things on a courier budget, and another to try to do the same on in Spira. For one, the courier network she managed to start collapsed due to the understandable pressures of 'there's a war out there', and two, slipping out into the not-as-wide expanse of the Spiran landscape is dangerous.

    After a while, Gwen was more willing to deal with a random fiend attack than seeing another Luca refugee look at her with suspicion, or someone try to hide their fear while they did their best to treat her like she was simply a strange, harmless foreigner. They try so hard.

    She wants to be outside, to look at the sky, to hear the crackling of a fire and breath in the cool night air. This sky happens to have Filgaia in it, and the air is far more humid, but she'll take it, damn it.

    So it's with some degree of relief that Gwen watches the fire grow into a modest campfire, the light casting shadows against the cliff face behind her. Using her right hand to poke through the hard husk of a fruit with some effort, she begins eating, casting the inedible parts into the fire's warmth. A few fish cook on their respective skewers, which she moves on to once her 'appetizer' is finished, her neccessary gluttony on full display.

    All that's needed is a Gulliver to talk to, but Gwen makes due.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

    Sure. Everyone needs some downtime sometimes. Especially if you've been busy being not-dead, then helping your sister and her girlfriend and her girlfriend's disaster brother out with their disaster lives. Which is something Ragnell needs to follow up on, on that note, but right now she's giving them some space/taking some space for herself.
    So, down the Mi'ihen Highroad she strolls. As she walks, she happens to see a campfire in the darkness. Not really much of a use for a campfire in this humidity. You'd be better off using a lamp. Of course, wood *is* easier to find than oil or candles, so beggars might not be choosers. Either way, Ragnell lets her curiosity take her towards the light of the chasm that cuts deep next to the chocobo rental place. And when she gets close enough...
    "Oh, hey," she says, a slow smile spreading crookedly on her lips. "Haven't seen you in an age, Gwen. Where'd your horse go?" She strolls on over, as if she'd totally never been dead a day in her life. Which she hasn't. Some people need to stop making assumptions. "An' you got enough o' those fishes for me?"

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

    It seemed a lifetime ago, when Gwen and Ragnell last met. It was a very heated, very tumultuous discussion on the merits of humanity existing, or Filgaia existing, or *something*. Maybe it was supposed to be a trial, which was still Gwen's theory of choice. Maybe K.K. was telling the truth and really wanted everything to end, which meant Gwen had to intervene. Either way, Gwen fought, died(?), and came back. Then she felt the deeper, darker impulses of her own being beginning to brew, and turned off her ARM as a last measure of defiance.

    Then the Guardians filled her up with a blinding power, and-

    And Ragnell was dead.

    Gwen killed Ragnell. She killed K.K.. She killed Janus. And in every situation, Gwen went in, thinking she'd fight someone, she'd stop them, and then the world would just go on.

    Gwen was right, because the world did go on.

    And now, Ragnell is here, is if nothing had happened.

    "Oh, I lent 'im to a good friend of mine when I went to-" Gwen's mouth gapes open, the half munched fish skewer slowly lowering to the ground. "Ragnell?!"

    Now she's clambering up to her feet, about ready to just grab the Seraph in a meaty hug, before she abruptly stops.

    "... Wait, are you one of those Unsent ghost people now?"

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

    "That's m'name, don't wear it out," Ragnell quips. But she's seen this again and again the past few months, so she adds, "So you didn't get the memo I didn't die, huh? Sure are a lot o' folks who think I'm so fragile I'd die if I fell into a river of unimaginable power. Pshaw, as if!"
    That's a joke. It might not come across. Either way, she pauses at Gwen's question. "Unsent what now?" she asks. "I don't know what that is." She pauses. "Tell me what that is."
    She'll tolerate a hug from the redhead, even patting her on the head in something that just might be affection, before settling in next to the fire and straight-up taking one of those fishes. "You oughtta learn how to actually cook. Stickin' a fish next to a fire isn't cookin', it's just heatin' 'til safe to eat." She digs in anyway. "Fished up a big-ass catfish from the Moonflow a week or two back with Elly. Got a shitton of fish meat from that. It's gone now, but that'd be a good place to start with gettin' enough meat to experiment with. An' there's plenty o' people travelin' along that spot, so any o' your cookin' failures, you can give away to hungry refugees. Better'n lettin' it go to waste, eh?"
    Crunch, crunch, munch. "Anyway, what've you been up to, Gwen? Feels like it's been an age since I saw ya last. Which, I'm pretty sure we haven't talked since the fight at the Sanctuary, so I guess in a way it is."

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

    Gwen definitely didn't get the memo. Which is pretty clear when she wraps Ragnell in a giant bearhug, nearly testing Ragnell's legendary non-fragileness. Or not, but it's hearty all the same.

    "Unsent, uh..." Gwen trails away in thought as she settles back in to her spot. "Like, people here, when they die, they don't *die* as much as 'become physical ghosts', n' if they keep doin' that, bad things happen. It's one of the reason why Althena's Guard is just a bad fit for this area in general." As if there weren't other, more pressing reasons.
    As Ragnell assesses her cooking ability, Gwen plants her hands on her hips and raises her chin in the air. "Hey, I can cook perfectly well! It's just that I used up all my spices. Spiran cuisine doesn't seem to do spicy that much. N' as I recall, you weren't complainin' 'bout my cooking when you snagged some stew I made."

    '... so I guess in a way it is.'

    Taking up a skewer of her own, the courier studies Ragnell for a sober moment. "I take it... K.K. is still around too?" The tone is bittersweet, almost happy to welcome the idea, but sad to consider the consequences. "That battle... really messed a lot of us up." She breathes a laugh, continuing, "Maybe we could armwrestle or somethin' next time? If I could swim worth a damn I'd recommend blitzball, but even then I can't understand a damn thing 'bout how it really works."

     Tearing into her fish with gusto, the redhead gazes into the fire, sorting through her thoughts. "That power the Guardians threw at us screwed up a part on my ARM, so that's a thing I'm dealin' with now. N' before that, I was dealin' with the fact that I killed you, but, uh, I'm real glad t'cross that one off the list." A pause. "... You ain't... here t'get revenge or anything, are ya?"

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

    And so Ragnell does indeed get that Gwenhug! She utters a low 'oof!', followed by a chuckle and, indeed, a tousle of that orange mop of hair. It's even very close to, if not outright affectionate. Someone call the presses! (Don't call the presses.)
    "Huh. That... sounds weird," she comments. "That's the first I've heard of it, too. I thought they turned into fiends or some'n like that? Or is that what you're talkin' about?" People do sometimes have different words for the same thing, and she seems to recall that souls need to be 'Sent' to not become fiends. It makes sense that fiends would thus also be known as Unsent.
    "Oh, you did, huh? Well, guess that's why I didn't complain about your stew any. You had spices back then!" She digs into the fish, and thus uses that as a reason to not answer Gwen's question about K.K. at first. It's interesting, the emotions her tone takes on when talking about them. "Did you get stronger? Then it's okay if you got messed up," she replies. She shoots her a wry smile. "Yeah, I don't think so." Armwrestling would be pretty funny, but--blitzball?? Ragnell snorts laughing at the mental image of K.K. in their full armor swimming around and chucking around a blitzball.
    "Y'all need to communicate better. I keep runnin' into people who are shocked, absolutely shocked, to see I'm still 'round. An' I popped up into Spira 'round the same time y'all did! C'mon, people!" She bonks Gwen on the head lightly. "Sucks 'bout your ARM, though. This ain't a good place to have a mechanical breakdown. You talked to those, uh, Al Bhed people?"
    Revenge? Ragnell blinks, then grins. After wolfing down that fish in one tremendous bite, she rises to her feet. "Sure am," she drawls. "Prepare yourself... for the tickle vengeance!!"
    The Seraph descends without mercy.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

    "That's it! Yeah!" Hitting one knee and pointing at Ragnell, Gwen nods. "I admit, I wasn't all that clear on how it all worked? Like, if it's when y'get ghosts like in spooky tales, hauntin' up an abandoned house n' all that, just that they get stronger if they ain't dealt with? But yeah."

    As Ragnell digs into her fish, Gwen gives the Seraph a secret little smile, before giggling madly at the same mental image. It's K.K. Of course it'd look funny as hell. "I'll assume it's a yes!" Because, deep down, she doesn't want them to be without the other. She goes on to tear into her own skewer, leaving the topic be. "Try one of the smaller ones, they got a nice taste, more like roast cucco than a fishy taste."

    "Don't take it personally, Ragnell. We put our all into that! N' you survived even *that*. That's a true mark of survivability, right there." She laughs as Ragnell playfully bonks her on the head. "It's like we all got suddenly transported to a new land with few things t'serve as communication or somethin'!"

    Her ARM. Yeah. "Er, well, it ain't an issue like that. My ARM works just fine. It's..." A shred of what could be called 'common sense' comes to the forefront. Ragnell and K.K., after all, *did* try to kill her, her friends, and arguably, the entirety of Filgaia. Or were they going to only if her friends had failed?

    Should Gwen tell Ragnell, the person (of two) who tried to destroy Filgaia (maybe), that her ARM (and in turn Gwen herself) is able to really do a lot of damage (as if Gwen wasn't able to before)?

    Gwen waves a hand. "I'll tell ya 'bout it later. It ain't important. When we get back to Filgaia, it'll be solved in no time."

    But not before RAGNELL's REVENGE?!

    As Ragnell mercilessly falls upon the defenseless Gwen, the redhead's giggling is unrestrained, bubbling up with the occasional snort and issue of half-hearted complaint. "'ey, I'm ticklish the- nono, I can't feel as well there, grr, I'm fightin' back!"

    It didn't take that long before Gwen valiantly attempts to tickle back, her cheeks red with laughter. "Take that, why don'tcha?!"

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

    "Huh. Spira sure has a lot goin' on," Ragnell muses, considering this. She has a feeling that Gwen actually has a somewhat different mental image in mind, but what that might actually be, she's not sure. Maybe when she has some time, she'll look into it. (She won't have time. But it's something to keep in mind for later.) "You can assume what ya like," she drawls. Gwen's right anyway, but there's no point in definitely confirming it. If she knew that Gwen shipped the two of them, though...
    "Right?? Well, I s'pose I can understand why y'all would've wanted really bad for me bein' dead to be true," she drawls. She ruffles Gwen's hair again. It's going to be a real mess after all this. "Though I got a certain hunch that's not what you were tryin'a say~." She reaches for one of the smaller fishies, but pauses at her point. "Oh, yeah. True, I s'pose. Still, it's not like this part o' th' world's that big. An' don't you travel all over as part o' th' job? You're sayin' you haven't even been keepin' your ears open for gossip?? Tsk, tsk, tsk."
    Gwen suddenly gets cagey about the matter of her ARM. Ragnell watches her, one eyebrow crooked. Knowing exactly how untrustworthy she is now, Ragnell opts not to press about the matter, especially when Gwen said she'll tell her about it later. It's not like Ragnell really wants Gwen dead, after all. For the time being, this'll just be another trial she has to overcome. "Good luck with that, then," she concludes.
    And then: TICKLE FIGHT, TICKLE FIGHT, YEAH IT'S A TICKLE FIIIGHT. It doesn't help Gwen at all that Ragnell viciously cheats by letting her fingers phase through her while her own fingers find deadly, tickly purchase. "It's no use! Your attacks have no effect on me!!" she crows.
    And so on it goes, until at one point Ragnell accidentally falls through Gwen--selective corporeality is tricky like that--and ends up accidentally kicking one of the fish into the fire. There's some scrambling to fetch it before it's ruined, and then she settles back in, this time on Gwen's other side. "So's that all that's goin' on with ya? Sounds like it could be worse," she remarks. "'course, it must be hard for you to go back an' forth when there's a war goin' on. Not a lot o' places to avoid it 'round here."

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

    Of course Gwen ships them. She's a courier! She ships it!

    And to be fair, Gwen's hair is usually on the verge of tumbling from 'loose, spunky curls' to outright 'unruly bedhead'. "Heehee." Lightly clapping her hands together, she winces one eye shut, her smile apologetic. "N' I promise, I'll tell you when I'm sure 'bout what's up with my ARM!"

    All of that conflict falls away temporarily when the two engage in an epic tickle fight, with Ragnell having the upper hand by letting *Gwen's* phase right through, confusing the redhead briefly before Ragnell's fingers find their mark. "Gh! H-hey, that's cheatin'!" Instead of being discouraged, Gwen redoubles her efforts, tumbling around in vain while Ragnell has her wicked way.

    Until, that is, Ragnell gets a bit too confident, phasing right _through_ the stunned, red-faced courier. "Wh-! No, the fish!!"

    ... she is more worried about the fish than ragnell because Ragnell's just that durable, right

    ".... I, uh, forgot you could do that." Now settled, her face still flushed, Gwen grabs another skewer of fish and begins to chow down. "... Yeah. Makes us all look real bad, after bein' so heated and full of spirit durin' you guys' trial. Then, we get transported, n' boom! War. 'Course, I gotta say, in my defense, it wassss Althena's Guard that kinda started it? But it's not like Yevon's all that great either. But that's what I've been doin'. Just... helpin'. As best I can. I think somethin' drivin' the Guard. Somethin' dark. But I ain't sure what."

    And it wasn't as if the war started suddenly.

    "I bet... if we all pooled our resources, n' had another go at Sin, we'd overcome it. We all tried it, once. A lot of people died, n' tensions flared up. But I wonder... this war is just leadin' to more people dyin'."

    The freckled redhead lapses into quiet eating, her hair still sticking out in odd curled angles.

    "... I felt horrible, after fightin' you n' K.K.. I learned nothin' from what happened with Janus. Just went in, not expectin' that this was even a possibility that you'd-" A pause, a snort disguising that short intake of breath that nearly turned into a sob. "Well, y'didn't die, which I'm glad about, but what in the world are y'doin' now? Can't you n' K.K. just settle on an island n' have a big long vacation? 'Course, with the armor, beaches ain't that great. Sand'd get everywhere, n' if I wasn't sure K.K.'s armor ain't actually just a talkin' suit of armor, I'd imagine them just bakin' like a casserole in an oven."

    She is, in fact, munching on a fish between her deep observations on the life of Trial Knights.

    "But they gotta do their thing, right? That's their reason for existin'. But that still leaves you. So what mischief're you doin' now?"

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

    "I'm sure it'll be a treat of a story," Ragnell drawls, half-smiling over at the redhead. And then a TICKLE FIGHT ensues, but we already discussed that.
    "It's easy for humans to forget. Y'all aren't really used to beings that you can sometimes touch and sometimes not, huh?" Ragnell takes another bite out of her fish. The flesh *is* pretty tender on the smaller ones. You'd think they'd get crispy faster. Not that Ragnell is unfamiliar with cooking fish over a fire like this, but anyway.
    "Yeah, Althena's Guard is bein' assholes about this whole thing," Ragnell says in between bites. "Yeah, Yevon was, like, insensitive or whatever 'bout how they talked about the soldiers who fell? But seriously, who starts a fuckin' *war* because someone was kinda mean to a bunch o' soldiers." She shakes her head. "Leo's such a tool." She means that in every sense possible! As for something dark driving the Guard... Ragnell gives her a long look--and then resumes eating. Nope, no tips from her today!
    "Gwen, that failed attempt is literally the reason the war started," she points out. "Yevon was bastards 'bout those who were involved, an' Leo got his panties in a bunch so he said they'd take all o' Yevon's worshippers an' show what a bunch of fakers the top clergy are or whatever. Not sure why bein' assholes means the religion's fake, but maybe he's projecting." Ouch. "Anyway, I s'pose it's worth a shot. But it'd have to be an even bigger to-do than Operation Mi'ihen. Remember, even the Dragonmaster couldn't overcome Sin. Beatin' it will probably need one or two o' those High Summoners to deal the killin' blow, then everyone else to follow up on it..."
    Slowly, she frowns, considering what she just said. "Actually, come to think. Isn't Sin *reborn* after it's killed? How d'you stop somethin' from being reborn?" She thinks again, then wonders, "Why don't Summoners jus' do a massive Sending? That's what that ritual's for, isn't it? To keep hostile souls from bein' reborn into Fiends? Hmmm... Maybe you oughtta ask a Summoner sometime why."
    As for war leading to more people dying... well, yeah. Wars generally do. Though that doesn't mean they should give up on trying to stop it. "In any case," Ragnell continues, "this war isn't about Sin. That much I'm certain of."
    The topic turns to K.K. and Ragnell. The Lightning Seraph pauses in eating to gaze at Gwen. "...Why's it matter t'you if the two of us die? I understand Janus, since he's a childhood friend o' yours, an' I even understand me, because I'm a big sexy butch an' you have a crush on me," THAT'S A JOKE GWEN, "but why K.K. too?" Why couldn't they settle down on an island somewhere? Well. That wouldn't be bad either, giant suits of armor aside. Ragnell snorts, then outright laughs at the mental image. "You're right! They gotta do their thing. An' I already decided I'd help them. So that's that."
    She doesn't specify what mischief she's up to right now. That would sort of ruin it.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

    "Usually we can't see things we can't touch." Gwen makes a face as she realizes how this sounds, then coughs. "Y'know what I mean."

    "Leo's bein' used as one, more like." The redhead bites down on her fish. "N' well, I guess the other way is true too. Too stubborn t'know when t'quit. But I guess you really... can't. Which is why there's Veruni involved too." Sure, reveal nothing about your own personal struggles, but then just chat casually about enemy secrets?

    Not that it's exactly hard to figure out who is making the more complex parts of the Guard's arsenal. "What's weird is, like, with Lucia? They ain't even focused on her anymore. There's got to be somethin' more valuable in doin' this war than goin' after her like they have been doin'." That, or it's a case of what is more pressing. Gwen blinks as Ragnell gives her that look. "So you agree, eh? I did meet with someone who saw Althena- at least, the one the Guard says is Althena." The tips of her lips dip into a subtle frown, the light of the fire catching on the curve of her face. "They were convinced it *was* Althena, but, it's not like any of us would really know. We'd just 'feel' it, which..." Red eyebrows bunch together, wrinkling the freckled courier's forehead. "I ain't sure which option I'd want to believe: that it's Althena, n' she really is what she appears t'be in the context of the Guard's actions, or it's an imposter, and a really, really powerful one at that."

    Of course, Gwen isn't considering a third option. She hasn't gotten that far yet.

    Gwen reflects on the High Summoners, tilting her head as she settles back on the palms of her hands. "I dunno how powerful the summoners really are. Like, they can summon things, kinda like how some people can straight-up commune with the Guardians, but I wonder if their actual power is just giving people the hope and strength t'continue on with life. If they fail in something crucial like that, it could topple the entire faith. Then, what will people have? They don't have the same safety nets we do. Those got destroyed by Sin. Technology, culture, stuff like that? If it's ever to a certain point, it gets destroyed. Their faith is about the only thing that's allowed, for better or worse."

    But maybe... could it work?

    Ragnell's teasing causes Gwen to cough on her food, forcing her to resort to a drink. "C'mon, y'think I'm that kinda gal? Only invested in someone's survival because I get somethin' outta it?" She clears her throat. "... Well, aside from... the usual things anybody'd get."

    But why K.K.?

    It's a good question.

    "... A couple of years ago, someone tasked me with gettin' a letter to K.K. I didn't really realize how dangerous it'd be-" except she did, she just liked getting money "-and at one stop, they were just there. They didn't try t'attack me, or anything. They asked me a few questions, n' I asked them some questions back." Cracking a stick in half and throwing it into the fire. "Since then, I've been trying to figure out their story. Not, like, obsessively, because I'm pretty certain them decidin' I'm annoying n' going to me one-on-one would be pretty much 'whoops, I'm dead now'. I want t'believe their intentions are pure at heart- just... the execution, methods, n' level of danger are all deadly because of it."

    She frowns. "I want to know why they wanted to destroy the world, though. Why do all that? If it was a trial in the guise of a battle with high stakes, why? What do they gain from it?" She looks up, the blue light of the Blue Star reflecting against her turquoise earrings. "If it was actually what it appeared t'be, why did they want to destroy the world? Filgaia ain't perfect, but... that doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. We humans mess up too, but the planet doesn't need to answer for that, either. Maybe I'd understand it if I was much, much older, but..." She trails off, helpless in her search for a concise answer.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

    It sounds like Gwen's got a good idea of what's going on with Althena's Guard. She and Ragnell may have discussed this thing in the past, so it's no surprise, but... even so. "Yeah, it's like they've totally forgotten 'bout Lucia. 'Course, she hasn't been showin' her face around, so that might be part of it, but I wouldn't think they'd forget about her so easily all the same. She's the so-called 'Lord of Calamity' an' all." Though it's true that now the Guard knows of the *true* Lord of Calamity... but the fake or controlled Althena wouldn't care about that either way, would she??
    "Hm. Sin comes an' breaks down what the people have so all they have is faith," Ragnell muses, considering this. "Hmmm..."
    She leaves that unremarked upon, though.
    "Oh, I wasn't implyin' you'd only do somethin' 'cuz you'd get somethin' out of it. I'm implyin' you'd do it because you've got the hots for me," Ragnell replies, winking. "Seriously though. K.K.'s not exactly the type who makes friends easily." But, speaking of the Trial Knight... She listens to Gwen's story, nodding every so often. She does not remark on their goals and what they were trying to do at the Sanctuary, though. She just finishes up that fish and tosses the bones and wood into the fire, which pops and crackles at the newfound feast.
    "Thanks for the food," she says instead. "Too bad you ran outta spices, but I'm sure you'll find more o' th' local stuff. Maybe." There *is* a war going on. "Anyway, I'm up for a nap, so why don't you set up camp?" She sprawls out next to the fire and rests her hat over her face. "Don't wanna get attacked by Fiends in the middle o' th' night..."
    She does not offer to help set up camp. Typical Ragnell.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

<poem> 'Sin comes an' breaks down what the people have so all they have is faith...'

   Gwen's eyebrows flatten. "..... You're tryin' to hint at somethin', aren't cha?" The deadpan look is quickly revealed to be in jest, as the courier laughs. "Maybe. Maybe there's somethin' to that, now that you'd put it that way. I just need t'see more of it to be the judge."
   And even if it was for some nefarious purpose, what could she do? Gwen ponders at this as Ragnell continues on,
   "Well, yeah, but-" A slip of words, and Gwen's face becomes beet red.
   Which is probably why she's so willing to talk about her opinion on K.K. instead. That, and Ragnell would likely be the most receptive person to say anything to about the subject.
   K.K. has hurt a lot of people, after all. Gwen has to remember that.
   Watching the last of the skewers and the fish bones crackle in the fire, Gwen begins to drift into a lull. '-so why don't you set up camp?'
   "... eh?" Gwen's eyebrows twitch as Ragnell peacefully settles in before the fire. She stands. "Fiends with a capital F or a lower case f? 'Cause technically, I'm one of the former. I think." Pressing her hands on her hips as she looks at Ragnell, she sighs, and begins the process of setting up proper shelter for two.
   It wouldn't be so bad, to have some company on a night like this.
   Just as long as Ragnell doesn't turn out to be the snoring type.